- TTATT'Q VEGETABLE Hair Eenewer. Seldom doe a popular remedy win rod a strong tolJ upon the public confidence aj haj Hall's ILtur, Roiwul Tfceeaaee la which it La accompllahed a complete restoration of color to toe Lair, and rigorous health to tho calp, ere Innumerable. Old peop'o like It for lu wondcrf al power to restore to thclx wtdtenlr locks their original color and beauty. Mlddle-ased people like It because it rreVccU tbem from getting bald, keep dandruff away, and makes the Lair frov tftlck and strong. Youngladies like It ai a dressing becatueit gives the hair a beau tiful glossy lustre, and enables tbem to dress It In whatever f orxa they wish. Thus it is the farorite of all, and It his become so simply because it disappoints no one. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE rpn the whiskehs Has Weome one c f the most important popa- ur toilet articles for gentlemen's use. When the braru is gray or naturally of an undo cirable shade, Bcckixgoam's Dye is the remedy. TZZTXXXV BT R.P.IIall& Co., Nashua, N.H. Sold by all Druggist. The Daily Review. SATL'UUAY. MAi.CH 15. 14. S2T The itauy Jteview has the largest iiia fide circulation, of any newspaper tiolvJud. in the city of Wxlinxntjlon. IN CONGICHsS VKSTKKDA V. laal ly tclpdAw Ml JTJST OPENED 1 AT , SO. ImL Cat 116 Market St. FRENCH NAINSOOKS, Victoria and Persian Lawns, Pique, Marseilles, iChecks, 20,000 Yards EMBROIDERIES I SENATE Washington. March 14 Oa motion ft Mr. Cameron; of Wisconsin, the Seriat g agreed that when it adjourn to day it h to Mon!ay next. I Mr. rlumh iIUki no the joint rcso lution BDDroD! iaiinz '25.000 for the eradication of the foot and raoolh dis ease. Mr. I'iumb a tflort to secure the im mediate cissare of tho resolution and to avoid protracted debate faileU, upon the c;jn4titu!ioual croutid that to carry it intn i-iYeci would infringe upon State r-frhu. and uuon the around that no necessity existed for it ; that tho State o Kansas was abundantly able ana mor ally bound to grapple with the evil her- splf. The matter oecu Died the session to adiorumucnt. I HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The Speaker announced the appoint mcnt of Messrs rorney ahd EUi3 a3 conlrerci on tho part of theHouse on the Milkarv Academv appropriation Dir. The morning hour was dispensed with and the Ho&se went into commit tee of the Whole on the private calenv dar. A bill granting a pension of $2,500 a year to fcepiemma .uanaoipa meiaur ham. tho sole surviving grandchild of Thomas Jeflersoj. the author ot the Declaration of independence, was taken up and the favorable report or the com mitteo on Pensions was read. Tbe minority report of the committee opposed tbe bill on the ground that it provides for crantine a civil pension, Jefferson's service being civil instead ol military. This report, while asserting thai it is a disgrace to the people that this good old lady should be In want. jet contends that Congress nas no authority to vote money for charity. The minority argued that it a pension were granted it would be only a snort time before efforts will be made to pen sion the living children or grand-children at all Presidents. Oa motion of Mr. Hewitt, of Ala.. the enacting clause was stricken out 139 to 60. The committee then rose, and the House ratified its action; Church Services To-Morrow. St. James Church, corner: Market and Third streets. Rev. A. A. wsuon. u. v. isecwr. f hini nnd.-7 In Lent. MarchflG. 1881. Cclebra- f tst mt - m. aiornlnsr Praver at 11 o'clock: knnil&T oh(wl at 5 30 o'clock, p m. Evening Trayer at o'clock. Service a Sf" James Home to-morrow nbzhtat 8 o'clock. st Jiihn'n Church, corner Third and Red -rvwa ctropti iter. .lamea Carmlchael. P. I. tti .'tnr -i hlnl Suntfav. 1 Lent. March 16( 1mI. Holr Communion at 7 30su m. Morning Prayer 1 1 o'clock bunday School at 4 o'clock u. m. Evening Prayer at 8 o'clock. rirKt TLinrkt Church, corner of Market and FirtU streets. Iter. T. II. Pritchard, l. D., services at 11 a. m . and 7.45 p. ro. Conducted by Rev C. M. Purriss. Sundiy .-lio 1 at 3 i.m. l'rayer ana rraiso nieRiios Thurdar night at S o c'ock: St Paul's Evan. Lutheran Church, corner of siirth and Market street. Iter. F. W. E. Pes cliau. Pastor. kngllsh services at 11 o'clock. Urrnian services at 7.30 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. W. II. Strauss, Superintendent. Fifth Street M. E. Church, between Nun and Church streets, Kev. w. J. Hull, rastor. Szrrlces at 11 a. m. and 7 P- m.; Class meet- nz at :i p. m. ; l'rayer meeting Thursdary even- ng at t o clock. Front Street M. E. Church, South, corner of Front and Walnut streets. lMr. Ur a. Yatec, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. sand 6 r in. Sabbath school at 3 p. m., W. M. Parker, stieriutendi'nt. l'rayer meeting and lecture Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Christian Association Tuesday evening after tir&t and third Sabbaths, at 8 o'clock. Seats free and strangers and visitors cordially lnvitod. , Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell streets. Kev. C M. Payne, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m., and7Vfc n. to. sauDSin ocnooi at o p. m. xya;i meeting Wednesday at 7 p. m. Religious services In Tllcston Upper Room every Sunday at 3 i ai. jruonc coruiauy m-Tltod. Seamen's Bethel. Dock between Water and Front streets. Capt. W. J. Potter, Missiona ry to tne seamen, services every ounuay at N.30 a. m and 4.30 p. m. Seamen and all others are cordlallv Invited. Seats free. Part ot tho service will be In Norwegian, conducted by CapL Chilstlansen.; St Thomas Pro-CathedraL First !Mass at 1 a m. second Mass at iu a. m. ospera ana llenetllctlon at 5o'clockpm. Dally Mass at 6:30 am. Services at SL Mark's Church, corner Sixth and Mulbcrrv streets, are as follows : On Sun davs Momintr Praver at 11 a. m. Evenlnjr r , " - . . a raycr at e p. m. on saint's uays anu otuur Holv juavs at 9 a. m. and 4.30 p. m. ice v. C. O. Urady, Minister In charge, seats free. Chrkt Church ( Conan-CfiratlonaustTNun street. between Sixth and Seventh. Rev. D. D. Dodge, minister. Preaching services atll o'clock, a. m. anil 8 o'clock, p. m. Pastor's Bible Class at 12.15 p. m. Prayer and Praise meeting, Wednesday. 8 o'clock, p.m. Snnday School, 3 o'clock, p. m., In Memorial Hall, corner 7th and Nun sts. Second Bantist Church, on Sixth, between Church hnd Castle streets. Rev. J. P. King, Pastor. Services at 11a. m. and 8 p. m. sun lay School at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting every Tuesday night. STATE NEWS. A FULL ASSORTMENT INALLSNEW STTLK4 AND DESIGNS. BALANCE OF WINTER GOODS ! SELLING OUT V8RY CHEAP, TO If 1KB UOOU rOB SPRHMC STOCK. IU1. M. KATZ 116 Market St. Jan 21 Steam Yacht Louise, pilSESOSK AND FRKIGIIT STEAMER for fmlthvllla dally. Kt Xt and aceomt moUUons doe. Tns LOUISE U a no iH.at and U ruaraotel af-. Wiy lev Smlthvllle S A. M Leave WllmlncUo 4 30 o'clock P. M Wharf foot of DockStrcet jb 19 Aiot ami owner. Yellow, White and Red Onion Sots. COlirt. PICA. tlKW'. Ac., DRUGS. CnalcU. Patent Ve-IHae a-d Fa-cy ArtleW. Pn.-tptloo tllll at aay time, day ac t u',h MIJJCR Drux9U)rt, d 3 H South Foorth. Coraer Nun tl Shirts Made ri usoki or nT wamsutta Rhirt- lag an.1 No. t0i lnn tt tbe lo price of :si.oo- A parfect At and srood subsuntl.l wotkpai anteod. Otirpstroo and custom a are Invlt ed to call aol leave iWr mstjo w u tne atwve remarkably low prtc ''fffg-tf KLaBA'aI aVKflt. Furniture. aAMDKa ANDPARLORSuiU from $U to $l0 Vtw styles and first-class goods at GREAT BARGAINS ! TINE BOOK CASES, SIDEBOARDS, SECRETARIES, WARDROBES. iibsi BT TiRf.KS Am. wm t.m - if . itr..ifi CtiIra. Ta- Ac. ai UxlhArraJM- Call and see Cot blea. sfE. N. A. STEDMAN, Jr ATTORXET-AT-i A fu!ie&oW Bolldlaf, WlLillNG. Hl'Jl i. all th CrlmlaaJ and OtU reader aad Urumwlck CouaUes. IfSdAVtl - Albemarle Observer: Captain W II Orchard. Charles F Blume and Peter Fink, ol Cabarrus county, all died with in tbe past week. They were all cood citizens Mr lliumo was 7U years old and Air Fink 87. Capt Orchard was a prominent citizen, having been a nieiu her of the Smie legislature, and Chair man or the Board of Commissioners Tor Cabarrus county. WiUon Advance: Owing to the bad weather our farmers aro somewhat be hind in their preparation?. With a few exceptions the usual larpe acreage of cotton will be planted and a majority will continue to keep their smokehouses in the West- We'have heard no talk of planting tobacco. AVc believe our people are alraid ol it, ana preier to plaut crops, the cultivation of which they understand. ! Xewbern Journal: Mr. A. S. Cooke, of New York, is in the city, stopping at the Central hotel. 1 lie has been on a trip down South and reports the pea crop badly damaged by he cold. He thinks prices will rule nigh on accDimt of the short crop. One of tho best Fire Insurance Companies doing busi ness in this city has ordered all policies cancelled where the risk is on merchan dise in frame ranges. The city has made two or three sickly attempts to establish a tire district and prohibit the ereclionTof framo buildings tor business within its limits, but having failed in every instance to carry ont the ordi nance they have flually thrown up the sponge and abolished the whole thicir. Wadesboro Times: The laying d track d the railroad which is to run from Hamlet to Gibson's store, nine miles distant was commenced last Sat urday. This new road is the property ol the C. C. K. B. , and will be operat ed by them as a feeder to the main Hue. Mr. C.Threadgill is now lying in the shadows ot tho unexplored futuie: his death is momentarily ex pected ami no doubt before this i.ssue otthe Times is distributed through the iuoty his soul will have left its earthly cacmcnt and passed the river to that bourne l.om whence no traveler ever returned. There will be many a si It-nLiear shed over tho memory of poor Bill ThreaJfiii.. Chatham Record: Tho stables and i wo horses of Mr Mack Bryan near lyckville. were burnt last Tuesday tiijtht. Origin of the lire unknown. Bishop Lyman will visit this place and preach on Sunday (Easter), the 13th of April. &nJ at Gulf oa Monday, the llih. Cow peas were never before known to be so Bcareuabout here as now. They cannot be bought at any price. Some ot our citizens arc feeding their cows on cotton seed meal. A few days ao. while Mr John Baningcr was dre siing a stone ot his mill at Iockvillc, a piece of the steel broke off. struck one of his eye!i audit is feared has destroy ed the sight. Winston Sentinel: Mr Isiac Shore, of Yadkinville. Yadkin county, died very suddenly at the store ot Capt J K Gi'mcr, in this city, on last SatufJay. Mr Shore came into the store about J 1 o'clock, a m. and complained of feeling unwell At his request a d jse ot pep permint was given him and a bed pro pared on the second floor. Mr W H Marlcr accompanied Mr Shore up stairs who, upon reaching the couch. thrw himself across it. lace downwards Mr Marler returned to duties below and about 1 o'clock, going to look after the comfort of his guest, found him dead aodjying in the exact position he 'had left TEim in an hoar before. Dr B D, Hay was summoned at once and gave it as bis opinion that the deceased came to his death by an attack of heart dis. case. If you need a real good first class cooking stove, don't fail to seo the Ex celsior Texm.. Zcb. Vance and New Emerald, besides others, i They are to bo fand at factory prices at Jacodi's, who is tho manufacturers' agent, f MISCELLANEOUS. For the Cure of Coughs, Colds Hoarseness, Eronckitis, Croup, Infhi enza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, In cipient Consumption and for the re-j liefof consumptive persons in ad van-! ced stages of the Disease. For Sale by all Druggists. -Price, 25 Cents. R.'.wH.-JJZgS n r ATTTTXT TO m ATTn 1 rn -rr . - vxjvaxaxi jt 0 xvyjc j HALF PftTm In ornfir to makft room for thn mmn. n - . 1 w A"mo"oB Oprij Stock now on the road, CALL AT II dot 15 ly telp d&w gILL HEADS, ! LEHEK HEADS, ' NOTE HEADS, ACCOUNT SALES, : And all klflds of Printing, Ruling & Binding, Done with Excellence and Dispatch. Books, Pamphlets and By-Laws printed with entire satisfaction, Orders solicited, j JACKSON & BELL, 21 N. Front Street. Pacific ,'Cuano. HRIER' THE OLD RELIABLE CLOlHijJjjJ 114 MARKET ST, mch3 COMJUKltClAJLi NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET. March 154 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted steady at 311 cents per gallon. No sale reported. ROSIN Quoted steady at 1.17A for Strained and $1,224 for Good Strained. TAR Quoted steady at $1.35 perbbl of 280 pounds. CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted stead v at 2 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1-25 for Hard. COTTON Quoted steady at 101 cents per pound for Middling. No sales reported. The following are the offioia. quotations: j Ordinary '8 Good Ordinary 93 Low Middling 10 Middling I0J Good Middling....-1.... 10$ WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED 400 TO 500 TONS OF THIS INVALUABLE FERTILIZER, which has never failed, and will have It for I sal throcghoojt the season; as also DISSOLV ED BONE PHOSPHATE I ' i At Last Tear's Prices. i a fan 24 2md&w ALEX. SPBUNT & SON. Cheap Standard Works. SO CENTS EACli JJANDSOMELY BOUND IN CLOTH : bhakespeare. Byron, Scoit, Barns. Tenny son, Owen Meredith, Maca'uley, Jean Ingelow, Household Poems. 1001 Gems of 1 Poetry. Green's History of the English People, 2 vols. Life of Napoleon, Battles of the Republic, Strickland's History of England, Dinken's Child' History of England, Grime's House hold Stories, Robinson Cru9oe, Swiss Family Robinson, Tom Brown at Kueby. Scottish Chiefs, Thaddeus of Warsaw, Children of the Abbey, Arabian Nights 20,0-0 Leagues Under rlous Island, Paul and Virginia, Fox's Book of MartTis, iJunyan's nigrlra Progress, Ac, Ac Any of the above sent post paM upon tbe receipt of tho price W ; YATES, rebV5 lis aiarset at , Wilmington, n - c W. 7. 8UXKES, Past. T, s. Knrcnx MnTinri hi llfinn 0 Tm. ifl Xetaroi, . . UxxvwAonvn ov I -; aln Hhaaaa flafka XarfwA rlvTk aTYA r&M.lo. jBrashea. Sand Ooal Serewia, WmUmt mSShSnSf - 1 r vyti ArwBtrBllIltMjiiMi mch 13 fcySeud for CaUloffaa. dAw ly Female 1 aaattan, OoaoUr iuV' rO-KooUoa UH Fap , , School. MISSES BURR A U AMES, Principals. MRS. M. S. CUSHING. Musical Instructress. rjIHE TWENTIETH ANNUAL SESSION of this School will commence on Thursday, the 4th of October, 1883, ani close during the third week In June, 1884. xne course or instruction is thorough and systematic. Terms reasonable. ! Lessons In painting in Oil. Water Colors and Pastel, with Sepia and India Ink drawing, and Crayon and pencil sseicning, at moderate rates. - w nere a class 01 ten or twelve is formed for the school of painting, the price , will be re duced. . . Pupils outside of the school who desire mu sical instruction, will do well to apply early. For further particulars Inquire of Principals. or cau ror circular. sept 12 I Oh! wouldn't the days seem Uak aid ' If your arocer neyer did mvtkinM wnl And wouldn't you lifOMea rxtrrmeJTt 11 you naon't the poor gcocerrmta'. ta I - - Die at ? -'i t . : -DiHWed b GUberl f SvMkiQrkk THE sxjisr. cents 4 . DAILY RECEIPTS. Cotton.- Spirits TAirpentine, Kosin. ..... Tar Crude Tunentine. , 1 fji'gB 25 bales 62 casks 533 bbls 117 bbls 17 bbls MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer D Murchison, Smith, Fav ettcville, G. W. Williams & Co. Steam yacht Louise, Weeks, Smith ville. Master j CLEARED. Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, fays ettcville. G W Williams & Co. Steam yacht Louise, Weeks, Smith ville. Master Schr Mary J Cook. Orcutt. Paysan der. S A. via Uuion Island, Geo Ilarriss & Co. Sciir Elliot L Dow, Lamp here. New York, via Georgetown. S C, Geo Ilarriss & Co. Schr Jennie N HuddelU Henderson. Philadelphia. Geo Ilarriss & Co, cargo bv C C R R and J J Fowler. Schr Lizzie Major. Foster, St Marx, Hayti, J II Chad bourn & Co. Exports. COASTWISE. New York steamship Benefactor 1.091 bales cotton. 302 casks spts turpt. 16f bbls. 27 cases tar, 178 bbls rosin, G3 Dbls. 25 bags rice, 10 bbls peanuts. 14 bas roots. 11 bales vanilla, bo car wheels, 25 pkgs mdse, 440 pkgs shooks, 22.000 It lumber. Philadelphia Schr Jennie N Huddell 21) tons old iron. 33.000 feel lumber 14,857 bolts, 18.725 shingles. rORF.ION. St Marx. Hayti Schr Lizzie Major 33,400 lect lumber, ifU.000 shingles. - WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND MARCH 15, 1884. Cotton ashore, 4 712; afloat, 600: total 5,312. Spirits ashore, 4.018; afloat, 145; total, . 4.163. Rosin ashore, 63,236; afloat, 5,618; total, 83.854. Tar ashore, 6,281; afloat, 3.043; total, 9.323. ! Crude ashore, 4,874. 1 RECEIPTS FROM MARCH 8 TO MARCH 15. Cotton. G19; spirits, 90fi; rosin, 7.375; tar, 3.378 ; crude, 1,229. r-XrORTS FROM MARCH 8 TO MARCH 15. DOMESTIC Cotton. 1,820; spirits. 821; rojin, 353; tar, 841; crude, I.15G, torsion. Spirits, 1.000; rosin. 14.493; tar, 500. Kaleigh Register. T71ARLY IN FEBRUARY as soon a the printers receive tho necessary material the publication-of tbe RALEIGH REGISTER, as North Carouna Dcmocrauc newspaper, will be commenced. The Register will be minted weekly unti the great political campaign of US4 begins. 1 1 will then.be Issued twice a week, or as often as may be useful or necessary to tbe Demo cratlc party In North Carolina. It will be printed from new and beautiful type on gool white paper, and tnougn it may not oe large enough to hold all at once all the good things that glowing prospectuses sometimes promise, yet tbe applieaUrn of a thorough knowledge or how to use them will put into its tnirty- two broad columns all the news, much good reading, and a complete history of what is done in Morin Carolina Air iiaio win oe eoi tor of the Register. The price of the Register will be &i a year. f I for six months. Pay for your home paper, and then remit for the Register. Those who remit $1 to this office will receive as a preml urn either volume ordered of "Hale's Indus trial Series " Two volumes are now ready The Woods and Timbers of Noktii Cau- olina Curds. Emmons ana Kerr a: Bo tanical Repor s; supplemented by accurate County Roportsjof Standing Forests and il lustrated by an excellent Map of the State, ivolume.lZmo. Cloth, zvs pp. si.zo. LXDCSTIUES OF NOKTH CAROLINA N THE Coal, and Iron Counties. Emmons', Kerr's. Laldlev's. Wilkes land the Census Reports; supplemented by full and accurate sketches of the jntty six counties and Map of the state, l Tolume vzmo. oioth. 425 pp. $1.50. Address ralkiuii register, jan 18 ij- Raleigh, jv. u. 18841 1 Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Weekly stands at the head of Amer ican Illustrated weekly journals. By Its on- partisan position In politics, its admirable 11 lustrations, its carefully choseascrials. short itortes. sketches, and poems, contributed by the foremost artists and authors of tho day. ft carries instruction and entertainment to tbou sands of American homes. it will always be the aim. of the publishers to make Harper's W eeklrt the most pormlar ana aiiracuve lamuy newspaper in tne worm. and. in the pursuance of this design, to pre sent a constant improvement ba all these fea tures which have gamed for It the confidence. sympathy, and support ot lta large army of reauera. Dyed." jT MONACITS, 161 SECOND STBEET.be- tweea Market and Priaccaa, Ladles aid Gen tlemen's goods of every description, anj tailor. Also, cleaning, acoorlof and bleac&log Sexid xae a pair tl toot old Kid gloves.' wrtus-tf Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: HARPER'S WEEKLY . $1 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE i 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR. J 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 1 50 Harper's Franklin Square Librart. vruc i LLiuvKra. ............. iu uu Postage Free to aU subscribers In the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Wetklv bealn with the first Number for January of each year. When no nme is mentioned, it wiu be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. ine last four Annual volumes of Harper's Weekly. In ceat cloth binding, will be sent bv mall, postage paid, or by express, free of ex pease (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on re ceipt of $1 00 each. Remittances sfcoukl be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avo'd chance of loaa. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper A B BOTHERS. ; Address I HARPER A BROTHERS novB New York The largest and . best stock of Windows. Doors, Blinds and at Jactory prices is at N. Jacobi's Hard. NEW YORK, 1884. , About sixty million copies of The Sun have gone out or our establishment during the past twelve months. If you were to paste end to end all the col umns of all The feuNs printed and sold last year you would get a continuous strip of in teresting Information, common sense wisdom, sound doctrirc, and sane wit, long enough to reach from Printing House square to the top of Mount Copernicus in the moon, then back to Printing House square, and then tbree-quar ter of tbe way back to the moon again. But The Sun Is written for the inhabitants of the earth: this same strip of .intelligence would girdleihe globe twontv seven or twenty-eight times. 1 . ' ' .. , If every buyer of a copy of The Bun during tbe past year has spent only one hour over It, and if his wife or his grandfather has spent another hour, this newspaper in 1883 has af forded the human race thirteen thousand years of steady reading, night and day. ' i (Ids only by little calculations like these that you can form any idea of the circulation ot the most popular of American newspapers, or of its influence on the opinions and actlona "f American men and women. The Sun is, and will continue to be, a news paper which tells the truth without fear of consequences, which gets at tho facts no mat' cr how much the process costs, which p ro sents-the news of all the world without waste of words and in the most readable shape, which is working with all Its heart for the cause of honest government, and which there fore believes that tbe Republican party must go, and must go in thl) coming year of our Lord, 1884. I . If you know The 8jn, you like it already, and you will read it with accustomed diligence and profit during what is sure to be the most interestlngyear In Its history. If you do not yet know TThe Sun, it Is high time to get Into the sunshine. Terms to Mail Subscribers. 1 The several editions of The Sun are sent by mall, postpaid, as follows: - j DAILY 60 cents a month, $6 a year; with Sunday edition, $7. SUNDAY Eight page. Thlsedition furnish es the current news of the world, special articles of exceptional Interest to every body, and literary reviews of new books of the highest merit. $1 a year. WEEKLY $1 a year. Eight pages of the best matter of the dally issues; an Agricultural Department of unequalled value, special market reports, and literary, scientific, and domestic intelligence : make The Weekly Sun the newspaper for the farm er's household. To clubs of $10, an extra copv free. Address i ..; I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher, , Tin THR KTJW. N. Y. CUT We are Determine XTOT TO BE "GRUMBLED AT,"1K avoid this unpleasantness bars filled ot with the ,4 ! . '. j OH0IOEST.& FBE8HE GROCERIES . ; ' ' - i' .. I . - obtainable. ' For the Leatcaieam, New Catch EXTRA MESS MACXIU, ELEGANT PICKLEI) SALMoi, BONELESS. CODtUSSZtll Our Roy ster's .Cadj excels all others Id PURITY. 5 lenuL - ' - ! indigestlbles. No glucoss sr other gredlents are used In lUmanafactnn fk vise a trial box; will guarantee laifttt ness. P. L. BEIDQEBS & C mch 10 HO North Front Ct. I -A Sash. Doors, Blinds.1" White Lead, Paints, Frbnch' Window Gr AGENCY FOB hi Y. ENAMEL FAST i To Arrive I NOTHER LOT OF THAT . BONANZA TEA. A pound of good Tea and a China Cnti and Saucer for CO eents 1 Could eet but a. limited-supply this week. Expected on New York Steamer to-morrow. Leave orders for i It at once.. Will also receive to-morrow an. other lot of that GRATED PINEAPPLE, for 1 i !"..- pies, for which so many of my customers have been waiting. For sale by mch 5 ; rwa tfxr a rv pnvpitt9 Pl JALL AND EXAMINE OUBOOOMf get our prices before pnrchaaiafi T 'j that our Paints are from the eekboM t ; - ; . . torles of Wethertll A Co., and He ' A Co., IsCsufflcient guarantee for tbdrfs and purity. -H. . . : I A fine line of (Cooking 8 tore H Prices, in addition to bur large HABDWABE 810(5; to wnlch Toux.attentlon U TtsvtfJt v.;.;;U,iv;.,J 1 hathi xtfC septl V ioBobAi j . - . . if First National Bank cu iriington. APITAL-STOCK GEO. M. CBAPON, Agex,t. 22 8oath Front St ill 2 in 1. I'D take your likenesses. And take them fine. Til fix your watches To keep good time; I do all work well. Entrusted to me. Ifyou don't believe It Try me and see. k J. L. WINNER, . w cIph?r nd JeleH f f 1 surplus ruxD TJmAalta MMfvad aad WitCH LlAWArfAVr-w - . .... , JAS.I'i " 1 u r'iJio'Ba3CBAPB0Cf El E. BUEIIUS3, I Sell aU Kinds' QOUNTBY PRODUCE ON COMMISSION. Hbxhest market prices ruaran teed and prompt returns. a. w. mvitMnitvc " r0?tniC?rJE?JBJSURlcn AleTctiant and GrcctT. mS" Water 8L, WUmlngton. TSicT gjetos i Bank ol New flSmerT IS, S, JSORRUSS. A.KJW W.LARjrjZTS. Old Newsp.0"

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