MISCELLANEOUS. A HOME DRUGGIST TESTIFIES. . J IVilxity at L00.J U cot 1taT, the hrX fV 1 bul I"Ht proudly 1 . in tw-t taat t tocr tu-i.cino Ia5 rvq far if.U inea uulrrraj atUtkm la it ova cilj. tai-, and country, end amon all people, a AVer's Saraaparilla. TTvs rOoifl l;iUr from orvW our lt . rntrra 3Iajsclctts Dtck'jm hooJd b-cf lwertrl to eTtryiuCaTr: RHEUMATISM. ss5 K!ut rear, ao I lihetimAtl.m. vers that X coall not more from tie bd. or drm. without blp. I trlM n-rcral irnxs' without ranch if any rtlie 1. until 1 t,k Arxa'a ttansarAKUxa, by the u of two bottles cf vLldi 1 vu eotspuiy rarod. Hare sold Ixrpt quantities of yucr S ica ntiLU, and u atill retaixs 1: womferf al pfjpulsxitr. The nxxry notable cures it hue effected fa thi vicinity covxLyr m Uut It is tbe bit blood laodlttac ever offered to t b Public L. F.llABRIS." lUrtr SL. Ca-iiUnJ, ?ltst !my 13, SALT RHEUM. sSsS was for ottt twenty year bfon hi remvrjU to lxrrtll a2!etd with Salt Itheara In i: worst torn. Its txlomUon actuaUv rorer1 taer than half U sorfaee of hlM body at rimt. lie u entirely rami by Acs4 8&xsATAxrujt. See certificate la AycrV Almsnac for ISSX TXXTXMXO MX Dr.J.C.Aycr&Co.,LoweIIMa5. Sell b7 All Dncfistt; V, tU botUcs fsr 3. r HEW FALL AND WINTER NOW OI'KN AT TUT TSjT Tar A T1 i ' I 116 Market Street. ,tM ; report m Ironi l.mte! MtiJc i omuie SPECIAL BAIMiAllS IjsFivialnutsuUhc. Treasury IK-fait. 0 . tnent. zippraiKr f ru-touis ninl leci I Urn oi department, concerning niu!tr 5 valuation, false' c!aa?iuYaiioti nnili'thtT is KVK.ur iKP.irr.MKST : irrejular practice in the importation ! of foreign sooxN. wares ami uierchans , dUc. Mticc .January lt. and in bis .. oil : discretion prir thereto; and further UnUSUal Attraction in otyleS ro.inwtin Wm to recommend what ! iesisletiou, il any. in; his opinion, is I needed to prevent fraud in the revenue MasnMccnt ue of Goods, j nitinfrom the causes -above j speci- J Mr Cobb, of lud. chairman of the Alt WITH TH lOWltWRICES ASSURED I cDramiltee cn Public Lands, reported a ! bill dcclarinz forlcitetl certain land o : Tfcnl3 of Ituds made to certain Stales ! :n aid of the coustruction of railroads. nenMni. ere a .u.n poriu-a of our j Kelcrrcd to committee of the Whole 49 j Mr. kins, of La., chairraau of the ad)cM Trtir. wouU occvpr tvi ranch j committee on' Misjijsippi Levees, re .v , . .v . ,w : potted a bill to close the japs of lerecs .P..siw.ih,rf.nnaiy. few f lhr MlMiljippi riVer. and for tho pAxtmeau. ' J improvement of the navigation of that , . . , . , river. It appropriates 1.000.000 to be Black ana Ooloied &UKS. j expended in accordance with recom Ottoman. Brocaded irnbadameft Sllkb, ;mcndations of the Mississippi Kivcr , . , Commission Referred to committee Plain and Brocaded clvetcens. 1 of the Whole. DBESS GOODS in ail the New Shades. Mr. Money, of 'Miis chairmau of tbe 1 : committee ou Tostofiices and Post- Cashmeres. Shuddas, Sere. . roads. reported a bill making all public Camel's Hair. Foule. Ottoman. ads and hishways post routes. . - Mr. Towusbcud. ot III., introduced a Nun's Cloth. Ladies' Cloth. Hannei. i hiU authorizing tbo President during Mohairs. Plaids with Combination?. Ha Checks. Brocades. Bcii s, Ac Trimmlnss. Fringes, Gimp. Battomi. to match all sootc. Ooaks. Dolmans. Saoque and Jerseys, " Shawl. I Ad lea' Mises. aCea an1 Bvrs, Merino Underwear. BlaakeU and Flannels lower than thy hare been for years. iAcesandEmbroldoricsat rrioes that will mike you buy any way. Hosiery Gloves, Corsets. Skirts. Table Damasks Towels. Sheetings, White Goods, Men and Boys' Wear. Staple and Fancy DryGoodf, &c, &C-, Ac. AJlbocftt at tba recent deetlxM la vtlcca, aa4 aa bupecOoa ot aaiae wUl tadooe say pal 1fll M veil as tbe public la froeraU te profit a-r ta-reeCAX ta eoa&e ef tbe MANY BAS 'OAlXa, r.i. r.i. icATZ. 11 G market St. ei S ... Livery and Sale Stables. Hollingsworth & Walker, Cortex at Af alberry aa4 rourta SueeU. pAirnts ix nktd or horses axd i2&m for ImetaeM or pleasure win be ar- roamadaled om Ytry reaaoaabVs lena. Ooraea boardod and carefully leaded. Ooot -V wafarUbto Ttalcs aa.1 wr- 'iJxSJfcAdeoaMt nare la the ellr. 2 in 1. ln lao Tur tltf arM. A1 Uke taeat Sea. I'll fli jrecr wUio I l4 all work f U. I f you Ueijrre ll Try m4 w. J. U wivnki: irl J - . - . i - " The Daily' Review. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16. 181. E7 7e xxuy Jfcviao iuu iht largest 'n f.di circulaliorL, of any nactpapcr CN COKOUESS YESTI5UDAY. SENATE. WxsnutGTasJ Jn. 15. In the Sn" atatixIszaornioffA ouD3crtmslj tioea petition, from citrzen of Kansas, was presented by Senator I'lnmb. prajinff for tho pasisra of a constitutional amendment, oonferrioj; the right of snffragc on women ; and sereral peti tions were presented by Ssnator Blair, from citizens ol Minnesota, praying that colonies of families may bo allo w ed to lay oat Tillages on public lands in order to establish cooperative indus trial societies. . i Mr. Anthonv's resolntloo of some dire am rcirardimr reUllalory Ibffiala tinnhr tho TTnifrd States, to meet tbo xrlnsion of American meats from rnrniTn rountriM. w&S urouzofc UP- A lonr debate followed, and tho morning boar hsfioz cx pirrd, the mat ter went orcr. .1 The Senate then went into executive ension. nd on the doors bein reopen nl &n nrdf r was made desiccating Sen ator Infills, of !vh. , to preside over the Senate on the aUenoo ol tbo president pro tern. (Squalor Ed'nundj). who Ikurd !! Hccnti cf the Smitbsonion I Itk4?iin!e. of which he is a uieaibef. ; The Senate, in executive session, did ' not complete the consideration of the left it still under debate. 1 HOKSE OF K E I R KS E X T AT IVES I Mr f'rteii, ,of N C. oll'ered a resolu I lion nulliorizin tho! cunitnitu on ! Public Htrallh to inquire into the truth ut Urn :it!'!tiinn4 of the ailulleralioit of J bunt, and if it is jhown that such prac-lu-f A exist, to sucesl what Icsisiation i- r-.nv.nry to correct the wrong;, and 1 iL-iii I'l.mntiirAp ontlmrlt fn rtn nloY cheimcru ami luediral exiwti RIerrHl to coi Relerrcd tocoiumitteM)ii Public Health . Mr M'.llii. of lexa. irum : tho com-1 Otncr larje capital unzes were . uiiut-e on Ways and Miant. rrortrd j scattered broadcast by the nnquestlon : as a jMitatiiule fur tho resolution ofTureil j at,iv fair disiribnlion anions the holders i by MeM4 ilwiu and Bolmont.'ol New i of tickeU Noa. 13 310. 3R.W3. 57.955 and . York, a rcsoluiion rcxjtiH'.ims tit Pro- j (r.3fd. each drawing $5 00(1 livinr f "id;nt o furnish to the Iou?e any in i vridely apart luthff eiiies of 'New York. ports iuiurlous to public health from those countries, which on tbo bame grounds prohibit tbe Importation of American goods. Mr. Cox. of N. Y.. reported back a resolution calling on the Secretary of the Navy for information as to whether any offlcerof the nauy has received or accepted anygitt or present from any prince or foreign State without tbe consent of Congress. Also, as to whether any U. S. officers or sailors rendered auy service to the British navy in the rcceut bombardment of Alexandria. Adopted. Mr Mll.8. of Tex. offered a resolution directing the Judiciary committee to re aort whether tbe President, by and with tho consent of the Senate, can regulate treaties with foreigu govern ments by which duties levied by Con gress can be changed or abrogated. Adopted ( This is directed against tbe pending Mexican treaty.) Mr Shelley, of Ala offered a resolu tion directing the committee on Rivers and Harbors to inquire into the necessi ty of making immediate appropriations for continuing work on important river and harbor improvements, where work has been or is about suspended for want of approprfations. Referred. Mr Willis, of Ky. chairman of the Committee on Rivers and Harbors, re ported a bill making an appropriation tor continuing the improvement of the Mississipi river, and it was referred to committee ol the Whole. . : STATE NEWS. Durham Recorder: Capt J Parrisb has purchased MrJ W Blackwell's half interest In tbe warehouse ana leax dusi ness of Parrisb & Blackwell lor $90,000. Roxboro Actri: Weregeet to hear that Capt, Alexander Williams, who has for sometime been afflicted with cancer, is gradually giving away under the ravarcs of that dreadful disease. "Uncle Sandy n is one of the oldest citizens of our county. Durham Reporter:- The sales at Parrish'a Warehouse yesterday were large, amounting in dollars ana cents to $7,074.40; this too, in the face ot the extreme bad weather we have been having for tho past ten days. Prices were high and farmers went home happy. ' Newton Jidtririe: 'Mr. K. P. Rein ! hardt killed some nne ho-s Monday, i on hi Aspen Giorc' stock farm. One 21 mouths old, half Jersey Red. weigh ? ed 513 pounds, two largo Bono Essex, j 13 niontbs. together weighed 542 I pounds, and two ten months. o'.d,fan:e ' toci., tr;i-:hcr we'-ho-l 435 poundi.' Gilmer, or Guilford county, yesterday settled the taxes doe tie State, paying In 1366.83. JinJCBlrwiw. lTvf U'Umnn. naid in 10.747.33. M it. Lassiter. sheriff of "Blontmery oonntT. aid in S2.1S3.73. K. W. Tay lor, sheriff Brunswick county, paid m ilaine was here yesterday, and inspect edtna ecological museum, uo is a mtvornnd naber. and desired to in nnantities to use in Its manufacture. : Garnet is bard and is a rood substitute for- cmory. He was directed to go to Bnrke county.- where rarnct is found in creat qnanUtics and otaetimes in largo masses. . Durham Recorder', plrs. Glenn , hr- Ins a few miles from town, was per f.fillv hnrned a few days ago. She was sittiuz near the fire, her dress eaurht. and in a few moments was enreioped in flames, and would bare tm burned to death, but for tho pres ence of mind cf her son in law, Mr. RoohelU who had his hand very - badly hnmod in extiDiraishinz the fire. Dr. Hicks, who was called in. soon a:icr tho accideat, says she will not live. Mrs. Glenn is quito an old lady, and in addition to this sad amiotioo she la blind. ! A Bright Olenm of Winter Son alilne. In imw OrlMiu. on Tnrsdav. IC- rjiiber 18th. 1833. Gen'is G.T. Beaure gard, of La., a od Jubal A. Karl v,' of Va.. in the preaenco of a lariie thronj. nrooccded to execute their duty as the and management cube 163d Monthly. the Extraordinary Semi-Annual Draw ing ot The Louisiana State Lottery with the folIowiDc: Ticket So. 7,507 WA3 oid in fractions .and a ivortion of the $ 150,000 went to a lucky man in San Franciico; ticket No. 21.405. of $50,000 was also sold in fractious, one halt ot which costing $5. drawing $25. CO0. to John Kevcs Faijre. care L. I). .Alexandre & Co.. 7 Vassau St. New York city; No. 10,155 drew the third capital prize of $20,000. wa8 sold by uiaikin New York; Kos.-44,971 and C3.400 drew eaeh $10,000; the fourth capital prizes, was sold in Savannah, fia,. and New Orleans. Mansfield. ().. St. lmfs, Liuiviile, San Francisco. Cal.. Coluuibu. Oa , Milan. Texa?. and Orleans. La. Names ol lucky ones are omitted by re quest. Th next dr win z lake place Feb. 13. about which M. A. Dauphin. New Orleans.' La... will be happy to ai ve every Information. Golden Medical .Discovery" for all scroluloufi and virulent Blood poisons, is specific. By druggists. Tbe celebrated 'Fish Brand Gills, Twine is sold only at Jxcom's Hard war Tlttpot Ox Tail Soup. - R EADY 10 It USK ON TABLE, CONVE NIENT TO 1IQU3 WC KEPERS AND ECON OMICAL. WT5 HAW ALW CANNED OKRA at - I ! Canned Tomatoes & Okra. MtVc cfegairt Soup, llccetpi fer maklss 8oup thrown tn. e BUGAK OUEED HAMS AND SUttAK-CtrBKD STaiPs A SBOULDEB3 t - " ' tatt carty before the rusb. P. L. BRIDGEBS & 00. 1 lO North Front St. Jtnll 5 and 10 cents Cigars, Havana rnxx&s. , Beet la tbe city, are on a&Ie. Dro aad Medlclaal preparaUona of tbe oncst sraoe at , JNO. T. 8CnONWALUd, Jan 11 rrnurand PrenrtptVm Store It Don't Clatter JT THE OLD TEAS 18 GONS AND THE JL New Tear has come, HUMPHREY. JKK KINS A CiO mm ti mm4,1ti . w. ter l!oue. No. 113 ttmth front Street, a freeta apply eTerrdar of New River Orstera, Oya- always on band, Ac jaaS 300 r ALLOSS FINE FAT OYSTERS In hand v-s to day for our Christmas trade, and arranfre menu made tor a full supply for the balance of the week. W. K. DAVIS A SON. ear Proprietors of the only regular eetab Bahed fishery tn this section. deeS Fandy Goods. pCLL, LI2TE AT QUXA A MURCHXSOSfS, dec 31 Marchlson Block. 1 Dyed. 99 T XOMACU'S, IHe SECOND STREET.be- tweea Market and Frlaceas, ladles and ties Ucmea's foods of erery description, any color. Also, eieaalar, aoourta r and bleaehlss:. Send me a pair e Hir M KM Uvr W. & E. S. LATIMER, Attorneys-at-LavTi OSice a. H. CorrIrl.nce4S sp 1 VTster ti. 31 7-1 " . s ii?m tv sn mj mrm m 1 u iirilQjjiiJi;'! v P For the Cure of Coughs, Colds,; Hoarseness Bronchitis,Croup, Influ4 cn in, Asthma, Whooping Cough, In cipient Consumption and for the re lief of consumptive persons in advan ced stages of the Disease. For Sale i EOT 15-ly telp dJLvr UOaiJtLBliCiAJL MiWa. , WTLKHNGTON MARKKT. v ' January .101 P. 51. SPiRrrs -TURPENTIJJEraotod firm at noi'cents per galkm bid. ratec we hear of pales of 230 casks at 31 ceats. ROSINQuoied firm at $1.15 tor Strained and $1.20 for Good Strained. Sales of 500 bbls . Good. Strained at $1.20. ;-. . : TAR Quoted Drm . at $l 40 pcrbbl of 2S0 pounds. " - CRUDE TURPENTINE-Quoted steady at $2 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1.15 for Hard. COTTON-Qnoted dull at 10 3 16 cents per pound for Middling. No sales reported. Tlie following arc the official quotations: i Ordinary 7 15-lfi cents Good Ordinary. 9 3-16 " Low Middling 9 13-IG Mlddhug. io Good Middling 10 3-1C 7-lfi it DA1LT RECXIFTS. OoUoii........ 3fi3 bales 03 cask? 980 bbls 83 bbls 10 bbis Spirits Turpentine. . . Rosin .........,. Tar.J Crude Turnentine. . . MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. - Steamship Regulator, Doane, New York, il. G. Sraallbones. Steamship Vidctle, Fuller," Baltimore, A D Cazaux. i Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, Fay tteville, G Wi AVilliams & Co. i U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Bis bey, Smithviile, Master. Steamer John Dawson, Colvin, Point Caswell, R P Paddison ! Steam yacht Louise, Weeks, Smith vine. Master , r, i CLEARED. Steam yacht Louise, Weeks, Smith ville, Master Steamer D Murchison, Smith, Fat etteville, G. W. Williams & Co. , U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha,1 Bi bev, Smithviile, Maater. ! Br schr Pioneer. Kelley. Harbor 1 Iand. Bahamas, Cronly & Morris. Export. . rORKIGN. Harbor Island Br scbr Pioreer 19.344 feet lumber. 0 bbls flour. 15,000 shingles. - j MONTHLY STATEMENT. STOCKS OX HAJTD JAN. 13. 1884. Cotton ashore, 6.808; afloat, 1.0S4; total, 7.802. Spirits ashore. 3.015 : afloat, 1342 ; total 5.457. Rosin ashore, 75.051, ailoat, 8,691; - total, j i Tar ashore, 6,305; ashore. 551 ; total, 6.85S. Crude ashore, 1,733. RZOIIPTS rXOtt JAX. 1 TO JAN. )2. Cotton, 2 135; spirits, 1,537; rosin, 13 687; tar, -1.010; crude. 1,396. RXPOKTS FROM JAX-' 1 TO JAX. 12. DOMESTIC. f Cotton. 954; spirits. 306; rosin, j 18; tar, 821; crude. 1.727. i - 70REIGN. ! Cotton, 8,39 ; spirits, 801 ; rosin, 17, 260; tar. 12; crude. 12. Vessels tor this Port from For - elsrn Ports. BABES. Xor Agder, 436 tons, Flagstadt , sailed from Hamburg;, Oct. 11. j . Nor Ais, 461 tons, Aslaksen, sailed from 8tettln. Not 18 i - Nor Albatros, 9C3 tons, Olsn. at Marseilles Xor Apollo, 438 tons, Melsom, sailed lrom Imdon, Xor 2 i Xor Arizona, 612 tons, Johnson, at Llror. pool, Xor 29 Ross Atlanta, 311 tons. Xyberf, sailed from Marjport. Nov 1 Dan Eleoe. 488 tons. Dahl. sailed from Baltle Gt Erna, 683 tons, Bormelster, sallee from Hull. DeoS Skntssar, Ana; 3 via Falma, at Plymouth Sept Kronlgen Angnsta, 460 tons, Wilde,' cleared from Stettin, Dec 24 Oer Louise WIchards; 350 ions, Ehmcke, sailed from TenneruTe, Xor 17 tier Lucy A Paul, 177 tons, , sailed from Amsterdam, Dec C Ger Marie, 6sl tons, Fermlen, sailed from Hamburg, Dec 14 tier Orion, 323 tons, Clausen, sailed from Hamburg. Xor 4 Nor Prudentla, , , sailed from Mar seilles. Dee 13 Xor Rauma, 224 tons, Lnndegaard, sailed fro Hamburg. Xot 8 Xor Saga, 415 tons, iMatn, sailed from Ply month, Nor 13 Xor Telcmach, 623 tons, Andersea. sailed from Valencia. Xor 10 i Ger Texas. 691 tons, Loot, sailed from Ham burg. Not 16 - ( Br Vlck A Mebane. 596 tons, Henske, sailed from HaxnburXiPct 27 i - Swd Vulcan, 371 tons, Linander. sailed from London. Dec 4 : i Xor Zippora, ,: , sailed from Seville, XOT ' BRIGS. -' Dan Louise. 379 tons. Hanaro. Antwerp. Deo 17. tier Piooler.! t57 tone. AtraMAn. wiIV.1 from I HambvrcOet IF II IkL10UXililiAlliUUD - j if II OldNoTTspapers pittJSALE VERY CHEAP. ' '' r" amifiw ' ' - r toltntf Till j yooy IN THE FOLLOWING GOODS . ! 'Ladies 6-4 Cloths rcdoced to $1 and $1.25 former price $1.75 and $2. Jersey Cloths in best shades reduced to $1 former price $1.50 per y1Pj Fine Silk Velvets in all shades at VENETIAN CRAPES, In all Wool and Silk and Wool at and $2. . : Some few Holiday Goods left deo39 CREATSA L E OF CORSET COVERS, TJTTSrilDER-WBLaR 1 AND 9 AT TAYLOR'S BAZAAR 118 Market St. ' jau ll WILMINGTON, X. C. Mott's Sausage Factory. JOTrs &TEAM! SAU3AGK yACTORY la now completed and Is ready to till orders for Fiosh Po?k Saasege, Sruofecd Saaeage, I4r- er j Vuddlag, Hog's Head Cheese. J Alsoi Bokc na Sau sagre will be made the year round. Orders by Express C. O. 1. will be prompt ly sltendcd to. This is tbe largest and most complete 6aus age Factory South. Jau l tf Respectf nllr, W. J.MOTX. Furniture. 200 cnAMBKB A5iDt from $28 to tl50. New styles PARLOR 8aits and flrst-elass goods at . ! GREAT BARGAINS I FIXE BOOS CA8E3, SIDBBOABDS, j SECRETARIES, WARDROBES, ! LIBRARY TABLES, Ac. Cottage Bedsteads, Mattresses, Chairs, Ta bles, &c., Ac, at big bargains. CaU and sec me before youIbaT. ; D. A. SMITH, nn If Fnrnltnr. TVutUr. SELLING OUT I HATS & FEATHERS AT SEDUCED PRICES. MRS. KATE C. WIXES, "Va. IIS H Second street, next Post Office Photograph LL MADE BY INSTAXTAXEOUS' process. Hare just receircd a fine lot of . I Fancy and Plain Frames, ' j which are selling cheap. Can and let Mlt,'CKOXENBEEG make you a Christmas picture. . ' aar-VanOrsdeirsold sund. dec 13-tf HORTOX FREEMAN. New Buckwheat I , New Buckwheat JEVV BUCKWHEAT AXD WHITE Syra to snlt, recelTedbyXew York Steamer to-day Abo, Cakes and 'Crackers of every tarlefy, fresh and crisp, and a general 'stock of Fresh Groceries usuaUyfound in a first-ctas Gro eery at Crapon's . Family Grocery. i GEO. M.CCRAPOX. Agent. - oct - i.rr .-, Aoath Front St f . Commercial IHIofol j Wilmington, N. C. IL SCHLOSS, Prop. THIRST-CLASS IX EVERY RESPECT. ' , er Vt-c," rir asi BILLIARD 54' EEbsiery IU. ANEOUSJ $t per yard. j k a new Mourning Goods, $1.25 and $1.50. (roods nniri wUL . . , ...j which wera closing out at a Bargain JULIUS SAMSON. 1 11; JIAKKET STIU2ET. BaltimoroOT Stoamslilp 'tfne. . 8TKAMEKS; j j . ' KaleighandVidotte, Oi and atterlSatarOaV, Jsttaary i a Sinav er of ihla Una wtu'saU frois . Kycry SATtTEDAV, at S p. If. FronV :.- ' ' - - ... ... SATURDAY, unless sooner loaded. T hrough BUls of Lading and lowest uueotk rates fcuarantreil to ant from point a TtK Rill Vnn.la .nil ria.v. t . ; aim m car aw c r. ALSO. To and from Boston, Providence, pma ana an western cities.! For Freight Engagements, apply u - A. I. CAZATX, Agtvt WUmlngton, S. C. ANDKEWS,& CO., Affts,, --" . f. Corner Light and German Sis , deoSS ItalUmor. Now York & ilFIlminRton Steamship Lfno. .: . , -STEAMERS j , WILL SAIL FROM XBW YORK KVKKI t SATURDAY, at 3 ocJock, r.'lL " BKNKFACTOR.. ....... .. ..StturdsT. Jis I REGULATOR........ ......Saturday, Jsa 11 BENEFACTOR..... ......Saturaaj, Jsa REGUIT0R.:.,;.l.i:J.L8ataruay, Jaa " - 'j ; f , i - l3r Through BtUs i Lading and lorvt Through Bates guaranteed to and fron rotott m Xbrth and South Carolina, i I ' For freight or Passage apply to H. G. fiMATXBOXl,Saperutendeat, ' WUmlngtoa, B, C ' THEO. (i. EGEtt, Freight Agent? 35 Broadway, Xew Tort. . WM. P. Cl,YDK A OO Genral Atmts, jan I'M ::...:.--.) j ,-. 1884. Horper's Hairazlop. - : IXLUGTRATEii i Sarptr't Mogatine begins its stxty-elghth ft ume with the December X umber. It Is CM . most popular lunstrated periodical ta Aserfc and England, always fully abreast of ,C times In Its treatment, of . subjects of cant social and Industrial Interest, and ahrsrssa vanclDg its standard of literary, artlstla, w ' mechanical excellence. Among Its attract for 11 are : anew serial novel Vf WKSsa and others ; Important historical and Wop!" teal papers; abort stories by W D HrwM. Charles Reade,ftp. j ...... j Harper's Periodicals. . . . Per Year: ; i ' ( -Hiarra's MAaAzrxx...;....1,;.,...i'f Harfxb's WgxrLT....... 4 HAbtzs's Bazas... ................... 08 IlAitFjnts Vouxo Pro r li.. ............ HASFCS'S FRaJTBXrxSUAU IJXSABT. - One Year (53 Xttmbers)...,....."-3 81 Pottage Fres t aa tvbtcrCr$ in (Xt Udt State er. Canada. .'' " . ' " " !'-" : j . ' The volumes of the Uaaattne pegla with t Numbers for June and December of each yeat. When tin tlmA fa nfftH t tn Tia xiaoff' stood that the subscriber wishes to begia w the current Nnmtr, The last Eight Volnmeacf Barperi Xq fine. In neat cloth binding, will be soot If, maiL postpaid, on receipt of S3 00 per volacj Cloth Cases, for binding. 60 cents escb- mall, postpaid. - Index to Harper's .Magazine, AlpbAbeo Analytical, and Classified , for Volume 1 1; vj a vmb w uuv, vWa. sa af uuvs TOL,8vo, Cloth, $4 00. i Remittances should be made by Post-0 Money Order or Draft, to avol chaace of - Kttctpapert are not to copy this mdecrtl" uHiXout the exprte order of IUmtxm Bso. Auaress i i HARPER A BRdTHERV noT23 , . , Xew Tors. WmiOmPom p e r t TERSOXALLY IX ATTEXDAXCK at Fashionable SbiTlngsnd Hair Dressing Sa. at No. 78octh Front Street. None bat t Jbest work done; an t the best work men ployed. Giro us a call. -- . ij.. jaaS-t To Builders tpA others- Go to Jaco Ei'sfcrEish. EHdjtndDccrs, Gli ui Tea can ecl tlzzi : trJ tt tls macs, uiustraiea oy abDcy a sew novti u E. P. Roe, Illustrated ropers by Georf B. Bauahton. Frank I). Mfiltt- n TT. ftrnaSBU -1

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