IKE GHEAT GEE1SA.S . REMEDY FOR PAIfl. JUL, eaa rr. RIIEC3IATIS3I, Neuralgia, Sciatic, Lwbig . HACttAClIE. SCFE THROAT, mm M'KAIA , Istuss, CctJ. rrxia, . FROSTBITES. mux. CAi-n. Aal a 1 UAi'f fccfcc nrrr tun 1 KTr-L HtVtn rAILo; tatck forSAXABi m;i a skeptic. I A -! cite for KpUcp- . , a racism ai -mm SKtSftfemdU. If. known vorU r"- a - 1,. CQHgflBttqj MOTH QlUjElRlOlR L I 1 I It cit a4 ct sjttne . . 1 i..,..rii iM and patient not by the draatie cathartic. 4 rrrrtxji .r.tx whereby the brain Is re- tt t4 cr bkj4 iaan, wm vrc v.t4tv u, I2ci rtferred to. Trjsia, Lawyer". Literary taf n, iicr el!. Bair.Llict and alltnosw: whoi fed rsur tBBJ.jTmci.1 cn- nerroat pnxtratlon. ii -iUrtir of the blood. Homach, lmit oi I Uivrj-orwho retire nerre tr.Sc. inf.zti f .UnBtttWAlUTASI N CCTI5K i in AlU MC. jfclMJaaaproclia It the inott wondi-rtnl in- ure.t tlit ever tatAlaed the tlnkir r ytcirw ;3 Sold bT U I'nirft. Th s. A. frr tft!Tw.!N nd rlrm!r fod tnp. Cu S. ttruis. lit-- rrt Is ill;. UJ dee 13 lr-arm Out on the Prairie. ConcrnInr Something Hetter than Mrs. Toodles Wliecl- b arrow And the It o as on Why. W If a ctrlx!a CommIAry General .com U!oed t the Pake of Wclllorton that Sir TtosA rv ton tud declared be would bar? its If the rl! 09 forlhit General' dlvUloo were sot farthfomlo; at a certain hour, tbc Dele replied - -Ah did h la let I go o f r as that' Did be Mr he'd ha jon?" MTe. tor lord -Well. Genertl 11. ton I jat the man to the ration kttpfcUwftrL You'd tetter yet 9 9 UM." Dot v rtt th riU-aof any thins: de up lo Use oa aatt ko whea to lay bis band on tsa. At Mr. Tooilc aboat thecoma whiek h ba.j boaf bt at auction and brought motmm to aim wiie nltijisiti OW happen, my dear. It will b o txSf u hare la the houe. Petetia Uierrrat wholeaale drnt bouse of wua, uirt. la E!ta. IU . one day, ilr. O. 1L aaermaa. the pholofrapher of that place, reman ed. roacereln FAStCX'S TONIC "I hart sard It la ay family tor two year, and I ua!uualy proooaDoe It the beat medicine iUtnH. Ill bady to hre In the aoe. al we are nertr without it " CbJ-1 froca the mjut of reaaoos wby Mr. aamaa wn rt:ht. 1j rood rnoazh lo con Mtt itc rini. PARIIRSTOMlCUdclidou to taptUt;ftruoi. it intUorate. bat doe -Hrxe Ion for strong driml; third. It voaioi aoa loui by ineuiojc tbo torphi ontui inu bealibv action, aadopcoln; all the prMorihe tla: foarth. It pari flea the Blood. tau rnrtoc KWteey. Urer and Ludr dlscaaes ea4KHrumanm; fiflh , Bt Ule It into your bou,anl It -will rak rr tucif ooce ul. you will chansr it for titte. rhfUUn commend It Price, cent a i m & c . Chemist. ewTora. mcb ll-UAw 1m nrm Sufferers iroca Youthful Imprudence caoalar rron lbllltr. forau3. for bme cure fKKS. Deed 23 Tears soocojafaily. Dr. a. O. OUn. Box Ui, Chlca- may 31-lwly SBATE'S SPEOIFIOS. rrepare.! frosa form u Lb used by an eminent PjUa durtnc 30 years saecesaful practice. fJre of all aSecUona of the Blood, whether vioiou or acquired. mux pUbc. etfc ixjc o. a Core S Jiaroi s Dkbility, from Youthful IdUcre- r"wniTM. proilaclnExbautl viui aa-i Loa of Maahooil. XhU rcmctly la an la the cure of tbcae complalnta. It Is StTT Usm,us 10 the weakened Nervous Ii. .Uu Nature lo renew the strenjttb nil.r cf leuntated enraa. nd effects fclST -iUealntani relief and per "7 ecre Itheumatlam. Price fJ. irff N puiUTe cure for aU weak T! foa-a-x to females. Price $1. ktj r1' or sent on receipt of price "7 w. m, N ciirt. St., Cblcaco. fc.wM send roii ciucuLak. Zl Ij-dAw arm NEW crop-: ARE NOW ULNOINQ 372 llhds. and 100 Bbls. Very Prime, Bright SEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES. It WIU. BE SOLD PEOMPTLT. WORTH & WORTH. The Excursion and. Pic Nic glXSj IS OVrS A2ID THE TlIZA,TXtI CaX ajid BILL Season baa opened ipia, Kw11- PracUral German J?2J r5Vx, Market lx aao rrosxt, WUminf ' s ratify Skin enseaaea. rim ,j.-tH hrvvn hi fwt. . are permanently PA..,r ;rJT: : IL J u-:t r-i, ivrnL WEAKXtas. h m out Scald Him' JJUriiarSI ' Dl mtJis The D ai ly Re vi e w. CUILDIIOUO. The Spirit of Gladness. I On the wings of ao emerald fly. Sailed bj thee, singing a son;. And my song was so sweet to theo That ibe sound of it. after mo. As it drew tbco dancing along i Dancing o'er meadow and lawn lathed in the breath of the dawn.) Into thy sweet heart drew The bone -drops out of the flowers, And the secretest bliss of the bowers Drawn out of the drops ot dew. For twin born sister and brother We little ones welcomed each other With never a doubt that day; And we frolicked so fast, so last, i That we fell down weary at last (Weary 6t wandering play.) ' Then 'mid tbc blossoms asleep. And I. by the side of thee, deep In the bell of a gentian blue: Wbenco silently forth I stole. And into thy slumbering soul, With ruy song in me husht, I flow. Then a thought of thine I became; A thought with a song for a name, Tne soug thst, to solace his flight; Thy fly to the flower-bell sings; And I gave thee his emerald wing. Child, cherish and keep them bright, Owen McrcdiUi. PUKPOUTS TO BC FUNNY. A Mouse In the Itooni. . "My dear !n exclaimed Mrs. Spoop dyke, as she backed into a corner and stuck her head straight out in front of her. "My dear, there s a mouse! what are we going lo uor ' "I should judge from the width of your mouth that oue of us was going to eat him!" replied Mr. Spoopcndyke, springing from the chair and grasping bis cane. hero is he? bhow him to me!" and Mr. Spoopcndyke ra tied around under the bed with his slick, and th-n charged on the table. "Haven't ye got any moro arms you can stick out in different directions sq as to give the approximate locality of that mouse?" "There be is I" yelied Mrs. bpoopen- djke. turning her face to the corner and akmg a desperate eiiort to ciimo up the wall. "Don t you see him? jLoofc out! Hell bite you." "If you can tell his sex from where you stand, he must be close by or dod ii gasica Dig: growieu iur. opoopeuuyiwe, glaring around the room and waving bis cano on nign. uome aown ou me parapet of this castle and lead me against the enemy, will ye? or have I got to go oat and borrow a directory to lind him? Where did yoa see any mouse, anyhow? "Anyhow!" squeeled Mrs. Spoopen dvke. looking around cautiously and then SDnnzing into a cnair. , "uau Doliceman! Don't go near him! We'i all be murdered in our beds. "Ixx)k here!" roared Mr. Spoopen dyke, who had added a boot to his arm a meat. "Jct me smell your Dream What have you been drinking lately? (ioihg to givo me come adequate idea o the haunts of that mouse? Where is he?" and" Mr. Spoopendyke whirled around and smote right and; left with his implements, 'tilashegot a doors plate on his residence to indicate where ho lives? Going to sit up in that chair like a frog on a Uoat until that mouse issue cards to show where he transacts his business? If ye can talk out his geography, point your finger at him. will ve?" Uan t you see him.1" gurgled Airs. Spoopcndyke. to whose disturbed im actuation the mouse filled the whole room and lapped over. "There he is! Ow-ww! Here ho comes! There he goes! Whe-c-o-c!" Air. bpoopendvko made a lunge in the direction indicated by his wife's stony glaie oi norror, got tne cane between his legs and rolled tumultuous ly into the closet. "Have you cot htm? guerned Mrs. Spoopendyke. I 'Do 1 give the impression ol having got him? 'he yelled as ho looked out and saw his wife sliding up the back of a chair like a reversed avalanche. f1swakn v!n I rnni vrmr m nun t o ? n fastness appear to detect the crown of success on luo ucau oi mis campaign against that dod-gastcd mouse? Bring me twelve baskets Tor lue iracmcnis!" and Mr. Spoopendyke 'bounded out of the closet and fired bis boot tnrougu tne mirror. "Got any moro mice anxious Co undergo the brief excitement of anni hilation? Where" 'There be goes! Ild-o-o-e-o-e" m- terrnDted Mis. Sooopendyke. Wlltl a nroloncred shriek. r zz. ..... 11. Mr. Spoopendyke iookgu arouna mm with dazed eved and spied tne mouse for the first time. "Whoop!" he roared. as he plunged for the corner. "What is this I see before me with the tail toward me? Now watch the triumph of genius over the activity of vermin!" and he banged his head acamst tne wail me mouse e ped Mrs. Sooopendyke. with her knees in her neck and her hair on end. j "What's the matter up there?" ex claimed Mr Spoopendyke. wreotcbing Himself into a sitting position and con templating his wile with an expression scarcely indicative ot admiration. What're vou dome way up there a thousand feet above the level of the sea. anyway? Got somo kind of a. notion that you're a fancy sunset, haven't you? Think you only need a candle and an emetic to be an active volcano, don t you? Well, yoa don't! Hi, there! Got you now. have 1 r'.and ne made a dive under his wile's chair after the mouse "Got some kind ot scientific imDression 'that this combination of mercantile intelligence, known to the banks as Spoopcndyke, isn't to be relied on as a phenomenon in the role of amateur rat trap, haven't you?" and Mr. Spoopcndyke gave a vicious iab at -. . - l r , me mouse wim ms buck ana lounu himself stuck under the chair. "Is he dead tn asked Mrs Spoopen dyke, watching the gyration ot her husband's limbs with pronounced solic itnde.- - "Get upr howled Mr. Spoopendyke. trying to extricate himself. "Pull off this measly chair before I convert it into tracts and begin to disseminate it among the clamoring heathen. Hear me? Get I" and with a mighty effort Mr. Spoopendyke upset the chair, bringing his wife down on him like a bundle, while the mouse went up tbo chimney. i . . . . . . . i . ... That what ye wanted?" ho demanded. as Mrs. bpoopendyke struggled to her ?fi00cdaroand,.rorJtha lofr Think you're accomplished your dod- Basted design on .things? Got through " mtluaKe, or was im ooiy . xm you nun yourself, dear?" asked Mrs. Spoodendjke. still dreading the reappearance of the mouse. "You did splendidly. I really think you have scared him away tor good." "Do. do ye?" grinned Mi. Spoopen- ujk.e. wun a nornbiy pleasant ex pre3sion or Tisage. "Had time since it hapoened to think it all over, haven't you? With your celerity of thought anu aouity to impart wbat you know. you only want a tin staircase inside of you and a firefly in your fist to be a dod-gasted Bartholdi Statue of measly Liberty enlightening the World! The next time you see a mouse around these premises, you get up and sit on him until I get ready to commence. You hear?" And with this verbal letter of instruction Mr. Spoopcndyke projected himself into his night-shirt and filed himselt away between the sheets. "I don't care." murmured Mr3 Spoopendjkc. scrutinizing herself in the glass and wondering if sho was too old to wear her hair banged. "I don t care. I know tney bite, because ittbcy dirln f. hnw oonlrl thnv scire folk-a soP" - J " WW. and pondering on the impregnability of this argument. Mrs.Spoopendvke push ed a table against the chimney, so the mouse couldn't get back into the room, and ank into a blissful dream of the Utopian period when the backs of chairs would be made broad enough for won men to waik when threatened with in vasion by the predatory rodent. Drake's Trav. Maqazine. IMAKCIi D1IKTU. 'Let mo see." said a young lady graduate to a highly intellectual friend. "was it rope who wrote the Ilaid. or was it Iliad who wrote Pope?" "Neither," replied the intellectual friend. "It was blind Homer who ranslated the Iliad." "Oh, ye3, now I remember. I would give anything tor your cleverness, but please tell me what is the Ilaid anyway? "Why. it is a poem telling all about an old fellow who lived in a tub ot water." "I don't believe that a man could live in a tub ot water, do you?" "Oh, no; but we must not question ancient mythology." Arkansaw Traveler. Some advantages of a wet spell : Old gum shoes can be worn out. Opportu nities for trading a cotton for a silk umbrella are numerous. The lungs can be thoroughly tested, and if they stand it can be warranted for the rest of the year. New mothods of keeping the feet dry and the conscience clear (of swear thoughts) can be invented. Poems of welcome to the sunshine can bo prepared in advance. Anticipation is always better than realization. New and powerful adjectives can be invented to describe the state of the weather and the effect it has upon the system. Corns ache, malaria thrives, the "hypos" get the best of you, the liver lies dormant. food tastes loggy and you feel reconciled tothehereafter.no matter what that) may be. Hartford I'ost. 'Gcm'lcn. in one respek Brudder Slawson 'was a fa'r to medium man.- If he borrved half a dollar to co to de circus he'd pay it back outer money dat his wife aimed at tie wasubo'd. De doo' was neber turned awy from his doab empty-handed. He pitied de sor rows of a big ttamp and let bis wile tro bar'futted an' his cbirn hungry, lie was kind-hearted, but alius behind on his. rew rent. He was philanthropic. but he has got two ob the wust boys in de State ob Ohio. He wus a lobin' husband, but he was content to sit aroun' de grocery an' let his wife sup port de family. While wo may say dat we am sorry dat death has come to sever ties and bring changes, wo have no oc cashun to remark dat do world will be env de wuss off." Detroit Lrcc Press. Lost Faith in 1'hysiciaus, Why is it that so many persons use nroDrictarv medicines, or patent medi cines. as they are commonly called? Is it because people lose faith in their physicians? Well, this is, no doubt. freauently the case, mere are in numberable instances where cures have been effected by ROSADALIS. the Great Southern Remedy tor all diseases of the blood when they had been given over bv their physicians. It is oue of the best remedies ever offered to the public, and as it is prepared with the Greatest care, as a specihe lor certain iseascs. it is no wonder that it should be more effectual than hastily written and carelessly prepared prescriptions made by incompetent physicians. Take ROSADALIS for all disorders arising from impure bloodl It is endorsed by leadinz professional mens well as by eminent physicians and others. Try it. A. burr in tbo bush is worth two in the nair. Mexsman's Peptonized Beef Ton ic, the onlv reparation of beet contain- in? its entire nutritious properties. It contains blood-making, force generating and life sustaining properties : mvaiua- b!a for INDIGESTION. - DYSPEPSIA. nervous prostration, ana ainorms oi . a i j- r ireneral debihtv : also, in all enleeDiea conditions, whether the result ot ex haustion, nervous nrostration. over work, or acute disease, particularly n resuitmc irom pulmonary complaints. . . v.? a,i Caswell. Hazard & Co.. Proprietors, New York. Sold by Druggists, sat lw Don't kindle the fire with kerosene unlets -you are prepared for a land thai" is fairer than this. The Queens of Society are among the stanchest advocates ot beautifying bUZUUUNT. wnicft com- mnnicates to tbe. teeth the glistening whiteness of snow, arrests their decay, renders spongy and nice rated gams he&lthv. and breath made offensive by defective teeth as sweet as honey snckle. Indies, ye were made to captivate, make yonr conquests sure and swift, your empire over male hearts lasting by its sovereign aid. The fashionable world declares there is nothing like it. Unhappy is the young ma a overcoat is with his uncle. whc&a Euobt's I-tttle Cathartic is the best and only reliable Liver Pill known, never tails with the most obstinate cases, purely vegetable. leod-w ADDRESSED TO TnE AFFLICTED HEALTH is WEALTH ; you cannot le truly unhappy if in health; it is our Capital in life. j The unfortunate suffering from Wer- vous veOxltfy, ItnpcUncy, Nervous Pros tratxon, bemmal Weakness andi the numerous forms of Ocnito Urinary de rangements, whereby j the Generative Power is weakened, and in time folly destroyed; will find in DR. LOWRY'S WORLD RENOWNED REMEDIES a positive Caret By its use a permanent restoration to health can be had ; none need despair; young and old alike receive the benefits promised. Thi3 long tried remedy ha3 never been found wanting, no matter what treatment you have previously had. DR. LOWRY'S REMEDY iutuses new Life iu the Debilitated; it assimil ates with the blood, and supplies that deficiency in the Nervous System, which is the cause of debility and physi cal prostration. It acts on the' Liver Kidneys, 'Bladder, and Reproductive Organs, cansing healthy secretions, thereby stopping waste and building anew, when the face resumes the Bloom of Health, Hie Lye its Lustre, arid the Brain its Ibwer. This remedy can be obtained of Druggists and Dealers generally. Price $100 per package; three packages, two dollars, sufficient to cure ordinary cases. Ask your druggist for it: do not take ration, beminal ) any other. If you cannot obtain it send direct with price, and it will be sent se-urely sealed, by mail, to your ad dress. Vddress Depot and Laboratory, Dr. Lowry's Remedies. No. 136 Lexington Avenue, New York City. Advice Free; send stamp for reply. d t If you are angry at a man count fifty before speaking: if ho is a great deal bigger than yon are count four hundred and sixty. Caution, No. 219 Grand Street, .Jersey City, N. J., Feb. 28, 1883. Two months ago I suffered with a very bad cough, which kept me awake all night. I was recommended to put on my chest two AUcock's Porous f las- ters. Unfortunately, my druggist per suaded me to try some other so called porous plaster. I lost my money, for they were worthless and not of the slightest benefit. I then procured All- cock's Porous Plasters, and they com pletely cured me. ; J. r . McGINNISS. Imitation Porous Plasters are being advertised and offered for sale. Beware of them. "Allcock V js the only genus ine. "There's a screw loose somewhere," as the scissors said when tney leu asunder. The extraordinary popularity of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the natural result of its use by intelligent people for over forty years. It has indisputably proven itselt the very best known I specific for all colds, coughs, and pal monary complaints. "uc oravest is the tenderest," is particularly true of celery that has stood against frost. Hopeless Epilepsy Cured. "The doctors pronounced rav case to be one of hopeless epilepsy," says our correspondent, W. C. Browning, At torney at Law, Judonia,. Ark., "and declared death to be my only relief. Samaritan Jservine has cured me." Get at druggists. $1.50. A threshing-machine The school teacher. ! A Card. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions! of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of man hood, &c, I will send a recipe that will wm -w j-. -w TT m cure you. r Uciri Ui? uiiAitiiJii. xms creat remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in South America. Send a self addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New lork City. eod d&w ly MISCELLANEOUS. ,FREEfor TRIAL An UBiaiim? ma spceuy cure ior JServms IfibiUty find Weakness, Loft ( YiUint i and Vigur, or any evil resnitcf Indiscretion, excess, overwork, etc.. (over forty thou sand positive cures.) JCCJ- fk-nd 15c.for postage on trial box cf lOOpi!!". Address. Dr. SI. "W. BACON, cor.ClarlcSL und Calhoun riaoe, Jhicago, 1u ov v eod Jew t th 8 iLYOW&HEALY State & Monroe Sts.. Chicago. Will m.i npaWI tonv Idmi thur BAND CATALOGUE, for iOU pMf. .! n.Tavn.p lef iD.trJto.nU. Suiu, CnrM. felu, IPomTMos F.p.nl'U, Ctr-ljuuin, for Asuitur wi . North- Carolina Resources. "One of the most naeful series of descrip tive books ever published alout any State." Boston Poet. Hale's Industrial Series, Two Volumes Now Ready. 1. The Woods axd Timbers of North Carolina. Curtls's, Emmons, and Kerr's Botanical Reports ; supplemented by accurate County Reports of Standing Forests, andilhxa- tratcu by an excellent Map or tne state. 1 Volume Umo. Cloth, 273 pp., $1.25. II. Ix the Coal ajcd Lros Cocxnrs of North Carolina Emmons. KerrV . La!d- lcy's. Wilkes, and the Census Reports; sup plemented by fall and accurate scetcnesol the r uiy six counties ana Map or tne &uuc. 1 Volume 12mo. Cloth. 423 pp.. $1.50. Sold by all Booksellers, or mailed postpaid. on receipt of the price, by E J. HALE SON, Publishers, Booksellers and Stationers, New york Or, P. II II ALE, Publisher, Raleigh. 2i C sept . FESEEI Btt Ei fai I nil f I ni r OPl r niltlC nrnnr,! r rir-itunr-, I a MritA ! mii iTnTTnrn of OB9 OfCai faat noted axxt maccemtul egerieilats to tau fjow wired) jOrthecqre fCjj jc mor n-ljeodAw t th. ST- JJ: MISCELLANEOUS Advertising Cheats ! ! ! "It ha3 become so common to write the beginning of an article, in an ele gant, interestirfg manner, "Then run it into some advertisement that we avoid all such. i "And simply call attention to the merits of Hop Bitters in as plain, hon est terms as possible, "To induce people "To give them one trial, which so proves their value that thev will never use anything else " .1 "The Remedy so favorably noticed in all the papers, "Religious and secular, is -"Having a large sale.and is supplant ing all othr medicines. "There is no denying the virtues ot the Hop plant, and the proprietors of liopiiitters have shown great shrewd ness' I "And ability J , "In compounding a medicine whose virtues are so palpable to every one's observation." lid She Die? No! ; "She lingered and suffered aloug, pining away all the time for years;"! "The doctors doing herj no good;" "And at last was cured by this Hop Bitters the papers' say so much about." Indeed! Indeed!" "How thankful we. should be for that medicine." H J A Daughter's UJisery . "Eleven years our daughter suffered on a oed of misery, "From a complication of kidney, liv er, rheumatic trouble and Nervous de bility. - "Under the care of tlie best physlciars, "Who gave her disease various names, 'But no relief, ! "Ami now ehe is restored to us. In good health by as simple a retaedy as Hop Bitters, that !ve have shunned f Or yeais before u&ing it." The Parents. Father is Getting: Well. "My daughters say: "How much better father is since he used Hop Bitters." 7s "He is getting well after his long suffering from a disease declared incurable" "And we are so glad that he used your Bit ters. A Lapt of Utica, N. Y. men 15 lnitf&w tc nrm Capital Prize 75,OOOa Tickets only $5. Shares in pro portion. . Louisiana State Lottery i Company. We do hereby certify that toe supervise the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and in person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and we author ize the Company to use this certificate, with fac similes of our signatures attached, in its adver Usements." Commissioners. Incorporated In 1S6S for 25 years by the Leg islature for Educational and Charitable pur poseswith a capital oi f 1,000,000 to vrmch a reserve fund of $550,000 haa since been added. 1 I By an overwhelmlnsr populai vote Us f ran chlfio was made apart of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D..1S79. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Fourth Grand Drawlnfr.JClass D, In the Academy of Music at New Orleans, Tuesday, April S, 1S81 167th Monthly Draw toff.' Capital Prizei 875,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Eol lars Each. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. LIST OF PRIZES 1 Capital Prize of I.... 75.000 1 Capital Prize of... 25.000 1 capital Prize or 2 Prizes of $6,000 5 Prizes of 2.000 10.000 12,00c 10,000 10 Prizes 20 Prizes 100 "Prizes 300 Prizes 500 Prizes of of of of of of 1,000 10,000 500 10,000 200 20,000 100.. 30,000 50. 25,000 1000 Prizes 2d a 25,000 5,750 4,500 2,250 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. 9 i " 500. 250. 1,967 Prizes, amounting to $20500 Application for rates to clubs should Dejnaae only to the onlce of tee company in ftcw Or leans. ! For further Information, write clearly, glv- Ine full address. Make P. O. Money Or ders payable and address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK. 1 New Orleans, la. P03TAL NOTES and ordinary letters by Mall or Express (all snms of $5 and upwards by .Express at our expense; to Al. A.. UA. U iriXlf , New Orleao', La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St., Washington, u. C mch 12-wed-at-4w-l&w n infatiible cUrs for Pile. Price f 1. at druggists, or ent prepaid bymn. f ample Ukert.Box 241NewX0rtt r- aq. -aiaiv r- i r. E R ER from Toothful Imprudence, caoain A10VW ii ifiil'j DzJM3.01ia.Box 3i2,Chicsgo noy 27 yeodAw t th SELLING OUT! HATS & FEATHERS AT REDUCED PCJCES. MH3. KATTC. WINES, No. lia N Second Street, next Post Office Jan 5 j - ' SJJJWA KUAOAUIJA VJ MWVUUi f . IITE UAVE THE FINEST ASSOHTMEST tv o f Enf Uah and IieLrtnm Breech Loaders ever brought to this market. Also a crsv f .au tivk fit KKlla. Wajldlnr. Priraers.Cart ridge Bajrs. Gun Cap, Ciame ias. c in fact we can show a stock of Hardware. Ool j roods aol guarantee prices. Successor to John Dawson & Co -mch 10 . 19,21 and 23 2Xirketact mm MISCELLANEOUS. Now Yorli & TUsiiiigtOD Steamship Line. STEAMERS ! .1- II WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK EVfc SATURDAY, at 3 o'c'xcxt F. L REGULATOR. ..Saturday, March BENEFACTOR........... Saturday, March REGULATOR Saturday, iMarcl I . BENEFACTOR ...Saturday. REG ULATOR. ......... . .Saturday, March MarcH it y Through Kills Ladlnsc and Lowest Through Rated rcaranteod to and frora Points r onn and south Caroli&. -I! i For Freight or Pasarc arnly to IS. G. SMALLBONLS.bnpertntcndeht. i Wilmington, N. C, , THEO. O. EGER, Ftc!bt Apent, i S3 Rrrtaaway. New Yot. WM. P. OTTPX l.. Girl AtriM, feb 2.1' ' K I jl I Baltimore & Wilmington Steamship line. 1 "5 ITVS i .M1 i. 5.- -j " ,J STEAMERS ''','"' Raleisrli and VIdctteJ Oi an(i;iftei;?ataTday, jl angary 5th, a Steam er of tills lino win sail from I BALTIMORE, ' Eyery SATURDAY, at 3 F m. v -I From SATURDAy unless eooncr loaded. ; i i i J Through Bills of Lading and lowest through rates guaranteed to and from, points, on th riaii xioaus anu uape x ear xuTer. ALSO, ! " ' I To and from Boston, Providence, Phlladel phia and all Western cities. , j ) For Freight Engagements, apply to"; A. b. bAZAI7X;Agt i J . f WUmlnyton, N, C. Andrews; &6q:9 AfftS.il i5. W. Cortcr Light and German Sta., dec 29 Baltimore. a 3 n p. r-J - ti 22 O iJ to if g 3 wg - pj p, a t g 2 Oi Z p ? o won a O u Ko c o a c ? r july 11 d&w 35 S. Clark St0pp, Ccarf Hoase, CHICAGO. A repnilarpradaate. C3-ThOldet RprlolUI h t ho United States, trbuao LJiK VO$(t EXi-earxxcK, perfect method and puro medicine incur mtEXVl md ruBMASEsr CL'BKS of all Priat, Chronio and Vervou. biftases. AtTect ion.of tbe Jllood, HU.lt. Cldney, Kladdet, MInitlona, L'lorr, OI ore, Nvvflllnir r tho Ciland.. Soro Monlla Tliroat, JSone JPalna, permaoeatl oared a4 eradicated trom the sysUm lor life. M C E5 If St f I C ThilltV Itnpoteney.Ssml na fabflf UUw Losses, baxual Decay', Mcnta tnd Physical H'eahncst, Falling Memory Weals IZijrs, Stunted Development, Impede nents to Marriage, etc., from excesses) or an taitsc, speedily, 'safely and privately1 Cured Ka-1'aunsr,HIddI-Ajred and Old tne a, and al ho need medical klll and experience, conil Jr. I'.At3 at onto. His oninion com oothtBir.and mal tare future nii-jcry and fchame. Vhen tnooorenien1 x visit the pity for treatment. mdlcin can be eea' jverywhercs) by mail or express free from obtrp ration. jr-Iti.eeiArt'lentthatapfarcUn mat ires in fio:o aitontion to a ciaw of oisesses mt lain tfrcat fck.UI, and physician throughout tn ronnxry, anwin? inii, irenaentirreconimenaauacBi ;nS to the Oldest pcclttllt by whonj ever ' known pood remedy i nsed. Ir. Iiate Aire sl i;xnfrtico tnak his pinion of a pre me l tn'r(niiee. Those whe eull ace ru ne batlh uotT. ;onnitations free and aierdli enefitientlnl. C 'a-fes which hate failed in obtainini reiki tljettJicrn, erreS!al!y soliitL Female lie T.vfS trcstr-'l. t alt or WTiJ. Hours, from W U G io mi Sand. li to is. tiviaa m Uzjxh v 27,lyfOilAw t.th ft EJcctnc fesSaxes &n sect 3 33 02jt' Tnf. TO MEH 0LY, Y0Ll!:D 03 OLD, V Loi VitAUir. Lcx or i;RTa Teas rLtionct Hz:i.Ta. acsa3 iUaooa Octm. He fmzi iA-wvK-ry of iho tfta Uiitisry. nor 27-lyeoliw t th is rvelmmtmm- CJaM mm4 vrndmrnmnm hw mm IbI fam-'.ui i U, SU JUaa, A. a., JLP.( t(f f tUea b, irw lerk Wr. ' i r 111 i , - . 4 m taal I J I ii '1 I - s . i ftuuRLXAriD i eraj1gnM0sP'EHAC!T II llllHI inw..H.iUi(a. u Dcum7 M U 1 ft III . aw&rBM atwmw tjitmmtTmmUk.tr aa4 attwlr. Vxrntai CJt44fM

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