, ; PT.TM.fZ NOTICE. -j vfewiabegiua toreccTre coaaaiislcaUoa xztm om? frlcndj on any aad all cztjecta -Ft T.JAMES, cc&eral Interest tmt The name of the writer mtat affrays ta.ra 0S3 rOSTAGS PAID: nlshed to the Editor. - CoaTTiTmTcatlon mast ba wrlttea n onosldoot the paper. "PersoEAHUes must bo aTolded. 1 7,: 0oain.era-. f !rt of U" city. t tba abor. . Ai4UU especially and parUculaxly nnd tood that the Editor doea not always endot the Tlews of correspondent nsleai so stats In the editorial cohuans. j f w VOL. VIII. W ILMINGTON. N. C; THURS DAY. MARCH 13, 1884. NO. 62 r iiPr regular1 it . -V1 I fill - - II II ; l - I AtcAe Lira at " S'cw Vork. arcd 18 and Sc.lorkcwjr :;00 000 or water. The producers ritnC - f vrletv now Ui Fl?:rr heading bets 7 t AUuogfciairnucesi Anno. jIJ.TctfJaj.of the sUxkbo.Jer of Shorcnilro.J.thecocsohda. ..... ih- New lor. L sai ., , . r. v,.rf.:t railroau was e;c:kd upca LiJt Uilhteo. whose interest r ,.,v4ulir back as the war in of i-rcJce.ba$ presented her collcc C33 c! Gretk Tisi. terracottas, lamps izl cuiii ia all mere than 3.O0O ob jfcu,tot!e Msscca of AnUquit;es in . t-il M:l.ua. editor of tro Cin- jeancfajt. He bas made money rap iJJyia tie past te jears. both lrom k-jcewpaperaadbj fortunate specu- U'osj. IiJ ea: w esuraaieu bow bj wae of bis townsmen in the The if aod danshter of the late Mr Eoetock. the member ol rarliament fjr SU2ie!d. wero left in" poor circum- lAzca when Mr. lloebuck died, and bira low reached a state of actual wast. Mrs. Roebuck bclof In her . 87th vtar. Sieos are being taken to raise XlO.COOfor them. Ex-Senator Tbnrman has written a letter to a friend in Washington, in aK3 DexijBDoaocs ooi wish io vo eawea in connecuon wim tue i resi- caLsi corataatioa. iur no neuncr ex mcis tor desires it. He refers to his pabllc career as closed, and says his tioa;hli are on other things. I: is that Baker i'afha will probably to reinsured ia his rack In the British anaj. The general feeling, especially a' ill oM club, the Army and Navy, is tha1 be has more thaa expiated his fault and oujtt now tobc publicly reinstated.- Tbo Pnnce ol slea is believed to be at laurorof saca actwa. and the only oppojjtioa to be cared is from tho Queen asa tue jJake of Cambridge. ArcibUiop Gibbons arrived in Now York, on his re: urn from Europe, on Tceaiij. He waj met at tho dock by a 4- uit ui iiicaaj. ue was me nest of Msj. Keller, of Brooklyn, and expected to return to Baltimom tr!v fr. - tf.,, .. . . u & jicrum correaDonacnt i . i 1 I " T TBI . . . I iacu ui i uuui iocruTcddarin?hUWnir . il'&xizh he h,i in w . of tic time. - . T wu i uimk i . Tbe caposition at Birniinfham. A -wia0pa April 21, instead of AFrul, as at first eontemnlatril Tt I of rf yarned proportions unan- r' r VJ itJ prpjeetora, ana it has w found cecessary to order a short Poatpouesaect ia order to nreDira addi. coca! accomaodiUons lor the entries, M well is to pith thaWot .rsA I keeper, more time to prepare for Go -vtwujoi vUiura that will be in as Cases. MnUcua, ipiritaiiiaxa and the oc f eace a any form aro very, pop iast tow, not only in England. Uroajvoc: whole continent,. jt as u if t wave- of tQOaQ wero eruS E3r0p fTOrlS lh0 8UP j.rr , Tero aro five news papers Z 10 object in France. four ja7i3a-iUia Swia and three en2'ar- Ia fact, mysticism is ffajhionable, and the last new "udjcassedin every drawing- TCa 13 J erery dinner Uble, Expe: . I j -B wiBj.jaauo iu uiviirame skruciuro. m-k-v v mxnJ with a tclephoLC, with ta'v.. .7 -"-J no expects to tuq ocean as ooa as the Qcu-Mackey cable is laid. The . I or adding battery to lino almost nTllmKh ttlnf a number ieptndeat local batteries, induction u to deviating poinU timultane "P'rimeaU made Saturday thatea.polntmulUple telephone --WDlleiof wire between' tw York-rr- . r-..u.J, 4 "Maiogton were ro- Col. Cash is still in jail at Columbia. A bearing of the application of counsel for a writ of habeas corpus was expected (o be heard to day. Boggan Cashisslili on the runaway and Gov. Thompson has withdrawn the rosse after him. It is said that fie will be com relled to come . . ... '. r , m ana surrender himII in n. Fov iIavs. In tho mcanUrac it is said that a new complication, a sort of a side-show, has arisen in Columbia between the corres pondent of the Xcws and Courier and tho Columbia licrjistcr. " Tho former criticized the course which the latter has taken in tho affair and ; it is reported hero to day that th latter has made some very severe remarks about the correspondent which may bring on an encounter between tbo two. lie had just returned from his sum mer vacation, and describing the beau ties of mountain scenery to a lady friend, he asked: "Have you ever seen the Cats kill-niountainP" and she answered:' ''No! but I havo seen the BullVcough-syrup!' j LOCAL NEWS. IIDEX TO IEW ADVEBTIXEMEMTS. Lost Keys Terra -Cot la ripe IIci5SBS0EB Blank Books National Wire and Iron Company C W Yates Cheap Standard Works OrERA House Yonng Mrs Wlnthrop Mods Bb-js. A OkBosskt Druslsts Ckonlt A Mokris Crockery at Auction Ckoxlt A Morris, A uct'rs Underwriter's Sale. i There was no City Courtthis morn- The storm signal was Hying again ii I this morning. Tho rpooints of cotton at this nort to day loot up 76 bales. The Rev. Dr. Mcndenhall, the evan eehst. will preach t FiRh Street M. E. Church to-night, the services com- mencing at 7:30 o'clock. Schr AtiViea Godfrey, Price, cleared ta-dav for Su John's. P. R.. with 131.- ir) fect lumber, valued at .093.01. sk;DDcd bv Messrs. E. Kidder & Son. Wo invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. For Turo White Lead & Paints, and biggest stock of Window ( Glass and lowest prices xorgoou articles bo sure to go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, t A match game was p.ayed yesterday the Athletic ground between the Atlantic." (Capt. John Wright) and tho "Enterprise," (Capt. Wmx Roberts) nines, ibo score stood 41 tor too former and 15 for tho latter. Mr. K. M. Roddick was umpire and Mr. B. Mitchell, scorer. me wationai wire ana iron Co., o, Detroit. Mich., whoso advertisement appears in this issue, is one oftho larg- est manufacturers of wire and iron i k country, i They kVAAiJ A LA IUU . . aio auu iuu uaicuiwa aim auiu luauu- i lactnrers ot tho celebrated National no ceieDratca xxationai Our dealers will do well Evhen in want of goods in Cheese Safes. 10 wiiio iaum wacn ia want oi guous iu i -. . l . l . c i . ; i miriinc. A New Iaper. We hayo received the initial the Shoo Heel Print, Mr. T ii BromeU editor and proprietor. He has labored under many difficulties in get- ting out tho first issue, but he ! has sue- fining if minmm. nl especially its local pages, with a large a i. .t ' I ah,ad. Bro. Bromell. Wo wish you . . .1 I n thnndint iunsa ana noiMinaiTonr Shoo Heel piints may be traced to the doosot every family In the adjoining counties. Robeson and Fire this MorniDtr. At fihmit 2:30 o'clock this morning the people resident in the I vicinity of Red Cross and Seventh streets were aroused from their slumbers by the cry ot fire, and a glance from their windows showed that the colored Baptist church on the corner of the above named streets, of which Rev. uscarAuuer is pastor, was eavwiopcu mi . a I In flames. The building was a small .1 - which had recently and tne liames naa made such headway before they were aiscoverea mat it was cearij uvjw i before tho fire bells were rung. It was evidently tho work ol an incendiary. " . ' TKt ahnnf cnn TVrt nnmnw. i XI you uccu av nu l-uuu ium n T r 1 1 1 1.-. I cooking stove, don't fail to seo the Ex celsior Penn., Zeb. V.nrrt and New Emerald, besides other.. They are to The are to i I who Im tho manufacturers agent, f NowbthaUmetogiveSmith'jWorm lil lTd w I The Smithville Guards. There will be an entertainment at the Court House, at Smithville. to-night. given for tbo benefit of the new military organization with thft ahnrA nm nf w - mai town. 1 he exerrispa will rnnoU lr,i .: i i r,u,auidlH; uie3wiugns um tucu I :- i L numbcr ot the rrallant ircntlemen add Bl u iuLiuiiii;uui mus c. in wnmn (iiiilh fi, KMi:r.,i 1 ku.a oi amunvuie win appear, rno pro gramme is well selected and the enter tainment promises to ba both pleasant and profitable. lie's Cominsr. We seo by the Columbia, S. C, ncrjisicr inai a tramp (name not given,; rt - a . . t . S . - was taken up by the police of that city and upon examination stated that he was bound for Wilmington. The Mayor then told him to 5et".for Wil mington nd tho impoverished pedes trian started at onco upon hi3 travels. Ho may steal a ride on some freight train and be here in a day or two, but ilho a'pats crostics" all the way he will hardly arrive at police headquarters hero until the latter part of next week: Church Officers. There was a meeting of the members of the 'second Presbyterian i Church. ueiu ui, Lueir piucu oi worsuip last uiab ior me purpose oi electing some addi r a l r i . j j tional officers,which resulted as follows : Elders Dr. A. D. McDonald and Mr. John W. Monroe. I Deacons Messrs. J. R. Chasten, Thomas R. Post and W. K. Walker. mm-m w v waa w a and Austin Sandlin. j lneomccrs elect will be duly in- stalled at the regular service which will night. At Halt Mast. The 'schooner Mary J. Cook, Capt. Orcutt, had her flag at half-mast tev day out of respect to the memory of the owner, wno died a lew days since at his homo in Waldoboro, Me. Some of e other schooners in port also had theTrvflags at half-mast for the same reason. The deceased, Mr. Henry Kennedy, was a prominent citlzon and was large lp engaged in shipping interests, being iuu principal uwuurui luo tsci uauicu above and tho schooner Ida Francis, Capt. Francis, now also in this poit. lie was the senior member of the firm of II. Kennedy & Co.,-of Waldoborot and was also tho collector ot customs for his district. The deceased was about 40 yeas of age. was unmarried , and tho cause of death was Bright's Disease. 1'crsonal. Major James II. HI, of Richmond, Baggago Agent of the Associated Rail ways, was in the city to-day. Wo aro clad to learn tnat tnat ess teemed gentleman, Mr. Alexander Sorant. who has been confined to the house for several weeks past, has im , . . 4W,WV ,v" ' . r pear at his oflico for a short timo yes terday. Ho is still, however, not en- provea very mucn auu WB3 auW w P tcraay i;roii rmvAr(i Mr. Sol Bear returned to the city on Tnasl.n niirKf fOT f UTrt TOAV in fTlA Northern markets, during whicn time I . . . A W a. - mm I is customers may be suro that hws ailvo 10 lueir ""tua8W hemade. Capt. W. W. Carraway, our genial end of the Xcws and Observer, was in th ritv to-dav. ! Mr. J. W. Powell, of Clinton. Samp- ofsn nnn ntv wta In thft citv tcwdav and j - registered at tne i urceu uouse. Mr. R. K. Bryan, Jr., has removed with his family toFayetteville.where.he has Kwvimn nn Hitnr find nronrifitor of I i9 fc.WWMW mmmm " - g ' the Favetteville Sun, an able and true. blue Democratic paper. We wish him 8uccess in hii enterprise. Rhea in Charleston. Rhea seems to have thoroughly charmed the Charleston tans. She played Adriennt in that city on Tuesday night and last night was to have ap ne&red there as Camille. In speaking 0fner on the former occasion, that dig- critic the Kews and Courier. gays in its yesterday's issue : M - O w xivir, rkm u m artist who is seen to the best advantage in an emotional part, "-r;:: :;r;i"Tn7 I - "f' KsffST Tha ston o! ;, niv u Umiliar m all who have -' Z. . V. . , . I swn trsA nr inn renr.n snnooi. i IVlle ntiea's Aarxcant was a supero : . 1 l I 0r aMinv inn ner snDDon wu aaiieeiveti. - man that could be desired. In the last two lads sue ueia ner auaience speu-ooaou. ana waoiuucu wu, ; . " vv 5r?K"E ofmoUonJS mo n(T tns rTRLRSI OI emOUOnai I was also superbly acted, and Mr. Kob ofthepartof Michonnet, the" actress' faithlul iriena - - T I , TILE MAULS. 0ffiCsiw:"dartve at tt0 tlt7Po9 I CLOSE. torS aaSiaiLU:: aoo m. --v-----6.15P. M.and 8.00 A. M. I Ml' 1 Tor TIM 1W ITAfln .4 I routes Btrrmliefi thprefmm inrTnd. lnS A. & N. C. Eallroad at 7.00 P-M. and S.00 A. M sonthem M.aiu fn. nninfp A..tk i . . . . .jw.. Western' Vd'iShTS" . jexceps Sunday).... 6.15 r. M. All poluta between Hamlet and lial- i eish..... C.15P.M. Mali for Cheraw and Darlington Ball- Toad.. 6.15 A. M, and 8.00 P. Mi Mails for points between Florence 1 and Charleston 6.15 A. M. and 8.00 P. M. FarctteTllle and offices on Cape Fear Klver, Tuesdays and FrldayB 1.00 P. M; Faycttcvlllf, rla Ltunberton, dally, except Sundays..... ,...6.15 P. M. Onslow C. II. and. Intermediate ofii- i. TnARfl.iva n nil Wirlava ft V A T 1 . ... V. 1 - J .......... vw a, i&nutnviuemaiis.DyBteamboat, daily uSffXi vWC''S" (except Sundays) Shallotteand Little lilvei. Tues days and Fridays .6.00 A.M. Wrightsvllle lie. dally ...s OPEN FOR DEL1VEBY. .8.30 A. M. Northern through and way mall3. . . .7.30 A. M Southern Malls 7.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad...; 9. 00 A. M. Malls collected from street boxes business portion of city at 5 A. M-, 11.30 A.M. and 5.80 P. M.. and from other pointr of the city at 3 P. M. Stamp Office open from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M.. Money order and Keelster Department oren jrom 8 A. M. to 5.30 P. M. uenerai delivery open rrom 7 A.M. to 6 p.m. and on Sundays from 8.30 to 9.S0 A. M. ' l Carriers delivery open on Sunday from 8.30 O 9.30 A. M. i Wilmington District. Tflirvlifif. TV r!hnroh Rrmth Onnrtor. 1 1 Xfppf;nfrq i " SECOND ROUND. Wilmington at Fifth Street April 5- 6 Clinton Circuit at Johnson's Chapel ..April 12-13 Topsail Circuit at Herring's Chapel April 19-20 Bladen Circuit at Soule's Chapel ..April 26-27 Wilmington at Front Street May 3- 4 Brunswick Circuit at Mace- ; SmithvilieJ.' ."......'': May 17-18 Bluff. May 2s25 Flemington Circuit ..May 28 Elizabeth Circuit at Bladen Springs May 31 and June 1 Newton Grove Mission at Black's Chapel June 7- 8 Cokesbury Circuit at Cokes- bury June 14-15 Point Caswell Mission June 18 J Duplin Cireuit June 21-22 Onslow Circuit. June 28-29 Waccamaw Mission, . . . . ; v J une 28s29 W.H Bobbitt, P. E. aiULrvarvMuv aiauiia .aiav0M v sfVtl A A rorn pAofmeofoii of. T a 1 f i mor , consrders St. JacobsOil an ex- i ceiieniremeay. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS LOST. T7ES1 ERDAY. THREE SMA1 L KEYS. X two inner' Safe Keys and a post office key, j tbo three attached by a small chain. Ihcy can be of no use to any one but the owner, and a reward will be paid for their recovery, at mch 13 it x.tu.a urriiiB. Terra-Cotta Pipe. A CAR LOAD OF SUPERIOR 8AL1- GLAZED or VITRIFIED STONE PIPE, for salo at manufacturer's prices, and lower than any In this marks t. Apply to mchl3 1t j CITY SURVEYOR. Underwriters1 Sale qn Jr0. N TO-MORROW, FRIDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock, we will sell at our Sales Room; North Water Street, per order and under in i . spectlon of the Agent for Underwriters, X1U SacKS (o xsusneisj xei- low Corn, I Slightly damaged by Steamer on her voyage j from Baltimore to this port, j , CRONLY A MOiZRIS, mch 13 It Auctr'a. Crockery at Auction. ,N TO MORROW, FRIDAY MORNING, at r i o'clock, we will sell at our Sales Room, I i North Water street, a large assortment of Crockery, consisting of 1 ! ' . I . Dinner, Breakfast and Tea Plates, t Cups and Saucers, Bowls, Covered Dishes, Bakers. Meat Dishes, Chambers, Ac, Spittoons, Pitchers, Ac, Ac Sold In lots to suit the trade. CRONLY A MORRIS, Auctr'a. mch 13 It City Drug Store. "CI VERY MAN MAY BE HIS OWN COOK, Alt but every man cannot prepare his ownmedi cine. Call at the "New Dru Store- and have h - , 1 t w rnwm w irgnirr w.w.., e A .l.t.rM mA Mitt. a tnat M. . . - w -o o . - T TU,,. j. ui xrcuuiabiuiii -m r-om . rontvrinr rV cups and saucers for decoration. GUXS mdechiso. xe&n unxc&wm iocx NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W. P. SUMXEfi, Fbxs. Nat Detroit, Cheeso Safes. t2f5end lor Catalogue. men 13 d&w ly OPERA HOUSE. MONDAY, March 17, 1884:. The f imous Madison Square Theatre of New -York, has the pleasure of announcing the appearance in this city, of its famous Star Company in tna Charming Society Comedy-Drama, YOUNG MRS. WINTHROP, With 8 Recognized Star Artists j STAR CAST. .'ALL THE ORIGINAL SCENERY ADA DYAS, FANNIE BEEVES, JEAN WALTERS, ENID J.ESLIE, Prices $1. 75. 60. 25. E. J. BUCKLEY, WJ II. GLLLETTK, EDWIN AEDEN, FCANK COLFAX. Salo of seats op?nsat mch 13 3t Dyer's, .March 14, 1881. Blank Books! -JEDGERS, JOURNALS, DAY BOOKS, Cash Books, Memorandum Books, Note, Draft, Receipt and Bill Books, Check Books for the Bank of New ; Hanover and First National Bank, all perforated and new styles. PAPER and ENVELOPES. ' INKS The very best kind of Black and Red Inks. For Eale cheap at HEINSBERGER'S, i mch 12 Live Book and Music Store. UPHOLSTERING AND PAPER HANGING. I HAVE JUST OPENED AT 2S. NORTH Front St.. with a complete stock of Window Shades aHd Wall Paper and am prepared to do all kinds of Upholstering In a strictly first class manner. I shall make a epecla.ty of overhauling old and maklDg new Hair Mat tresses, a 11 1 abk is a trial. Respectfully, mch12- W. T. JOHNSON, Ag,t. a i ag I I I 00 y.j a. Bottom WE GIVE BOTTOM PRICES ON BOOTS Sc SHOES Good bottoms to stand on. Easy wearing; good giving solid cemfort an1 place you on a firm foundation . Try us and see if we can't. Geo R. French & Sons, 108 NORTH FRONT ST. ; mch 11 I N. A. STEMIAN, Jr., - t 1 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Offlr on Princess, between Front and Sec ond streets. In the Basement or isuuoing so. 114. next to old Journal Building, WILMING TON. N. C . ; . . 1 . . . J . PraUces in au me urumnai ana kayu Courts of New Hanover. Bladen, Columbus, Pender and Brunswick counties. f eb S-dAw-tf i ; j- ' It Don't Clatter I F THE OLD YEAS IS GONE AND THE New Year has 'come, HUMPHREY, JEN E3NS A CXX, are stm receiving at their Oys ter Hone, No. 112 South front Street, 1 fresh ! supply every day ox dew River oysters, uys ! ters shipped C. O. VD. Fresh Shell Oysters always on hand. Ac tjaaS TP NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F. E. lOKCXLER, SKfr. ional fire' &i Iron Co. Wlr Cloth. Wire Con Titer KaJlinrr. m Wire nrTM, Cain-t IO-Mention UUs Vvcr. PERA HOUSE. Friday, - - March 11 Engagement of the Distinguished French Society Star, i Supported by Mr. WILLIAM nAums a Strong Dramatic Company, under the man agement of ARTHUR B. CHASE, In . . ADRIENNE IiL'COUVREUR, MLLE; EUEA....as..UADRIENNE. i -' , ,.i Rcsened Seate $U0 nd $1, according to location. Sale of Seats for this engagement will open Wednesday, March 12th, at Dyers. mch 10 4 1 i i Just the Thing. rjlHOSE FJBE CLAY CHIMNEY PIPES. Make a cheap and satisfactory Chimney. W pecially for Kitchens f i , ' JTAIUUSK A TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. i mch 10 Ladies' Trunks, QENTS' TRUNKS, PACKING TRUNKS, Travelling Bags and Satchels. Carriages, Bug Igles Phaetonn, Carta and Drays, Saddlery uoous, ui. uoiiom ngurcs. ltcpairlng in all Its branches by skilled workmen. i McDOUGALL A BOWDEN. Next to D. A, Smith's Furniture Store mch 10 ; i . , ; , Assignee s Sale. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL AT Public Auction, for cash, on Frldav. ihn 21st inst, at 10 o'clock, a, m.. the entire stock of .Goods, Liquors, Store.Flxturcs, Ac, In the bwrv now occupied uy u. JLOeu of Princess and Water streets. corner D. CASnWELL, mch1 10 ids Assignee. Don't Pay Rent. T3UILDING LOTS IN DESIRABLE localities for sale, on tfce instalment plan. In this city I have seld over one hundred and fifty Lots and Houses and Lots to parties who havo paid in full for ' . . - i . !! ! them, by instalments monthly j payments.. Also.I have a large number now oil mv hooka. who are making regular monthly payments and will soon own homes and get clear of land-' lord rule. I Money loaned to thoso wishing to build, j appiyto i r JAMES WILSON, r mch 5 For Bal Ileads. riiUB WORLD CHAMPION WIG MAKER JL is in the city and can be found at Miss E. Karrer's. The latest styles of Hair Goods at the lowest prices. I am aclllnor nt retail .r wholesale prices. Wigs. Frizzes ad Switches made in the finest style. Call and examine. i Juespectiuuy, i i mch 6 lw . MRS. LANG, We Ask Attention rjlO OUR STOCK OF CHOICE FAMILY SUPPLIES, l . -.-( embraciog every article necessary for the ! :i - I' . tabic, both substantial and fancy We make daily additions, thereby Insuring fresh goeds at all times. While we make no specialty la mmtk ..II aft prices en any particular article fwi u pvu tut - goods at tho lowest prices consistent with quality. Respectfully, J. B. HUGGINS A CO. Star copy mch 10 Ladies. X)rrE HAVE A FEW HAND SATCHEX 1- in Plush and Leather, which we will close out BELOW COST. ! 8- ' i Come In and see what an exquialte ba will buy.' Munds Bros. & DeRosset, Dealers in Drugs and Fancy Goods." 12 Cakes Fine ToDet Soap, 23 cents. Tobacco Selling Fast. 300 B0XE3 CADDJE5 SOLD with in three weeks. ", 1 . - -v . M 20J Boxes and Caddies to close consignment. Various Brands from 20 cents upwards. ! i . SAM'L BEAR, u, ' JachZ - - 18 Market Stwet "Mess Mullets," A XD "FLORIDA FISH ROE- at retail "BUCK AND ROE SHAD can be found at oar Fish Market the season through, and tber Spring Fish as they come In. 1 " f "so - DAVIS Jt FON. ! Home's Garden Oysters ! ARE CONCEDED They are to be hi TO BE THE BEST. are to be had only at tke old tioxth, bute Saloon. No. (J. South i rent fit. Ice cool La iger cecT a specialty. The beat d purest Wines sold la the cltT; i Whiskey an iigirs as good as tha beet. Calland be con TlacexL I Sell nU Kinds j COUNTRY PRODUCE ON COMMISSION. Highest market prices tmaranteed and prompt returns. A. W. KIvaNUAIIK, Proluce CommUslcn Merchant' and Grocer. Hi North Water St. Wilmington. N.C. V Refers to Bank of New ilanover. feb2a j. ... . 3 Mi

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