I 1 this rxrzK rr evealar. ceyted by jOSHT. JABIKS. Sandays ax fCw. mnnlh. oo. Three C Jf V , m. "one moolh. SS nU. w wi 1 tc delivered by carriers frw rx rir w ..., ftf the cltT. at tb above A i--" ... all fall- "Lftivc thrtr ntr regularly. i n -TnTiy ;crw Au the largest hai bought the copyright of tbc Neil Gwynne." lor Axer.d- o-vee ia tie Uritbh militia is so ' "..rthatcvmnjissionias officers pt;; .... t ' o'.e rx ' buildings in Montreal Ye Ua tacatcJ because the tenants eJtica haunted. v- York Ji is now pnratoiy ollcrca Powers' 1LC .." :V.c in that city for $10.000.. rccaliretlroveor Arizona camels wv ch cumber about 100. and are wide ,a::crcd. bis been sold for $11,000. . . . . Kriinin Lawrence. Mass., "J rati en is :j race whose iilnes3 was ci:kv1 by over exertion in rollcr-skat- :rr-ks. Fifty jeirs ago there were less than ui.es of railway in America. To- there arc, in round numDers, i-o,- H 0 til'.Cf TUrc arc 600 geysers and 500 hot s;f.s ia tie Yellowstone National Virk. accordla;. to the Governmcn1 jsrtejcrs. Tic: late Uxa terrific snow storms ia Saa Jsaa ccty. Colorado, and the track cf lie JX-crer & Uio Grando road is wie plxcti is seven feet under jso sr. - Tic h:c Thoum Kinsclla. of the i:.-A'ja Kyle, left an estate worth aUt;t jiACOO, including his interest of sx-ct $100,000 in that journal, sit children are his heirs. His The New York county committee of tie woman suffrage party has adopted relations thanking Secretary Folgcr r D met3 iitiiw. VGJ,. VIII. WILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 19. 1884. NO. 42 LOCAL NEAVS. IXDU TO IEW ADYEBTISEMEITS. HuyaBtKGUi School Books Lost LjuIIca' Ilaxvlkerchlcfa A U Ricxvv, Ceferec Legal &l C W TATts-lrans Valentinca Ucais Bkds. A Dtlioss tT Eureka Csonlt Jb Moruis Sllrcrwarc at Auction U E caldls. Executor Executor Notice, heefl Fyetlcvillo yesterday morning i. ...1 ... i- . and there was more to come. There The Ktver. Capt. Albert Worth tells us that it rained up about Fayettevillc for thirty- six hours last Saturday night and Sun day. and that it is evident that a large amount of water has fallen. There had been a rise of about 15 feet when NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The receipts of cotton to-day foot up 191 bales. Tbc fragantyel low jessa mine and the beautiful ground moss arc now in bloom in the woods near the city. We arc glad to notice the reappear- anco among us oi Air. 11. mcl. ureen. who has been sick for somo weeks past. The number of rafts of limber which come down the river is unusually large for the tim o of year. There is also an abundance of wood in flats and it is selling at quite a rcasonble price. will be enough to make steamboatmcn at this port happy for a month or more. 'Anniversary Parade. The anniversary of Washington's birth, which will occur on Friday, the 22nd insL, will be made the occasion for a parade by the Wilmington Light Infantry. Captain R. II. Beery. The parado will.be made at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and it is hoped that the corps will turn out with full ranks, which would be with about 0 muskets. D Tncre is unmailablo postal matter in the postoGlce in this city addressed as follows: Sol Moore. Columbus county. N. C ; Miss Minnie .McIIugh. 817 Jackson street. Oakland. Cal. To Leave Us. Many of our readers will regret to learn that Messrs. DuBrutz and F. C. Poisson will leave . here to-morrow night for San "Francisco, where they will probably reside in the future. They will go by the Southern Pacific route. tnrougn Lower uamornia. ana stop a IN AT BRIER' The Young People's' Christian Asso- few da8 ia Orleans to witness the ciation will give an entertainment at iesuviues oi iuaraiuras. we regret tne Rankin Hall to-nicht. at which there departure of these young gentlemen will be vocal and instrumental music recitations and other literary exercises. 1 ; We notice in the New York Clipper from our city, and wish them an abund ant success in their new home in the Occident. feb 18 Exports Foreign. ! Ger. barque Greif, Dethloff, cleared to-day for Rostock, Ger., with 2,821 cav'atn'j license to Mrs. Miller. somo notices of Mr Robert A Hewlette. Utner Lianas. formerly of this city, and the Hewlette Mr. C. M. Caughy gave a very agree- Trio Robert, Rosa and Little Lucy. 1 able, interesting and instructive enter- gymnasts and wire cquilibistF." j The tainment at the Opera House last night barrels ro3in, valued at $4,250, shipped ClipiKr sah that they will go to Eng- to quite a good audience. He has a fine by Messrs E. Peschau & Westermann. land this Spring and return in the Fall, stage presence, a good voice and is an Br. scbr. Mary L. Dunn, Hindon, clear entertaining speaker. His lecture was ed for Bridgetown, Barbadoes, with illustrated by stereoptican views of 100,592 feet of lumber, valued at $2,. many of the notable places and scenes, 619.77, shipped by Messrs Northrop & which he described, and as the instru Cumming, making the total exports ment used was ono of great power and foreign for the day amount to $0,899.77. excellence, added much to the inter est of the occasion. All present were delighted with what they saw and f "PERA HOUSE, WEDNESDAY EVENING, j ifiCKUAiii 2u. xne ureat violinist, REMENYI, j In GRAND CONCERT, supported by Miss KLl'A WA! LACK, Soprano. Mr. EDMOND DECELLE, Tenor, Mr. ISIDORE LUCK STONE, Pianist. ! Reserved Seats $1.25 and $1 . Admission $1 , 50c, 25c Sa'.e now opi at Dyer's. ftb 15 5t We invite attention to the advertise ment ot the sale by Messrs. Cronly & Morris, of a large lot ot beautiful silver, ware, manufactured by the Taunton Silver Plate Company, The sale will Lr ordering the issue of a steamboat k.e ph(? l-n,om)W afternoon and i z cf the charges against a Califor claj-J'c is that ol frirolity. and tho iixciScation is that he puts his hair in night at the store on tho North side of Markerstrcct, one door East of Front. Personal. Col. M. McRae and Air. E. F. Mc- F.arrercry nijht. woman fashion, tojRae.of Shoo Heel, are in tho city to u:ake i: curl when ho is on the bench day and registered at tho Purceli House. next uay. . We were pleased to meet this morns Tho First, f.v A Mr. W. M. Struthers, ' whose truck farm is inst nntsida the eastern limits heard, and it is to be regretted that fth hronffht kflla and radishes there was not an overflowing house " into market 0Q Saturday which were hear Mr. Caughy and witness the beau- raised by him thia season and were the tiful views presented. fipal. uTrknut fft nnr m.t. Mr. Struther's farm contains 62 acres, and he will devote his entire time and atten- II as Loft Us. The steamer North Slate, which has u Dinner Fish.' WaJn MacVcaXdeicribes in the S with Mr.. Thos.B.McKoy. formerly for so many years plied .on the waters tion to raising truck for our own and arch iVntary the ideal President and of th'3 c:ty. but nov of New York, who of the Cape Fear, left here last night the northern markets. He has had March i:urti the ommnn tt th ifii i here on a short business visit. under tho Firti nomiaaiinr tho man who n Mr. John N. Bowden. of Asheton. in Paddison. command of Capt. R. P. for the Altamaha river, experience m tne ousiness ana we pre dict tnat success will attend nis energy rroaches nearest that ideal will win the 1 cnuer county, was in trie city to-day. Georgia, where she has been sold and it; cocjiDc.eclioa. He was formerly a resident of Wil upon which she will be run hereafter. mington and tells us that he has con- Cant. Paddison expected to so as tar as rIia nirln'f Relieve In Horn i erfcapj tie world has never beforo clued to return hero and enter into Smithvillo last night, and. if tho weath- Worsliin. s luoerai procession as lousiness again. Wo welcome him back er was favorable, proceed to sea this Davenport. Iowa. Tie Democrat t-a.oi ie lx)cj and his comrades. I among us. . mornine. Tho indications hero this furnishes this item : In our schools a a:ch traTcrsed orcr eight thousand Mr. James W. Conoley. formerly morning were very favorable lor a girl, who said she worshipped her a;ka by rein Jeer and horse fleds and with Messrs Munds Bros. & DeRosset. nleasant. safe, ouick and orosnerous F????? SP.SSiSF 5Pft , . I . . . . - ii ' auu was as&eu a bho uciiovcu iu ueiu .fuiu, preparatory to nearly I who left hero a few weeks azoand went ! nassafre. and the manv lriends of Caot. I wnrsMn answered ? uNn. hut T do i-rtt taoaiand miles of ocean transit. Sonth as far as Brunswick. Ga.. retnrn- Prldisnn will hone to hear ol its SDccdv believe in Saint worship, because St. j J - . . . uuu , I tnknn U rrn n ,,nr rifVi enr-n thrnof Anniversary Exercises. it cured mamma's neuralgia." i-cuuaaat Commander F. E. .-aJw;c. naval attache of the Amcri- 3 IraUon at Undon. and Mr. Ulgh -a. tic well-known Arctic explorer, -iairectcd the whalers. ThctU and w. a: Baadce. which have been urthascd by the American government uc urceiy search. a understand that it is hi3 intention to enter again into tho drng business here, and on his own account. JINE LOT OP SMALL ItED DRUM, lor TUESDAY'S market. No better Hah at thia season; weigh 3, 5 and 7 pounds. Also, BUCK SHAD, 80c per pair; Roe Shad 1 1.50. Send early and get a GOOD DINNER FISH, feb IS DAVIS & SON. Consignments from Maine to Florida. CHEAP FOR CASH. Ohio Gillflower Apples, Boston Batter, New YorkGUtedge Butter, j New York Creamery Butter.Nnw York Cheese, Va Water Ground Meal, N. C. Hams, Georgia uieo. uutter, jnonaa uranges. Call and see them, j E. G. BLAIR, No. 19 N. Second St, Wilmington, V. C. feb 14 1 Birds Sweetly Sing TN A NICE NEW CAGE, AND WE HAVE JL ! the finest stock ever offered in this market. : If you want a good COOK STOVE you'll find it at i PARKER A TAYLOR'S. ! PURE WHITE OIL.' feb 18 Knickerbocker Rein Holders QHECK EASE, PATENT BREAST COL- lars, Trunks. Bags,; Saddles, Harness, Carria- i ges ot all kinds. Repairing in all Its branches by skilled workmen. UCDOUGALIi A BOWDEN'S, feb 18 No. 114 North Front St FLEASX KOTICX. W wm be g lad" to ncerrt caamtaslcar oa from ma fxieads on say aa " all nbjaets 8acrallntemtftmt ! " l The name of the writer most always be ra uad to the Editor. . ! " j I, Communications must t written I oa oal onealdeof the paper. j PerBonaPUea mnst be avoided. And it la especially and particularly jukl tood that the Editor docs not alwaya eadot the views of correspondenta tudesa so state m the editorial cornmns. I MISCELLANEOUS. Let's tell you aboutl Shoes BEST ABE CHEAPEST ! : Gc t them to lit easy and comfortable 1 ! - I et them be rather stout for winter. Don't get then too thin, or you win ruin your health. I Bay them of Geo. 11. French &, Sons, 108 NORTH FRONT ST. WhK n 8uIt you tny srde quality or price, ICO Ii "t 111' KAINIT! KAINIT! WE ARE PREPARED TO OFFER PURE GERMAN KAINIT IMPORTED DIRECT. FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT. . i I Kerclmer & Calder Bros. feb IS J W. L. YOUNG XUYING AND SELLING REAL ESTATE Houses Rented and Reuti CniiAr.hxi with Promptness. . i ! I Hani- KtnV T n 11. I w.wm, uau Bought and Sold. Shares and Bonds Loans upon Real Estate Negotiated. Parties who wish to buv or will uronertr. who resldo out of tho city, may flriJ it to their interest to write to mc. i Best of references given when required. VFFICE, 2C9 PRINCESS STREET. feb 18 WILMINGTON, N. C. School Hooks. JOR ALL SCHOOLS IN THE STATE. A liberal discount to Merchants and Teachers. Slates, copy Books, Crayons,! Book Straps and Bags, j Paper, Pens. Pencils, Ink, Rulers, Ac. Parents will please send their children to HEINSBERGKR'S. Pianos and Organs, gOLD AT REASONABLE PRICES AT HEINSBERGER'S. ! I feb IS Live Book and Music Store Eureka ! 1HE PLACE TO BUY THE BEST AND MOST FASHIONABLE FURNITURE for the least money la at CRAFT'S snug Uttlo Ware? rooms, 20 bouth Front St. The dlspliy of elef gant Chamber Suits, Parlor Salts, Secretaries, Window, Shades, Ac, is superb. Call and ex amine ; you will find goods and prices to suit you. : feb 13 Birthday Annivcsary. Uev. F. YV. E. Fc?chau, Pastor of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church Howard Relief Steam Fire Engine Co., No. 1., will celebrate its 28th anniversary to-morrow at their engine house. The exercises will consist of I vocal and instrumental music, prayer, She Jet beca appointed. -CCiC Cnmunicatoin holtvron Exeoutorfs Notice. TTAVING QUALIFIED AS EXECUTOR of JJL the last will ana testament or Kachaei A. .. .... -j.i T?.. V XKT v. ! Pc.K.r. I iasarus, nouce is nercuy giyun to au persons wnose rcsiucnce is on bixin. Deiwcen I auuiKio uj iwi. a. i..-. inaving claims against ner estate to present the C D. Mvcrs and same ta me on or oerore mc iin r coruary, after which I feb 10 law6w tues - : --Executor Lost. BOUT 1 O'CLOCK TO-DAY, on Third, a small andker- Tbe finder Everything ! Necessary NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. XODaCCO J TODaCCO I Wou A GOOD meal-breakfast. i I -A. I I I Dinner and Supper, can be had of us. ! Woacnimm.tn.n.n,.!.:.. Market and Princess streets, was visited Mayor Uall, Capt. k.uuJ klbUt' , , . , . teaJway ia the paths oi Industry last night by a largo number of tho mem others, and tho benediction. LiUnoocciDletl whniivhw Thn hers ot his congregation who came to a collation will bo served in itep a lhi, di-.n a ' nnIi. I congratulate him and bis wife upon the 12 o'clock, noon. During i tho hall at tho afternoon the engino will bo taken out for practice ON CONSIGNMENT AND MUST BE SOI 1 QUICKLY. 500 Boxes and Caddies Chewing Tobacco, FROM 20 CTNTS UP, feb 16 SAM'L BEAR, Sic SELLING OUT I cf a woman in sn rr.n;n fx- anniversary of their birthday. They pesiuou of driver on tho cars of the wcrc bta born in tho same year, in and at night tho members of the com- betwoen Markct and Chestnut streets ,& Suce: Railw.v oK the same month and on tne same day of pany will have a ball at Germania panel containing several L j -wa..uj. HATS & FEATHERS "uc feb 13 We do not deem It necessary to mention every article that can be procured. Heads of Families arc respectfully Invited i -- to call, examine and order any thing they may i ' - -: ! need. Your commands will receive prompt attention. i Our country friends will please bear In mind that every attention to their wants will be given as formerly, and that their trade Is still t hxi beca accessfully Among the vh i,.."!6'1 ia Fracc Engineering membcrs'of th J AIOneVCi4el r towfnrr fK I r V 1 K the month, and the anniversary was possessed with keener interest and pleasure on account ot tho coincidence. itors last night were the onoward llelief S. F. Hall. Pasquall's band will furnish tho will be rewarded on returning it to this office instrumental music for the celebration and ono of the features of the vocal music will be the song and chorus, entitled, "God bless our noble Fire or to Mrs. Kennedy at Dr. DeRossct's. feb 19 It 1 star copy . - J M. CRONLY, Auct'r. BY CRONLY A MORRIS. AT REDUCED PRICES. MRS. KATE C. WINES, No. 11 N Second Street, next Post Office jan5 JAS. B. UUGGINS A CO. uinnt ma nn nvMniTA. mrn " nllirh Wllt Written P.TDrGSklv foT rjv " m m I vv. A w , t, n vuk wu vi aui.d" I , , -. -. I w j Wife 1 .In.. .rl.: V I t ! Ikli vwxieinn the Dorcas bociety ot the Church , be- iwicn, and the circuit was com- -lucfa the coDDcr on the I sides manv others'not member ot cither. aot the .hip and the water Con "earned on duUnctly." "el Martin, of the City Court. ON WEDNESDAY, 20th Inst., at 3 and 7.30 p. m., we shall commence the sale by Auc tion, at 103 Market Street t North side, one dcor aoovexrentj oi lucnanu iciegant : f , TRIPIjC SILVERWARE, ' A larre number of presents were made to tho happy couple, all ol which were eration this moyiing was that ol a coL beautiful and appropriate and somo of oreu maa Ior ia5t unving, wnica was I ..I I .1 . m m if A 1 which vera of mneh intrinsic value. It scuieu oy me payment oi a nne oi ai. The tirst case for th Mayors COnsiU' I made by and sold for account of the Taunton Silver Plate Co. We shall introduce over three hundred sam ple of Uvcr Plated Ware, comprising beau tiful Kpergneca, centre Pieces, Tea fets. Tilt ing ice ntcners. Pudding and Baking Dishes, Coffee aad Tea Urns, superb Fruit and Berry ti,d,rLn;"ri,I:r PTalaf W a dclichUul occisioa oawhichit Beuben Thompson, colored, was then STSSEJTniTRSfifS j u .. .. ,oc 01 Morrison SI u jxtnn jAAM.:nA-i,:Ak arraigned, charred with the lareenv of be found In Table renulsites made In silver.. -w-llialM.-it r t , , , jwuum us w uui.w.nyiu. . " . ... . I Mantle Clocks. Kronzr. With Rn.T' Cnt- ieo kJ ii exeactfrnm tmrf. . ; T I T j. .u " v f. t rtr"4 I ManiMS Uiocis, Uro torj roo, , " ' J had the most enjoyment, Mr. rescaau I ii. yivi.j ui a. xj. uf icry in reat variety. 1 civ,, . J. , " .ndhU wifa. who worn the reeiDients of i i cnucr county. j.no goous Cir . , xt f ' , cseJ to adulterate t '--J W4 tUiJib W -K were to many testimonials of love and regard, stolen on the night of tho Hth inst.,!and f tK iinr ihn hA hnnv I suspicion pointing very straight to opportunity of expressing their con fi Thompson as the guilty one, Mr,. Ward deuce, aflectioa and consideraUon for came to tne city yesteraay ana matio their beloved pastor. complaint before Mayor Wall. A war rant was at once issued ana placed in Tho little daughter of the editor of the 1 the hands of officer C. II. Strode, who TiCin. O.. lAny Xar was immediately I aouerv aatowht nrfTrmanentirrelierpd of & serera jSjtlfcricdDoogW.marriarc, cough by three doses of Dr. Bull's Harnett, between Sixth and Seventh grand thin . i.? Cough Sirup. A twenty-five cent boc- streets, where he made tho arrest and Ul ecu 1 lo found a ouantitv of the stolen! property among the bedding and in If you need a real good first class I other places. Thompson's wife declar- Court. pncd aJu'.Urations unDroStable" li.-own.ol the African Meth- KJ all ,UTen- Conn - on Tc 8Uto of North Carolina, New Hanover County. W. TL Kenan and others, Plaintills, Supcrioi It Don't flatter JF THE OLD YEAR IS GONE AND THE New Year has come, HUMPHREY, JEN KINS A CO.. are still receiving at their Oys ter IIoue, No. 112 South Front Street, a fresh supply every day or sew iuer oystcra. oys ters snipped i;. u. u. - rrcsn Mien uvsicrs always on hand, Ac jan;2 25 CENTS A BOX I A NOTHER INVOICE OF OUR SPLENDID TOILET SOAP, 25 cents for box of 12 cikes, this day received. This is a perfumed Toilet Soap which is really good and cheap, snpx 1 inx a want which has always existed. We are 1,000 Hhdo PRIME PORTO RICO MOLASSES JUST landed direct from the Island, which we offer to the trade at prices to suit the times. we guarantee tnis sioiasses pure, i&n 8 tf EDWARD KIDDER A SON. ! Cider! Cider! Cider TURE APPLE CIDER, JUST FROM THE PRESS I Call and leave your orders and jugs'at . R. McDOUUALL'S, No. 14 Chestnut St, bet. Front and Water Jan 22 Wilmington. N. C ' i - ii . . ... Prang's Valentines. rjlHESE TOPULAB VALENTINES A HE fast taking the place of thoe outraicons Mhit 'em hards" or comic valentines of a few years ago. Call and see the BEAUTIFUL ASSO BT- exhlbltlng a niagnlficeat line of Toilet and I irievp ,fl hyy, ffW vs. re grand thing, and wished sl.Ca'fv.t s m,.l.K. lb JUi .... , , . aapie oi loug QUdeairoa, of gctUng mar- t.W b giveSaith-i Worm lyd w tie ot this valuable remedy tho worst cough. W. B. McKoy, Aaslgoeeof T. H. UcKoy, and others. Defendants. Notice to Creditors to file claims. Pursuant to an order of tho Superior Court of New Hanover County, made in the above entiueu action, which u a creditor's bill by Plaintiff in behalf of themselves and all other creditors of Thomas 1L McKoy, who shall come U and con tribute to the expenses of the action, the nnderslf ned. Referee annotated lor uh Castile Soaps, all grades and equally as cheap as our big drive. Please call if oaly to inspect. I Respectfully, feb 13 ! MUNDS BROS. A DeROSSET. o. gOMETHINQ VERY NICE- f f M Jm 3ALI) i x feb IS MarehlMm Block. Headquarters for everything la the BOOS an I STATIONERY LINE.! : j LOW PRICES and poBtd attention. C- W. YATES, 11U UAIIEET 8T. ! V feb u . I j . ! . r cooking stove. dont fail to sep tho Ex led that there was not a particle of the SioVA celsior Penn., Zeb. Vance and Xxew I property there out the goods were I evidences of their respective claims on or be- V,1 Kmia. hara TK .ro tn I .inrl nor.HK.lnc, Th cnminilinn I for thO Uth Uy Ol April, 1SS1, OT tbT Will be aummu, wvotw .-,j i wv.w.u. .--.,. . IorCTer Darred from any and aU claim bo futmd svi fsr-iorr oricea at Jacobi's. in lha case ' was Dostnoned until 10 1 the estate of the said T. IL McKov. w m - - i - ; - m j Rif! ATTT ' who Ii thn mnrr4rlriea, arcnt. t I oVlnct to-morrow moniin!r. ! I fKhiu JL Pure VlhfGkey. purpose, hereby notines aD creditors I 1 ALP NORTH STATE SALOON, 6 South as IL McKoy to appear before him at I TIT CV X O T. A Till PT? I J r the City of WUmiagtoa and file I If Xi 0 JJAA AllI VAlhj yrootSL, keeps on hmJ Clemmcr's Pure Kre . i 1 I Attorneys-at-Law. trpon OSce S. EL Cor. Prlaceas aad Water Sis. Whiskey, (no flavored staff) Pie Kle Whisker, Terr flic. As rood FIVU CKNTd CHJAti as the market affords. Finest OYSTERS Iron New River. Don't want a f ortuno at cms l9 tealachss ttcre. JuT ,

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