v!!.MINi;niX. .V c lUESUll. FEBUUHtY sr.. -161 Kale-rl tl Um rituiftc S AriiMitfUa. n. c, erxrl--Lw 'Kilter Too Xr Cvlcans I'iotyiinc say there U an aristocracy of crime in Iuiiina. No mm of wealth no man of poaili -n no man of t:ill m ic In- ever buvn I . 2.. ll... ." 1 I nuns in 1:131. ouiv. ouca men nave been accused or the vilest crime: such men hive been proven guilty uvcr and over azain. The result it Iawlesne in sKjIoty. in b-jiinc4. in politics. - There aro availablo candidates 1 the Democratic Dartv. and it is to bo When rhf umalUra racks thejo nU then ask' for Ilccsron'a Caicice Torus Plasters Prompt, sure. SSc .: ' icis.w Wold 6 ri I hortfd that when the convention assem I r. r 4 -. ------ . irora una aau impure wwu, uti Dies in .j uiy. mo ueaw., rein ui- . . MW-.w thr tmiih i OF THE ANCINT warned bv the name the Uepublicans v" . By Vawlinson. Three h ..... ' . . . I ia tion Mrv Thv thinlf thw have iOO lne Illustrations V I will hr hrnncrht roraranl will select .7- "J - I i .!- "Vnt artii EASTERN WOULD. larsre -volumes orer Price redueeu irom : Ha1at Ttsknkft' sent . . . . . . . . m m - ....... . . - . . . . 1 . 1 , r. ii.rv--, nr i c-m-n o n c I rnv unTn.mu.iii hoinra nit numt nn PTinenra a candidate under wnoso name me muaucu i,.-. . -v -vrt:"xr;rrr.':v party may achieve success, v ' llailroad Company. )rncx of GKXKaAi. SijPKiujmEinjEirr, Wilmington. N. C, Nov 07. 1SS3. l j ri 1 .( 1 no most LM'.ncauj perui3 eujjr 1 . f ins Emokt's ItTXLEATiiAin-ic Pilis snts. These people often become give a wholesome appetite, t put new I despondent, and say that nothing can De aone ior mem, ana mat nicy think thev will die! iust as theiii irretmlar livers, and broken-dowr I aiogne free, john b. aldex, Publisher,! i 0 , 1 13 veey fct., n. Y. p. O. Box 1227 Sstems irom parents or granapar-1 . fei 4w;. Change of Schedule. lite in a broken-down body. -15 moonsuini:. I A forbidding prolcssion The auc tioneer, i grandparents died. i This is a very bad, blunder. The! and ies than cne - lenm to.- tlve aa a steam er; about occ thlrd first cost. 1I1A rtrrivli,nl Irilwmil ! niint ".w ... "" uoneer a. s ki a u : tmur vroina 1 , "ri6WU " has decided that the l.,po U still a teui- I5ecaaS church bells sometimes have U1UVT . . . . J i REMINGTON poral power. It critictKt! a BrusscU wedding rings, it does not lollow tnai roou nuyuuui, nut yuui I .a I I m I nUHIUULI IJlIil 111 I a V jk architect lately for wearing a decoration iney are marneu. rancUather's blood; it is your own. . ftM mZvLh otthe I'palnlcrofSt.Sylre is your own body that is ailing:! '"V w-?w YOrkU 1 nn ri iiiu riiirtrii r mar i irii a -11 v iil n a a as uiai i w a oat authority. The dei.-i.co was that arjllV full ot, ' silverware. Chicago not that of some good old grand . . 1 t . 1 . ... 1. ....... 1 1 ie 1 ope. no wmermi me ..coraur.n. xculy Uaztlle. I . mntllM. who has been in her PTave a . I ....r..: An Tl. . I v . ' : than I O wiu iiu 1'iiijri a j..vivij;i'. Miu tliuu i inCTc IS OHO fclUJO Uiuic .uau t tr . . T . J nal. however, held that the IW is still another when a I woman should be en- ior nail a century, niveau ui cum 1. 1. U n ft II linn ef . . . 1 urciy aione, it la utu . iu niaimne mat your ancestors navt i. rS AND AFTEB SOVE 13, ISS3, AT 1.05 EThORFr.liNTllH WE, Passenzer Trains on the WUmlny I Iiu ll Lin III u I Ui3 ton & Weldon Railroad will ran as follows : HORSE-POWER pAx MAIL AKD EXPRESS TBAINS DAJLl FIRE ENGINE! ?,V7 J10 TtSL8?11; ntialpensa ArrtTC at Weldon .2.31 P. M Si nif3, Leave Weldon....,...........!..... S.00 P. M 1 3 m ; a with tesL:nio- nia!s,adiire8a Leave NO i MORE EYE-GLASSES. mldpsgektw r 'No a soyercign. and would probably soon R1 a,one 3 ; ".J iT' ,1 beaga.nin diplomatic relations w.tb . . . m mnm1kn whrt n travel gone back on you, you had bettei 1 1 .1 .. I l. . rr i I k ij vivij " .... I ... i 1 m:siuuj. auu iuo uueuuiog arcuuect i ajj Qer the country on a dollar; Dut in i begin to tone up your own Diooa was mercioro uneu woman whose picture is on mat coin wrl fronuimi;Wr. m,niT tr !n it I' fc ' ,w ' , i . 1 J According to the Baltimore -iwieriowi Observmg that the census embraces et your own siomacn to ngms, auu Weak More y.r&ZsP' Eyes. MITCHELL'S PVP.SflLVP. .... t i i ...i m aMB mm m m w one of the most interesting features of seventeen millions o women, a a ansee et ready to enjoy hrst-rate healto. a Certain, Safe and EffecUve Remedy for the Johns Hopkins University library Ki";?i?.aS yaS ,unowouluai You want iron in your blood. You SORE, WEAK AND INFLAMED Is the newspaper bureau. A trained rpal. aKrtnt M,:on,0 nn a mnnnment! want a tnnie for those flabbv muscles - EYES, editor and asilitants read all the rCOrC I t... n!tnri nf palm fnntpnt rhaprVft ft I l . T T 1 i ... . i uF .TrrKroior IOU storing the Sight of the Old. "J?.. 'V. . " Vi: K rrhnn r;Ta iteV. want something which wUl drive out itoptosB, washtnnt on imponani sucyecw. anu aitcrwaru - ----- - . ."'M"". All trains ran solid between Win,mm Ww, clip these extracts for arrangement into & wissncini says tne cornet tnat debility ana brace you up, ana nent cSi" u era i Washington, and have Pullman Paiice sieTp ; Dailt No4 40 South. Leave Weldon.. ...... ......... 5.50 P. W Arrive at Wllm'gton.FrontStJD'p't 105 P.f K MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAINS , DAILY - No. 43 North. . Wilmington..... ........... 8.00 P. M. 2.i0 A. ii. Leave Wilmington, (Sundays ex cepted) ...12.30 A M Arrive at Weldon 6 30 A M Leave Weldon. (Mondays excepted)!. 05 A M Arrive at Wilmington......... 6.55 A M Train No. 40 South will atop only at Wilson. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road Leave RocLt MountforTarboroat 1.20 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. Dally, ! (Sundays excepted). Returnlnjr. leave Tarboro at 10.00 A.M and 3 P. M. Dally. i Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road Icive Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.25 P. M. Re. turning leave Scotland Neck at 8.30 A. M. daily except Sunday. Train No. 47 make close connection at Wel don for all points North Dally. All rail via Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Bay Train No. 43 runs dallv and makes cIosa necUon for all Points North via Richmond aud borders hUhef SSSt J " tt AQGXNQ tadard:-. BACON North CZy.' Hajx, lb.T... - Shonldcra, Sldes, V &.T..;." ' WESTERS ISMOKEDr .Hams............ Shoulders DRY SALTED - sides, y ft. ....... TShoulders, V ft...""- BARRELS Sturita TnrnJZl!' 1 Second Hand, each. New New y;v;v 1 ft 11 SYoTk.eachJ BEESWAX, V ft" BUTTER, ft . North Carolina..... " i CANDLES, Vftll operm... ...... ... Tadow ........" Adamantiae.... ."' " , CUEESE, ft T T northern Factorr.... 1 COFFEE, f ft lava.. ......... Laguyra....... KIO la 1 80 a CORN MEAL, y bus., ia VZil COTTON TIES, t biMdlf , domestics ounaie... 1 so tics Sheetinfr, 44, Vyd.. Yarn a Knnok EGGS, dosen..!".'" FISH 11 a 10 ; 3 Mackerel, No. 1. bhi 1 tL 1 Mackerel No. 1 f half bbi"'! ? ? ' Mackerel, No. 2, y bbL JSS Mackerel No. ?, J half bbV I 5" Mackerel, No. 3, gjf bbL1 J ? U Mullets, V bbl. :.T..... '3 I i MuUets, Pork brtto.... " , 2 2 . J N. C Roe Herring, kc;'" IS 2 f1 Drv Cod. V Ms.. T I . TLLIZERS.V 2 00ft 1T 5 n v i r irn aw a a a -a a m f i r a w i a i i iifi mt i i - larce envelopes or oblong boxes. Uulle- JaD0 m a maUer of this importance, pve you robust health era attached. nent Cure. al 11 VS i J : .i fAua"fcV ?"B.wu usu :jLn"r For accommodation of local travel mn, i iti i:.t 1 1 I'M. h 1 1 . 1 1 km i j ii j i m rt-.v-.!- ruirKN. n. i ... - . - x-" tin boards arc covered daily with clip- but the corset must stay .-Vhila. Call. In a word, you want Brovv's mors, salt Rheum, Burm. Piles, or wherever mm.. oi i i inn a m m aiinn aviara rt mai . v M'i.w- - ; - Avwva pings trom the latest papers, arranged Iron BrTTi?RS. This is a medicine maTbsed Tto rSiviK I punaay. tinder the leadinir heads of current ion Dyspepsia, indigestion, ue- , ... - . . , . I Sold by all Drugrfsta at 25c feb 25-4w i . . .. i r i rrtt t no inrmnr m mnirt Tnm pnimr topics. This plan is elaborate, but can pression oi spirits anu ueneraium- .-w FAY'S CELEBKATEI) WATER-PKOOP . . . .... . tV. ill their VariOU3 lOrOlS: alSO aS a Kir rlrltrlnrr nnf rIcMC Tfa uc rccommenucu toother institutions ol ii-r,1PO o.i An,p ",v- - ij learning, as now in many schools the ar,d other Intermittent Fevers, the culiar preparation ot iron enters into a a a M 1 1 I A -D A f C I M n Idea o! instruction from newspapers is "FF-iHto-i'iiosPiiOKATED tLixiu of tjie blood, driving the badness out m n n 1 LLn nuKJ ' 1 1)1 u' ...f.i 1 1 .ii tsava. mauu dv UAS1V1.LL. 11A1 1 . . . . 1 ll ttcBemuies nne jeamer: ior Jiooi3. uui- CaiTieU OUi WItU lUVOr. I r -"' I..UL...II nriinnn1 Pnrirhmmf inr nOVPrttf I cJ.lo Walla nrf inaliln In lan nf nlootor auu tv 10.. new x ors, nnu tom uy an s"i 1 j a "r""r.A "w:rr;.r," 1 1 ! . I I t : . V. ... I . . - 1 I si J Diiuu ouu uuiauii,. uoioiuftut 11 1111 A Ke w York letter says : -There is PatlenU recovering from Fever or other considerable Iceling over the defeat ol I sickness, it has no en ual. tu -'vv the movement fr a reduced rate of commililon nn the niirrh4 !ncl nf I S H I It I M. cotton, and some of the member ol the Exchange say that it is a death-bio w to businci.-i, t hich has been merely of a dragging nature ever since the commis sion rate was doubled. Southern hues are chargetl with killing the reduced I head above water. rate, in order that business may bvl Sincj Jane Swisshelm wrote her ap I . a atiractetl to that sectioif. where Ha- proval t r rca 1 i.ug.ass roarnage.no one lias uareu to say a word. 1 . 1 . 1 t 1 1 1 iv 1 1.1 1 ; a . v. v 19 stAi4 iv nave a aro only nne-hal what they ar in New ... ... ft .ft v.. wni.,r aawaav mmr a w w a aaw 1 ork The object here was (and which evvr )een known to procrastinate with a a I . wai Oeleatcu to make the nominal I tne pio wnen serving Mr. ai. charges the same as in New Orleans. St. Louis raised 20.0(H) to defray the and even Its should the br business without charge. John Itoach is thinking of moving to Lon.sville and starling in the skiif bus- mess. A nnncinn r f C; r OOrt riiiilifte f fin urirl- .- l., . . t. 1 I ID rXT 1 ow 01 unirai rarragut to Keep nerix'-" dec 8-.nrm tc.d&w strength for weakness ; vigor for las- testimonial s and samples free, es tab- situde. How much better it is to H " .. wiH.FATco., bamden, n. j. .if 1 1 1 11 icu w taKe xnis pieiisaiic ana simple remeay 1 gt..v than to suffer -ith the debnky and distress which lc:d down to death. t The dru'rist -r.nd merchants in JOHN F. DIVINE, General SirorfTii-.nrivnt T. M. EMERSON, Genera Passenger Agent. nov 17' ;j i , - , f v . Wilmingtona Cdlnmbia & Aufnista K. R. Co. Office op Gewebal Supkrintendint. ' WUmlnsiton. N. C. Nov 17, 1SS3 r - ! I hare a positive remedy for the above disease ; by its use thousands of cases of the worst kind and of long 1 1 . 1 1 t-, . , Btanding hava been cured. Indeed, (10 Btronr is mv VOUr neirhbomOOa keep BROWN S I faith in ita etacacy. that I wll aend TWO BOTTLES rs. Try it. 4 Change of Schedule, AND AFTER NOV'R 18th. 1S&3. at .33 A. AL. the following PasBencrer Sched uie will be run on this road : 01 C1 Sash, Doors, Blinds, White Lead, Paints, FREE, together with a VALUABLE TREATISE on V)i a Hiaaaaa ! smfFopfty - fSvA ATrtrMlfl nrl T O address. Db.T. A. SIXJCUSL 181 Pearl St-New York. No.42 Leave WilmiPgton.fMondays exceptea; 7.15 A M " Arrive at Florence..... ....11.40 A M No. 4& Leave .Fl rence, (Sundays exceptea) 7.40 1 ai " Arrive at Wilmington.. 12 10 P M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAILY Nos. West and 47 East. Leave Wilmington 9.10 P. W mm.. 2.4U A. 04 A. Junction...... 6.35 A. ftl. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. YOUNG MEM TO LEARN ' TELEGRAPHY. imc as tu .ew urwans. 01. ti-ouis raiseu imm'o to ueiray tne s (in fnct lr iiotlun" ) lxp?'cs of the Nationa. Democratic . .... 1 Convention, and sent a strong com mi t- oker M-e ht to transact leu lo Washington to secure it. but in vain. William Painter, of ftiUimore, has Invented an elect r iti railway involving an entirely new principle. It is espe cially designed to meet the mmiremenls of city passenger lines, ant! the inventor claims that it overcomes all the oust a manner of gambling in AGENCY FOB N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO'S READY PREPARED PAINT, ri ALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS AND get our prices before purchasing. The fact that our Paints are from the celebrated Fac doubtless apprehensive that Dr. Griffin I tog. of wetherUl & Co., and Harrison Bros might want ncr to live in Pennsylvania if she were to return to her own coun I Co., Is'sufllclent guarantee for their quaUty iry. I ind Durltv A bill that if passed will break up all Kentucky is No charges unless situations are furnished Adilrpca with OUmn - French Window Glass. F"A; I V "' 0"'u' .."ViV " . Arrive at u. u- & A. Junction...... 6.35 A. ftl. ueipnia, ra.. nrancn mco ouo wstjcci oireei, Arrive at Columbia fi.40 A. M. Wilmington, Del. Through wires. jave Columbia 9. 55P. HI. FEB Peruvtoa Guano, No. 1 57 80 aq t Ba Caro Leave C, C. & A. Junction.... rieave r jorence .j,.. 266th Edition, Price 0nly!$1 ArrlTe oZ::::.:::::::: BY MAIL POSTPAID. U Nioht Mail AJro Passkwoek Tk. Mary Anderson, it is said, will make England her permanent home. She is cles that have heretofore prevented the now before the Committee on Codes of Prices, in addition to our large and ,,,,, lract:co and will b favorably reported. useofcleclncitvinthevery t.e.d where , he penally U nent th7peni- HARDWARE STl it isdcstinol Kiprure the most valin tentiary Ar from one Uj three years. tLA xj-j-wjj - ble namely, in competition with hortc- llesh. In Mr. Tainter's sylem the the trie current is generated at a station at the end of the line, and conducted to the moving car in such a way as. to avoid leakage of tho current, heretofioro an insuperablo difficulty ; and to effectually prevent hrses and vehicles from com ing in contact with the electrical con ductorsboth very important features, insuring economy and safety. One of the chief elements is cheapness of con struction. The electrical conductors are applicable U existing street rail roads without change or reconstruction of the tracks or street bel. "The econo my ot electrical projuilsum has Ixn-n well rtabluheI liy practical I'very day ue in Euro), on ninny subiirban line', but it ha Mver Ih"h MiwstuUy m ploycl on Mrerl cart. oing to 1 In i r dilliciillie-i Mr. Prtinler claims to have overCiHne. The Ddmocralic National Executive Commit toe met at Washington D. C on Fridsy. tho CJnd inst. and nreetl to hold the National Convention fj Chicago. UK. on tho Hih of July, next J This will boacnsidoraL!ttiii e.itti rtbe Uepublicau Convention will tc held and as tho cindidatc of the latter party will bo then fairly in the field. wisJi their plans for the campaign fully developed, tho Democratic Convention will know how to act aud whom lo select as the standard bcarvr f the psrty In order to achieve tho best rcults. Until the Convention are held it will bo simply spccalatim as to who will I the nominee of either pirty. There aro aspirants almost innumerable on cither side, some of whom would make a formidable Ggbt. but it often happens thai the most available man is not selected. Among the Republicans, Shcr nian. Arthur, Edmunds and B'aico seem to be tho most prominent, but it' is very lively that neither will 00 selcc! ed; that the factions will fail to unite opon either, and some "dark horse" possibly may be decided upon. Within the last few weeks, however, then has seemed lo bo a growing oioTcxcntia lavorof Dlainc, bur we hardl think that his name will be re ceircd with much favor West of-Tcna- I'hi. from tho Philadelphia ftecbrd is respectfully referred to the North Car olina Press Association': We should be glad to bo informed by some ol our North Carolina contemporaries why it is considered a proper thing to do to kill the robins at the robin roosts in that State." A IV r feet Medicine Chest. Sin; Sing. N. Y.. Tost Office. March l'J. 1883. One week ago, while I was engaged fine line ofCooklng Stoves at Factory full STOCK, to which vour attention la respectfully invited. NATH'Li JACOB!, aept 2 10 South Front St 1884. Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY 16 Pages. SDTTKD TO BUT JlXD GIRLS OT FBOX 817 TO SIXTEEN TEARS OF AOS. Vol V. commences November 6, 1883. ) KNOW THYSELF. I ..10.30 P. M 4.33 A. M 8.23 A. M. TKAIN. DAILY JNO. 40 WEST. Leave Wilmington... ......... ...... .10.40 P. W. Arrlve at Florence '.. 1.45 A. M. MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DAXLT No. 43 East. Ieave Florence at .....3.35 P. M Arrive at Wilmington 7.42 P. M Train stops at all stations. No. 40 stops only at Flemington. and Marios. Passengers for Columbia and all mints nn t, as tj. it. it., U., & K. R. StaUons. Aiken June A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MANHOnn Exhausted Vitalitv,' Nervous and Physical J 8?- w,jS-p0lllt5 9' 8hould take the IIabter's Youxo People la the best week- Debility, Premature Decline in Man, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from Indiscretion or excesses. A book ior every man. young, middle aged and old contains 125 prescriptions for all acme and cnr.n:c ulseases, each one r wm h la lnvalu able, i So found by the Author; whose experi ence tor t i years- is sucu as probably never ueioreicn to me ice oi any physician. 6W pages, bound in beautiful French muslin, em bossed coders, full gilt, guaranteed to be a nner worx in every sense mechanical, literary and professional than any other work sold in this country for $2.50. or the money will be refunded in every instance. Price only 1.001 uy man, post-paia. illustrative sample 6 cts Send now. Gold rne-lai awarded the author by the National Medical Association, to the officers of which he refers. This book -should be read by the young for instruction, ana uy too amictea ior relief- It win beccut an t . r in luy duties as Assistant 1 ostmaster, iy for children U America Southwestern There is no member of society to whom this I was taken with a violent pain or kink christian Ad vocaae. book will noWbe useful, whether youth, parent, in tnv back it was so nainful I could All that the artUts skill can accomplish In guardian, instructoror clergyman Argonaut. l..,! ,, l u f n e way or liiuttrau on has been aone, ana tne Address the Peabody Medical Institute, t hardly bn ath, and I ached all over ray best talent of the country has contributed to Dr. w. II. Parker. No. 4 Bulianch Street, body. I immediately sent for an ALL- its text New England Journal of Education, Boston, Mass , who may be consulted on all ,l and exper! dise?es that nr a i physicians a speclnlty. rl a JMk ba Such treated successful-" U f I E? n i oc-ur c.-ocic s I'ouol'S I'lJSTF.it and annhed It -Boston. ..... diseases requiring skill and experience over tho suit of nain- in twentv min ' L. In "8 pecia field there la nothing that can Chronic ad i obstinate diseees that have otertnt sut oi pain, in twenty mm- be compared with It Hartford Evening PosL baffled the skill of all II C A I other iiif.H t was rfiievni auo eunn i uivo usotl AUcock Plasters in my family TERMS: ! for nver twe nty 'years, and have found harper's YOUNG people, r ti m them wondrrtully iVective in curing iJtmlJri , , i , . ..... ... mnolk Numbers. Four Cents each. fMiSh'. c-.ld and pnlinouriry diihcullics Sfcimen copy sent on receipt of Three Cts. They an a erfict uuilicine chest; they The Volumes or Harper's Young People for cure without the sdinhtest pain or incon- I.-! handsomely bound In lUumlna- UMi : isr ra wi 1 1 M w.m msi twa t q ivn rra ly without an. In i stance of failure. feb 23-dAw 4w v;.niencc, never leaving n . mark or, the S. Toufcs Kin I IIOS. IibAKl . ior each volume, suitable lor binding, will be i'risitlcnt of VilUujc of Siny Sing. X T. by postpaid, on receipt of 50 cents .... . ... .' , I lumittances should be made by Post Office . dcii purvoasiuK t)rvu t isbier, ue i aiooey Order or Draft, to avoid chance or loss. surcio gel "AIICOCU AM'otUW fO- calJcd Porous Planters are imitations. WeakNeriousien Newsi this advertise MTSpai tnent without the exrjrcas order of Harpkb ipers are not to copy hout the exrjrcas onle BROTHxaa. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, nov 24 Vw York North Carolina Resources. The Lincoln Club (colored) ol Con ncclicul has nominated John Alexan der lgan as ctndidate fof President. ti i .u Til One of the most useful aeries of descrrn- t ue giorj oi man ins airciigtu. i tiTe evcr pablWl04 alKJatany SUte ive studv. ir by early inIij.cretions. Alien' I'rain Fowl will tK-rmanently TTalo'o Tnrliipfiol 0,r, id strengthen all xuuuoniaj UUI 1CD. Two olumes Now Ready. 1. The Woods axd Timbers or North CaRoUX a Curtis' s. Emmons, and Kerr's Itotantcal Reports; snpplemeoUd by accurate County Reports of Standing Forests, andlllus- mwu vj ma exceuent aiap or the fctate. 1 Volume 12mo. Cloth, 273 pp., fL25. II. I if the Coal aud Irox Cocxties or North Carouxa Emmons. Kerr. Lald ley's. Wilkes, and the Census Reports; sup- Kmeated by full and accurate sketches of the ty six Counties and Map of the State. Whose debility, exhausted purrs, preiiiature decay sad failure to perform lire's duties properly are caused by esccss.cn- errors of youth, etc., will rind a perfect and lasting restoration to robuet health and Vljuron manhood in THEMARSTON BOLUS, either stomach aratrtnnr nor mstronienw. inis treatment of Kerront DebllltT and PhrilealDeciiTisnnifnnnl. successful because based on perfect diagnosis, new nad direct methods and ab-olntc tnor nchafM, Foil information and Treatise free.! Address Consult inir Physician of i UARSTOH REMEDY CO.. 46 W.MthSL. New York. or 27-lrv1w t th a , Kleht Express. Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charlestoi and Alienist on Train 4J. All trains run solid between Charleston and wunungton. i Local freight leaves Wilmington daily ex cept Sunday at 6.10 A. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Ajrent nov 17 j ..... ; Carolina Central R. R. Company.j OFFICB OF GENEBAI. 8UPERIWTEN DENT, WUmlnxton. N. C. June 13th. 18S3. TTifira nil Kit viTfir mil the muscles of llrain and llody. $l;i G rr a. Atdrtizsists, or by mail from .1. II. Allen. 313 First Ave. New York City. cod Pearls are worn by younjj ladies in preference to diamonds. . I " A ti o V " Stvea nutans niiarcdia rer. and la 'an tnSalHbi curt tot Pilesw Price $1, at druggists, or aw 1 1 sent prepaid by man. Sample Li -AUkers.Boi 2 41ft Kew York. U P F E REI? from Youthful Imprudence, cstxsui Mental and Physi- ebility. eal WiiVbmi . Vain able information tevtra 11 ee. uaMBNinna. asifiiltj Pr.Q.Oba,Box rT DOT 27 TSMAar t this !- IUI i volume IJmo. Cloth, 425 pp., $1.50. Sold by all Booksellers, or mailed postpaid. 3Iy Wife Had Fits. For 35 years "f says our correspon dent. Henry Clark, of Fairfield, lena- t . . . If. I I !. I m... mwm. wro wj.. uica , uiy who nm uis. i on receipt of tho price, by They would fast about an hour, and I K J. uale a snv. sometimes longer. .SamariUm Xcrviiu Publishers. Booksellers and stationers. has permanently cured her." or. p. M. haul Publisher. nfJiTs im, s A Csvonte rrrc1tXf JJf f ( , BAND CATALOCU tf aJT fence Bot-d mri .xWl PTC tHiP I ? -fetf . V Sfc Uttm KtoSv aa4 ttrnkf Sua CWikU. tim Maa focrw rruradi txltf eure ox Z?V inrlsinsealTTltnTTlir-fl-rr, iK-iqitsosnfliltf. . KUrm DR. WARD A CO LrMisisai. M TaOV C4reodAw t Us v m 9. ( l- a mm MM 11 "lllBtMrifsSy reortAw FREEforTRIAL An uclailuiiran-i&redy care for Lfnrf .ruAktrmxiA. rigor, or any evil rutcultof lndrjtrrt ion. t-xcesa. ovorwrk. (orvr forty taoo sand iitiro curt.) jf-iked 15c. for rot ra trial box cf 100 ri U. Ad'lrt.. Ir..ir.BAf"0.C cor.Clsrltpt. asd CaZbo Poe. sicaoo, Iu. th i8 . H. KXTK. mnZ " esfra R HABIT I troa IL U. Is. KSZ, AJL, SLDu, 4S W. 1 iu St. Sew lart tOT TI.lyoOdAw tUe" .'-. , : L.: i- -- ' Change of Schedule. QN AND J AFTER JUNE 13th, 1883, TI1E following cnocruie will: be operated on this PASSENGER MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN Dally except Sundays. ) Leave Wllmlnarton at 7 00P. If o.L Leave Raleigh at...... 7.35 P. M ) Arrive at Charlotte at-. .....7.00 A.. II ) Leave Charlotte at ...... ..s. r: M No. 2. S Arrive Raleigh at..... 8.80 A. M ) Arrive at Wilmington at 8.25 A. M Passenger Trains ston at reimlar statimia only, and points designated in the Company's Time Table. 1 , . SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Daily except Sundays. lieave Charlotte....... ......;5jo P.M. Arrive at bheihy....; 9.00 P. M. Aavesneioy 7.00 A. M. zuarioiiW.. ............. ..100 A. M. Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection Hamlet with R. & A. Trains to and from RaJ- Through 81eepln? Cars between Wllminrtoo and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train , No. 1 for Statesville, Stations RTMtrn V f 1? A .k,1l. a ...... " aoirefuw sou poinu west Alao, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens Atlanta and all points Southwest. j L. C. JONES, . r w fr anir , Superintendent. ":,l'LtAiiK. General Passenger Agent ttX&8 13 -mw IX) DOS. 00 tO mnl ugh's Phosphate ..woo rolinaFervulzer lmiw r1 Ground Bone. ;oooo ! (Bone Meal.... .00 00 eS! Bone Flour imm 22! Navassa Guauo..... .4000 ts! Complete Manure..; .0000 r! Whann's Phosphate.. .......:oo Co til Wando Phosphate...... 00 00 ri! Berger A Buts's Phosphate. .00 00 cxi Excellenza Cotton FerUllzcr.65 00 eal French's Carbonate of Lime... 7 in a! French's Agricultural Lime. ... 8 50 m t l FlX)UB,irbbl h . jrine. .... .......... ........ 0 00 ftii Northern Super....... 8 60 sri " Extra....... 6 00 ft 11 -- . Family....... . 7 00 ft City MIlls-Extra.... 6 00 1 Family 5 75 Q 1 ' l Extra Familv 6 fio a GLUE 4f ft it a I GRAIN, bushel . 1 corn, irom store, bags.whlte. " 1 ft Corn, cargo, la hoik, white.. 4. com, cargo, in nags, wrute.. wo i uoru, cjuyu, muuu. ui uan.. . O I t Oats, from store... ........... U. o ' c. Cow Peas....... 1 00 a t HIDES, V lb I n tsreen... 1 ft t, iry....... 11 I e HAY, 100 Its ,' j i Kastern 1 SO ft u Western. ................ ...... 115 ttl North River 75 a 1 tlWr UltUjN,-fr Id.... Vl6 t A Tt 1 a ia. aa. . m "Y uaftw.y in i iNortncrn. " 104 ft U. Mortn Carolina....... ....... 00 Aim umk;, v barrel 1 40 O LUMBER. City Sawed. V M ft. amp sruix, resaweo .13 00 CD l Rough Edge Plank.. i .15 00 ffU I West India Cargoes. according , I to quality. .....i.18 00 OH Dressed Flooring, seasoned;. 13 00 T2 Scautllng and Board, com'ni.12 00 CIS K if ny oaro . ti I New Crop Cuba, In hhds..... OC ft S in bbls....!.. . 40 ft - 00 a h 00 0 1! 00 ft ft; 38 0 :tl rft ft ! 0 t ' I its jvmp. in bbls. 11LS, V Keg, Cut. lOd basis It ft I IA A M I 90 at li 90 oil 00 0 00 a t 25 ft) 10 O V 75 ma 90 01 1 I il is W ;rsw IV KB iW Female School MISSES BURR AJJ AMES, Principals. MRS. IL 8.1 CUSHING, Musical Iiutnictreas. rpUE TWENTIETH ANNUAL SESSION of this School will commence on Thursda v th 4th of October. 1SS3. and clrWS-J'i" wmV fn 14. ci " MW4 SF lJUV SC9I -.j ., . irl. r8e lntructIoa I thorough and rstematlc Terms reajwinahu. t " awi xvjors ana xaxuJ with Sepia aid India Ink drawing pencil sketching, at moderaie rate"x w "Q Where a class of ten nr tvi.. . . . . theachoolof painting. f"6 e48choI who" desire mai s Insmiction, will do well to am!v ekrlr Porto Rico, in h nds in bbls. Sugar House. In hhds. in bbls... NA OILS, V gallon Kerosene... Lard........ Linseed............... Rosin ........ Tar.. Deck and Spar................ POULTRY 4i. Chickens, live, grown.. j - " 8pring.......i ...... 1 Turkeys PEANUTS V bushel..... POTATOES, y bushel i - sweet Irish, 7 bbl tOO a 0 9 PORJi, w barrel- City MCSS ..............23 5t 4T24 03 Prime .................16 00 011 00 Rump...... 17 00 018 RICE Carolina. V lb......:... V0 1 1 Rough. V bushel...;;... 96 0115 BAGS, r ib Country 10 il, viiy.. ............ ............. ROPE, f ft SALT, V sack. Alum . Llverpoo ..................... . Lisbon........ ................ American 8UGAR, V H-Cuba......... Porto iuco..............a A Coffee B " O-- Ex C Crushed...... SOAP. V lb Northern SHINGLES, 7 In. jfM 10 50 011 common 2 50 flit Cypress 'Saps.. 4 60 0l C'vnrees liearts . om s l STAVES, V M-W. O. Barrel..l2 00 011 R. O. Hogshead .........00 00 010 TALLOW. V lb......... lull TIMBER. V- M f eet-Sblpping.ij 00 ttU ft f 100 uiu ...........1125 BJ Mill Prime.................... 7 so 01 Mill Fair 6 000 1 Common Mill...;... 500 at Ot Inferior to Ordinarv .. j... a 00 a i 09 WHISKEY, V gal Northern.. 1 00 0 , North Carolina 00 0 1H WOOL, V lb Washed.....;... 25 O Unwashed.... ................ 20 0 ',s Burrv.. n 0 jl . lVfc0 14V0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 70 0 0 101,0 O 0 a a a ft ft. 1 PfsT Ti 'or the working class. Seni U UJuJL c311 tor postage, a4 y mall you , a royal, tsJm box of sample gooL that will put you ti io way oi masung more money la a lew a7r you ever mougni possiDie at any du Capital not required. We will sUrt yoa. T can work all the time or In spare timeesj Ti,er work is universally adapted to boui so young and old. You can easily ears fnJ" cents to $5 every evening. That all paralleled offer: tn all hn an not veil . fled we wia send f I to pay for the troooh writing us. Full partlmJars. dlrectioa fjee. Fortunes will be made J who give tbetr whole time to the work f success absolutely sure. Don't dels. " now. Address Srtssox A Co.. V Maine. . xiov 20 d6ts-J The largest, handset, best book ever sold for less than nrVsff pnee. The fastest selling book In arsen Immense pronu to agents. AU people wans It. Any one can beco eessful asrent. Trma fr iri.tJErT Co., Portland. Maine. nor 20-cm -i A PPT7P lx cents for posug jrXblsCir and receive free, box of goods which will heir too U money right away thaa anything elseW t wmll All . .(k . fntn ti"" hour The broad road to fortune open t1? the workers, absolute' anm At ones dress, TntTK A Co., Augusta, M sine. . ' uuv o-omtt jyw a week at home. $5.00 oatflt ijf Par altaAhttelv anre. 0 fU; Capital not required. Reader, if joa business at which persons of either texjl or old. can make mrat i ail the tlm work, with absolute certaintv. write for p tlculars to IL Haxixtt A Co., PortlaLsiAa",

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