--rTOS XSOTZOTMXTTOn. -.-rtr.SS POSTAGE PXIDc TkXtM fXF ,kTred by earrlera tree attbabOT . r is dir. TtI ' - fttn will report y and m taU- l... 'ift 7 jEor. Vie wiSTi Jn Jacob ,V, ua ttcrcc $.000,000,000 . KcliarroaJiin the two hcmls- . . . . 1 It V .1 jar believes that . Hiul or-cned tbc new Park Jacksonville, rionua. ;3 lr.iJTen:0? Ccccber is rqortetl to hiTe said SrMl tkat -a qaarrd in a church coney Iosscj along the Ohio. - JlMiiburc to Cairo, will reach the t7craouj amount o! $10,000,000. . n-'Lih railroads are adopting cars wh ehtbere are boxes uuea up m- India rubocr paogiioK mu i,fft)Terio:. for the traniporiauon ll Ti.sb'.e race horses. &;re:cUUf e Frank Hard, of Ohio. tie pr'.eiood 0! the Romau Catholic CVit-i was ccbarrca tnereirom on Kccuit ol his Usecess. Ttosa tii, the caricatarist. is laid to tare become so infatuated with Horida. frca bis recest excursion, that ho taj pee lick to Sn J ersey deUr cized fa reJsra with his entire family- Ccr. Ijowtj seeai to bare blocked rx-sjr:i.'a:ioa in the bud in Miuis- 1;;:. TteSiaie Attorney-General fa u J u Lire condemned the bill but the t wu a surprise to the Legislature 1: Jckoa. lie largest sale of orsnge trees erer cucicamaiea was inai wcica wg i'mlz Jacksontille, fla. byhlcb Col L A. Hardee, cf the Honeymoon Nur- rto'J $2S 0OO worth or trees to one par.)va.000 trees in all. Ueztj Ward Bcecher proposes to 0 U K-rcp ca a lecturing tour in the i:r.r or earl t summer. It is more f 1 7 -I w ' . V j V 1 VOI,. VIII. W ELMINGTON. N. C. TVEDNES DAY: FEBRUARY 27. 1884. NO. 49 New York World: Mr. Ransom asked the Secato yesterday to appropri ate $100,000 for the cyclone sufferers of the South, but bis resolution was refer red. It will have to be weighed because the money is to bo-distributed in the South. John Sherman ought to have the cyclone investigated with a view to ascertaining whether it treated blacks and whites impartially. It may have been a Democratic cyclone directed es pecially against "nigzers." r 1 I .John Mitchell. Portland. (Jregon, was sick a-bed for two years. St. Ja cobs Oil cured him. LOCAL NEWS. IIDEX TO MEW ADYERT1SEUEITS. IfxixsBZKOER New Books 11 uxds Bros. A DeBosset Kureka Jx B IIucgixs A Co We Neglected Giles Murchisox Tor Decoration C W Tates CUeap 8tanUrd Works Cronlv A Morris, A uct'rs Damaged Goods at AocUon Tood is plentiful and cheap just at this time. : I Swcd. barque Amarani, Tborbjorn- sen , hence, arri?od at Hamburg Feb. 25th. 1 So mo unusually fine New River oys ters have been brought to market of late. Steamboatmen report all quiet on the Capo Fear, with the waters slowly sub siding. 1 I Schr. Carrie )VooUtont Marr, irom New York for this port, arrived at New Haven, via Millord. Feb. 25th. Rev. Dr. Pritchard left the city on this morning's train for Burgaw where he has an appointment to preach to- night. ' The fruit trees are .booming and blooming and so far the prospect of a good yield next Summer is very favora ble. . . The juvenile amusement now is hop, scotch. Samo as their ciders, with the difference of one letter, which makes it hot Scotch. ! City Court. 1 Death of Mrs. French. Cornelius Moore, colored, j was We regret to learn of the death of brought before the Mayor this morning Mrs. Mary. J. French, relict of the on a charge of larceny from the store of late Hon. R. S. French, which sad event Mr. L. G. Cherryan account of which, occurred at her residence in this city to we published yesterday. The testimony day. The shock was a very sudden one. was positive and the defendant was Mrs.tFrench was afflicted with paralysis required to give a bond in the sum .of on Sunday afternoon - and died this $100 for his appearance at the next (Wednesday) morning.' term of the Criminal Court, in default The funeral services will take place of which ho was committed. ! 1 at St. Jam's1 church to-morrow morn- Golden Days. The March number of this excellent monthly has been received.. It is . we think, the best of the new year. Its in. at II a. m. Literary. I Wc have received the March number I of The Magazine of American History, matter is carefully and judicially , ses and we unhesitatingly pronounce it one Iecled and the illustrations,, which are profuse, are verylfine. It is a great favorite with the boys and gills (and their elders) and the appearance of the new number is always hailed with - de light James Elversoo, Philadelphia , at $3 year. Gross Carelessness. A serious accident nearly happened yeterday on Markot street, between Fourth and Fifth. Two ladies were driving in a buggy, having just started for the Sound, when they were run into by a cart driven by a colored boy and one wheel was so badly shattered that the bnggy, with tho ladies in it , was thrown to the ground. ' Fortunately, neither was injured. Bystanders say that the accident was the result of gross carelessness on the part of the boy. Phosphates. - j The ptfbple of the Central and West ern section of the State may boast, and justly, too, of the rich mineral deposits which lie hidden in the eartbr the val ue of which cannot bo estimated, but of the best of the scries. The articles . The receipts of cotton at this! port to day foot jup 64 bales. Nor. barque Lena, Mortensen, hence, arrived at Firime Feb. 25th. Yesterday, Shrove Tuesday, was made memorable to many here by a large and very successful Sound party, made up among the young folks in this city. ' 1 Nor. bargue Nord America, Thor gensen, hence, was off I Dover, Eng., Feb 24th. " Inspector General Cameron, of the N. C. State Guard, inspected the com pany at Smithville last night, and ex pressed himself as very will satisfied are all of deep interest and show that with the appearance, discipline and pro they were prepared with great care, ficencyof the corps. Ho returned to There " are two characteristic letters the Clty oa the steam yacht Louise this written hv (Innrem VMnnn nrlr,,. morning. to the Revolution, which have never been published before. "Sir Henry DIED. Clinton's Secret Record of Private Daily Jfc7BK; WtS? 3 W mm . . - Intelligence" is confined and furnishes much valuable information as to the condition of the country and the temper of public sentiment during the Revolu. tionary war. uesiaes inese tnere are a number of other papers of interest. ; The Magazine is published at 30 Lafay ette Place, New York, at a subscription rice of $5 per annum. 1 - The Government House. The Baker & Farron troupe gave the above-named play at Toronto, Canada on a ''wild, wet night to a large audi ence. In speaking of that performance 1 the Toronto Globe says. - The scene is laid at Government House on the Island of Trinidad, in which Mr. Baker is first Krakwitz. a German butler, and afterward 's the aged 57 years. 7 months and. 2 days. funeral rromst. James' Church to-morrow, Feb. 28, at 11 a. ra. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Decoration. JUST RECEIVED AN ASSORTMENT or CUPS AND SAUCERS for decoration. We wlUbQia4 to receive commxaicaUoa froa our fxlcnds oa any and an subjects' seaexal Interest but -AJ" ' Theaaaie of the witter bus aWya'te W alafeod to the EdUor. . ' , - ' ' CoaTnmiVrattons mast b wrlttea on oil onosldeof the paper. . J - PersonaJltlea most be aTolded. j j.. An4ttla especially and jartlcniarly tad;' tood that tha Editor does not always eniloi 1 mia wi ox oorresponaeacs uuesa so state la the editorial oolasuta. f , 1 MISCELLANEOUS. JUST OPENED Ii AT 1116 Market St. feb 21 GILES & MURCHISON, Murchlaon Block. M. CRONLY, Auctr. 1 BY CRONLY & MORRIS. Damaged Goods at Auction. f1X THURSDAY NEXT, 2STH INST., AT I f 1 J X 1 1 tkw will not h&ve tho pleasure, of in- , Air. Cnarles AIel?iIIe, business agent for Shook & Collier's "Lights o Lon don," arrived in the city last night and '1x2 twenty years since be was In Ebg-1 registered at the TurceU House. 1 1 i a-o.wneaDeuearcreu bsbj .iu.iu. Mr c. W. Yates, in this issue. ad izxtsx qpon uo war. m vertises a large lot of valuablo books at n-.r.i - r,r vw rrinn I the lowest sort of a price. Go and make u o kHi r( 1V0 Tyxn U tnn your seieciion ueiore lacy aru au roue. ' . 1 .1 ft!... . I m - . . jci j. poiiuca ta-a-icr au wo wu. 1 1 ne ireignt iramo on au tno raiiroaas wcrfal b in the State, began busl- centering in this city is unusually large. 10 o'clock. A. M.. we will sell at the Store of J. Sternbereer. 11 Market Street, for and on iuwtnnt vf nil r.nrArTiAr1- t.h WhnlA Stnr.k nf . a V I ; . w m w W w v m mw wwmt . U V I ' dulging in all the game or Drag, uur afterwards assumes the character of a n rnna n, Ti.ta t,L ta r.. 41 1 a.im 1 :a w. ri u Dry Goods. Clothlnff. Blankets, Boots and liaaveru cuuuues iuivo icwunj ugiciu- ukuuuus uiiuc. jjll. ja.oi, as iuui 1 ed a new source of wealth which bids Governor, was good, nis laciai ex Shoes, iiats. Glass! and Crockery ware and . . . . c. .1 11 ,u pression and funny savincs frequently other articles therein damaged by the late fire, lair to bo more profitablo, all things EKnr th C sale continued until the' wfiole stock is mnoiHArrHl thn th Wpit ran boast of. I if-.7iJn !P- t I Closea out. " JUUHWKV A UUllUiliii tUUi VY UUb UUllt in consonance with the traditions ot the British army. But Mulcahey himself fully sustains the reputation of Mr. T. J. Farron, whose Irish wit and songs were loudly cneerea. his impersona In Pender and Duplin counties phos phate rock has been discovered which bids fair to form a new, engrossing, and profitablo employment tor the people and to be a source of almost unbound ed wealth to many of the property owners in those counties It is stated that the phosphate deposits in . Duplin are virtually inexhaustable, and that in many localities it is of a superior quality for fertilizing purposes. Cheap Standard Works. 69 CENTS EACH. :e ia the Crciceat City only a few rears a;o witioct a ccat as agent of the iestacky Lottery Company. The Irish World slates that it has and as the Spring trade is about to open there is no prospect ot much diminu tion at present. ' tion of the bride fairly convulsed j his auditors with laughter. Regulations tor Lout. t The following regulations for Lent, which begun to-day, were given out in the Catholic Church in this city Sunday: Col. Green's Labors. 1. All the faithful, who have corn- Mr. Thos. W. Stranee. of this city. Dieted their 21st year are, unlets legiti- wasin Washington City a few days lately dispensed, are nouna to oDserve lUB IttSb VI -AJUb. 2. They are to take only one meal a day, excepting bundays. Norwegian barque Adger. Flagcstad, txtctcd froa the Irish in America, I cleared to day for Hull, Eng.. with 1. nr a.;ed patriotic purposes, the sum 500 barrels rosin and 2,700 barrels tar. rlS.oiO.W within the past eight valued at 6.500. shipped by Messrs rean. It a?jo says that it has fi en res I Alex Snruut & Son. - busyj " .. Mj, t. ft . Udk X 3 bick cp this statement. I Mrs. Jcrtmiah Matiaon, of ( :aU'a I!aai. gare birth on Sj The carpenters are having Clilton, j time, as there are quito a Ftrn hirth nn Kitnnli I nttw hnildinM in rnnt itl nrArf inn lw i-Xit Ll thfM !!! !?Vf mrm TKav ,m lAliMa, 1,rm nnmkor n)K!h ra nnrlart. " ft " W I MUM ftV U M Vft. V.Uftft U.W M4..WW -3ch t,ike that they are distinguished going repairs and alterations. froa the other by red, white and ago, and learning that he saw our' Rep resentative, Hon. W. J. Green, while there, we interviewed him to-day as to certain matters in which our people are interested. Mr. Strange evidently thinks, with us, that Col. Green has developed into an earnest, careful, wise worker, and one who has always the best interests of his constituents at heart. a DUST We are nlad to know, amone other number o r I , t , u r .u tainiug an appropriation for the erec tion of a public building in this city are 3. The meal allowed on fast days is I not to be taken till about noon. 4. Flesh meat and fish are not to be meal Lent) during commonly used at the same even on Sundays. 5. A small refreshment, oalled yCollation." is allowed in , the evening, not to exceed the- fourth part of an ordinary meal. At the "Colla tion," besides fruits, salad; vegetables and fish, necessity and custom have made it -parmissable to" use butter, cheese, eggs and milk. 6. General usage has made it lawful to take in the morning some warm JJANDSOMELY BOUND )N CLOTH : Shakespeare, Byron, Scott, Burns, Tenny son, Owen Meredith, Macauley, Jean Ingelow, iiousenoiu roems. luoi uems or iroetry, Green's History of tho English People, 2 vols, Life of Napoleon, Battles of tho Republic, Strickland's History of England, Dlcken's Child'! History of England, Grime's House noia stories, uobinson Crusoe. Swiss Jtamiiy Robinson, Tom Brown at Rugby. Scottish Chiefs. Thaddeus of Warsaw. Children of the Abbey, Arabian Night?, 20.0C0 Leagues Under toe sea, tout or tne worm in au uays, aiyste Tious Island, Paul and Virginia, Fox's Book of Aiartvrs, liunyan's piigriia Progress, xc, &c. Any of the above sent post paid upon the receipt 01 the price. u. ;w. iatjss, f cb 251 119 Market St , Wilmington, N C. We Neglected rjlO PUBLISH OUR USUAL ADVERTISE- mcnt on Monday evening, but wc did not neglect our friends. This week wo ofl'cr our I usual assortment at prices equally as low as heretofore and In some articles perhaps a lit tle lower. WE DO NOT SELL ADULTERATED SUGARS, FEENOH NAINSOOKS, Victoria and Persian Lawns, Pique, Marseilles, (Checks, 20,000 Yardo EMBROIDERIES I FULL ASSORTMENT IN ALL STYLE 3 AND DESIGNS. NEW BALANCE aOF WINTER GOODS ! SELLING OUT VERY CHEAP, i ' ' TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCEC. 116 illarket St. jan2l I i I " Mr. Harry P. Kusscll .t rihlvna tttt.1 .tuMil ... v .wu luwi niiJM. I j r c 1 1 :, im j i I . iL. tt : uajr ivi oiTBUuau tuu it mil ucucuu uiuynauuus ui uia iiuuso, u; nuvui ia zood. Hon. Cascv Young, who is I" - " I.. . . . .1 .1 1 . lef horn Irw Ph.irm.ti IHa tuhnmmSftM An An. liaUld. OS teS, COnee, Or IU1U . CUOCOiaie bread. but the purest goods that can be obtained!. f -. I . a At - . ft a m . uot. or Tennessee, it is said, on instruction received at mat point reierrcu au questions 01 appropriations 7' Necessity and custom nave au caU a iMcial suasion of ih whether bo return at onco to New York concerning public buildings, has ex- thorized the use of hog's lard, as well as of tia: Slate should the Supreme or go as far South as Galveston. jn decUre the Kailroad Commission -J be paucd free lrom the objection- i1- fcatarta. Ex Got. lla'Jer has a nrofound disro- tor petitions. You could eet in !in..v . . -..aK.j io.wo men to ifn a icatohaYeme hauccd." he sajt. half the number "would sicn a u ItSOwin; writ tho- rrn r la t to prtTent mistakes the Wo invite tho attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts aro being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. ; ti. The JV. C. Farmer for March is .be fore us.' It is filled with interesting and valuablo reading for the farmer and others. Published at Raleigh by Jar. II, Konis, SI a year in advance. The justly celebrated Mendelssohn Ouintelte Club, of Boston. Mass.. will give ono of their charmlug musical en tertainments in this city on the 22nd of . ; r . . I c i pressed himself very warmly in fayor putter m. r; , of Wilmington. Ho thinks that we r ' tha obligations of fastine: Persons ought to have the appropriation, and under twenty-one years of age ; the says that he will most cheerfully do sick; nursing women; inose wno are . I .LI A JM . 1. horn I o hnr all nhn all that ho can to second Col. Gran's 1"- r rt t ZuUnnT. efforts. lie thinks that we may get as prejadice to their health. UftUklft w .p.wv.ww W -w W V.M I iJ . jjj mJVMwi..iwM. mww ww. purpose and Col. Green says that he has meat will be allowed at all meals on orllnnt rPBnna for IhinVini- that tho ouuuajra, V"-" -vJO All oar goods will be sold st the vory lowest living prices. j. is. Jiuuuia & uu feb 27 Star copy ! i Bees for Sale. IKAVE TWELVE COLONIES OF ITAL i - ! IAN BEES, la patent hives, which I will sell cheap for cash. feb2G R. McDOUGALL. 14 Chestnut Street. V tarJ tethorities have decided April next, under' tho auspices or the Jf ,, Lf Wonl of command, ba- Wilmington Library Association. committee will report favorably. Col Green also expressed himself as hopeful ot obtaining lights lor the mouth of the Cape FcarJlivcr and also an ap propriation for the improvement of Black Eivcr. Wo hear that the police officer who was so terribly cowmdea on xaon- Th'ursdays and Saturdays with the exception of Holy Thursday and the second and last Saturdays . of Lent. 10. Persons dispensed from .fasting on account of tender or advanced age, hard labor or delicate health, are not bound by the restriction of using flesh meat at one meal on the above-men tioneddays. j 11. The faithful are. reminded that besides the obligation of fasting! imposs A Bonanza. A GOLD BAND TRANSPARENT CHINA CUP AND SAUCER AND, A POUND OF BEST MIXED TEA j A Cnp and Saucer given with every pound of Tea sold. Call at CRJLPON'3 Grocery - ' i and examine. i MW THIS TEA IS UNDER A G UARANTEE. GEO. M. CKAJPON, At. feb 36 lw 23 South Front St. Administrator's Notice. TTAVING QUALIFIED AS ADMINISTBA- JJ. tor ot the estate or Mrs. Louisa Nutt, I hereby notify all persons having claims against her to present the samo to me on or before the 7th February, 1885. All persons indebted to said decedent will make payment to me. OSCAR G. PARSLEY, Jr. feb 6 lattCw wed i If1 Wanted. ! 100 GOOD QUAEKY HANDS, FOR Got- ernment work at Keystone Quarries, on Cane " : ' i r i Fear River, fourteen miles below Wilmington. feb 23-Ctcort ROSS A LARA, j TBBKIBL1. ij INDEED IT IS TO HAVE TO EAT FOOD COOKED IN AN OLD 'DILAPIDATED TOVE. Indigestion, dead liver, bad temper, bad blood, an uely face, all from that old Stove. Goto our House and get tho CURE for all these ills by buying one of our "Barley Sheafs," "Golden Harveste," Farmer" or "Southern Oaks" all good; and will smooth oat that face at the head of tho table. Only &y PARKER & TAYLOR. . PURE WHITE OIL. feb 15 Home's Garden .Oysters A!KE jCX. They State Safoon, No. G. South Front St. Ice cool Lager Beer a specialty.! The best Whiskey ana purest Wines sold lu the city. 1 Cigars as good as the best. CaU and be con vinced. ! ' i feb 22 Shirts Made lO ORDER OF BEST WAMSUTTA Shirt- ing and No. 2100 Linen for the low price of . :$i.oa h' '.Hi CONCEDED TOi BE THE BEST. They arc to be had only at the Old North 1 a perfect nt ana gooa substantial work guar patrons ana customers are torn - ed to call and leave their measures at the above remsrkably low price at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, rebsotr J. ELSBACH icn. Prop., 27 Market St. New Book Um OPERA HOUSE. PCrd ai f nWl . . . ... , r3Thr tTo A lo ol damascd cood. will bo mad. da, night , th- he committed no KToi;. of Ui . e.m .? "r at auction to morrow bv Messrs Cronly offense and that it was a "put up" job rnt should be in an especial manner a l-.! .. . ce Vrigniana ICIUJ A , . . : i t -i- f- I tn ininm hi rpntitalion. From this it timnnf e&mest n raver, of sorrow for C4lii lifi ri.-i!. I J MUUU IU iVll. l . kJKiUWtt a BHiB, I J ..--- m - - . . car9 it firat to bo raxno I . . I . I c;n nfuvlnaion tram tha world and its rofthea, No. 11 Market street. Theso gooos womu piu.UKi uut r:uTn-;r nS slmsriv. THURSDAY NIGHT. FEB. 28 , , ...... . .t . a I fT.tr ohrnTf1 rnrnlqh n i tirfn! mw r " : " w i T ' were camarcu augnuy at 100 nxeoi wo i 1 1- . i ... ... . i I r - i i : -ooxnas and his famous I there ana some real Darzams wiu proo- ablj bo offered. juadrons. Tieoiore" --iareto R coaccrj oa Sandaj afternoons In (J Jork. Tbeyaredeaiznedtocdu C. Qaiical taste of the workini d 4lhe tdmUsoa -ickeu will Kfn,'::edlolheaplojcc8 ia fac r44 aJ rf V : i . . . . .... fa. iQuunriai csiaoiisa in a book of martyrs. CapL Carraway writes the Ncics and Observer that Gen. Gaston Lewis con 12. The raschal time extends irom the first Sunday in Lent till Trinity Sunday, during which time all Catholics who bare attained a fitting age are Vmm Mr. P. riplnahcnrcr wo hare re ceired -Sweet Face Waltz "instrumen to find pbosphate rock all through bound to prepare themselves to receive ! i tu-j -- ..t :!. Dnniin conntv. and on 'lbursdav ne UikUUJ Engagement of the Universal Favorites, - BAEEB and FAERON, ! '! ' Producing for the first Ume In this clly their NEW PLAY, a Fsxcial Com edy L? three acts, en U tied rjpHE BREAD WINNERS. The Woods and Timber of .North Carolina. I i i 1 i In the Coal and Iron Counties of North Car ollna, by P. M. Hale. A Book About Roses. How to Grow and Show Them. To Leeward. By alatlon Crawford. ! : L - 1 I " i- i: ' For sale at " 1 - HEINSBERGER'S, feb 26 I. lire Book and Music Store ,cBlUicriaav.. -v - f tnZ .7,1 i . . i 1 7 mJUy com ion cams an . T Rosebud Lips so Fair." both ol the latter rocaL .All three are very pretty nd sure not at all difficult. The last piece Is especially sweet and expressive, j Th Wring rooms connected with! ZftZBfcJ iS "The Government House." bOftian to lay open a bed of it at Mr. I. W. Best's, half a mile . from Warsaw. Star and a misguided Heproposestodig0tonsof it. which pnbIjc.ITemg B your article care- kte wltb New Songs, in - r-.ei- rr.-I. . Tw fully. I find It almoste Intirely compos- r - Elegant NnrCw will be carried to Castle Haynes at lir. r T w-tin r.i,r. irA . Bcerred seats 75c and au Hogg expense, where the doctor will if not intended to I create an unessary New Jokes and Costumes. Reserved Seats 75c and SU 8alc opens Tues day, Febrnary 36. feb X5-3t hY It ftTTonnd in hia mill nd diatrihnt-1 nrediires asainst the unlortunate viciom i f . i t. nt uu -! H. PmbablT 'SSLS Police headquarters furnished necessary . n - f'n to . , vl theoste Diabolical and premedila. IVniCKerDOCKCr Hem nUIUOrS uM7rftoDrJBQ"cn Bi.hU Thej were l white u iixcr. rest and enlertalnment to 4 tramps ; last and one, looking I The largest . and. best ---r0-i -Kftnt ca Tear- of are who I Windows, Doors, IJlindJ &c Leu. Uft-Jia auu uuwinwi tui uuuoj,w v . av n u7 ttv . o . kt h4AvprtV0nnlM in ihiu mmnoll r? u I., u-j, to gnUhti Wora to t-ca whipped and cca- factory prices U at N. Jacobi's Hard- pcrd thsIrJc f lydw IpcMtoTTcrk. . M :1tts Depot. t-.1 COL-1 i txtas n&a ever laxen piace m uu uotuu-ii . , t Stock Of DltT not to enymore I lara, Trion-a, ItaglBaddles, Harness, Carrfa- ' . .-T '" . T 1 LTV IDiftMWwKUiea. . jcagment at prcsens. i,: - ucdouqall Eowjos-as, 25 CENTS A BOX 1 i ii ! ' I ANOTHER INVOICE OF OUR SPLENDID Ii ! . i TOILET SOAP, 53 cents for box of 12 eskes. this day received. This ii a perfumed Toilet Soap whkb Is really good 'and cheap, Vtipply i . . ii ' I Iiu( a want which has always existed. We are ! I I - I exhibiting a magnlflceat line 'of Toilet 'and -.--.... I I ! Ca&tUa Soaps, ill grades, and equally as cheap as oor Us drive. Please call If only to inspect. J&pectfally, " JcSXICXi r feb IS lio. Hi Korta rrsat St I feb 13 HUND3 BS03. A PX0IOS3CT,