The Dally gevteyy JOSH. T. JAM2 Editor & Prop. WiIONGTON. N. a TflUnsOAY. JANUARY 10 18&1 Kur4 At tfca PoctoOoc at Wilmington, N- U. as second -class nutter. Mr. Parcell's movements hare been ilinji wrapped la myetery, and they tara bccomo more so sine tho recep tloa of the testimonial, fie is tcIJoui la Ireland, and there are not more than half a dozon to whom his London residence Is known. Ills sudden dis appearaactj from tho seen in the. midst of more than ona great crisis oocasioh cd tome reflection, and for snmc whilo preceding hU recent triumphant appear ance In Dublin hi Cert constituents coold no hear from him or ascertain hit whereabout. There U not much poetry in sbtep ' ,j 1 1 raisin?, though tb flittering figure railroad pamphlets oonrey tlic iruprts ion that it ii only neecsiary to bco-iue the owner of a il x:k f shep to U-coaiu wealthy. A Wv.rn pijn-r as-rls that many Imported !..p ..;ibar.d(ii-n of the prairies Lave c-itlwr .rld or aivrn away to th learn tenlian and the strictest care ! produce a half of tho pruG: lfey had read of. and tbat only exoerinrcl men coultl , Cod largo livivuui in ihr luir.e-. mm .. . . . k tbein shrcp ar.d returned to platvi.1 feels tht upholder who .views ir bd.ues in tin- Kit They : " " ' ' -v"- u " ! .i el that it rrjutred ih cW.t f i,irvl arliolo. Only a few drops oh the (icrannutuin limn t:-.4 : ihcjl.lij Ffdtral Cuvirnrunl umK r lhe u: riifil - revrone !iv.:rii- mtI i! wi!! h in'.rr.-i iojjto kuuw whit I.i:.HTAiU-!M t . .1 Jo&b3Utit. Will they v.!e l ii tuin f this relic of war ami continue tl.ii ami . Amcxican s:cm ol c!!tctiu revnjf with a!l i:s tsiiupliealol .machinery ol pies ami iaforuieri? We h:i!l . Mraw berries irom a .Jersey iiot- rt.Mi . l . .. ,1... s houM? stil for one iloilar a lozen. Itiionlv tbrcc jear n4 .uc iwhei uaj teonlenrJ lr three clcN Ieaocranc parly with reat unanimity , :xTi each in very small quantity. ' JriouncU tni ystem 4 tineonitiui ! jue or tho mo: Interalinjr. historical Uoaal and an uutra-ous oppression com lucmorations on tho tapis will be upon tb phonic' ' l'U! cc'cbratioo of the .50th anniverbary ol tho iandins of the Catholic pilgrims ..11. ..... . ! whc founded the colony of Maryland, rhagnastly Uiseuitm n K.ibnd , M;irch 25f mi. TilJ cnt m i,e uter the relative ndvantasw ol the cj:uajeruirated at Carroll Jlall. , where "lonxUxoti ami the "abort drop"' i:.ftrraoj;euieuls have been made by suin Zint cximU ha, i.ruu.h: , 'l-S'T.lalUrc'ro fn nambrofop!u:ouH.Iro!ii rb;ch : may ' ddress deliVered by Ilev. K. A. Mc be inferred that death by suflin-.ttion ii I (;nrk. S. .1.. Tresident cf Loyola Col a rathor enjoab:u experience." while IS- l'alber NcGiirk's lectur will be .L,n, ti . t. ,.t-rr..t.-;.. c,,Mjned to the early hiatory of Mary- death bjabock to t ic spina, marro.j MIanf,:im, a35focaUons conneefed v,ib attended with a wlnl ?ny. In re:iious development. Kx-Cov. York the rraclic? ha n-.-i lor many ' John Lee Carroll ha? been Invilwi to year to draw the criminal up by lhe ; cooperate to tue mailer 01 couiriDunn i.iui.i..... .u. i r i histor.oal. fseti connected with lhe tall ol a heavy weight :n ead cf letting J c.-elelrat?on. him drop through a trap. IlwiCj ' atb . , 00 the scaffold in the city pri?:i i uu-; TuKr. Cod-Livkk Oil made from ally from iuffocaiion. Hut the difiiMoo i Reeled livcra. oa thescashorcvby Cas ofLbo bclierthtt tbM foioi -t ojLiabolutcly pure and sweet. TatienU prtctxally pam!e will hard y hvo a j Whr have once taken it prefer it to all tendency to k$cn th tumber of mtir- i others, -rbysiejans have decided it su iLr. !.p-rior to any of the other 01.9 in market. 00 accounts wnicn tne ppcr siye ct the accne? at lhe .vuigs banks on the lwt day of the jrar. when ' 1 I . .1 v- Y01W depositors were crowdiu 1:1 o a ' lo tare tbdr money put on interest on the ! Utof January Indicate ihat tb year was a prosperous ouo with working jcople. . At tho Greenwich Sarin; Dank pobplo were led alaudinj on the tepa wlUitbtir monci lu their bauds when tbo bank closed at 3 o'clock. Tbo "depo4ta went $3,000 ahead ot the auio date last year. At tho Citizen?' Savius Bank two lonx lines of men and women wero. wailing to ruaku deposits, aud daring the year $1,000,000 more w&s dsposltetl than during tbo preceding year. "ACtbc" Bowery Savings Bank tharnsh was even greater, and the bank has gained during the year 3,000 depositors and 1,400.000 in deposit. Tho receipts from customs.' Internal revenue and miscellaneous during the last six months were respectively -013.113. $81,310,201 and $16,078,600. against $ll3.a.4H, $74,745.32 and S18.418.4t5 la Lhe corresponding period of tbo ytar 18S3. Tho total for tho Grit mentioned period was $178,344,207; tor tho six months of 1SS2, $?06.K01.1S7. Foe tho half year jost closed tho falling cS In cattoms. it will be observed, was about $13,000,000. aud in internal revenue about as much more. This is small decline In receipts compared with tho estimates mado daring tho heat of the discussion on tho tariff bill last year. It was then esti mated with conHdence by pro tectionists" ' thai tho falling ofTIa custom by reason of tbo bill pass ed would be abont $ 40,000.000 ; . in in ternal revenue about $35,000,000 ; total $73,000,000. The returns for the past sis: months, during which the new law ha. been In force, indicite that the rc- enno for the current fiwal year wiii not j i 35.000.00 biw thai ut the vear , from cuitun, ami ' .v -i i i i , J.o.w,Oi. ihro f 13. whsn it wa Internal revenue is already in hand $lfc2.o00.i. i.n -ki. titii r.ip. i he r.rm ttt fiscal year from thc,a source will Wli St- 4A w-a " - i about 1.000,000. I ho internal re - t rv..'nia r lilIv Tu retch e - ru Uv - j UXUXW this year, a sain ?t $lj.uui.ooO la 1m3. unlfs Conres cvnuts to exteat tht bounded TrIod. PISRSONAC. j 1 j Gen. Hancock' ii relornlnj to the east. i r Jqhn L. Ne? in. editor .of the Tilts bars Leader: died last Saturday. Dr. Laslccr'a death was caused by sol ten iog of the strain. Sergeant Mason's j pho a striking resemblance Beauregard. ograph bears to General Charles Delmonioo. the New York restaurantcr. Is missing, and great uneasiness is felt concerning him. Gen. Grant is gradually improving. but his injuries will confine him to the houso longer thaa at first supposed. A special cable dbnatch to tho , Sun states that Archblahoo Gibbons, of Haiti mo re had an aadieneo with the Popo on Saturday and attended a dinner in bis own honor Sunday lie will leave Home on Tuesday, aad reach Baltimore in March. Mr! Russell Sago, according to the New York World has been injured to tho extent of a quarter of million dollars' by the recent shrinkage of stocks. 13ut Mr. Sure U credited with being worth $10,000,000. he will ppbably be able to scuffle aIonacd keep the pot tv"n- ft is a Positive Luxury tn brub the teeth with SOZODONT. bo fragrant aad refrwhinr is it. aud so .9iaon? ia t fra (4aa .it Isavnd tri -4 Krs QCUlh aller lhe operai;oIU Then how ; 2ruMinz if the effect and how com- imsh. a ra? or sponge Is mrcded ftr fn ablution and ycl ii i , wondrctly S II (JILTS - - - v 2,000 10 r. In !' ilm weather rr pasmg :n: i:tfh. Uu howl h nHin ntit-'I of a I . : .... .. ,J N :ltcr.on. nl ! 10 ('jtiri:r-Jutirt(i!. . L'tin am n thi irfftt 1 1 h I mile evni:cl. I 1 .Ca llowapi.-ot O Aln-svilk-. Ky.. U 110 your ol age?. Sh? hn smokril lohaivn l.r llX years. ! Chapped Hani. FackJ. Pimple's, and rouSh Skiu. cured by using Juni- rcu Tak Soap. irTade by Caswell, ILvzakp & Co . New. York, th 3 vr MOONS I! 1KB. 'There are 1 400.O0O.000 people u pool the earth at prescut. according to tho W. J aiU0llW Ja 1 4tfa WUllhUi SVWCa in.up from the paper. Oaly think of i: ! and wp haven't had a caller for two days!" ' Sho I am lond of poetry." Uo"" "Are you, indeed ?; So ami. Do you UkoBurn?n Sho"No. indeed; theOT aoi so txtreio;. Bui. then. I am no troubled much with iheru. as ma dues all tbo cookin?." Sniffcn (in bis owu estimation the rising poc: of Air erica): Ah, do you know. Miss Bracing, that my fancies alwaya conio to me in my dreams?" Miss Bracing: Yes? that is perhaps why they make other people so sleepy." Sciifen, alter a moment's hesitation, concludes that it would be well 2 to re tire for a while ' A young lady, evidently impressed with tho idea that sho knows all about it. says: 1I a fellow is desperately in live with a girl and is persistent in bis efforts to win her, be is sare to gaiu bis suit. Widowers understand this point, and know exactly bow to make love and propose, and yon will observe they are always sncceasfnl. Professor Newton says that th earth receives about 3,000,000.000 of ; meteors every year, but they only increase the size ot the earth one inch in 100,000,000, years. This agrees with oar 1 observa lions during the past 100.000,000 years In regard to the increase In tho size of the earth, thonth we never counted as many as 3 000,000,000 meteors in one As a dude was passing a residence in Lawrence. Mass , a little girt came to tho door and cried: "Monkey. Mon key, como in the bouse T The.dade was bopping mad, and was just about to ring the bell and demand apolgles or the family, wncn bo saw that the girl was callinr a Utile png dog in tbo street He cant get over bis own mistake, thontjh. -j I A Fair Ofler Tin: Voltaic Uli.t Co.. ul Marshall T ..Sf' P&f CfWt- d oltaUs Itelt and Llecinc Appluncea on trial .for thirl v days, to men, old unces aoil younz. ailliclcl with ncrvons iiebihtv. ion vita'.iiv. ana many o'.ner lebil:ty, ran vitality, ant i lJ,iv;ln;huM, " - t th mWiU inc cue li i .uvj ruu i4uu uiiu Twine is sold only at Jacom Hard, wars IVpot r '"''" Health is impossible when tho blood Is impure, thick, and sluggish, or when it ts thin and Impoverished. Under sneh conditions, boils, pimples, head. aches, neuralgia, rheumatism, and one disease after another is developed. Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. and It will make tho blood pure., rich, warm, and vitalizing. Tho Washington Monument is said to bo only ono sixty-lourth of an inch out of plumb, i 'ftniirlinn ' GouirllS.' - i Knocks a Cough of Cold endwise, For children or adults. Troches, ; J5c. LiquidSOc. At druggists, ,-, , The coal trestles built bV4he Lebigh Valley Eatlroad Company on the Tift farm, at Buffalo, will store 350,000 bush els of coal. Delevak. Wis . Sept. 21, 1878 Gents I havo taken not quite one bottle ol the Hop Bitters. 1 was a feeble old man ot 78 when I got it. To day I am as activo and feel as I did at 30. j see a great many inrntioeu-ucii a medicine. -. D. BOYCK. HI' " Speaker Carlisle has accepted the in vitation of the Commonwealth Club of Philadelphia to a reception on the Will of January. Th, tno.-.t dftlieata rersoniienioy- tak ing Emohv'S Uttlb Oatiiaktic Pills liri iii h broken-down botl v. 15 cents, . - Arurour'& Co. of Chicago, s.aughier- ct uko.ouo nous nn.. - year .... . j. j ,f- OlIkunauy reineilies Iteibro the pub lic lor Nervous Debility and. wcaknet-B of Nerve Uencmtivc Systora. there is none equal 'to Allen's firaln Food, which promptly and iermanenlly rraton-j all Iot vigor; it never fails. l pkx., C, lor $5. At dru?2isis. or by mail from J. II. Atlen, .115 Firt Ave. New York City. ' -i eouww TUK MAILS. rneaihiu cow rA arrive at the Cy Poa office aa follows : CLtSK. . Nfirthfrn lhroiTjh iMU, tzsi 7-ti0 P. M. Norrltcrn tlironxh aal wy mFtlu...;S.03 A. M. lLik-lrb P. M. aad S." ) A. M. Matl. for U10 N. t ltallroaJ anl a'.U far U10 . l". itauroa ronie suj'pill ihereirota !nrlnt-In- A. S. t:. rjfU'roart at 7.1H P M. an-l J?.Oi ron' A. M O 1 . fAlt ' a nil ruln I 1 CAtltn ,lai!y i 1 A. M. ami S.00 P. 1L V7cfitcni-iur.a (C. O. Iillway dally, - fexcept Sunday n .........6.15 P. M. All iinta between Hamlet ami eii-h .15 p; at. Mart for Cberawaiid lrlinjtonlSVil- road.., ...6. lw A. M, and S.ta) P. M. Mait for uolnu letween Florence and ;iiailC3ton C.15 A. M.jind ii.oo P. M. Favcltcvllle audofllce on Cape Fear Klvcr, Tuesday anl FrWaya .1.00 P. M. FaycUcvtllc, via Ifiimljcrlon, dally, except -Spoilays ...6.13 P. M. Ooslow C II. and IntermciUate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridays... 6.00 A. M. SniitUTiiie raaiJs, uy steam ixtat.uaiij (except. Sundays). ...tJJ0 A. M. for fcav HU1, Town Creek. Stallone and Little lUver, Tees dars and KrMars... ......?.00 A. M. WrightsrtUe, dally .3n A. M. OPEN FOlt DELIVERY,' Northern through and way mails... v7:S0 M Southern Mall 7.S0 A. M, Carolina Central Kailroad 0. 00 A. M. MaUa collected from street borea business portion of city at 5 A. W... 11.30 A.M. and 5 30 P. M. and from other point f the city at 5 P.M. I itami' Oflice open from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M., Honc-r order and Register Department oicn jrora 'S A. M. to i.30 p. M. iiencrat delivery open from 7 A.M. toG P.M. and on tiundixs from 6.20 to 9.20 A. M. trTlcrs delivery open on Sunday from .S4 o V.ZVA. M. . -.i Twists and Twinges. "Mv brethren," shouted lr. Talmage one bright autumnal Sunday, "hcra 1 a lcf&on from the eoniflel I. God ht9 arranged lLat the i ear and tho husk shaU be parted. Every rheu matic pain id bat a thruet of tho h:iklcg peg. and every neuralgic twinge ooly a tw'.Ft ot thebnsker.!.-. , ,. v? I' : reeelbly; but nobody nuts to be husked. fot all that, and nature teaches u to rcelt the procecs. Thereforo, wo accept with graUtudo whatever help us to irupprc tb- very twists and Hvliure. Prom his pleasant home, tiruenmount, near fri!;siPfr, X Y.. M. Alfred Beer, a French gentleman, writes: 1 havo suflexed almosl intolerable torments from rheumatism for many years. Of the an merous remedies which I tried, nono be Defiled mo, Vut PiKKca's Tojiic save me great sat tefaetfeu. I certify with pleasure, that It re stored my health. Vera are welcome to pub- Uvh this and cse my name." j Hceirj. Oiscox & Co. call cjpccUl attcn- tln to the fact that thU preparation, which ba lieen known as Vxukxr'b Gixqes Toxic, wUl hereafter be advertised and sold simply under the name of Paaaaa's Toino. As un principled dealers are constantly deceiving tncu cuatomera by subtuuting mrcnor pro parauons under the nanw of (ringer and as rtnTcr la really an unimportant flavoring logro client, wo drop the raialcadlng word. . . TTure is no cKttrvjt. however, in the vrroara- tion itself, and ail bottles remalnlne In the handa of dealers, wrapped under the name of Para's tiraoES Tosio. contain the gen uine medicine if the fac simile elgnaturo of Hiscox ft CO. Is at the bottom of tho outside wrapper. dec 13-dJtw Commercial Hotel Wilmington, N. C. M. SCHIaSS, Prop. : t piBST-CLASS IN BTVKBT RESPKCT. frrsKlaae' Bar aad BILLIARD 8A LOUN ATTACIUO. . V LYON&HEALYfi XTMonrMSU.. Chicago, jaw stars a Monroe su.. Chicago. ET! mud ytrvM ta ,y wMttw lW i BAND CATALOG UBT. lata. aOO 1. l-riaAl Drsm VwfN K4r mA mJ4 ttmA kl - i o and 10 cents Cigars, HAVANA riLLKS9. Best la the city, are on aaV. Drujl .aa-l Sfeilclaal preparailoBs of the h!gtaet grade at - , JNO. T.SCIlOJJWALL'a, . John C Dayls, i 1 TTORXEY AND I 2. COU NSELLOR AT LAW. - . . -.WiutixoToa, N. O&Ice oer the Bguk it -New Ilaaovcr. , Iraet2ces U all ih CourU of tu SLata. . to Special atteaU8pal4 to U eoUectisa mt elUm. aovSitt 1 I J MISCELLANEOUS. !ha-Poor Uttlo Book-fceepsr. Though he was Cic father of a arge laxnily,4 he was j; a small an4 nrrow-chested raanfwitli weaklohg i disordered liver, and , a dyspeptic KomachLr For many years, he" had been a book-lceepcr in one of the principal banks. So conscientious was lie that, although he had many opportunities to take holidays, he aad not been absent from his desk ibr eleven years. He attended faith- ully to duty, ; and thought that tc 5pend a day in recreddon would be i simui waste oi lime, lespite con itantly increasing weakness lie stuck ;oJife post, when he ought to have Deen at home, resting and gaining strength. Hegrewweaker and weak er, until at last he had to stay away ronv his work altogether, and eive ap his position. " lie is dead. ; Had ?this ' poor little book-keeper iscd'Btvzim's Iron Bitters he might have "kept his position I longer, and possibly have saved ; his life. " His case was oneofdreadful debility ; the debility which undermines the. foun- dation of health and life ; the debil ity which .goes hand in hand. With disease, and which leads down to j death and the grave.- He was poor- lily nourished :ui( fact iiardly nour- j ;ghed at alL - ,His digestive machine ery was so disordered that 'the food he ate did riot assimilate and form good blood. VVVhat "blood he had was poor and thin. There was noth ing vigorous about him. Now this was perhaps an extreme case; but there are many debilitated people going, uown, aown, aowni just as mis poor nttie oooK-Keeper went. I Weak and forlorn as these un happy people are, thev can be sa'vlc Many of1 them can be restored t'c health and vip-ori I Brozun's Iron Bit ters wiM carry to their enfeebled' or tans the strength ; that is needed. Its peculiar preparation of iron will dive color and nourishment to the 6lood, and so.; vitalize the system. Thus digestion has a chance; The liver is restored to -proper action. The lungs take healthy inspirations of air. The kidneys begin to work right. That horrible old feeling of las situde departs, and misery moves off. Every debilitated sufferer ought to know about Brozvn'slronBiiters. 2 dec 8- prm tc d&w cd . -. ".j .1884:: : Harper's Bazar lLLlf&TRATEI). IJarper's Uazar'lh ut onco the. most brilliant and useful Household Journal n exig ence It is the acknowledged arbiter of fashion In thl country. Ita fashion plates are the new est and moat stylish; and its pattern sheet supplements and econamlc sugeot!ot s alone arc-worth many times tho cost of subscription Its illustrations of art needlework re from the beat sources Its literary and artistic merits are oi the highest order. Its stories, poems, and c&aays arc by the lirot American and European authors, its choice art pictures would till .portfolio, and Its humorou cuts are the most amutlng to be found in aoy jour nal in America. A host of brilliant noveblca arc promised for 1881: Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: HAMPER'S BAZAR......... CO 4 00 LUAUPEIPS MAGAZINE... UAKPKIPS WEEKLY.... 4 00 HAKPKK'i YOL-NG PEOPLE 1 50 IlAUrER'S Ir RAVKLiy EQCAKK LlBHAUY,' One Year (32 Numbers.... .10 CO Postage I'ree to all subscribers lo the United ststn or canao. " The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the firat Kumbor for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of ordor. The last Four Annual Volumes of Harper's Bazar, in neat cloth binding, will l o sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of ex pense (provided the freight does not exceed ono dollar per volume), for $7 CO per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on re ceipt of $1 00 each Remittances should bo made by Post-OfUce Money Order or Draft, to avoid cbanoe of loss. Newspaper are not to opy-this advertise ment without tbo express order of Harper & BBOTHEKa. Address HARPER A RTIOTA.ER8, , MT IX ' Kw York First National Bank of iWii mington: CAPITAICSTOCK.............. . f2S0,000 8UUPLC3 FUND.......... 6S.0I ' Deposit received aad collection; made oa' all acoesslble pout;tn the United States. ! DiRXCToaa, K. E. ItUKKUSf. I D. G. WOimj4 A. MAKTIN. . JAS. SPKtNT-' KOUK CIlADBOirKvl ' ofticersj: K. C BURRCS9. PreeldeaL Cjua'er A. K.WA1K.U... W. LARXlX-i '...1.V :v i Aat naaatar riivwitwwawvMi m Wilmington & Weldon I - Railroad Company. OmCZ OF GKNFtAL JurKaiKlXNIBNT, h WUmtnatoa.KC. Not JTrlS?3. luXHarige of Schedule; rN AM AFTEK VK ISlSSa, AI JLA. M.. Fa?rcr Tralna on tbo wumins ton & WeMon itulroaa will run m follows : DAY HALL, ANDEXritKSS TRAINS Daifi So. 47 " Xobts ad 4S South, i - Lcaro Wlimlngton, FrontSt. Pels t, A. 21 arrive at We Won... .....A... 2.31 P. M Leavo Weldon-.... 3.00 i.. M Arrire at Wilm'gton, Front S lit, P. M KART THSOUGH Ma.II. & PAfSKXOiESTkAIK' , ) DAU.T No. ) SOOTH-- Leave Woliion &.ZQ P.JJ Arrive at Wllxa'rlon, Front St; D'p't 10A5iP.; &t MAIL ASD PASSENGER TRAIKS IAILT No. North. - - Leave Wlltnlnrton. 8.00 V. ii. Arrive at Weldon 5.0 A. M. HAIL AXD 1AS5E-GEB TBAJSS--S08 45 anl .Leave Wilmington. (Sundays ex- cepi&t)...... 12.30 A M Arrive al Weldon. ... 6 30 A. M Lcsvo Weltlon. (Mocrlava cxceiUttDl. 05 A M Amvcnt w Ufnineton... ;J. ........ e w a afi Trnih No. 40 Soutli will slofv oaiy At Wi3on. iJloiiUboro nnd Ma7iolla, i - iiaxuax tor freotianrt Neck at 3 i v iM.., .t urnlnjr leave Scotland 'er.k at 8.33 , A." Ml iauy execut sundav. J TrahjNo.47'jnalce close connection- 41 Wef don Jor all folnU 'North tgiiy. AH rail' vl. Klci)iiiond,aJMllally .excejt Snndav. vtalBa I Aw.'. , .". " "Train No. Ui runs daily and niaiccs close cou nection for all Points Xorth vM IMchmond aui WaKhhifrton. ; , . :. . t AH :raii)3 run .solid between Wellington n Wwldntton, and have Pullman Palace Sieer ere attached. - ' ' i r For accomodation of tocal travel a as?n hAh A -.1. . tit i . ,i. . i . w win uuHiiiK'iieu i-o local creigni Jcav uig Wilmington at 7 00 A. :.i Daily exct Suntay. i , . , - t-reuerai Suwrtntendc-n T. M.BMElt30N,XSeiiera.f ?afsenger Aeat UUV I. WUmlnjgton, & Augusta Colnmbio It. K; Co. OFFICE OS" GKUJiKAL SUl'ijKlNTESDKWT. Wilmington.! S. C. Nov 17,11' sSKsjSS&sea " Change of Scheduie ( S AND AFTER NOV'll1 lfctb. 13, at 4.33 a. tue xo i lowing fasaenger sciiea u'c will be run bn this road j No.4J Leave Wilmington, (Mondays r. ; excepteij 7.15 A M An-lve at Florence. ... i ... 1 r.40 a 3f So. 45 Leave Ft roncc, (Snndavis i . . erceptel) 7.J p M Arrive at Wilmington 12 10 P M KIOIfT EXPRESS TRAINS. DAILY Noa. 0 West and 47 East. ! Ieave Wilmington... 1.; .U P. M. Leave Florence i 2.40 A. M. Arrive at C. C. A A. Junction. Arrive at Columbia. , Leave Colomblal........ Leave C.;C A A. Junction.-.. Leave Florence 6.35 A. M. ... fi.40 A. M. ... 9J m3P. M. ...10.20 P.. Hi . . . 4.! A. M. ... 8.23 A. fcl. Arrive at WllmlMgton.. Nioht Mail and Passknoeb Tbajk. Dailt No. 40 West. Leave Wilmington .......10.40 P. hi. Arrive at Florence..,.:..,. 1.45 A. M.j MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DAILY ' -No. 4-4. East. ' '' -l--.- Leave Florence at..... S. P. M ; Arrive at Wilmington..... ..7.42 P. M ' j Train 43 stops at all Stations. i I No. 40 stops only at Fleming ton. and Marion Passengers for Columbia and all points on i A C. K..1L, C, & IL li. Station. Aiken Junc tion, and all points leyoud, should take the Night Express. , - j -r ' separate Pullman aieeicrs for Charlestoi and Augusta an Train 4t. l i r AH trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. , i . Local freight leases Wilmington i , dally ex cept Sunday at 6.10 A. M. 'II . i JOHN F. DrvTNB, ' - General Superintendent T. Si: KstECSON, General Passenger Agent nov 17 Carolina Central E. R. any. Osrica j or 5 extra i. svrz&itrrKiiDvas't. i , . Wilmington. N. C. June 13th. i. : I -I -fgsai-- Change of Schedule. I Of t AND AFTEB JUNE 13tb( tSS, THE flowln scncadie will be operated on Vat PA8SENGES MAIL AND EiPKESS TRAIN Dally except Sundajs. I? j. I Leave Wlhntngton at.......7.00 p.' M N0.LJ Leave Balelgh-at..........7.35P. M ) ArrtveatCharlottoat...;.;.7.00 A. M - . ) Leave Charlotte at..........45 p. M No. f. 5 Arrive Ealelgh at ...8.30 A. M i am at wunungton at.. ..8.25 a; al Passenger Tratoa stop at regular staUoni only, and points designated In the Companr! TlmeTable. if , SHELBY i DIVISION, PASSENGER, MALL j : EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. - ! ; T Dally except Sundays. Leave CTiarlotte..............i,iL30 P.M. Arrive at 8helby...........j. 9.00 P. L Leave Shelby. i....,..;....... 7 00 aI 11 Arrive at Charlotte lolso a! vriii? i? 2cl0fl0 connection Hamlet with B.4A, Tratoa to and from Ral- .J Sleeptoz Cars between Wlhntogton and Charlotte andEaleigh and ClmrtotteT Take Train i No. 1 for Sutesvllle, Stations Western NC EB, Asueyllle and points West Also, for Spartanbirrgroenvllle, Athena Atlanta and all points Southwest. . U:;:..,-.- L a JONES. -V w g.1kLLv r. Snperlntcndcnt. , c. W. CLARK. General Piium. Innn It ' , Whow dbllly. hantc4 VkJ t if -C?" hol in t jumsu flii treatment of jjwh k iZZuZt 4ZrZ& A4orek Cnamltmz l'Ly;ia ct ' . Trams on Tarboro Braucti Road Lea;ve Bockt Moujit forTarhoroat; 1.0 A. M. nl 4L30 P. M. Jii51r, (Sundays exccptCtJ). I Cetumfnjr. Lcrv Tariioro at J0.tA.aaiifl 3 P,.il. Dally. Trair s ooT5cotlaJ Neck Branch! iiivLfi I ll .'"ana-" v , . I - woaii'jeruousl"Jen 1 WBZbhZZZZ3 1 ! -mmmTmi 1 ' m fSMBM - I st- na v;i7-lreou&w lb a . MISCELLANEOUS. Capital Prize 076ooo portion.-v"1.4-if vr' '-s.v'h r.iicr11? ST Louisiana v State1 Lotterj I Company. - , ' 1 re Jo hcrtl'W xtriiv that wt npertit 1 -i nnittit jsTvntr.ffi vj 1 nc VfTUxtVtua Slab 7 tay vvmpawt.. ana m peru menaet tamt tart conducted tciih honest g, fairneu: , . . v Commtssioiicn,. f ncorrioratc-S lnl for ft rcsn 1.V the't LjJaturefor EducatlonaJ aol CharftabV ill! ahled Uy wi overwhelming i m overwhelming pofubu !vot iUfti wa marie apart of the present; Suu tirtion adopted Iccembor2d.A: iLirt .Coiudtiftlba The only Letter ever rated y the people of any alt . j , 'A: ' Jlxnxr scales or postpones.. ;. J ts J G ri d SInf le,um ber ? .Prai'tngs Wk plaoe ntonthlj. o . ; ff f a"?" ! OapitarPfize; 375,000, lOO.OOO Tckcts at Five lol lars Each; PractionH in Fmiui in proportion; f -f ; . M ! ', LIST OF VftlZKS. I Capital Prtze of..;...;..... - I I Canital lrize of : I ,J,I v,a 1 Capital Prlrc of....... i ''Sr. Prizes- of ... -otii ....fy.i.L.ji li),Ui in rm.oi x.ouo... ....... luws , 10 Prizes of 1,000.. v...i.;....., jo'gow 1 .u i'uzvb 01 iAKi. ...4.. 4 load 100 Prizes cl v,.;.l !.:.; 2u',om uw i nn.'s 01 ' u..............i.. looo Prize of . 25...,. ,......!..;. . APPKOXUtATIOSTniZIM, S Approximation Prizes oT$ Tio. 9' ' " -'" ! saa m 1.PC7 Prizes, amounting ta.... ....... 2dJ Application for rates to club should be mxk f only to the o.lice of tho Company In New or leans. '( - ' -- - : - T ' 1 1 For further Information, write Clearly, lnsr full aildrCBfll M&kn 1. O. Mnacr ot - aere pavauie anaaaaras ivgisteroa lii&riu NEW OBLKANtt NATIONAL Jl AN K, . I NliW ORtXAJtA, La. POSTAL NOT KB. aud ordinary letter If MftU or ilxprea (all sums of 4 and ttpw&M by Express at our expense) to l.i- I -tr. , v - M. A; DAtTpniui - , - -: - New Orleans, La., or M. Al DAUPIllN, f -' I i I -i - 07 Seventh St., Wshngteni D. C 1 - n i T ' - J MAVK VM$S APPOINT KlV SOLE Agent for thcTANNKJl , A DKMNEY , KNOIXI W8 KNQ.INE8 AND BOILRSS from 4 ta) horo power; also TTamway or Naxr , ( "- - i, -. ' . -) ' Locomotives. , 1 , , , j- y , j .j, - : Knglpes adaptc'l to Farm use a speclallr. L Sf On hand and for sale rery low, FIVE SECOND HAND PORTABLE ENG1N3, from 5 to 15 horso power, I i i . i. w angl5-6m 1 fl. W. SK1NNES. X gagging, ieiv T r 2 finfl nlf Rollsiai and Sfly B40UISG 1 iUUU S.OOOBdl COTTON. TIK8,t fi Bales BALING TWINS, . . . - For salebv ' i ' - -j nov 26 , KEECHNER & CALDEIl BB03 , - Bacon, LardJilola'sBris. ' inn Boxes Dry Salt Bides M Cases Lard, 1UU 100 Hhds Molasses. For salo by novas KERCUNEIl A CALDER BEOS Flour, VSiijgaJV Cdfiee, 1 nhn BWa 'LOUB, All pTade; liUUU 50 Bbls Beflned SUGARS. . H i 100 Sacks COFFEE. For sals by nov 20 KEECHNEIt A CALDER BROS W E HAVS TOLXr UNESOE TOBA 1 whjcb we are selllDg EiqHT CENTS oo&r. -'-'' .: .'1 prices prior. to" Hay I su f - , Also a yeryflarffo itock. of GROCERIES W PROVISIONS at bottom 4 WORTfl & WORm GhriotmacGlffari 1 iuu iAJSi9Ml.Tr TOVK OWN INTE' est you will order your supplies j of . flmokisg J Goods, Cigars, Tobacco.' Ac j of N. GREBNf WALD, at "The Uttls Store U'ronaitlle Corner." The Best Goods for the east out 1st. Guaranteed best Clgar'fnl the! city for the ti iU ir'r--r.-i,tjr.U'.r: ' if1 L -; i:' The Diamond and Lh AniirM are tha bent o cents Cigars to b had to Wilmington. i ! The Excursion and Pro Nic OEASN IS OVER AND TU E .TH B AT BI CAL. AND BALlr Seasoir has openel a rata and JOHN WZRNES, the Xfl Gerin ,dPcrfnicr, i- personally in attewl anoe at hi Hair Dressing Saloon, n Uarket fctreet, etweeo Water and Front. Wtlmlmr ton. N. C. ; - , - 4 n w rm twjurriii. UNDERTAKER, CABIN KT HAKER WNy CARPKNTERy once and Work fihov om tf end street, opposite Soutberiand's suhles. Ii Mpecuuiuy so scats orders aad ruarantsc good work, promt deilvarv ati tiUiiuuili. e ike Company to we Af crriyicate. iir similes of our' s ffnntttrt aiiachtd. iniUmlz Ustmenls." t--' -n "r 1. - wif iJiNiHii oppoirimiTY to wix i trpimjSV. rir. (Jrand Drawing. Clai a friiK5rr:'?.PJcr?i- T"eatIyt Jihary 13JS tvsrrutit- :, 1 1 I

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