N Tins rArcn ci cm, cvcuin. Sundar. scyted hi .IOSII T.JAMES, ct,txo A5DrorKiroB. t rirnos rosTAQB rAUn I M. One tnocth, 35 cent. win be !cllTcrcl t'T carrier tne iv?r- ,.t f thecltr. at tneaixrra A': r,nr U1 ri-rt ny u j all falV- , '.oHr irregularly. n. ,- . J " - Teeror ot China s.ccps for iwo 1 I. . T- D1T l 1 ,t Mwcy h rclucl U pay lor! " t -,r 73 0rt franCS' .. UVucr. ol Connecticut, .KiU'.iLccwatryfchooSs arc no: sol 7U in "I,lch ',oJia VUln rTieJ wacn Lc studio! Is in New ii.-'etai hii jJit been pullctl Kwr. ia lie last louTycars 300.000,000 has asi-cnt iu buiMios new railroaxls ir.J improving oM ones in I he Southern At the Gernnn (;yranaium Tor girls n b.vion the hiheit jump i four feet vn.r.che. The Indian clubs weijjh V 'j' ;oUrdi. Tie death of Ceo. Kalislaw An rrwrwitch Tadfje' is a great blow to i: I. a. Hi name was in the month ol r.vry Ilusiiaa. Dr. II. Meyer, writins at Berlin, says 'i.elinmiibj oomeins mnoto when Accrinn manufactures and produce alike ovcrllow tho world. D:. lUu 3y that the brief letter I'aVdent Har field wrote his !ii-.L r was tie only piee f continuous r ' ba J.d dar.nj his sicknes. ... :oLl number of action brought t.Vhhfurtnf Justice in Kugland a . -ar was 100.000. one-third corn- ...rMvd in the district .regbtrie and J :w :!nr.ls in tandon. I Vvi J.ug to statistics prepared at .Wnv Vork Meteorological Obscr vj't.ry. that city had S.fCG hours of snu l.;ne out of a possible 1.1 to during l7l h.UMn ISiH) it had 3.UH. - lV.i;a Susan (nInoy. Iauhter tif the ".v Jivph Quincy. for seventeen jc.ir I ri;i 'lot nf Harvard College, died In i.r.i: week, aged SS years. She va i real-grandchild of Jo?iah Qnin rv. .. Ktvt!utionary fame. - Sti'Si'.cUow that tlio percentage of ,; r-:i ir Caaala who were born in the la.tcl Slate i a larc in propor t.n Canadian population as the ttrrinuiaje of native Canadian in this cotmtry H to our (HjpuUlion. In ci'.itua'.cd that the wheat :rop cd ( oloradi) I.k Ivtf was l.fiS.OOO bushels aJ jfca! a.. of i: was used fur homo io;j:iturt. Sixty thousaud bushels tuc:.- are needed before tic Slate can le sail! lo le rabing its own bread. 1'rii.xc Kung. the Japanese premier. .vMrcvcd (;cn. Craitt, when he was iu h an. iu F.nglisb. called. Kndeavor ia to compliment him by nssuriug him tbajL he was boru to command, he said: "5;re, brave tlcnorale. you vas made to order." The chair which was used by hvr Royal HighLcs l'riucess IouLsj at the opening and closiug of Farliamcot dur ing ber residence iu Canada, has been shipped to her Uoyal Highness as a soureuirol her sojourn in the Domin- Tho Crit town to be entirely lighted aad have iu tram-cars driven by olcc tridty will be ilontrcaux. on the Lake of Gfccra, a company having obtained coccesiiou for the parposc. Tho mo tile power will be derived from the witcrof the lake. It is rumored that tbo Prussian Gov ercaieat is to bo petitioned to mako a aovefortheaboliUoaof alllate lot teries throu shout the empire. Tbo idea aj be a good one,: though it will! freely tad favor in the eyes of the ioverciueau of the separate States MiiiAyer. the daughter of the 1 J-C.Ayer. for whom Prince Philit ate PP rboriij said to have broken bb n,isal)otit to marry Commander ' nttr.c'i Pearson. U. S. Nr There n p Man ta be at least one ofiicer in oar ny who knows how to capture a '-irsljeewajtorieilintho War rr!o. Va.. (!cmetery more than half ("attsry ago. The other day a tablet tU inscription that lollows. was Iiretl there in Lis memory : "Charles IMx AredS7 vears. Attorney fIcerai Fnited States from 1T95 lo 1501. M S er Plated S noons. Forks .and Knife of best quality, and at manu facturer's prices, can be found at Ja Hardware liepot. t r H VOL. VIII ! VV LMINGTON. N. C THURSDAY. JANUARY LOCAL NEWS. IHOIZ TO MEW A0VESTISCME1TS. OrLKA Uoi?t "Front Ores Itocst McnJicsVa txxLon's Jzx.ii-Z'J Ccut flcnsirROEK niaok Coo C W YATU4 LeliC. JouroiJ. A alux hrcisr A. g rcia; Gusua MlD Hc. A DtKosstT nI-o ircU The storm signal was living morning. this The rcteiptioi cotton lo-day foot up VJil bales. at thii pert The strccla were almost impaisable on account of tho mud this moroiog. There is uuinailablc matter remain ins in the L'ostofGco addrcscil to John C. W. W'attcrs; and Kate Comfort, Queen slrect. j Sleamboatnien report that the freshet in the dpe Fear is slowly subsiding, although there are now from 25 to 30 feet of w.ater. The Hanlons left hero this morning on tho C. C. II . It., lor Charlotte. They went on a special train and expect to perform in that city to-night. - The indications are that the weather will grow much colder during the night, and there will probably be a frost in the morning, providing the wind goe3 down. Take little annoyauccs out of the way. If you arc suflcrinc with a cough or cold, usfl Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup at one. This old and reliable remedy will never disappoint yon. All drug giits sell it for 25 cents a bottle. Swed. barqucntinc Jfriftunia. Lars son. cleared to day fur llarburg, (Jer .many, wiih2,'J50 barrels rosin, valued at $1.2$?, shipped by Messrs l'atersoni f ownins: & Co. Andrew Laspeyre. colored, was be fore the Mayor this morning charged with disorderly comJiic-L. lie was found guilty and a line of . wa3 im posel for the ofiense, in default of which he was sent below for .U) days. Interesting to Fishermen : Tho celc brated "Fish" Brand (iilling thread is sold only at Jaci:is. He is the Im porter's Agent. f On Monday last lion, . J. Urcen, Congressman from this district, pre sented n petition Irom citizens of this section, asking for the improvement of the North Kast Cape Fear. The bill was referred to the Rlrcrc'and Harbors. committee on The ram which threatened us last uight came down in torrents ut about 3 o'clock this morniug and continued to pour for about an hour. Alter it had ceased the atmosphere became decided ly warmer, and this morniug it was soft and balmy as a day iji Spring. A scrimmage between two colored boys in the Purccll Huihc alley this morning caused a slight ripple .of cx citcmcut for a few moments. They were drumming each other iu One style when the appearance of one of the city officials, who was after Mot drummer's license," put a summary stop to the proceedings, aud the youug pugilists skedaddled in double quick time. For Pure While Iad & Paints, and biggest stock of Window Glass "aud lowest prices for good articles be ur to go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, t Bunch of Keys. This from the Ies Moines (Iowa) World? Miss Flora Moore, of tho "Bunch of Keys, is surely a 'broth of a byo;" her singing and dancing and funny sayings brought out rounds of applause. Her songs, ''Sweet Violets" and "Market on Saturday Night' were rendered in a manner to receive several encores and recalls before the curtain. The Ladles Did It. The ladies connected with the Temple of Israel, in this city, gave their pastor, Rev. Dr. Mendelssohn, and family a surprise or "pound" party last night which they made more agreeable by the presentation of a pretty full line of grcceries and a purse containing a snug little sum of money. Our itformant was of the male persuasion, and of course the ladies would not tell him bow much the purse contained. It was an agreeable surprise and a - very pleasant party, and there was a plenty of food, innocent amusement. Later In the evening several gentlemen joined the party and participated in the pleasures of the occasion, j 1 If you need a real good first class cooking stove, don't fail to see tho Ex celsior Tcnn: Zeb. Vance and New Emerald, besides others. They are to ha Lnnd at factor? o rices at Jacoei's. - - - who Is the maunfarturrs, 3cnt. t t : '- -V , I " ' ' "- The Now Comet. For several nights past, the comet which the astronomers have been speaking of has been seen with the caked eye. It ia in the Southeastern heavens, and it docs not require a very careful scrutiny of "the v heavens to delect it. ThU comet is by uo means as brilliant as ihoopc seen last winter. Its tail is very faint and short, but it is a comet alt the same, and we merely advertise tho fact of its existence for the benefit of such of our readers as delight 4 lo i?azc at the heavenly -wonders. The Artful Dodger. There has recently developed a new plan of rascality amoug some of the colored boys which hns become an expensive nuisance to the safferers. Whenever they sec a cart or dray load ed with peanuts going down Princess street, one ot the scamps will run up and slash a big hole in one of the bags. Tho joltings of the cart over the pave ments open the bags, and by the time the team gets half way down the hill toward Water streets, there is quite a stream of peanuts ponring out into the streets i which the colored boys gather up in a hurry. This has been done on several occasions recently. Twelfth Nifflit. On Wednesday night, Janury 30th the world-famed actress, Helena Mbdjeska (Countes3 Bozenta) will ap pear for one night ouly it ftho Opera House. This consummate actress and titled lady has acted over a greater ex tent ol territory, ami appeared in drama in more languages than- any living actress. She is a beautiful woman, an accomplished arlisto and refined lady, aud her advent everywhere has always proven an event of importance in upper society circles. Modjeska is one of the two great actresses of the world, the other being Sarah Bernhardt. Of late, however, some of our ablest citizens have inclined even to rale the Polish historieune superior to the great genius of the French stage. The play is an unusually strong one. and will present the actress in one ol her most celebra tsd roles. Soured on the Goose. A young, well fattened goose makes excellent food, and by a good many it is considered superior to turkey ; but an old cooso is liable to be tough, and an old gander is about the toughest subject ever cooked. We have heard many tales about tough old gander, but one of the best we have heard lately is a3 fol lows: One of our promiucnt business men had a jrooao sent to his house, where it was duly and nicely baked for dinner. It proved to be a tough one, but the lamily went at it in order to make a meal. A liberal slice was given to a little son w'ho put a piece in his mouth and began to chew, aud con tinucd till his jaws ached aud"hc :ot tired aud sleepy, when he leaned over iu his chair aud closed his eyes for a uap with his mouth full of gander. Just as he was droppiug oil to sleep, he was thoughtful of consequences aud said: "Mamma, please wakarae,whcn it's time to swallow." Painful Accident. At about noon yesterday Mr. Walker Taylor, son of Col. Johu P. Taylor. while out iruuuiiig with a party of friends at Topsail Sound, had the mis fortune to get shot in' the hands and face, receiving severe and paintul wounds, though not cousidered danger ous. ' The circumstances attending the accident, as we learn them, 'are about as follows: Mr. Taylor, with his com panions, was out in an old field gun ning for birds, and he was upon one side of a small poud while some of his friends were on the opposite side. While in these relative positions a fiock of birds flew up and one of the party on the opposite side. shot at them. not knowing that Mr. Taylor was in his line of fire. Tho charge t struck the latter in the bands and face, one shot striking the eye. Fortunately they were small bird shot or tho result would undoubtedly have been fatal. Mr. Taylor was at once brought to the city where ho received prompt surgical at- tention. He was quite comfortable mis morning. Tbo shot iu the eye has not deprived him of sight, and the attending physician is ot the opinion that, unless serious inflammation takes place, his vision will not bo affected. The Burlington Jlatckeye publishes a most ludicrous sketch about the great toughness ot the invincible mule. Mr. W. II. Sturtevant. of Heir Yorlc now- ever. knows a stiff, lame . mule, whose toughness yielded to the' penetrating force of St. Jacobs Oil, completely restoring the flexibility of every muscle, and the powerful playfulness ot the rear nU, t, Ifoot. s ' ' ' ; . v..."... - . - - I The Gale Today. It has been blowing a gale of wind nearly all day. tho maximum velocity having reached" 28' miles' per hour. During the day a lighter while coming up the river was capsized when a tew mi es below the city. We were unable to learn her name, but the impression among river men was that it was the fpray. It was not known whether auy lives were lost by the aeciden or not, but if there were more than two men on board some were lost as "Only two were Keen to get - off the wreck. The yjce went dovvp to her assistance, but she had not returned when our report closed. Superior Court. The proceedings' before, this1! tribunal to-dav were as follows : J. E. Gadsby vs. John Dyer I and wife, which was on trial when our re port closed yesterday, was taken up this morning and a juror withdrawn, case continued and plaintiff allowed to amend the complaint. C. Wessel, vs. A. H. VohKampen Judgment. D. J-Devane for plaintiff and J. L. Holmes for defendant. Law ton, vs. Norwood Giles & Co; on trial when our report closed. Messrs. Russell & Ricaud andMcRae &Slrauge for plaintiffs and Hon. George Davis and Mr. Junius Davis for defendant?. ; j Le Voyage en Suisse, j There was a good audience at the Opera House last night to witness the perlormance of the ilaniou Troupe in the above named play, and they en joyed two hours ot uproarious fua and laughter. The play was well mounted and the eeenerv was elaborate and ex cellent. The play was composed of first rale material, and all were good in their respective roles. The two Han lons, as John and Boby the model ser vants, were inimitable and kept the house in a tumult ol laughter as they played thoir grotesque tricks upon their fellow travelers. Taken altogether it was a spl6ndid entertainment, and was worthy a crowded house. Personal, j We are very glad to learn that the condition of Rev. Mr. Morrelle, who wa3 so unfortunate as to fall and break one of the bones of his leg week: before last, has improved very much and we hope to hear soon of his entire recovery, lie is receiving every care and attention that loving hearts and willing hands can pay. j Wo acknowledge the pleasure of a call this morning from Mr. Hazel W, Burgwin, formerly of this section but since the close of the war a resident o Virginia. It has been fourteen years since Mr. Burgwin was last in Wil mington. . We arc sorry to hear that Mr.H.McL. Green is sick not seriously, , but sick enough to confine him to the house. Mr. Henry Bcrger, business agent for Madame Modjeska, is in the city making the necessary preparations for the appearance of that distinguished actress and her company, which will be on Wednesday night, the 30th inst. 'Stonewall Jackson. Editor Review r It would seem to mcthat Mr Capps'has been misappre hended iu-regard to the time ot the wounding, of General "Stonewall" JacksJifUii I Mr.. Capps did uotsay, but simply suggested, as I undcrsldoiiilflm, that it occurred before sundown. He labors nnderthis impression from the fact that au officer came to him while it was yet, day and requested him to go with his ambulance to bring off 'a "wounded officer." saying the order came from General JacksoB. - He went and louad Gen. Jackson. after nightfall, wounded. He inferred from the. failure ot the ofiicer who came for him to give the name of the wound ed officer, and the secrecy enjoined as io tbo wounding of. Gen. Jackson, tnat tne Wonnded officer alluded 1 to was Gen. Jackso:fc - w' And as the order came before night fall, he very naturally inferred that General Jackson was wounded in the daytime. It is an established fact that Mr. Capps brought him off the field and : is equally well authenticated that General Jackson was wounded after nightfall and by the gallant 18th North Carolina, to which no blame can possibly be aU tached. " $- ' ! "; In the lapse fof timc.r apd trusting simply lo memory, it xuay. be possible that Mr. Capps errs as to the time he received the order bnt admitting he does not, his inference is legitimate. Trust ing this interpretation ot bis letter may pot a quietus to the discussion goinz on and that no wrong may; be done Mr. Canns. I am. resDectfullv. one ot the '"Foot Cavalry." Note. The above 13 very ingenious and very good natured. bntMr. Capps was in the Beview Office last Mon day and we understood - him then to assert most , positively that lie brought Gen; Jackson offthefitld btfjre sunset, Editor. -1 24. 1884. NO. 21 Wilmington is reported 17.000 bales ot cotton behind last year. This is a good deal worse than Raleigh, which will not run more than 8,000 short. Farmer it- Ueclianic. j Wc arc glad to know that Captain Sbotwcll's politics are better than his arithmetic. Raleigji has had this year 29.452 bales, against 30,516 last j year, and Wilmiogton'has had 80.925 bales against 98,505 bales last 1 year. These reports were made up last Saturday. Raleigh loses 8.0G1' bales, or about 30 per centr, and Wilmington loses 17,6701 bales, or about 20 per cent. - FUNERAL NOTICE. The fuxicral of Mrs. LUCY 11 UGGINS BOW will take place at 10 SO o'clock, to mor row (Friday) moral or, from the residence on comer of mth aud Chestnut tlrccts, thence to Front St. Mctuodiot Church, and thcn-o to Oakdalc Cemetery. Friends and acquaintan ces of the f ami It arc requested lo attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE, EXTRA I EXTRA I - . - . ! One Night Only 1 Wednesday, January SCthl Farewell American Tour ! Engagement of the Eminent Polish Actress MODJESKA I Supported by Maurice II- Barrymorc and d i strong uramatlc Company. Oa which occasion will be presented Shakes I leare's 1 Twelfth Night! Sale of seats will begin at leer's Monday m ruing, Jan. 23, at 8 o'clock. Price Reserved $1.50, $t. General Admis sion, 73c, r.cc. Gallery, ifc jan 24 6 99 OPERA HOUSE. m m m i One Night Only !!. THURSDAY. JANUARY SI st. Th latest N. Y. Success, A BUNCH OF KEYS: OR, THE HOTEL By Chaa. H.lHoyt and Willie Edox'iin. With a record of over NE HUNDRED CONSECU TIVE NiGIIfSat the San Francisco Opera uouse. in. i r . Jntiouucing tne unapproach able character comedienue, MISS FL.ORA muukk, supported by a great CAST. The celebrated Grand View Hotel Set car ried in Its entirety. Original Music: elegant costuming. Sale opeus Tuesday. Jan. 29. at Dyer's. ifescrved $1. A dmlseion, '5, 50, 25 cents. jan24lt Pacific Guano. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED 400 TO 500 TONS OF THIS INVALUABLE FERTILIZE? which has never failed, and will have it for saie throughout the season; as also DISSOLV ED BONE, PHOSPHATE At Last Tear's Prices. iau24 2md&w j ALEX. SPRUNT & SON rpIHUTY NINE CENTS FOR A FINE Black X I SEVEN-HOOK FOSTER KID GLOVE-Kc- duccd from One Dollar. THREE AND FOUR-BUTTON BLACK an COLORED KID GLOVES, for Ladies an- Misses, reduced irom One Dollar to THIRTY NINE CENTS A PAIR. A LARGE STOCK OF CRAPES, for Mourn ing Bonnets, Veiling and Press Trimming, at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. RIBBONS r RIBBONS ! RIBBONS ! ia every Shade and Width, will be sold t TREMEN DOUS RED UCTIONs - - i i j, AT ' TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St. jan 24 WILMTNQTON, N. C. Onion Sets, White and Red. FRESH SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED. Abo, a full assortment of j , - FRESH GARDEN SEED. PATENT MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, - - I I -; CIGARS In treat variety, M.n , Ac. Munds Bros. & DeRosset, New Drug Store, Market and Seeond Streets. jan 14 W; & E. S.'- LATIMER, ; Attotneys-at-Law. ! Officers. E. Cor. rrineess and Water Hts. Jan 7 lm - - PLEASE -NOTICE. i WtwlUbesUut lo receive cexamtuncaUoa Iron ova fxlc4s on any and aU tabjoeu Waendlateresttmt ' ;. , j ? The name of the writer in net always be fa ftlBbed to the Editor. ; j j , Communication imut t written oa! oat one tide of the paper. rexTOxuUCcsmnstbe avoid!. - An4 It is especially and particularly unci tooft that the Editor doc not always endot the v!cvr of correspondenU unleu to state In the editorial column. , . ; MISCELLANEOUS Yellow, White J ana Onion Sets. Bed I "it"' F5: B"N. ic. HK0G8. Pure Whiskey. QtP SOUTH STATE SaLOO.vJc South wS? ,kccH ttorfd ClCrttaer'a Puro Kve Whiskey, (oo4 vrorcd stuff) Plo Mo Whisker.' very fine. As good FlVfc CENTS CIGAhb as the market affords. Florst OYSTERS from Nev Bi-cr. Don't wact a forttin t xncc. No headaches there. rt w JM W Blank Books," pAPER AND ENVELOPES, j INKS, THE VERY BEST,, 1 i i BLACK AND RED, ALL KINDS OF - PLAIN AND FANCY '' OFFICE STATIONERY, ALMANACS AND DIARIES FOR ISSt. For sale very cheap at ' HEINSBERGER'Si jan 2.1 ' Uve Book and Music Store Cider 1 Cider ! Cide J3URR APPLE CIDER, ! JUST FROM THE PRESS ! Cull and leaVc your or 'ers and Jugs'at ; R. McDOiuiAr Tr No.f 14 CheHtnnt St. bet. Front and Water Wilmington. N. C. 1,000 Hhds BKIAIK 1'UKTU KICO MOLASSES J I i lis v X lan.ied direct from the Island, whi.-h offer to iht trade at prices to suit the ilmf. We guarantee this Molasses' pore. jan 9 tf EDWARD KIDDER A RON. WOOD ! WOOD I A FE CORDS OF' NO. l jSPLlT OAK, ash, Black Jack and Pine, full length and. I ! well seasoned, for sale cheap, just to keep' .i our drays at work. A FULL LOAD EVERY xiaiic. W. E. DAVIS & SON, ian l, j Apples ! Apples ! Apples I QN CONSIGNMENT AND MUST BE SOLD. N. Y. Baldwin Apples, Ohio Red Apples, N. Y. Creamery Butt jr. N. C. Roll Butter, Ohio Butteri Va. Meal, car load or small order so. licitcd. i E. G. BLAIR, Commission Merchant, 1 N. Second St. .' dec 31 ; . i PTTfiOELL HOUSE. ) ijnder new management, Wilmington, n. c B. -JL. PERRY, Proprietor." Iato Proprietor Atlantic HoteL Flrst-CUss in all iu appolntmenu. Terms $2. 11 u $lM,tk v ' WILL NEVER FORGET fpHERE ARE PARTIES WHO ABE AND- have been taking advantage ot the bargains - it . to be had from SHRIEK'S. The Suits- and . ... i Overcoats for Men, Boys and Children that arc being slaughtered at the lowered figures ! - j. you cannot buy the low material' for. jit Is our aim and intention to clean out all Winter Goods before our mammoth stock of Spring . Clothing commence a coming Ini and frill therefore dispose of our goods at jprlces bear- ing little or no relation to their true or actual i - value, and consequently will sell Some 20 per cent, le's than value. - M i ; Some 30 per ceot. less than value. Some 4. 0 per cent, less than value. It seems needless to comment on the above unTaroisbed fact, but we desire lust to add - :; ' -I . - i I. : that the inducements wc offer daring this Jan- -j . : I . uary sale are not only extraordinary but we , believe unprecedented and scarcely to. be re i ' I i ! pcatcd In the future. Money to be refunded If you can equal our goods at the low priori. Convince yourself tnd call at S . , THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTH IERf jan 21 . 114 MARKET ST. Commissioner's Sale. : .' ' ' ' ! ;1" ' IN PURSUANCE OF A DECREE OF THE Superior Court of New Hanover County iu ' an action between Jobs E. St. George, Adair, of David 8. Sanders, decease), and Annie M? Pctteway, et aL, being a proceeding for the ale of real estate to make assets, the nnder signed. Commissioner appointed by said de cree, will sell at public auction for asn, to tho hUhest bidder at the Court Jlonse door In Wilmington, N.,C, on Monday, tbo 4th day of -rebrnary, 14, tho following never! tracts of land belong ng to tne esute of said David R. Sajjdera. lrt tractContainlcg alout l-'-'i aerea of Juniper Swamp Land adjoiolsg the Rocky Run Plantation near Cattle Jlayneln New Hanover rounty. Second tract tyiK and lelog la Pender county, neir Topsail Sound, between said Sound and Uie AtlaolU. Ocean, and constituting the strip of land that separates the Sound front tbo Ocean. Third tract Containing TAp acres of woodland and bclcg a part nf tiie iaul comprixlnr the said Rocky Run Plantation near Castle ilayneand Irur on the east side of the Holly H he Iter or Da&lla Road and between sail i road an-1 tb WllmUgton A Weldon R. IL Jsn3-law4r th commlJtonr. V

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