. - a. CI T .rtSCBU'' .m Tin Pf. .ico: One moot, U9U. carrters free ; ., W . -4 - ... .2 - ... . (f r ,iw tfrr. turner H .t Sew 0 ' - . n- it? I lVj-1 cJ'.w. .-irilow memorial I w - r cflb-9 New ork J.7,sitout that Jay. GouM s I r tMirirJ Kins write rrmu Paris that j-e Co!oatier'bo-k so! J about 15. tO)4:cs before tha rabiic tired of the .k whippier incident. iUyur Cooiminji. of Baugor.. Bio., . M ixiia vetoed iandard time on the ncd ttat tolar time ii according to Cit .l tb inevitable law of God." VI Landuo special to tho New York I "uJavs: cad by tie beiueit of r.o le3 sum tlia 500.000 by a wea:hy Ixndoa laJf!nIVr Leo XIII yiici.a Trtvraph: "The Ihree men mUtutilituie the Ceorsia Ilailroad C'ooialulon can by the sweep of a pe bsnkrcttttjro&il ia the State, atd Ure L to h jber authority to -rant rr..:. - - W. W. Story, the culpJor. has com .:ed a siaiue of C6jH Justice Mar fciAJ. a: l.'wffif. and it has been cast In tre. Tic ee!cs:al it to be orna utzuA wilii two ornate reprntatloa .t ti relief. i rxv.ee girt her amb&uadors thrice st much as she gives her cabinet tnla iun, aia Germany does lik twite. Ssglaxd also pat her ambataadors gtAtlderablj more than aoj rsexuber wtlhe cabinet. Tte Democratic National Committee tre v hold a meeting on the 22d of February, and will then probably de cide opon the time and place for the National Conrection to nominate their rVnUcsUal candidate. It appears from the recent report of ttebVcretary of the Treasury that the xai:ed redaction in the new tariff law of iS53 U a abau. the axgregaU recelpU from easVom duliee not being three per cent. less than they were formerly, whereas the pretense was ef a redaction from 15 to 30 per cent. Mr. Tennyson Is going neither to crop Lit came cor add to it. It was said that he was going to call himself TtosjsoadXyncourl. Nothing oftho t:ad. lie it going to call himself fcim p!y TeanTson Lord Tennyson. It is ti:d that he was averse to accepting a pecrs;e. and did tato please his son. The Cbarltiton Xacs and Courier be Ilrres that the members ol Congress via refase to reduce taxalloa with such a great ssrplos confronting them with tietaciible eridence that the people are being taxed f&r in excess of the needtef the public service will no1 bare a p!eatact meeting witn tbtir coanituentt when they go home nxt Saatucr. There It grief araoux the Cbioese Uuadrynea of iiew York over an order of their cooanl that no Chinamau shall opeu a lanndry within' three blocks 'of say ether Chinese wah-hone. The cnltr is inexplicable "except on -the groQsd that the coasa wants to lcten toa petition by scaltcring the laundries. Tks Chlnatnca growl but will obex. At eceofthem says: "He allco samee empeloL What hiui ssj Chinaman ail ft do. ai: uai Melicau man do alios EoMKsUfUUee, Boas Kelly say do, Me.ieaomahtaeay "you bet." rrlj tlaee." Ileadqaartert or the 'Green Mountain Boys. BtJUJXOToy. Vx.-Mr.L.S. Drew, the popular landloard of the American ttoui, certifies to the wonderful cura tive qsalitlte of the world renowned SL Jacobs Oil. A Merciful Man J8 WlECirCL TO MIS BEAST. TIIIS 13 aJSTfi,10 .wn of -nabUaketed- SJfl? 'Atr wJii fP-robe. Canlafea, TtZ il Dtn Trunk. Satcbela, Kaa, No. 1U Norm rroal Ki Sportsman's Qoods. W5.lUV?TnK KT ASaoOTMKJiT ftTiftUh a BeUinra Breea Ixa4era V2Llr"&? artei. AUo tint V4 5 Tdloc. Prtiaen.Cart- rucaBA o Cap, gsm Eaxa, Ac. ia t ran aaw a stock of Uardwarv. Uoo1 Is sa4 fuartatea trtn W. gKi.VGta A CO., 8eaaacrs U J otui Ihvui A (V. jaait 1S.H ajaaaaurUtf aeat - -I; j i VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 1 LOCAL NEWS. IIOEI TO RCW aOVEgmEMENU. r ioestoyvters L 3 L Co -New Sbroo" Au Offer Eilraerdinsrr I uiieb Transfiguration Jxt U Chadbockx A Co for rale Hrwiwtou-rtaoi .mi Orgso, R MCDOUOALO CWrr anl Oder Vlocg The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 333 bales. ! Gcr. brig Express, Frctwurst. hnc?. arrived at Liverpool Jan. 13th. Schr. Emma H. Drummond, Higgins, arrived at Deinerara Dec. ISth. BruceJ William, Esq., of Pender county, was in the city to day and fav ored us with a visit. . Mr. John II. Vagh hopes to rebuild his residence soon and-wc trust that he may be ablo to do so. The weather this morning was cold and raw, with many indications of an approaching snow storm. Another excursion to North Carolina has just started from Boston, Mass., with Shelby as the objective rxiint. Some of the knowing ones prophesied yesterday that the ground would be white with snow this morning but wc hav'nt had it yet. Yesteglay (the 15ih iost.) was tho 19th anniversary of tho capture of Fort Fisher, a day long to be remembered by the people of Wilmington. We Invite attention to the advertise ment of the Church Mcssinaer as it ap pears in this issue. It will be seen that a special offer is made to cew9ub3crib ers. A remedy resting On the basu ol in trinsic worth demand the confidence of all. Dr. Bulls' Couzh Syrup is known and used most satisfactorily through out the land, as is attested by Its great sales. Your druggist keeps it. Heavy frosts in Florida have injured the f rait to that extent that the price of oranges is far above the reach of ordi nary purses We saw some remark ably nico ones to-day, but the price asked was $5 per IlW. British schooner Pioneer, Kelly, cleared late yesterday afternoon lor Harbor Island, Bahamas, with 19,314 feet lumber, 0 barrels Hour, 15,000 shinglee, valued at 486.41, shipped by Bless rs. Cronly & Morris. Yesterday wo mado tho announce ment that Rov. Dr. J. B. Hawthorne. ofKIcbmond, Ya , would preach at the First Baptist Church on Sunday next. Ills topic in tho morning will bo "Tue Proper use ol Ideals in Religion and at nicht it will be. "What tho Pulpit has to do with Trade and Politic." Shcrid Manning settles with the State Treasurer lotday and will settle also with the County Treasurer in a fTf days, when a full statement will be published.; He tells us that he has collected this year $600 more thau last year, but that It has been hard work. A New Steamer. The steamship VideUc, Capt. George II. Fuller, arrived hero this morning, cousigced to Capt. A. D. Cazauz. Tbe Videlic has been added to tbo Baltimore and Wilmington lino of steamships, is 623 tons burtheu. and is a Cue. etauncb. ea. going rcsseL Cryatnl 'Wedtllotr- On Monday last Mr. and Mrs. Tbos. C. Craft celebrated tbelr crystal wcd ding, haying been married fifteen years ago. The occasion was a very happy one.' A large number of friends called upon them on Monday evening and B any beautiful and tasteful gills were presented. Among those who were present was Kr. F. W. E. Peachau, who read a beautiful poeni of his own production which contained many pleasant andjappropriatejalloslons lo.the happy occasion. Tuo Orchestra. Tho orchestra recently organized by Prof. Smlthdealr which now consists of fo&r members, has mado very commen dable improvements in the short time the nj embers have commenced practice log and with their limited opportunitieg for rehearsals. At tbo Opera House on Monday night they played remarka bly well and. although there is yet room for improvement, their performance was better than wis expected to hear. We leanflhat an addition will soon be made to the number ol instruments, which, with a little care in tbe equali zation of the parts, will make the band all that could be desired. : Sliver Plated Spoons and Forka, low titans, at JacobiV I . A Curiosity. Dr. J-C. Broadhurst. of Long Creek, ! Pender county.- ha wnt to our office au - ear of corn which is something f a curiosity. It is a good average sized ear ot corn, with the kernels all fair and ; well-developed with about nelourtb of I; the ordinary 'white corn while the ro i maiuier is of a deep rod color. Wbat it. . .: i i :i ik.,t iL,n colore aronot ruixd. as is sometimes, the case, but there is i perfect epara- ; tioi of the colors. . Military Brattcri. At a resrular meeting of the Wil mington Light (nfautry. held last night J at their armory, the following officers were elected : Captain R. ii. Beery. First Lteuteuaut W. C. Jones, Second Lieutenant James C. Morris ! sou. Knign F. A. Lord. Capt. John L. Cantwcil. having re signed his oflicial positiou in the com pany, is now a private in the ranks. He has labored well and faithfully for the interest and welfare of the compa" ny and we are glad that, in retiring from his oflicial position, he has not given up his well known military spirit. The following civil officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: President N. F. Parker. Vice President M. S. Willard. Secretary and Treasury F. L. Meares. These were all reelectlons. The Orphan Asylum. The report of the committee on the Oxford Orphan Asylum, appointed by the North Carolina Grand Lodge F. & A. M shows that the Fraternity, as well as a good many 'others, take a lively interest In the welfare, usefulness and prosperity ot this institution. The Asylum is an honor to the State and to the Masonie fraternity, and we are glad to see that It Is cherished with parental regard. The report ia necessar ily brief, but among other things we are glad to see that the committee re commend the appropriation of $3,000 from the treasury of the Grand Lodge for the support of the Asylnm for the present year. W.. W & O. R. It. At the meeting ol tho stockholders of the Wilmington, Wrightsvllle & Ons low H. R., in yesterday afternoon's session, the following were elected di rectors ot thQ Company, viz.: T M. Chester, F. Ilannovasj, G. W. Price, L. II. Fisher, F. C. Coleman. W. Do vane, A. Lloyd, J. O. Xixon.lL 1J. Fitz gerald. D. C. Howard. J. D. Dry, Jno. Holloway, G. W. liaison. Ihe meeting of stockholders then adjourned to meet ou the second Tues day in January, 1683. At 6:10 p. m. the Board ot Directors met aud elected T. M. Chester Presi dent, G. W. Price Vice President, Jas. B. Dudley Secretary and J. O. Nixon Treasurer. Ii was resolved to call a meeting of citizens at tho Mayor's Court Room this evening at half past 7 o'clock, and the newly elected President of the company was requested to address tbe meeting. Qity Court. There was a full docket for the Mayor' consideration this morning and it was disposed oias follows: Julia Murray, colored, disorderly conduct, fined 5. Sam Smith, colored, disorderly coo- duct, was fined $3. (These two cases vrere continued from yesterday.) Thomas Johnson, John Beckett, J. B. Davis, colored males, and Dorcas Frank and Virginia Brown, colored females, charged with acting very disorderly last night at the foot of Hanover street, in which they shouted "murdcrnand otherwise made tbe sight hideous, were fined 3 in each case 6avc Virginia Brown, J who-was fined $5. . In default of the payment of ths fined they were sent below for IX) days. Boysee Davis, colored, for the larceny of a quantity of prunes from tbe store of Capt. J. L. Boatwright,waa required to givo & bond in the sum of $50 for his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court, in default of which he was committed. It would seem that tbe losses occa sioned by the recent severe weather are more than was at first thought. We learn from the country that nearly all ot the stock of oo Hards was destroyed, and these, it is understood, form no inconsiderable item of food, while in the city wo hear that many : valuable plants were killed, one lady alone hay ing lost 22 valuable calla lilies. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery go to Jacobi HardwareDepot. f lEflEW. NEW ADVERTISEMENT j NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mning DRESSGOODS ! as Plaia and Brocade Ottomans in various Such colors and Colored Persian lawns, with other novelties. ; A TOW BLANKETS LEFT. WILL BE SOLD VERY CHEAP. - j Ulsters, Dolmans and Jackets, Children's Cloaks, &c, ON ALL WINTER GOODS 1 I CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, &c. - A good assortment with prices as low as the lowest. R. E2. MclPJTIRE. jan 15, 1884 Superior Court. This tribunal got a fair start yester day in the business of the term. Of the cases on the civil issue docket, 49 were continued oyer, 30 set for trial f and 12 put on the motion docket. The following cases were disposed of yesterday. H. II Kasprowicz vs. Edward Bryson and Adelia Bryson; judgment against E Bryson for $21 ,75, non-suit as to Adelia Bryson. Gambel Manufacturing Company vs. 1st National Bank; judgment for $150 and costs. Estate of Gep Myers vs. H G Banner man; judgment. W, P, Oldham vs. the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company. The Court decided in favor of the defendant. Mr. Oldham wa3 represented by Messrs Mcftae& Strange, and the Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Co. by Messrs'. Geo. Davis and Chas. M. S ted man. to-day's pkocf.edings. The proceedings to day were as fol lows: W. B. Motvoy, administrator, ya. Tab Porter als, Remanded to the Clerk of the Court to make up. the ac count. ' L. N. and J. S. Hopkins vs. A. J. Cottlhgharn et ah. Judgment for the plaintiffs. At the conclusion of the latter case the Court took a recess untill 3 o'clock this after noon. ' IX MEAIORIAM. Where as. It has pleased Almighty God In Ills wise providence to tako to Himself the soul of our deceaaed Brother Wm. J. Gordon, who is commemorated in bt. John's Church by loyalty, by connsel, by generosity and by godly fear; who was honored In this commu nity for kindliness of manner, integrity oijpur poso and acUoa and unscrupulous manliness In every personal relation; and Is consecrated la the loving memory of his family, by ten derness, devotion, and unselfishness charac teristic of tho truly affectionate husband, son and brother, Thcrtforet Rt solved. That we, tho Vcetry of St. John's Church, do hereby record our ap- f rcciltlon of his virtues In lire and our niouru ul sense of loss In his doath, and extend to his stricken family our sorrowing sympathy In this sad hour of their bereavement. J. E. UPPITT, Sect'y. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Sale. f QQ CORDS SPLIT TINE WOOD. For alc low by jan 1S-U JAS. H. CHADBOURN Jk CO Finest Oysters I BEST WHISKEY AND BEST TIVE Cent Clears lnbe dt7. can b bongbt at tbe OLD NORTH ST.ATE SALOON, C So. FrooiTst. Giro a Tar Heel a show. Cider and Cider . Vinegar. JJOTFJ VERT NICE INDEED. AND VERY CHEAP. Retail and Wholesale In limited quantlUcs. Ala". Ayvk. At K- iiCUUUUaLL'S, y. II Chestnut Bt. bet. Front and Water Ian IG Wilmington. N. C. An Offer Extraordinary ! ONE DOLLAR A YEAR i 'rjiUE CHUB:U MESSENGER"; THE journal of tbe Protestant Episcopal Church In North Caroll c a i 8 pages, 3? columns, $1.50 a year In ad ranee. But take notice that all NEW SUBSCRIBERS, who will send ONE I DOLLAR before th first of April, and menUoa this notice, can have the paper one yer from date of order. The Mest-cnger Is making pro gress, send for specimen copy. Its clrnla Uonlsr pldlv increasing, subscribe NOW f Address, THE CHURCH af E&SENUEB, janlS-Xt Durham, N. C Fine Portraits in Crayon or Pastel. QRDEB9 PROMPTLY EXECUTED IN the finest style, la order to more fully Intro dace the work my prices are to the lowest cent for rst class work. Friends are isvlted to call and examine for themselves. - - ORIN T. THOMAS, Artist, .ca Uf llarte tL, JTCsfegtoa, XrC. NO. H shades, a deeded reduction in price. V transfigurations. Q ALL IT BY ANT NAME TOU PLEASE, THE WHOLESALE SLAUGHTER SALE NOW GOING ON AT SHRIEK'S IS THE MOST PRODIGIOUS EX 1MPLE OF WHAT - ! I GOOD CLOTHING CAN BE MANUFAC- I TUBED AND SOLD FOR. WE CANNOT i AFFORD TO HOLD A GARMENT OVER TO i BE THROWN UP TO US AS "OLD STOCK" NEXT YEAR, SO I AM DETERMINED TO CLOSE MY ENTIRE FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF CLOTHiNG Less than New York Cost I WITH THREE-FOURTHS OF THE WIN TER STILL TO COMR THE OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE SUCH GARMENTS AS WE ARE OFFERING AT SLAUGHTERING PRICES, MUST COMMAND UNIVERSAL ATT EN TION. IT. WILL PAY YOU TO BUY WIN TER CLOTHING FOR NEXT WINTER'S USE. ' RELIABLE CLOTHIER, I I 1U MARKET ST. jan 10 Capital Prize $75,000 Tickets only $5. Shares in pro portion. Louisiana State Lottery Company, j Wt do hereby certify thai toe supervise the arrangements foreill the Monthly and JSemi Annuai JJratcingt of The Louisiana, State Lot tery Company, and in person manage and con trol the Lhraicings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and, we author ixe the Company to use this certificate, icithfac ti'.nUes of our signatures attached, in its adver tiscments Commissioners. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Leg islature for Educational ana Charitable pur poseswith a capital of $1.000,000 to which a reserve fund of $550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming populai vote ltsfran raise was made apart of tbe present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D IST3. The only Lottery ever vot-ed on and endorsed by the people of any State. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number . Drawings tske piaco montnjy. - - . : ' A TLENDn OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. First Grand Drawing, Class A, at New Orleans, Tuesday, February 12,-14 155th Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize, $7500. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars Eacli. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. rr r f LIST Or PRIZES. ! 1 Capital Prize of...... 75X00 1 Capital Prize of.... 25,000 1 Capital Prize of..... 10,000 2 Prize of $6,000..... 5 Prizee of 2,000.... 12.O0C 10.000 10 Prizes of 1.000.. .i 10.000 W Prizes of n00........ iO.oco loo rnzea of mo.... wjm 800 1rUos of 100...; 30,000 600 Prizes of SO.,, I 2-VX0 1000 PrUca of SC..1 : 2?.0O arrjtoxxuATXoff txoea. 9 ApproxlmatioB Prizes of $750. 9 " " 600. 9 " " 250. ,750 4,500 200 16. 1884. ! 1,967 rrlzea, amounting to $255,600 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to tbe omce of tbe Company In Now Or leans. For further Information, write clearly, giv ing full address. Make P.O. Money Or ders payable and address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, Nrw Okltjuts, la. POSTAL NOTES and ordinary letters by Mall or Expreta (all sums of $ and upwards by Express at our expense) to ' v M. A. DAUPITDr, New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, C7 Seventh St., Waahlngton, D. C jan 16-wed-aat-awlAw , . . Golden Harvest. a FULL FLEDGED GOLDEN j IIAR- iuiTn. That's the kind of COOK STOVE WE EXE P- They are a thing of Beauty and Joy to EVERT HOUSEHOLD. Only sold by PAEia.Il & TAYLOR. PCT.3 TflUXS CJU v Jaa H Wawuibegiad to recctTtattwcUa f roaa our tricndi on say asd all fbjlecta K&ral Interest but 'i- ' J 4The name of Out writer rami always L rt a5bo4 to tho Editor. J Comaunlcatlon tnwt b written oa ort ", w W of tbe ripcr. ; ; Penooalltlca must b aro!li. Aji4 U 1 eejjCcUIly ao4 parUcularly cad tooi that tho lUlttor does not alwaya eoUor tbo tcttb of corrcerJents catena ao atatt tn tbe editorial coIump. t MISCEU.ANEOUS x ) OPERA HOUSE; ONE NIGHT ONLY ! j THURSDAY. JANUARY 17. . . 1 !. , Ht Bppearaucc.ln this rlty cf : Rice's Pleasure Party I la vr. Gill'a JIulctl Cenody of OUR GOBLINS ! Magnificent fccncry! Approrrfata Costn'nei: Wler personal direction of W. Henry Klao. A flrst-claig, rentcc4 performanca In ererr particular. Box Sheet opens at Dyexa Toes- and aoc; Gallery 25c lanUM Pianos and Organs, MADE BY THE MOST CELEBRATED uf aeturers, endorsed by the leading and cmlno it pianists of the day, and warranted not to blister and peel off in two or "three months; but arc guaranteed to' resist the at raophcrlo changes of the South equally as well as any Piano or Organ made, and ti lm provo In quality of tone by use. Call and examine these famous Instruments, At y UEINSBERGER'S', , Lire Book and Mnslo stores jan 14 lOOO TO wo OF GENUINE j j German Kainit I IMPORTED DIRECT ! : n -. ! ., FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT BY Kercliuer & Calfier Bros; IMPORTERS, 5 Jaa U Wilmington. N. C- Furniture. QUR STOCK OF WINDOW SHADES baa been replenished durlug the past week, and we are showing some very Handsome Pat. " ' . . i t: terns. A full line of line and medium 1 1 . j PARLOR, CHAMBER, LIBRARY I 1; . . : AND DINING ROOM SUITS. MATTRESSES of all made to order. . kinds In stock and THOMAS C. CRAFT, Aaent. Furniture Dealer, 1 20 So. Front St jan 14- Notice. rpiIE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE ..i i exlatlnar between W.B. Sc. J A. MONTGOM- cut is tnis uay dissolved by mutual consent. T. A. Montgomery assumes All H&bllltiM iltwI is alona authorized to rnUf rt ! and rvrnlnt tnr any aiyl all debts due tlio said firm., . I I - w. U. MONTGOMERY, I J. A - MONTGOMERY. January 12, 18it j , ( ue undersigned" will continue -I - - i . i . I . . tho business tif the late firm of W.! It. A J. A. ! .8 I ' Montgomery and solicits tbe general support Of bis friends. .1, A. MONTGOMERY. janl2-tf I i u Printing:.' Printing, JACKSON AND Ruling, Killing, BELL Binding. WILL DO j Blading.! YOUR Good Work, Proruptii PRINTING iWELL. Low Price. Sat It fiction. Jn 10 Onion Sets,; White and Red. j4 FHfcftH SUPPLY j JU3T RECEIVED. Aio. a fall assortment of FEE 3 II GARDEN SEED, PATENT MEDICINES, ' i . i FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, CIGARS In great variety, o Ac. Munds Bros. & DeRosset. . . i Nw Drugstore, jan U Market and fieon-l f trts." Ledgers, Journals, Days, gLANK BOOKS OF ALL SIZES- AND btyles of Binding. . Memorandum Books. Letter Books. Invoice Books. Receipt Books. 1 Lithographed Draft. Note and Caack Bois fa stock and nada to order. All kinds of Offlce and Fancy Batlonry. Wrapping Paper and Paper Bag., Twine, c, at lowest market prices. . i Ac YATES' BOOK STOa. 119 Market Street jaa U i;000 Hlidc PRIME PORTO RICO MOL ARSES JUST landed direct from the Island, which we. offer to the trade at prices to suit ths umr. Wegnaranteetiiirolafsef psxt. ' 5t3?tf I EDTTAED HII