. - L'Aiir1Inll.2LlJkli.u ... ' . - r . .. '.- . . ... i : " . UU -YoacUlmt 1IIYL,LI3. Phyllis stands before her mirror. Twiiuinir. turning, smell of burning. SIns ing frizzes to her bair. "Thinss of beauty," sings she softly. "Are a iify forever more, i Ami lie saul that most becoming Was the ecru that I wore. Says my cheeks are likq twin roses. 1 1 angiei cold my silken hair. Heaven knows the hue his nose is, i Scarlet madder don't compare : ! These fair checks cost far less money; Than he's squandered on that nose,! Hut I'm his to share his millions I Hie only would propose." ! The U cd-.! inrhf"r.A.-.. f.r an o'iC '' , A IrobolMu, "I- Ithritiaatlttui aY 1 ' 1 J 1 1 1 rr ; t ( t , M. , h . t ; . . of a 11 d i M-3 f , .,,. ! N nir l: -ohent, ' ,'. . . rtic vu-t l all IV. ClQjHlQiUlElRlOlB ,-. -th-' jMtici.t nt by I ho 3.-.A ir.t-tic catJiartic, -ri-.' z t a-nitTtolncu)macn vsC vUi . I Uc brain I rv- !..:... . v. arc crvtcd liv ,.vL.'r.l ,fnrynitn, Mcr -. . : ir. 1 ill tlM- TV tw-o ?CO ' - . t - , , . ; . - . r ,-1 . tt noil pr?ira:.- n. .!' Vf ,.'. fU-nmru. !.v r, ci .. .r ";..';',.,:-: a i.rri lnlf, aii 5lS"t .itj.:T Nl.UtNCl-l::...: '. ; s: tn-i ttomli rl:.I ii : s'. r .i..o.' the rlnlilii -v-Jf ir.. . ; ! -I ln:r--it. The . A. : :.D. Li. I ., lni rXSLJcM ph. .Mck :r.:u::.-i Art-- rv 7ni Cit-. i"t) SaJerers ' i.j-t-w.'-iHj rom Youthful Impru-lcnce CAUtns NcrTou llliuy, piirtlcl wfrnc. Valnaulc in r bom euro KIIKK. Uel i Tear Dr. A. U. t)ilo. llox ii:. Chlca The Da i I y Review. BUTE'S SPECIFICS.; x?nm t rtnabo ucl by an eminent un uannc sj year succcssiui pricllee. l i;utrantrel locket ra-tl- x f a'1 5Txtton4 of the BUxmI, whether vfitj .idf i-(iu!rpil. Skin ulc.vC3. Mm wk'i ' u .-ues et , ro perminpntly ' r iuv'4 !:-via; No. I. I'rlrctl. X..1V.K liLEttttr. fpn luttthful IiI1tc- l. a K rl irtn Kxhaujtc-1 Vitt i- 1 ftt Ma!.u To is remciy u un. . 1 ta i rtirw .f tt.ee rompUIot. 1 1 la it uroai-4 la ta o.kcnc4 Nervous .vti. Ni'u' t rv'm'vr the BlrcnstU i : . ,r .,t tv 'V-.iUut orcam, hl effects ve- N - t 'i.n- iai.ut ivllcf anl per rr. .r-.-'t ';r'Uvi!tt'.,n. In CO f i. n . t iro for all weak- ts ..-Tj.r. 1 1 ftf-u. i'rico $1. i i.t- or !: u re-etpt of price ! Ir (JI v era Vital Questions!! i tb2 uj: eminent physician . vo' oj-KI. what 14 the best thins .ati wor.d lur .julciin and allaying v. rr.tv.iwr. t,f t!.e nerves and curing ONCi: A UAKKEI2PKIC. TIio Story of Bonanza Mackay's Life Tlio Iloinanco of a 3IUIloiiairc's Alarriao. Anions the number of men who have leaped Irom comparative poverty and obscurity in this country in the past half century none stnnn out more prom nently than John . Alack ay. the California millionaire, at present living in Tarts. His name is known all over the continent, and the vast project of aying another cable across the Atlantic. briD2ing luo oiner continent inw m- slantaneous connection with ours, with which he is so greatly identified, brings dm before the people a?ain. To those amiliar with his career in the past lew years and knowing bU irumeo&e wealth and splendid surroundings it seem? almost miraculous that, within the memory or comparatively young men he was poor and obscure, without n dollar in the world. Although much has been written and said about him. as a uiatler of course, but few persons aro acquainted with his early life, and tne lact tnat nc wasai onc-ume a resi dent of this city has never been made public. As :i reporter was passing down Maiu street yesterday, a gentle man standing at the corner of Twelfth street remarked : You tec that build- inir over there?" pointing to the ; house on the northwest corner of Twcllth and Main. Upon the reporters replying in the affirmative he continued: I sup pose it would surprise :i number ot perous to know that Mackey once lived there, and kept a saloon. The story is not generally Known, as nc was not a man ol wiiie acquaintance, and when he left the city all thought of him died out. Ol those who used to take drinks from his hands across the counter, but few recognize him in his uew sphere. now iiEsr.vnn.iK "Along about 1815 Maekay came to this city in company with one or two others in search of employment. He wasavounz man, strong, active and willing to work at almost anything whicli would aQord him a good living. An old two-story li:iiie building stood at the corner over there, and the front room had been used as a saloon. The proprietor closed up a few months be fort, however, and the ouiuiing was left without a tenant. Maekay had soino little money, and as tho location was a coou one ue resoivcu to s;art a bar room there. Ho made a bargain with the proprietor and secured the ulace. opening up about a week later. The room and its fixtures would be in strong coutrast with the line saloons ot the present day. with their gilded couu ters and fancy bars. 1 no wans were covered with a simple coat of while paint and the counter was a long narrow one made of pine boards. IJehiml it was a shell on which sat some bottles and glasses. His coming was not taken much notice ol and none felt enough interest to iiuiuire from whence he came or who he was. lie was an en ergetic and industrious man. polite and attentive to his customers, and his short figure and smiling face could be seen nt fill limp liphinri tho hir. I Ho soon lluiltup a very good trade, but Le never seemed satisfied. It was evident tnat lie was not intcudeil for such a vocation in lile. as ho was restless ar.d, like Micaw- ol this some months later, and started a subscription for the widow's benefit, contributing liberally himself, and rais ing a neat little sum. This so touched the widow's heart that she called on him to thank him for his kindness. She was young and pretty, with a childish face and winning ways, and captured Mack ey ys heart completely. His courtship was a quiet one and of short duration and soon the pretty widow united her destiny with his. Mackey was then a rich man. but he kept widening his field ot action, until in connection with Flood, O'Brien and Fair, he established the Nevada bank, and I Louis, McClain went from Baltimore j to manage.' it Since that time Mackey s career has been familiar to almost every school boy. Unlike the majority of men, however, he does not forget that he was once dependent himself, and his charity has been great. He is a mem ber of tho Catholic church, and es tablished an. orphan asylum for the children of that denomination in Nevada City, which he still supports. He 13 always ready to give for charity's sake, and in addition is polite and courteous to everybody. Louisville Courier-Journal. We do not sound ! a needless alarm when wo tell you that the taint of scrofula is in your blood. Inherited or acquired, it is there, and Ayers Sarsa pariila alone will effectually eradicate It. ! Kcceivcr Wanted. In one of the northern counties of Onio, a company which was manufac turing agricultural implements had oc casion to borrow $5,000. Some of the stockholders, being of a tricky turn, decided to beat the lender ot the money out of it. and a Toledo lawyer was asked for his advice. You can do it very easily, was his bland reply. How?" "Why. one ol you go into court with an afildavit that the business is not being properly managed, and ask to have me appointed receiver. I can beat the man out of his $5,000." This was done, and. a3 one of the victims was explaining the other day: "Yes. sir, he beat the man out of that money slick as a whistle. "How?" "Why. by beating the rest of us ou of every doilar wc hand. The man who .rave us the advice now owns and runs the business. Wall Street News. MISCELLANEOUS. MI d Gold and Saow. For winter eonrhs. colds, aches and pains 70a will find Benson's Cs peine Forus Plasters the best relief. ! I hT9 a podtiTe remadyfor theabor dise&m ; bT its qm toooMiida of caws of ins worst kind and of tons tandiof hir been cured. Indeed. o strong it, my faith in it cfieacr, that I will send TWO BOTTLKS FREE, tocetoer with a VA14JABLB TREATISE on this disease, to any snfiVrer. Give express and P. O. address. Da. T. A. SLOCUil. l&l PearlStHew York. Ruskin's Works. Sesame axu Lilies, paper, lOcts.; cloth, 25 cents. Crown- of Wild Olive, paper, 10 cents; cloth; 25 ets. Ethics of tuk Pcst, paper, ib cents; C'Oth,2Ct3. Sesame and Liues Cbowx, of WrLo Olive and Ethics of the Dcst, in one vol ume, half RnBla. red edgeo. 50 cts. Modern Painters, Stones of Venice, etc , in pre paration. .Large catalogue free. 1 I JOtfK 1. ALDJSN, rublUber, j ian 2S-4w is Vesey St. New York ULa U U 1 B When I say core Ida not ttia. n mmilT to Rfor them for a time and then have them return sr ajn, I mean a radical enre . I hare made the disease of I-ITS, EPI LKPSY OR FALLIXQ SICKNESS a UfeOong study. I warrant my remedy to enre the wont cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a core. Ben d at onee for a Treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Giro Express and Postoffice. It costs yoa nothing for a trial, and I will cure yon. Address Da. LL G. ROOT, le3 Pearl St., New York. Fil Near as effec tive as a steam er; about onv tiiird first cost, and less than cue. tenth an- TrinDCPJimrrrnM rf IIICIlLINIHUIUil S3 HORSE-POWER hi FIRE ENGINE! 0 REMINGTON AGRICULTURAL CO. LION, New York 11 ! noal expense for repairs. For descrip tivocirculara with tcstimo-nialsddrees NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. Ill Use 1 GO Years, Impurity of lllood, however generat ed, is always present in the body when minis felt: it spreads and torments wherever a weak spot or low vitality exists. JiuANUKETifs Fills are the one great and unfailing - remedy, because they takn hold and exncl onlv what is hurt ful: so when sick, have pain, dizziness, rheumatism, colds, or costiveness, take from there to five, and if they do not onerato in four hours or so. take thrco or four more. They cleanse the bowels and circulation from all impurities of the blood, and often save life. Bkan dketii's Pills preserve tho vigor of youth, and for a lonz period keep c" tho debility ot age. Sold in every drug and medicine store, with plaiu printed directions for use. The Mormons aro believed to oppose round dances, because a man can only dance with one wife at a time. lid She Die ? 4'No:she lingered and suffered alou inning away all the time lor years, the doctors doing her no eood ; and at last was cured by this Hop Hitters the Tpa pers say so much about. Indeed! in deed! how thankful we that medicine." should bo for A miss is not tts good as a mile, for a miss has only two feet, whilo a mile has 5,280. Shoot the maxim maker. x of r.crvouj complaints, giving I bcr. constantly waiting (or something Three things to value: health.' time, money, to turn up. GOING TO CALIFORNIA. I ho lonz-Iooked-for nay linniiy ar rived, and he started for California. little expecting that such good iortuue as fell to his lot was awaiting him. In lTlf) th trnM fHVfr was at its lieiirhL nm! nrprv iUv nmf trntnts were Ioavinir W iiy SUller Wltn Malaria f .MOUY'S fnr tho iirMiir nnitt. ifrer to re.in tho Standatid Ccue Pills are infallible, hnrr.t nf r-ohl which thpv conGdentlv never fail to cure the most obstinate orn,Pin,i . ntvnitin" thiTM. iM.ipk-fiv cases : purely vesetauie. cents, eou was one ot tho Iirst persons in mis city t-czn thilJlike. refreshing sleen , al- -J :Ley will t-!I yti unhesitatingly Xii tjrtn of IliKiv! 1 11. nr.:: 1. Ai 3T or all of tnn HKist rminrnt " tat n the best and onlv remedv 'v! caa he rtlied on to cure all diseases l" tie kiJney and urinary orcan9: ar.ri:Lt's discare. diabetes, ro- rCon r.r intKitits In mi.:. .. n J 1 ., " 7. WUUnOUl lUQ lltM 'CI3UII3 1U i:.ra,canuaracnPCC'r 10 to be afliicted with tho fever, and ho I 1 .l 1 t : ll ,.1,1 -ji.i -, . ,. .. . . . 1 was one 01 iuc iuauci in 11. nu buiu :.oa Pwitiy ana hi3 Droperlv interests lor a small sum. "VT-0 IUCnU. I.l tl,t ... tl, loaf hoor.1 rf hitr. ur til he jumped suddenly into the lap of fortune. l I was. said the gentleman, "in n-ire . .1 r : 1 avuui f..:.. i .. . : ' i iauiornia at inu uiuc ui ma auivai !, ;.!...' 3ue- ana incJ there, and watched his career with con 5iuerauiu luieruM, iu uau jucviuunj known Flood and O linen, and they were verv fast friends. They were at that time keeping a saloon in San Francisco, and Mackey worked in the mines. ine two iamous ueius 01 wealth then were the California and the consolidated Vireinia. and ho worked in both or them. He was a very shrewd man, and tolerably well educated, and nau some mile Knowicuu oi tu- Allen's Brain Food botanical extract strengthens tho Brain and positively cures Nervous Debiliity, Nervousnesss, Headache, unnatural losses, and all weakness of Generative System; it never fails: SI pkg., G for $5 At druggists, or by mail from J. II. Allen , 315 First Ave. New xork City. cod Three things beauty, music. to admire, intellect. y-.-t..iy iucnu. A, the same hvsteianil hai'n the mo?t rp!i.ihl. nnrliirpit f-re all liver diseases or dyspepsia ; niLpit3. indigestion, biliousness. TOU m -4Ac.or uanueiion '-.c? when those remedies arc com. t Vilh otbcrs e-iaally valuable. vi.icwru?oaai'i.l inf linn it;toi- 'Ccsclu.lod next week. Sisu, Boors, Blinds, wte Lead, Paints, French V. S. District Attornej Speaks. Col. H. Walters. U. S. District At torney, Kansas City. Mo., authorises the followiog statement: "Samaritan Nervine cured my niece .ot spasms." Get at druggists. $1.50. Wilnitugtoit District. Methodist E. Church, South, Quarter ly Meetings . FIKST ROUND. Brunswick Circuit, at Con cord,... I.... Feb. 9 10 Elizabeth Circuit, at Eliza bethtown Feb. 1G-17 RlAilnn nimnit nt Rpt hlohom Feh. 23-24 gmcenag. lie cieany saw mai money Cokesbury Circuit, at Beth- No More Weak Eyes. MISCELLANEOUS. S3"Capital Prize $75,000 Tickets only $5. Shares in proportion. Louisiana State Lottery . - Company. W do hereby certify that tee ttipervise the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi Annual Vraxcings of The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and in person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and tee author ise the Company to use this certificate, wilh fac similes of our signatures attached, in its aacer Usements. f - ! Commissioners. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 yearby the Leg islature for Educational ana Charitable pur poseswith a capital of $1,000,000 to wluch a reserve fund or $550,000 has since been added. I j B7 an overwhelming populai Ivote Its f ran chlse was made apart of the present State Constitution adopted December Sd, A. D., 1S79. on and endorsed take TTie only Lottery ever voted by the people of any Stale. j It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings piace montniy. - A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOPrrUNE. First Grand Drawlne. Class A. at New Orleans, Tuesday, February 12, 1SS4 l'!rU 1 -r-v a Capital Prize, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars Each.. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. LIST of prizes. MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. A Certain, Safe and Effective Remedy for SORE. WEAK AND INFLAMED 1 EYES, Producing Long-Sightcdncss, an 1 Re storing the Sight of the Old. Cures Tear Drops, Granulation. Stye Tumors, Kcd rJycs, Alattcu uyc issues, ana ito duclng Quick Relief and Perma nent Cure.: Also, equally cflicacious when used In other maladies, such as Ulcers, Fever Sorc3, Tu mors. Salt Rheum. Burns. Piles, or wherever Inflammation exists. MITCHELL'S SALVE may bo used to advantage. v Sold by all Druggists at 25c jan 2S4w h Capital Prize of...., 1 Capital Prize of 1 Capital Prize of 2 Prirnn nf Afi 000.-... izes 5 Prizes 10 Prizes 20 Prizes 100 Prizes 300 Prizes 500 Prizes 1000 Trizes of of of of of of of i 75.000 J 25,000 10,000 2,000... L 10,000 1,000...!..... 500... 200... ; 100... 50...; 10,000 10.0C0 20,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. 9 " 500. 250. I 6,750 4,500 2,250 266th Edition. Price Only $1 BY MAIL POST PAID. 1,967 Prizes, amounting to L $265,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the o2icc of the Company In New Or leans. For further Information, write clearly, giv ing full ! address. Make P. O. Bloncy Or ders payable and address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, ; i New Orleans, La. POSTAL NOTES and ordinary letters by Mail or Express (all sums of $5 and upwards by Express at our expense) to M. A. DAUP111N, New Orleans. La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, (K)7 Seventh St., Washington. D. C. jan lb-wed-sat-4w-u.&w iiinui Tiaveri t? A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MANHOOD. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline In Man, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from Indiscretion or excesses. A book for everv man. young, middle aged and old- It contains 125 prescriptions for, all acute and chronic diseases, each one of which Is" invalu able. So found by the Author, whose experi ence for 23 years is such as probably never before fell to the lot of any physician. 300 pages, bound in beautiful French muslin, cm boosed coders, full gilt, guaranteed to be a liner work in every sense mechanical, literary and professional than any other work sold In this country lor $2.50, or the money will be rcJunuea m every instance, xticc oniy si.uj bv mail, post-paid, illustrative sample o cts. Send now.- Gold modal awarded the author bv tho National Medical Association, to the oilicers of which he refers. This book should be read by the young for instruction, and by the aillictcd lor relief. It will bencllt all. Ixndon Lancet. There Is no member cf society to whom this book will not be useful, wnetiicryouin.parcnti cuardlan. lnstructoror clergyman A raonatit. Aoaress me l'caoouy iuuuircu lusiuuiu, t Dr. W. II.-Parker. No. 4 Uullllncli Street. Boston. Mass.. who may bo consulted on all diseases rcouhinjr skill and experience. Chronic a"d obstinate diseases that have bailled the skill of all ttj ET A I phvsicians a sneclnlty. B & Km treated successful-"! 1 C R? b w bbir 1884. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. MISCELIJINEOUS. JUST OPENED ! AT Cut WJ7 .m u va uu Jk n 116 TJiarket St. FRENCH NAINSOOKS, Yictonaand Persian Lawns, Pique, Marseilles,' Checksj 209000 Yards ' l - j i EMU ROIDEIIIES I L Sl CJ A FULL ASSORTMENT IN ALL STYLE3 A NX) DESIGNS. NEW! ! , BALANCE OF ' ". .r-v ; WINTER GOODS SELLING OUT VERY CHEAP, TO MAKE ROOai FOR ! I .'I SPRING STOCK. IM. M. KATZ', 116 nIarket St. jan 21 Ilarner's jrccWajstandsaUhe head of Amer ican -illustrated weekly journals. By Its un- partisan position in politics, its admirable il lustrations, its carefully chosen serials, short e tones, sketches, and poems, contributed by the foremost artists and authors of the day it carries instruction and entertainment to thou sands of American homes. i it will always bo the aim of the publishers to make Harper's Weekly the most popular i ana attractive family newspaper in tne world, and,! in the pursuance of this design, to pre sent a constant improvement In all these fea tures which have gamed for It the confidence. sympathy, and support of its large army of j readers. Female School. MISSES BURR & JAMES, Principals. MRS. M. S. CUSHING, Musical Instructress. rjlHE TWENTIETH ANNUAL SESSION of this School will rnmmcnffl nn Thnradair. th 4th of October, 1883, an1 close during the third T -SOiL'J WfCIW 111 U IU1U, JLCO. : The course of Instruction Is thorough and systematic. Terms reasonable. Lessons In painting In Oil, Water Colors and Pastel, with Sepia and India Ink drawing, and Crayon and pencil sketching, at moderate rates. i Where a class of ten or twelve Is formed for the school of painting, the price will be re duced. r ' Pupils outside of tho school who desire mu sical instruction, will do well to! apply early. For further particulars Inquire of Principals, A. In 1 1 . ntm 4 vtn n In . ,i . sept 12 I 1884. Harper's Young People. Win ly without an in stance of failure. jan 28-d&w 4w 134 S HARDWARE invcstcU in the stock of cijher of these mines was sure to bring cood results. Witt Plnn and every dollar he could raise was ilinuOW UiaSS. invested in that way. At his instance Flood and O Uricn went m witn mm. and tho three purchased sttwk at $3 a share. Soon afterward it went up to ST. and gradually increased lo $18. In this simple manner their fortunes were maue. ami aimosi ueioru knew it they were wealthy men. Mac key then lived in a -frame house on Sut ter street, and his figure became a la miliar one to tho ircqucutcrs of the mines MARRYING A PRETTY WIDOW, "He was not married then, but met tho woman who became his who soon aHcrward. This in itself is a little ro mance and illustrates his character. She was a widow when ho became ac quainted with her, and was the daugh ter ot Maj. Ilunglcford. of New Orleans. She marriad a doctor and removed to Nevada City, where her husband tiica .(Vn.n..Hl ITn aria t rwir man L Jaoobi, nnd if hia wiI and child in rather des titoto circumstances. Mackey lieard 1 v2 k'':X For: v - ...... t)r KE.IY rREPARED PAINT. ClLL ANI tXAMISE OUR GOOD3 AND t!,r KTorc rurchaainr. The fact tare'tvea th rclebratol Fac "u.,aj Ilarrlsoa Broa ":lal grantee for their quality 01 kta ioi at Factory I aUour Ixrje and full STOCK, U rt.pectf al!y in riled. M SouU rront St m m any Aiar. Newton Grove. Mission, Mar. 5 Point Caswell Mission at Bry ant's Mar. 8- y Duplin Circuit, at Kenans- villo, Mar. 15-is Waccamaw Mission, ..Mar. 20 Onslow, at Leban on Mar. 22 23 Flemington Circuit, at Flem- ington Mar .29 30 W. II. BocniTT. T. E. Silver Tlatcd Spoons, Forks and Knives of best quality, and at manu facturer's prices, can be found at Ja coei's Hardware Depot. t SELLITJCOUT! HATS & FEATHERS ' AT REDUCED PRICES. MRS. KATE C. WINES, fin. US N Second Street, next Post Office jan 5 NEW YORK,' 1884. About slxtjnlUion copies of The Sux have gone out of our establishment during the past twelve months. If you were to paste enu to end an the col umns of all The fsuxs printed and sold last vcar vou would get a continuous strip f in teresting Information, common sense wisdom, aniiml rirw.trlre. and sane wit. lonz enough to reach from Printing House square to the top of Mount Copernicus m the moon, then back to Printing House square, and then three-quar tera of the way back to the moon again. But The Sex is written for the inhabitants of the earth; this same strip of Intelligence would girdle the globe twenty seven or twen-tv-ehrht times. If every buyer of a copy of TnK Sux during the past year has spent only one nour over it, and if his wife or his grandfather hasspcDt another hour, this newspaper In 1SS3 has af forded the human race thirteen thousand years of steady reading, night and day. I It is only by little calculations like these that you can form any Idea of the circulation of tho most popular of American newspapers, or of Its influence on the opinions and actions of American men and women. The Sun Is, and will continue to be, a news paper which tells the truth without fear of consequences, which gets at the facts no mat er how much the process costs, which pre acnts the news of all the world without waste of words and In the most readable shape, which Is working with all Its heart for the cause of honest government, and which there fore believes that the Republican party must go. and must go In thi coming year of our Lord.lSSL i If you know The Sr. jou like it already, and you. will read It with accustomed diligence and profit during what is sure to be the most InteresUng year in Its history. ! If you do not yet know The Sux, It is high time to get into tnesunsninc Tekxs to Mail SinwcninEns. The several editions of The Sun are sent ty mall, postpaid, as follows: 1 DAILY i0 cents a month, $5 a yctr; with Sunday elltlon, $7. SUNDAY Eight pag. Thlacdition furnish ea the current news of the world, special articles of exceptional interest to every body, and literary reviews of new books of the highest mcrlL fl a year. WEEKLY f 1 a year. Eight pages of the best matter of the daily issues; an Agricultural Department of unequalled value, special market reports, and "literary, scientific, and domesUc intelligence make The Weeklt &vs the newspaper lor the farm - tTa house hold. To clubs of $10, an extra copv free. Address I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher, nov 8 Tus Scar. N. Y. dty Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: ' HARPER'S WEEKLY $4 00 harper's Magazine... 4 oo HARPER'S BAZAR. 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 1 50 Hakper's Trxskus Square Library. one xear (szjsumcers 10 w Postage Free to all subscribers In the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Weekly bejrln with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with j the Number next after the receipt of order. The last r our Annual volumes of liarvers weekly, in reac ciotn wndine. wm be sent bv man, postage paid, or oy express, free of ex pense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall.' postpaid, on re ceipt of si CO each. I uemittances sbouid be made by Post-Omce j Money Order or Draft, to avo'.d chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper & ; Brothers. Address , HARPER & BROTHERS, nov 23 i New York ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY 16 Pages. SUITED TO BOYS AND GIRLS OF FROM SIX TO SIXTEEN YEARS OF AGE. Vol V. commences November 6, 1883. Harper's Young People Is the best week. ly for children in America. Southwestern Christian Advocafte. 'i-, ; i ; All that the artists skill can accomplish1 In the way of illustration has been done, and the best talent of the country has contributed to its text New England Journal of Education, uoston. i , In Its special field there Is nothlmr that can be compared with it Hartford Evening Post.! TERMS: I HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, 1 50. Per Year, Postage Prepaid,' Single Numbers. Four.Cents 6ach. Specimen copy sent on receipt of Three Cts. The Volumes of Harper's Young People for 31 12 and 1SS3. handsomely bound in Illumina ted Cloth, will be sent by mall, postage pre paid, on receipt or 3 oo eaeh. Cloth Caws for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of 50 cents each. i Remittances should be made by Post Of Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Postoffice this advertise - Kewsnaners are not to conv ment without the express order of Harper Brothers. nov 24 Address HARPER BROTHERS, New York. Raleigh Register. soon a the TgARLY INFEBRUARf as printers receive the necessary material the publication of the RALEIGH REGISTER, as j North Carolina Democratic newspaper, will be commenced. The Register will be printed weekly until i the great political campaign of 1 84 begins. 1 1 will then be issued twice a week, or as often as may be useful or necessary to the Demo cratic party In North Carolina. It will be printed from new and beautiful type on good white paper, and though ic may not be large enough to bold all at once all the good things that glowing prospectuses someilmerpromlse, yet the application of a thorough knowledge or now to use tnem win put into its uuriy- two broad columns all the news, much good readinir. and' a complete history of what Is done in North Carolina. BIr Hale will be edi tor of the Register. The price of the Register will be i a vcar, j tl for six months. ... Pay for your home paper. and then remit for the Register. Those who i remit t! to this office will receive as a prcmi urn either volume ordered of "Hale's Indus trial J-criPS." Two volumes are now ready Thk woods and Timbers of Nokth Car olina. Curtis', Emmons and Kerr's bo tanical Repor s ; supplemented by accurate County Reports or standing Forests and il lustrated by an excellent Map of the State, lvoiume.iimo. ciotn. za p. ei.zo. h Isdustries of North Carolina In the Coal axi Iron Counties. Eninvms', Kerr's. Laidlcv's." Wilkes', and the Census Reports: supplemented by full and accurate i eketencs of the Fifty six ; Counties and Map of the state, l volume vzmo. ciotn. a pp. i f l.ai. Address iiauuuu ictAiisxcu, jan 15 Raleigh, N. C. LYOW&HEALY State & Uonroe Sts., Chicago. VVillxn.l TwTU li.ny .l,l-l!ir . UAND CATALOCUE, , for 1333, :Wt yKtm. di fc.v-r"U'C lot I DStrain.nU. trutU, apo, IV Pompom, Epl-t, Cip-Ismpa, SUnJ. Drum MsinrH tii JUU. Soa.br IUm OutfcU. IteralrfBf cn-tata for A msVur Uah.Iw . Uitlt II I Photographs. A process, LL MADE BY "INSTANTANEOUS" Have just received a fine lot of i Fancy and Plain Frames, which are selling cheap. Call and let MR, CKONEN15EEU make. yon a 'Christmas picture. ! vanorstlelrs old stand. dec 13-tf HORTON FREEMAN. k. The Excursion and Pic Nic gEASN IS OVER AND THE THEATRI CAL AND BALL Season has opened again " ! i I and JOHN WERNER, the practical German Barber and Perfumer, la personally In attend ance at his Hair. Dressing Saloon, 20 Market Water and Front, Street, between ton.N.C Wllmlng.