rnssrxra. tf9rf rnlS. 8aad7 JOSH T. JAMES, POSTAGE PAH esse nth. n.00. Tare SIX Oo0 moan, ceaia. 'LtwI by canto free wrf th dtr. l the abort fJr. wtfl report MJ r;: Review has the largest T A J rrirtfiW ?" an newspaper lVi. J -TT;i rniifrotn Newr York . v . rYf of Mexico next month. . iW'u Tex. roaseum has on ex nnSea babv. It b much paired bj bKhers- , tfcir!u:e ta accepted the in f tnof UcNe York Frco Trade t annual dinner at The !xt from the battle in Egypt ioixaa IMpa force puts hb lots HiCCOkied and 6,000 wounded. Fur lir itZ u improbable. Tbroazb color "bliodness. defec ivo r rbt or bearing nearly 500 employees I; .fc PmuTlf ania Railroad Company tire teen lorccd to giro op their posi- lioCI. ItfiTtJaaMea how London grow Uit iaaalnx'.ewcek in February the tfrtts exceeded tho deaths by 1.215. Tk Jeaia rata that week was only 19 5 per 1.X. TbtTOaaic dust with which the U.aaiJortheIcdian Archipelago were to tticxlj coTcred by the recent terrible erspCoc Ufprored highly lertilizlng to tit ens. If. is Lesief i appears to keep a run tlsg tocooat wiiH nature. Ho often t'.tept for tirenty-four hours or more at a turxb, and then goes a whole week wiiioat erea a momennt dozing. Tie German steamer Weser aimed ia Sew York on Sunday, hating on boarJ aa immense rhinoceros, the larg ml mr brought to this country. He is Taiued at $5,000, and there is a duty U 4GC0 to be paid lor him. Usury Villard'a famllUr face is once more seta on Wall street a little care worn. trhaM. bat showing n other ifra ol tho ordeal through which he has ftued. lib family are also still I'm in z It tattr new hoae In New York city. r H - - . : I - will be g!a4 t-;recelToaiataaatloa froaa our friend oa asy and an tnbjacia oxl VOL. VIII. . WILMINGTON, N. C. SATURDAY. MARCH 15. 1884. LOCAL NEWS. IIOFJ TO ICW ADYEBTIStMCITS. K G Blair Batter IllberaUns Attention J W Coxolet City Drag Store Mas Katx Win ts New Spring Styles UcixsBSBOKX Prang's Easter Cards C W Yatka Cbeap fitanOara Works af exos Bros. A DeBosset Kaster Cards .O 11 lIoLUXiSWOBTH Iloraca ami Muki reaeraltatereatbaf i J Thenaaeof tire wxiserranst always be fa atshod to tlxe Editor. f- ;'. ' j ; . ComnTTnlcatSoca mnat ba wrlttea oa w aldo ot the paper. ; . -j rersoaantlea iatistbe aToldedJ , f Afid It la eapeclaliy and paxUcnlarly end stood that the Editor doc t NO. 64 tho rterwB of correspoatdeats caieaa ao state ux the editorial colaama, I Day' Ienstii12 hours and 2 minutes. Grown fowls 70 cents per pair to day, i : Tho receipts of cotton at this port to day foot op 15 bales . Sansct to-morrow afternoon at 10 minutes past C o'clock. There were no interments in Oakdale Cemetery this week. Thero was one interment an adult in Belleyuo Cemetery this week. There was ono Interment a child in Fine Forest Cemetery this week. Nor. barqqo Candace. Johansen hence, arrived as Fiumo Mar. 9th. i Nor. barque Camilla, Sorensen, hence, arrived at Ham barer Alar. 13th. To-morrow is known' in the Church calendar as the i Third Sunday in Lent. ' Nor. barque Stalsminster, Selmer, Rustad, hence, arrived at Liverpool Mar. 13th. i To-day is the anniversary of the birth of Andrew Jackson who was born March 15. 17C7. ' The Register of Deeds issued two mar riage licenses this week, both of which were for colored couples The Ger, barque C. L. Weyer, French, and Nor. barque Saga, Larsen, hence, for Hamburg, were ofTDungeness Mar j3th. 1 Peanuts are peanuts now. They sold this morning as high as $1.60 per bushel lor Prime, with an advancing tendency. i Tee only ocean steamers now in service that are 500 feet in length or ?er are the Ciiy pf Rome, 216 leet; Servii, 515 feet; ALuLa, 500 feet, and Orryo. 520 fecL The Great Eastern is ltd feet Ion r. bat her day of tuefalness has loot been oter. There U considerable dissatisfaction ianaaychsrch choirs ia New York city bacasseoi the icadency to cut down tat salaries of the singers. Many of thaa hare girea cotice cf their inlen tioa to Ieare, while others threaten to follow (he example. wr. Joaeph Pulitzer, ol tho New Tork n 'orlL aajs the Hon. Samuel J. T&ea recently informed him that he is aot a candidate for the Democratic aoaisaiion for the presidency, but that as cts a preference in tho person of Saur elect Payne, of Ohio. Catholic circles in England are cx- cl by the report that Dr. Herbert Vacxhaa. Bishop ol Salford, has been iKiated coadjutor to Cardinal Man !2g. with rifht of succession. The ap poictaeat meets with general approval tItheCaUiolic clergy of England isJ Irtlaod Wo invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts aro being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. Rev. C. M. Farriss, ono of the editors of the Raleigh Biblical llccorder, will preach at the First Baptist Church . to morrow morning at the usual hour and again at night. 1 Aa order has been received in Boston i Twrt puri or shoes for a colored preacher. The measurements are as fc-0: 71 iaches across the foot: in fP ceasure. 1SJ inches; length of foot, SlUaches; width of heel. IV inches, wearer of these shoes weighs H10 stcs. TU scterity ef the rast (and present) u'T? r u bT lb fact lht rke . " completely frozen over. -icebergs twenty fwalonaed la th Z 9 u tor the sun to do before T te tie singing ot the bir?s ar-riToj. five feet high the solid pack. "ccratic Presidential candidate is to from the East, Senator Baayard be the choice of an overwhelming cl DemocraU of the South J?4 ;v- Mr. Wattersoa adds tha vJrt has been his first choice, as prime years. feeUaggoos. for many A letter from the Isle of Skyo says rX McLeod's lectures on a "Visit 7 CoUmy ol Hora McDonald's De k North Carolina will proc wy Induce aa taixratfoa of several "fda of th croi to localily .CH1 treat distress ia Skye; Peoj axadiipoacd to emigrate, and WW tot wLkto to go to; Mr. E. T. Boykin. ot Clinton. Samp son) county, was in tho city to-day, on bisjway homo from -Columbus Superior Coart, upon which he has been in at tendance professionally this week. There is unbailable matter remain ing in tho Postofilce in this city address ed to Fannio Heyncr, 301 Dryard's street; Arthur Robeson, 1316 Wood street; and Carline Fletcher, care of L. L. McLarin. CapL U. M. Mclntiro will leave on Monday morning for tho Northern markets, for tho purchase of Spring and Summer goods. Ho will, bo absent about a week and the Jadies will hear from him on his return through our columns. The house of Jane Devane. an old colored woman, on Eighth, between- Or ansa and Ann streets, was entered last nteht bv a burriar. and i all her hard- earned money, besides a good ring and other artioles. was stolen.' No clue to the burglar. j Schr. Lizzie Major, Foster, cleared to dav for St. Marx. Haytl. with 33.400 feet of lumber and 20.000 shingles, valued at $583.43,' shipped by Messrs. J. H. Chadbourn & Co. The remain der of her cargo was shipped in New York, when she. arrived hero on tho 11th inst. LCotton. The teceipts of cotton at this port for the week ending with to-day loot up G19 bales, against 1.830 bales for the corresponding week of last year, a de crease this week of 1,211 hales. The receipts of tho crop year to date foot up 89.403 bales anainst 120.507 bales to samo date last year, a decrease this year of 31.101 bales. ICeturncd. Air. Isaac Shricr returned to the city last night after an absence of some weeks past of which time he spent with rela lives in Cleveland, Ohio, and the otbei part in New York, purchasing Spriqg goods. He has been to-day busy in receiving and opening these goods and can show many new and pretty things to the purchasing public, Unwelcome Compauy. A few days since a lady was walking in one of the streets of this city when she espied an object on the dress of a young lady, who was a few yards in advance, which looked very much like a mouse. The lady jras noU positive, but the resemblance was so strong that she called to tho young lady to stop, which the latter did, and when she was reacheu by the former the curious ob ject was discovered to be a mouse, sure enough! After some strategy and con siderable tactics the little rodent was driven from the young lady's dress to the ground, where it met with an early death. This is a curious circumstance but it is nevertheless strictly true. A Bad Practice. This noon, as Messrs. H. B. Willis, of the Review office, and T. T. Seed ers, of the Korlh Carolina Presbyterian, were coming down Chestnut street, towards Front, and while in the act of crossing Fifth street, a young lad, who with a lot of others were throwing rocks threw a rock which struck : the latter gentleman upon the side of the head and inflicted a serious wound. Mr. Seeders had on a stiff, round topped hat at the time, und the rock was thrown with such force as to cut through' the band and the hat, and cut a deep gash in the side of his head, from which the blood poured quite freely. He was not knocked down by ?he blow, but was staggered and stunned so that it was NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. O P E R A HOUSE MONDAY. March 17, 1884. Z WILL BE TAKEN TO-IjAY AND TO-MORROW, r . - a ior sucu gooa3 as we have not in stock. I will be in the Northern markets for . " the next two weeks and will give personal attention to-buying I any special articles desired. i ON HAND A GOOD STOCK OF BLACK aOODS.ofall grades and prices. NEW EMBROIDERY in all grades, W per yard up. NEW MATTINGS, in great variety of styles. just received. ' ll8 M4di?n SquATp Theatre of New 1 arirane& this city; of its famous Star Company In the CbaralBir v r Socictr Comcily-Drama, j YOUNG MRS. WINTHROP, Willi s fcccognized Star ArtLsli I A SJJ? C5T;:AU THEORICIMAI SCIRERY. '' man, FAX NIK KEKVK3, K. J. BUCK LTC W. II. GILLETTE, EDWIN ARDKN rUAliK COLrAX. CORNICE AND POLES. men 14, 1884 r. m. 00 WilmingtonIistrict. Methodist E. Church, South, Quarter ly Meetings SECovn nrnTvr Wilmington at Fifth Street April! 5- 6 Ulinton circuit at Johnson s I Chapel.. .April 12-13 Topsail Circuit at Herring's Chapel April 19 20 Bladen Circuit at Soule's Chapel .April 26-27 Wilmington at Front Street May 3- 4 Brunswick Circuit at Mace donia May 10 11 Smithville May 17-18 Whiteville Circuit at Fair Bluff May 24-23 t I Flfiminirton Cirrnit. Mav 98 tr Elizabeth Circuit at Bladen Springs May 31 and June 1 Newton Grove Mission at Black's Chapel L . June 7- Cokesbury Circuis at Cokes- bury I. June 14-15 Point Caswell Mission June 18 Duplin Circuit Juffe 21-22 Onslow Circuit-. June 28-29 Waccamaw Mission, . . June 28s29 W.II Bobbitt. P. E. "Fear brings discrace, bravery brines honor, cowardice saves no man from hisfate." says the Caliph Omr; but Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup has saved mil lions lrom an awful fate. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS" Attention ! v ENID LESLIE. Just tho Things rpnoss riBE clay ciiimsei tipes. Make a clieaD and Mi?ifrfTO rv,'J i pcclally for Kitchens! Ftl10 and Satchels. Carriages, linr. giea Phaeton., Carts acl Drars. SwldlcrV , McDOUGALL & UOVVDKN J neo Saloi iWXLL'.CLL AT 8 Tl"Hllc ?uclIp". for cash, on Friday, tho occnulei by If, Lo-b, at tho ; D. CASUTVELL, In tho corner mch ldtda- . (ml CPHOLSTEIIIXG m PAPER EAXGU0. . T il,JUS, OPf Nf'D AT 28 XORTII l-fjont St.. with a complete Btock of Window Shades atd Wall Pawr atii nm do all tlnds of Upholsterlnr In a strictly first rlasa manner. 1 shall mako a ibecla.tr ot overhauling old anl making new! Hair Mat tress, a 11 1 akk Is a trial. 1 V . B . lfcspe tlullr, ! mchjlS- w. t. JOIIXSOyt Ag Don't Ray Rent. BUILDING LOT3 IN DESIBABLE localities ior eaie, on tee Instalment or TUB HIBEitKIAN BE- Tl C EMBERS 1VX jxjsvulelnt association: iou are re quested to meet at Gerxnanla Hall, en Monday. 17th, at 8.50 o'clock, a. m., for the purpose of i ceieDraung oi. rttnes's uay. a large at tendance la requested. By order President. - JAS. KKILLEY, mch 15 Cblef Marshal plan, in thU city I have sold over J one hundred and flf Lot and f irniii . ... I . .. .. i . and Lots to parties who have paid In full for , . - i , j , hiem,r "ta'nient monthly payments. Also,! have a large number now on my books, who arc making regular monthly paymenta and will soon own homes and get clear of land lord rule i .i Money loaned to thoss wishing to build. appiy 10 j mch 5 JAMES WILSON. i . "Korrect." We wero In error a "goopleof chines" yesterday In our account of that fine Sampson county beef which was brought here by Mr. Everett Peterson, It was raised by Mr. A. M. Black burn, of Sampson county, and Messrs. John IL Melton and YV M. Hays, Jr., were the purchasers. Musical. There was a decided improvement in the orchestra at the Opera House las1 night, in consequence of the parts being more evenly balanced than heretofore by the addition. We were not favora bly impressed with tho style of music ot two of the selections, but the instru mentation was very fine, and was ap predated by the audience. For Pare White Lead & Paints, and biggest stock of Window Glass and lowest prices for good articles be sore o co to Jacob!1 Hardware Depot, f s everal minutes before he fully recov Blltteij Butt6I 1 Butter. vrea coatrui ui uiuiacu. vuiuuicun to unnecessary, and, we think, useless. Young Mrs. Wlnthrop, The New York Star, in speaking of this play, which will be given in this city next Monday cveninc by the Mad ison Square Company, says : 'Bronson Howard's new play is en tirely too good to be subject to the battle Gled surgery of midnight criticism. . A low words of warm commendation must suffice to convey the information that it was not only a'grcat success but a worthy one. The work is ono of which no man writing for the stage to day need feel ashamed. It is a story of i every uay me, out aoes not preach a sermon; only points a moral daintily and acceptably. It is thoroughly interesting without being either eventful or essentially dramatic. From beginning to end it does not re quire in a single instance the emphasis of violent declamation. The sentiment of the nlav is Dure, wholesome and de licious. Thoroughly charming and marvelouslv refined. The play has a vein ot comedy which is never coarse or farcical, and is as natural and enjoyable as the more serious clement if life-like and sympathetic, 1 Cnn LBS. NEW YORK CREAMERY liUUU Butter. . None better In the city. This Butter was bought low for cash and will be sold accordingly. E. G. BLAIR, No. 19 N. Second St, Wilmington, . C. rath 15 ' ' . I City Drug Store. MANDRAKE LIVER FILLS, (purely yeg e table), cures Indigestion, Liver Com plaint and all kindred affections Warner's, Fluid Extracts, Parvules and Pills In great variety, at No. 216 Market St. CONOLEY'S COLOGNE has been voted the best, by rood judges the Ladies. No char at for sampling. Prescriptions prepared at all hours, day and night. , J. W. CONOLEY, mch 15 Manager. New Spring Styles. J WILL RECEIVE THIS WEEK FEATHERS, FLOWERS, O NECKWEAR, Ac, &c. MRS. KATE C WINES,! No. 119. North Second et-, next Post Office, mch 15 Bottom. WE GIVE BOTTOM PRICES ON BOOTS Sc SHOES Good bottoms to stand on. Easy wearing . I goodsgiving solid comfort and place you on a firm foundation. Try us and sec If we can't. I Geo. It. French & Sons, 108 NOKTH FRONT ST; mch IX j Prang's Easter Cards. We Ask Attention IJ0 OUR STOCK OF , . CHOICE FAMILY 8UPPLIES. embracing every article j necessary for the ' table, both substantial and fancy, wi make dally additions, thereby insuring fresh good at all times. While we make no specialty In prices on any particular article, we sell all goods at the lowest, prices consistent with ! quality. Eeepectf ully; ' mch 10 J. B. IIUGGIN JGGINS A CO. Trof. Cromwell, the art 'connoisseur, was cured by St. Jacob3 Oil, of rheu matism. Opera House. Scribe's famous play of 'Adnenne Lecouvreur," was presented at the Opera House last night to a good and appreciative, though not large audience, with M'Uo Rhea in the title role. She was most ably supported, and her suc cess was almost instantaneous. She is possessed ol beauty, grace and wonder ful artistic power which entered thor ooghly into the spirit of her part and presented a study beautiful ia concep tion, careful in its detail and superb m its execution. We do not admire the chhracteroi the play, although it is brilliant in its DloL but the story of Adrienne,. the beautiful actress, was acted to perfection. The bitter jealousy of the chateau scene, the majesty ot her bearing in the PeBouillon salon. the intense passion of that terrible pas- ' . t .L age wnerem see aposiropmzea mo deathladen bouquet, which the regards as the last offering of hr lover, - were pieces of inimitable acting which stamps Mile Rhea as one of the greatest trag ediennes of the modern age. Her au dience was held spell-bound by her marvelous power. Now is the time to give Smith's Worm Oil. lFdw 1884. Easter. 1884. jjeceived express to day in orfcrt . I lrge and most beautiful assortment of munas Dros. otuertosset rrtAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING thai Ja they have a few exquisitely HAND PAINT ED EASTER CARDS, which they will be pleased to show their numerous customers. The same degree of excellence displayed in their Christmas Cards, for which existed such a flattering demand, will bo observed In these, as It Is the purpose of this firm to lead In fine I ' hand painted goods. mch 15 FINE PAINTED EASTER CARDS. They are now on exhibition. Please call and see them and make your selections at HEINSBERGER'S, j mch 14 Live Book and Music Store. "Furniture. ' Superior Court, j I . New Hanover County. ) John L. Barker. Plaintiff, " ' vs. Sarah J. Barker, Defendant. The State of North Caolina to tho Sheriff of New Hanover County, Greeting: Yu aro hereby , commanded , to summon Sarah J. Barker to appear at the next term of ourSuperlorCourt,.tobo held at tho Court House In W41mingto, o tho 13th Monday afttr the 1st Monday In March, A. D 18S4, to answer tho complaint of tho said Plain tiff, which wis duly filed on the 10ih day of De cember, A. D. 18S3, In the ofllce or the Clerk of the Superior Court of New Hanover County. If the defendant shall fall to appear at that time the Plaintiff will apply for the relief de manded in the complaint, together with tho cost of this action ; of this summons make due return to the Clerk of our aald Court for tho county of New Hanover. Given under f my hand and seal of said Court, this the 16th day February, A. I. 18sH r . ( jleaTV . S-VAMRIKOE, Clerk Superior Court, feb 16 law6ws New Hanover County. MUST BE SOLDI W1 week a For Sale. PAIR CARRIAGE HORSES, SEVERAL FINE BUGGY HORSES. Q GOOD MULES. Also, Carriages, Buggies and Hearses to let at lowest possible rates. mch 15 HOLLINGSWORTH A CO., j Livery and Sale Stables, ! Cor. 1th and Mulberry sts Shad. Shad. JJUCK AND ROE SHAD IN ABUNDANCE. Send orders to W. K. DAVIS & SON, Proprietors of the only regularly mch 14 e&tabUahed Fishery in this section - HEAL ESTATE. InAVE FOR 8 ALE t EVERAL HOUSES and VACANT LOIS very cheap. IIOUSKS. OFFICES ana STUBES for Rent. Apply to feb lS-lawSa eat lb iiim i- ui" x i i - f i E HAVE PLACED IN STOCK THIS handsome line of POPLAR FUR51- -I TUBE, to which we invite the attention of I purchasers. Elegant patterns of Window Shades, handsome assortment of Baby Carria ges, Lounges, Easy Chairs, Ac. Our line of i . i Fine Black Walnut Suits, Secretaries, &e.v was never so 'complete as now. Call and ex amine our stock and prices; you will bestir prised at the BARGAINS we are offering. THOS. CV CRAFT, AgC. mch 10 23 So. Front Street 5 and 10 cents Cigars, HAVANA FILLERS, ' " Ct - Best in the city, are on sale. Drugs and Medicinal preparations of the highest grade at ,.,.. I JNO.T.SCHONWALD3. , Jan 11 s Drag and Prarlption Store For Decoration. JUST RECEIVED AN ASSORTMENT, OF CUP3 AND SAUCERS tor-decoration. -' BALANCE OF WINTER STOCK OF Hats and Bonnets TO BE OLD FOR THE NEXT Pifteenl DaysTat Cost I To make room for Spring Goods. I r ' ; Respectfully; : ! f . t ; MISS E. KAHREBI mch ? Exchange Corntr, 4- .Tobacco Selling Fast. 7 1 800 BO:KE'4SD,CADD,EJ4OLD.ritl1- TO BE i THE BEST. are to be had only at the old North D. O'CONNOR BeolEaUtaAgtst GILES MURCH1SON, v UcrcLoa Slock, 23 lioxes sand Caddies to cl see eoMlarf racut. Various li rand lrom 20 rnis uprarl, mch 3- ? . u Varket Strret Home's Garden Oysters ABB COSTCEDETJ They are to bo tu tiAie aalooo. No ei2kuth r nt St. Ice cool Laser Beer a ejxK-LiUy. The best Whlakey and porct Wines la tL city. Cl'rsasgoo4a the lti CallanJ be can- rlncoL . - - i f & z T7. & E. S.. LATJQIEK, Attorno7s-at-La7. . OflcsS. E. Cor. Priacess and Vfatcr Sts,

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