The Daily Review. MSH. T. J AM MS. FUuu A n.S. MONDAY'. MA CII 17.. IhM KnU:. t tb fvUttco at, ... scron-l U r Alter. Uolj Gt.'Jol Utn of iron rail were produce! 11 this country l.i$i Jar. while ihe prolog, uf sUxl raiU amount', cd tol.CU.700 ton. Tho HriiUh pro duc'.ion cf atcvl rail wai 1.ij7.!71 ton. dcrin?thAmRvMr h..t?i;u-.kt..n...r! hy were the broker hi inc ps . ...... - i ?73 lKC Pharaoh daughter? liccauic uwnucr iuku; writ: m u;m. to be rolled in in cails. at it they aught add to tbeifj reputation lor cdtumon sense by cooling their ardor for the foreign accent j and being a little less eager tr entertain - foreign count who aYe mainly known at Ivrnc by their American reputation. MISCELLANEOUS M Altll ASIItTII. j Why was Joseph tho rdiaibteal man ; mi record? Uccausc Pharaoh nialij him a ruler. j It rains alike on ihe jut ar.d toe nn-. just, but on the just mainly because the I urijut have borrowed their umbiellas. J Why were the brokers in the panic ol uiiiij : they :itd a iui:e propoci irom ruci nr. me L.nns. i Oje our.i' mansai i to another: 'It' a lone way from litis world lot he next On. never mind, fellow." aid te A Iars-j lighthouse, with a iuht of the first order, has been erected at the lishthouso department d. iHit. Tomn- other; "you'll a I down hid " kiosviilc. S. I., tolfsi the practicability I "Votl aro saM a woman to r.u t .!. i. . . . 7, ' her on, who was remonstrating acamst of the electric lijjht for liithttnuse. All her inarrvintf a-iin. tcs. mother: he the appliance. uch a engines, pencm- replied. "1111 so weak that 1 cmu'i go a ton. Sec . are prepared and waiting for step-father. Pcrhaiu is historic It was nentral ground d arinjf the armistice between Sherman and Jchsson. Soldiers of both armies tiled their pouches vrith the tobacco stored there, and. after the surrender, inarched hoar.e ward. Soon orders came from Eist.Wcet. North and South, for "more of that elegant tobacco." Then, ten men ran an unknown factory. Now It employs 800 men. uses the pink and pick of thu Golden Belt, and the Durham Bull is the trade-mark of this the lat tobacco la the world. BlackwelTs ttuil Durham S racking- Tobacco has the largcct Mle cf any smoking tobacco in the world. Why? Simply because it is the best. AH dealers have it. Trade -mark cf the BulL globes to arrive Ironr. France, where they bare to oe made to order. Mr. Herbert Spencer, having been asked to aland as a Libera! candidate for member of Parliament lor Leicester. writes declining to abandon his work for a political career. lie says he could not agree to txs merely a delegate Toting aa desired br bis couttiiuenti. bu should alwajs act upon his own judg ment, so that there would be a continual aougonlim between blm sell and his coostitoents. Buiiaeis Ij so dull in tho" New York stock exchange that the horse-play of members has increased to the last pitch of silliness aod stupidity. A new mem berla hazed with a rough cits 3 which would not be tolerated at West Fuint. It would be a good plan for some man ot spirit to indulge in a 'little vigorous coffin, eioce tho governing committee of4ho exchange .proless thernselyes unable to protect members in the busi ness forwbich they hare boueht the pririlege of membership. A New York letter says: ' A very unusual religious manifestation, indi cating what many interpret as a drift towards Eplscopaliaoiira, comes lo us from Brooklyn in the shape of a con ference of pastors of many of the Pro. tenant caurhes orer there for the pur poie of considering some plan for the observance of Lent. The corderenc was hM at the Central liaptist Church, and tho result woj a decision to h1d daily prayer meetings in each of the churche the week alter next , bes idt? which a union meeting will be held :.i some of the churches each lay . The Ker. Mr. Heecher intlueuce ha been thrown into the scale in laor ol it. . . - . - There is now an unbroken line ol railway between the i;reat cilics of the United States and tho leading capitals l Mexico. The last spike in the Mexican Central Kadroad has been driven, and on tho 1st of May. the national holiday of Mexico, the event will be comiiicni orated with, elaborato ceremonial, in which the President of the Uepublies will take p-irt. This new eiitrririe binds two countries together in com mercial brotherhood. Mexic will jjive her trade to the United States, and m return the UuitcdSutcs will send Mexi co the implements of azriculture and manulacturc that will develop bec many resources and give hr a new and bu industrial life. Thirteen Yeare Iy6eisi;i. "I fuffercd with dyspepsia for 13 years." writes John Albright, Esq.. of Columbus. Ohio. !'&imarilan Xervinc cured me' As it always cures'such disorders. At druggists. army now SHOUTS. A Massachusetts woman is suing her mother-in-law for $25,000 damages lor alleged slander. Mr. Frederick Rietbrock, of Milwau kee, is the possessor of a turning lathe with which, iamily tradition says Maximilian I of Germany, used to divert his thoughts from his matriraon ial complications. The cost of the German reaches $110,000,000, and is met with much dilliculty . It has been demon strated that Russia is . deeply in debt. and can only borrow now on ruinous terms. , i The Secretaries of State. War and the Navy have ordered the recoval of all wires ou the roof of the new State. War an'l Navy Department buildinir. The wires will be af once put under ground. The oldest Freemason in England. James Newton, died ! in Yorkshire, suddenly n few weeks ago. in his &U:h year. He had been Tyler" of tLc lodge in the town where he livad for o years, uae or his associates years sgo was the lenowned centenarian. Matthew (ireatbead. j A correspondent writing' of the Mex ican K'rls says: "Tue rich are bo verjy rich that they have no ambition; the xor m desperately ioor that they have no hope, lo fpeak oi Tna daughters; l the wealthy pas their lives m va cuity ; ibse of i he pior are so poorly ed and dressed that they nearly s:l Iook hungry-bitten and ill developed. Take .er- Sarap;irilla in -the spring 41 ttiu year lo purity the bio d, invigorate ihe ytlUl extite the iivei to action, a-ul restore the! healthy lone and vi;:"r ol LOOK OUT! DURHAM BULL F I AM 1 - i:- i l aiTfcsMa i f iSr'ssji r r I" - "i m' -- " df'l bacco, m he was told, he ?;i, wouldn't have befn cornerea oj uu oau. X MISCELLANEOUS. ICAtLIlOAIlS, c THE BRIGHTEST and BEST! Wilmington &f Weldoo Railroad Co mi) any. i DATLI, SF f-WEEKLY, tfEEKLT Ah'D S b ADA T EDITIONS. A 4 J. LI L!l l lta na i inch 7 lyd nrra cfrt AVhat to Do Then. When rhfctiniaUsm racks the Jo'nt then ask for Benson's Capclae Forus Piasters i-rompt. sure. 23c. I reo aa w 7 Great Monarchies OF THE ANTINT EASTERN WORLD. 1)7 Pawlinaon. Three laxire volumes, over 700 Fino Illnstrations Trice reduced from 18toSL- Not sold br dealers. Books sent for examination beforo payment, on evidence of good faith. Specimen pages ana lareecai aloeue free. JOHN Jt. ALUEN, Pnbllsher, IS Veeey St , N. Y. P. O. Box 1227. feb 25 4v ftafc Nearly as effec tive as abtctiu-t-r; about one third first cost. ei'J le9 than Vne- tenth an- REMINGTON AGRICULTURAL CO. LION, New York Th8 REMINGTON HORSE-POWER FIRE ENGINE 1 nnal ezpensa i-tor repairs. ll-n For deecrip. Ctivecirculars with testimo. Q 11 JUL9 chHiiistn. the whole i!zysie.ti rue- SCllINTiriC. FAY'S CKhBUKATEl) . WATER-PROOF MANILLA ROOFING. Itencnblt9 flna leather; for ltoofa, Out elite Walln and inside in plae of plaster - Very strong and durab!e. Catalogue with ? totlmr.nialsand eamplcs FKEK. Jstah- lished In 1SS;, , W. II. FAY A CO., Camden, N: J, ) feh 25 vr 2 1 Northern newspap.s ol tho Rpubh exu pattern continue lo assert that there is but little security lr lf" anl property at the South. They boan this srt of . Iyiujtft alter the war. and they have kept it up ever ainra with a pertinacity much more persistent than commend able. For a considerable, time such assertions were received by id rwnp!e of the North a fact, bui they do no, bceni to be id much va'.ue l enpitalits and manufacturers uow. a is hop by the fact that within the lal t unlh mure lhan $-25 00O.WW !. Ni-ithern capital baa been invested here in the Sooth, and there i? reasonable grotm'j suppose thai lh investmenls in this lawless section during the current year will amount to at laH 100 000 000. It very evident that lhi a rtd hue and cry has ilone about all the mihicf it could, and sooio niher terrible b'.t-od curdling bugaboo will have to be in vented to keep capital fiom coining bero. Young Eogtishmen are to bo Boy muh! br the New York clubs. The objections to them am not personal like those urge! In England against the American hog; but it grows out id a feeling on the part of American travel lers la Lad on that the law or social reciprocity U obsrTcd only upon our aide.. At a rule the clubs ol our me tropolis are open to all tho titled Eog- llshmen 'who care o takeaaraniage o .u-... lato rears honors have been Terj easy at our club dinners. Dot oo the other band, when an Amer ican of any -landing goes to London the charge it that bit knowledge ol clubs Is too olten limited to what can besto.en by looking through the widows on Hc adilly or lunching with a dub man at a co mm on restaurant. The young cut awajt In New York announce that this fcai gese lar enough, yhile they are I A-aiher wheels are uiadd in France for railroad am! other ears. The iu veitiorot the pnnuHs is M. de la Rocho. liuLauncd butlilo hides are cut into .dii.. ami ihese aie built up into solid disks, wh'eh aro airoimly held tgether by two iron rins alter ittvy have been .-ubjecu-d lohvdrauUc iireasuro. A curious method d sinking halia in quicksands, and in any situation where i uniting water proves an obstacle to liic ordinary method of procedure, h:iS leen inv. ntcl by llerr I'oetsch. 1 lo boreholes arc titled with pipe ckiniain ing h freezic? mixture. tint Uu; wet round is Irt'.'.'ii hard, and ean 1m dealt with like dry txdl. j ; A tecrtit t Uiei:d report saysjlhal t lie mercury in South Australia often riio4 in summer to 115 decrees in the hade, and this ha been exceeded tn several occasion. In January, IS6J. it reached UK decrees, and iu January, 1SSJ. it was IIS degiees only 3- ilegrcc below boiling in the sun. Americans will after this fed quite cowl in what they call hot v ater. ' Th whale is not a hh. but i a car nivorous cetaccaa iu:imiu:tl. with a dshdike l.rm. ol which there are several l:nnili .t-i tii b:i!;caida. physcurula aal de.phinidce. Tnc first to are eiitr:ii"i:-;y rire. erabracioi: the ba'CvMi ai.d sperm wials. while toe ial er etuluuces the doiphin, norpoie. ifa hi pus am' u.i r ha I . T.-.o w halo was tegarded as .i li-h ecn by naluralisls tiih- tinidot .iir;e;i.-. und arc so now by person ignorant !' natural history; but they arc true luammrl. warm biKxlrl. airbteathiu animals, briug ing It-rlh their young, nnd :mckling 'hem fr tome time. tb:!o lih have iiinuf these peculiaritit 1 Musty grain, says Ihe MiUii.a World, totally until lor use and which can scarcely be ground, may b. rendered sweet and sound by simply immersing it in boinmc water and letting it remain until the water becomes cold. The quantity of water mnst bo double that of tbe grain to be purified. The musty qualities rarely penetrate through the busks ot toe wheat, ami in the very worst casrs it does not extend through the part which lies immediately under the skin. In the hot water ail the do cayed or rotten grains swim on the sur face so that they can 1 be removed, and tho remaining wheat is effectually clean ed from all impurities without any loss. It must be completely and thoroughly dried afterward. "Mens sana in corpere sano:" "A sound mind in a sound body1" Is the trade mark of Aliens 13 rain Food, and we assure your readers that, ifdissalis tied with either wcaknc&s of Brain or Codily powers, this remedy will Dcrmanentlf strengthen both. SI. At druggists, or by mail from J. 11. Allen. 315 Firt Are. New York; City, cod&w 1 haro a poviUra remedj ror the above disease ; by Its vo thousands of cases or the worst kind and of Ions undin have beaa cured. Indeed, so stron is my fvith iaita efficacyTthat I wffl send TWO BOTTLES FUEH, tojjetaer with a VALUABLE TRKATISE on this d:sefe. to any snffrT. Give express and P. O. addreas. Da. T. A. SLOC U at, 181 Pearl St. Jtew York. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. YOUNG MEN TO LEARN TELEGRAPHY. No rh irp unless si uVdon arc furnished AiM'CM with fitamp, 1'ESNA aril NEW JKKSKY TELEGRAPH C..Maln Oflico 920 Chestnut -"treet. Phllv dclpbla. Pa., Uranch Office 5it Market Street, Wilmington, Del. Icb2." Iw ? TflE WEW YORIC FOR 1884. Orrxca or GssaAL Sufkritexdkivt, Wilmington, N. C j Not 17, 1SS3. The - . small orders hihef Prtow - Change of Schedule. AN AND AFTER NOVlt 18, IS33, AT 1.05 V7A. M., Passenger Xralna on the Wlimln ton A Weldon Railroad will run as follows : PRESIDENTIAL YEAR. Now Proprietor! New Kditors! New Life and Blood ! DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TBAINS DAILI NOS. 47 NOBTH AND 4S SOUTH. Leave Wilmington. Front St. Ieit. 8.53 A. M ArrlTO at Weldon 2.S1 P. M Leave Weldon 1 3.00 P. M Arrive at Wllm'cton. Front St. Jit, 8.40 P. M Fast Tnxouou & Passkkoeb Tkaik DATLT No. 40 80CTH. Leave Weldon.; 5.50 P. at Arrive at Wllmgton,Front SL D'p't 10.5 p.jii MAIL Ah'D PASSENGER TRAINS DAILT Six months ago THE WOtLD commenced its new career. Its growth ;has been unpra cedested. Its wonderful advance In clrcula tlon, la advertising, lnlnflaence. La popularity, warrants the claim . ot a leading position In New York journalism. No.'43 North. ? Leave Wllmlmrton a.(X V. M Arrive at Weldon Z.'i.O A. M, BIail a'd Passenger Tkaiks Noa 45 and 42 Leave Wilmington, (Sundays ex- j ccptei; 12.30 A M Arrive at Weldon 6 SO A M No expense or effort will be spared unUl Hvefe THE WORLD Is recognized as the GREATEST " fltWlnt"" V" .'Z.T aa well as the BRIGHTEST and CHEAPEST CtowSand MaoUa; 8lP PAPER in AMERICA. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road Leave Rock v The Wohld. as the leading DemocraUc JU nfTarS?.ftJ- V-20, P' , , . ... M- Dally, (Sundays excepted). Returning. newspaper In the country, knows no faction leave Tarboro at 10.00 A. M and 8 P.M. Dally! and recognizes no Individual ambitions or as- Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave pirauons aside from the general good of the TtliiL1 party and the Republic It seeks the triumph daily except Sunday. of principles not msn. It upholds great Dem Train No. 47 make close connection at Wel ocratle Ideas and Ideala-not a faction' or R"j! &SL?5 rl?f I TT , J "t" J .wy UIHiUVU VI hue flU I 1 JHB, At the entrance of the new vear the cev I Train No. 43 runs dallv and makes close con World desires to express Its gratitude for on for aucunta North via mchmondaud the heatty welcome It has received and the maghlflcent success It has already achieved. . a a Shoulders, y lb......."r sides: v fi.L.T::::;:i;r-- WESTERN SMOKED ' Hams.;..;..; - j Sides, V fiy..i.fcw..fVJlVr" 1 ShonJderr.vii DRY SALTED- ' sides, i v F Shoulders, ft 1'"''" "Wfll i ' new New BEESW, BUTTER. V!h North Carolina... Northern....-.. CANDLES, V lb- 4 , opcrm.... .. adow..... 1 ( rsew xork, each.... : Oj Citr.each ? a AX.w-fh.:: iw ?: vi 3d ? a a 10 o a CHEESE, V lb i li Q , IS Northern Factory.,;... I .. V pairy, Crtam.... .u.;.I" .Tf k Mate..... si.;hv 'Ta 1 rTr ,? .Adamantlac. COFFEE. V ft Java ...,!., Laguyra....... !... too.. a CORN MEAL, V bus.! h, ijHO . u cotton ties; v , r domestics . O U ahflettnf.1 -1.. , k.Tarna' w-bunch.. .''"'! t d - a m 1 - FISH v.v:r as A i .t t-. is. . 1 - 4UIAA.UXVU ie I. W Uni 1 St A i Mackerel, No. i, V half m ; J Jo II 5 Mul ets, bbl......4i.Mi.... 4 nin inra Kfttf rvtics ......... 7 00 N. C. Rne Hnrrlntr V. ' i 12 Dj - 1 1 s ERTITdZKRS, V S.Q00 fts- , - ' Its welcome comes from the people. Its suc cess la thel work. They have Indorsed Its merits by more than trebling Its circulation In six months, and by doubling its advertising. For this they are entitled to our warm thanks. No Democrat ought to be happy without THE WORLD. We call upon our Democratic friends In every town and hamlet In the Union to START CLUBS FOR THE WEEKLY. They will get the ablest, brightest and cheap est newspaper In the country, as well as an earnest and steadfast missionary and true Democracy. The Weekly World, 8 PAGES. 5C COLUMNS. i ONE DOLLAR A YEAR, CONTAINS i ALL THR NEW-, complete and interesting. WELL CONSIDERED EDITORIALS on eve ry subject, political or social. A FARMER'S DEPARTMET Full Agri cultural and Farm News. A LITERARY DEPARTMENT. A HOUSEKEEPERS' DEPARTMENT. A YOUNG FOLKS' CORNER. A CHECKER DEPARTMENT A CHESS I EPARTAIENT Washington. All trains run solid between WPmlngton and nasmngion, ana nave Jruuman 4 c3 avuwucu. ' -; Palace Sleep For accommodation of local travel a passen- y except i r coach will be attached to local freight leav g Wilmington at 7.00 A. M. Dally except bunaay, JOHN F. DIVINE. General Suoerlntendent. T. M. EMERSON, Genera-1 Passenger AgecL nov a . j Wilmington, Colrini hU & Augusta K. K. Co. Ornox or Gestebal Sufxrh tendkmt. Wilmington. N. C. Nov 17, 1883 i Change of Schedule. AND AFTER NOV'R 18th. 1883-t 4.33 A. M.. the following Paasenircr Schcd uie win be run on this road : f No.42 Leave Wilmington, (Mondays excepted) 7.15 A M Arrive at Florence ...11.40 A M No. 45 'Leave I Fi rence, (Sundays j excepted)..........,, 7.40 P M AOTHtraot- WIImlniYlnn FERl reruvian uuano, No, l ..57 m jm ' lo dob.... ..00 00 ea t Baugb's Phosphate....;. .....00 00 ii CarolmaFeruilzer.. .ij JSZ Ground lione-... ,.00 00' iutZ Bone MeaL. ..0000 TaZ " Bone Flotir..i;.i.i...;.,;...:.coeo 4 Navassa Guano... ...... .40 00 cut Complete Manure...... .......00 00 r ft ? Whann,aPhoephate..iMfc...OOoo Wando Phosphate...., .....00 00 $k Berger & Butt's Phosphate. .00 00 cess Excellenza Cotto-Fertlhxer.65 00 osji French's Carbonate of IAmQ... 1 00 m French's Agricultural Lime.... 8 00 ' a it FLOUR, Vbbl : -a v .1 ,-.;: J t . T . Fine. . ..M.........M, Ceo 0i Northern Super................. I M 0 4 - rnxxmiftbm. 1 s 00 OS I 0 Family 1 00 o 1 1 City Mllla Extra. W.V. ,;weDli i ' Family... ....... S 75 o 1 1 i . xtnr Famlhr S 10 s i wuifi v 11 a GRAIN, y. bushel- i xr.-.M corn, from store, bags. whits. Corn, cargo; hi bulk, whits; r $ Corn, cargo, tn bags, white.. . K I 1 - Corn, cargo, mixed, hi bags.' Oats, from etore;..;..W.....' 'Ol rk Cow Pea? l fo-eli f HIDES, 4 ft treen....i..;....f.v. li k DTy.;...;.;...,,...,,.,., II $ HAY,V100ft9- j - Eastern. ....;.-J I JQ g) North River;:;.:.-:..;:v!..'; w e s 14 in u . C REPORTS OUMKKUIAL MARKBT NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, LY-oa. NSWEKS TO INQUIRIES. VoaIi Janowrmnnt Ij oltlf mlltAl Q n t oil Ucctvn syeva sxa v aa ax ouay vvunvu. - combined make THE BEST DOLLAR WEEK LY IN AMERICA. THE WORLD SUBSCRIPTION RATES. POSTAGE PAID. ! Weekly, One Year...... Semi-Weekly, One Year... Dailv, One Year Daily and Sundat. One Year... Daily and Sunday, Six Months Sunday Edition, One Year Wectand 47 East. Leave Wilmington.... 9.10 P. Al Leave Florence 2.40 A. M Arrive at C. C A A. Junction 6.35 A. M. Arrive at I Columbia .40 A. M. Leave Columbia. 9. 55 P. M. Leave C, C. & A. Junction.. .......10.20 P. M. Leave Florence 4.33 A. M Arrive at Wllmlxurton. 8.23 A M Night Mail and Passenger Train, Daily w I 0. U W KRT. 6 00 266th Edition. Price Only $1 BY MAIL POST PAID. KHOW THYSELF.ii&l A CREAT MEDICAL WORK Orl MANHOOD. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Phv6lcal Debility, Prcmatuic Dcodne lu Man, Errors nf Vtitli. and the uutold mioCiit reeiillln? from Indiftcretlon or A book for crcry man. young, inid-tlo aged aid old it contains lh prc-ilptloDs for al! Jcutc and clironlc di(caCf, each oo ft whi- ii Is lnv.ilu able. o rmn 1 iy the Author, whosfl cxperl enre lor -i ycar"i4 Fuch as probahly never before fell to the lot of any physician. S00 pJ2t. bouh l Iu lcautilul Freuch muslin, cm oo&Mfl rotors, full pilt, puarantccl to l-c a aocr work in evervtienso mechanical, literary "d prnfHliii4l than any other work told tn thh country for or Uie money will bf re:uudcd u rverr lDt-Um c Price- only $1.00 by mill, post-paid. Illustrative sample 1 rts Send now. Gold nurUi awarded tho author hv fo; National Mcdlcul AfMclition, to the oITiots of which lie rciers. Tr.U IkxW houl I be read by the youn for Instruction, and by the afflicted tor rciicf. It lli lei;ctlt all London Lan ct. There Is no memkr f foctciy to whom ih's biK.k will not be useful, whether jouth parent, KuatdUn, lustructoror clergyman Argonaut. Ad lrc tho Pc.tiolv MMJcal InstLute, r Dr. W. II. Parker. .'o. 4 BuliCcch Strtet. Boston. Mam , who may be consul to I ou 11 1 dlc-fc requiring ! and experience. Llir!jle a-d otttinaUi dUcses that hno baftt-:l the aMll ot ail M P" A 1 Leave Wilmington..! ..........10.40 P. M. 7 50 Arrive at Florence. 1.45 A. M . 3 75 MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN; DAILT . 1 20 I No. 43 East. 1 Leave f Is re nee at ....35 P. M ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED i ArJiIf i-M at once In every upreprcsented district, to No. 40 stops only at Flemlngton. and Marlon. wnoin a i-iur-iu vuajnnooiu.i uv j rassengers ior Columbia and all points on G 10We.t I A (J. R- R. C... Ac It. R. StAMnna AlVen .Tnnit This is just tie season for j gents to excrtjuon, and all points beyond, should take the themselves In getting up subscription lists. I Nicht Express. . t . ttai cca ehculd be by draft on New 1 ork, Separate Pullman Sleenera for Charleatoi Remittal ' moner order or registered letter Send for any information desired, men t opics pent free. Add ices Sped- THE WORLD, dcc;il 31 and 32 Park Row, NEW YORK. Separate Pullman Sleenera for Charleatoi and Augusta on Train 48. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. Local freight leaves Wl'mlngton dally . cx- JOHN r. divine; General Stmerlntcndent T. M. EMERSON, General-Passenger Agent nov it I n PTJflOELL HOUSE. TTNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. WILMINGTON, N. C Late Proprietor aSc HoS. Irstlaaa "IC GKKEitaL Superintehokht, Tflrons vi. si ti f i.ooa In all IU swolntrnentR v Carolina Central R. B. ! Company. Wilmington, N. C. June 13tb, 1883 ' AT BOATWRICHT'S CHOICE j j FAMILY ' GROCERIES. otht r Such trea'ed smxcaefid i 1 f r lv without an In B fl H aZ3 C I pltyecisns a SXcK1ty. stancj of failure teb a-dw 4w NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. No fv. : v '.TVonk Alore . w,, ""sw -sw Kycs. IoLeroalioe to Fishermen: Tho cele- brall "Fuhw Braod Giliin thread is old 00 1 y al Jaoobi's II is tho Im- porlora A teat. t MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. A Certain. Safe and Effective Remedy for SORE, WEAK AND INFLAMED EYES. Producing Long-Sightedness, an 1 Re storing Uie Sight of the Old. Cure Tr Drop. Granulation, Stye Tumtrs, Red Erea, Al&td Eye Lashes, and Pro ducing Quick RcUe Perma nent Cure. Also, equally edcacloua wben used In other naaUdlea, such aa Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tu mors, Salt Rheum. Burns. Pile, or wherever lot! animation exists. lilTCUELL'S SALVE may be usfed to advantage. 1 Sold by all DnizgUta at 25c feb 3-4w John C. Davis, ATTORNEY AND" COUNSELLOR AT LAW, WlLXDroTOH, N. OOoa over the Baal of New Hanover. Practices la all the Coorta of the State. Special atteatloa patro2th csolieetloa of claims. mot 54tf OUR GOODS ARE NOT SURPASSED (Juali -IN- y and Cheapness ! Everything Guaranteed as Represented. John L. Boatwright. j 1 & 14 NORTH FRONT STREET, fan 25 Change of Schedule. QN AND AFTER JUNE ISth, 1883, THE following ecneuuie will be operated on thl RaUroaa : . , PASSENGER MALL AND EXPRESS TRAIN Dally except Sundays. ) Leave Wilmington at.. .....'.7.00 P M No. 1. Leave Raleighat.. ........ ..7.35 P. M ) Arrive at Charlotte at 7.00 A. M ) Leave Charlotte at.... .8.45 P. M No. 3. J Arrive Raleigh at 8.30 A. 'M ) Arrive al Wilmington at.. ..8.25 A 31 Passenger Trains stop at regular stations only, and points designated m tho Company's Time Table. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally except Sundays. Leave Charlotte j.... 6.SO p Ji Axrtve l Shelby... g.00 p! M. Leave Shelby 70OA.M Arrive at Charlotte lolso A. S Trains No. 1 and ? make close connectlcn . Hamlet with R. A A. Trains to and from B elgh. . ! . j Through Sleeping Cars between Wllmliigtoa and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte Tako Train No. 1 for Statesvllle. Stations Western NCR Ii, AshcviUe and points West Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens Atlanta and all points Southwest.' L. C. JONES. F. W. CLARK-GenawJ &2ZZZZr?ZZl l 4TTT1A 1 " f5 , A Kainit. Kainit. GENUINE GERMAN KAINIT.' mported direct. For sale br r . , KJCRCUNER A CALDER BROS. mch3 Groceries. Groceries. HOOP UECm.J ft.,f f.W.L,,,, LARD. W ftv- . . : ' T" Northern.....;.;:.;.;.!:- XV North Carolina...... 00iS LlME.j barrel I 140 si f LUMBER, City Sawed, M ft. 6hIp-Stnir,;rcsawed.M,,t.0J MS t Bough JEdge Plauk Wes t India Cargoes.aeeordliif i, wtB tiaiity,...,, ....,.....jr sis Dressed Flooring, a - Beautung ana Doara. com'n..i3 n ia MOLASSES, v gallon- New Crop Cuba; tn hhds.... OC I ' . ".7 - tn bble...... ... 10 I I Porto Rico, In "b ada.. 00 t I 1 r mbbls.;. ' 00 4) Sugar House, l&ahda. ........ to I I - 7 . lcubla.......... Sf I Syrup, In bbiB.V...:'.. ........ 40 I NAILS, V eg. Cut, lOd basis., 0 00 011 oils, v xrauon . . . - . . , Kcrosetie.v. ....;.;...;::...u hil't Lard...; 1 19 ill Lhiseed.:..;. .;;..; n Ro8tow-i......ik.i. ;.i.,..,; so all Tar .. ",00 a I ' Deck and 8par...-...r......Vr 00 S POULTRY , v ; . . Chickens, llve,"growa... I:.. " O '9' I Sprlna-. W I E Turkeys 79 awl PEANUTS V bushel.. ........ 90 1 POTATOES, bushel - f V -'" Sweet. ... ..;,...... 0 Irish, VbbL. tOO ill PORK. V barrel u: -7 .;, . r ' , . 1 , City Mess. .......23 SC aT F Prime......-...;..;.'.:.........1 00 ni RICE-Carollna. Jb.,....;';. Itough. V bushel 1 BAGS, 4 ft Country.......... - 1 City .....I....... ..i.V..;.' lfc ROPE, V ! SALT, V sack, Abam. i J Liverooo 00 i ! Lisbon... ...;;.... ........... 00 American f i 00 f ftCnba........... ' f j I.................' M . SUGAR, 4f Porto Ric A Coffee t Ex c : rmahid ' - . EtLa vxnsneu....i............iM.. - SOAP, y ft Northern,. ...... BHLKGLE Common, Cypress c 1 m a. 7 in. Vii.v. ....... .iu w r.; IS . .... . . . ...... , ' TT -1 1 eP- yprecs Hearts............." Z.t STAVES, V M-W. O. Barrel..W R. O. Hogshead., ,.......-00 J tallow.V tt...-...:.......i Vj i4l TIMBER, y Meethlppnif.WJ g - Fine Mill. ...,............ll 2 Mil Mill Prlme.....'.....i... I f 'J x Mill Falr.....,f....,;.;i-. , 4i r Common Mill..........-" ' ill -Inferior to Ordhiary .;. Lf It I WHISKEY, Val Northers.. I i North Carollna..v;.......:-l ! '1 .'am m 1 unwashed.. 1 Burrr....... ..;..........; "V-r mall yoares,ri; box of sample good that wid TJZi way of making more money yjf you over thought tKselbe 5 Capital not reoulred.--WS will lOpgj can wora au the time or m rwr Tke work Is tmlveraally adapted Wf, young and old. you caa easr cents to $5 every evening- aa t work may tost the business, w" Tv oarallelAd offpr- to all who arS 9a fled we will send $t to pay MZLm' writing uaJ Full par lara. ; sent free Fortunes wlU be who tA n thel rcrhola time IO tM rz succeaa absolutely sure. DonJ now. xaatma arrxso" Maine. nov ru 1." thePreSdeBMr ThA larest best book ever sold for Jeai JfJpf price. The fastest scums' Immoral mnflbi-tA Mtlli. ceasrui as Co..i'pril se pnnltsrto ages . wies want it. Any: one can rjl agent. - Terms free. 'Jt7, riflandMstoeif SUGAR, LARD, MEAL, CORN, LYE. 6XAKCH, 4 CANDLES, . K . nun m p COFEB. VJ MOLASSES. RICS. OATS, --C rOTASU. VV CXII m FLOUR. - W R M W . JgT A COMPANY WHO PROPOSE TO I SALT, stabQah a manmfaetary thereon. weH-tlmhcr I ha. ed cypress lands. Parties who may have such I SODA; ' land to dispose of are requested to common! j MATCHES, Mr-Joh T. James, at Wilmington la pemon NAILS, gmyr - c a MS Full prrteolars aa to exact location afhnH. I ollUi..l , CAPS, Ac. f umoer 01 acre, prooaoie yieia of timber 3 the acre and ; lowest price, must be ma la anowm. - joiln T. PATRICK. rr: v, . mu Stttt,B,a,mSSSJ::v jBrcunericvnitterJiros. . ' tun A TJT3 Tf7T? Send stt.? r J. JJLJ.ZJU and rwh ' box , of goods which wlB JSi J money rbt away than "TLi & world. AIL of either sex. S1 1 hour The broad road 10 i tbe.wOTkeTs,-absolntely fTVSf I dreas, Tku 'Cp.. Ar.rf J ' san rr rrrr b is--t n-nr-rtTMM'"''"" ft 5 ft i week at mf. LIGP O Pay absoJuieU Capital not required. EeaderjB bnaineas at which cersons of f , or old, can make great Py zTtV f work, with absolute eeTttlBtf.V ii 11 ii n a, in . w noT23-md lyw ft Al

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