f I FATES cepta W JOSH T. JA1IES, goiTOB AMDrmoraisTOB. 0 .kioo: One month. cents. "WbedeawlbTcairteri tree Jw rttcf b and CberaL "rJvMr Paper regularly. jj.'tiiM. wtecity tf remington. J3 -L u.t ronuiml to bnlld Iho pro- .joacA.hip canal to Manchester. Eng. AAA . itcd.il 8.w.ia. of China hss order-j " iWfiw'" - ' , eJ the construction of two roonj torpedo , bcati at Stettin. Germany. . It ia promised thai the ice palaco, to be bait at Montreal i for the carnival Ibis winter .ball be larger than that built last season. According to advices received in Paris trorn Saigon. Bac Nina will not be attacked bj tha Fretch ontll General M-lott with reinforcement, has arrived b Tenant n. A harricane occurred on the Mexican oat on November 4. which entirely dMiroyed the town of Altata at the port r.f that name. Kota hoase remained Handing, and vessels and launches at scchcr suffered seTcrely. nt - ' l he Waihinfton Star declares that it looks now very much as li lion. Henry V Payne will ancceed Senator Pandleton. This would be another triumph for Mr. JoHn E. Mckean, of the Cincinnati Enquirer" Tho boundary dispute between Bra all and French Guinea is to be tubs mltted to arbitration. Braail. it is said, has chosen the Emperor of Ger many as its representative, while France has selected President Arthur. Mrs. Anna Inon. whose homo when a girl was In Bucks couuty, Fa., was the young woman who buckled tho sword of Gen. Houston around that veteran just before the battle of San Jacinto. lie death ia Bryan, Texas, was an occurrence of a few days ago The Paris correspondent of the IHidon Flost states that the French government proposo to sell tho - state railways. It is believed that the Kothchilds. In behalf of certain great railway companies, hare offered the government 420.000,000 franca for the lines Beside Jablouski, who took part in the murder of Lieut. Col. Sudiekein and his nephew, in St. Petersburg, two meo who actually committed the' murder hare been arrested. Important papers relating to the nihilists have been found at the late residence of Llout." CoL Bndelkcln. The Mexican gover anient haa declar ed forfeited the concession made to Gen. Grant for a submarine cable connect ing Mexico, the Unted Sttaes and Cen tal America, for non-fulfillment ol. the terms of tne concession, oo work hay ing beenjdoue. V The Epslratu Santo mine Inthe Isth mus of Darlen, which gave millons to the Spaniards, and which was lost for many years, has been rediscovered by a prospecting party sent out by ajcom pany. Tho new owners of the proper ty expect to reap millions from it. Discutslng the Presidential prefer ences of Ulysses, tho Philadelphia Times remarks that "as the country is not asking General Grant what he will do so much as it once did. It may turn out that neither Ixan, Arthur, nor the people care whom he Is for or whom be is against." Senator Fair, of Nevada, sent a draft for S5 000 a a Christmas gift to the Boja and Girts' Aid Society of San Francisco, CL Mr. James C. Flood gave the Catholic Female Orphan Asylum of the aamo city $1,000. and 8t. Vincent's Orphan Asylum. San Rafael, $1,000, as Christmas gifts. --1 A mnsical festival on aa extensive scale Is projected for Richmond. Va., to take place the first week In May. It is proposed to have a number of great sinsers, Theodore Thomas's orchestra and a local chores of S00. If the fcstl al takes place, a share of tho proceeds will be given to the Lee Monument As sociation, t - . Saturday afternoon a party of ssyta, six of whom were ex -army ofii ccrs and the other a well known archi tect and bridge bonder, left New York via tho Pennsylvania Railroad for San Francisco, on their way to China. U understood that these gentlemen have ectaredthe Chinese military service. od that each hat la his posi cisloa his csaxalsca. .. H VOLoVIII. 1 WILMINGTON. N. C, MONDAY.-JANITARY Tj LOCAL NEWS. T laCU TO iEW tOvTRTlKBEHTS. W 11 Uskc Garden V C CKAFT-y 8 1'KCo K-1 OrEEA. Houas Joeeph Jeffcraon Tnos C Cbajt. Agt Oar TTide C W TATES-Cbrltnua yoreltlcs j W4E SaTn(EB-AttjVat Law I HET58 RzaoEK-A Word to the Wle Pakxlh & Tatlob Golden Il'rret COLTTJXE & CAVrBCUs Dfr-wrfaUon P L B&iXKJfiti &. Co Ox Tall Bonp A UCAMrBEtx Lorober CommlMlon Mcr ijcirw CB09. &' pxUossETExtract ot witch rutti 1 "'"i :"'.. . .; - - Bl . . t - - 1 The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot np 106 bales. : i i j Tno coldest weather during the last 49 hours was at 4 o'clock Sundaylmorns ing. when the thermometer indicated 0 degrees aboro zero, j . j j The regular annual ' meeting of the stockholdere of tho First National Bank will be held at their banking house in this city, to-morrow morning. The Board of Directors of this iBank have recently declared a dividend of 3 per cent." payable on and after to-morrow. Air. II. S. Taylor, agent for Mr. Joseph Jefferson, is in tho city to-day making arrangements for tho appear anoe of that distinguished comedian on Monday next. He gavo us the pleasure of a call this forenoon, and we found him aa agreeable gentleman. and we would be glad to havo him "come again." . . ! . Masonic. Tho North Carolina Grand todge F & JV. M.. will convene at Raleigh to morrow (Tuesday) at 7:20 p. tn. Those of the franternity who will attend from this city, so far as jwo can learn, are Messrs C. II. Robinson and John W Perdew, of St. John's Lodge, No. I. who expect to leave hero to morrow morning. ', A Critical I Situation. On Saturday night a colored woman by the name of Mary -. who had worked during the day for Mr. George Honnet, started to go to her home on Thirteenth and Market streets, but had proceeded only a short distance, when, being thinly cladi she. was overcome by life cold and leaned against a lamp post, unable to! go .farther. She was discovered and a policeman was called, who assisted her. home. Had she re mained a short time longer before she was found she would undoubtedly have frozen to death. j ' Exports Foreign. Br. steamship Wood side, Jenkins. cleared to-day for Liverpool for 5.020 bales cotton, valued at $236,258. ship ped by Messrs D. R. Murchison & Co. Nor. barque Cortcz, Aamondsen, clear ed to-day for London fwith 500 casks spirits turpentine and) 3,101 barrels rosin, valued tit $10,397, ehlppod by Messrs Paters o a. Downing & Co. Br Schr. City tf Nassau, Kelley. cieareed for Nassau. N. P., with 124 barrels flour. 5 boxes meat, 6 teirces shoulders. 15 tubs butter. 10 eases lard, 23.566 feet lumber and 35.000 fcb ingles .valued at $1,673 37. shipped by $Ir. J: R. Turrentlno, making a total value of the shipments 248 638 37. A JJlHtresHiiicr Time. A cumber of passengers who were en route from Smiihvilie to Wilming ton on Saturday afternoon , on the ateam.tr Minnthaha had a very'flis agrccitble expcrlecco. Too boat got asaoro near Big Island, in the midst of the blinding snow storm, and there remained until the tide lifted her. There were several gentleman passengers and a la oy with several chlldrca. and the sufferings ot the party were very great for a time. There was nothing to eat on board and no 'wood with which to keep up a Qro in i tho stove. other than barely enough to ret up steam, with which to come on to the city. In this extremity the gentlemen divested themselves of their "overcoats aad with them covered tho lady and tho children and the ice-box and some art!, cles of furniluae were cut up and used for fuel. The party , remained there all nieht and it was a distressing occasion but it was happily 'relieved when the boat floated with the tide and steam was gotten op and tho party brought to the city in safety, arriving here about 10 o'clock yesterday morning. Four Lives Saved. ; Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup relieved four ot my children or a most alarming at tack of Whooping Cough, from which their throats and neefcs became so swollen as to prevent them from swal lowing. Nothing would give them even temporary relief, until this Syrup was tried. One bottle. In one night, saved their lives. I verily beliavo- GEO. W. Z ARII ART. i Captaia of Pcllca, CilUncra, Ud. HliElIflElC City Court. ;:, Alico Hail, colored, who figures prominently In police circles, was be-" fore the Mayor this morning, charged ith disorderly conduct on Saturday, uight and was fined $3 for tho offense Fanny Goro, an old effendor, but who has been in her good behavior for some time pas'!:, get on the war path Saturday night and was taken in by the police; This morning she was fined $3 for disorderly conduot. . . . ' The Missionary Meeting, j In "consequence of the very inclement, weather there was not as large a con gregation present in SL John's Church last night, at the joint missionary meet ing held there on that occasion, as was expected when, the arrangement was made. The proceedings were, however, very interesting. Rev. Dr. ' Watson, Bishop-elect of the new diocese, was tho principal speaker. His remarks conveyed to bis hearers a great deal of information relative to the new diocese, the field for labor! and work which is to be prosecuted in j that fiold, . and it is needless to say that his remarks were remcived with the most intense interest by the congregation. Rev. Mr. Ambler' of St. Paul's , preached a sermon and Dr. Carmichael, who was suffering from a cold, spoke very tmeur. . A Hear Hunter. Portland (Ores.) TeUyratni-Btil Dov in sr. the creat bear hunter, had a ter rifio encounter with a bear and was badly hart. St. Jacobs Oil gave instant relief. The Weather! Please do not say a word to us about the weather. It has evidently been reconstructed on a Northern basis, and we don't liko it. but are obliged to , ac cept It. with a left-handed blessinsr. A few of our neighbors say that it has often been colder iu Wilmington than the weather wo have had since Satur day night, and we are -entirely willing they should think so. bnt In our opin io n It has been colder during the last 48 Ihours than it has been since Colombun discovered America, and we are bound to stick to this opinion vuntU we get thawed out. This spell" of weather was introduced to us on Saturday after noon by the "Beautiful Snow,'1 and it began to grow colder about 5 o'clock on that evening with increasing : Intcns sity all through the. night. Yesterday morning everything was frozen. Dur ing the day it thawed some in.Southern exposes where the influence of the bright sun reached.but in shaded places and Northern exposures there was cot a partiole of thaw, and in fact it froze all day. The cold was such that very few ventured out j to attend pi vine service, and the churches were comparatively empty. Fortunately there was but little wind, or the weath er would have been unbearable. Dur ing last night it moderated a little, but this morning was not warm enough for fans and icecream. ThecoIdcame so sudden and unexpected that we fear there has been niuch of suffering among a great many. It has boon ter ri bly cold, and- it would not be strange if some were caught unprepared for such inclement weather, although we hope'that nothing of a serious nature has belallen tho dwellers in our. South laud.' . . 1 ''L- Thls weather is unfortunate, .inas. much as It has put our reputation in jeopardy. We have been telling the people of the North very pleasant things about the mildness and salubrity of our climate, when in fact one needs to put: on an overcoat and gloves to d rjnk a cup of eoflee.' Joseph Jefferson This celebrated comedian,, one of Wilmington's greatest favorites, will appear at the Opera House in this city on tho night of Monday, the 14th Inst. The play will be the Rivals" in which Mr. Jefferson will appear as Bob Acres. Of the play andthe cast the Philadel phia Lcdqtr says : Sheridan's famous play of "The Rivals" wss tho attraction at Arch Street lasts night and the tact that two such artists as Mr. Jospb Jefferson and Mrs Jonn Drew were tooiudea in tne cast proved a powerful attraction. Mrs. Drew appcarad as Mrs Mataprov Mr. Jefferson as Bob Acres, his. Fr d erlck Robinson as Sir Anthony Absolute, Mr. R. S. Downing as Captain Absolute, Mi: Chas. Plunkelt as Sir Lit ems u 2rtQ2tr, miss itosa ttana as as : Jsvaia xwznrat&v r F. Taylor as Falkland, Mr. Thoms Jefiersoa as Fag, Mr. P. Shelley as jillia Lee as thucy. Tbo plav was miraby presented. toe pnncipai leatai acting of Mr. JtZd . m . i oeingina capiuu n In the eclebrat od challenge and di 1 scenes, and the qnalnl ortborapblcal ecccatrtcltlea tr; petrated by Mrs. Drew as 2Jn IZatep roo. x no isir JjUcius ci waveny &ca tbo Lvdia or Miss Hand wcrcl also vrtlls all tha dtscr Fills ircra ttci ezzizlzzi. NBV; ADVEBTISESIENTS: W. & E. 8. LAOTEB, . Attorney s-atIaw.:: - 021c S.VJS. Cor. rrlBs and' WaUr gift. -Jan 7-119 . , ' - Attention ! Wil. .SrF. E. Yocar -ATrBfcrios I3-" caLi.kd to KyUr Monthly Metlnsr to-morrow W. C. CRAFT. Sect'y it Treat i'ur'Trade i . TQUniXtJ TIII5 HOLIDAYS WAS ESTfXlK ly satisfactory, and we feel jjrAtefuWor ao liberal patronage. Additions to our. stock bare been extensive nitnln the. last: ten days, and we ebow . a new and complete lice of CHAMBER and PARLOR FURNITURE. RA-TTAN end BRED CHAIR:, FOLDING CUAXK8, in weiton, veive; and Tapestry; Parlor Derts. Library Cases and Wardrobes. We nave a large stock of common Fut nlture wbtob we offer at dose prices.. We invite an lospeouon 01 our siock. uespeciiaur, THOMAH C. CRAFT, Asrenfc" Furnitnre Dealer, " Jan? 20 Bo. Front St Dissolution. WILMINGTON, KrcVJsa 4, THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE exis log between tbe anderelgned, under tne arm same ox uuuvjiaLiIs b. VA.aiifii&iu, has been dissolved by mntnal consent. Mr. A. R. Campbell assnmes the liabilities ot the late Arm, and Is alone authorized to sitrn in liquidation. ' JUHM CiULiVlLOK, A. K. CAMPBELL. A. R. CAMPBELL, SUCCESSOR TO C01VIUE It CAMPBEU, liUrubcr Commission Morcliant y 401utt8t.ri:'t4": . Ian 7 lw WILMINGTON, N. C. A Word to the Wise is Suffi- cient. . PIANO OR ORGAN 13 NOT A LUXU. ry; they bjtye. become a cooosslty. If you want a bargain go to HEIN3BEEQEE'3 LIVE BOOK AND MU8IO, STORE. No matter what anybody eayr. If you want to buy a Piano, Square or Upright, or an Organ, go: nm to inassBKKtiKtt'tj ani una out wnat you on do. It will cost you nothing, and you may save some money. All of our goods are warranted for fire years, and are war rrnted first class in every respect, tiee for youree.r ana save money, a word to tne wise Is BUfUclcnt Jan 7 mil , 1 I Ox Tail Soup. ..."'!' - - R1 EADY FOR USE ON TABLE, CON VE NIEKT TO HOUSEKEEPERS AND KCON- - . 1 OHtCAL. h ' WE HAVE ALSO CANNED OKRA v M . ' ; AND .!',. Canned Tomatoes & Okra. . Makes elegant Soup. Receipt for making trolip thrown tar . ' v i SUGAR CURED HAMS AND , FUGAn-CURKD ST8IP& tb SHOULDERS- . . . 8 'r - - f f : ' ; Xtl early before the rush. .-. - P. L. BRIDGERS & 00. HO North Front St. jan r. Golden Harvest., FULL FLEDGED GOLDEN ! HAB- v&ST. That's the kind of COOK STOVE WE KEEP. They are a thing of Beauty and Joy to EVERY HOUSEHOLD: Only soki by PARKER A TAYLOR. PURS WHITE OIL. . Jan 7" Apples. CRATES APPLES ON HAND. 2 'Bbk. Assorted Apples, .. Eggs, Chickens, Butter, I, Beets, Turnips, etc, etc. i At R McDOUGALL'S, No. 14 Chestnut St. bet Front and Water lacs Wilmington. N. tX 300 G ALLONS FINE FAT OT8TERS tn hand to day for our ChrUtcixs trade, and arrange menu made tor a roil unppjy for tho balaocs of tho week. W. B. Da. Via & Box, szr Proprietors of tho only regular estab IUbd flbry ia this sottioa. -r-,- dacjil To Euildcra and others- Go to Jaco rrt for Cosh, Dlinds end Doors, Glass, 3. Tea C23 pci all sL-.j. and at 11.3 1884: NO. 6 NEW ADVE11TISR21EVT3. OPERA HOUSE. ' - I, ' l : Monday; Evening, Jan. 14. Hk JEFFERSON,. .. .as. . . .-OIi . AtllES" la fehcrldin's Famcua Comedy of the aFtLET" SLaJS'-i With tho following Great fsst Mrs. John Drcw... .. as.... L... Ur Malapfop Mr. Frederic EoMason as hit Act'ny AbSolme Mr. R. L. Downing.... as... Captain Absolute Mr ;CUaa. P unkeU.,..aa sir Lucius Midi Rosa Hand. ...... .as. ...Lyflia Languish Tlie advance sals of sata commences Ved nesdar, Jan. 0, at Dyer's PxlccssParqnet e and first two tows in Baliyny, Iteserred, $1.50. Dress Circle and Balcony, Kweerre-J, 1. General Admission to. Balcony, Gal lory, 25c. . Jan 7 71 Extraot of Witcji Hazol. "TK OFFER THE ABOVE PREPABA tion in Pint Bottles, as Doublo Distilled Ex tract f Witch Hazel or nnmmamollo, at CO conts per bottle. A sale and speedy remedy ; for Brakes, Strains, Burns, Scalds, Neuralgia, Pain, Plies, Stings of Insects and many other ues, the ex treme low price placing it within tbo reach of eery family, j - ' Munds Bros. & DeRosset, i Druggists, Market Street. I inest English Tooth Brushes 25 cents. Jan l v - Mott's Sausage Factory. jJOTT'S feTKAM 8 AU3 AGE .FACTORY is now completed and la ready to fill orders for Fresh Pork Sausage, Smoked Sausage, Llv er Pnddlng.Hog's Head Checso, Also.Bolog na Sausage will be made the year round. Orders by Expross C. O. . D. will be prompt ly attended to. ' This la tbe largest and most complete Sans age Factory South. Respectfully, janltf W J. MOTT. Don't Forget It. rpHE OLD NORTJTI ?TATE SALOON has JL , on hand a fine lot of those IJORNE GARDEN OFs'J EES stacked on ice. They f.ro the best orougnt to tma mar set. can and try them aiso, jeer, w mes, liquors ana . cigars. t JAS. M. MoGOWAN & bON, IJaal I No6,.fiouthFront St Diaries for 1884. T?ROM THE SMALLEST POCKET SIZES a;. - TO THE LARGEST OFFICE 81Z123. TURNER'S K. C. A LVt AN ACS. BLUM'S FARMER'S AND PLANTER'S ALMANAC. MILLER'S ALMANACS. j TlE LIVING CHURCH ANNUAL, TVholosalo and retail, at HEINSBERGERS, Jan 3 Lire Book and Music Stores 5 and 10 cents Cigars, TTAVANA FILLERS. fs , Best in the city, are on sale. Drurs and Medicinal preparations' of tbe nrcest graae at dec 3 I Drug and PrecrlptJon Store The -Annual Meeting f FTHE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMINGTON, N.C, or the election of Directors, will be held at their Banktojr House on Tuesday, the elxhth ot January, ai.ii oxiock, -a., m.. dec23tdnac - Cashier SELLITJC OUT! HATS & FEATHERS . AT REDUCED PRICES. T MRS. KATE C. WINES, V. 11a jt FcAnd Street, nxt Post OCl', " 'jan 5 L I- " - Howard Relief Ffre Engine Co. No.1. ! MONORAET AND ACTIVE MEMBERS : , are hereby noticed to meet at your Kn gtne House on Monday, January .7. at 19 80 o'clock, sharp, as tho election of oncers for tho ensuing year will take place By order ot tho Pre dent. F. C. MILLER. Jan 5- Roc. cty Assignee's Sale. rjtHE CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK of Superior wines, liquor, roures, . CIGARS, CANNED GOODS, Ac. in the Store of S. P. COLLIER, No. 23 North Front Street, will be sold at cost to close the . . - j assignment. The best opportunity ercr offer ed to get a superior article cheap. Callau't see, - " JOHN JL TURRENTINE, janilw . Asilgno notice. . , FIRST NATIONAL BANK . t "I OFWILlIEGTON.j DIVIDEND Or THREE AND A HALF rrco7!t.tsst-en declared by thdBr4of I:--:urs cf U Bank, paTwi9 cn sr-Taitcr U3ia tzit, A. UA?ALllin. rLA2 J.MTlCi. freta osx frl.fi a ay and a!l :iil)c-; efieral.iaieref.ttnit' ' ' .--Iv. . - ' The caaaa cf tLe vmver tr.ntx :xy' M fa 6iah84t3th4iE4Uor. . . ' !Coric:ctlciUv!iit3Ti5i Us wrlr.w ca enl one alle of. tie pscr. rwTwnalUlca tntst be aroMM. . ' Aa4ttts epec4:Jy and rsrUiariy Vnt stoo-l that tbo Etor docs not &JwT9 t Mtn the tiews of ccrrcoadeivtj ua.:c to. ;i4C la the o litoriil colusuu. tnSCTLLAIE0U3 - Christmas ITovolties. - - j i ' ' We do rot claim to h&TO A GREATER VARIETY OR FiNUlt GOOU$ than an; one'clae. ' WE OXLY POUTELT A8K YOU TO CALL ' AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. dco 13 " .' ' " I Hfl Market t ,. . Sportsman's (jpodc j WEriiVE THE FlWE3T AS30RTMEXT En?h Beldam Breech Loaders oyer brongnt to this market. AboTtm class stock of Shells, Waidlnr. Primers Cart, ridge Bags. Gun Caps, GWbTJS "In ShW2 n 8how Rto-k of Hardware. Good goods and guarantee prices. TT a W. J5. dPUINGER & CO.. Successors to John Dawson St Co deo 31 19. n aBa 2t Market lSeet Fancy Goods. piULL LINE AT GILES A MURCHISOK'S, dec 31 alarchi'on Block. Apples! Apples I Apples I QN CONSIGNMENT AND MUST BE SOLD. N. Y. Baldwin Apples. Ohio Red Applea. N. Butter, Va. Meal, car load or small order so. iicited .j. . 1 ' " E. G. BLAIR. Oommisslon Merchant, 19 N. Second St. dec 31 .. 1 .i1'- bankrupt Bale of Boots and Shoos, i; ' I have bought me entire Bankrnpt Btock 0 Dryfoos & Sternberger and. will close it out at less than: ' "'H r'rv'M t-l.-M-i ;i ; .. .. ' ', - J I-- .' i , I' Manufacturer's Prices I MThla stock is known far and wlds as the HANDSOMEST and BEST SELECTED of any in the city, and as the good 3 aro jrolng to be sold very low for cash onlvit . will pay purchasers to examine earoo beforo bnylnjr elsewhere," ' i- dec 12 . . . , a. DAVID. Just Received. ' .' ' t . i,, . ; . .j , , lot of Velvet Lined CANTON STRAWS for ' :(, .-. - ,.--,1 -. . -I School nats. also a largo lot of FELT n ATS wldch wilt be fold at reasonable ptlees Have lo ao?roplote Stock of . - Millinery and Fancy Goods, CnOCIIET SHAWLS and' FASCINATORS. CAPS andSACQUES. All sizes, colors and prices In "JERSKYS." STAMPING and IfAfR CO!?IT . - - - - ' mwmm w m eW tU( sonable prioea. - j . 1. MISS E. KaHRER. dec 31 Exchange Corner. H. C. Prempert -pTSBSONALLT IN ATTENDANCE ail his t asblonftble Shaving a nd Hair Dresslng Saloon at No. 7 South Froot Street. jNono int the best work done and the b?t! workmen em- - -1 , ) "i ployed. Give us a call. Jan 5-tf A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS; ! - ... - j. t ISTEJW" YEAR TO ALL OF OUB . FRIENDS AND PATRONS I - JACKSON fc BELL, Printers and Binders. jan 1 . - e . James A. Lovroy, XynEELWBIGHT. BLACKSMITH AND General itcpslrcr, of Carriages aad Vehlclo. Work of all kinds attended to without delay. - . - . . . . , -i . Thanking my friend for favors extended to me tn the l ast, I solicit their kind favors and I - ...... 1 their natrons artl la futnr A ft at an vrArl. enre of forty -four years as a Slcchidoundrr wpi it- ttoowii, or tvarresun, ana ia Wilmlrgton, I am nuw prepared to conduct tha work In all lta hranfh in a. riwl aiul workmanlike manner. - j ' -- 1 - Place of business, on PrincoiS, between 3rd and ith streets. . norSOosw-tf GREENVILLE SOUND. WILL 8 ELL AT A BARGAIN ONE of the most 1 . ! I ' Desirable Summer Places oa the A llxntlcs coast, annate on Greesvle Sound, 6i miles from iTtlrnlngtOB, 03 theJ EoaA The hnd Is la a HIGH STATE OF CULTIVATION sni will support an ortaary sized fanr.iir. On the tlce are Pears, reach es. Apples. Cherries, FUs and lira pes IN ABUNDANCE. Ovslers. IU. Crabs and fchrtmn to be had at tfcoioort very dr. novsiawzm .m rzi: a. cbMaiiMi Boys' Saadlesi Y ADIES' A2ID G CNTi 8 ADDLES. Horse iuuakets, Lap Eobes, Carrhrs tz all klais of Vehicles, gafiery. Traaks aa1 Cirri: repaired by fVlld rrl -r-3.