.V 1 FORaifL i;un;aiTis3i, 'V !" 1 "'I i tor.r. TszctT. c.:ixM.yTttU'.. nrn:s,i"A:L:ri, - a. (iim. - - " I " t"t irttl, In . A.V;;C: T? t n L E. t . ftOllQUERORj a speCipio for ser UMisi, SPASHS, t:XYllS!3HS, FiLUXS SICIKESS. ST. tlTOS WKCE, IICHOHOUSH, CrlUH EAT1HS. StFEILUS. . SCBSPJU. OSS EY1U SSIT B100D DISEASES, OYSFEFSU, HEKYCUSSESS. SICK EEiDlCEE, EHEtUlTlSU. REEYOUS KEiXKESS. lEEYC'JS FEOSTEiTlCSt. im WEEHY, BLOOD SORES, KUtWHESS, COSTIYEHESS, HlMEnEWsllS MO IEHEEUURITIES. i -r ,vif' f.trl filtered by rtjitrUu. : ib4 c'rcutati tend ittto;. ) In arm Sufferers" trora Youintui iiupruuence ervoat ueti;uy. uaul a 1 parlct wernr4. vaiiuibie In rratUn for bome rur KKKB. C-l il years rtvfaUy. Dr. A. ti. UUa. IIjx til, Chlca- JfBATE'S SPECIFICS. rrfttrril froco formalin uted by an eminent j.fk'Un tlurln 2u ycart ucrf ul S,. 1 iurntrc t to flTert n rmtl eA enrw o? all aSectior or the Bloc-t. whether vDiijor 'lalre'l. Slln. tilcae, ttm 5 . o-tf pU"hr, etc, nro permanently r:i !. HaUj' iMwclfls No. I. rrtco 1. Trii -2 Care Skmwai. Weakxis, Slkvih I'coturr, from YoatMnl Iiirre iWatr Kxco. prolKtox Exhausted Vital triwi of ilaahooL Tola rem eU b un evi:4 la the cam of these complaint. J t Is pwrfal niacin to tho weakened Nervous "j:ut. m-.ni Na'.ure to reaow tho ftrength - 1 ut of the leMUUtoi orgaas anI effecU a radical care. Irlc4(l. jeciac No. 4 ;iTesttMt ant relief and per UAcent!T rurca UhcunmUm. 1'rlco f i. liij No. 6 A positive enro for all weak aev roaaoa to fcsiitea. Prtco f 1. Sn t .y Dra.4t4 or cent on receipt of prlc SEND OU ClUCULAU. taxi 21 Ij-llw crm . . Home Item. "All your own fault It yoa remain sick when you can . He: hep bitters that never Fail Tfco weakest woman, smallest child, isil ."ckes: iavalid can uso hop bitters w:a safety and great good. Old raca tottering around from RicuaittUtn. kidney trouble or any weakneu will bo almost now by using- .A?? bitters. My wife and diu2htcr were mado btiltby by tho use of hop bitters and I recommend them to ray people. Mcth i!i: Clergymen, Ask any good doctor if hop B;t:ers aro cot tho bestfaaiily mcdicint On eanh. - - Malarial fetor. Ague and Billous ccas. wi'd lcarc every neighborhood as saoa as hop titters arriro. My mother drove tho paralysis taj neuralgia all out of her system with hop bittors- Ed, Oswego Sun. Keep tho kidneys healthy with bop b:ttrs andyou need not fear sickness. Ice water is rendered harmless and raoro refrcshinr and reviving with bop b:ttrrs i a each draught, Tho vigor f youth for tho aged and isSrm in hop bitters. Imd&w. Sash, Doore, Bliads, White Lead, Paints, French Window Glass, AC.IXCT TX) . T. ENAMEL PAINT. Wa HEADY rUEPAUCD PAINT. (JXtL AND MISE OUK GOODS AND fi er prkee before inrchiBj. The fact tiat our Paints are from tte eckbrsted Tao tortMotiretherlllACoaol IlarrUoo Droe tTC'',;narantee for their qniuty se-! parity A toe Hoc of Coo kin- Stove at Facte 17 rW, to adllUoa to our larje aa-1 fall HARDWAEE STOCK, t. '- a toar attention ts reapenf ally tnttte'L NATfl'L JACOBI, 13 South Front St nt: ' PUfiOELL HOUSE. TJ-V0r.S scw MANAGEMENT. WILMINQTOM. S. C rTovVtor AllaatWt UouL riratnaaa U( laaiilt AkoinwajkiA. Tarasa t L 1 1 1 1.W. a The D a i I y R e v i e iy . AN UUMI5LI5 CONFKSSION. U ho U that littles woman tlipn With latuhinjeyes '.irul dark -brown i. hair, - ... .... Am! rysio2uomy so fair? ' . ?' - ' 4 , My wife. ....J ' t; : - Wbo not as uiesk a he appear.' And doesn't believe one-half ,shu boara. .Ami toward tno entertains no fear?.; " My consort. - ,.. - , Who wak mo up on every morning. About the time tho tlay is dawning. My protestations calmly Ecornina? . My spouse. Who marks ray clotbes wjJi India ink. Anddarn my Uxrkins quicW as a ' wink. . . I . Vhilo I it by Rnd!mokc and think? . My frau.. i Who asks me evcr day lor moucy. Wtib countenancc Uemuro nr.d luuny.' And calls mo 'pretty boy" and honey?"' My little woman. ' f i i Who runs this iuuHc; both nii;ht and dav. j And over all exerts f.cr sway ; WhVa bois o tbi shanty, anyway? My better talfJ - i" A'tron Fk'lgcr. How to Fall Asleep, I had often noticed that when engaged in deep thought, particularly at night, there seemed to La somethins: like; a compression of the eyelids, the upper one especially,, and the ejta them selves were apparently turned upward, as if looklug in that direction. This in variably occurred; .an1, tho moment that, by an effort, I arrested tho course ol thought, and freed tho mind from the subject with which it was engaged, the C)es resumed their normal position, and the compression of the lids ceased. Now, it occurred to nie one night that I would not allow the eyes to turn np ward, but keep them determinedly in the oppesito position, as if looking down and hating-done so lor a short time I found that tiro nind did not revert to the thoughts with which it hadbecn occupied, and I soon fell asleep. I tried the plan again with the same result, and after an experienco of two years. 1 can truly say ahat unless something specially annoying ur worrying occur red, I have always been able to po to sleep shortly after retiring to rest. Thero may occasionally be some dim cully in keeping tire eyes in the position I have -described, but a determined effort to do so is all that is repaired, and I am certain that if kept in tho do wn, looking positiou it will be lound that composure nnd s.rep will bo tho. result. It may be said that as the continued effort to keep iho eyeballs in a certain position so diverts the attentionas to ireo the mind from the disagreeable subject with which it had been engaged, sleep will follow a a nutural consequene It is not improbable that this is to some extent correct; and, if so, it is well that by means so simple npd so easily adopted, such a 'desirable result , can be secured. Hut I think this is noc tho only nor the principal reason. j The position fn which tho eyes should i be kept is the natural one; they aro at case in it; ami ween mere is no com pression of th'.i lids r knitting ol the brows, tho muscles conuectod with and surrounding tho eyes are relaxed. This condition 13 ranch more favorable for sleep than for mental activity or deep thought. lutmZcrs Journal. ' Itosadalis Is the Great Southern uemcdy lor tho euro of tho Scrofulous Taint; Ithcn matism, White Swelling. Gout. Goitre, Consnmotion. Bronchitis, Nervous De bility, Malaria and all diseases arising lrom an tmpuro condition ot tho Blood. Iho .merits of this taluablo prepara tion are so well known that a passing notico is but necessary to remind the readers of this journal of the necessity of always having a bottle of KOSA- DALIS among their stock of family necessities. Certificates can bo presented from many Jeadtng Physicians. Ministers mud heads of families I throughout tho South endorsing KOSADALIS in tho highest lerm. We arc constantly in receipt of certificates of cures from tho most reliable sources, and wc do notj hesitato to recommend it as the best remedy for the cure of the above dis eases. 1 ' I A Woman's Heart. ua a ratiroaa tram, jus: oeainu a plaiolvdrcssed and motherly-looking woman, accompauicd by a noisy boy. at two fashionably dressed ladles. The boy wasgiveu to askiug all kinds ol foolish ouejtious. and occaiionaily he would whino liko a cub bear au.l twist himself around and Iret. ! "If I had hold of l.;ui tor a tuiuule I'd blister him till he "couldn'ti stand up.' said one of tho ladies. lady, '-you may tako hold ot him. I haven 1 tho heart to do it 11 "Excasa me." faltered) the aonoyed lady. "I did not think that yoa could hoar my remark." I Ob. no harm dono, for 1 kuow that ho is enough to annoy any one. and: it may seem strange to you that I do not slao htm. out 1 cant, unco 1 naa a lilllo boy that I flapped. Every time be would ask foolish questions or whino I'd slap him. I was determined to bring him up rightly, o that he would please everybody. . Ho was tho idol of my life, and I did so much want to seo htm respected. Everybody said I was a model mother, and that my son would bo a great man. and I was so flattered by theso remarks that I was eren more strict than evr witn mm. One night, just after I ptr him to ted company came, anu wnuoi wo wore talking tho little fellow awose anu oe gantocry. I told him to bush, and when I found that tc.tUd no; intenu to obey me. I went to the bed and spanked him. 'That's what I call diiciplino.1 one of tho company remarked. and I assuro yoa that ia alter years ypu will not regret the strict measures you have adopted. I ; Tho next morning my littlo boy was too sick to get up. and ail the day he lay in bed. At night I sentfor a physician, bet before morning he was dead. I don'i think that there was a more mis erable woman in the world. I took his little boots boots which a few days before I whipped him for gtlting mud- dy and put them on my bureau. -I could cot bear to lire la tho iamo bouse where both my husband and little boy had died, and I moved away One r even in?, while 1 was walking along a Toneiy fctrect, I saw a little very small Ixjy standing among some tall weed. I asked him where he" lived and ho plucked a blossom and held it to me. I asked him where.wa his mother. and father, and with enriqtis intelligence he replied that some big -rata took them away in b5xes. I knew then that he was V waif, and I took him tiome with me. In tho nizht ho cried and I sot up acd sat by the tiro with him and rocked him. 'lie was very del.cate. bul ho was a light that shone oti my withering soul. Thi3 is the child, and he's ; wear ins the little boots that I put on the. bureau. You may slar him, but I can't." - . From the lroucl StaudpoiDt of superior "style.'" tho , languid city beauty surveys thej imasinary physical short comings ol bir rustic iemale cous in. Yet if the lattjpr possess a finer set of teeth, as she ' probably does if she uses SOZODOX Ti and , tho metropoli tan belie does not. that striking contrast; so much in her lavor enables her to turn; ttie tahle3 with a vruance. .Pearly teeth are belter than style." Aver' Sarsanarilla is the most poteut blcad purifier, and a fountain of health and strength. Be wise In time. -All baueful infections are promptly removed by this unequalled alterative.' - When the State is . most corrupt, then the laws are most multiplied. fBucuy-Paiba." Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kidney, Bladder and Uriuarv Diseases. $1. Druggists. Most of our tween crosses. comforts grow up be- Ministers Souud its Praise. Rev. Mr.' Greenfields, Kuoxville, Tenn., writes as follows: "Samaritan Nervine permanently cured my son of epileptic fits." Here's food for thought. Hold by druggists. 1.50 ; We must begin about things. by thinking boldiy Washington, D. C , May 15th, 18S0. Having been a sufferer lor a long time lrom nervous prostration and feneral debility, I was advised to try lop Bitters. " I have taken one bottle, and I havo been rapidly getting better ever since, and I think it the best med icine! I ever used. I am nowgainimr strength and appetite, which was all tone, and I was in despair until I tried your .Bitters. I am now. well, able to go about and do my own work. Before taking it, I was completely prostrated. hup -c . r t"rfT rT Kindness, performed by rule, is kindncs?. not letter From Ir. Serro. 18 West 35th Street; New York, Juno 1, 1683, I have been a sufferer in the past with Malaria, which finally became Chills and Fever. Treatment by my physician failed to help mo. I used Bu and ketii's Pills and was cured. Thirteen months have elapsed since then, and I have had no recurrence. Other members of my family used them for the same trouble, with the same good result. I cheerfully endorse them for that illcc3s, and also as a pleasant laxative or purgative, according to the number taken. They are now a household remedy with me. and I am never with out them. I would gladly givo the de tails ot the foregoing to any who might choose to call upon mo for them. J. E. SEKRK. Dentist. Hi deeds force us to use words as ill. Malaria positively leured witn Eiis oky's Standard Cuke Pills, a never failing remedy: purely vegetable, con tain no quinine, sugar-coated 25 cents. e o tiacw. A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at .1 acobi's Hardware Dopot Mother s Spinning Wheel, Concerning One Article tbnt ivas Not For Sale, and An other wblcli is Cheap at Any Price. "No, lr, I wouldn't eoll you that for any money; (hat epinhlng-irhcel n-aa my mother's It was ono day, when tho was binding like a Iuk.aad making this old wheel bum, that my father, then a young mod'ral student, after nr l a farmer, fell In love wl'h her tome fifty yoars ago." . - hn troko thrroprieior of a rcush bit of farm Lied in Ulster County, N. Y., U a relic hunter, and "mothers ' -bplnnlay-whccl re mained aoaorg ber Ptlldrrn and grandchild. ren My raothtr." wrlt Rev J. W, rhelps, My tbu ehe nM found a more eff?ctin; than anything ahe ercr used for 1 invigorating and troclhening the syetcm debilitated by mala ria. Mic desires me a.U t erpcclallr to mention tto certainty with which it aids disoUon aod overcome exhaustion " ETcr since the Crst household was eetablieh cd "mober'" opinion has been mora potent in tLU wcrU than that of judge, jurist or pnyaxcitn. iter nana has always cooiea the fver and ber eire baa been filled with bono With each day decline. PARKER'S TONIC 1 becoming more deservedly popular witn Use women who cuard allko husband ana child ren. It eradicates malarial poison from the blood, from whlca there Is now such wide spread suffering. rieaao ooerve: dr. PARKER'S TDK G u not on intoxicant. Jt la a combination ot sev eral ingredient, of which none singly can Erudaco anything liko lis effect ForKtdooy. tomach and Liver troubles. It Is the standard and unfailing rcucdy. In two blzcs: f 0 rents and ft. The latter the cheaper. Hiscox A Co , Chemists, New York. jan 11-lmdiw ifr I SUio & Monroe Sis.. Chicago. Will wrul e ,t Jrvstbir BAND CATALOGUE, tar laM. kW -' K-n.t f lumsffk. fr, Mu, LVma Mttar't Stt. b4 tea far An. The Excursion and Pic Nlq gKAS jN IS OYER AND THE THEATBI CAL AND BALL Seaaon has opened again and JOHN WERNER, tba practical German Barber ami rerfnmer, la personally la attend a dc at hia Ilalr Dreaalng Saloon, Market Street, between Water a4 "roat, W liming toa.N.C, .. - ocU4 I I) r. - MISCELLANEOUS. THE BRIGHTEST and BEST!) v" THE - WEWYORK- -L3 ! F0fS 1884, PRESIDENTIAL YEAR, i New Proprietor ! New Editors! New Idfo and Blood ! Six man Hi ago THE WORLD co'nmcBce'i It r.cw career. JJs pro-vth h i breuVunprC; ciMientC'l. Its '.votiderful a-tvancc In elrcuU tlou, in a-lxettUtug, in Inflnebw. in populailty. warrant iho claim of a leading position In Ncur York journalise). . esreoc fr effort will be eparcduntl U E WOULD is reconiici as the GREATEST as wen as tfc CKIGHTEvT ani CHEATEST PAVE la AMERICA, . i The WcRLtg-asr tho leading Democratic newspaper In the country, knows no facUon and recognizes no Individual ambitions or aa plratiocs aeHe froui the general good of the psrty and the Hepnbllc It seeks tba triumph of principlesnot rajn It uphold great Dem ocratw lieas ana lacara not a faction or fraction ol the party., " j -1 V At the entrance or the new-year the rew World desires to express, its gratitude for the hearty welcome It has received and the magnificent success it has already achieved Its welcome comes from tho people. Itasue; cess 13 thei work. They have indorsed its merits by more than trebling its circulation In six months, and by doubling its advertising. For this they are entitled to our warm thanks. No Democrat ocght to be nappy without THE WORLD. We call upon our Democratic friends in every town and hamlet in the Union to START CLUBS FOR THE WEEKLY. They will get the ablest, brightest and cheap est newspaper in the country, as wen as an earnest and steadfast . missionary and true Democracy. . The Weekly World, 8 PAGES. Mi COLUMNS. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR,1 CONTAINS ALL THE NEW-, complete and interefltlng. WELL CONSIDERED' EDITORIALS oU eve ry subject, political fr social. , I A FAKilKK'S DEPARTMENT Full i-jrri- cultural and Farm News. 1 A LITERARY DEPARTMENT. A HOUSEKEEPERS" DEPARTMENT. A TOUNO FOLKS CORNER. A CHECKER DEPARTJIENT. A CHESS I'EPARTMENT. COMPLETE COMMERCIAL AND MARKET REPORTS ANSWERS TO INQUIRIES. j Each department 1 ably edited, and all combined make TUETBEST DOLLAR WEEK LY IN AMERICA. 'I. the World subscription I POSTAGE PAID. RATES. Wekkly, One Tear;. J j.$l 00 Semi -Weekly,' Oxe !ear...;. ...L 200 DailV, oxe Yeah , J. c CO Daily axd Suxday, Oke Yeau t 7 00 Daily and Sunday, Six Months...... 3 75 Sckday Edition, One Year l 20 ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED at onco in every unrepresented district, to whom a LIBERAL COMMISSION will be al lowed. This is just tto season for f gents to exert tbomsclves in getting up subscription lists. 1 Remittances should be by draft on New York, money order or registered letter. i Send, for any Information desired. Speci men copies sent free. Aadicss THE WORLD. ! . i 31 and 32 Park Row, I dec'H NEW YORK. THE .STJISr. ilfBW YORK 188. About sixty million copies of The Sun have gone out of our establishment during tho past twelve months. "j If voti wero to paste end 10 cud all the col umns of all The (suns printed and soi l labt year you would got a 'continuous etrip f In teresting Information, common sense wiadom, sound doctrire, and sane wit, long enough to reach front Printing House 6quaro to tho top f t Mount Copernicus in the moon, then back to Printing Uouse square, and then thrce-quar ter of the way back to the moon again. Bat The Stry Is written for tho inhabitants of the earth; this eamo 6trlp of intelligence would girdlo the globetwcnty scveu or twen-ty-olght times. if every buyer of a cory of The Sun during the past vcar hat apent only ono hour over It. : and if bis wife or his grandfather has epestj aoOTOCr nour, iuio nontpnper m icoj aat ai- forded tha humanracc thirteen thousand years of steady reading, night and day. ill only oy juuo caicujauons irre ineee that you ctn form any i lea of ' the drcalatlan of tho most popular of Anicrican'cewppapers, orot Its Icflaeccooa the opinions and sctlir of American men aud womeu. 1 The fcUN Is. and will continue to be. a hews paper which tells tho truth without fear of consequences, which gets at the Litta no mat er how much tho process cost, which pre 6cnts the news of all tho world without watto of words and in the moet readable shape, which la working with all lta heart for the cause of honest government, and which there tore believes that the Republican party mubt go. and must go In thl coding year of our Lord. 1&4 . If you know The Sun. you liko it alroady. and you will read it with accustomed diligence and profit during what 15 sure to' be the most lntereaUngycar in its history. If you do not yet know The 8cx, it la high time to get Into tba sunshine. Terms to Mail erBscsiBZES. Tbe several ediUona of THE Er' are seat ly mall, potitpald, as follows : " DAILY 60 cents a month, (5 a year; with Sunday edition, (7. ' SUNDAY Eight page . This edition furnish ca the current news of the world, special articles of exceptional interest to every- bdy, and literarv reviews of new books of the highest merit. $1 a year. i WEEKLY il a year. Eight pages of the beet matter or tne aauy issues ; an Arncuaurai Ljepaxtment . of . ononu value, special market re porta, and literary. ecienunc. and domestic intellisrenco mako The Weexlt uk the newspaper for the farm" ers household. To clubs of $10, an extra copy free. Address - I. W. KN GLAND, Publisher, S j . Tmie Kttk. V. Y. St mm ATMOSACITS, 16 SECOND STREET.be- tween Market an4 Princess, Ladles and Gen. Uexnen a gooda of every aeacnpuon, any coior. Also, eleanlng, acourinir and bleaching. Send me pair ef tout old KVl nievsa. nov tytt , . , . - : . i , . : a - - - i .IISCELLAXEOUS. n Jim f i - 13 n a Wtoa I tsycnrn 1 to cot mean were'f to 6tvp tim - .. - . - w....'-..'& k 1 ctaormbaToi ; earn. (Srdi . &iri&aHibl9 ' ecvii yoan'thir'i J-r " trial, &4 I will tbt rou. - Aidra Da. IL O. IU)OT,l3 Teat 1 U., SowToriu-! mial exneevi cr-, .clxut oc 4 Uiird first coat. faX Irss ifc cwmii-THn'Ai'rn )L!ON, Now VorkQ ' -fiJliUl I hare a positive remedy for the&bo v cv53 : by ii tjso thoua3f cases of therstkindandof icxig rtandia h3T bcea cored. Indeed. o etron i raf in its efficacy, tht I trfl end TWO BOTTLEb" . FREE, tootaer with a VALUABLE TREATISE c this d:see. to any muSmr. Oiva xpree and P, O &ddre.4Ds. T. A. SLOCUM. 181 PeMlSt-eir York. BOOKSr-Milliohs 1 . f : .!' . . .f VolvacVaryeir The cEot t lUcrattu ox the wotmj Lowest prices ever knownot sf id by dealers ,1 Sent fx exAmlnationbefoxo r-iyrocct on cviaencj 01 gooti faith. . JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher, P. o. ! dec 3' OX 1227 18 VcBey St., N T, MO more, eye-glasses: No Weak More Eyes. MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. A Certain, Safe and Effective Remedy for SORE. WEAK AND INFLAMED . , EYES, . Producing Long-Sighrodness.'anl Re I storing the Sight of the Old. Curea Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye Tumors, Red Eves, Mat tea wye Lasnes.ana Jtro ' duclng Quick Relief and Perma nent Cure. Also, eauallv efficacious when; used In' other maladies, such as Ulcers. Fever Sores. Tu mora. 8alt Rheum. Burns, Piles, or wherever Inflammation cclats; "MITCHELL'S SALVE may be used to advantage. j; Sold by all Druggists at 2ScJ dec31-4w For Many Reasons Benson's Capclne Porous Plaetera excel All otheri external 1 remedies; Prompt, highly meulcinau 25 cents. , . aec ji-v mly ll-d&w " 1884. . Harper's Magazine. . V ILLUSTRATED Harper' a Hagozint begins Its sixty-eighth vol ume with the Docomber Number. It-Is the moat popular Illustrated periodical ro America and England, always fully abreast of the times la its treatment of subjects of current social and industrial interest, and ! always ad ; vancing its standard of literary," artistic, and mechanical excellence. Among its attractions for 1SS4 are : a new- serial novel by William Black, illustrated byl Abboy; a new noverby E. P. Roe, illustrated papers by Gjorgo II. Baughton, Frank D. Millett, C. JI. Farnham, and others: Important historical andbiotrraDb ical papers ; short etorics by W D IIoweits,i unanes Kcaoe, sc. ' : Harper's Periodical. V Per Year: HAcrB's Magazine 00 HABrEK'S WEl5LT... i m BlAiiriiiR's Bazas-. ...I. 4 00 UXSlVL&'l i.VOUNO rEOPLB...t ..... 1 50 H A5P EE'S FlUKIJ' &QUAKE-LJ BBABT. One Year (52 Numbers).. ........;.,.ClOio Foticfit Free to tuhscribrrt in tlie UnUea States cr Canada, , i The volumes of the Magazine, begin vlth th Numbers for Juno and December of each year. When no time la specified. At will be under stood that the subscriber wlshea to begin with ! lag current uxaurr- Thn laat Eibt Volumca cf Earner's 3fa?a? n in tinat rfnth bindinff. irill be ait I mall, postpaia, on receipt t ox 5 00 per voiuinei f Cloth Caees, for Diniipg, 60 irj?ueacb--ln(! mail, postpaid. I f Indox to Uarprr's orpers Juayaxmej AipnanetlcaJ, f mm- . . . m m t Analytical, and ClassiQO' d. for, Volumcii t to 60. i te, Inclusive, from June. ltdO, to June, !: toL. evo. Cloth, f 1 GO. - I it jo, to aune, i3n, one Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avo.d cnanco of lose. ; Jfetctpcpert ere not to conythLt advertitemtnt viiKovlthe exprcst order of IIaiifeb A; Bpos. Address HARPEB 4 BROTHERS, yew York. nov 23- North Carolina Resources. One of the moat useful scries of descrip tive books ever published about any State."--Boeton Post. . , Hale's Industrial Series. J ; Two Volumes owBady. 1. The Woods aso Tdxbebs or Nokth Caboeuta Curtis s. Emmons, and Kerr's Botanical Reports; supplemented by accurate County Reports of Standing Forests, and illus trated by an excellent Map of the fctate. : 1 Volume llmo. Cloth, 273 pp. t tL25. IL Ijr thb Coax, ax ixosr cocxrrcs or North Cabozjsta Emmons, Kerr-, Laid ley's, Wilkes, and the Census Reports; sop- fUTaented by full and accurate sketches of the If ty six Counties and Map cf the State, r l Volume llmo. Cloth, 435 pp., &L50. Sold by all Booksellers, or mailed postpaid, on receipt of the price, by E J. HALE A SON, Pnbliaherr, Booksellers and tstattoners. New York ; - Or. P. kL HALE, PubUaher, Calelgh, N C ; tpt V . -. mil II I! v Ml".ld i no rWfcefaTBfitt:fatsvlr & t eoe xr Treatise tad Vrm IW4 ti of m r3 mnmmu tun n cMn iri c i .-3 3 t J.IISCELLANKOUS. A - FRESH Alt K IV A L!. ! A TMOUF.'S ci,iritruTr.p.iiiiNcri:AT: '.. : . .. ;. , ... J,. '-. tnUarrcl?, Italf Garrets and r&JU; cn 1 PLUM PUDDING" In all tlecs. itTfceHs are the very Vest , if tj:cfr' klB-l, aai nov.fahtrycoutl W fllthoxit thetn. -oiaNGErAnrALADi: , " . . ft- - .-. a moat cleUxntful Sircfrtmrjtt for the toa tni i 'V ' t To anlre oq Tucsy mpst, a firth mvAr of H Itea'a Boston CraVkerV. Gcnccote Wafers, I CojTee Cakca, sorncthlng tew and. ilcc.- t Almond Maccaroons, - j - ! '' ,1' Cocoanut Maccaroons. aad " ! - " 1..- .1 . '. 1 s '1 The Genuine Albert Ciicnif: 1 1 .-.". J ; . - In ono.aud'tAropoiiadTlns. ' - r v' c - 'o itt. - . t, 'rv Jor- jwJo lov?s - 1-. i : John L: BoatwrlglitM nov 12 If . .' -. '. '.:.4-atm r For Saturday. !TR$SED rOL'LTRYi. DUrilN C0U5TY b A US AGE AND LIVER PUDDING. N. C. biaea and a full stock of Choice Tamtlr Gro -certes." Prices reasonahla. - RMtftnf i . v . - ; ArW; BIVESHAttK, -- - - T waa t .- V chant UiNortlr Water St.', Wilmington N.C. 1 jnn 11 . ; . , . r Inducements; I.AM OFFERING A SPECIAL INDUCE-" raent in ZKPHYR8, having a very large lot of " it. and wishing to reduce stock before Spring. I Will sell all cnlart at 11r ami Mattw t,l at 10 centa nfr nimi k'Htlfii sr a ia of Ildndkercolera, Linen and Silk, I willaelrkt reasonable m-lces and atimn lnmi rn-nnt change, . . j. ... . j . t-hrochet Good?,jBuch, as Shawls, Fasclna tcra, Caps, tasones. &c.. at low tuiccs i llats trimmed and unrrimmed aa low as can' be bought anywhere: and a large stock to select from. , . . . . - ttespectruiiy, - . 1 . j.i . ATA AkJk7 AJ . AVXAAifAVAJ AV, " ; jan 10 Exchange Corner Apples ! Apples I .Apples I QN CONSIGNMENT AN D MUST R E SOLD N. Y. Baldwin Annlea. Ohio Red Apples, N. x. creamery Butt r. N. C. Roll Butter. Ohio 01 Butter. Va. Meal, car load or small order in. llclted. . ! 1 . . 1 ' E. G. 'BLAIR. Commission Merchant' 19 N. PtMtiii kt dec 31 i .- - . . L 1. Steam Yacht Louise, pAS3SENGER AND FREIGITT STEAMER a. tor Smlthville dall v. Rates low . and arnm. . modatlons fine. The LOUISE is a new boat and is guaranteed safe. Will leave SmlthvUl 8 A. M Leave Wllmlnetsn 2 o'clock P. M. Wharf foot of Dock Street. 11 - ! 1 . I . jW&f. WEEKS. . Jan 11 1 Agent and Ownen . HOLIDAY PRESENTS JN EVERY 'VAttlETY AND TOO NUMER- ! ous to be mentioned, can be-fonud at tha moat . reasonable prlcos, at 1 i . - j. u. Ail Ljjeu'a, Drug store1, -dec 10 321 South Fourth, Corcerl Nun at ' Female School. - o . i i j ... ; . MISSES BURR & 'JAMES, Principal. MRS. M. S. CUSniNG, Musical Instructreas. , rpUE TWENTIETH ANNUAL SESSION of , this School will commence on Thursday, the 4th of October, 18S3, and close duringtbo third woek iu June, 18t4. . , j r i Tho course of instruction' la thorongh and! pystcmatlc. Terms reasonable. Lessons In painting In Oil, Water Colors and Pastel, with Sepia and India Ink drawing, and Craypnand pencil sketching, at moderate rates. J i F Where a class of ten or twelve la formed for tno scuooi or painting, the prico Jtnli be ro ducod. ..-I ., t . 1 . -Pupils outside of the school who desire mu steal Instruction, will do well to apply arlyl For further particulars Inquire of Pracipalal or call for Circular, j , , , eeotl2 .L I . .-j . Wanted. B T A COMPANY WHO PROPOSE, TO stabllsh a manufactory thereon, well-timber . cd cypress lands. Parties who may have such lands to dispose of aro requested to communi cate, with me at Wadesboroor by letter with. Mr. Job T. James, at IVllzntagton in person. Full prrtculars as to exact location of lands, number of acres, probable yield of . timber to the acre and lowest price, must be made! known JOHN Ti PATRICE. 1 &Uto Immigration Agent, I l Wadeaboro. N. I I ail 1) tf Farmers, Take Jfotico. MORRIS" IIOO CUOLERA COMPOUND. -A W JU5t 19 IDing tO CUTO Or Prevent HOaT prevent Hog Choi bh u uibcwcs vo w men o wine am nx ich Swine t J - i; 'H will prevent tnat dreadful (useeae . fc nown as Trlchnas, and will put your bogila ah. mmir . la l- ... jki i a . i a uvi uwimj cgwuuoa, cusanog ui va pous-i ana win, ir given stnetir accorajes directions, cure 10 bogs of the Cholera and put 20 boss In a condition to fat tea in one half the usual time, thereby saving one half of the feed The farmers of Duplin county are firing it nio prajae. . au larmen snouia.ouj a para. ige. . i Tor sals .wholesale and retail, br W. ORKEN. lnwurlat. Market 8txe Wllmirjrton,' !5. C- , j 4 l.WAw tf W. C. Cabbage r t'rT rrc 'bifrrtrwn. 'i ; . ..ir . , ;- T'" "v ' , : '" 7- A SO. 1 ARTICLE. SAUSAGES Made by Westbrook Broa., at i Rocky Point. Bet In the market. L i. . Oranges, Apples, Poultry and a gsoeral as-t sortment of Fresh Family Groceries. J A cill is letpectfully solicited. t'JiViTf f L. G. crrrRRY,! N. E. Omer Market and Second its. jan 4 .- j Old New8papero pOBALE VERY CHEAP. tni:iitf. 1 ruin Off 1()B 1 i j9, uvcr, o-. oi worms ana parasites i i mco pa7o convaina ono aai one-muz i r to 1