PUT ASS NOTICE. erects. San-y - i rfTT nn We wia b gjza to rectlTO ccaaunlcitioa firoxa our frtenda ca any and all subjects . ' general Interest but j The uameof the writer must always be fa j B!ncd to the Editor. : ::S t. Communications ranst be written oa " onl enesideof the paper. '-. 5 rexeooaBUea must be aTjaHed. - ' .1 1-, t'' cit Booth.. Ilv. Thrr Mik XX rnta. 's--4' ' I.. L .leSrtrrl I f carriers free xx r,!V. r.rt cf in- my. ; And Ula .especSalSy aai; rrUcuUrJy und ' :r. rlVOL. VIII. WILMINGTON. N; C MONDAX JANUARY 28. 1884. atood that the Editor doss not always endo the tJcws of correspondents cnlcaa so tut In the editorial columns. ,' T NO. 23 Ewmw ITii-V A -new hn$ tH toryni O h Imc w Wilmington. ; ft-.- .... - - - tr.orc pcopio: of V - Lb cm- Vt.mey sweral I'irii intend to build . u bo propel'.cd bj I ---- Tani - - cf one rasf:Ac ulock cf -i-.-c vr niatU'.c. wilh the iat tn i) 3!r. Liustry bai u:adc .".ui.uh' ri o a.rvauj wi. slf.rs Ler txpccMTJ. cx pec's to s .-:- ! . f-t to iJ ! Uricbstu Voan;' toss have , ! ..--r.lanU. dau;htcr 1:, rrvrl U the mc huiband. acd ! j- -t. r son wr.tcJ poetry . - Mr. Irting hi engaged an architect :.. dn-z tnip!t :e p'.ar.s of the Boston Ir.ea'.ru. Iroai which he proposes to i "-r tin aire in Indoti. : A .aa i:v;ag in Chandler lowuship. C;ur:i ii cjun y. Mich., is anxious to v , hi Uouv; U aw Feven ghosts ar..l a i haaton di in the parlor the - t4.vuiza'.ia.ua lr Juminous wing9 var 10 tie direction ot Reno, Nev.' ta ti e Sacrament i tict. Tho squaws ... tha: l:.nliy .tre tsken to using lace i w c!Ec:al report of tha committee i.'v-AC't l to investigate tho earthquake ua :L I i! and of Itchla fixes the number xi litan killed at C.313 andof tho i . i . vAK.hemjl vatient man uoxt toj U b. Tnrte t:.ai a day lor t wenty-hvo I crhtMr. M-a-a recorded in his .! ir tr.o :a'e cl the weather. ... ,. , .. i;iia;c!4 tiyry Ho has outdone IV. -vhrr. Ill co'jrna'.ioa the largs in l"n::--! Stale. U numbera jtri- Koartcf'i rar sjo it I l r. : cxc'J '.AO dcin The jruwtb :. W-'n U Talmas H; pulpit irri' 'x a'.mctel the peii!e. iit: r Ar.'.h '-ir : fining mater i a'.' ;r: :oi!:h. In' h h con?c:cu of his ' .. :rc. a:..l recently h? aid to t. "I: vc&.'A beau unwelcome t . -: :j tliink vvcry tuurniag on x t;, that I niu?t W. at the Senate tiiufvr it I i o'clock sharp, rain or Iu;r.!o Kin;, though now an old j .... i s:;;: hilc nud hearty ; his eye is ' i -'ttiL!. h; .ep as tirni aud his heart a nhta he 5it ia Iuchsnau's t it ra: a IVitma-itcr ticural.. Mr, K l; js the dbtinctiou of having ..cri..! U.e rostuffico Department as a -crkM-d workin.-hf w,y up to the, !;. , Ii. Jcsao James ibow n refused Uc-5c in Xcw Hiren oa the ground t-:.!cio James teiuj a noted tbieT. itr. ar.d murderer, a recital of hi i'.ei acts would have a pernicious siSscncc cpoa tho tsiods ot our youth." TUpcco the: -are two iqueAinUh. i-rcourso wiih JesM James ia persoa -" ard.y hurt tho averas New Haver, jcarg man, but it mlt: ratio c Jsei cjoniter wLero ha -is now ttrc!y a vry wicked man. Tho 3Ial J bvs. fjr iajtanc. could doublu :ur.t hiui. ' y U" CU,,t jModieska and her company on Wed-i.-.t.a 11. Murch. of IMasf. Me Jnesday njght. - Superior Court. iBcciwot Anaio Uwtoa vs. Nor w oMr.i!es i Co., the jury, after bein us "ar'.y all U Saturday niht. return. a Ttrdx: :cr t j.hintiS wiih $500 dtraaes. The caw of J. I. 3!e;u Vf. w. r u.ui4ai waiuken up thi morning and -a occupied the attention of tho Court rn - tv eatire day. Meiarr Kuaseli 11:0431 fr- plainUflf. and Sted. u38c! M.Dellamy lor tho defendant. Lieut. lUiodes. T - rueptioa proposed by ourGcr '7a fe '-v citizens to bo lendcreJ to CV'11 UeuL Rhodca is intended to il l- Opera llouso and will be rirj n iu Chiracter. There will b ;icjt ai wo announced on Salur w- J:'- iuUcdcd to secure tho" co ra:.ua cf th military and firtx de rts:c3t of the city to assist la girlog pa a cardial recvptioa. and escort him ''wt Pra House where appropriate ecLs ui mij0 by jn, J lor that parpoia. LOCAL NEWS. ixon to itw invtamcutiT I Curolnt Cmuraptloi s J Tee Sdenco of Llfo Cpclsc Fcrai FUatr f nstcft'5 Wc Are TbinVful UtiKataots StlcfTa runo G TATt 4 School Book., Ac Worth A Woktu New Crop Twos C Csirr, Agt Vuruitare Guxs M, JlCitCinsON Kaucy Gocda -j Pixen ATXTto Xow ! YoTJrTlny- SIryrs Ukm. A DlRosict Oaloo Sc J? w GoCDoy Copartaer.Ulp Kbticc w K trKi5CER Co SportmaaS!Gooli The EeoitDgton lloree-rower Fire Engine McDoucall A Bo wd ex A Merciful Man P.L CslDCCBS & Co Tou Cannot Coccdre Jo W Goedox A 8Mtxu Irfccranre Agt Corneliu Hiirortt Onu?U C31, Iyal Arcannra - . The reccipu of cotton at this port to I day foot up 22G balci. 1're Lavo old cunning stagers say. Fqr every pain, St. Jacobs Oil will pay. a finc dispUy ol m,aU at the market house this morniujr. Cornelius"! larnctt Council No. C31 Royal Arcanum, meets to-night at 9 o'clock. . . It Messrs. Worth & Worth arc now landing a lull cargo f bright hew crop Cuba molasses, which will be sold promptly. ' Mr. I. Shrier comes out in a noble advertisement in this issue ft is ou tho first pago and will prove attractive reading matter to all.- Re?. -Dr. Yate3 preached a very powerful and effectual sermon, at Front Street M E. Church, yesterday morn ing, to a largo and delighted audience. There was a rush at Dyer's this m nr n I n t tn envi m etot, frw tKa rvnrfi I tw...... .wcv..w v-- -je HA.VE TIIE KIKE8T AS30BTMEST mance of 'Twelfth Night." by MndamoT H of KnUsh and Dclxtum Breech Loaders !,. ,. i ,... . xx'Aa lever brought to this market. Also a first The rock thruwing nuisauee doea not aDnear to abate worth a cent . notwith-! standing the stringent ordinances against it ami repca:el fines imposed j fur the oflT-nse. Swedish barque Adolf Frcdholm, j Pahlson, cleared to day , for Hamburg with 2.C30 barrels of rosin, valued at $3 6-31. shipped by MeM. lVuersou, Downing Sc Co. lion. Will. Cumback arrived in the : city Saturday night and registered at thp.rurcoll House. IIo attended Front Street M E. Church yesterday morning and a;ain at night. ! , Such weather as wc have been havins latch, and which ecm ikcly to con- tiuuy!indtjnitcly. is undoubtedly a'l : right, but to poor human understanding it i imply mi-erab!o. ti. .. r.,:. 4:,1 ,. J t H" f iKAU-vl ( VUk itu iiy. her reubr trip to Sortithviilptd-day. oa account of borne iatpiovemeut made to j a portion of her machinery. ' Mi- will lavo attain tamorrow. r; A 5oilth American.. pelican, uhicn cscaiurcs six feet Irum tip to tip ol tho s wini. wis found soon after the lata snowstorm by Mr. Simpson, a fisher-; man on Wrightsrilie Soundi .. Thaatcamtu U'mi Xjcc has had her old whiatlo replaced by a now onej which gives thr;o distinct tones. It i? ' a Xyic whistle, but tho tonb.aro net' the awctcst wo have ever heard. I If you oeed a reaT"oTlirSt cla.s I cookisg tove. don't fail to sco the Ex ' celsior Tenn., Zeb. Vance and New , Emerald, besides others. They are to bo fjund at factory prices at Jacobi's. who is tho manufacturers agent, f Tho First Baptist Church was crowds eJ last nizht with an addience anxious to listen to Rev. Dr. Priicbard'a sermon oa Samson," tl beius tho third of his series of sermons to youns men. It was a masterly effort, and was tho sub ject of antvcral commendation. Tho attention of tho city authorities is earnestly invited to.tho condition of tho street crossings at tho intersection of Third and Mulberry streets These arc on a very popular thoroughfare, and lu rainy weather they are almost Impassible. Some ot tho New Yorlc papers give currency to a rumor that somo of the Republican papers are alter the scalp of Mr. Y. I. Canatray, Sergeant at Arms, because of the mauncr la which he has made removals and appoint-; mcnts regardless of their wishes Interesting to Fishermen: Thocele brate4 Fishw Brand Giiliuz thread Js told only at J A corn's. 1 He is tho Im porter's Agtnt. t Tlio Benefactor. j The slcamshtp Benefactor did not clear on Saturday, a wc announced. ! It was her regular failing day, and we : cleared her with the presumption that j aba "would leave with hr accustomed ! rec;uritT. Sb9 li . been detained on account of an accident to her propcllor arjd will go upon the dry dock, where a ! new propcllor will be substtuted. I Col. .John L. Bridgrer i Tho Tarboro Southerner chronicles the death on Wednesday last, cf Col. Jchn L. Brldsers. brother to Honi'K. R. Bridgers of this city, and well-known to many here. Col. Bridgers was ono of the mostrrominont citizens of tho State and one of the most excellent of men He commanded the Ed?econibe Guards at the battlo of Bethel, where Private Wyatt, of that company," tho first man vrno e 1 u iq nan no awui. tiu oo attcrwards appoluted Liout.Colcnel ol Artillery and was iti command at ono time at Fort Macon. His death has been deeply deplored. , No man knows what a ministering angel his wife is until he comes home one day. suffering with a dreadful cold, nnd she happens to have a bottle ot Dr. Bull's Cough Svrup in the house. DIED. SMITU On. the 2Gth lftst., at Charleston. 8. C. of pneumonia, LIZZIE, daughter f Mrs. Mary IL, and the lte Thorn sb IS. bmith, aged 40 years and 9 month?. NEW ADVERTISEMBVTS. A Merciful Man JS MERCIFUL TO 1113 BKA8T. TUI3 IS a jrentle hint to omors of "unhlanketedM bonea. Tha place to buy any price Blanket you want, together wlih Lap-robes. Carriages, saddle". Harness, Tmnks Satchels, Bags, Ac, is at MoDorjGAtiL A BOWDEN'3, Jan 23 No. 114 North Front fit SpQitsman's Goods. c ass aiock of Shells, Waidlnpf, Prlmora.Cart- rldjrc Ims. uun Caps, uame lags, c. in fact we can show a et of Hardware. Good zoods and a ran toe prices. snroJir ta John UAmnn a i.. ! a sy ' l9 81 ana a Urket stltt STIEFF'S PIANOS! JKCKIVED TODAY DIFFKRKNT Stjles of the celebrated Ohas. M. StiefTs Pianos, square. Grand and Upright. jEiefaut, rich, silvery tone, rtqntarc touch, superb fln'.sh, finest tjailty. Call t eee thee j rmuuj instruments at 1 ! HEINSBERGER Ss jan: Live Itxk nnd Miulo Store Furniture. l-yiUS WEEK WE HAVE PLACED In stock nnd Stvll.h PARLOR SUITS. LADIF.fi - desks and srcrktaries, wardrobes, .Jaxdlurr0 Mand da Walnut and Elony y& COMMON r.KDSTEADS. MATTRC'SES-all kln'Ja 3nl a superb a 5rjmnj0( window shadks. GirC usa !,t,I: wer UI1 TiroM4h c. ckaft, Aseoi. Furniture Dealer. vObo. front 6t . A 1 E S, - no 31AKKET ST. gclIOOL BOOK' CLAJiK B0OK5' stationery, paper bags. straw wrapping paper. 1 twine, Ac, c Liberal dlcouot to merchant. Let ua quote you prjcea on i abore before h'Jjlng elrewhere. Jan Copartnership Notice. OINCE THE 6AD DEATH OF MY DEAR O Brother and Bulnos Partner. Wllhe J. Gordon, on ue ftb lnL, th shocking diaUa ot n-nlcn are Known to moat or our patrons, I have aaoclated In buslnen with m eelr. Sir. josEPa i. aainu, of tma city, who ha ha Teral year expenence in ine insurance Baln, and wno nCa n introduction to thla community Under the firm satue ot JOHN W. GORDON & r-MlTU we 111 con tinue to Irxn&ACt the bualnca or Insurance la aU lu brunches, at tbeamoofice heretofore occupied by John W. Gordon Jt Rro., No. lit North Water Street. , 1 beg to exprees to our patron my atneere thanks for tnelr patronage o liberally bestow ed for a number o years past upon my broth er and self, and to promise that the firm ot John W. Gordon frmlth will autre In erery way to merit a continuance ot the save. Kespectfnlly, JJSO. VT. GORDON. . . i JOHN W.GORDON J 831 ITU. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, ri RE, LIFE AND MARINE, Office No. ill North water at-, WUmlas-ton. V. C Pledging our beat effort to protect the la terra la ot our entow cos, and promising strict aucatlo. to all business entrnatevt to us. we reapectfully so acts the patron r of ths public, . jan TS Iw JNO. W. iiORDOX A BAIITIL NEW AIVEirriSEMEK,X,S That our efforts to place before our patrons the best goods for the. least money are appreciated ! j 1 OUR GREAT SUCCESS Wc dttribut3 largely to tho splendid bargains wo'iiave been and stiji are ablo to glvp mir customers. It appears that our extremely low prices have caused . f- " - "' i -i ' - . . i the impression that there is something business. A few words will clear away the mystery. . We sell low because our system of buying.enables us to procure the largest bulk of goods lower than can be manufactured, next, the low expense in proportion to the vast amount of 1 business we do allows U3 to sell at a very small tnfla above what the goods cost. Our system is very simple, and these words expbin alii We wish the pubiuj: to understand that wc do not advertise goods in a fictitious way, telling you that our goods are worth dpublo what we ask for them ; but we claim what wo do and do what wc claim ; and wo do mo3t decidedly claim that the goods we arc offering ure below the prices asked, elsewhere. If you purchase any goods irom us and don't find that they are in every particular as represented, bring them back and we will refund the money. i We can suit all and offer bargains tbat cannot be had elsewhere; in order to rush them oft quickly, we have cut down prices to the lowest point. At these re duced pricey it will pay to buy them lor next Winter's wear. Call at once at 1 THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER, U4 MARKET ST. jan5S i 1 j You Oannot Conceive, J ADIKS, WHAT A GREAT ADVANTAGE i It Is to trade where you can obtain overythlDg geoeaaary to supply your table. 1 .... i KLYGAXTMKSS MACKEREL, I'ICKLKD SALMON (fresh from the waters of California), SOUSED PIG'3 FEET. CELEBRATED UUCUUBER SAUCE, (an elegant conHncnt; , WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, TOMATO CAT; UP, SALAD DRESSING. i I CHICKbN SOUP -Tut up In glaes jar?, ami especially rocoaimcudcU for sick people. We advise you to try It. Very ryh and wholesome. We ask you to come down ani examine our sto-k. P. L. BRIDGERS & 00. HO North Front St. ian '. NEW CROP- WE ARE NOW LANDING 372 Hhds. and 100 Bills. Veryrime, Bright NEW CUO CUBA MOLASSES. IT WILL BE SOLD PROMPTLY, WORTH & WORTH. NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. No fw Weak Mqxo yes. MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. A Certain. Safe and EffectiTe RemecJy tor SORE, WEAK AND INFLAMED EYES. Producing Long-sightedness, ant Re storing the Sight of the Old. Cures Tear Drops, Gramlatlon. Stye Turners, Red Efes, Slatted Eye Lashes, and Pro ducing Quick Belief and Perma nent Cure. Also, equally efficacious when used In other maladies, such as Ulcers, Ferer Sores, Tu mors. SaJt Rheum. Bums. Piles, or wherejer Inflammation exists, MITCHELL'S 8ALYK may be used to adrantaxe. 1 bow oy au lruxsasts at sac jan Now Is Tonr Tliue. 1 T' lOU WANT A GOOD COOK STOVE I X select from c i oujr great Tsxiety, among which 1 r ImproTed", a pertect famliyj la the "farmer harmonlzexi the Golden UarTCstand sweet 1st rttrker eookad la that: tlm "Southern Oak," within the reach of all told only by PURE TTTnTE OIL. jaaSS NEW AIVEKTISEMENT3 mysterious about our system of doipg Mid Cold and Saow. For winter coughs, cokls, aches and paios you will And Benson's CapcinoPorus Plasters tho best relief. 1 jan 23-4v use thousands of cases of the worst kind and of long etandinar have been cured. Indeed, bo Btronejb my faith in its efficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE, tosetner with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease, to any 'sufferer. Give express and P. O. address. Da. T. A.SLOCUAl,181PeajlSt..Hew York. Ruskin's Works. Sksajie asp Liliks, paper, 10 ct. ; cloth, 25 cents. " Ceown" or Wild Oliver papsr, l" cent?; cloth. 2.r cts. Ethics of the'Duit, paper, JO cents; c'oth, 25 cts. S CM A ME AND LILIE8 CROW.V, KVi WILD Olite and Ethics of the Dust, In one vol ume, half Rusla, rcdedzco. 50 cts. Modeux Paixters, Stoxes'of VExrcE, etc, in pre: parfttion. Larpro cataloguo free. JOHN B. ALDEN. PublUhcr. jan2S-4w JS Vescy at. New York T a When I say core I do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then hare them return apain, I mean a radical care. I h&ve made the disease of I" ITS, EPI LEPSY Oft FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to core the worst eases. Because others hare failed ia no reason t or not now receiving a cur a. Send at once for a Treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give Express end Postoffice. It cost 8 yon nothin? for a trial, and I will ure yon. Address Ha. IL O. BOOT, 188 Pearl St., New York. The REMINGTON HORSE-POWER FIRE ENGINES Nearly aB effee- wn?r jsnual expeaw live as a steam- F cr ; about ne-1 S A L B for repairs. Tor d esc rip. rive circulars Ith teetirno- a yd lees "than tj ce. tenth an-" REMINGTON AGRICULTURAL CO. LION, Now YorkH UUIJlIs 266th Edition. Price Only $1 BY MAIL POST PAID. KHOW THYSELF,! A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MANHOOD. i - i Exhausted Vitality. Nervous find PhTrical Deblilty, Premature Decline in Man, Errors cf Youth, and tho untold miseries resnltlsar from Indiscretion or excee8- A book lor ererr man. vounar. mid 11a asred and old It contains 123 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseases, eacn one m toi -u u lavaiu i able. So founi by the Author. whoe experi ence for 23 years l& such as probably never before fell to the lot of any physician. ZOO pages, bound In beautiful Trench rauslla, em Doosed coders, full gilt, guaranteed to tea coer work In jyerT sense raechaiiieaL literary and professional than any other TCork sold Jn this country for $2.53, or the uiooey will rts unded la erery Instance. Price only $l.0J by milL post-pal L lllus trail re santplc G cts bend now. Gold metal awarded the author by tho National Medical Association, to the officers of which he relers. i 1 Tula book shoul 1 bj read by the youn for Instruction, and by the aJEl ted tor" relief. "It will benefit all London Lam cf. There is no member t eoclety to whom thfs book will not be useful, whether youtn parent, guardian, instmetoror clrryman Argonaut Ad Jrtb the Peabodyj Medical inatl.uu, r Dr. -W. II. Parker, No. 4 Dallfloch btreet. : Boston. Mass , who may be consulted on ail diseases reriutrtnr a a 111 and experience. Ckronle aMu oostlnate Wise res tnat havo baftltfd the still of all IJ A I oth-r physicians a specialty la L tk iW hneb I trea'ed succesf u"W IL1 f C f CT lly without an ' la at I WfcMivl stance or zauure. jan t3-davw w Fancy Goods. -pCLL LINE AT A ' GILES Jb OtvBCmSOX'S, Jan ?3 Murohi'on Block. 3 rl r " E?T & 0 m yuuib En 1 VBMSSWKMa i HOUSE. EXTRA ! EXTRA I " 1 - - - i . Oae Night Only Weineaiay, Jacuiry fc'tb " - rarcirel! American Tour ! Euggenent of the Eminent roUh Ac tr, - ' MODJESKA I Supported by. Maurice H-' Barryiaore axd a rt 'tTOO. Drmc Compaay.1 On which occattoa wUl be prescaied Shakes Twelfth Wigrit l Sale of seat will win at ler MonJiar m rnlnff. Jin. 2S. at 8 ?rWv ' vnsj r- 6 O PERA HO US E One Night Only I ijSu. ' Th latest N. y. Success, T A BUNCH OF KEYS; OR. THE HQTF.L I 'f. JJ7Chas. h Hoytand Willie E.loula. With a record of over NE HUNDRED CONSECU TIVE NiGIirSntlheSan Krclsco House. S. V. Innoduclns: theunaj.nro.ch- Rblo charcter romedie.nnn MIH fioua MOOUF, supported by a ORE T CAsT. I The celebrated GraDd view Hotel -et car riol In Its eoilrety. Original Vus!'; elegant costuming. t.iKi opens Tnetday, 'Jn- at i Dy r's Jteserved $i. Admlsbion, 6, SO. 25 ' ccnt8- jan 20- (f Invisible Some People LECTURE BY Hon. Will, Cumback ' i HOUSE. MONDAY, JANUAHYl 28J For benefit Wllmingto-T Library Aseocaltlon. Admission 25 cen s. No reserved seats. Jan2G2t ' , i - ' Pacific Guano. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED 400 TO 500 TONS 1 i . - - r- , OF THIS INVALUABLE FERTILIZER; I MISCELLANEOUS OPERA which has never failed, and will havelt 'for i : sale throufrliout the season; as alsoDISSOLV- ' " ED RONE PHOSPHATE ' At Last Year's Prices. : )aiei 2mdAw ALEX. 8PRUNT A SON. Pure Whiskey. QLD M)RTH STATE SALOON, if ..South j.. Front St., keeps1 on hanS Clemraer's Puro Rve Whiskey. Ceo flavored stuff) Plc Mo Whlekcv. I very finc. As good FIVE CENTS CICAIta , as the raarket affords, Finest OYSTERS from New River. Don't want a fortune at i once. No headaches there. , jun Zt Onion Sets, White and Red. FRESH SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED.', Alao, a full assortment of I i 1 FRESH GARDEN SEED, 1 ' PATENT MEDICINES. 1 1 FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, CIGARS' In areat varletyj Ac , c. I Munds Bros, & DeRossetJ Ntw Drugstore, ' I 1 Market and Second Streets. jan It" GREENVILLE SOUND. i T WILL SELL AT A. BARGAIN ONE of the 1 i! ' .. , most I Desirable Summbr Places on the A tlantlo cat, situated oa Greenyllle Soun, mile from WllmlngtoDon Shell Roai. The land la In a III G II STATE OF "I CULTIVATION and will support an ordinary elze es, ADU etrlmp to be had at the door every dar. nortVlawSm m WM. A. CPMMtNO I James A. l-ovvrey9 THEE L W RIG II T, BLACKSMITH AND I General Repairer cf Carriages and Vehicles; Work of all kinds attended to without delay. Thanking my friends for farora extended So me in the rait. I solicit their kind fascraaJ r .-.. , t ii' i . their patronage In future. After an experl eace or forty-four years as a Mechanic under Capt W. 11. liobbltt, of Warrenton, and t Waaalngton, I am .now prepared to conduct tbework In all lu branches In a good and work aoanllke manner. ,i , - ' Place of business, on Princess. I bet ween 3rd and 1th streets. dot 20 oaw4( j Steam Yacht LouiBeJ p ASSESGER AND rREIGIIT STtEAXIER lor FmltbvRle dally. Kates low and accom-j I moda'iona fioc. The LuL'iSE Is a ntw boal. : and U guaranteed eaf.r. Hlil leaye Smlthvlli S A. M Ieave W'UmlogUn 1 20 o'clock IV M. wnarr loot cf Dockstrect. ' - WU. WEEKS.! r Jan 19 0 . Agent anl owner. ! SELLirJC OUT I HATS & FEATHERS AT REDUCED PRICES. . . ULS. KATE C. Wist. No- Ui H SicoiMl Street, nsxt Post oa-e ' d faariiy. On the place are Pears, reach Apples, Cherries. Flars and Grapes IN NUANCE. I ovslerj. fl9. Crabs and

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