josht. JAaiES. X' gsrros rmormnrroB. roSTJLGK PAIR O J!.; oo month. MccaU. Ji-VU dBrered bT carrier, frw Fy part of Ue city. t tn aboT. w will . rr rrnlarty. . ueir f-I - z. . i rku, low an 1 noeTmo. T-rteri mill rtr 0J atl U fxl1 r -I J Yol. yni. r,.tu Zcrwtr has the Urgtst lu eiTcMim. of any ncwir irS"iVl Tom Hughes rc.idc 5 . n 00 check amotiz bcr .t " Kerr. a celebrated stat is 1 f" . .wi the annual mortality i fruci WILMINGTON. N. C MONDAY. MARCH 17. 1884. NO. 65 Uziict in Great Krltain is -best" II. ilunocrt HusseU. tbe famous war "it the recent martial in Paris of His farm lias .- t In Washington ne lives fr. W. H - - . i... of Dakota, is lets De.CZV.C wjw-' , f !f! tears old i.o acrei. tislKnieIy. Mca.GreTine.X nofeliit. whose pxtorofRa,ii3li:ehaTo 2.reQ her place ia Frtsch literature, intends to t j.t America next Antnmn. joJre DTcre7ofTaUihaf3ec.receaUjr a coast by the Pope, owns 1M.000 ZTtg ia Ueroicda couatj. Florida, and lu forned a Urge Catholic colony. Tie co'irtd people re -out" with Scrttarj lie col a because he failed to rwioaitoacallto appoint a colored Ulster front Maryland regimental catplaiaia the army- General ThoauL. Kosser. lately of tii.Vortheral'aciilc road. Intends to sail froo .V Tork on the 20th instant kr.Vicirsrsa. He will go as the ens x:eroftheKirajnan Canal Com- Ttelkstoa IW would have the cani raiia foujht on the principles of the two parties, and an ggests Edmunds as the standard bearer of the Kepublicans. and Bayard as the leader of the Democrats. The Methodist ministers of the Ohio Conlerence hare voted to sign a pledge of abstinence from opium and tobacco lib cot auamed that many, if any, o ti clergy a o are given to Indulgence iacDiara. but there are a number who lifeline to f We up tobacco. Aa Illinois centleman calculates that President Arthur will have 362 totes in theRepobUcan National Convention. This estimite includes tbe Southern vole entire and CO of tho72 votes of New York Stale. Erea If this proves cor rect. be woe! J lack about 40 votes ol a nomination. John Boyle O'Reilly, Uobert Grant, "J. S. of Dale." John T. Wheelwright and Geo. Parsons Lathrop, as it is re ported in the Harvard lhnild. are to write a novel together and they have already sold what th(?y shall pro duce for $5 000. - - - - -- - The Llewellyn family, of , Poltsville, Pa., is familiar with woodrtrlc59. Mr3. Ann I'e welly n. who wears ono. mar ried her lalo husband because he had a wooden peg of his own, only son stanip3 about with substitute. Mrs. L'cwcllyn recently told a facetious lawyer that wooden legs were better than wooden hcad3 any day of the week. A It tin away. We learn that on Saturday afternoon a horse, attached to a carriage, took fright, on the turnpike between here and the Sound, and ran away. There was no serious damage, although odc of j the occupants of the carriage, a young lady, received some cruises upon her arm. . ; j In the Woods. Although there was quite a raw wind NEW AJDVEKTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMENT Genuine orders and titles of nobility can be purchased at such reasonable prices in Italy that the great American and tbCiT i lilnwin" it nro: nnmnrtlifplv tinnv ' j j ail OakCn j .mil nlnnmt vfnrrla v Mnnvnfniir poplc took a trip the Sound in the af ternoon, and tho outside of the city were thronged with young people, who were searching for yellow jessamine and trailing arbutus. 1'crAonal. Chcsnult, of Mr. J. B. Chcsnult. of Savannah. industry that manufactures bogus titles brother of our friend, Mr. George Cues'- .i i - . . l I . wim pcuigreo auaenmenu 10 orucr is nutt.of thiscitv. has been here and to likely to suffer from foreign competition' Besides the recent exposes of the process of making American noblemen has brought the New York and Boston aris tocratic herald books into disrepute. It is not improbable that Mount Everest, 9.002 feet, which has hitherto passed for Monarch of the Himalayan his native Sampson county home on a brief visit to his relatives and friends. lie is in a prosperous and lucrative business in Savannah, and the ducats are pouring into his coffers He left for that city last night. Are You in Want of Spring Clothing of any Description ? i IF SO DO NOT WASTE VALUABLE tVmE BUT COME AT ONCE TO supply your wants from our Mammothi Stock. We will nejver deceive you Every suit, garment or article that we carry is solid, perfect and durable. We will not keep or offer for-sale goods of any class or in any line that' we can uot honestly guarantee a3 well worth, in wear and tear, all that thev cost you! We j i " buy largely, but we buy judiciously. Wc buy to suit our trade, and our trade ! j i i ; consists of all classes , and our prices sell our gods. When- we eay that we sell oniy Cloihing equal to the finest custom-made work and that every garment sold guaranteed to be exactly as represented or the money will be refunded, wc mean just what we say, aud every word of our yuaranttccan be depended upon as surely as a fjovcrnmcnt bojid, and that our prices are the lowest in the city, no body doubts, for instance, that wc arc now selling a beautiful, all wool suit at $8 really worth $liJ.50; alNwpol Pants at .$15 worth !)io.oO; a very good pair Pants at $1 worth $LoO. Finally, a man, however light his purse, will always be welcomed by J Mm DECK! . Duplin County Items. Rev W. M. Kennedy, of Warsaw, chain, will be dethroned. Mr. Graham, Duplin county, was in the city to-day the celebrated traveler, and his two and gave us the pleasure of a call this Swiss guides, in their recent attempts afternoon. He represents the condition to scale some of the higheri summits, of Warsaw High School as excellent. distinctly'saw two peaks rising to the The people of his rection are intensely Northwest of Mount Everest which -xcited over the phosphate interest they believe to be considerably higher, which has recently been developed, and are prospecting and making new dis- 5 THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET mch 17 LOCAL NEWS, coveries of deposits almost daily. IIDIX TO IEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 8 II RI EE'S C lOthiO P L Bridgkss & Co Groceries Tiios C. Craft, A gt Awnings Parker & Tatlor Sakes Alive Hussbehoes Pranks Eator Cards C W Yates Cheap Standard WorMa Knights or Honor Regular Meeting W K Springer Co Sportsman's Goods Mcsds Brds. A DeRosskt Easter Cards Make a Move. Whatever may be the real meriti of the dectress" who hold3 forth every afternoon in j Market street, between Front and Water, one thing is very certain, the presence of the crowds that gather there is a serious drawback to the merchants who do business on both The State Exposition. A private telegram was received here sides of that thoroughfare. We undcr- tcrday stating that Messrs W. S.Prim-. stan that a petition was. prepared on rose, president, and H. E. Fries, secre Saturday and sent to the city authori tary. of the North Carolina State Expo- ties, asking for an abatement of the sition, would arrive in the city to mor- nuisance to the merch ants, but so far it row morning to talk with our people has met with no response ana try to nwaKea a more active inters The authorities should take into con McDot oall & Bowdkx "The out Hick- est in tnat noble ana wortny enterprise, sideration the fact that these i I ti mi i sj i t r m n -i orj- I auwy win ou aucuiupauicu uj iiir. o. Ui merchants have to nay a license This has been a dull day for news Worth, State Superintendent of Fish tax for the privilege of con gathering. eries. At Norfolk, ia Eagland, a fortnight aga. then wu a wedding at which the chelating clergyman was a gentleman alrety-iit years of age. He hasbeld tt living he now.holds for seventy-one yean. It is believed that this tenure of apirish isuae-jualed for length in the llsutj of thcEoglish church The fenerablo Rev. Mr. Day id Wiciers of Dajton. Ohio, on Thursday last married Lis four thousand nino featdred and eightieth couple, and after lit ceremony wished the bride as much tappiseas as had been the lot of her taod father and not leas estimable trac&alher. at whose weddings be hadl ue pUasure ol officiating. Cat breeding is being taken up active IjiaEcgland, cot only for the com' Jbruble cloak linings its lur affords, oc: as aa article of food, the fecundity, 1ck growth; and really palatable Properties of our familiar hearth-rug frjead pointing out slsple resource. The remeaibranco ol this and the prcs t activity ia the cat market arc, sug ttiTe. The receipts of cotton to-day foot up 93 bales. at this port There was a largo attendance at tho various churches yesterday. ..Body Recovered. The body of the sailor , who was drowned during the night of the storm was recovered this afternoon. It had drifted down the river and lodged in the The "Young Mrs. Winthrop" Com-J paddles of one of the wheels of the pany arrived lero yesterday and regis- steamer Waccaniaw, which lies nearly tered at the Purcell House-i oDDosite the foot ot Dock street. It was towed to this side of the river where a 1 v ewtnd hv f he Snnnd Prasbtterian coroner's inquest was held and a verdict church were duly installed last night. of accidental drowing was returned by ducting their business in peace .and quiet without let or hindrance, and that they are entitled to demand of them the protection which they have petitioned for.j There are plenty of other localites where the woman and the brass band may hold forth without disturbing the course oi traae: or, sne can -nire a hall" and hold forth at her own pleas ure. ! For the West. Our clever neighbors of the Clinton lhe lues of March nave passeu ana f - t r enL it was shockingly the most seyere weather of tbe v inter fjgUre(j. may do presumea to nave passed aiso. the jury after which it was taken away a,MCaston have pr07ea- themselves on dis A Cure for Drunkenness, A gentleman who has been afflicted with the disease which heads this article says we can publish nothing that vbuld bo of more benefit to the country than tne loiiowing. wnicn contains a recipe for the disease:! There is a prescription n use in Eng land for the cure of drnnkenoess by wmcn tnousands are said to have been enabled to recover themselves. The recipe came into notoriety by the efforts ot Mr. John Vine Hall, commander o the Great Eastern steamship. He had fallen into such1 habitual drunkenness that his most earnest efforts to reclaim himself proved unavailing. At last he sought the advice of an eminent physic lan, which he followed faithfully for several months, and at the end of that time he had lost all desire for liquor. annougn ne naa ocen. ior many years lea captive by a most debasing appetite The recipe, which he afterward pub lished. and by which so many other drunkards, have been assisted to reform is as follows: Sulphato of iron. 20 grains; magnesia, 40 grains; pepper mint, 44 drams; spirits of nutmez. 1 drams. Dose, one tablespoonful twice a aay. The largest and best stock of Windows. Doors, Blinds &c., and at Factory prices is at N. Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. f Tf,wia be gladl to receive coauacnlcatloa ' fixoi ocr fjSexfia oa aay, aaJ all iubjeeu seneraltaterestlmt . The name of Uta wrltei taost always t ra a!ate4 to theEJ2tor.W:' : w j , . ' Commttnlcatlona most b wrtttea oa oa! o side of tbe paper. Penonanoes must b avoldedj a w especially and particularly and tood tnat the Editor doci not always endot the tlcws of correspondents hi the editorial eohunns. SO 8UU NEW AUVERTIS NTS. When the Painless Tooth I EXTRACTOR WITH IIER GILDED Chart- ot shaU karc glided from our mldit nml Uie people hftvc once tooto realized the truth of the ancient proverb ; "All Is not cold that slitters," don't forjret the old reliable stand wticrc ali the stiraiUnl Drccs, Sundries, Toilet ami h ancy Articles can be had at reasonable rate?. A Uo a lice line of KASTKR CAUCS. . C. MILLKR'3 Drug Store, la. hi, core cr Fourth and Kan (s Only 59 Cents. rtmil FOLLOWING HANPSOMiIlY. JJwind I i i Uio low irlne of H! cents per volnnie ; ,-j I , h) J I ' i-. .-. 1 1 - N. MacimlcyV History. f Knslaad. 5 vols; (.reensi lltstoryi Knllsh il'corle, 3 vols: Knijrlifft Half Hrturs of Kslhli HUtory rPoet' leal Works of Sbakcsrcarc. . Byron, lioros, , ropc. CovrFcr, Tcnnyeon. Ac. &c. Smith's Bible D.ctionarr, Klnyalcy's f cruioris, Dick cn'a History of England; bcottlh ChicfsjRob inison Crttpoc. 1 luacMcus- of Warsaw. j;on Quixote, qulllver s Travels, Jules vdrnc'rt. VVors, Irviog's Sketch Kook, LSRtD.ijsof Pompeii, Chavassce'a Advice. to a Wife ami Mother. Gibbon's Koman Empire. Tola ion Whist, c, Ac , Ae. C. V. .YATE3, i 1' ' j a!akctfet;- ' Oh! wouldn't the days seem lank and long . If your trrocer never did anything wrong? And wouldn't your life seem extremely flat If you haQn't ths pcor grocery man to grura- blo at ? ' !',. iJisMua ft.v Gvbtrt 4- Sullivan, I Gtindtrn t )Vc are Determined J-OTTO BE "GRUMBLKD AT," AND to avoid tlilb linpleasantncss have filled 6tr store with the i The next entertainment at tho Opera Aouse. after to night, will be given- by the ltentz-Santley Troupe, on the 26th inst. Wc noticed thai some of the dry goods stores were decorated in emerald more than one occasion to be the good friends and well wishers of our city. We have on previous occasions quoted some of their sayings to prove this and we herewith give to our readers an in teresting clipping from the last issue of that paper: It is announced that this road will be completed to Greensboro by April 1st. New Music. Messrs. Ditson & Co., of Boston, send us eight fine pieces of music. Their titles and prices are : Angclus. (30 cts.) Song by F. Bott- Golden Love, (35 cts.) bong by Wei linro. Goin?to Market. (35 cts.) bong it ia Also beincr ramdly extended from crecu this morninjr as a token of respect . , ...u rinnt i p ran rt K Snner Favctteville into South Carolina. This i St. Irtrfck' Dar. ' L t.-..- . T?aa w-v is well. I The South Carolina extension - - - i II V nnnuLUL. JL ill kuu hujv,j uau i .... i r 1 r . i i: r . 7T x r. u r will Dean lmportauneeuur ior iue uuu. W r rwinMfwl to sav thnt services Asram. (30 cts. ) bong by unnstie. lio. Dn .u- most imDortant Dart ot the at St. James1 church will be suspended mancc for Piano. (40 cts.) by J. Iv. whole system still remains untouched onaccountofreDarrsuntillla. m.. of Paine. The Bat. Polka Caprice. (35 ne gap ' J i . rnn i mil imhi, is liuimii'ii liik iii;iii cts.) by W. G. Smith, lieiter uauop. nfiVfir . - -th imnortant Violin and Piano. (40 cts.) by Winner. local roaci simply because it is folly to expect, in this day of cheap and rapid At ICIclimond CoTlesre. transportation, for any considerable ... . r 1 . l . i . hAon auanuty oi ireignt, anu travel to oe We invite the attention of ourcitizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. OIEO. AGOSTINI-In this city, March 17, 1824, x-AoyuAt. ir. auuixi, agea ii years. The funeral will take rdace from the real dence of his father, No. 19, South Sixth street, to-morrow(Tuesday) afternoon , at 3 . 30 o'clock , inence 10 t. 'i nomas' cemetery. Star copy. , I NEW AOVEKTI8EMENTS. Friday, March's!. vrHufo entered upon his 83rd J woa rebrcary 26ih. Tbe French Ttraaect struck a medal in bis Ptescatatioa or which was "feianoftbe celebraUon. Ia the J?1 the avenue caUed alter cae, croirdj of hU friends and ad- ?tn flocked to pay him homage, dnwicrroom was filed with choice . en t Iroai all part of the conn-try. Tbere has been an enormous increase Jears ia the consumption of drugs ff ia nervooa afiectiona! In the Cen "Uwpiul pharmacy oi Paris the isocstol broaidt ol polaasiam sold in was but three kilos; in 1S70 it had iacrtajed to 330 kilos'; in 1575 to 730 and for tho past tea yeaa bad T orec Paris ia like propor U!1J Qainiae, morphine and bromld nid to be the three treat popuUr ncl drakaUon." 01r b UxUmtlQ&xzSmUhH Worm UiU lydw 4KnIfflits ol' Honor. Carolina Lodzo No. 434. Regular meeting this evening at 7i o'clock. Full flltendajjco desired. It. The mcale are prevailing quite ex- they are anlicting the people all along the lino of the railroad s between here and Weldon. Dan. baraue Maryarila, Fundcr, i t a n.:Ai.i.i1 I 1 I M V 1 A LILU SA.W W WW M h A. U WbtW & llli preaching in, Richmond, Va., durms anrl either stoo there or be transDortecf i tho last week, assisting Kev. ur. naw- by river steamboats, (if it 'is wet, thornc in a scries of meetings, addressed weather) to Wilmington. If the ga r t:i ,! riiorro shall be filled up. then, instead ot bein mU SmUCUlSUi xviuiiw I nm 1.1 if r;i! ot . . . flt LUCiv awrna vuui aw iti v vuvv vw Wednesday last, ine aaaress was ci imo the nucleus of a creat State- marked force ana ability, as might have system , which, like the nerves of the Koon nTwvtoil intersDcrscd with aDDro- body, will permeate the whole country. artia. r unuer. "rT:7..:: - ..i:.:Ls Fayettcvil c will be a great distributing cleared to-day for Hamburg with 2.937 P"ai auwv,w, . , center, and the fine port of Wilmington valued at S1-509.CK). hits, it was an earnest euort auu maue wh,cn can easily be made equal to any J ,r , r. a nrofound lmnressionupon nisnearers on tne Atlantic! seauoaru, win teem He urged upon them tne need 01 an cx The "OM Hickory" I? ARM WAGON, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, J Carts, Drays, Buggy Harness, Carriage Harness, Bockaway Harness, Truck Harness, Cart and Dray Harness. Collars, Uamcs, Blind Bridles, Trunks of all kinds, Bags. Sacks' and Satchels. Eepairing promptly done by skilled workmen. i MCDOUGALI, & BOWDEN, Next to D. A. Smith's Furniture Store, mch 17 barrels rosin. Shipped by Messrs. Sakes Alive ! -yy HAT STOVE IS THAT ? WHY IT'S THE "BARLEY SHEAF". Something NEW, and SUCH AN OVEN! Bakes beautiful ; it's a joy to any household; lake In a whole steer at once; size of oven for No. 9, 2U' "x2I' xl5 Inches. Only by PARKER & TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. J mch 17 CHOICEST & FRESHEST GItOCERIES obtainable. For tho Lenten season j ' 1 New Catch EXTRA MESS MACKEBEL i 1 .1 ' ELEGANT PICKLED SALMON, . I " I I BONELESS CODFISH A HAKK. Our Itoyster's Candy excels all others lo PURITY. No terra-alba'd lndlgestiblcs. No glucose or other foreign In- f I ! gredient3 are u?ed In Its manufacture. We ad- I i ' i. rise atrial box; will guarantee Jts effective ness. .' I- : P. L. BRIDGEBS & CO. mch 17 11D North Front St. TlieW.rW.&0.1t.R.Co. JJAS OPENED ITS OFFICE AT 119 Prln cess st. The Secretary will receive subscrin. a 1 . . nous anu assessment on stocs eacn uav be- a. - 1 . .MA A . , iwcen mo uoure 01 4 ana t o ciock, p. m. - ,4 T- M- CHESTER, Prcst men 11 01 iiii 1884. Easter. ! 1884. ! i l-'l Munds Bros. & DeRosset i rjlAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING tljat they have a few exquisitely HAND PAINT- ' ' I .' 'i hi . ED EASTER CARDS, which they Will be i i - pleased to sliow ttelr numerous customers i.i The same degree of excellence displayed In . C their.Chrlatmaa Cards, for which existed such a nattering demand, will be obterved In these. as It Is the purpose of this! hand painted goods. Arm to lead Jin fine I mch 13 office in this city purchaser is requested to call at tho Postoflice for information. Rachel Kelly, colored, was before tho Mayor this morning, charged with dis orderly conduct. She was found guilty and a fine of $5 was imposed, in de fault of which she was sent below for 30 days. . There was the usual gathering at tho corner of Front and Market streets j this afUrnoon. Tho people began to. collect soon after 1 o'clock and the throng con tinued to swell until ihcre were several hundreds in attendance. . We have received from Mr. P. Heinsbergcr a beautiful song and chor ns entitled "Come to my Arms, Norah Darling," composed and sang by Mr. Charles Konollman, the popular vocal ist. It is not dlQcnit, bnt has a very pleasing melody well soiled to the words. Price 35 cents. witn Dnsy lite.: ine liags oi every nation will- deck and beautify the of ' the noble and Wilming- wisdom. even the wisdom which cometh ton will reich out its arms of commerce. .1, frn.,1 nhnvr " I iiwl uuij ivj ..cawsiu xwiui A postal note for two dollaas, payable cucation and tbe supreme im- glrfc waters in New York, was bought at the Post- ponccof "getting the best of all (jape Feart office in this city on Nov. C8th. The micinm ot-nn thf nvic(lrm which Cometh ton will reich out Ilibeniiau Association. The Hibernian Association, of this city, celebrated the 18th anniversary of their organization loalay by march ing from their hall to St. Thomas1 Church, where divine services were held appropriate to the Association and tho occasion. After the services were concluded, they returned to their hall and proceeded to tho election ot officers to servo for the ensuing year with tbe following result: President F. H. Darby. Vice President D. O'Connor. Hon. Vice President James Reiily. Treasurer L. Brown. Secretary Jas. Cor belt. AssH Secretary Wm. Sheehan. Tbe Association decided to gi?e a grand ball on the night of Eastern Monday. but across the Blue Ridge and Alleghan ies to the fertile regions of Tennessee and the broad and favored domains of Ithe Father ol2 Waters. oThc beautiful State of Franklin, the daugh ter of North Carolina, once oura i in political dependence, will again be bound to'us by iron chains of com merce. Wilmington can then compete with her great sisters North and South for the foreign traffic of the Western States. Iiv all means let WilmiO'rion awake, let the whole country awake i t- the importance of thi3 work. j Dr. F1 C. Miller comes to the front to-day in a new ad vertisemen t. He has a lull stock of pure drugs and fancy goods, which are to be sold at close prices, and will also display a beautiful line of Easter cards. ! . i - - Silver Plated' T Spoons. Forks and Knives of best quality, and at manu facturer's prices, can be found at Ja cobi's Hard ware Depot, t j Sportsman's Goods. WE HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT o f English and Belgium Breech Loaders ever brought to this market. AUo a first class stock of Shells, Wadding, Prlmcrs.Cart ridge Bag3, Gun Caps, Game Bags, &c. Jn fact we can show a stock of Hardware. Good goods and guarantee prices. p W. E. SPRINGER & CO., Successors to John Dawson A Co., mch 1 7 ; ! 19, 21 and 23 Market fetieet iAwnings. -yyE MAKE AWNINGS OF All Kinds. Get ur estimate before placing your order. Mat tresses renovated, furniture upholsterod and repaired, and the handsomest stock of FUR NITURE, WINDOW SHADES, Ac, Ia the city, to be sld at low down prices, by Prang's Easter Cards. JJECEIVED BY EXPRESS TO-DAY A large and most beautiful assortment of FINE PAINTED EASTER , CARDS . They arc now on exhibition. 1'lcase call and I see them and make your select ions at - HEINSBERGER'S, mch It Lire Book and MaalcJBtor, Don't Pay Rent. - ' w m-r uwAiaJia jtm. X ! li rxfir- iwniincj jurtaie, on ice insuument! iff I plan. In this city I have sol i over i one hundred and fifty Lou and Houses i I and Lota to parties who have paid In full for ! i II-' them, by lnstaJDicnU monthly payments. i I ' li i I ' Also, I have a large number now ou my books, making regula monthly payment xm own homes and get clear of land- I mch 17 THOS. C. CRAFT, Agt., ' Furniture Dealer, 33 So. Front Street W. & E. S. LATIMER, ! Attornevs-at-Law. Office S. E. Cor. Prlnctas and Water Sts. jaa i - i who arc and will soon Ijrflrulc. Money loaned to those Vlshlng to bull !. ' I Apply to n mch 5 JAMES WILSON. Home's Garden Oystprs ARK CONCEDED TO BE THE I BEST. They are to be had only at the Old jN'orth State Saloon, Ko6,bouth Front iJU I . Ice cool Lager Beer a specialty. The beat Whiskey and purest Wines soM In the city. I - CIg.ra as good as the best. Call and be con Ttnccd. ,-..- ? feb?2 For Decoration. JUST RECEIVED AX ASSORTMENT OF CCP3 AND SAUCERS for decoration. GILES A MURCHISON, . , arorchleoa Tlotk.