!! eptad by ; JOSH T. JAMF-1, ' ' Ul J- s fkUvixod bj CATrtlT IK ! rs ' I- , .a ,.-1 a-. t , inwti thro pay! .t x tc J British jorera- d 13- iVTCir.arcdtuouon'! topic ol a dl'-urr:-, havr Wn vl tr. v ;,d i'ui.f. MC.-ctarv sndtrcaur- - -- red r :.r If ; f ; v Mr;r !d. His - for Chris i. n'.d i i'i-.-ti'n ux-?-. it k ?.r.;r m Aiicr:ci i Mr .--,. I t rit; - -?, l TiitTta. l . It ; ". .. u : Unt Jiar. but ma t'.i.i;! i'h a lirm hand. lit ruin.iz' f llt-ary C. Coke, t i I ". Senator Coke. uM.-slM'.a Un- !:..er. niece of t;rra. T. L iitr. occurred at Pi .it, rv. i-- Vrdncday. .r. r nr. rr.ci4,-.uin of ovtr arj Ji -r o. Soiltu a&d .Mrs. Durnnt were ::.: f aiarrlc-d ia Bradford, Conn. Itfjryoni H l j ear o!u and bis brldo :a Their grcat-srandchildrcn were at (icr.cral Hancock has coue lu tho iAiitntion of his son in Mississippi. He aas ad ued Adjutant Ccueral Wi.liam 1). WLinr.Ie at Governor's Island that 9 t.' ill oot return to Sow York before b.n c'.uicef Ibe present month. Mi - it-. .'iw3j' advertisement appeared f.r the dm tiaio on October li. 1937. in 111 hi expenditure In advertising in HI5. $50,000; in 1351. vU0.);ij $150,000. and at his usth itciceeded $M.fH. Ho found hi re-rd. TUpy. "Bel! Boyd," who at tho oulreak of the war was 15 years tf s;e. u the matroaly tifo cf Col. Jona Ihntuocd of Texas, who dwells t'3 a xar.ch tear Sna Antonio. Ho was or.eci 5.uui ji; Jackson scouts in Virginia. She wn, ns may be remcm bered. bau:.hcd to Europe. She has ;.en Tt. New To:!: Herald, commontinz -;cstt rcruaval of the Scotch crollcrs this State has thh to say : A lare number of the Scotch croft :s. bo hate been compelled to aban- - u:n ir;r rn:crat:e nomfs. are to coma to North Carolina a moro which will S?.xd for tbecrofttrs and better for tft bi:c. 2vor.h Carolina owes much c! Ler rropir;ty to a lo. ot Lard-work :"i Scotchmen whom tronblo drove ::oa their native coantry more than a ctstanr ajo. lor their descendants have cniformly Industrioas and thrifty. Tlcre are plenty of bard-workln jr men sa Esropo whi would bllere tbo ruil at hand If they were cflTered rvr land in America and -means cf reaching u and il the Inhabitants of vthv:sw;ia more land than people a.il 53 to the small expense of bring fciia immicracts over they would Js Y. asistanco at tho onerous JJ rjin? taxes; they would also lr ternade capitalists to build rsLmsdi by which tho fcctloas1 yield f d tnt to market at less expense t-aa tbi: of wacninsr. YontUful Indalenco In of of in rower, jai hVra.i.J2T,B Pcdincy. and sr J! X"Vl wrked manhood. Ir-7r ..hcQ j with three tratel trraii t . r i . ro.LUnz out nnfailinff mean nf perfect mV. r-"nr Mrmpn Bafalo.x. Y AjsociATio. Ifjcu coed a real good first class store, don't fail to see tho Ex or Pcnn.. Zeb. Vance and New ra.d. beides others. They are to l , M flctAry prices at Jaoobi'8, ne manufacturers' arent. t Sportsman's Goods. wtf rh !Da Creech LosSn fxtwTl. Br. e. la W. H. Ht'niviim a ro M tbvamre ; ierntc:ous rradice rursned JKimmt srrtling cause errout nd General DbUity. Lack m aftro4rt to Jotia Invrn a i!a- - ...... V ' r 1 1 U A VOL. VIII. V LMEN'GTON. N: C;. fTTJE'S DAY.:-' JANtTAli?.-1884. LOG ATN E WiS. IROrX TO lW j AQYttTlSlMElTl. 8 MCPocoAt-CHcr TATLOS'S DXXAXX-LdCC. Ac V II Mcl2TTUiCbUlrcD'Clo&lt wnrw Pb s. A DrRctfri Out oo The receipts cf OJln at thU port tn-j Ez jumped to-ijy up to 35 cent dizea and the hens are uot era rn :rikeyH. ! I AH qoict at police ceadimrtert this taorninx and coajeuently there no City Court. ' The Hanlon Tronpo arrived ou this morning' train from Columbia. S. C , and rejislcrod at Iho Purcell Honw. Mr. A. F. William, on? of the btit and roost successful planters of Poplin c.unty. is in tbeciiy und I rpKtered at tho Vurce'tl House. That bi frost ptodicted by Turner almanac for yesterday morning arrived to-dy. jnit twenty-liitjr h ur5 behind lime. It wns a freezer. Cabbrwe aro scarca and in demand in thi market; in fact, they arc not to had at all jut at present; a few carloads from the West would sell rapidly -now. Barque Glacier, Ioon, cleared to day for Bridgetown. Barbidoe. with l'JO MS feet of lumber, valued nt $3.- 017.79, shipped by Messrs Northrop & Cummin. The next performance at tho Opera House, after to night, will be on the 30th Inst., when Madame Modjeska will appear in Shakespeare play of Twelfth Night We have fair and pleaaant weather onoe more and it is hoped that il may contlnuo until a good many of our peo ple may get rid of the bad colds with which they are afflicted. Mr. W. W. Carraway.of the Raleigh Xacs and Obnrvcr, is In tho city to- dsy and gavo us tho pleasure of a call He is a jolly, good man, and we are always delighted to meet him. The decorative craze has reached milk pails. That useful utensil Is no longer considered only suitable for tho dairy or kitchen, but satin lined and blossom crowned, U used as a receptacle for fan cy work In the parlor, or a catch all lor tbe bouboir. Unmallablc. Tho following nnmailable matter re mains in the Postofllco in this city: John C W Watters; Katio Comfort, Qaecn st; Eliza Grant. Tito Latest Postal Card. Tho TJ. S. Postal Card Snpt.. D. O. Jndd. Esq.. has uaed the great jpain- hamsher. &r. Jacobs Oil. with special ben0t In neuralgia. Stato and County Taxes. Sheriff Mannio.throngh Deputy Sher Iff Shaw, settled last night in fall with the Coanty Treasarer, Chairman Bagj and Commissioners Worth and Moore being also present. ; Ho paid in to the Coanty Treasury as follows: i For the general coanty fund.' $26,605.47; for the school fund $ 13.475.00. A total of 39.- 051 07 for county taxes for 1S?3. making tha total of Statd and coanty taxes $60,- 30.44. Oa tho 14th Inst, as noted by us at the time the Sheriff settled with the Sta?o Treasurer, payiojr ovrr to him I21.TO.37. j Pal u fill Accident. Charles Knnold. a German, aged 23 years, ono of the crow of the revenue cutter Colfax, met with an accident this morning which came near being fatal and which will canso him to bo an in mate ot the hospital for several weeks. The cutter was weighing anchor in tho harbor, preparatory to a trip down the river, when In some way. tbe panicn Ian of which wo were unable to learn- Knnold got eaazht between a ropa and the rail of tho vessel by which two of his ribs were broken, besides receiving a severe contusion in the back, between the shoulders, by a blow from tho block of which the rope was a part of tho fall. He was released as quickly as possible and at onco taken to the Marine Hos pital whore the necessary surgical at tsntlon was given him. f His wounds are reported as serious, but cot neces sarily dangerous. AFalrOITer j Tne Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall. Mich., offer to send Dr. Dye's Volatic Belt and Appliances on trial, for thirty days, to men, young 'or old, afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality, and kindred troubles. Sea advertisement in this paper. t th a eow&w i - Superior Court- . "..'! In the cao ot Alox. Oikbim (not Vi". P. O'dbani as U appeared br miitakoi In crar dtaaia5 yesterday) r. Tc Firit NatJoaal Back, a-iorot wti 'rfHj- j draYD. the Dial nifff alio Wd" to-ujend' tb coxnplatat tad tbfit ctfse cmUcybd. j j Slut on rei&tto'o of tucs Baker and j wifo TS-Itabtlla Freemao. exeestTls", j wat then takoo tr3 not vo - telnded wbeoqrjrepcrtt closed, j Scbool CliUdreo.- ! , - - Tfceptuaber ot school children in tbe cbaaty betweoo Jha afes of 5 and 15 year, as famished ui by the Register of Dee Is 0.233 ; of . t&eYr are whitea and 3.973 are colored " Tb school census bai not been completed within the city bat it has been taen -la theteveral towushIp6 'in- the coriatrr and ia thosa the returns show a'sjiin'.o: 81 children of hr'ai: otrr lart F)r Lnucb. There is a young typo in thi office whose gastronomic feats are fomcljmcs fearful to behold. He is the same who so quickly cot outside of three quarts of oysters at the last Review anniver sary, as narrated by us at the tinio Yesterday he lunched on 7 biscuits. & bologna sausage, 3 links green sansaee. 3 big sweet potatoes. 1 cheese, 4 of a very large pie and a 1-pound loaf of light bread. He is 17 years old. about 5 leet 8 laches high, weighs 130 pounds. wears a No. 9 shoe and is still on the row. 1 Or. Hawthorne's Lecture. Itev. J. B. Hawthorne, ; D. D., of Richmond. Va,. lectured last bight in TUcston Upper Room, to an nudieniDa which lacked far more In number Jib an it did in intelligent appreciations: fli lecture wa3 on the theme; -J5er" True to Thyself and it U hardly necessary to say that it was a masterful production and that it called forth and enchained the intense interest of his audience throughout its entire delivery. Dr. Hawthorne will lecture again to-night on ' Eminent Orators, Ancient and Modern," when we trust that there will be a large attendance. The price of admission for this lecture has been reduced to 85 cents. Postponed. The Hanlon Troure arrived here this morning to fill their engagement at th Opera House tonight, bnt In conse quence of the non-arrival of all their scenery tho presentation ot T.o Voyage en Suisse11 Is postponed until to morrow night. It takes two ears to transport all their scenery and one of them has already arrived, and tho company could mako a. very respectable show with what thoy have , but prefer to lose a day rather than appear wi'u auy por tion of tho perfonranco shorn ; or cur tailed of iu beautiful coonic effects. The performance is ono of the best of its kind in tbe country and is well " deserving of a liberal patron age, tbe moro so when the man agement submits to loss and delay In order to present it in iu entirety. L Voyage ea Saisso" has had an ex tensive run in New York, where some of pur citizens have bad tbe pfcMeure of seeioff and aHmiring it. Yqt Pore While Lead & Paints.::aod biggest atock of Window Glass - and lowest prices for good articles b ur to so to Jacobi's Hardware Depot i ' Annie Pixley. There was a fair audience- - t tne Opera House last night to witneH the performance of Hiss Annie Pixley and her first rale company In the play of M'liss. tho Child of the Sierras." in which Miss Pixley assumes -the title role. . : Sho is a charming woman and. a most accomplished and versatile actress and at once took complete possession of the attention, syspathy and affection of her andienco which sho retained throughout the entire plaj." 'Her support was In the main excellent. Mr. Frank Losee. as Yuba Bill; and Mr- lerbert Archer, as Juan Walters, were especially good and deserving of more than a passing notice. The play was interspersed with several songs which were rendered by Misa Pixley with unaffected grace aad consummate skill and as a consequence received the hearty applause of the audience. There was but one opinion upon the streets to-day. which was, that the performance last night was all that could be desired and was well worthy a much larger patro mage than it received. - We hope that the company may be induced to risi as again, when, we can assure them they would be greeted with a crowded 9 71 NKWl ADVKirri9K5lENTS M E R I. N O U 1 1. ' Atwln Uct all Winter Goda must go ; tbe prices we arc: giving are satisjactory " - and bec lb !srff ammini of gcodj we aro FoUiDg'f LACE CURTAINS AND: CARPETS ! : A first rate assortment ansd it is a pleasure to show tbesa goxvJa. . iE A FEW CRfjai W CLOTHS on faandTaTi tb " jan'23, List of Letters. A list of unclaimed letters remaining at the Post Office in thi City or. Wed nesday, Jan. 23. IS3 4: A A h AndereoD. Chas Anderson. B Ruben Burr.es. John S Benda. rain. Fred Brown. D Braccland. Chas Batha Catherine Brown. . j . D Joseph Devett. Fannie Dawson, Peter Dawson. Richard Diokm. F Peter Fu I wood.- ' H Adaline Hhuso, Dr I lav wood,! Eddie Hoskins. Elizii Herrine:. Harry Hill, James Hooper, Mary Holt, W J Harriss. , J Lawia Jailer. K Cornelia King. L Chas Leslie. M Mr McDonald, (col). Ed McDor ald. Janie Moseley, (2). j N Wilsons Natime. O Sallie Odom. P Henry Parson. R James Russell, -R-.-H Robinson, Samuel Robeson. . S-JH Schuldyce. Sam Smith. T J E Thompson.! W Christian Jane Williams, Susan Worthan. J W Walker. Persons calling for letters In the above list will please say "advertised if not called for within ten days will be sent to the dead letter office at Washington, N. C. Ed. R. Bbink P. M. By contracting a severe cough and cold. I was com polled to give up my daily work and-keep to the house. A neighbor recommended me to try a bottle ot Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup; it was procured and used; to my astonish ment relief was instantaneons. 1 Edw. W, Clayton,1 Waverly, Md. i Interesting to Fishermen: Tho cele brated "Fish" Brand Giiling thread is sold only at Jacoqi's. He Is tho Im porter's Agent. I f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Cider ! Cider I Cider ! JTURK APPLE CIDSE, . ' JCJ8T FJJOM THE ?BJS83 f Cll aad lav yonr orders and Jngst t R. McDOUGALL'S, Ko. 14 Choctant 5t. bet Front and Water aa n .Wilmington, N. C. OPERA HOUSE POSTPONEMENT I TK COK8IQUKNCE OF THE NON AUBI- yal of tbetr liro ear load of Scenery the per Jormaece 'of:the HASLOX TROUPE haa ben potpoB4 untllto-morrow nigbt. Onc&r x. - loart oftne Scenery baa arrlroJ, bit the man- agement prefer to 2oo a Bfgbt rather than ap- -peac .with any feature .ot the rcrfomance shorn of lfs rrand see r!' effects. fieeerwl tickets gbodXor to morrow nfjht. Onion Sets, White and Red. t-.TEt$U SUPPLY JLHT SECEITED. Xlto, a fall tssortsieat of rRE9H GARDEN SEED, PATENT MEDICINES.. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLE?, -. - CIGARS In mrwst .variety, A5 , ... j- - Munds Bros, & DeRosset, -"" I Nw Drug Store, lanll Market and 8eeon1 StreeU. Economy. Economy. -pons CLAY PIPE CHIMNEYS FOR COT- tage. School Houses and Kitchen. Ettllj put up, beauUful draft, perfectly tale, and to erery way satlaf acicry and cheap. - PARKER A TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. Jan 21 For Saturday. yRESdED POULTRY, DUPLIN COUNTY &AUSAQE AND LIVER ! PUDDING, N. C. BMaandafuUstockof Choice Tamil r Gro ceries. Prtcea rcaaooabta. KeepoctruUr. . A. W. BIvENBAKK, Tbe Lrra Grocer and Prod oca Com. er chant HAKortn Water St, Wilmington. N.C Jna It - j GELLITJC OUT! HATS & FE ATHEKS AT REDUCED PRICES. t " MRS. SATE C. WDTX3, Ko. lit H aeoosut Street, next Post Osce iaaa - v JLJiJ Y.Y o - I ' -- - NO, 10 '4 NKW iAJVEItTI8KMBNT8, N D E R WEAR R. T3: PJJclNTIRE. ,2." . 4 -'V 4? - il i- en ft . - i ft ? WILL, PLEASE CALL AND SEE THE LARGE STOCK OF Li A AND MADE-UP j LACE GOOpS. THE PEICES ARE SO AS TO SUIT EVEBT BODY AND MAKE QUICK 8ALE. OUR MOTTO QUICK SALES AND SMALL PBOFITS ! J I AT TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St. Jaa22 ' WILMIKQTON, K. C. 1,000 Hhds TUIME PORTO RICO MOLASSES JU3T jC landed, direct from the island, which we offer to the trade at prices to suit tho times. We guarantee this Molasses pure. j janfltf EDWARD KIDDER & fcON. W. & E. S. LATIMER, AttornevB-at-Law. j Oflice 6. E, Jan 7-lm Cor. Prlacewand Water-St. Apples ! Apples !. 'Apples I QN CONSIGNMENT AND MUST BE SOLD. N. Y. Baldwin Apples, Ohio Rod Apple. N. Y. Creamery Butt r, N. C. Roll Butter. Ohio Butter. Va. Meal, car load or rmall order so licited. ; - - - ! - I E. G. BLAIR. Coniaiiaston MercLant, 10 N- frecoad et- t dec 31 ! ; - . PUEOELL HOUSE. TJVDF.B NSW MANAGEMENT, C- L. FERRY. FitnxrietoT. ! T mt PmrwlAtM A t ln tr. ' lintel. VTratX!l9A tu all iu mMiitninit. Trm u tfija i WOOD ! WOOD ! FEW CORDS OF NO.. 1 SPLIT OAK, sa. Black Jack and Pfcje, fall length and wu seasoned, roa. siu cnxar, Just to keep cmr drays at work. A FULL LOAD EVERY TIME, las 17 W. E. DAVIS & SON. A Twlercifui TJIan JS MERCIFUL TO HIS BEAST. THIS IS a gentle .Lint to owners of "uablanketed' boives. T ha place to bay any plce Blanket you want, together with Lpnbes Can 1 'jres, fadd!M, Harpeu, Trunks, Satchels, j Bags, U C McDOUGALL BO WD EN'S. Jan St No. lis Kcth riMi Ft - ! t F i n eo t Oy ct e r c I TEST WHISKEY AND BEST FIVE Cent vigars la the city, eaa be bought at the OLD NORTH STATE SALOON, So, Front tt. Clra a Tax Heal a Uring show, laal I PLEASE NOTIC v W win beglad to recdTft ceraasutlcauo from our friends on any and all -aljecu general Interest bat ' -'' '. ; ' "': '"-v : i " .. . ; The name of lie writer matt always U fa lehi to the Editor. - . I , - . CtoaaunJcattona amit b j wrlttes fmfiftdeof the paper. . j -1 oal Acdftts epcUny and particularly l t tttltke Itri!or not always dot the rtes of correspondents unless so state la the ed!Prlal cofciacs. MISCELLANEOUS .TUST OPENED ! i i I ! I . i 116 Market Gt; j FRENCH NAINSOOKS, Victoria and Persian Lawns, li Pique, Marseilles, Cheoksj 20,000 Yardo E MB ROIDERIESI Ho O A FC7LL A?30BTMENT IS ALL Ntlf STYLES AJTD D8rON3. BALANCE OF WINTER GOODS ! bKLLING OUT VERY CHEAP, TO MAKE ROOM FOE SPRING STOCK. rj3.fw1.KATZ', 116 TJarketOt. jan2l i ' i WILL NEVER FORGET rjlHERE ARE PARTIES WHO ARE AND havebcA takioff advantagi ot the barcains - - r I to be had frota SHRIMTS. The fiolts aad . I" - J ' ! i Overcoats for Men, Boys and Chlldroo that ' i ! . aro being slaughtered at the lowered flroree " . - ' t yon cannot buy tbe low material for. It U . ('....' our aim and intention to clean out all Winter T ! Goods before our mammoth stock of Spring -Clothing ' commences coming in, and will therefore dispose of oar goods at prices bear lag little or no relation to their true or aetoal ..... ... .j value, and consequently will sell i- Ti . - . -. ; l j some -u per cent, less loan Time. Sonte 30 per cent. less than value.. Some 40 per cent, less than value. It oems needle to coamonton theabora anrarniha facts, but we dc-sire lost to add . ' 1 11! - that the inducement we offr daring tbl Jaa uary isle tre sot only extraordinary bnt we belters unprecedented aad scarcely to fre pealed in the future. Monty, to be renaied f jom can ejnal or ru at tbe low prtcea. ConTince youxseTf sal call st 9 TOE OLD Jaa21 RELIABLE CXOTQIEB, IU MARKET ST. HcCalla & Stavely's ILLUSTRATED CHURCH ANNUAL. A Handbook of parochial work, c lendr and clrtol directory, tor tb Veatry -ooo; tn clergyman's evudy and the fa ally ttrcm. Prim 50 eout. or sale st -J. HINBEEGIRA. School BooltSe t - T?01t ALL THS PRIVATE AND TUtUO X! j . - -1 . schools la the city and State, tor aaia at I nEINSBERGERS, ' Jan Si . Lire Bo asU Mnaki atom T Fancy Goods. "PUXL LXNE AT AT ' .n SA4 23UrittltiUt fcexxse. rucenrsovs. ou Z3l

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