rs .o. x5P rxorararo. T.nSS POSTAGE FAUX a j m a- T7r li B0thS, tW. I' VT- Oi0th.CrU. aS P firr' M ,b I dt1", wr work. ? - Eeyiev JVOT. VHT E0CATTNEWS7 rtiBrtsi ill UO ZTfri'v Ktric KM (H lor IT 1 . "f n tirwrcTt . .... i rrr Car 166 1 ' WblA-Konli 8tnc Saloon - .l.i'!n- bi "tT io With-; C W T ATO-Lc-Jger. Jcmrnil, i W ILMINGTON. N: C, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 23. 1884. NO. 20 iicei to inar AovctnsieiEiTt. KCMxtLsa-08loaeu UsnSBCTOEB-Bl&ak Book 5JT mill ci f of. Ml! Mup Baas. & DBR058CT Onion Pm Another heavy frost UiU moiolnx. 1. '. '. Personal! :'. Capt; A. A. iiowley, who has bea con Seed to bis bouse on Topsali Sound for lbs last tbreo weeks' with a severe attack of icknej, which for a portion ot the time was considered extremely critical, has bo far recovered as to be able to be out. . lie was la the .city to- ' ' TLZAZ? TOXICA. ' j trwJ oar lrto2a oa aay aaJ a!l secti Baerllatenttwt ".' m Tht loiae ot writer mxai itvriyiv ru to tiw Bfito.-" -.; ,.rf p -, me eld? ot the paper. r : - PersonWtle atut Too avoid!. I Aat KU eapodally aa4. rartteulati tooataatthorditordoe. ot alwtysrtdt tbeTlewsof correspoaOentt xaitu so ittu lathe editorial cohuaaa. 1 T i - i STONEWALL JACKSON. ! iiEi. Ue Was . Certainly Wo untied Alter Dark Cap t. Kleliard son's Testimony. WurTETiLLE, IN. G , Jan. 18, 1834. EDiToa:DAiiv Review . . ' : As rauca nas been said and written bo-.tles Ur . ..i- ...VtV-'.2 t the live in J HP: recently about tho Avpundinc of (Jeneral Tbo receipts of cottou at this port to- day. but. although much improved In Stonewall Jackson, as I was present . oay Tvt op 3 pau?i. 1 .; oui of place for mo to testify as to tha . w. w . -i - .1. :U. XlKnHn thn iSH i'aris 1 fxQvr q the attacspheru. ! InsL. x-GoTcrnor Win. Cumback. oi -2 i TtTo -6ne entertain men ts for theatre ludiana. wilMccturo inthi3 city under , xfaVe. tb Gamunit. goer aro promised next week. the auipices of the Library ABsociatioo. 'n!.5n her tirue in writ- J Am TZTZZTTZTZZZTu. ! The lecture will be bnmorous in . its . I i : . - ci ?! Irea stone?. CcrDtcy bis 1S1 theatres aud otarly hardly ceceasary. Xl5:i: auJ W Mejers as makes the wearing of au overcoat I character, the aubjeot .bclog The piaar0ad,Tor the purpose of makln Invisible Some Tcople.t' The speaker will be introduced to the audieoco v by oysters como tn slowly UoQt Km M. Waddeil. of thlscity. and cannot be bouKbt for iics than a tiaap'.ou tcow-sbfC traveler :n v-JiKark, CoioraJo. effira to be. w,Ui trarr: fifty niU- in tto idoiUrasaUoQ. Ia. l!an-iti,r Lausdowiw tries to ai favur oi the Canadians by de oirlcjthat L er hK write a book Iuxai Holloway. the Eojlish pill Biitr. '.ei: an eatate rained at $25,000, UiJft'l litwOhl U charita- i - SstaUr Carlisle has accepted an iatUia from the New York Free Tri Cab to their annual dinner. hh wK (axmt eirly iu February. Cai-t. Sla. clUf of t!o London fite r.riaJ?, ii Leea stodjin at B-rlia 'J gzfrCn il tieatre anangemcot In- ira!sceJ lUro after the disaster at the Ejsi Theatre. XjIhi a number than elht flraUclasa suazulipaire posted on the Castle GinJo bu!le:la boards as delayed and ciaj anxioos Inqalrlea are dally made tj (rxruU of expected Immigrant la New York 7.S0S signs. 1.103 slzns oa drop awnings. 63b woouq Indiaos. 3JL33 exhibits ot rooda. 1.T34 show ca VVtaoA,S3 1 coal boxes, and 1.3&S awnlari were licensed to obstruct the Tbero arv an unusual number of peo ple from the North in the city, add thoy are arriving and departing by almost every train. t The postoCico at Moore's Creek has been d:scontinued, temporarily, it Is j hoped, and mail matter ior parties in that section should ba uddrc? to Point Caswell. Miaaitr Mapleson claims to have Mcartd "a:i sorts ot a tenor" for bis &ui vasoo in tbe person of SIgnor Aq&j. who U at prtnt singing in iltrtna, where ha has created a decld-nlseniilion. ELOtera ihoutand emplojees of the New York Central acd Hr.doa Hirer Railroad hare re wired notice of dis tarr. In cruVrto eninomlre in the raam eg expea.. lark bns.'ceitf. la conseiutnce' of Tr.r lodisa population ot the coun try iucreasicg intead of dimlaishing, tz-i the laad allotted already is not of isicieot quality aod'aaulity. Until ste Indians are taught to take caro of :6crulves the (iovcrnnitfot will be in a juasdary. - -ThcTe is a story o! a wise monarch ooataiat-il ia written histories. Two of auccartdita! had a dispute as to Tfcedeaco. The king looked kindly, azd said. "Let the oldest go firsV and its damsels embraced and wrnt loeth r H:b entwined arms. fte Mlowiogaca Lave, uu the au sterity of skilled arborldltcrlf af, beca t-taicedby tries: Yew, 3.200 years; ;babcrtia,3.000;cdar.-2.000;oak, V;irrece. 100; UmeTl. ICQ; OrfcuUl Fus,; walnut. 600; oltrw.and fjrrfts. orsn;e. 630; -tattle, 500; Mf. Liagtry wears black lace about tec k. to avoid paying any greater ualag bills than she can avoid. In apUlaiiba of the custom, t bo other eb txld the unt thing:' which Juck hcrror to fordga Udica la com bIflthhc5irf was the bill of tho teedftr-. The second -white shad caught at Col. Moore's fishery this season was cap tured this morning and brought up to the city oa tho steamer Louise jTbe first waa "caught ou Friday last Scbr. Jama Yoiuvj. Liuikin. cleared Uday for PomtaPitre, (iattdaluupc. with IW.08-3 feet lumber and 114.800 shingles, rained at $1,604.61. shipped by Messrs. E. Kidder & Son. Mr. Harry A. Lee, Uus uess Agent of the ''Bunch o'KoysM Company, which Is booked to appear at tho Ooera Honse on the nUht of tho 3 1st inst., is in the city to-day making the necessary pre parations for the appearance of that troupe. Our friend of tha quill, Mr. K. A. Oldham, of tho Winston Sentinel and Raleigh Stats Chronicle, paid us a brief Tlslt jeeterday evening. He was in good health and speaks In glowing terms of his new homo and its sur roundings. 1 We publish elsewhere a card from Mr. Alex. Oldham who claims that we Incorrectly represented him in the re port of the Court proceedings published by ns yesterday. We can only say that tbe information furnished us came in an official shape from an officer ot the Court. 1 i i Interesting to Fishermen : The cele brated "FIslT Brand Oilling thread is told enly at JacobKs. He Is tbe Ira. porter's Agent. j t From Srultbvlllo. Tbero are lively times at Smilhville about these days so far -as the matri monial market; is concerned. There was a runaway marriage in that town yetlerday; there is to be a wedding after the regulatuou pattern there tc night, and tbero is to be another of the same kind oa Sunday next. A Sad Case. Mr Hubert Moore, who was at one times member ot the police force ol this city, waa taken a few! dayf. since with au affliction which was thought llben to be a severe attack of rbeomat tlsm. Since then he has been conCned to bis house, which is on Fourth street, in tbe Northern section ol tho city, and within tho last day or two it has been decided that his affliction is paralysie. Ue is bolpless. is a very worthy man, and has alargo family dopendent upon him for support. His condition appeals strongly to tbe kind offices of the bene volent, and wo hope that he may not be forgotten. Gainful Accident. Armistcd Capehart. a younc pupil ol Prof. Catlett's Capo Fear Academy, while practicing Yesterday- afternoon on the gyuiaasmui receutly added to that ittititutiou, had the misfortune .to lose hlt hold and' was thrown violently to the ground, by which bis . left forearm was broken and his right arm seriously sprained. Proper tairsical assistance was promptly rendered, and the young mau was on the streets to-day bearing bis misfortnne with philosophical iudif ence. City Court. Ttio first cas3 for tho Mayor's consid eration this morning' was Capitola Browu."co!ored, charged with-disorderly conduct. Sho was found guilty and a fine of $5 was 'imposed and she put under a bond of $50 for her appearance before the City Conrt at 0 o'clock a.m. on tho 25th inst. Mary J. Jordan, colored, aud an old offender, was oharged . with disorderly conduct in the vicinity of the postoffico last night. She was found guilty and a fine of $5 was imposed, in default o which 6he was sent below. A Sliad-ov. Fishermen inform us that owing to several causes, among which i cold weather, storms and freshets are tbe principal, there is qulto "ev scarcity of fish for the supply of the market a1 present. In this connection it is proper to state that Messrs W. . Davis & Son are making extensive preparations to supply the market with shad when they shall make their appearance in sufficient quantities. The indications now are that, as soon as the freshet subsides, these delicious fish will push thoir way up the Cape Fear and Us tributaries. There is hardly a sbad-ow of doubt that they will he here before long. ' .V Caut A. 1L H.-tToIar and - our much esteemed and gallant Brigadier General James H. Liue, as I have read them ic ihe Daily Review. As stated by. Gen., Lane, our regi ment, the; I8ih North Carolina, had taken. lU position on. the left ot tho The IJaaloiiei. All the scenery for the presentation of "Le Voyage en Suisse'1 has .arrived, and the' perform anco will come off to night without fail. The management deserve well of our people oa account of their willingness to lose such an amount ol time aud money in order to give a perfect and complete show.. Tho sceuery is splendid and tbe.entertainment is one of the most laughable ever eeu , while lbere is nothing j to oUend the. most sensitive delicacy. Good, hearty, inno cent fun there Is in plenty, and those who like to indulge In a good laugh will find an abundant opportunity. Give them a good house, and go prepared to laugh until yonr sides ache. a rrightaUack,'.forit was then dark. when we heard tho unng of musketry in our front followcdby the rapid ap proach of cavalry, as wo thought. The order was given to Gro.v which was obeyed by the men of that gallant old regismeut, who little dreamed that they were giving the death wound to their muoh beloved commander; he who had led thorn so often to - victory. It was not until they were sufficiently uear to bo seen by tho flash of the ,mus ketrv lire and for the command cease firing! You aro luring upon your owu men," to bo heard, that we fcnew not but that wo were dealing death to out1 enem5", but alas lvwe were not. for bv the lisht of the muskets 'could bo seen the gallant Hill and other' ! Coh federate omcers endeavoring to stop thefirinz of our-regiment. At las quiet was restored .when Geu. A. P. HIil asked. "What regiment is this?" A reply came from some one, "The 18th K. C." He then euhuired hastily. ' Who commands it?" I informed him., "Col. Purdie." Almost at tho same moment ho was met by1 that gallant officer; They had a converstatton, but what rawed between them I do not know. While they wore not far from mo, I stepped to the front a few paces ; there I found several persons witu dim light around tho body ot an officer of tbe party whoso name I do not j re member, who was killed at the same time and who I believe belonged to the Comissary or Quartermaster's depart ment. Col. Fnrdie and ben. mil separated aud I was at onco informed by Col. Purdio that we had wounded General Jackson, but to Bay nothing about It to the men. as fie feared it would have a demoralizing effect There Is no doubt that the 18ih N. C Rest, save Gtn. Jackson his wound and that it was between 8 and 0 o'clock at night. There is an incident which I desire to mention. About twilight, while our brigade was uoon tbe plankroad before forming in line of battle, Gen. J ackson passed along the edge of the plankroad in the direction of tue enemy, and as was always the case the men cheered him as he passed and that grand old commander, flushed with the victory of the evening, took oil his hat in recog nition of their salutation, and never looked grander. I Tho regiment that was then making that wilderness ring with their cheers for him little thought that they were destined in a few hours to take tbe life of an idolized officer, one ho had their affections and confidence. and the admiration of the world. Thus It waa that the last cheer received by him on tbe battle field was from the i men of the regiment vho in a short while afterward inflicted upon him his mor tal wonnd. . - :! .. . Respectful'y, i . V . V. Rich a kdson. . liO WDEX-Departed tbU life owwednw diy. January 23rd, Mr. LUCV HTGGINS BOWDEN, wife of Mr. WillanrN. Bowden, of t clarity. . . f mor beautiful Christian 'character, re tiring and lowly, like a modest flower, exhal ing the fragrance of Heaven, U seldom aeea on earths She waa ever noted for twcetnru of temper. klndncM of heart, amiability of dis poaltlon, gentlcneaa of manners, which were, equaled onlv by tho loveliness of her conntc-! nance and the beauty of her person. In erly youth sbe publicly consecrated hcroeH to Christ. The daughter of a Methodist Minis, tor, 6he preferred the uhnrch to which her parcnta were so firmly and fonJly attached, and adorned the Goepel of our? Lord Jesus Christ by a godly, walk aad conversation. Her patient endurance of her protracted and manifold sufferings commends box cramplo t all Christians, and will be a p redone memory to her bereaved husband, herurviviajr child ren and their toirye circle of sympathizing friendp. - r ., . MOn earth , there is a still whl;c form , In the quiet sleep ot tbe dcad, - Calmlv watting, with folded bands To bo laid in her narrow bed. "I o ilo&vcn, amid tho angel bands J -A radiant face beams in God's choir. -A palm of victory. In tbo beautiful bands, . They now strike a golden lyre." I " " la Le Capt. Co. C, 18th N. C. Regiment A Card. Mn. Editor RaviEW : Please do Superior Court. Ia thecasoofthe-Stauon relatiou ot Isabella waa on Wits Terry was heaortd io a novel ty at tha 6:orrs banket la honor of lr. Irrjc iQ cbloaro. The Ubles 3jrelathe shape of her Initial letter . the floral decoratioas presented a aaaUrcl T.aod a huge TM made td rue, wu lent from tbe banquet totha actrtsi at her hml. Th ixaj ibeqM have bera made op of 1 TU!ra. ; ceed a real xwd jCm ciasa stove, don't Call to ifri Ex ln.. 2eb. Vaocw and N'ew anaW. brides others. They ara to Lod u factory fricos at JACoai'a. u theatacfactgrera agent, f XUrtctipUol cotton al this port tt-dsy tsctnpibaln. James Baker and wife vs. Freeman, executrix; which trial yesterday when our report closed. all the Issues were fouud in favor of tho defendant. The caso for tbo plain tiffs was conducted by Messrs DuBrutz Cutlar and E. S. Martin, and for the defendant by Meir McRaeoz Strange and Major D. J. Devane To-day tbo altention ut thu Court has been engaged tn hearing the case of J. E. Gadsby vs. Johu Dyer and wife, which was on trial when our report closed. The plaintilTs counsel were Messrs McRaa & Strange, J.-D. Bella my and J. I. Macks. The defendants werereprcWnted by Motsrs Russell & Ricaud. , r , For Para White Lead Paiatf. and Mggtst stock of Window Glars' and lowest prices for good articles, bs ear to co to Jacobl's Hardware Depot. t LastNiffLit's Lecture. Uuv. Dr. Hawthorne delivered his lecture upon "Eminent Orators, An cient and Modern," last night. It was more largely attended than was his lecture bf Monday night, and it is to be regretted that tho hall was not crowded to its utmost capacity. . Tbo subject was one with which the speaker was entirely familiar from ioug add patient study and research, lie spoke of tbe power of oratory with the power of an orator, and illustrated his subject by sketches of some of the great orators, both ancient and modern, who have startled the world by their eloquence. Ron. William L. Yancey, of Alabama, was, in the opinion of tho speaker, the greatest orator this country had ever produced. To others be gave a high position, but all were inferior to tbe distinguished Aiabamian. The lecture was carefully prepared, and was delivered in a manner which placed the speaker In au eminent posi Lion among tha orators of tbo ago. I1 was listened to with profound ialtrest and delight, marred only by tbe re gret that the audlenco was so small. The coming holidays will be more generally observed than any for many years, and we would remind oar. read ers that a bottla ot Tr. Ball's Coogb Eyrup will proT a. most acceptable holiday presaau j mo as well as the public a favor by cor recting vonr statement in regard to the disposal of the case of Alex Old ham, vs., First National Batik and E. E. Burrass. Thonfacts are thse: -The plaintiffs were allowed- on Monday- to amend their complaint and oa Tuesday the defence requested to be allowed, to withdraw tho jury and to continue the case." -We did not expect nor desire any continu ance but to go on in the .case until, a final bearing. You will please do me tho justice as welt as the public. the ben efit of these facts as your statement is calculated to mislead and do me an in jure my in ray eitise; i lours itespectiuiiy. i - Alev. Oldham. ! W.lmington. N.C.. Jan.. 23rd 184. - . Silver Plated Spoons, Forks and Knives of best quality, and at manu facturer's prices.'can be found at Ja cobi's Hardware Depot. t NEW APVERTISEIMUSyTS. Yellow, White and Red Onion- Sot& ' GORJ. YZAS, BEANS. &c, DRUGS, Chemicals, Patent Medicines and aey Articles. Prescriptions filled at any time, day and ntgbt, at l G. MILLEH'S Drue 6 tore, dec 23 324 South Fourth, Cerctr Sun st Pure Whiskey, LP "OBTU STATE SALOOK. 6 Bouth MISCELLANEOTJS JUST OPENED I 116 Market Ct. i - -. ; ( FfeENOH nainsooks; Victoria and Persian : Lawnsi Pique, Marseilles, Checks, . i ' i - O Front St, keep on hand Clemmer'a Pure Ett Whiskey, (no flavored etnff) Pie Mo Whiakey, very fine. As good -FlVhi CTS ClQAKb as the marfcet afford Finest OY6T1SBS from New Biver. Don't wac; a tortnne at once. Ko headaches there. ' 5a& 33 Blank Books. JpAPEK AND ENVELOPES, IKS, TrfB VERT BEST, BLACK AND RED, ALL KINDS OK j PLAIN AND FANCY OFFICE STATIONERY, ALMANACS AND DIARIES FOR '?&1. For sale very oheap at i HEINSBERGER'S, jan 23 Live Book and Music Store 20,000 Yardoi ' '' 1 -r P EMBROIDER IES 1 Cider ! Cider ! Cider I ,1 TURE, APPLE CIDER, O 35S 13, A FULL ASSORTMENT IN ALL STYLK3 AND DESIGNS. NEW BALANCE OF GOODS JUST FROM THE PRESS ! j Call and leave yonr orders and Jugs t R. McDOUGALL'S, No. 14 Chestnut St, bet Front and Water Ian 22 WUmlnston. N. C. WINTER SELLING OUT VERY CHEAP, ! TO MAKE ROOM FOB &PRITJC Onion Sets, White and Red. 1 i A FRESH SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED. Also, a foil assortment of i FRESH GARDEN SEED, PATENT MEDICINES, I- - - ! FAN;CY AND TOILET ARTICLES, CIGARS lu jfreat vailety, Ac, Ac. STOOK. El. ill. ICATZ'J 116 Market St! jan 21 - j WILL NEVER TOBGET Munds Bros. & DeRosset, JanU New Drug store, Market and Second Streets, THERE ARE PARTIES WHO ABE AND hare been taking adrantaga of! the bartalns to be had from. 8HRIKR'S. The SolU and Overcoats for Men, Boys and Children that PRIME PORTO RICO MOLASSES JU8T j "0"HS B""8rerea at me lowered flgures landed direct from the Tsland. which we I ; 1 L .... offer to thetrade at-prices to suit the times. u7 me jow material ror. itu we guarantee tnis aioiaesea pure, onr fl!m .,, ,nt 'Mnn tft . -VMva rw vkwj vut) mi T WKi 1,000 Hhcfs jan 9 tf EDWARD KIDDER A SON. Goods beforo our j mammoth stock of Spring W. & E. S. LATIMER, Clothing commences coming in, l and will Attorneys-at-Law. Office S. E. Cpr. Princess and Water Ste. Jan 7'lm Apples ! Apples I, Apples ! AK CONSIGNMENT AND MUSTEK SOLD. N. Y. Baldwin Apples. Ohio Red Apples. N. Y. Creamery Butt r. N. O. Roll Butter. Ohio untter, va. ieni, car ioaa or email orner so Urtted. r. E. G. BLAIR. Commloeilou Merchant. 19 N. Second St. dec 31 ' PUfiOELIr HOUSE. TTNRR SEW MANAGEMENT, For Saturday. SEEDED POULTRY, DUPLIN COUNTY .-SAGE AND LIVER PUDDING. N. C. Sides and a fuU stock ot Choice Family Gro ceries. Prices reasonable RospoctfuJly. A. W. RIVENBABK, The Lire Grocer and Produce Com. Mer I chant 114 North Water St., Wilmington. N.C. jnall I ' SELLIfJC OUT I m all It aupotntmftnu. WILMTNGTON, N. C Topnetor. o HoteL Flrst-Cli B. L. PERRY. Proprietor. Late Proprietor Atlantic HbteL Flrst-Claas WOOD ! WOOD ! FEW CORDS OF NO., 1 SPLIT OAK, Asia, Black Jack and Pine, full length and HATS & FEATHERS AT REDUCED" PRICES, MRS. KATE C. WTNBS, Vtiw 1 ta H Booowi atrcet, next Poet Offlre Us 5 well seasoned, rout 8Aix cuzxr.jxui to keep onr drays at work. A FULL LOAD EVERY TIME. W. E. DAVIS SON. ian 17 A rIerciful Wan . . ...... i ..... .. :uis is It Don't Clatter I jr THE OLO TEAR IS GONE AND THE Now Year baa com. HUMPHREY, JEN KINS A CO., are still receiving at their Oys ter now. No 112 eutb Front Street, afresh rorply srmry day of New mwr Orster. Oy tcraailpptaC. O. D. Fresh Shell Oysters always oa hand, 4tc t T MERCIFUL TO HIS BEAST. & gentle hint to owners of "unblanketed" horses. The place to buy any price Blanket you wast, together with Lap-robes. Carriages, saddles. Harness, Trunks, "Satchels, Begs, &e,lsat ! McDOUGAIX BOWDKN'6, jaa Sl K.U42torth Frost fit Economy. Economy. FDTE CLAY PIPE CHIMNEYS FOR COT- tazes. bchosl House and Kitcheas. Easily pat op, beautiful draft, perfectly rate, and tn rery wssy satisfactory and eheap. ; " PARKER & TAYLOR. TUSS TfZXXTZ QZL, Mail ; therefore dispose of oar goods afprlces bear ing little or no relation to their true or actual vahie, and consequently will sell i ' - - . Some 20 per cent, less than valo Some SO per cent. Jess than; value. Some 40 per cent, less than! value, i i j I It socma needless to comment on ; tbe above) I I " i i . i : I nnrarniabed facts, but we desire7 fust to ad4 that the inducements we offer darlnjr this Jan uary tale are not only extraordinary but we beHere unprecedented and scarcely to be re peated In the future. Mosiy to be refunded if you can equal onr goods at the low prices. CooTlncc yourself and callat j rur OLD RELIABLE CLOTIIIEH, Jan 51 114 MARKET STi HcCalla & Stavoly's L'RCJI ANNUAL. A TLLUSTEATED CnU! -s- I . . HAB,lboo.!F of parochial work, eilendar clerical directory, for the Vestry Koom, U ,Stuy and t1 f sally eircis. . ... v w i.u. IUTHIO Ml If C I N 4 BE TM ER'K. - School Books FOR ALL TH6 PRIVATE AND PUBUC soooota io te city and riate, tor sole at HEINSDERGERH. Llru Book anU Mcalo fc tores Fancy Qoodo JULL USE AT i '; ' ' j 1 V, GILES A MTRCHlSOJra. dec M i Mnroam BlocA.

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