try Sasdayi 0cVjo& by jOSBT. JAMBS." Ariorio- I -r T.. i!.0C; fre l - -t the sbOT -xr-" . ,1 I1 mi 1 1 ' i f - . , i .rirvhastht largest H j itffit 1U; U J MJLJIJ V V 0 VOL. VIII. VV ILMINGTON. N. C, MONDAY. FEBRUARY 18. 1884. Tfs na ba gu o recclra cocusr-caCca from cur friends essay sad as asi'scts cc&exaltatcreattrct .r 'v " "'. '.' txroa cf tla writer taatt Uwsrs U fa bbedtotfcelsiar. j j CqammilranoM mart t written oa cal oaa side of the paper. ,' PtrsonlKtles mat tT14L Aad,nu especially and wtJcalarlj end tood that thjtrMitrt-,,-. L.. JNI' 41 UwTlewoerrepndci unless so stats m ma editorial commas, J I I l- t . atttnffvl f1t : an.! only thirteen hold . t t ...1 rotic an nuur -.'wc tern ' w wth hs bouse met t- ami rn 3 r-" frnm t3 10 to 2 GO - . 7.,. !on with the lectures L. Static m v ttrrJ - ,n luv - .... - -crc-rf 5loo,l at W ic2rccs eO:cbr.k7r.ia New York city . i .v.. i;rn of business. :tia:uex;x;eu ' " . r t-rcfortoftheew lork ii Oocra House lor the sca- Cfei.: Jebreirj I. shows a defi- C"irkIisJ are crowio over tho . tiiUleTea L'cUcd States Senators V m-J. - I .- I, I. .. Mir. Cajtl. Miahew Arnold and lItcrj;eur;eareo( one mind on one Lz. Ttej a:l saj that tho Lnited hiitr. ii a xt ahllc oa! m name. Jr. MUj c-cr$ Saran Bernhardt J l.ju' lor ca rrforniance In Aaien fi ul tax)a. she to furnish her own isJ Le to pay all other cx- Tho commercial commonlcalion be- j Painful Accident t wocn bpain and tho u nitcd States was y0 are pained to learn that Mr. Ed limned in Madrid. .Wednesday cvcniDs. hranl O. Walker, of Pender County, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVEBTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. and will go into effect March 1st. met with quite Saturday last. a severe accident on He was ridiftz in a Mr Pmmrn ITMnr hn m i notorious in March last as tho cause of " his ho? "Utofiloii TUIace the murder of William II. HaTcrstic, a broker, who was killed by her brother for enticing her away from her husband, died from opium poisoning last Thurs day in the New York hospital, doubtless a sell murderess. and when near the bouse of Mr. W. 11. Herring, the horse, which was trotting at the top of his speed, stopped ia a bole and was thrown. Mr. Walker was thrown violently to the ground and his nose was broken besides receiving a severe wound on bis forehead. His Mr. Hiscock, of New York, thinks wounds are severe, but are not consid that if tho Morrison bill should pass the crcd dangerous. House the Senate may ''strike out al! Bold Kobberv after the enacting clause and substitute Yesterday, sometime between the a Dnei om repealing mo sugar uuiy or hoursof II a. m..and 4 p. m.. some reducing it ono ball and taking the in- thler broke into the store of Messrs tcrnal tax entirely off tobacco." That lckhart & Croom. on South Front would settle it, he believes. - strcci. between Dock and Oranire. and . - stole AM A OKI i IN Tho Boston Globe says that Fall Uive therefrom about 10 gallons or ...... i i ii r t ik r I mills made last season Irom 20 to 12 " J, ,iu, w u. and from 8 to 6 per cent, dividends. It k. touaiu. cga. adds: -But because there is a prospect contoctioncry ;a revolver, besides sever iK.t rt HJvi.nH. wit h mrt thi al other articles, the amount of which quarter wages mustcomo down in order ha? ot yet ascertained. They that interest may be paid to capital.- "yw.'u , ujr T,.f u hn,inr in nnt throughjhe loft m the rear. Mr. Croom shell." k 4 ; i auu rvLurucu agaia & auout uuu A western paper says. "Nothing will tho robbery had been committed daring cure some sick men more quickly, than his absence. There is no clue as yet to an oince, propeny appiiea. auis euro- hhe thief may Deery sucutjuiui m mixuj s, but we would say: If a man suffers from a couch or cold, give him Dr. Bull's Couljh Syrup. i AT HKIE OPERA HOUSE, WTDXESDAY KVEXIXO 1 UEMENYI. j ELUA WALLACE. .Wiim. t riArnuu Ucacrved Sc&U Sl.SS ami 1 t 50c, 25c 8a!c orens atondar. Feb. 1j i iZ ftb 1 5t . -p ip J ""00315. MONDIT KVKXrxo. reo. isth. a Joanwv trt itMno rrrvrt v eTenln?, Feb.. id, London, the AIolcrn Baby . . v. M. v uuu i ,a . u., uu inorica enjoy thla bcauUIul od InBtrucUTOCihlblUcm. Reined Scats at DjctM SOc School iSS GREEN YILLE SOUND. J WILL SELL AT A RAKGaU ONE of th most ' .' - - I j . .', Desirable Summer Places i . 1 1 .... on the -Atlantic coast, Bituatcid on' GreenYlUc Sound, mllca from VTllmlLrton. on Shell Coal. The land Ls In a llju GU STATE Or LOCAL NEWS. Tiall ciiac ot liOuislana are wons fr: deposits and of eery variety. ZtUj are the purest afjrezalions of salt law. Ilailway connections jast es- aed will make them veritable Lcuuas. IIDIX TO IEW ADVERTISEUEITS. I O of Ii Notice S a ri eu's Bargains W L Yocso Broker HUJJSBEROER-School Books Tuos CCaarr, Agt Eureka GiLt-sA Murchisox Tcllet 8cts W E Davis & Sox Dinner Fish C W Yates Prang's Valentines. Parker ATatlor Bird Cages.ftc MCND3 Bros. A DeRosset Eureka Kekcuner A Calder Bros Kalnit Knights of Honor Bcgular Meeting P L Dkidgkrs A Co Imported Clgrs W E Springer A Co Sportsman's Goods Jas B IIugoins A Co Everything Kecea ry Tals MornlDs's Fire At about 6.30 o'clock this morning an old stable in the rear of Messrs. Northrop & Cummlng's mill, in the sourthern portion of the city, in which was stored a quantity of hay and rice straw, was discovered to be on fire. The alarm was given immediately and i f eb 18 . j - Eureka I IT Choice rjlHE PLACE TO BUY THE BEST AND HOST FASHIONABLE FURNITURE for the the fire department was on hand, with money at ckaft'S snug little Ware- their usnal promptitude, but owing to tne combustible nature of tne materials I rooms, 20 bouth Front St. The display of ele- upon which the flames had to feed, their exertions could not prevent the des aant Chamber Suits, Parlor Suits, Secretaries, traction of the building and contents. window'Shades, Ac, is superb. Call and ex- It jvas not insured but the loss was I. vonwlllflnd rooda Md OTlces to it small It is not known how the fire originated, but it is presumed that iT eu some tramp used the stable as a lodging. StYIlOOl Books. place last night and set it on fire this i McDot cALL a Bov de Knickerbocker j morning, cither accidentally or purpose-1 Ila Holders A. Texxi prophet deciared that ISSi troald "brulle and rroan with disss WacJ:ie rroaaing has already be :a. At !east twenty three Texas edi- For other locals see fourth page. Dr. Mjlburn was lecturing in Rich. mond last week to large houses. The receipts of cotton to-day foot up 343 bales. - at this port liberal discount to Merchants and Teachers. " Slates, Copy Books, Crayons, Book Straps and Bags, Paper. Pens. Pencils, Ink, Rulers, Ac. Parents will please send their children to ; HELNSBEBGEB'S. " CULTIVATION and will support as ordinary sized family. On the Mac n rvi t..k. C3, Apples. Cherries,! Figs and liraoes IS ABUNDANCE. OystcrsT Flsb. CrsGTand Shrimp t be had at tho door vrr ri,v nov 2-Vlsw3m m WM. A. CCMM1NU r. Let's tell you about Shoes rpnE BEST ARE CHEAPEST ! Get them to flLpasyand comfortable let them be rather stout for winter. von-1 get them too thin, or you will ruin your health. ' Buy them Sons, Geo. It. French &' . . m I I I- i ' imponea uigats x i ios noktu fuont st. Who can suit you In any grade, qual ity or price. JUST RECEIVED AND ON SALE THE James A. Lovrey, "Tjn'nEELWRIGHT, BLACKSMITH AND General Repairer of Carriages and Vehicles, Work of all kinds attended to without delay. Thanking my friends for favors extended to i i ! me in the past, I solicit their llnd favors and I ' ; 1,1 their patronage in future. After an expert, ence of forty-four years as a i Mechanic under BEST LINE OF CIGARS 1 1 1 j - ever offered to the Wilmington trade. ! i I i 8 1-3 cents apiece to 35 cUte .piece. Capt. W. H. Bobbltt, of Warrenton, and In Wilmington, I am now prepared to conduct the work in all its branches in a good and workmanlike manner. t i Place of business, on Princess, between 3rd Our stock of DOMESTIC CIGARS ls also I and 4th streets. nov 20-oaw-tf A Whole Shop Fall. A d rue-cist holding ud a bottle of St n late each been presented with abov barque Vcniti. Harriss. hence. Jacobs Oil said . "It holds more pain- kj ilsce the lt of January, ISSI. arrived at Plymouth , Eng., Feb. 15th. cure than all the rest of my shop." h the oUea times Wendell hiillips The supply of fish in this market is uia rreat demand as a Ircim-pr- vcrJ small, ana has been, for several zxi LU slcreotVTJcd reolies In mm. days. l will come and lecture Interesting to Fishermen : The cele brated "Fish" Brand Gilling thread is old onlv at Jacobi's. He is thelm- porter's Agent. t DIED. Pianos and Organs, i gOLD AT SEASONABLE PRICES AT HEINSBERGER'S, feb 18 live Book and Music Store wij. iwmcomeanu lecture Schr. Zobert II. Parker. Rtcfilman. . - . 1 . . ..I " 7 uararjtuojee; lor a night hence, arrived at Wilmington, Del si ay expenses; on Slavery' for Feb. 15th. Jti2Z and riV mv own TTwna I . - , I 0 , , . ..... . - oweu. oarque i xpress. iimsiaat -ar u of Kentucky. Is sailed from Liverpool. Feb. 16th. for a . . i f ;crw aj ocia completely prostrated this port. I IV iMt. ... I . . I . .-.ujiaucervoas strain . . ... I i-tH tr .ttond t tte Serial ccr-At in k;,k bo gloomy .rainy weather of tho last " nuivu AAV W. L. YOUNG FOWLER At his residence in this city, at 12.10 o'clock, a. m.. on the IStb Inst., air. NATHANIEL Ii. JTOWLEU, agea cy years. 6 months and 21 days. Funeral will take place to-morrow Kiraw will icjuwo. , w . ---- ; - dence, 415 South Front St., thence to Oakdale I Promptness. Cemetery, menas ana acqunnmna wi TOUTING AND SELLING REAL ESTATE J MADE A SPECIAXiTr. 1 Houses Rented and Bents Collected with i Wciadby the lion J c: s Unr. lhrco or foar dJs tas given way to the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. w . . I I nlA.ln tnnsli!ni I .ioae oi his friends fear the r . v" u I ll"tirA axnoalTa!Tectliii conunac. j ... w ww- . i t O. OF R. MEMBEttS OF HARMONY ano urecnsDoro uuqic cas ueen re- x Mr. U.S:ai:,oDco the chauiDion rPJjcrofthc world, has failed in - aueapis to ret up a match with tie present champion. He l y ... viuaucukijr -v. Wl .laiuog a nrsi P'cmnce devoted to chess. u- r , . , I TENT. No. ISO. are hereby notified to assem vised by its former publisher, Mr. m in 'their TktBoom it s o'clock, p. Jas Bank Stock, Railroad Shares and Bonds Bought and Sold. Loans upon Beal Estate Negotiated. i Parties wh. wish to buy or sell property, who reside out of the city, may find It to their interest to write to me. Best of references given when required. orricE. 3;9 princess street, feb 18 i WILMINGTON, N. C. US ..W. Albright, and will come to $A?Jn$o?r?1MnS ' tT A TJT . 17" A TTWTT ! as a daily issue. Democratic in Members of Unit Tent are cordially invited- jLVtlJLJ.l XX IkaXJLlXX nnllitM w ; u - By, J.urnw i J. F. LITTLETON, R. S. Knlfflits of Honor. Carolina Ixdirc No. 434. Re-ular rce the la! l!nc4;. -:. meeting this eveninz at 74 o'clock. Full T . -u-wiwuu - IJL -it rn , . attenaanco ucsiroii. it. L ;ie?dD 10 ffvc a banquet in Mr tz r r- n Psoiton hnt 7i ; wcre roHna Central, was married in ct " "I. -v lu-o Polkton. on last Thursday, to Miss R to te Z X 7 IUUic Carmichael. ! I 0:1 l-clrdi of creation. Sat rta (Cr. MaJ W. L. Young has opened a real -tal ft. ,v , 1 ouaueipnia, estate and broker's offico at 209Princess rwart,-- . i atrecfc, next tvcsb oi ido uoun xiouse. l P'eL Ti v Court of See card in this issue. Uk! X .c! Al'ibany county. rtj v 0 e city of Pitts- Tho members of SL Mark's church, Mi. "'n. Ji my COul I vw,w, ui uviu laiiu tfcgiiai ai ue trausaction ol its busi I opposite City Hall to-morrow night, the proceeds ef which will be de voted to tho payment ol the debt of the church. By feb 10 It Birds , Sweetly Sing N A NICE NEW CAGE, AND WE HAVE the finest stock ever offered in this Market, j If you want a good COOK STOVE you'll find It at PARKER & TAYLOR'S. PURE WHITE OIL. feb 18 Knickerbocker Rein Holders tHECK EASE, PATENT BREAST COL- tars. Trunks. Bags, Saddles, Harness, Carria ges ot all kinds. Repairing in all Its branches by skilled workmen. feb 19 No. 114 North Front 8t WE ARE PREPARED TO OFFER I PUBEGERMAN KAINIT ! IMPORTED DIRECT. i FOB SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT. Kerclixier & Calder Bros. feb 18 I i ... w - u nn- inn 1 rn-' J . 'fc !.... ct be afrsi.1 in I BarttLtt Chnrrh lastnipht was VMtnon " M vlf k f W WU I c4 , actions ol a cum I a account ot tho indisposition ol r:TJta. Vs21 Pccs. for the Bev. Dr. Pritchard. the pastor. It will r c! S' sur oi a vast probably bo preached next Sunday I TJ J operatioi." night. The subject will be the same h5IUrrI E. Packer. th Miry Davis, alias Mary Hooper, l r.f t .. I l i i r i "I Co ieaifh Valley I fcUiur,ut " wu lauiceu ut uuiuc -ATauw.. iu i . . . i ... . .-.luuua duo, cue per pa oi me larri !-- Uourt,bnt whose case was conunued, was ucaos or ramuies arc rc-pecuouy ecdttrijindpt. good dinner fish. ' " -T . -- I . - . . . . . I . I I M 3 Cnraarried lady in brougnt beiore iho Uourt this morning to call, r-- and order any thing they xaay iis Packer's wealth con- 00 writ of habeas 1 corpus, and was Tour commits win receive prompt 4ailIaS.a I MTMCrVl An htl Tha rvnrf Kai m m hrrwl AT I at fAmtltii Tho hvlnrrt tn vnnnr men whirh waq fact we can Show a stock of Hardware. Good announced to bo preached at the First ood BJld fruwT-RiNGEt co.. 8oooesaors to Joxui Dawson Js Go feb IS 19. 11 and 23 Market Street i i Everything Necessary OR A "GOOD MEAL-BREAKFAST, Dinner and Supper, can bo had of us. We do not deem It necessary to mention every article that can be procured, t 25 CENTS A BOX ! i a NOTHER INVOICE OF OUR SPLENDID TOILET SOAP, t5 cents for box of 12 cikesj this day received. This Is a perfumed Toilet WE II AVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT I Soap which is really good and cheap, snpi If o f English and Belgium Breech Loader I ever brought to this market. Also a first-1 tog want which has always existed We are class stock of Shells. Wadding, Primcrs,Cart I , ridge Bags. Gun Cape, uame Bags.. Ac in i exhibiting a magnificent line ox Toilet ana am i Castile Soaps, all grades, and equally as cheap Sportsman's" Goods. as onr big drive. Please call If only to. Inspect. Respectfully, feb IS MUND3 BROS. A DfcROSSET. ii Dinner Fish." A FINE LOT OF SMALL BED DRUM, --,' ., " f tor TUESDAT8 market. No better fish at this season: wcign s, and 7 pounds. Also, BUCK 81LAD. 0e per pair; Itoe Shad flJO. feb IS DAVIS A SON. Tea Gets. htpUh VallernlSrotS Joseph E. Sampson as t2a7tu t.t lackeresta. i.-i-?. . inreiT. ' giTenasloraerry.a l,w "er CSU. thu .mj. "vt least $760,- tnrcty. Kow is the time to give Smith's Worm Od. lydw ottcltcd. friends will please bear In mind to tneir wanu wui be I and that their trade is still ! SOMETHING VERT NICE FOR SALE BT Hi feb is JAS. B. MUGGINS A CO. 8 tar copy feb It GILES A MUBCXXISO-rS, . Maxcjca mock. j of superior quality. - j ' SPLENDID CIGAR FOR 5 Gents. ANOTHER MARK: DOWN IN LACES. Ill SPANISH BLACK AND CREAM, ALL SILK, We ask a personal inspection and trial of ! ! our stock. We are determined to give the Nineteen cents for tb laches wide. smokers of Wilmington a GOOD CIGAB A SMALL PRICE. AT P. L. BMDGERS & GO. I .: ' ' " i HO North Front St. feb lis Twenty-five cents for 3 inches wide. . 31c. : r . 1 ; Thirty one cents for 3 Inches wide. 43 c. Forty-three cents for 4 inches wi e." -'i ii ii i- i Ac., Ac, Ac V I i ' I ,. . . A full line of Valenccnlnes, Xorchon,8retc8i Consignments frOm Maine Omental, in Cream and White, at exeeedln,in to Florida. CHEAP FOB CASH. Ohio Glllflower Apples, Boston Butter, New YorkGUtedge Butter, New York Creamery Butter .New York Cheese, Va- Water Ground Meal, N. C. Hams, Georgia Oleo. Butter, Florida Oranges. Call and see them. E. G. BLAIR, No. 19 N. Second SL, Wilmington, V. C. . feb 14 I reduced prices. An early call will avoid tte ii-. rush as the goods are too cheap to last long. f 1 1 i Beaded Laces and Crowns at fortytlutO cents and upwards. HAMBURG EMBROIDERY. 2 inches wide, 7 cents per yard. 1,000 Hhds I RIME PORTO RICO MOLASSES JUST X landed direct from the Island, which we ! offer to the trade at prices to suit the times. we guarantee tnis aioiasses pure. i ianS tf !ED WARD KIDDER A SON. 24 a 4 5 1 6 8 , .' Ac, 10 IS Cider! Cider! Cider! TURE APPLE CIDER, JUST rROM Til- PRCS 9 l Cull and leave your orders and jugs at 1L McDOUGALIS, No. 14 Chestnut St. bet. Front and Water an 22 Wilmington. N. CJ 23 31 35 43 53 AC, Ac 'AT i Acl TAYLOR'S I V BAZAAR, 118 Haricot St. feb 13 Tobacco ! Tobacco ! WILMINGTON, N. a ON CONSIGNMENT AND MUST BE SOLD guiCJ-LX. j 500 Boxes and Caddies Chewing Tobacco. feb 16 FBOM 20 CENTS UP, SAM'L BEAR, Su Prang's Valentines. rpiIESE POPULAR VALENTINES ARE fast taking the place of thaso outrageous h!t i i . . 'cm hards" or comic valentines of a few years ago. 1 Call and see the BEAUTIFUL ASSORT MENT we haye cn hand. -; j I HeadViuarters for everything la the BOOK and STATIONERY LINE. j LOW PRIpES and polite attention. . C W. Y A T E S, 11U SIAIUCET ST. SELLITJC OUT! HATS & FEATHERS AT REDUCED PRICES. I -'I MRS. KATE C. WINFS, Ko. U9 N Second Street, next Poet Office i Jaa5 - ' ' It Don't Clatter rr THE OLD YEAS IS GONE AND THE New Year has come,' HUMPHREY. JEN KINS A CO., are stuixecemnx at tncir oys-1 Whiskey, (no flavored stuff Pie Nie Whisker, - axreaniTerj fine As good nvjs cxs ciusw feb 11 Pure Whiokey.1 QLD NORTH STATE SALOON, 0 Booth front ew, keeps on nana CJcmmers -Tire urs ir Uaa-cu So. Ill Soath Front Street. . . . . - - " A " I . . " . m. A AVOWVIItl amuTertrjasTWcw M-ervTSK, vjr u tne marse bj-otua. iocsi uisi- ten mhlmxiX C. U. XTCSn eseu VTStfra I tram KeW mver. Dont want a xorsane alwars oa usd. a isai lance. No fitadacats there. - - . in 'ii ! t -