t tin paps 9 047 CX V 0 epte1 by t JOSH T.JAMES, rrom W raorarrro. PAID: iCt month. Three r Oa nonth. S3 cents. "i Vi'I U deBf erl by earxtera fre Fr 0f the city. at U" brr. at no - ,r-r reralarlr. r Zf.'fminrrfyn.- linie cuy v " - t 'iims to natc her . 5,-.l n. . :aorc"criticrfinda!t with rin-that be is listless and -.jiiiwC-1'1, txihlp Krcnl Ktstcrn is to be . . ..; 'restaurant at tho Anl uvd a a r? tir0-00 . Y. .Uo have a $200,000 racur j. rbi!adelphU capitalist (x&tet half the rormey . Tirt Eojrfand and hunt with the Pjth- :?J houads in yotthamptonshire. (;n. HranThTsTow cnlirely tl tr,::i hi in?. and can bo seen driTir2 in antral Park everyattcrnoon. MM.Un7trj. the . close of her :n thU country, will return to Ixn doa asi buiid a theatre on her own ac- o-iwn Victoria is said io look older thaa Uforo her illness. Her hair is mbiuciczasJs will soon be called i, O Varo this week 320 newly doctor bite bccQ athorized to irJ trcscribc for suffering rll n. rU H-c leading railway and iirtrabcatnusaxerin Florida, is put Jja br Henry V. Grady as worth K i (ireen, a lad of thirteen, has been ccasuiicdin New York as a confirmed r'r:alarJ. Ho has been on a continu ed iprte erer since Christmas CoL John A. Sloan will soon resume ilittfti- of Korth Carolina in the U ir between the State," two num trs of which have boon already pub- Died Tbe re-election of tho Prince of Wales uCrand Master of the Freemasons wiich will occur on the 5th ol March w.:! tha occation of a great Masonic cercaony. The Iindon newspapers are making serrj orcr tho BismarckLaskcr inch dat. They say no offence was tntenu ed. The resolutioa was simply diced with thanks. de- Matihew Arnold was frank enough to tell a Boston reporter that the pri mary object of his American tour was to male money, and his expectations in that respect have been fulfilled. Occ of the propositions advanced by Paris workingmcn is that alladebts to foreigners shall be declared cancelled, isd that no interest shall be paid on tia national debt for ten vears. Amon-the curiosities ol beggary in Taxis is an o!d man who plies his trade ca horback. because his legs aro para liied. A woman appears eTcry day in tie Hue Montmartro pushing a neat hlt'e baby carriage containing a very pretty nd well dressed baby. Tho Bother has a sweet voice, and realizes zilt a sum by singing. The cheap cab system has beea ins isnralcd in Now York. Twenty-five was cae been built as an experiment uaeoj: of about $1,000 each. Tho rue has been Cxed at twenty-firo cents 5r mile, and it is said there is abun ieeol capital to make tho experiment sthcrouihono II successful, hundreds cfcabs will be put on the varioas thor ccjhfarcs. Miucari is making rapid progress in calih asd indostriai matters. Tbo i'aUsUcs far last year have just been ai tcV.Ic. from which it appears JUiAblo property in tho State t2a,U3. an increaso of $6. niorerthe valuation of 1SS2. and H.$.co) 0Ter ut of 1681. The Uxes collected last year amount 13.315.373. A fes::CmaL of education and expe r.ecce aitcrtises in a Des Moines J?r speeches for members of the L'iU'.aiare. He will prepare at short fcotke aidrevsea for or azainst prohibL, n. woman suffrage, or any other itc: desired His terms are $5 for aaraiculeV speech, and $2 for each dUonai fiTe minutes, satisfaction riarastccdnand confidence observed." CO F1U in S!4 Hours! ei.7.ei!apIoJcd,omeor,he best physl n;" wrote Wm. E. Tanner: of eJ?!' ?vl hey U wid 7 child rw'v w tare llScimartian PcSl mdn effected a ,ca2lCwo.1, Druggists, . 1 E VOI,. VIII. ; WILMINGTON. N. C, SATURDAY. MARCH .1. The gross raluo of the city of London n Aprilneit will be 4.237.000. and h ratable value 3.582.000. while th Cross value of tho rest of tho metropolis will bo $30,745,000 arid the ratable 25.372.000. Thasj despilo the rapid growth ol tho metropolis, the oo square mile of the city keeps up Us proportion of about one seventh of the ratable value of the whole square miles. The ilaudwritlnj; of Kmtneat 3Icu. New Yokk The fjirit of Tltc Tirnts ss: Dan Mace, the champion driver, who during tho past twcnty-Dve years piloted millions of dollars worth of horseflesh to victory, and who now holds forth at the Excelsior Stables. West 29th stmet. writes thai the regards St. Jacobs Oil the greatest pain euro in existence. "For man or beast nothing equals it," says the proprietor of the N. X. Club Stables. Mr. C. M. Priest as good a judge of horseflesh as ever stood in shoe leather. LOCAL NEWS. IMDEX TO MEW ADVERTISEMENTS Tatlok's Bazaar riats ; .J W Coxolet CUj Drug Store Uebcsbeboeb PIaooh and Orpins Opera House Light 'O London C W YATEa Cheap SUnclxrd Works aIuxds Bros. & DeRosset DruggUls Day's length 11 hours and 29 minutes. There was no City Court ibis morn ing. We gain this month 67 minutes of daylight. Sunset to-morrow altcrnoon at 57 minutes past 5 o'clock. This month has five Saturdays, five Sundays, and five Mondays. Ono white tramp applied (or lodgings at police headquarters last night. There was one interment in Bellevue Cemetery this week, that of a child. I, i , Nor. barquo 1'rudenlia, Hansen, hence, arrived at Hamburg Feb. 26th There were iwo interments in Oak- dale Cemetery this weeks, both adults. Ger. barque Erwin, Laughinrichs, cleared at Antwerp. Feb. 27th, for this port. There was oncl interment in Pine Forest Cemetery this week, that of an adult. Steamboatmen report that the river is falling slowly, but there is good boat ing water jet. The Manitoba weather of yesterday has mitigated considerably in severity during the day. Norwegian barques Jernacs, Neilscn, and xva7,Henricksen, hence arrived at Liverpool Feb. 23th. j To-morrow is known in the Church Calendar as Quadragesima Sunday, or tho First Sunday in Lent. German barque Richard, Paske. henco, for Hamburg, arrived at Port and, England. Feb. 27th. The condition of Owen Burney, who was stricken with paralysis a few days since, remains unchanged. The Register ol Deeds issued thrco marriaro licenses this week, one of which was for a while couplo and two for colored couples. i We invite the attention of our citizens to tho fact that first quality shirts aro being made to order at one dollar at the Wllmlggton Shirt Factory. tl. Wo understand that tho ladies ol the Dorcas Society of St. Paul's church wilj have a Flower Festival in tho new building corner Sixth and Princess streets, on next Wednesday night. Tho scarcity ot fish in our market continues. IThcre were so fw this morning that it scales were eatable there would hardly bo ono for each per son in the city, and that is a scaly con. dition gf things. The pavers j were at work to day paving Dock street, between Water and Front streets. The stones used were those taken from Water street to make room for the new block pave ment which is being put down there. Electro. The March number of; this pleasant publication is at hand and the misceHa ny of contents presented- by it is very attractive. It is edited and controlled by ladies and it is as proper & publica tion to be placed in tho hands ot girls and young women as can be found anywhere. It Is Interesting, amusing and Instructive. ; Published at Loois Tilie, Ky., at $3.50 a year. Now is the time to give Smith's Worm Oil. - lydw L Cyeione Fund. Below we give a list of the contr ibu tors to the cyclone sufferers with the amounts given by each, with the ex ception of a few instances where -no" names were given. It will be seen that the total amount already sab-; 6cribed is $1,151.20. ana" we are in formed that it is being constantly augmented. G W Williams & Co , $25; Navassa Guano Co., $50; H A Bagg, $5; R W nicks. $10; Historical Pub. Co., $10; B F Mitcholl & Son, $1G; J A Springer, $5; Worth & Worth. $15; W W Harris. $2; Woody & Currie, $50; E PCoviDg ton. $5; E Peschau, $l3; Col. Roger Moore, $5; R M Mclntyre, $7.50; Kenan & Forshee, $15; Edward Kidder, $20; E Kidder & Son. $15; W HMcilary& Co., $25; Kerchner & CalderBros., $25; A H Greene $5, ColJL Cantwell. $5, T F Bagley, $50, DeRosset & Co., $5; Jno T Rankin. $5; Che3S Carley Co., $5; E Silly," $5; Jas G Swann, $1.00; Jno M Clark. $1.00; Jno R Turren linc. $12; Jas Sprunt, $10? MJHoyer, $5;OwenFennell Jr., $5; L Beatty, $5; A A Williams. $5; R M Sweet, $2; J H Strauss, $2; Norwood Giles & Co, $10; W P Oldham, $5; George Harris & Co, $5; M Bear & Bro. $5; A W Rivenbark, $1; C S Lovo & CO, $5; R J Scarborough, $1 ; Acme Manufacturing Co.' $10; Wm Latimer. $10; M Cronly. $3; Cronly Family. $5; F W Foster. $5; E J Penny packer, $5; L Brown, $5; J Fernberger, $2; W J & B F Penny, $5; W E Springer & Co. $10; cash $5; JohnC Heyer, $5; J EUbach, $1; J II Chadbourn & Co. $25; cash, $1; Sol Bear & Bro, $3 ;Merterns;& Hacker man. $1; E H Eilers, $1; W I Gore & Son, $5; R E Heide, $5; P Cumming & Co, $5; Robinson & King; $5; Mrs Durham $1; R S Radcliff; $5; Fowler & Morrison, $5; George Honnet, $2; M.- Schloss, $2.50, J. C. Stevenson, $2.50 ;A. Leibman, $3.25; John Taylor, $1; M. M. Katz, $5; I. L. Green wald, $1; A. Shrier, $1; S. & B. 'Solomon, $2.50; Aaron. & Rbcinstien, $25; A. Day id, $5; R. P. McDougall, 50 cents; Geo. R. French & Sons, $10; E. A. Brown, $2: J. C. Munds, $l;H. W. Malloy, $5; John Dyer, $1; L. J. Otterbourg, $1; leash, j $5; Evans & Vonglahn, $2; T. J. Southerland, $2 ; J. W. Woolvin 50 cts ; J. Samson, $5 ; Giles & Murchison, $5 ; J II Hardin, $2; John Thees. $1; H D Gilbert. $1.50: E.$2.-50: Parker & Taylor, $5; Hart, Bailey & Co, $10; G B Myers. $2; Wood, 25 cents; R W Creech, $1;T II Smith, $2; Miss E Karrer, $2; A Howe, $2; McGowan, $l;J H Mallard, $1; N Jacobi. $3; John Haar, Jr, $1; cash, $2; 11 Brun hild & Bro$10; T C Craft & Bro, $2; Geo M Crapon. $2; Godlrey Hart, $1; G WLinder. $1; 11 M Bowden. $2; Ashley Gilbert, $1; Rev TM Ambler, $5 ; cash. $5 ; cash. $2.25 ; B L Perry , $2.50; II II K, $1; Holmes & Watters. $5 ; Wm Anderson, 50 cents ; P Heins- berger, $2.50 ; S Sternbergor, 50 cents ; C W Yate, $1; E Van- Lear, 50 cents; E J Powers, $5; R II Grant & Co.. $1; Dr E A Yates, .$6; cash, $1.50; G J Boney, $5; Ed. Lilly. $5; B II J Ahrens, $5; MrsBurruss, $5; cash, 50 cents; J A Bry an 50 cents ; St J ames1 Church, 100; St Luke's Church, $10.63; St Stephen' $37.58; First Baptist Church, $3.03: cash, $1; St John's Church, $40.05 ;D L Gore,$5 ; St Mark'sChurch. by John G Norwood, $8; Bank of New Hanover $25; First Nat'n'l Bank, $25; cash, 25 cents; Adrian & Vollers, $40; S P McNair, $5; J S McEachern, $5; B F Hall, $25; Mrs Baker. $25; Ed Everett, $5; Everit & Davis, $5; J W Gordon, $5; AD Brown, $2. Total, $1,151.29. Supremo Court. In this court, yesterday, the consid. eratlon ot appeals from this district was resumed and the following, among others, were disposed of: - William Strickland vs. H. H. Draugh- Pam, from Sampson; petition to rehear; continued for absence of counsel. May Morrill et als vs. a. J. Murrill et als., from Onslow ; set for hearing at he end of the docket. Exports Foreign. Ger. barque Lucy' & Paul, Andreis, cleared to-day for Stettin, with 3.375 barrels of rosin, valued at $4,900. shipped by Messrs. E. Peschau & Westermann, Schr. Florence -Y. Tower Wilson, cleared for Mayaguez, P. R. with 113 599 feet of lumber, valued at $2,203,41, shipped by Messrs. E. Kidder & Son., making a total of ex ports foreign ol $7,173.44. . - j The receipts of cotton at. this port to-day foot up 117 bales. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS JEmbroidery, White Lace Gurtainsj &c, &c. SPLENDID VALUE 4 n White Flannel, Emb'dlFlannel and Flannel Sacquing. BLACK CRAPE for Trimming and Veils ; these goods have been ' " " - . ' pronounced very cJieap. CARPETS AND MATTINGS. Can suit you in this line to almost anything desired J A FEW WRAPS, very cheap, for Ladies and Children. R. RfJ. mcirJTIRE. feb 28, 1884 i - Have Arrived. The advance guard of emigrants, con sisting of 12 persons, who are to settle in Richmond county and vicinity, ar rived at Laurinburg yesterday. These were followed by GO more, who arrived there this morning. They came from New York, where they landed, to Ports mouth, thence via., Raleigh and Ham let, to their destination, j These emi grants are from the Isle of Syke, a rug ged island on the west ! coast of Scot land and separated from the .mainland by a narrow and j tortuous channel. They are a hardy vigorous race who have been innred to toil and are indus trious, frugal and well j disposed and will make make a valuable addition to our population. Happily Mated. Our genial friend, Wade Harris, of the Charlotte Observer, is the latest holder of a lucky number. He drew a very handsome prize at Charlotte, on Wednesday night, and the) valuable package was encased in lace and dimity in blushes and smiles. At the residence of the brides mother, Mr. Wade II. Harris to Miss Cora Springs, both Of Charlotte. No cards, at least there were none for us and no cake either, so far. God bless you Wade and may you be happy. You are a clever fellow and deserve to be. May you pathway lie through green fields and under the shady trees and may new Springs of joy arise to cheer you'at every milestone and may you make as good a benedict as you have a qpill driver. Board of Aldermen.. An adjourned meeting of the Board of Aldermen was held at tho City last night Ilali The Mayor called for the reading of the resolution concerning the meeting, j The resolution related to the obstruc tion of Front street, caused by the piazza of the building known as the "Cape Fear Bank Building," and call ing upon the owners of said building to appear at this meeting and show cause why the said obstruction should not 1 be ordered removed The owners of the building were represented by counsel Mr. Uunius Davis and Mr. Eugene S. Martin. After, a full discussion a resolution of fered by Alderman DeRosset, was adopted, that the Chief of Police notify the owner or owners of the said build ing to remove the obstruction within sixty days. The Board then adjourned. Police Report. During the month ended Feb. 29th the police made 41 arrests and lor the following offenses: Affray, 1 white male; assault with deadly weapon, 2 white males; carrying concealed weapon, 1 colored male; cursing police while on duty, 1 coldred male ; disorder ly conduct, 8 j white males, 7 colored males, S colored females; drunk and down, 1 white male. 2 colored males. 1 colored female; last driving, 1 colored male; firing pistol in public streets 1 colored male: selling goods without license, 4 white males ; larceny 5 colored males, 1 colored female ; false pretense colored male; suspicion. 1 colored female; tramp, 1 white male. Of this number there were Americans. 15 whites and 24 colored; Germans 2. Applied for lodging during the month, 21 White males and 3 colored males. Fines and penalties collected during th month, $37.20; pound fees. $12.75 Places of business found open, 7. At tempt to break and enter a store frustrated 1. " I would not live always, I ask not to stay." We do not wonder, witn such a cold as yours, but there is a bright side to every thing, and sunshine even for those racked with pain. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup never fails to cure the cost stubborn cough. NO. 52 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Lawns, Curtain Lace, BJTI ALMOST GIVEN AWAY !Q S4.88. FOUIt DOLLARS AND EIGHT EIGHT cents for a LADY'S FINE IMPORTED HAT, worth Ten Dollars. S2b63 TWO DOLLARS AND cents for a LADY'S HAT, worth Five Dollars SIXTY THREE nicely trimmed SI. 83. ONE DOLLAR AND EIGHTY-THREE cents for a TRIMMED HAT. worth Two Dol lars and Fifty Cents, j UNTRIMMED HATS of every style and quality at equally low prices. The entire stock of Flowers. Feathera.Birda, Wing3, Satins and Velvets in all colors, will be sold at Remarkably Low prices. We have to niike room for our Sprinsr Stock, and have consequently reduced the price of every art! in every uepttrimeui,. Call and convince yourself at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St. mch 1 WILMINGTON, N. C. OPERA HOUSE. THURSDAY. MARCH G,7,8, AND SATURDAY MATINEE. LIGHTS O' LONDON I ! under the auspices of Snook & Collier. Proprietors Union Square Theatre, New York. I aiagninceni scenery ana Aiecnamcai ! Effects. I Sale open March 4th. Reserved Seats $1. Admission 75, 60. 25- Want d If 0 Supernumerles. See Stage Mn ager Thmrsday morning, March 6 at 11 a. m inch i It i Munds Bros. & DeRosset, Druggists, Market and Second Streets, i O FFER A LIMITED LINE OF VERY fine Sponges, suitable for Nursery use at 25 cents each. Inndlible Ink, guaranteed ood. 1j cent a bottle. Mark your clothes an prevent being lost ! : A nice box of Face Powder, Pink" or W bite, 10 cents. Complete Line Fancy Goods. of Drugs, Chemicals and PCS. Fine cakes. Soaps as usual, 25 cents dozen mch 1 Pianos and Organs. o- ,X)IANOS AND ORGANS SOLD AT THE MOST MODERATE PRICES FOR CASH, OR ON THE POPULAR MONTHLY IK- STALMENT PLAN. At ! HEINSBERGER'S, mch 3 Live Book and Music 8 tore. CLOSING OUT. W E ARE! CLOSING OUT CERTAIN lines Of MEN'S BOOTS AT COST AND LESS THANCOST. It will pay to look at them before pure has lag elsewhere. . WE OFTEB BARGAINS ON THEM. Geo B. French &f Sons, 108 NORTH FRONT ST. feb S3 W. & E. S. LATESIEIl, 1884. .'...- . Attornevs-at-Law. Oflce-S. E. cot. Prtaceaa aad Water St. jan 7 -, ;-r,,J:w:j,- riJSASB KOT2C5. . W wane glad to tccclvo ecaacrlcattott fxoxa crrr fxfcadj on ary tad all subjects 8eraJ interest bat ' ' T ; .'- ' j "; ... TLe ease ol tte writer nnat alwajs te fa alahedtottcEctor. CommTmlcaUons mast be written on onl . one eJde of .tne paper. - PersonantSea must te avoMcd. j f Aatl It 13 especially and particularly mid stood that tho Editor does not alwayi cndot tfcje vlewB of correspondents i-niew to ptate In' the editorial oolnmns. I I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. City Drug Store. ! ArER?ECT RrStl FOU THE NEW tnxit StAre. Batloc&i gowl becaxuo goods ar new ana prices as low as any. In fact, noth ing old about the store except 1 ; J. W. CO.NOLEYJ MtnJirer. t B. rrescrlptloas compounded at all hours day and night. i ' t - mch I .:' f 1 I REAL ESTATE. T HAVE rOR 8 ALE FKVKTiAT. X HOUSES very cheap. and VACANT LOIS UOUSliS, OFFICES and STOKES for Cent. Apply to D.OXOXMjlZr feb ly-lawSni Eat Uealstato agent United States of America, ..... I --i - Eastern District of North Carolina. where as. a libel has been filed In the Dis trict Court of the United States lor the East ern District of North Carolln, at WllmlnEr on, lu sld District, tho 16th day ot February.lf 84, . by John r.. Conklln and James U-Tardce, owners of-the atcamcr Mianchsha, llbellants against the Ball Steamer ; Minnehaha, her tackle, apparel and furnltura. and airalntt James 11. AlcGowan and wJfe Sarah J. Mc (Jowan, and e gainst Frank Wllklneon, Master or 8 si Bieamcr.annojrainsi au oiner persons claiming an Interest therein, allcelne In sub. a a . stance that heretofore one Joseph lilsbeeand James M. McGowan being! Indebted to one Oscar F. Earle.of MUford.New Haven county, Connecticut, tho said IMsbccln order to secuie the said Indebtedness did ex ecu to and deliver to the said Erie a mortgage of the said steamer together wlih her appurtenances, and there fore, for value, the said Ear'e had sold and as signed the said indebtedness to tho said libel lants and bad assigned also to them the said mortgago tccuriiy, whereby they had become the legal owners of the said steamer, her tackle, apparel and furniture, and that tho condition of tho said mortgago had been bro ken by the said mortgager whereby tho libel lint had bocomo entitled to the possession of the said steamer with the power to scU the tamo by tho terms of the said i mortgage, and aUo that tho said Sarah J. McGowan claimed to have a second morfgage upon tho said steamer from the said Bisbee to her to secure certain indebtedness duo from him to her, and that she together with tho said Wilkinson, were claiming to be entitled to the possession, held the said steamer and refused ou demand to de liver her to said llbellants. And pray log pro cess against said steamer, her tackle, apparel and furniture, and the samel algtt be sold and the proceeds thereof be first .appropria ted to the payment of the said secured debt, eo as above assigned to, and belonging to llbel lants, together with costs, charges and ex penses. 1 !.,.! Now, in pursuance of the monition under ' the seal of the said Court to me directed and delivered, I do hereby give""pub He notice to all persons claiming the said sieamcr, her tackle, apparel and furniture, or In any manner In terested tuereln, that they be and appear-before he said JLlstrict Court, to be held for. Eastern District of North Carolina, at Wil mington, on the fourth Monday after tho first Monday in April next, then and there to Inter pose their . claims and to make their : allega . tlons In that behalf. j ' j j Dated 29th day of February; 1881. ' JOSHUA B. HILL, Marshal. Per DAN'fkL KLEIN, Deputy Marshal. McRae & Strange, Proctors for Llbellants. feb 29-llt ' . v-- .! N Superior Court, New Hanover County. John L. Barker, Plaint ff, vs. j Sarah J. Barker, Defendant. The State of North Ca olina to tno Sheriff of New Hanover County, fcreeUmr: , . You are hereby commanded to summon Sarah J. Barker to appear at tho next term of our Superior Court, to be held at tne ourt House in Wilmington, on tno win sionaay after the 1st Monday in March, A, D 184, to answer tnc complaint or tne saia rumuu, which wis duly filed on the 10 n dayoroe- ccniter, A. D. ib$s, in tne ooice o me uiers ox the Superior Court of New Hanover County. If the defendant shall fail to appear at that time the Plaintiff wUl apply for the relief da mnnrtnd in tha mmnlaint. tocether With tfce coet of this action : of this summons make due rot urn to the Clerk of our said Court for the county of New Hanover, i Given i under my naua ana eeai or saia ooun. uus ino xitiu uay Febrnarv. A- 1. 1884 i Seal. Clerk Superior Court, feb 161awCws New Hanovr County. Cheap Standard Works. CO CENTS EACH. 0 JJANDSOMELY BOUND JN CLOTH i enakespeare. Byron, Scolt, Burns J Tenny. son, Owen Meredith, Macauley, Jean Ingelow, Household Poena. 1001 Gems of Poetry. Green's Illatoryof the English People, 2 vols, Lire of Napoleon, Battles or the jtepuouc, Strickland's History of England, iDleken's Child' History of England, Grime's House- hold Stories, Uobinson Crusoe, Swiss ramuy Robinson. Tom Brown at I Rugby, Scottish Chiefs, Thaddcua of Warsaw, CblMrcn of the the Sea, Tour of the World in 80 Daysi Myste rious Island, Paul and VlrginU, Fox's Book of Martvrs, Bunyan's Pilgrira Progress, &c, Jkc r Any of the above Bent pott paid upon the . receipt of the price W. YATE3. leoui liv ataraet pi, w iudihhwu, We Neglected rpo PUBLISH OUR USUAJL ADVERTISER ment on Monday evening, but we did not yiCLECT our friends. This week we oEfft our usual aisortment at prices edually as low a i . i heretofore and In eome articles' perhaps a' ht- i " . tie lower. WE DO NOT SELL ADULTERATED SUGARS, but the purest goods that can be obtained. -.- I I . All our goods will be sold st the very lowest living prices. J. B. 1IUUG1NS A CO Bees for Gale. J" HAVE TWELVE-COLOSIE OFj ITAL AN BSE3,la patent hive, whlcli I will aeU cheap for cash. R. McDOUGALL. fcb2 - ' 14 Chestnn For Decoration TUST RECEIVED AX ASSORTMENT OF CUPS AND SAUCERS lor decoratlonJ J - . ' . ! GILES MURCHION, fevf: Kt Morctltoa ElTCk, 1 tri ------ ' . - - . -' - - . .. - ' -

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