crT 1 roa osx tricaia ca axy aad all ertjeefs JOSH T. tSJ o. Mtnta. L sr4 by carrier, tree n, pspe dtTi u um above A4T fffJr. will report uwdiDM. TFsper regularly. POSTAGE TA1D: "T Axiy tor" Urstst . ftfm. of any newspaper students v ZvtUcnlijottert this winter, of HoIIowsy. the pill man. JeJ the IJri'.U Government a lax of fr SaUifto. the distinguished hitler made 1S.0OO oa the Iroa uosa ' facc coast. . Consicck bis been apprised '.nnt letter writer that bo ,;!! die wfeitiiboouoa." SeaAtor Brown, of Georgia. paj$ the Urmt real estate tax ia Atlanta. He cws 5I0O.0CO wortho! properly ia that d'.J IODC ir.hsxd Jerrold's forthcorain herrapbv of Gustavo Pore promises to tell the story cl tse arusts jwukuu piAiion lor Sarah Bernhardt. Sir Moses Montefiore, at ninety-nine, iiEcjWs oldest bironet. and Sir Georre Kose Sartorias. Admiral of the Kedfti ninety-three, is the senior kaifit. Accord:n2 to the Washington corres peadent ot the Hartford Times, Senator Fsir. o! Nevada, offers to spend $500. eoo to help elect Mr. Bayard if the Democrats wUinominato him. Fair u j s Us a Ue. c;Tn t-'Aiti and two murders at 1oct Carlo darinj the two .months of the cpenioj jear fire their bloody testimony to the mischief of a toy king dom whoso corner stone is gambling. Thebiozrapby of George Eliot by her has band, Mr. Cross, will be ready ialat autumn. The copious extracts frosa her correspondence, which it will oostiia , will giro it Its hifheat interest. Mr. Bright has written another letter to the papers ia which he disclaims all jmpathy with doctrinaires of the sump ot Henry George and others who are seeking to abolish all property in land. J. . i VOL. VIII. VV ILMINGTON. N. C. FRIDAY. MARCH 14, 1884. Ths name cf tie writer xanst ahiraja U fa ! alabed to the EJltor. " - i ! Osaaaxailcattoaaipgt be wrlttca ea cal oteatdeof the paper. ". K L 11 ' - ' ,rwoaaattei must be ae4d! tj j i: " ' Aat it l especially azul partJcclarty cad tood that the Editor doea not always exUoi . ta the editorial column. h NO. 63 1 the Tjmolrretpondeat naloM1 The British hare again defeated the Egyptian fanatics, and this time it is probable that peace will be :he result. A terrible disaster is reported from a oal mino at Pocahontas. Tazwel1 C3unty. va. There was an explosion in the mine, and it is almost certain that all of the men employed therein, about 150 in number, hare lost their lircs. Col. Cash, who was arrested upon the charge of complicity in the murder of town marshal Richards, at Chcraw. S. C, bj Mr. Boggan Cash, has been released on a $2,500 bail bond. So it seems that hard cash has again become a circulating medium in South Caro lina. The members of the ten cent circus, who have been exhibiting on Front street, opposite the Market, hare quiet ly folded their tents and stolen away. We publish on the third page of this issue a very interesting sketch of the life of Maj. C M. S ted man. of this city as extracted from the Raieigh Register, AY e bear that the entertainment at Smithyille last night was a complete success in every particular, and was so gratifying in its results that it is to be repeated' to-night. Rev. Dr. Mendelsohn, pastor of the Temple of Israel, of this city, returned from Cleveland, Ohio, last night and will officiate for his congregation to morrow at the usual hour, i Thprn will hn n. mnfpr!l nnrl r-rrol uaseoaii mating is one or those quiet w AAu:nr, tn thn a: ,wrnmnt ndustnes which attract little or no at. of lhe orchestra at the 0pera House to- kcukiuu i rum iuo uusy worm, ou, prove bnusually remunerative to those engage ed in them. Last year over 5,000.000 am . . . I oaiis were manuiacturca tn this coun try; and as the makers now have a arger number of orders than ever be fore it is estimated that 7.000.000 base balls will be knocked into the great nowhere the coming season. The Russian army consists of: Gen. erals, staff and superior officers, 28,074. and men. 837,145; in all, 864.219. The ollowing is tho distribution of the main force among tho great! military districts: St. Petersburg, 82.470 men; Finland, 13,415; Wilna. 104,368; War- saw, liu,47; tviei, oo.jbj; uaessa, 73,433 ; Kbarkoff. 63.147; Moscow, 84.- 535; Kazan, 39.826; Caucasus, 90. 854; Eastern S;beria, 17,058, and -Turk estan, 26,679. None know St. Sacob3 Oil but to like it; none name it, but to praise. night. As now arranged it will consist o first -violin, clarionet, flute, cornet and piano, and some fine music may be expected. Burglary. The dwelling house of Mr. J. D. T. Cox, corner of Front and Wright sts., was entered last night by a burglar, who succeeded In stealing about $20 and escaping without detection. Mrs. Cox was awakened by the noise and saw the burglar leaving the house, but was so frightened that she dared no give the alarm until was too late. i . LOCAL NEWS. IMDEX TO IEW AOVEBTIlEfclEiTl. W K Davis & Sox Shad American Legion of Honor R It McIktiee Special Order Hkxhsbkbokx Prang's E&itcr Cards C W Tatxs Cheap Standard Works IIcsds Bros. Jk DeRosset Druggists lirul Phillips, of Greenfield. Mass., who is cow 63 years old, is regarded as tit oldest commercial traveler in ac tin urn ice. He has been on the road licet the practice offending out agents teria. Tho storm this morning. signal was flying again to reported thitXJcn. Butler will b a delegate to the National Democialic Ooate&lioa. The last time he appeared la a National Contention ol tho Demo traey was at Charleston in 1660, twenty war years iro. The receipts of cotton at this port day loot up 72 bales. Schr. Post Boy, Gott. henee, arrived at Baltimore Mar. 12th. The weather for the past few days has been almost intolerable. Bus. barque Atlanta, Nyberg. hence, arrived at Glasgow Mar. Uth. Schr. Etta AT. Barter, Barter, hence, arrived at Portland, Me.. Mar. 12th.' An Ancient Volume. Mrs. E. Warren, of this city,- has in her possession a very interesting ancient book, which she has showed to us. It is called "The Mariner's Compass. Rectified." It was printed in London ia 1743, and is therefore, 141 years old, It has an inscription on the fly leal of 'Thomas Gamble. Deptford, May 20, 1753" and is in an excellent state of preservation. Madison Square. The box sheet is now open lor the sale ot reserved seats to the performance next Monday night of "Young Mrs. Winthrop." by the Madison Square Theatre Co. "Young Mrs. Winthrop' deals with a phase of social life different from either "Hazel Kirke" or "Esmer alda;" yet. tho moral which it points is no less effective than the lessons taught by these two great plays. St. Patrick's Day. There will be no regular celebration on Monday next, which is St. Patrick's day, but the Hibernian Association will meet at Hibernia Hall in the morning and will march thence to St. Thomas1 Catholic Church, where a sermon will bo preached by the pastor. At the con clusion of tho services at tho church the Association will return to I their Hall, where they will elect the customary i NEWADVEKTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS MISCELLANEOUS J WILL BE TAKEN TO-DAY AND TO MORROW, . i 1 1.V . ! . - for such goods as we have not in stock. I will be in the Northern markets lor j i ,. i ; i - ' the next two week3 and will give personal attention to buying any special articles desired. j OPERA HOU 11884:. ON HAND A GOOD STOCK OF BLACK GOO DS.ofall grades and prices. : NEW EMBROIDERY in all grades, 5c per yard up. I ' NEW, MATTINGS, in great variety of styles, just received. i - ....... R. TJLTJJcirJTiRE. MONDAY, March 17, i - in m m m TvVi?lSiu HdI?n Theatre of New I or, ha the pleasure of annonnrimr th appearance la tills cltT, of , lu famous fctar Comiviny In the Charmlcjr 1 SixJctr Comeily-Drama, ' i V i YOUNG MRS. mNTlIROlV WlUi SKccojrnlicd Stir ArtLt. ! A STAR CAST. fAlL'THr nQirtvrrrHrfw . " wutMinmb uufcn m , CORNICE AND POLES, mch 14. 1884 Warninfir to Cigarette Smokers In regard to the results of j cigarette smoking, physicians say it affects seri ously the lunctions of the stomach! es pecially iu the Young. It has a tendency to increase the action of the heart, causes palpitation. It is a fruitful source of indigestion J It has a decided tendency to produced catarrh in the head. This, it is said, arises from the fact that a cigarette, being much shorter than a cigar, more of the smoke finds its way into the mouth and nasal or gans, a very much larger percentage of smoke being inhaled by the smoker from a cigarette than lrom j a cigar. Cigarette smoking, it is averred, has also a decided tendency J to produce asthma, and renders' the system more liable to tho attacks of pneumonia and bronchitis. In its effects upon the ner vous system, cigarette imoking is said to be in the highest degree pernicious, both directly and indirectly. It destroys a healthy appetite for solid food; and, by the constant expectoration it pro duces, leads to a morbid craving for drink. Injury or- destruction of the nerves of the eyes, it is alleged, has been, in hundreds of instances, produc ed by cigarette smoking. A citizen of the Quaker Citv. Mr. F. Freed, Hying at 122 Vine St., recently spoke as follows: 'Being afflicted with a distressing cough. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup was recommended to me for relief. I am happy to say that a few doses not only gave me instant relief, but effected a complete cure." Silver Plated Spoons, Forks and Knives of best quality, ana at manu facturer's prices, can be found at Jx cobi's Hardware Depot. t State of Ncrth Carolina, New Hanover County. Council Sim- Just; the Thing. rimosE fibe clay cIME rircs. Make acheap and saUsfactorr Chimney, cs pedally for Kitchens c ? - PAEKEB A TAYlin' I PUEK WHITE OIL. men 10 N. A. Lewis, Administratrix of mons. . vs. Allen Simmons and wife Catharine, Kufus Simmons and wife Sallie, Henry Simmons snd wife Cassle, Georjre Simmons. Arthur MurrUl and wife, et als., heirs at law of Council Simmons, deceased. It being made tn appear to me, that the "de fendants Rufns Simmons and wife Sallie arc necessary parties to this action: have properly In this State, and are non-residents, and can not after due diligence be found In this fctate, and that this action is begun to subject cer tain real estate described in the complaint in this cause to sale to pay the debts of the estate of said Council Simmons, These, therefore, are to netlfy the saM Eu f us Simmons and wife Sallie. V be and an near at my office, in the city of Wilmington, o Monday, the 11th April. 18S4, and answer or aemur to tne complaint this day filed, or judg mem w in ue granted according to tne prayer U1C1CU1. Ladies' Trunks, TRUNKS, PACKING TRCN&S, -RENTS' P. . ymu ouu tJTT8i Oldr Id!ery jO0U3. at bottom flirnroB RAn..i,r.i. . .' branches by skilled i workmen: T- a - " w t0 D' A BvalWa Furniture tore.- mch ID - - ., -- S:' j Assignees Sale. rrB, UKDKBS1GNKD WILL! SKU AT - B-f. HUc netlon, for cash, on Friday. the Mat .Inst, at io o'clock, a. m..'the 'entire eock of.Uoods, Liquors. Store. Fixtures,: Ac, la tho of Wilmington. o r&SZZ&J" itZ feb 29 law6wf s to S VANAMRINGE. Clerk Superior Court, New Hanover County. mch lOtda D. CAS1IWELL, Assignee; UPHOLSTERING AXD PAPER DMCUG.' ' . ! V. ... . . . T J,IAXfi 4 CST OPENED AT 28 NORTH X. front St.! with acomnlfitfl KtnrV nf xrin,inW Shades aBd Wall Paper and am prepared to dp all kinds of Upholstering in a strictly! first class manner. I shall make a specla.ty of overhauling old and making new Hair Mat tresses. A 11 1 abk Is a trial. T T " , mi : BespeetfunT, H J mch jl2- W. T. JOHNSoy. Ag't. Don't Pay (Sent. pUILDING LOT3 IN DESIBABLE localities for sale, on the Instalment ml plan. In this city I have sold over J one hundred and fifty Lots and Houses and Lots to parties wlio have paid Iq full for ' 1 i i f ., them, by instalments monthly payments. Also, I have a larsre number now ou mv tmoka. who are making regular monthly, payments and will soon own homes and get cleat ot land iuru ruie.. - j I Money loaned to those wishing to biilld, . I u r Apply to . Ill I- v mch 5 JAMES WILSON. We Ask Attention; - I HO OUR STOCK OF DIED. r-.l.J f. J i m - . - - -.JujJuwCTl0ea as d leet. 5 lncUCS OlArrnAnn nnnnMI. Kn. f7. A. T. nf tall, with ia Iron fray beard extending Honor, will meet to-nieht. at 74 o'clock. oflicer to serve for the enstring year. b? w ou ejc. a low and retreating . ' 1 attl lortceaa aaj long hair, which, like Tiaa jion!, haj long since lost acquaint- 2ce witn brash or comb. McINTIRE On Saturday night, March! 8, EUZ a GARRISON MclNlIRJS, eldest daugh ter of T. H. W. Mclniire, of Pender county, Thn remains were Interred at Black Elver i r:hrxi on Mondar. and the services wero at tended by a large concourse 01 mourning trienas. . ! v Star ana Frwyterum picas copy. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Shad. Shad. . ui bronze articlca which aite been bund amonz the remains ol tit Swim IUe dwellers, about 30 per wa- are nnra. 17 per ccnL bracelets. 4 Pceat.kciTes. 3 percent, needles. A percent, hammers, and .2 per cent. the city to-day but with an empty news I Some of the finest beef cattle we have rocket i seen in many days were driven into the arrivcdl city this morning by Mr. Everett Peter- Jck and bu buau aa, CHOICE FAMILY SUPPLIES, - "i i . - . -: i . . : . , t i embracing every article necessary for the table, both substantial and fancy. We make dally additions, thereby Insuring fresh gdods j at all times. . While wo make no ipeclalty In prices on any particular article, Ve sell all goods at tho lowest prices consistent with J quality. Ecspectfully, . mch 10 . I J. B. HUGGIKS A CO. Star copy 1 t i , Ladies, M'Ue. Rhea and her this morning and registered at tho Fur cell House.. . a mi son, ot Sampson county, jiney were steers and were raised and fattened by Mr. D. R. Watson, of the same county, and were purchased by Mr. W. M. Send orders to W. E. DAVIS & SON, Proprietors of the only regularly mch 14 established Fishery In this section The receipts of tar at this port to day foot up 1.062 barrels, a rather unusually Hays, Jr.. of Front Street Market, who Prang S Eft8ter (Jar (IS. TyE HAVE A FEW HAND SATCHELS In Plash and Leather, which we will close 'i ' - - ' " - I x j Otlt BELOW COST. -".V- ' ',. ;Come In and see wbat an exquisite bag 1 wiiihnv. - ;' N-- r -r. heavy day's receipts. . . . AioaeofUiefash onibla New York aoUa a marnlficentlT dressed and r. -anuj healthy lady cornea down wtnru table W th eleven of her -wrtn. leatini the remaining eiiht jwnrtr ooes to be brouxht to the eoocd Ub! by three nurses. Fact. Columbus Superior Court is in ses sion this week ana urunswicK uourt will open on Monday week Mayor Hall has returned from South Carolina, but he had no busineass to at tend to in the City Court this morning. We invite the attention of our citizens to he fact that first quality shirts are sleeps in the second story of the build will have them on sale in a few days. notice of which will be made through our cola m dp. The two beeves weighed i ' in the aggregate 3.004 pounds. Robbery. Mr. G. M. Kobbins. wno Keeps a general store at Meares' .Bluff, was robbed a few nizhts since, but the loss was not large. Mr. Bobbins1 clerk DECEIVED BY EXPRESS TODAY A large and most beautiful assortment of FINE PAINTED EASTER CAHDS. They are now on exhibition. Please call and see them and make your selections at Bottom. Munds Bros. & DeRosset. Dealers In Drugs and Fancy Goods; 12 Cakes Fine Toilet Soap, 25 cents. being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. WE GIVE BOTTOM PRICES ON iBOOTS Sc S3E3IOES 1 Good bottoms to stand on. Easy wearing goods -giving solid comfort and place you on MUST BE SOLDI! i A tou.'pnTj tin i. m.,'. i . . w ii mmit jra residence cost $67,000. including mn a mm w . -.jir. iwbeson s cost $23.000. 1 The following were the lucty num oc. te boujht his lot several years ago; bers at the last drawing of the Louisi- uca Cameron's between $10, ana Lottery: 14.467. 6.998. 1.282. 6.803, fd UO.OO0. whUe those of Senators 76.805. 7.940. W.5U: 38.648. 50.814. 87.- rm S" ' " - - - rr0 loci and General flaxen 035. - i we nave naa two or inree aays oi Svv Wlti ,el10 wUh wom vT B-XlaWVcks. smith deeo-seL liirht eye., wits ,v,r u' . u" -3(JlaU WM( Krtl TT mch 14 E HATE PLACED IN STOCK THIS it had shifted this morning to the Northwest, and we predict clear and warmer j weather by to morrow. having on eoafort.v , ww" w " I jar. iona viuenouivei u iai isa-r tUilni, UU uses nil erected a two story frame building ocjlva. banoma as Tigor- NnU, between Walnut and Jled Cross 1' carries a big cane. strcets, which he will be occupied as a Neir York's nrw w.t,r .nnnl, win store, when completed. frOIH 4") fW w . aaa VW. rri . r . L. WT- I e 1-1 ! 1.1 V tof y. - .ww,ww a jw,ww,wv 1 x ne paving atones lor iiorui i t &kci i was uuiui kuuakcij uieu iu uw "OfaS Will lv 1amiJ In WMt.tiM. I . .t.l. .n9 i.A.k Tl.. 1m .m iuirKf mm mm wnlt tti!1m fmm thtt I k Kaon m.Ur1T rial xrv1 in mriA. I 4atraVrwt Thn tA PTfr nriM. or JL. dim K tss l . . i ti r l v. ... . . , . i I . . & . - . w Wju wm lona iqnence. it is to do regreueu, as vuv i iront les. grow ou near uio uivbb. ir or cay-eirbt billion cailons delav occaslona i rrcal inconvenience bone, and iust ODDOsite the wiozs. If ing, immediately over the store, which the thief; who must have been familiar with the situation, entered and took the key of the store from the clerk's pocket. Ha then went down and opened the store and rummaged around for money, which seemed to be his only object, and week a handsome line of poplak runsi after taking all he could find, which was not more than a dollar, be went out in the samo way be went in, leaving the key in the door. There is no clue as yet to the thief. A Freak of Nature We saw this morning a strange freak of nature. It was in the shape of a chicken, with four legs which was hatch ed yesterday on the premises of Mrs. L. A. Jewett, on Fourth street, but which a firm foundation. Try us and see If we can't. HEINSBERGER'S, Uy Book and Music Store. Q90m R. FreilCll & SOIlS, Furniture. BALANCE OF WINTEB STOCK OT j ats and Bonnets TUEE, to which we inrlte the attention of purchasers. Elegant patterns of Window i Shades, han'some assortment of Baby Carrla- i res. Lounges, Easy Chairs, 4c. Our line of - t ! Fine Blick Wamut Suits. Secretaries, Ac, was never so complete as' now. Call and ex amine our stock and prices: jou will be sur prised at the BARGAINS we are offering. THOS. C. CBAFT, Axt., mch 10 23 So. Front Street TO BE SOLD FOE THE VEXT Pifteen Days at Oqst 1 To make room for Spring Gooia ' EespectfaUy, .!;,.. ij MISS E. KARRER, Exchange Corner, mch 7 108 NORTH FKONT ST. mch 11 N. A. STEDMAN, Jr., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. f Office on Princess, between Front and Sec ond streets, in the Basement of Balldlng No. 1 14. next to old Journal Bulldlnir. WILU1NG- TON. N. C. Practices In all the Criminal and CItII I Qftil BOXES AND CADDIES SOLD with- Courts of New. Hanover, Bladen, Columbus, iyyv j - ' in luree weciuu - i . : ,vr ; . S)J Boxes and Caddies to close eonslgsmenL Various Brands from 20 cents cp-rards. ... .! SAH'L BEAU, 8b, rachS -f - - -18 sjarket Btnet . Tobacco Scllincr.Fast. Fender and Brunswick Counties. feb 3-dAw-tf City Drugstore; tr ew York ctij dailj con- Wflcihe new TMfMi. t. iimnn r.m .... .... ceo fvv wiu reaca f oo. 0W IS that!rn eI.v tt lMn and wm frttnni fnndt fn TStV fnr .ItAmaf ni4nM fn Mwl rffT .ftA ItTJTO to the buaine&s men oa that street. 1o men applied for. lodiocs at po- i lice headqnarters last night. They were i wero not tramps, bat represented them- it had lircd to leaTO the nest it might haTe thrived and become as great a cariosity as the headless rooster. For Pare White Lead & Faints, and birrest stock of Window Glass and 5 and 10 cents Cigars, Jl Best in the city, are on sale. Drun and Medicinal preparations of the highest grade at JNO. T. SCnONWALD'S, Jan 11 Drusrand Precrlptton Store T7TEBY MAN MAT BE HIS OWN COOK, but every man cannot prepare his own medl cine. Call at the "New Drug Store! and have It prepared by i-t.:':" J. W. CONOLET. Manager. A fine lot of Cigars and Cigarettes Just re- celveo. . f mcno Hdriie's Gardeir Oysters -ta. They btateSahx CONCEDED TO ES TUB BEST. are to be had onlr at tfco old North loon. No. 6. South Iront kt. - lee cool Lager Beer a specialty. The best Whiskey and purest Wines sold in the city. Cigars as good as the beet. Call and be con Tinced.- - febZi w. & E. S. LAT For Decoration, Attorneys-at-Law. Offlcaa. el Cor. maceaa and Water S la. Jaal - " I JUST EECEIYED AN ASSORTMENT OP CUTS AND saucess for decoration. ; GILES A MUECIIISON, - llxoxhlsoa JSlocx. It Don't Clatter TF THE OLD TEAS IS CONE AND THE New Tear has came. ITC1IPIII1ET. JEN ' ' ' " t mt'.i if : i . KISS & CO., are still receiving at their Oys ter Ilouse, No. 112 South Front trcct, a fresh ters shipped C. O. D. rresh fchcU Oysters alws js ea band, Ac, t , Jaaa

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