r ZHSCELLANEOUS The Daily Review. jAn- Old SoldiCIS TIIURSDAY February 7, im. EXPERIENCE, " Calvert, Texas, MajS,ISS2. . "I wish to txprea cay tppreclxlloa ol Ha Tilzxll qixlltLe of Ayer s Cherry Pectoral su a coojh remedy. While with Chttrtimi army, Just before the battle of Vlckjburg. I contracted a so vsre col J, which terminated la a dangerous couh. I found do rt lief till oa our march w. eataa to a country store, where, on asking for utM remedy, I vu urged to try AtzaU Chiut FrcroaAL. X did so, and was rapidly cured. Sine then I bare kept the PifcToaAl. constantly by xac.for family cm, and I bare found it to be an Invaluable remedy for throat and Ions ta. J. W. WnrrtXTV ET The uaxiy lievicio has the largest ona fide circulation, of any newspaper i uniisiea, xn Vie city of Wumxnqion. Thousands cf testimonials certify to th4 . prompt core cf all bronchial and Ions affections, by the cse of Arz&'s CflCUT Pxctoral. Being rery palatable, tbe jourg cat children take it rtadJj. rar.ra.XED bt Dr.JC.Ayer&Co.,LoweIf,Mass. SoU by all Drairt. Hal ly tc4pdw 5 IS Horses and Mules rnwo MULES just received, and CAR IX) ADa OF HORSES AND for rale at r rices to salt all. Come and see them. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES. Ac, always In readloe for tbe use of the public TWO FINK HEARSES. With NICK HORSES, for rune rail. O. K. 1IO LUNGS WORTH. LI rery and Sale Stable, t Jan Sfl Cor, ttharwl Mulberry sts Steam Yacht Louise, piUESOEB AND FREIGHT STEAMER for Smlthvlila daily. iutr law and accom raolatlona floe. The LOUISE U a new boat and 1 guaranteed safe. Will leare Smlthrllle 8 A. IX Leare WllmlnjrUn 2 30 o'clock P. 11. W bar f foot of Doc k irre c WM. WEEKS, Jan 19 Agent and Owner. IN GON&UESS YJESTEilDA Y. SENATE Washington. Feb 6 Alter the pre sentation and appropriate reference of a number oi petitions. Mr Miller, of N Yv from :be committee on Agriculture, reported favorably, with amendment, a bill to provide for the extirpation el Dlcuro-Dneunionia and other contagious disease amone domestic animls. On (calender. i Air Logan introdaced a bill, which was referred to tbe committee on Milte tary Affairs, to increase the efliciercj of the United Slates army. Mr rintW-t rpRolution. of Yesterday. call ins for the proceedings of the Proteus investigation, was agreed to. The Senate nroceeded to the consider- I ation of bills nnon its calendar to which no obiection was raised, and took op and alter short debate passed a bill ap propriating S777.5S0 lor the completion orthecapitol and the stairways con nected therewith. Tbe Senate then resumed considera lion ol the Mexican. Land Grant Hues bill. The Senate, without reaching a con- I elusion cpon tho bill, went into executive sesssion and adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr Lewis, of La. offered a resolution relernne to the Court ot Claims lor in vestigation and report all claims (for cotton seized by tbe Union authorities during the civil war. Referred. On motion of Mr. Russell, of Mass, ten thousand extra copies of tho Morn m mm D MISCELLANEOUS OUR BARGAINS ABE Always Appreciated ! Thirty Nine Cents for a Seventy-Three Cents r U ISO JWW IF 73c. - n 1 For the Cure oi uongns, oiasd Hoarseness-, Bronchitis,Crotrp, Influ enza. Asthma. Whooping Cough, In cipient Consumption and for he re lief of consumptive persons in advan ced states of the Disease. For Sale by all Druggists. Price, 25 Cents. I Seventy Three Centa for a Ninety Eight Cents nor 15 ly telp dAw UOMMEUClALNEWh. WILMINGTON MARKET- . -i ! February 74 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted quiet at 33 cents per gallon. No sales reported. ROSIN Quoted steady at $1.10 for Strained and $1.15 for Good Strained. TAR Quoted firm at $1.35 per bbl. of 280 pounds. CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted steady at $2 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1.25 for Hard. COTTON Quoted steady at 10 3-16 cents per pound for Middling. Sales Ninety-Eight Cents for a Dollar and Thlrrf Mine cents CORSET. S1.39. One Dollar, and Thlrty Nlne Cents for a Dol lar and Seventy-Three Genu CORSET. HAMBURG EMBROIDERY. 2 Inches wide. 7 cents nervawl. 4 MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. 2 ; 10 " S " 15 4 " 23 5 31 6 i S5 6fc 1 43 8 5i The Overcoats that we have been advertising at such popular low prices, are going rapiaiv and cannot last much longer. Some people have even thoughtjit worth their while to buy them to keep over for next Winter. We are bound to close out before our Spring Stock comes to make rionj fo most gigantic purchase of Clothing ever brought to North Carolina ' ' by any one house. - ! ji We must have room and we can only Iiave it bv senamg on our Winter Stock on the fly. We are doin2the cfnthi y wua tiijr uy nara worK and an hpit endeayor to merit and gain the confidence of all clashes. We haVe rei .L - - -- . - , i 1 1 ( cents per yard. mw -mm of 250 bales on a basis of 101 cents per son tariff bill were ordered to be printed, pound for Middling The following are Oa motion of Mr.Matseti. of Ind. a ffi . , quotation8 : Svr.firv nf thfl Tntprlnr for rinn'PJi nflUruinary 7 II nrrfora ini! rrtrrnnnndpnpfl relftlfncr I COOd Ordinary to irrezular Dracticea on the part of at- Low Middling. tornevs practicinz before the Pension Oflicc, together with copies of all official charges against such attorneys, and copies of circulars used by, them, which are deemed to be deceptive in character. The House went into committee of the Whole on tho Pleuro pneumonia bill, but adjourned without action. Middling. Good Middling 9 9 10 10 15-16 centa 3-16 " 1316 " 16 16 IRISH POINT. 4 Inches wide: 03 6 ;8t A large stock to select from. LARGE STOCK OF C.flA PR5 uAnm l? .?0B.nta' velns and Dreiie Trlmmlnrs. at RIBBONS ! RIBBONS4 RIBBONS I In every I "dilth..wl" be sold at TREMEN- AT TAYLOR'S BAZAAR 118 Market St. i Wi,MUU wc uuw c,a,ra OI oemg tno leading clothier Jn Wilmington. We ffuaranten In c I J I "WU4 vw per cent on your purchase bs. jn t take our cord fqr it, but call and convince yourself at 1 S3E3C3E3E3H33r THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST. feb 4 JACONET EMBROIDERY I jan30 WILMINGTON, N. a STATE NKWS4. ( DAILY RECEIPTS. Cotton Spirits Turpentine Rosin Tar Crude Turpentine 142 bales 123 casks 1451 bbls 568 bbls 633 bbls 5 and 10 cents Cigars, HAVANA FILLERS, Best In the cltv. are on &a.lc. ana eaicinai Drum highest grade at jan 11 preparations of the JNO. T. SCHONWALD'8. Dm and Preemption Store PUitOELL HOUSE. TJNDKB NEW MANAGEMENT. WILMINGTON, N. C IU L. PKUBY. IVoprlctor. LaU rroprtetor Atlaai!o HoteL rTrst-Claas all It rfMlitiar 1Wiiit1. II liiC0a 18S4. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED' Harper's Xtagnm bortti Its slat J-Clzh IhVoI- wm uie lumber ; ropulir llluatr&toil pei KnUnd. alwsT fully poUr llluatr&toil periodical In America Ua.e la lu trralment of ftnbjecu moat and aiirexat of the of current ocli! anl Id4uitUI iateret. and always al ranrlajr lu staixUrd of literary. artUUc. and mechanical exrclteocc. ' AmoojclU attractions forlsfvlare: a nw. serial novel by William Itlack, uitutratcd by Abbey; a new novel br K. P. Roc, lltualrstcd papers by Georre It. Bouxbton. rrank O. Mlllett. C. 1L Farnham, aa4 others ; Important historical and blojrraph IcaI papers; short stories by W D lIowelLs, Charles Reade.Ac Harper's. Periodicals. Per Year: UltrU'l MAOAXX9K ft 06 Ilxaru's Wukit 4 oo ILtxrxa'a Bxzxa. 4 00 Ilxaraa's Voctco PaorLX. l to ILiaria's rmiwauaSqcAaa LxBaaar, One Tear (31 Nambsrs) 1 10 00 rot9 JV ta ma tlcrilxrt it4 United or Canada, The rolames of the Jfmfmsim bcjrtn with the Numbers for June ana uccemucr of each year. When no Urns is specified. It will be under stood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the current Number. The last Elxbt Volume cf Harper's Moon iM. ta neat doth Uadlnr, will be sent by mall, poatpaid. oa receipt of $Z 00 per rolumo. Cloth Cases, for bladinx, SO cent each by mall, postpaid. ladex to Erpr Xlmaxuimt, AlphabcUcal, AaalyUcaL. and Classified, for Volumes 1 to 60, taclualrv, from June, 110, to June, Is, one toL. rro. Cloth. M 00. Remltiances shoukl be made by Post-Offloe Money Onlcr or Draft, to arod chance of loss. 2iwrppT$ ars not Is covy tais mdvirtiirment WXomt Us xprt order o llanraa A Baos. Address U ARTE B BSOTIIERS. a New Vora. i'nrutcr t Mcdvmic: Col Alspaugh, or Winston, offers to giro $50.00 to Trinity College, if !0 Other men will do l.kewise. And Mr Knott, of Granville, tfives $400 to a Baptist church for Glen Alpine, tobacco is boo ninz at both places. 1 Asheville t-liU'unce: We regret to learn from Capt Na:t Atkinson that tbe lalo severe cold spell seriously injured the peach crop for the coming season. His examination was not thorough and hu hopes there may he many that have Lot'been hurt. - j Greensboro Workman: Without comment, there is something of a war in this district anions the Ucpulicans in relation to tho oflices of marshal and collector. There is doubt, it seems, about the confirmation of Jr Ybeeler as collector, on grounds which the couiplaioants sUte. and as to the mar shal's ollice Messrs Kcogh and Douglas are having a pretty interesting timo. Newborn Journal: The Howard National llank of Boston has com menced an attachment suit in the Su preme Court of this county against l,cwis Coleman lor the sum of $43,050, in which tho Midland Railway Couap'y, or John G&tlin Receiver thereof, and the Midland Improvement and Con struclion Company are summoned as fgaanishecs. We suppose this suit will cover tho last of tho Midland effects. Nixon. Simmons & Manly are counsel for plaintifls. Morganton Mountaineer: Consider able excitement ic our mining circles has been occasioned by tho announce ment of tin ore at Kings Mountain that yields 75 per cent of metal. The dia. covery of the ore was made by M . R. T. Clay well, of this place, whiloa stu dent at Kinc's Mountain High School. A specimen of tin ore was sent on with Mr. Clay well's cabinet of ores to the Boston Imposition where it created considerable excitement among miner alogjsts. Tbe ore Is found iu the Tillage of Kines Mountain. ; Lenoir lovict A week a rro last Sunday Mr. Marshall Keller, of King's .MARINE NEWS. Notice. A lot Of .these P-nnrf will hn nlanad . ... r. - uuw ana m,rtf l ,t so nS ODDS AND ms-Jnl A FEW WRAPp LEFT At such prices as will move them. ttUUl i5K U SJiLS (JAltFETS I Two or three patterns of 48 to 50 yards, cood stvlna. as these patterns are not in loom and cannot be duplicated. j Blankets, Crib Blankets. Spreads, Comforters, &c wUl be sold verv low ! FINE EMBROIDERY We have in choice styles, Toichon and Va'l Laces, &c. Wool and Linen Crumb Cloths, very cheap. I ' i ' rpiIE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE A - I existing between W. H. ft J. A. MONTGOM- i . ... ERY. Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. J. A. Montgomery tssumes all liabilities and Is alone autherlzef to collect and receipt for any and all debts due the said firm. - W. U. MONTGOMERY, J. A MONTGOMERY. January 12, 1881 ARRIVED. Steam yacht Louise. Weeks, Smith ville. Master u. S mail steamer Minnehaha, Wilkinson, Smithville, Master. . Steamer John Dawson, Colvin, Point Caswell. R P Paddison Steamer North State, Robinson, Fay etteviile, .Worth & Worth. ! Steamer Wave,Robeson, Fayetteville. Geo. W. Williams & Co. Scbr Refferson. Gibbs, Charleston, S C, Geo Harriss &.Co, with guano to C C R R i CLEARED. Steam yacht Louise, Weeks, Smith ville. Master i U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Wilkinson, Kmithvule. Master. Steamer North State, Robinson, Fay euevme, worm f worm. Steamer Wave, Robeson, Fayette Ger brig Picolet. Strasen. Liverpool, rnnung, nuiing or Dinaing jan 31, 1884 R. n3. MclWTIREi rpflE UNDERSIGNED Jl the business of the late firm of WILL CONTINUE W. H. Montgomery and solicits the jreneral of his Men jan 12-tf J. A. A J. A . SUDDOrt MONTGOMERY. Plum Pudding, Mince Meat, Preserves, ! ' ! ' " I at Low Figures I Baltimore & Wilmlngtou Steamship Line; Selling Printing & Binding ! Our friends will please remeinber us when in need of anything in our, line, whether PRESERVES and JAMS, - ' " ! ' , In 2 pound Palls very convenient. H 11 Alex Sprunt & Son Ger barque Orion, Clausen, Stettin, t, rescnau & westermann Dan barque Elene, Dahl, London, Alex bprunt & Son Exports. FOREIGN. Picolet 2,293 Preserved Strawberries, Liverpool Ger bri bbls rosin . ft Stettin Ger baron kLi. uuu lustu I a TMnviinrpa iu avmvn orminii v. London-Dan barque Elene 4.500 A. . ,u- as same will be done with promptness, and eausiacuc-n guaranteed. ; We desire to call attention of those who have never favored us with their patronage," to the lact that ours is the best equipped bottled by Cros3e & Blackwell, London, sojne cBmuiibimicni in uie cuy, ana none out com petent and skilled workmen employed. I JACKSON & BELL, jan 19 STEAMERS Baleigh and Vidette. Oj and.after; Saturday, January 5th, a Steam- w er of this line will sal from -1 a i thing new and nice. Dyed." bbls rosin MONTHLY STATEMENT, STOCKS ON HAND FEB. 1. 1884. Cotton ashore, 7,763 ; afloat, 612 ; total, Spirits ashore, 4.71)1. Rosin ashore, 70,200, afloat, 9,840; toiai, o,iuo. Tar ashore, 7,756; ashore, 1,752; total. y,oo. Crude ashore, 3,376. RECEIPTS FROM JAN. 1 TO FEB. 1. tween Market and Princess. La.dfns und On tlcmen's roods of evervdescrlntlan. anv mini. aiso, cieanina', soourlnjr and bleaching. Send me n pair er vour oia ui CUCUMBER SAUCE, for Oysters, Meats, Ac. id Gloves. 1,000 Hhds URIME PORTO RICO MOLASSES JUST X landed direct from tho Island, which we offer to the trade at prices to suit the times, j we guarantee tbls Molasses pure. jan 9 tf EDWARD KIDDER A SON. Pi L. BRID0ERS & CO. HO North Front St. feb 4 BABY CARRIAGES i i NEW INVOICE RECEIVED THE past Every SATURDAY, at S P. 'if. From I SATURDAY, unless sooner loaded. Through BUls of Lading and lowest thronrh ALSO, .: I. To and from Boston. PtavIiIaiim dmi..i i - ii .Yr7 rY ""ucr iiua ut iu ti esvern cities. For Felght Engagemenuipplyo' A, I. CAZATJX, Agt,, ' Wilmington, N. C.' ANDEEWS.& CO., Agta., ' AT BOATWRICHT'S FAMILY GROCERIES. OUR GOODS ARE NOT SURPASSED -IX- Qaality and Cheapness I Everything Guaranteed as Represented. John L. Boatwright, 12 A II NORTH FRONT BTRXXT. laa tS John C. Daris, . ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, WiucoroTOjr, X. OSos orsc tho Bank of Sew Ilaaorer. lTcOoea la all ib Courts of im luta, tj-spdUatUaill3apaUtO U eolceca Ct clilzu. t?Tll;tf fJotton. 6.577: Rniribi. 3 -main . 47 - ircex, weni on on a visit, leaving nome tsa; lar, 6.068; crude. 3.963. about 11 o'clock, and on returning a exports vimm jiv i r-m i rew hours later found his house in exports irom JAN. 1 to feb. I. flames. Everythine was consumed. domestic. Mr. Philip Largent, who has Cotton. 4.913; spirits. 1J224; rosin, 1,447; a a .a sa. a .1 Aua . oeen Duicnering tor ue ienoir maraet for several years, says tnat in that time he has killed 352 Ihead of cattle for which he paid an average of $10 per head amounting to a total of $3.520. About two o'clock on Monday of last week Mr. Samuel Hartley was stricken with paralysis while standing in Mr. Wieseufeld s store. Medical attendance was at once procured and everything tar, 2,627; crude, 2.656. FOREIGN. gm .. . . . wniiuiug wwiu, im partus ii jr kivluk me m Cotton. 8.439; spirits, 2.971; rosin, 52,s currences and pinions of aU parties, so that tar, la; cruae. 12. SELLITJC OUT! WEEKLY EDITION, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. '. " 1 . It contains all the sreneral news of the Dailv Edition of the Herald, which has the largest circulation in the United Statues. Independent in Politics, It is the most valuable chronicle of tolltlcal news In the world, impartially giving the oo all sides may be known. In thedepartmenl of Foreign News Our stock of FURNITURE Is complete and ! of the most stylish patterns. WOOD TOP CENTRE TABLES, received Saturday, In very pretty patterns. " SPRING BEDS and MATTRESSES of every 1 i description. feb 4 possible was done lor his relief, but. in HATS & FE AT1TRPR an bonr or so, he fell into a comatose I A XVEiil. XlC.lt O the Herald has alwa the fullness of its ca transatlantic facilities. THOMAS C. CRAFT, Agent. Furniture Dealer, 20 So. Front St yst ,ble des telegraph ca s been dlstlnirulahed by Eatches. The new J les will increase AT REDUCED PRICES. - i MRS. KATE C. WINES, Na. lift If SammmI 8 tree t, wtxt Post OBLr- Jaa 5 coodilien and died acout 5:30 in the e rcnin. The four yoke of steers bought by Mr. I. N. Corpening from Gwjn. Harper & Co.. of Patterson, were driven into town Friday and at tr&ctetl much attention on account of SSlffioffiSg Apples! Apples! Apples! weights ot the respective yokes accord ing to size: rirst yoke, v,33l; second. OIK. thlrl Onfi. fnnrth 1 QSH fr. grccatiog 8 512 pounds, cross, lor the eight head of cattle. ! Mr. Corpening has sent them to Souln Carolina. Cured When Physicians Giro .Up. ) "Our family physician gave op our child to die." wrote Henry Knee. Esq.. of Venlla, Warren Co., Tenn. "It had bis. Samaritan Aertnne has cured the child.". $1.50. For Pure White Lead & Paints, and bllgest stock of Window Glass and lowest prices for good articles be sur to go to J acobPs Uardware Depot. L f Tho larrcst and best stock of Windows. Doors, Blinds &c and at Factory prices is at Nairobi's Hard TrareDfpct. f (H CONSIGNMENT AND MUST BE 80LD. N. T. Baldwin Apples, Ohio Red Apples, N. T. Creamery Butt it, N. C SoU Batter.. Ohio Batter, Vs. Meal, car load or small order so nciteu. t E. G. BLAI Commission Merchant, 19 N. Second deesi For Saturday. -pvRXSSED POULTRY, DUPLIN COUNTY SAUSAGE AND LIVES PUDDING, N. G. Sides and a fuU stock of Choice Family Gro ceries, races reasonable. Bespeetfullr. A. VT. RIVEN BARE xne un urocer aaa rroonea uom. sxeT chant UiNorth Water St, Wilmington, N.C. The Farm Depjletment i of the Weekly Herald Is practical. It goes to tbe point, and does not rive wild theories. The farmer wul save many more than One Dollab a Tear i from the suggestions of the farm department alone, concerning soil, cattle, crops, trees, buildings, gardening, poultry and agricultu ral economy. "The Hohe" Instructs the housewife and the children In re gard to economical and tasteful new dishes. i no rasnions. ana the m&klnr of hnmo mm forts In addition, are given latest reports of Cider! Cider! TURE APPLE CIDER, A. Cider I JUST FROM THE PRESS ! Call and leave your orders and jugs at R. MCDOUUALL'S, No. 14 Chestnut St, bet. Front and Water ian 22 i Wilmington, N. C ?'atyf' Corner Light and German i Bal ts., more. New Torlt & Wilriilnffton Steamahip Lino.' It Don't Matter JF THE OLD YEAR IS GONE AND THE New Year has come, HUMPHREY, JEN KINS A CO., are still receiving at their Oys ter Houe. No. 112 South Front Street, a fruh auppjy every oay oi ew tuver uysterm. Ova u widu v. vr. xj. m resa oueu ters shipped C. O. D. always on hand, Ac Fresh S Oysters I SB 2 W. & E. S. LATIMER, Attorne7s-at-IaT7. " PaoDccz Markets, the condition of money, columns of Mlscella, noons naamr. foetrr. a cmnbt Mtsn-v yery week. Jokes and Anecdotes. Sportlnz rorriAB Sctknce, ue aoings or weu ktown Persona of the vi orio, as oepaxxment oevo d to SZSMOSS A3TD BXLIGIOCS NOTES. latest and beat News of the World, it i ii . Subscribe on dollar, al anv time, tnr a tnn year. Postage Free to any part of the United States or Canadas. I Furniture. 200 CUAJXBES ANDfP ARLOR finlU xrom$s3touo. New styles and first-lass goods ai "' V ' ' - . GREAT BARGAINS ! ' - -I . . - FINE BOOK CASES, SIDEBOARDS, - SECRETARIES, WARDROBES. .. i . LIBRARY TABLES. Ac. Cottage Bedsteads, Mattressea, Chairs. K me before you bur.. - D. A. SMITH. ' 8TEAMERS auu baal, ruoil NEW YORK BYEBT - , i SATURDAY, at 5 o'clock, P. ii. ! BENETACTOTLi....... ....Satnrday. Feb 9 REGULATOR....;... .....igturday, BENEFACTOR. ......Saturday, -Or Through Bills Lading and Lowest la North and South Carolina. . " TT Tot Freight or Passage apply to i i IT. EMAIBONES, Bnperlntendcnt. V ft, iiuiumw, a, vi. THEO. Q. fcnv rrel,ht Agent Feb 18 Feb 23 55 Broadway, New York. febP" CXYDK cn "ral Aats. Oia.ce a, E. Cor. Princess and Water Eta. I THE NEW YORK HERALD. la a Weekly Form ONEXX)LL R A TEAR. Addreaa. iKEW YORK HERALD, rMairsy ui Axa Street Fancy Goodc. rpULL USE AT f;:"''i& GILES A rtJECinS0NS, jsaSS Groceries. BACON, COFFEE, HAY, - SOAP, SODA, Groceries. FLOUR, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SALT, CORN, OATS. I'VE POTASIf, CRACKERS. CANDY, CANDLES, TOBACCO, SNUFF. MATCHES, BUCKETS, PAPER, BAGS, ' ; GLUE, BUNG 3, For sale by AXLEGBEAir, ! I TWINE,1 RIVETS. feb 4 & CJLLDZ2 L'SOS.