The Daily Review .JllSII. T. JAMES. Ediur A Pmp WILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 18SI. and middle daises, and the Lwies College, erected in memory of his wife. who died some seren years ago. Pre viom to bis wile', death Mr. II olio way went to bis Oxford stieet, London, cs- tabiisbment. and directed his great KotertU at the fotomc at WihnlnxWa. S. aa second -cUaa t alter. OLD FOLKS. Harry Skinner, the old ferryman at ths Forge, in I'owcll county, KyJ. is 90 years of age- He has cat his third set ot teeth and his hair is black. Amass Allen, of Terre Hante. is 97 years old. and h just celebrated his A pious woman of Pennsylvania, in a letter to the H'om.m'i Jounvll, de dares that the Bible has always teen in the hands of man. In the transcribing, ameudio. translating and explaining, and that women cannot receive it as final in those parti which bear unjustly on them. She therefore demands a woman's Bible. hnin rurnn11v pverv dav. Of late "Uearsho has remained mostly at hij seventy-seventh wedding anniversary. - 5 . o !!?Mt . r.. He walks erect and reads without spec possible be made the business of patent medicine rc3pectable1aud ho understood the value of advertising about as well as some of our own millionaires. London landlord Almost evcrV day." says Trulh, one reads how this has 'kindly' returned twenty per cent, of the half-yearly rents to his tenants, and how another has remitted ten per ceuL Practical people in tno country know very well thit these abatements, on which so much ignorant eulogy is lavished, are fori ed upon the landlords, for if they insist upon extorting the full amounts due, they would lose tbeir tenants and find tbeir farms thrown upon tbeir hands. The ice crop on the Hudson this year will be tbe largest ever harvested, and the prospect is that it will bo securely housed within ten days. The crop in I S3 1 was 2,500,000 tons inl3S2 2.000.000 tons, and In 1683 3.000.000 tons. Tbis Winter tbe crop will reach 3.500.000 tons on account of the different compi nes. and private parties will bouse all of 200.000 tons additional, making a grand total of 3.700.000 tons. The ice U represented to be of splendid quality, clear as plate glass, with a frosting of only two or threw inches of snow, leav ing from 12 to in indies of hard, good ire. and, therefore. tfe waste will nat urally be very slight. - A publisher, calling attention to the fact that during the year 1983 no fewer than 349 works of fiction were pnblish- od in England, says that readers do not increase in proportion to tho number of novels published. On the contrary, daring the last two or three years the number of readers of circulating library novels has been steadily and largely de creasing. 1 nis, ne says, pruuamj w be accounted for mainly by the excess nf fiction in other directions, jnovcis tacles. Uncle Billy Slisk, of Columbus. Ind., t ?in nr-alave. ana was suoposea w be 108 years old. Recently he was taken to be baptised and as ho was im mersed he became insensible and soon died. MISCELLANEOUS DYSPEPSIA RAHiKOAI3, c. WHOLESALE Wilmington & Wcldon Railroad Company. 33T The following i--1 i- o small orders higher Jtto price. bawX b?.??? WILL l.KZ YOXJr OmCK Or GEXK&AE. SUrKKTNTaaiDKNT. Wilmington. N. C-. Nov 17. 13S3. Angry, Awful, Abominable, Bearish Bothered, Beclouded, Cross, Criti cal, Cranky, Dismal, Doleful, De mT x Mtt. mm m mm - sponoent, xuileebied, Unvious. Hn PUnnrt rtf ived, Frightful, Fearful. FidVetv - "fcv Gnimhlinfr- Glonmv. HnVvmiQ Rnr. iN AND AFTER NOV'R 13, ISS2. AT 1.05 - t TT4.jri- i xj i 1 T I sa. .rasseneer '-irania on tno viimmg- x itu, a ittiwuj, j. xciuicxy. xuipcriuus I ton a weiaon Kaiiroaa vnu run as ioiiowa : lm, - k ..... 15 . f . i to Mrs. Peter Bangaru. of Racine. Wis.. Impatient, Inconsiderate, jealous day Hail and express trains b nearly 90 years of age. nhn and her hnsbana sola hnm. and her eriei was so great that her husband says she sobbed herself to death. In Van Alstvne. Ter.L lives a colored AILt Id M I Irrli't I I. IS . IS mm I - -. ' inn w - l 1 r T T . I -w- . a -ww M 1 A A . JVnavisn. lanmiifl . Uimpntah le. I n. I J-eavo TriiiHui?ioii,xroniot.yepw b.oa- iv c . ir j i Arrive at Weldoa. 2.31 P. CTibnous, Mournful, Moody. Miser iieave WeWon......... s.oop. able, Notional, Nervous, Neuralgic Arrive at wiim'gton.rrontst.iypt, 8.40 p. m t. j- . -r & I Fast Thbocgh Mail & Passenger Thaih J - VJUllJLl.. I i ni Ur". M f-"ff I I I man named Frank W. Hteland. who is i:0f. Po:ri T.,:U rv. " r:- daily-no. e south. V r-w i i si aim, a cuuU4, V Uil. VUCC1. VU11 I W.Mtn r rn T . hi vr oia iiB W&.S s rezniar iiauu i -n, ... ' ' . i .vr. m.w . n I Tl loBPftwn nd nlnlrPfl from reiSOme, eDeUlOUS, Kaw, KaSTSred at Wlim'gtoii,rrontSt.DVt 10.25P.:il v Fw " r---- - i e.. C..11 C..i T ' 11 MAIL AND PASSRNORR TT?ATW Ttt- mrr, i vannnnns rr rmrnn ner liuui. luiirn. -jiiviiut. nmn pnmp i w .ua lUlfcJ IU I J""""" ' ' ' , C - - -ww...w day. j loucny, lormentingv Unpleasant .Tho seventieth anniyersary of the Ugly, Unhappy, Vacant, Vixenish. oi DcuoQ iaoiDeruuu . marriase oF Josiah Unrd and wife. of Vicious, Weary :-f Worn Worried readers who used to resort to the h Sandgate. Vt., has just been celebrated. WocrMfJ l vJ, J braries now get their full supply in the The Save lived in the same house all Xanthic, Xasperated, Xcruciated daily, weekly and monthly journals. A Celebrated Case." It suems nrobabla that Mr. Michael O'Connor, of Galesburg. 111., is not re lated to the celebrated Cnarles u uonnor He says: "StmariUin Aervine cured me of dyspepsia and general debility." 811 OUTS No. 43 North. Aieave wumington.. 8.00 P; M. Arrive at Weldon. 2.20 A. M. Mail and Passengeb Trains Nos 45 and 42 Leave WUBatnzton, (Sundays ex- . . .PJ .......12.30 AM Arrive ai weiaon 6 30 A M Leave Weldon, (Mondays excepted)!. 05 A M Arrive ai wnmington.. ....... 6.55 a MM Train No. 48 South will stop only at Wilson. AGGINQ Standard. -2 ft....... 1 lb.....; BACON North Carolina llams, fi.. . Shoulders, V ft. LJAXL tJ . iAJ ............ a WESTEKN SMOKED llama... Sides, V ft. Shoulders TfKY SALTEO woj T ....... ........ Ill' Shoulders. V ft... t il9 BAERELS-Splrlts Turpentine, 0 I) Second Hand, each........ i New New York. each.. . i .!i NewCltv.eacb ,;2 . BEESWAX, V ft... -U BRICKS. V M i 36 BUTTER, ft North Carolina.. Northern.. ......L. CANDLES, V lb', I Bperm Tadow........i..;...f... . Adamantlme.. J..... .... CUEESfc, V ft-1 ' northern Factory Dairy, Cream.... , State COFFEE, V ft java... ...... ...... Lafiruyra.. ......... Rio............ 20 18 o 0 o A join resolution was introduced in the Nowr Jersey IUIaturH Tuesday, by a Republican member , opposing any free trade legislation by Congress dprin; the present ession. A motion to recommit the resolution .was defeat' ed by a vote of 2S ayes to 30 noes, two Democrats totinz witfi the Republicans in the negative. A motion to adj'Miru was then made from the Democratic side, which was declared carried by the Speaker amidst much confusion. Thursday the discussion was rcsuuud on the resolution. A substitute was offered to the effect that the Iislature favors a tariff for revenue, limited to tbe expenditure of Jhc Government. and so adjust ttil as to gtvu pro ection to home Industrie without fostering monopolies. The substitute was adopt cd by a vote of 32 to 23. The Hackcnsack Cemetery Company recently rcluseu to permit a much re spected colored man to be buried in their grounds. Governor Abbcttsent a special mcssngc to the Ic;iUturo on the subject last week, in which he said: "The Stato should nut attempt to control individuals in their private and social relations as long ns they Uo not interfere with the riht of others. Hat the legislature 5hould sco that the civil and political ryhts of nil men, whether white or bl.u k, are protrclm', ami wiicn iiilringctl or violated that punishment should follow. It oiiht noltn be tolerated in this S:atc that a corporali tn. whose fxi.-tnc depends upon the legislature will, and whoc property is exempt from laxmion be cauSdofits religious us. rtumld be permitted to tnaken distinction bolwcvn the white man and the black man. The church and the friends of the deceased may have a remedy in the court.. but the necessity of burial is immediate, and the law's delay would render practically useless the assertion of any such lc;al right. I t re fore recommend the pas sage oi a law which shall make buch a refusal, based on color, a criminal of? fence, with such penalty as shall pro vent a recurrence of such an act.11 Recent English capers are giving considerable attention to the biography of Mr. Ilolloway. the originator of Hol lo way 'a pills. It does not seem to be known definitely where be was bom. and there is somo doubt whether he m, m. m began cosiness oy soiling puis or oint ment, or whether both, came .together. Much less did Mr. Ilolloway reveal the secret ingredients of his renowned pills. His death recalls the fact that bo was one of the pioneer advertisers of the world. Early in bis business career, tho pills not selling as fast as the ad vertising bills came in. Mr. Ilolloway ran short of cash ; once bo had nocandles to light him to bed. and worse still was senttoprbon for debt, lie arranged with bis bJditors. however, got out of prison and went to selling ointment and pills again. As ho prospered be resolved on paying all bills and wa?es daily, and 'kept up this system as (ar as possible till the dose of bis tile. As his success would Indicate, be was a shrewd, fir seeing business mar. His speculations la European stocks were as fortunate as bis pills. It is said hr ho had faith in bis own medi cine ami when skk took his own pill. Among his great deeds of benevolence are the Sanitarium, a hospital for the mentally afflicted la the English lower Twelve million clocks were manufac tured last year, j The State tar of Florida this year is but three mills. A man in Weturupka. Ala., has found a lOounce stone that 3bines like a ruby. Sorrro of the mummies in the British Museum have false teeth on gold plates. A bill has been introduced in the Vir ginla Legislature to prohibit the run ning of railroad trains on Suudaj. Georgia's penitentiary now contains 1,332 prisoners, the largest number ever recorded on the registry at one time. A large Hint arrow-head was found firmly imbedded in the back of a whale captured ulVSau Diego the other day. Gov. Stanford, of California, owns a vineyard at Vina of ten thousand acres, planted in grape vines of different qual ities, j . Cat and buffalo lish are causht in In dian Territory by the wholesale and shipped to Texft cities, where tboy are sold. , ' Washington, D. 0 . May I5th. 1880. Having been at sufferer lor a lona time from' nervous prostration and pencrai debility, j was auvised to try flop Bitters. I have taken one bottle, and I have been rapidly getting better ever since, and I think it the best rued- i cine i ever useu. i am now gaining trength and appetite, which was all i v r f i v . gone, anu i was in uespair until i triea your Hitters. I am now well, able to go about and do my own work. Before taking it, I was completely prostrated. MRS. MARY STUART. their married life, and areeach 93 years Yawning, Yielding, Yellow, Zealot! old and in good-health cal, Zigzagish, Zeroish. Mrs. S. P. Wagner, who died recently in Vow Orlflsim was one of the eirls I xu. -- i - - . - - -i I rri . n i ' L ? STW. wyfiil"!.?; THAT PRINCE of all TONICS, SftficjTffiwSR om... juiiy, i lounuays excepieaj. ICeturnlnff. leave Tarboro at 10.00 A. M and 8P.M. Dally Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Itoad leave Halifax for Scotland Neck at S.2R r rt. will drive out Dyspepsia,, and make Jetvld Neck a. m. v you ' j Train No. 47 make close connection at Wei- Amiable,v Affectionate Accommo- fi,02!L:? 3? J . 1 Tt . i-. .. i t . " " ' j vj,. ouuuajr via uaun?. rsenevnipnr. hminri. o ' w . w- , ....... 60 85 0 25 Gen. Jackson on his return from the battle-field of Chalmette.and sho danced ith Lafayette when he visited! this country. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Foster, of Cairo, N. Y., have been married seven- tV'five vears. He is now in his tooth vear and in failins health. His wife Brown's Ircn Bitters, COKN MEAL. V bus.. In iuu-kk COTTON TIES. V bundle..." domestics- j Sheetimr.44, VydJ... l&rns. w Duncn.... KtHiS, v dozen. Mackerel. No. 1: W bbl auccKerei. no. i. r naif wi.. a w. Mackerel, Nb. 2, bbl...... 9 60 Mackerel, No. 2, V half bbt.. 5 00 Mackerel, No. S, V bbl....ia. i 75 Mullets, V" bbl. loo Mullets, Pork bbla T 00 a. u. Koe uernng, keg.... a 00, 160 0k 6 00 ......... IBs- was 94 years old. in May. .posters fuir-im;ranaMp fnmnncwl father lived 100 vears. and Mrs. Fos-1 iL rTi tV 1 Vv ter's mother was 99 years old when she died. From an Exduxngc. For DrspEPSiA. Indigestion, De pression of Spirits and General Debili ty, in ineir various lorms; uisu as a preventive asrainst Fever and Ague, and other Intermittent Fevers, the "Fr.mio-PnospnoRATED Elixir of h'ghtful,1 Dignified, Domestic, Enter Pnsing,) iUastic, Jiliectiv-e, faithful at, Flourishing, Generous, Good Gracious. Hooeful. Haoov. Helifi j Independent, Indefatigable, Infll tial, Jubilant, Tolly, TocoseJ Kii, Knowinsr, Keen - witted, Lovine Lucky, Large-hearted, Munificent Train No. 43 runs dallv and mkpi ,nan nn nectlon for all Points North via Richmond and All trains run solid between Wl'mimrton an Washlneton. and have Pullman Pa1jmv .r. ers attached. .1 For accommodation of local travel a Ssr coach will be attached to local freight leav g Wilmington at 7.00 A. M - Dally except Sunday. - j IJOHN F. DIVINE, General Sunerlntendent. T..M. EMERSON, Genera" Passenger Agent. nov 14 - Causa YA. made by Caswelt. II az- Muscular, Majestic, Nimble, Notice Wilmington, ColllDl bip. ARD&Co..Newlork. and sold by all Li,u Mfow r.uv;' rui.- u&u, viumMii I)rn22i3ts. is the best tonic; and for patients recovering from Fever or other sickness, it has no equal. tu 2w rmtsoNAL.. Mrs. (ieu. Custer is visiting the late lien. Cuter's sister. Mrs. Calhoun, in Detroit. 1 Lucca i not so popular in lierlio, aiuonp critical opcrasoers, as she was formerly. Of the original Hutchinson family, famed as sinjers. three arc now living: John W.. Asa 11. and'Abbyr Miss Kmily Faiihfull has been in veslizaVing the , Mormons, ami has been afforded every facil.ty by the ciders. THE MAILS. Themalls close and arrive at the City Pos office as follows : i CLOSE. Northern through malls, fast 7.00 P. M. Northern through and wiy mails... :3. 00 A. M. Ealelgh 6.15 P. M. and 8.00 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad and . routes supplied therefrom Includ ing A. A N. C. Railroad at 7.00 P M. and 8.00 A. M Southern Malls for all points South. dally 6.15 A. M. and 8.00 P. M. western malls f u. c. lallwav) aauv. (except Sunday) ......6.15 P. M. All points between Hamlet and Ral eigh 6.15 P.M. Mall for Cher&wand Dnrllncton IIaII- road. 6.15 A. M, and 8.tK) P. M. Malls for points between Florence and Charleston 6.15 A. M. and 8.00 P. M. Faycttevllle and offices on Cape Fear Elver, Tuesdays and Fridays 1.00 P. M. FaycttevUlc, via Lumberton, dally, except Sundays...... .,...6.15 P. M. Onslow C II. and Intermediate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridays.... ..... 6.00 A. M. Smith vlllo malls, by steamboat, dally (except Sundays) 8.30 A. M. Malls for Easy "HI, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River. Tues days and Fridays 6.00 A. M. Wrlghtsvllle, dally 8.30 A. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way malls. . . .7.30 A. M Southern Malls 7.30 A, M. Carolina (Jen tral Railroad 9. 00 A. M. , Malls collected from street boxes 'business portion of city at 5 A. M., 11.30 A.M. and 5.30 P M. and from other point of the city at 5 P. M. Stamp Office open from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M., Money order and Register Department open jrora 8 A. M. to 5.30 P. M. General delivery tpen from 7A.M. to6 P.M. and 00 Sundays from 8.30 to 9.30 A. M. Carriers' delivery open on Sunday from 8.30 o 8.30 A.M. i . ' f DR. f(j$L . l BEFORE V-AND H O . and Maokey; of S. C. Mr. Mackey lived Ions enough to occupy his scat. Frederick Douglass, whoso marriage has created a cood deal of comment, weighs ever 200 pounds, but is said to be as brUk as a boy in going about Washington, and i in capital health, lie Uvea in Van Ilork's old manor houe. nolwitbstandio the original owner's hatred of his race, and his consequent efforts to prevent a colored man ever owning any of the land which had been in bji possession.! owerful vant. Overioyed, Patient, Progressive, Quick, Quiet, Qualified Sweet, Smiling-; Sagacious, Thank ful, Tender, Temperate, Untiring Unblighted, Uncomplaining, Vigor ous. Victorious, Wise, Watchful WaryXcellentXperienced, 'Xult ant, Youthful. Yeomanlike. Yourse! again, Zephyr-like, Zealous. Zestful 12 1 dec 8- nnn teldAw cd ' j Mother s Spinning Wheel. Concerning One Article that was Not For Sale, and An other which Is Cheap at Anv Price. "No, sir, I wouldn't 6ell you that for any money; that spinning-wheel was my mother's It was one day, when sho was singing like a lark and making this old wheel bum, that my father, then a young medical student, after wards a farmer, fell In love wli h her some fifty years ago." j I So spoke the proprietor of a rough bit of farm land In Ulster County, Ni Y., to a relic hunter, and "mother's" spinning wheel re mained among her children and grandchild ren. My mother.", writes Kcv J. W. Phelps, Easter of St. Paul's M K Church, Chicago, as used Parker's TONIC aud wishes uie to say that she has found it more cnectitc than anything sho ever used for invigorating and strengthening the system uebUitatca by mala rlii. she desires mc aid especially to mention tbe certainty with which it aids digestion and cvcrromei exhaustion " Ever ihicc the lirsi household was establish cd "mo'hcrV opinion has been more pott lit in this woild than that of judge, jurist or physician, ncr nana has always coolea the fever and hc-r, ofc has been filled with hope With each day's decline, PARKER'S TONIC is becoming morc'deservcdly popular with the women who guard alike husband and chi d ren. it eradicates malarial poison from the blood, from which there Is now such wide spread suffering. Please observe: Dr. PARKER'S TONIC is not an intoxicant. J t is a combination of sev eral ingredients, of which none singly can produce anything like its effect- For Kidney, fctomach and Liver troubles, it is the standard and unfailing remedy Jn two sizes: fO cents and $1. The latter the cheaper, lliscox & Co , Chemists. New York. jan ll-lmd&w & j Augusfa Jl. R. Co. Office o? Gkxkkal sufebintendbst, Wilmington. N. C. Nov 17.1SSS. wry cod, lb......... FERTILIZERS. V 2.000 f eruvian uuano, JNo. 1.......57 80 015, OS o 8 o 3 2 .36 00 " robo...; ..00 00 Baugh's Phosphate... ........ 00 00 Carolina Fcrvilizer 45 00 Ground Bone .. !...... .00 00 Bone Meal. J...,...00 00 Bone Flour Li. ...00 00 CtiK mm 0J AFTER Clactrk Appliances are t tot on 30 Day' Trial. TO MEM ONLY, YOUNQ OR OLD, VTUO tre Mifferinx from Kmtocs DtBttirr, Ixr ViTAUtrrXACK or Nkhtb Yomcm au Vigok. Wrisa Wkaekksskx. and all those diseases of a 1'BJuoxAC. Katvbk resulting from Asusb and JTRxa Causes. Speed? relief and complete roto r stioa of H I4LTH.VMOK and Makuooo Ocasuktkko. The Krandot discorery of tho Nineteenth Century, aondstoooo for 111 astnUod Pamphlet free. Addross VOLTAIC BEIT CO.. MABSHAlt. MICH. now n lyeodAw t th s MOONSIIINK. New York has an a nti charity sreio ty. At roll call tho city directory is used. Bismarck Tribune. Never shake a carpet. It's too hrk work. Out if you must shake some thing shakro a triead. rhila. Call. BUmarck making war against the American hog will find that tbe pen is mightier than tho, s word. K. O. Pic. "Tho ballet is described as being as old &s the world." The ballet girl is noted (or her longevity, bat we Bad no ides that it amounted to so much as this Boston Post. . "Your husband always apocars to be in Tery hizh spirits." "Yes re turned his wife, " tf they did'nt come so CxriTALCBTOCt.. a $350,000 high I should hare had a new fur a mm & sacque mis winicr. uroouyn Eagle surplus ftjkd ... .oc "Como, let's bill and coo a little, as we used to." said Mixer to his wife. alter tney can oeen marnea a year. " Yes." she replied. you look oat lor First National Bank of iWH- 1 mington.; tho bills and I'll do trie cooine." Bos- Ion Times. I 1 Florida strawberries hare fallen to 5 a quart. They aro quite smtll and decidedly add. Some people who like soar things may enjoy them, but 1 tor our part we loose taste for them after the third plate. Phlla. Call. Young pargraphcr: "IfyoaYe bard up for material there's always funerals to writo about. The, man who can't think of something fanny about a fun eral has no business go set himself np as a humorist." Boston Post Deposits reodrfcd aad collecUon; mad on JD aecesttlbl potmfaa Um Ual tod States. Stop that cough by the us of A Ter's Cherry Pectoral tho best specific erer known (or all diseases of the throat and lungs. It will sootho the rough feeling In your throat, glre th ropal organs flexibility and Titality. and enxblo you to breathe and speak clcarij. DIUECTOESa a. K. BURRUSS, O. G. WORTH) .MAKTRf. , JAS. SPBUITT. UKOBQ K.Cn A D BOURN. orncxEss C K. BUSSU8S.. A.K. WJ Tf. LARXmS. Stt CSAXlSZ 1884. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED Harper' $ Magazine begins Its sixty -eighth vol ume with the December Number. It la tbe most popular illustrated periodical In America and England, always fully abreast of the times In Its treatment of subjects of current social and Industrial Interest, and always ad vanclng Its standard oi literary, artistic, and mechanical excellence. Among-Its attractions forlSS4are: anew serial novel by William Black, illustrated by Abbey; a new novel by K.P. Roc, Illustrated papers by George H. BoUjrhton. Frank D. Millett. C. IL Far n ham. and others; Important historical and biograph ical papers; short stories by W D Howells, Harper's Periodicals. i Per Year: ' ( HAarxs's IUoazikx si oe HXRFKB'S WEZKLT 4 00 ILAJtrsn's Bazas. 4 00 HARTEK'S VOUXO POFL 1 50 Harper's FRXxaxur squarr Ltrrart, uno i ear (53 lumbers) ..L..C10 00 Postage Free to aa sttbscrSbert in .the United OLOiCM or UOMUO, The volumes of the Magazine begin with the s umucn mr i use ana iecem oer of each year w oen no nms is specified, it will be under- suoscnDer wishes to begin with un: uuicui xiiuuucra i - The last Ehrht Vohnnea cf nar-ru. wtAm. wtmK iii neat ciom Dinoing, will be sent br mall nAttnlil wi. jf m u - . J SSfpSd01 btodfn.t M ccnueach-by Index to Barrel ), AnalyUcal. andClaasinfid. tnr vninmM i Isclnsire, from June, 1M0, to June. 1S30 one toL, Sto, Cloth, $400. i one Remittances should be made by PostOffice Money Order or Draft, to avcd enance of loLZ m ewBtaper art mot to eanw thi ....-. . wittotd a express order of Uakfes &' Bros. HARPER 4 BEOTHEBS. 3 New York. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER NOV'R 18th, 1883, at 4.33 A. M., the following Passenger Sched ute will be run on this road : ! No.42 Leave Wilmington, (Mondays excepted) 7.15 A M Arrive at Floreuce..... ....11.40 A M No. 45 Leave Ft rence. (Sundays excepted).... 7.40 P M " Arrive at WilmingtonJ 12 10 P M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAILY Nos. 4 I Wetand47 East. Leave Wilmington......... 9.10 P. M Leave Florence....... 2.40 A. hi Arrive at C. C. A A. Junction...... 6.35 A. M Arrive at Columbia...... R.40A. M Leave Columbia 9. 55 P. M Leave C, C. & A. Junction. 4 ..10.20 P. M Leave Florence i. 4.33 A. M Arrive at Wilmington..: 8.23 A. M. Night Mail and Passengeb Train, Dailt No. 40 West. Leave Wilmington...... 10.40 P. W Arrive at Florence 1.45 A. M MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DAILT No. 43 East. wavassa Guano i 40 00 Complete Manure.. ......... .00 00 Whangs Phosphate... . 00 00 Wando Phosphate... ..1... ...00 00 Berger & Butz's Phosphate.. 00 00 Excellenza Cotton Fertilizer. .Vi 00 French's Carbonate of Lime. 4. ,7 00 I LAJUXi, Dbl I Fine. o oo Northern Super. &q Extra . 6 00 Family j.... 7 00 City Mills Extra 6 60 Family J.... 5 75 Extra Famllr.... 6 60 GLUE V fb llll urain, w bushel corn, irom store, bags, white. Corn, cargo, In hulk,, white.. Corn, cargo. In bagsr white.. Corn, cargo, mixed. In bags.. Oats, from store....i...f .... Cow Peas HIDES, V lb . i t r. ureen..... ha?" iwibs-" "T Eastern................ ....... 1 20 oiS Western 1.. H9 alt North River... j..- 75 a s HOOP ILRON, V ft.... t... i0 U W m X" I m.' liv am. - 1 uaiu),7 id aim o a k a a 6C 65 CO 11 O a a o 35 P. M ..... 7.42 P. M Leave Flerence at i Arrive at Wilmington Train 43 stops at all Stations. No. 40 stops only at Flemlngton. and Marion. i jrasscngers ior uoiumbia and all points on U tk C. 1C. It V. Jk Tl T? fifaHnno AltrAn T.inA "P 1 vimuu. UAlU V IMIJ tion, and all points beyond, should take the xNigni nixpress. Separate Pullman Slflepers for Charlestor and Angusca on Train 4a . All trains run solid between Charleston and nrumingion. Local freight leaves Wilmington daily ex- I j JOHN F.. DIVINE, ' General Snnerlntendent T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent liUV Xi Carolina Central B. II. .Company. i . Oificb of General Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. June 13 th. 1SS3. No.1.! mm Dyed." A TMONACirS, U, SECOND IZZ??,1 Ladles and Gen. JiP.y color. o, tleaalnx. seourlor and bWhwJ me a pair ef tout old Kid wvw mot 9S-tf , No. M M M M M M Change of Schedule. 1 QN AD AFTER JUNE 13th, 18S3, THE following bcneauie will be operated on tal Railroad : r , j i PASSENGER M AIL AND EXPRESS TR A Iv Dally except Sundays. . Leave Wllmfegton at... .....7.00 P. Leave Raleigh at 7.35 P. Arrive at Charlotte at. 7.00 A. Leave Charlotte at ....8.45 P. Arrive Raleigh at .....R sn f l .arrive at Wilmington at.. ..8.25 Ai Passenger Trains stop at regular station Ttoe Table? le8lg11 the Company's SHELBY DIVISION. PASSENGER, MAIL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. , I- Dally except Sundays.- Y!L V"riotre 5.3o p m Amvv at oneioy..... .......... . fl IYI T XT ...wo. wuUMkM... ..... ....... .10.30 irSteiffK wL4 ? vke close connection " Hat wlthR.AA.Tralna to and from RaJ- hrough; SleeplngCara between WUmlngtoo Charlotte andaleigh and Charbtsf WkZ?0' vllle, Stotion. i , " ixie ana points West Also, for SmrUnhmw c . .. tDfc Atlanta and allpolito , ' AUlT L. C. JONES, Northern............ I0n u North Carolina... 00 a li LIME, V barrel ...I.... 1 40 a LUMBER, City Sawed, M ft. Ship Stuff, rcsawed. .....18 00 'ttxt Rough Edge Plank.;.. 15 00 CIS WestlndiaCargocs.accordliiir i tp quality..;.... ....... 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. 18 00 Scautllng and Board. comn..l2 00 wrsT A QDVO 1 1 ... i New Crop Cuba, in hhda.. .. r.. ta bbls Porto Rico, lnhnda " In bbls... 8ugar House, In hhds. J M IS . . . J I .......... en G2 eat OC0 Jt 00 0 li 00 ix oo o a 0 0 H OIU 281 40 1 a-;P ri 1 10 190 00 '00 25 10 0 0-145 O 1 00 01OC 0 9 0 S 0 0 ....... 75; 0 1 5 90 01V 1 10 2 00 mm m mm - , 0 f 0 I one is . j . . - and fProiiia tli T dcrar mJZl?017' r cansed by ifflf error of yonth. etel a perfect and lirtSZ SJl .'7,0,, manhood fa A A rslcal Aecav ia nnfn I. w nad direct m. IURST0M REKECYCP46 W.MthSt. KewYork. aorA271jeod&w ; t th s Syrup, In bbls... NAILS, V Reg, Cut.l0d basis.. uiij, v gallon Kerosene... Lard. Llneced..;;. Rosin....; Tar...... ieck and Spar. . . Chickens, live, grown... . " Jjpnng..... Turkeys.. PEANUTS V bushel.. POTATOES, V bushel 1 Sweet : -. Irish. V-bbl...;.. fork, v barrel i , j! City Mess .....i....23 5C Prime..!.. t.... ie 00 Rump..... 17 oo Jtucis uaroiina. V fb...... isougn. v bushel uaus, y ib Jountry. KjllV . ....... RdpJk. V lb. SALT, V sack, Alum juverpoo ..k, ......... usbon i... SUGAR, V lb-Cuba I.. i'ono luco A Coffee L. B c- .r:.. Ex C j Crushed J UAr, r lb Northern......... 15 h aujLNiiLK3,71n.VM ......low! m common 2 b0 O 3 CypressiSaps................. 4 50 a 6 Cyprees IleartA n n m i ac STAVES Y M-W. O. Barrel..l2 00 , 18 oe n,h9'J.?&hesid-"'"''-wi 00 I low TALLOW. 4 ft ti PPE3 S M eet-Shlpplng.l2 00 14 oc Mill Prime........... ' 7 60 0 8 Mill Fair i . . . . .7. , $000 6 Common Mill................. 5 00 0(1 Inferior to OrdJnArvJ n m tt 4 wjtusKEY, v gal-Northem.. 1 CO e rorth Carolina;... .....1 00 60 WOOL, V- Jb Washed. ,25 a Unwashed.... 1 20 & uurrY......................., j 03(8 017 18 0t 4U0 ( 95 ) I U 1'40 U 10 14fe0 oo, a a a o a a 00 00 loo 00 00 00 L2 70 0 a lOfeft to for the working r class Send n rr t AJjLJl) "nts for. postage, ad we w . , mall vouree, a royal, irslQ box of sample gootU that will put joa H way of making more money In a lew dayiU you erer thought possible at any dm1 Caplnot reoed. .We will start you. T can work all the lime or In. spare UroeoB Tle work is universally adapted to both young and old. You can easily earn f ran cents to $5 every evening. That all who n W.inlaI ttthebu8loe8a. we make thl 5&llelel offer; to all who are not Fell fled we will send $1 to pay for the Ironbk J free. Fortunes will be madeTby W who give their whole time to the work. success absolutely ture. Don't klelaj. now. Address Stiksoh Co.,voi& MaJng . . noy20qem-V A Q-TAT'PQ wanted fo The LireirfV AuJCii AO be President of ttf -N-fTii 1. . v.niui up beat book ever sold for JeiV tnan tirwg f"- The fastest selling book in Atnerg immense orofita ti nnt. in nteifc( people want It. Any. one can become g cessful agent. Term fr- rTn.rJtrr Co., Porjtiand, Maine. toy APT5T7P Send six cents for pog IhlCjJu ana receive free, C1 vs. gooas which will help you w wSr 2?y? y$ hour The t m wuaviUKiT BUIU v - ess,'A'BUX 4 CO.. AnrastA. Maine. Outfit rTr,77, aosojuieiy sure "v Capital not required Reader, If youi business at whi?h rtZZlut, ii.r& make great pay all tbe Umt . work, with absolute certain tr. write tor W. oculars to II. Haxlett rv ' "Pnrtbuia. I vim. on t : --"t - "i Mvtuu a yw

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