; PLKAflTS NOTICE. j'j; . "We win be glad to recelvo cocamiailcaUoa firom ctar ftfenls oa rut and all nh!eeta etcnlajr. Sunday. ex r ...Ml TeTT 1 ecried bT JOSH T. JAIES. trmt. H general latcrest but , ' ; ' Thenaaeot the wxlrcmat always beta alAfcea to the Editor. ' - .1 CoinmRnlcanonainust be wnttea - W-oal onesldeof the paper. j ereciuaijQeaiaustbe avoided. r Asd It la especially aid t5artlenlarh a K iHPrior"' gPrro 1'AILT- 00. Three ! 1 ecnia. . Mil - ' . iT cct. tood that the Editor does notj always endoj the views of correspondents unless so atate In the editorial columns. i VOL. VIII. VV ELMINGTON. N. C, MON DAY. FEBRUARY 25. 1884. NO. 47 .1 - .. : TIH3FAPK Bmli . 1 ' .J .. "- . ... rni:.rru ' I;rtr.1:.',ri. f any newspaper "' , " jS. T'.chhurn has given . . nr ii f.crlI:nmSOUl"ar.T 1Ie writes to Mr Cr!slc rotation of a daty on haa loIJowtu wilh one t -.. . -Nuth'ng- c?l;ic cedents of 0a -Krj:f-r T ... t ..r J Trieste, isusioz eel Q .jiidasilDZ for wounds. It r ...i'-cnctJ. ana nuti :ih ao impervious tissue. IXur:jTu:kcr U now cna-cu .u c Lis rcminisccuccj. which extend icwai hack, siocc he was well pisc? v,hcn bis eccentric uncle, j.v3 ra-Jo'ph of Virginia, died. S,-a'cran7cr7r31ichigan. is tho cj uabcr cf the Senate who wears adreii coat daring the sessions of that bcJy. Hi most conspicaons predc j. J, r in thii resrec: was Hannibal UClUf 111-. t' " Iiete;Uw5nd nieces ot the late CbirleiDclmoDico have petitioned the Sew York Crcrt of Common rieas lor criaUiioa to chisse their names from Dclmor-icoCrislto Crut Pelmonlco, so as to icrrctaite the family name in coccc..&a wilh thercilaarant lasiness. Mr. Inisg vsj recaJcd fire times at the c.W ot hi nacmcnt in Chicago, lie du.'c a .;ccch lull of protestations cUrJjisj regard for tho boundless Yt. rec;!cd,,Lul;cne Araru's Dream. boviJ until t;3 spinal bones threatened 13 ZZ island escaped finally by a back ji. n. m:.oa. iho author or me re- cnJjrcbnihed book, "Due West; or. tie World la Ten Months," was tie irziar of tho Boston Globe lie U tee of tbo oldest journalists in fiflecn cenL and "received an American dollar in change for his Mexican. On his return to tho American sido he took a drink of equally bad liquor and re ceived a Mexican dollar for his 'Ameri can, and so repeating the drinks at in terval durinz tho day. and at night he closed up business with the Mexican dollar he started wilh in the morning. Mr. II. 15. Askew, late Assistant lVst in aster at Baltimore, said sonio tim ago: Having had occasion to try Dr. Hull's Couch Syrup I unhesita tingly pronounce it tho best remedy I have cycr used. A small bottle relieved mo of a sovcro cold." 1 i LOCAL NEWS. IROIX TO IEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Consumption Tho Science of life No Mora Kyc-CSlassc 8 Wanted Immediate Ross & Lara Wasted C pel no Porus Piasters Our New Amci lean Watch Pabkkk A Tatlor Terrible Giles MuucuisoxTlu Seta Siirikr's It Is Very Gratlf jlng W II Fat A Co-ManlUa Hoofing C W Yates Prang's Valentines. IlErasBxaoER Wedding Presents OrERA IIocse Baker and Tarron Mrs ,11 IUeder Tube Rose Balbs Muxds Bros. & DeRosset Eureka Joux B Aldes 7 Great Monarchies Miss K Karker-first of the Season KEuenNER & Calder Bkos Groccrlca The Remington Horse Power Fixe Engine WJ2 Stringer A Co Sportsman's Goods P Lm Dridokrs & Co Questions of Economy Titos C. Craft, Agt Put Your llsmesln Order Cornelius Harnett Council No. 231, Royal Arcanum For other locals see fourth page. This was a cold, raw, c'.oudy, gloomy, and uncomfortable morning. Schr. Lucie IVheatley, Warren, hence. arrived at Philadelphia Feb. 23d. Cornelius Harnett Council No. 231 Royal Arcanum, meets to-night at 8 o'clock. i It Tho congregation of St. John's will contribute on Wednesday to the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, NEW 1 ADVERTISEMENTS. Jt' isyery(Gratifym TO US TO KNOW THAT Fnlso Alarm. . There was an alarm ot fire at aboot noon yesterday, and the fire department turned out promptly and rushed to the rescue, but they faled to find any need of their services. The alarm emanated from a house on Second, between Nun and Church streets, occupied by Dr. T B Carrand tho fire caught on the Which goes to show, notwithstanding the competition, we have had to contend roof, from a spark. The damage was slight. OUR TRADE HAS INCREASED ! with, that the people prefer to trade where the ' Best goods can be had for the least money. The secret of oar great success is the . Tlio Canvass Completed. i Messrs. II. C. Stetson, J. A. Ashley and R. J. Nixon , wiio have been in the city some two or three weeks engaged collecting material for the forthcoming history of Wilmington,1 leave to night latter Dart of March or the first of ADril - I - ' ... ... - L. - ; uneDuyer comes ana taxes away lull value for the money expended and 1 is sure to tell it and that sends another. MISCEXLANEOUS: M. jURONLY, Auctr BY CRONLY A MORRIS. QN TUESDAY NEXt', 20TU INSTANT, at U o'clock, A. II., we will sen, at the residence of Mr. II. u. Hcldc, S. W. IntersecUon ot Chestnut with Seventh Street, all of the HOUSEHOLD A KITCHEN FURNITURE therein contained. Wa attenUon'to one of the" most superior Sd vrv, cT,.V '"DU n iqo cujr, wit Q UJninjr 5&23lJ L"10 Bootn Chamber and Kitchen feb 2ir2 fxi n Furniture. As soon as it is ready they will return and deli vor the books to the subscribers, at which time an opportunity will be afforded to those who may desire to secure a copy. Death of Col. W. A. Allen. We regret, in common with nearly every citizen of Eastern North Carolina to hear of the sudden death of Col William A. Allen, which took place at I his home at Goldsboro on Saturday last. He bad been in attendance during the week at the special term of Duplin Superior Court at Kenansville, which was for many years his home, and was on his way to bis residence in Golds boro, when he was taken sick just as he got off tho cars in that city, and died in about half an hour. Col. Allen was about CO years of age, and leaves a widow and three children, two sons and a daughter. He was an influential citizen of Duplin county for many years, during which time ho occupied many places of public trust, having We like it. We trust to prices and quality to do our business and depend on the people to do the rest by telling each other of what they get and what they pay at HRIBR', 1 i ' THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST. I feb 25 OPERA HOUSE. THURSDAYNIGHT, FEB. 28 Engagement of the Universal Favorites, BAKER and FAKKON, i I . Producing for the first time In this cily their NE W P.LAY, a Farcial Com edy L three acts, entitled i served several sessions as representative j The Government H0U8eiP and senator in the General Assembly. He was the acknowled leader of the Duplin county bar during his residence day iKJnary as.' I U tn Allin nrn I Luat vuuuVi uui. aiicu was an Replete with New Songs, New Jokes and Elearant New Costumes. . Reserved Seats 75c and $1. Sale opens Tues- feb Z5 3t in relict of tbo sufferers by tho cyclone. UST RECEIVED 15C0 TUBEROSES, Pearl, Bedding Plants, at ieb? it MRS. H. KEEDER'S. Near the Cemetery. honorable, upright citizon, a kind heart Tube R0S6 BlllbS fOf Sale. rwl nolrrhhor. n warm friend, and ol lh I V invito thn ntfnntinn of nr citizens strictest intcfiTitv in all his dealmes IfJ !..- i 1. 1 : -1 t I . . ... . . i.. ... i.:uur r 1 1 it i J t w ifci uv& . uavf jc icnu twnri. owuo Dudft'C, UTu:g occn a puuusuer w a to tno lact lual ursc quality sniris arc wimuw.wwws. nu uau uwuawu Flower Pots. all sizes, at the very lowest p;er to more than forty years ago - being made to order at one dollar at the sistent member of the M. E. Church for Ev5Sf:!?, TJVZl ?J S$2l$2 antl Wilmin'cton Shirt Factorvl It. several years and died a devoted and Mr. lxrtT wsj called tho hand-shak. I - r.ce-how Governor of Massa- Gen. barque Konxgxn, from Stettin - anin npnnnInf(1 with rv A.,en eijcsa;Mr. Robinson, though net for this port, has put into St. Nazaire 80on after tho cloSQ of the waFt ' and ivonocihsia the chair, already is in distress, having had eight of her whn0 we sincerely mourn his death, we e;:ioaed as the Governor who trips suncnions oroKen.t ouo wm nau io haye thQ gratifiviDg thought that ie liih: fantastic toe. He is distin-1 dischargo for repairs. through all the succeeding years we fiaiicg himse.f by attending all tho I There wcro two light cases before the possessed his friendship and esteem. Of i ve.l uaii. I Msvnr tins mnrnlif. one ot which, a I him it mav ha tnilv ssiH n nnhlA- ! drunk and down, was discharged, and hearted Christian gentleman has gone Tyiiat to Do Then. j When rheumatism racks the joints then ask for Benson's Capcine Porus Plasters. Prompt, sure. aoc. , reb xo 4w , 1 1 7 Great Monarchies OF THE ANCIENT EASTERN WORLD. By Bawlinson.1 Three large volumes, over 700 Fine Illustrations. Price reduced from $18 to $3. Not sold by dealers. Books sent for examination before payment, on evidence orgooaraitn. specimen pages ana Jar j?e cat alogue free. JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher, is vesey St., K- Y. Jf. O. Box vm. feb 25 4w Notice; THE FURNITURE ADVERTISED ABOVE for Bale by Messrs Cronly A Morrlsl Is new out and out-tho latest patterns, the best qoaK aro lcly offcred.f or sale at auction In thU city. The assortment embraces the following a superior Parlor Sett, Bed Room, Sitting ihP,1?1118 aoom and Kitchen Furniture 1 fob23 3t nac , u. n. UEIpE. Home's Qarden Oysters ARE CONCEDED ' TO BE inE BEST. T e7 b!? bo hai on,y a e,01d NorUi State Saloon, No. 6, South Front StJ i Ice cool Lager Boer a specialtyn The best Whiskey and purest Wines sold iu the city. Clgirs as good as the beet. Call and be con vinced. . i f k m Shirts fllO ORDER OF BEST WAMSUTTA Shirt s o. zjuy jbincn ior the low price of :$i.oo; ,i; ;.- A perfect fit and good substantial work guar anteed. Our patrons and customers: are InvH ed to call and leave their measures at the above remarkably low price at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. J. ELSBACH, Prop., feb 20 tf I 27 Market St. 266th Edition. Price Only $1 BY MAIL POST-PAID. V THYSELF. ... . I, f Wanted. The REfrllNGTOH HORSE-POWER FIRE ENGINE! Nearly as efTec-1 i iru DCMlMfTnMP-in : " if- inn I'liiiiiii a inn nn m m m -r LION, New YorkU ULIll tive as a etcara-1 " er; about one-l t third first cost, and less than one .tenth an- n r" 1 1 1 1 in the other, disorderly conduct, judg I to his reward. II. D. Mason. Esq.. of the N, Y. The Coyntoa-Keiler investigation UodscoI IpreiccLiUrcj ia Washing ment was suspended. I jo oa UVJncid'j. and Mr. Keifcr re- Mr. Hardy Hicks, iomerly of thifl 3'lty n0tcl Stables, New York, states' that I j'V'! 11 'I'lJlnMlUtMi.t - I U.. . I : A t 1 r I Cf T.nnVia Oil la kacf natn.AnvA ! fn 1 ' - - fc. iui. AMtcoitUU UlUiU I UUk llXUUJ CuglUbxf lUo II eSierU uim urwuj vu p tue uc: aw-vuig tut i:iti3oa tlia floorof thn Hnnsn n Tne.n isvinm f rrrn.a r. a'.a man aBa ocasc. VMtftM m M. U M. UJAliU ilA. AAM AUUl UULU A M mM 111 III 11. u objected to a pretty scarchincldraw &25.000 in tho I)uisiana Lottery. " i " inn GOOD QUARRY HANDS, FOR Gov- 1UU ernment work at Keystone Quarries, on Cape i Fear Bi?er, fourteen milesbelow Wilmington. feb 25-6teod ROSS A LARA. Tin Sets. J-EWSTY'ES. FOR SALE BY NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. No rvN; Weak More A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MANHOOD. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline In Man, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from indiscretion Or excesses, j A book for every man. young, middle aged and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseases, each one of which Is lnvalu able. So found by tho Author, whose expert ft-SSS? before fell to the lot of any physician. 800 ir. JT' Pa?cs, bound in beautiful French muslin, cm -T or aeecrip. I tman,t j-..m ti nncr worK in every sense mechanical. literary and professional than any other work sold In this country for 42.50, or the money will be refunded In every Instance. Pried only $1.00 by mail, post-paid. Illustrative sample 6 eta. Send now. Gold medal awarded ! tho author by the National Medical Association! ta tho officers of which he refers. I.J This book should be read by tho vonnor for instruction, and by the aflllctcd for relief. It will benefit all. London Lancet, i There is no member of society to whom thfa book will not be useful, whether youth, parent, tivocirculara with testimo- nials,addrcsa guardian, instmctoror clergyman Argonaut. Auarcss tno 1'caooay Medical institute, or Dr. W. H.I Parker. No. 4 Bullfinch (Street. Eyes. feb 25 GILES A MURCHISON. i ; Murchlson Block. The largest and best creiiamation by General Boynton, as at first reported, but one-fifth of that Windows. Doors. Blinds &c.. Tie filiorship of the I)ndon Times, amounl $5'000' Factory prices is at N. Jacobi'; -ic t least by the death of ISfr A contribution was taken on nt Ri. ware Depot. v-crj. txs been offered by tno pro- Stephens A. M. K. Church, of which r--.. - t ..... I . ... ...wixonaru u. Courtney, Fi-Uvcr.J. w. Tellair is pastor, yesterday stock of and at s llard- t ADVERTISEMENTS. tlidl! Secretary to the Trtamrr- Mr mominir for the benefit of tho suflerwrs T?,'4- P 41, Qnnntti I 'Cejtxs written much on financial I by the recent cyclone and the sum of m has been lor many years a $36.43 was realized which was turned "Received this morning the fikst correspondent of theT7mmkrcr. over to the Mayor this morning. 8 pring HATS cf tho season, straws, Black Flour, Sugar, Coffee. innn BRLS FLOUR, our popular brand. 60 Brls Ref. Sugar, 100 Sax Coffee. For sale by feb 25 KERCUNER & CALDER BROS. Bacon, Salt, Molasses. rye BOXES D. S. SIDE3, rJIITCHELL'S i EYE-SALVE. A Certain, Safe and Effective Remedy for I SORE, WEAK AND INFLAMED EYES, og the Sight of the Old. Producing Long-Sightcdncssand Re- storin; Cures Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye Turners, lica jsyes, aiattca isye ijasncs, ana Pro ducing Quick Relief and j Perma nent Cure. Also, equally efficacious when used in other fMAlAMna a m TT'lsA Vattaw fiAnoa Tti. mors. Salt Rheum, Burns, Piles, or wherever Boston. Mass.. who may be consulted 'on all diseases rcnuirlnsr skill and exDcrience. Chronic au obstinate diseases that have baffied the skill of aU U r A other physicians a specialty. Km d -4 b Such treated successf ul I I r" r ly without an In I 11 I OULL" I stance of failure. ' feb 25-dAw 4w 25 CENTS A I BOX I NOTHER INVOICE OF OUR SPLENDID TOILET SOAP, 25 cents jtor box of 12 cakes, thla day received. This Is a perfumed Toilet i v Soap-which Is really good and j:hcap, supply ing a want which has always existed. We aro exhibiting a magniflceat lino of Toilet and mors. Salt Rheum, Burns, I'll es, or wherever I I t it i ' i inflammation exists, MITCHELL'S SALVE I Castile Soaps, all grades, and equally as cheap Veils and Trlmmlog, Tie Hepablican outrage bureau has The Southern Express Company will courtanld'a Crspe fer esploje.1 a largo cumber ot cn-y parcels to the cyclone sufferers on 1 widths and prices. io mane Diooay shirt 100 line OI ino Carolina iemrai nail- A large stock of Linen Goods for Embroid 2 00 Sax Liverpool Salt. 200 Ilhds and Bbls Molasses 530 Bales Timothy Hay, 500 Bush Oats. 2000 Bush Corn. For sale by - mav be used to advantage.' ooia Dy an lsruggisis at zoo. ieo ;o-tw P a aowbtiag fired with this kind of r .cr, icj the speakers are b:ing to sachaa extent that tho cot will know them no more for- tt1r "iJ in lh0 Senate last fcto Uoi:eJ Statca army ol rct: within half a million iu - cf e sa f pent upon thcGcr L r.?? ? 00-000 wen. so that what wcr! paid &rmI ia th teX? "Provident wood- Cci.. Zr.1 hero men are to d h? - J , me " tnany as could fcc naed for. The men were e 'i . ' BMy were intelligent icr irJ' SLaJ a Pter found -ItJ? Inabil wcrk wis their nni versa! com- k! Jo1U worth uo v cncaa coin. At r;,JU the river. u b uXJ; ar? W0h eighty.five -Aexicaa com. nnA A fir J liiUaiiig. which was One morning road free of charge. It is requested &pc..vri mMUtwit- mat ail packages ana parcels lor tna purpose shall bo distinctly marked so that they may be forwarded without trouble or delay. wavio nii'r.T'iii? ATcn WATliK-PlSUU' MANILLA ROOFING. 4 ATAI1TI AT Ah i)Ki(P.V Kmfi. 2 Resembles fine leather: for Roofs. Out I mm huo it duo iuiv uiMug;tu va pAtuibvi Very strong and durable. Catalogue with Er testimonial s ana samples iiusn. Je tab- Stamping and Hair Work done at low prices. -r.n4-t Ann PiAiiAmir I , . lished in 188G6. UCSLAUlia vx juvuuuiuj m w. H. FAT & CO., Camden, N. J. mm ItSU W . ! For tho North. Mr. I. Shricr left thismorning for the North, and expects to bo absent about throe weeks. He will visit New York, Cleveland and Cincinnati, and other northern markets, for tho ' pnrposo of - ? a t 1 . . 1 selecting a suiiaoio siock oi spring ana tt Samraer roods Cthis mornin? wnq sntr- I gestive of hot weather) of the latest and most approved styles. ' At Cincinnati he proposes to enjoy tbo monster musi cal festival, i i A nice lot of Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, . , rrvn nv nrm avtcr- nrV.1A rvr f.Tii I A w ' Respectfully, MISS E. KARRER, feb 25 Exchange Corner. Wedding Presents! SEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. i age citizen, and are perplexing the brains of I ye great statesman. Without going Into much discussion, we wish to quote a few 'points' below the market.and keep our friends from being "cornered." i ' The gentlemen on the othex side seem dls- G0C3SD C3 IHTIOUi I hre a poritlTe remedy tor the abov disease : by Itm use thonaanda of cases of the worst kind and of long standing have been cured. Indeed, ao wrong i my faith finite efficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE, togetner with a VALUABLE TREATISE on thifl disease, to any enfferer. Give express and P. O. address. Da. T. A. SLOCUiL 181 PeariStHev York. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. ii as our big drive. Please call If only to Inspect. ! Respectfully, j feb 18 MUNDS BROS . A DEROSSET. James A. Lowrey, -rxTHEELWRIGHT, BLACKSMITH IjAND I General Repairer of Carriages and Vehicles. , Work of all kinds attended to without delay. Thanking my friends for favors extended to I! - . I i me in tho past, I solicit their kind favors and ! - . . i .t C . . - . . . biisu- iiauvaaKo ia. luiurc aiwr an expen r ence of forty -four years as a Mechanic under Capt. W. H. Bobbitt, If Warrcnton. and In ' Wilmington, I am now prepared to conduct the work in all its branches la a good and workmanlike manner. 1 aau ia buccu. : DOT ZO-oaw-u GREENVILLE SOUND. Thol'robablo Date The Living Church, plublished at Chicago, says that j the Presiding Bishop has appointed March Olh as the day npon which Bishop Watson is to PLEASE CALL AT YOUNG MEN TO LEARN TELEGRAPHY.! No charges unless situations are furnished. I T WILL SELL AT A BARGAIN ONE of the Address wun stamp, i jl PBNNA. aadNEW JERSEY TELEGRAPH most fi enovA f-ftAad nnaatlAna nf AVkTiOTTlV I rf Xfatn iYftfA O-Tft I?hAtnnt ftrrMt Philip- I yvtu v sjpi mw rw ajyyw i i.waawMw vw b waw -w - m n. - rAt f l . a r a a - r J i oeipnia, i-a.,Jpracn eiace aw ouwt, C...-.- fll llmlngton. Del. Through wires. UCOII UUIO OUIIIIllBr r liiUKS HEINSBERGER'S feb 25 Live Book and Musle Store by soliciting your patrona e on small things I Wilmington, DeL Through wires. ! .1 ICO o VT therhby enabling jou to save a few cents each -KJ-MWr TT TQ Tm IT A VE TO KT Iff Hill L COOKED IN AN OLD DILAPIDATED 1 Eoad. on the A tlantlc coast, situated on Greenville Sound, 6H miles from Wilmington, on Shell The land Is In a HIGH STATE OF with the BEST ARTICLES OF FOOD obtain able. 1 ! mmm W ! Ill HI MJS m-T T be consecrated. This is an error as no Pyf YOUT Homes ill 0fder. snrh unnnintmpnl fi Koon mfiA hr I Bishop Smith, as we learn from ex- H " iand save them a few dollars each r.iernoak - ' .... m. a. mmtwAm, m mmmmwmm. I 9 T TIM HE 1 ceilent authority. It is now understood, Lounges put in thorough repair a taan o. WXKK, providing them, at the same ana we can saieiy assert, that too cere- and your Mattresses renovated ana maae as mony will not take) place until after iood as new. Cabinet work also done by Tractor whioh Tafia fhTa vnm v rn t Vi a 1 Irl I i " V- ri- I mmntint wArkmra. Da not fnrovt that we of April, and from What we can learn I i t. , now wo think it very probable that it w. ill take place Within a few days I well as keep an Elegant stock of Furniture. thereafter, perhaps on Easter Tuesday, llattreasea. Feather Beds, Pillows, Bolsters, TERRIBLE week or month. .Now we propose to do as we have always OA AJ w Emi lllUlaiCllUUUa AaV T a lkV V4WA I done, I bad blood, an ugly face, all from that old I CULTIVATION and will support an ordinary -u ciuid. vw w w r " 1 I t . . .t ' ' . STUUT 1 Nt 111 LKtSIS Or OUK KU5I UMtai I for all these Ills by buying one or our "Barley I am.iy. un ue piace are rears, fcacn flupiw. wnme, ig ana urapes ABUNDANCE. - Orsters! i FiaH. CrabT I nnt that face at the bead of the tobieT Onhr I Shrimp to be had at the door every day. ! time, I PARKER A TAYLOR. nov25-law3m m Wit A. CUMM1NG., feb 15 I I IN awl Now is tho time to give Smith's Worm oa. ljdw Baby Carrlagea, Ac ZUU9. U MUJLMi:, Jagl.. feb 25 , rurattnxo Dealer. P. L. BBIDGEBS & 00. UO liortli Front Bte tebSS - . ! Sportsman's Ooods. WE HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT ' o f English and Belglmu Breech Loaders ever brought to this market. Also a nrst-1 eiaaa stock of Shells. Waddinsr. Primers. Cart ridge Baga, Gun Cape, Game Bags. Ac. In fact we can show a stock of Hardware. Good I cood ana guarantee pnee. -i W. E. SPRINGER A CO., . Soceeasoxs tb John Dawson A Co, feb 25 19, 21 aid 23 Market Street 2 in 1. j I'll take your likenesses, And take them fine, I'll fix your watches To keen rood time: I 1 I da all work well. j.nuuiKu me. i ir you aon't beucre it Try me and see. i J. IV WINNER. - " Photographer and Jeweler, Uew Market iX&Zzz (cp sulxx)

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