jOSH T.JAMES, C3 ruaiu PAID: ttOO. Tare Oo month, M eat. -rtrTlOS fcr.u sit Z he denvtred earner. T7? ... the city. at abort wt,, any ana De!r pMrtrrif .... A ff-"""' " f.evUtr has the largest .. fotifv i sUvm vj " - tit . to have lost urn """""" . ss-r-r...:! i sua K.('i-r. iA,ifioin New Mexi- ?fx:iic . republican cooren- nommatcu be famous engine ' , t-v vV Island has ..oa .ho fai in slur.t-ur!ir;. . "7Z'h sivs that sherry is irccUre:achampsn? girl oata ana u" jck tie Jtf ir "r to rectct statistics the .ironekphoceBubscnbcrs in the Sibii 11.5, ami all other countries ... ,.;,!. siiln. He has struck Ubtx rxa tela ta oa of bis minei.-lljUialitUlte-waalitobc Gomnor iv. H .ai.t.cfOiiio, has defeated rJjT April 1 m Arbor Day in that bj tie pcop: to setting out lrot tret. v,' . MnJml tbouiand dozens of .-. - hmrm IfUOOrted tntO J6W Vcrk dsria tie past winter from Ger s3 j. aad tare afforded gooJ profi1 ulie i!ra!crs. ra.-Lc'.J. N. J., has been stnick by s tesrcrasco cyclone, and twenty-two Jrcd persons hate sigued the please abilain irom lasiiac vi uuuuuS ;tacr lor the future. a fcmh! iforni rared in New Or- 'at Woodsy night and one of thelev- tttiu broken and only by the ener gtik courts of I.COO men summoned by a rtztnl alarm of fire a serious ere fuse was prevented. Tta Northern Accident Insurance Company, of Scotland, declines to take farther risks in football and bicycling. Ttey claim that the danger is so great list the ordinary premium will not warrant them in assarnlnz the risk of accidents. r 1 H VOL. VIII. W LMINGTON. N. C. FRIDAY. MARCH 21. 1884. NO. 69 Mr. Edison, the electrician, is resting among the orange groves of Florida. I Tho Democrats of Rhode Island met in Convention on Wednesday and nominated Tbos. W. Scar for Govern or and Amasa Sprague for Lieutencnt Governor. It is understood that the delcsatcs to the National Convention arc in favor of tho "old ticket," Tilden and Hendricks 1 FIro at Smlthvlllo. . We Arc sorry to learn that the dwell ing of Mr. A. Bowers, situated in the eastern portion of Smithville caught fire at about 12 o'clock la3t night and, tos gethcr with its contents, was almost entirely consumed We could gather but few particulars but understand that the Ios3 is probably fully covered by in The blato Republican Kxecutivc Committee met in Raleigh on Wcdnes day and agreed to call the remnants of the party together in convention on May 1st. At the same time a lew hun gry deserters from the Democratic par ty met also and issued a similar call for the assembling together of the malcon tents on the samo date. ! The Xctcs and Observer says : unaiung wun toe uepuoiicans we discovered that the drift of sentiment among many of the leaders present yesterday was favorable to the nomina tion of a Liberal for Governor, and this we take it points to Con cress man York A"?.3fcni'"i!:".r for Smithville meet. These, we suppose, will amal gamate. U e also ascertained that the Republicans from this State would probably support Arthur for President Leal Holidays. There arc six days in each year re cognized by law as holidays, - the list being as follows: , New Year's Day, January 1; Washington's Birthday, February 22; Decoration Day, May 30; Independence Day , July 4: Thanks- giving Day, the fourth Thursday in November. Christmas Day, Dc cember 25th. . Lett Us. steam yacht it at the lime when the Natioal Con vention is held it should seem that he The little steam yacht Minnelialiat which has been upon the waters of tho Cape Fear for the last year, has been sold to parties in New York, and left this afternoon, whence she will proceed on her passage to that city. She is under the command of Capt. J. B.Pardee, of Catskill, N. Y., who has become one of the owners, and upon her arrival in New York will had a reasonable nope oi carrying jsew probably be put on tno Hudson river York and Uhio in tne Jail. Jiiaine and dut-in" tho nmqpnt vnn Logan, however, both have strong 1 friends. Tight Trousers. This means, WO Suppose, that Judge - Tiht trouspra will nnt h fashinna uusseu, iuo uwiricu uu uub-oiuc bie this ifpring. In lact comparative- publican, one oi me earnest pioneers oi w wid0 trousers will be the extreme the party in this State, and its brains in styie. Those most worn will be neither the East, is to be slaughtered in order very tight nor very wide. Frock coats that the new light, Dr. Tyre York, may will have a cood ran and four and five become the nominee of the Convention button cntawav coats will be worn. But won't he be more tired than ever The cutaway will not be as pronounced belore he gets to Raleigh I as it has been, and will onlylshow one When Howard wrote: "I find a pity waistcoat button. All the coats, even hangs upon his breast," tho fellow had to the sacks, are curved into the figure, evidently a cold and had not yet been and will fit snugly. Top coats also will informed that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup was the only safe remedy LOCAL NEWS. Heaiy ViDsrd, the lonner president of tie Nortiera Pacific, has lately made tsotier fortaseoat of a purchase of ml eiute in Oregon. He has sold one mestiofi tract of land m Portland fcr 1260,000. the first cost of the entire tract tiiiax been 1 15.000. A ftaily. named Shulthies, near Lcjil Htsna, Pa., havo become dan- trocs!y ill irom eating raw pork dun ! is tic recent floods. Trichinosis set ia, tit motierdied. the father is hourly expected to die and two sons are also prcbtbly doomed to death. Ti ab!e paisengcr car road in Chi tap racs ISO cars, where only 0 cars rt raa formerly by torse power. Hi horse cars carried 400.000 passen- la a jear, bat the cable cars convey est X30.o). tie difference rcDrcsentinz "crtajed comfort and less waiting. A Paris letter tava: "Mr. Jndah P Baala cay be seta every afternoon tit rooas of the Paris Chess Club. ikh overlook the gardens of the Pal KojiL He watches the camea in Prcirws with the deepest interest, but P-y himself, as his'physicians tot Caw it. Mr. Benjamin ap- Paa very broken in health." TU Kcw York niivrt ef t that a recetu beta declared in' Dr. New Ca i tisrti to Ust until the end ot this U Hi, VuTiX relations cease lea tccortfi-x to contract, and since ,7attiec!are4that be is no . nnacst raster, not havine been SSUcd. hi$ otDocenta ar willine to TV1 eata tie expiration of the contract Araeetinrfif erk batchers was held Saturday and fa aasocatMa was formed for protccr ?txIa,twllUlheI"Tle Mthe ruin f eoapetition or Western dressed ei. U was staud that this beef was PliatoNiwYorku the rate ol t , . carcasses a week, threatening to g'the wholesale butchers from the f?X. to ruia the business of the leather a tie -twaap to carUu the divl ds ot railroad and ttock-jards. g4todnvt to the slaughter-yards of west the oleomixraxiaa and butter- UOEX TO. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. II sins bekgek -Easter Presents C W Tates Cheap Standard Works Miss K K aekek-Spring IlaU and Bonnets be but to show off the figure. For suits checks and stripes seem to be fa- Yored, and diagonals will be put into top coats." Tho Eclipse on the 27th. Astronomers tell us that on the 27th of this month, at 9 o'clock in the even- Jit-jcDs Erds. a DeKosset Soda Water jng Neptunef on his way West will en Tbe receipts of cotton at this port counter Venus on her way East. When to-day foot up 60 bales. these rem tne same point ot ngnt as- censtonthey will be in comunction. The Cornet Concert Club held a Thcre be occnltatiori of one meeting for practice last night. - UlanP.t hv the other, that is. there will Bruuswick Superior Court comyenes be an eclipse. It is a very rare occur- at Smithville next Monday. the 24th rence and is said to be a very beauti- inst. Another beautiful morning and our streets were made lively with pedes trians. - f ul phenomenon ; but no one can be sure about that, because there is no one alive who ever saw. it. The last re corded was in 1737, and the last before that was in 1591. It will be something Radishes are being brought into mar- you neyer saw belore and may. never ket quite plentilul'y. Other Spring SCe again. vegetables will soon follow. mn T. Dock street, between Water and The following ii the text ot the bill Front, is a fine thoroughfare since the introduced into the House Dy Hon. w . pavers have completed their work upon J. Green, relative to . an improvement it. 1 in the star-route mail service: A bill to secure greater emciency in the starsroute mail service by requiring contractor to be residents of the State in which the route is located. Be it enacted by the ben ate and House oi iteprescniauves oi ine uuircu oiates of America in Congress assembled That no contract for so-called star-route service shall be awarded to any party whose actual and bona fide residence is not in the State in which one of the ter minal points of such route is situated. M . W Sec. 2. mat sucn non-reuaence. u New Uniforms. At a meeting of the Howard Relief Fire Engine Co., held on Wednesday night, it was decided to secure new uni forms, and the following style was adopted : Cap pf bide cloth', navy style, with a shield in front bearing in gold letters the legend. "H. R. F. E. Co., 1," the letters tjeing in a semi-circle on the outsido of the shield, and tne figure "1" in the centre. A fine gold cord encircles the band of the cap. Belt oi fancy white leather with red trimmings, the back bearing the legend j'A. Adrhn," and the front ,No. 1." Shirt of !gray color, trimmed with blue; with the monogram "H.R." in the middle ot tho breast, the buttons of gilt finished department patter j. The pantaloons are to be made here. The uniforms are expected to bo completed and ready for use about the 1st ot April. Tho Fire this Morning. xnc smau snop on the corner NEW ADyEBTISEMEyTS. OPERA HOUSE- WEDNESDAY, MAKCH 20. m THE CELEBRATED RENTZ-SANTLEY PVEITV AXD BURLESQUE COMPANY ! Presenting a rhalantf of 1( Beantifal M MM UAJ Arlisls-tG I Followed by a i SUPERB OLIO OF SrEClALTlES ! DON JOSE, the Spanish Dude. Reserved Scats 1. General Admission 75. dOc. Gallery 25c. Box Sheet opens March ?4; j r . men x tasjnc PLTAS2 KOTIOL TV will be glad to recelTO cemmniJcacoa troa onr trlcads ok any aa4 aQ subject ewtral Interest bot Jv ' t j .!;'" Tke name of. Hi writer inual always te fa nbed to the Editor. ! Commm!at!oM meal b-wrtttea oa oal onealdeof the paper. FeraonaSttea xatut be avoided And It la especially and parncutaxly cad flood that the Editor does not always eadoi the views of correspondents unless so stats la the editorial columns. I I NEW ADVinmSEMENTS. JUST OPENED ! AT Wanted rjlO BUY FOUR GOOD MILK COWS BY Mayj 1st. 3Iast give from 10 to 14 quarts f Address, J. D. SUBLTETT, Hotel Brunswick, mcli 23 tf SiaithTille, N. C. xuc smau suop on tue corner o kt a cii.i t Chestnut and Ninth streets, occupied as JNeW bpriDg btyleS I a grocery by Mr. Charles M. Galloway ttats, feathers, flowers,! neck at about 4.15 o'clock this morning. The alarm was promptly given, but the flames had gained such headway that the building with its entiro contents was destroyed before the fire depart ment could be of any service. The fire was evidently the work of an Incendiary From this building tho fire spread to the two story frame dwe'lling, occupied by Mr. Josiah H. Jones, which was only about five feet distant, and the flames worked so rapidly that nearly the entire upper part of the house was destroyed and the lower portion senousiy aamagea. Mr. Jone3 sue- "CUVE years rent will pur- IPv1o1 in C T7l n cr noarlv oil rtf Vi?a fn m i I .. "v-cwj 44 A clIASE A HOME. Building Lots for rare, cioming ccc, lor wnicn ne aesires . to express his gratitude to his neighbors 8aleon tne instalment plan on Castle, withont ree-jird tn sat nr map whn Church, Nua, Ann, Orange. Mulberry. Red worked faithfully . and carefully in pross, Gwyin, Rankin, Fourth, Fifth, sixth, rescuing the household articles from the seventh, Wilson, Eighth, Ninth. names. There was insurance on the WEAR AND OTHER MILLINERY GOODS. i . MRS. KATE C. WINES, No 119 North Second Street, meh2e next Post OJllcc. For. Court at Smithville. OTEAMER PASSPORT will run for passengers duriDg Court Week at Smlthyille, learing Wilmington daily at 9 a. m., and Smithville at 3 p. m. jmchSO 2t J. T- HARPER. Economy is Wealth." ' ' ' ' : tr1-.' I ' 116 Market St. FRENCH NAINSOOKS, Victoria and Persian Lawns, Pique, Marseilles, Cjiejksj ' 20,000 Yards - i ii EMBROIDERIES 1 - I1--:,- La J5 O 15 s; IN ALI? FULL ASSORTMENT, ALLNKW We wero clad to see Dr. S. S. Satch-1 well upon our streets to-day. lie has been sick for several days, but has re covered. There was a spirit ot I dullness about the City Hall this morning, with no offenders to trv and no tramps to send on their way. Miss . Karrcr will leave here on Monday next for the Northern markets established, shall work forfeiture of any for the purchase of new Spring and Summer goods. Silver Plated Spoons, Forks and Knives of best Quality, and at manu facturer's prices, can be found at Ja cobi's Hardware Depot. t Tho pavers this morning resumed work again on North Water street, and have made good progress during the dav. They are experience, workmen and have no time for id.e talk with any one. i contract of the class named when so ob tained. Cautionary Thcre arc a good many fine oranges and bananas now oh sale at our con fectionery stores and they find ready purchasers as they are very palatable and healthy fruits.' Care should be taken, however, in eating them in the streets not to allow the skins to fall and remain upon the sidewalk where pass liable to be thrown down by stepping upon the slippery things. A man may be a good christ ian ordinarily, but let a piece of oraange Mr. Berry Godwin, of Lumberton, who has been on a visit to Florida, for several weeks past, on business con- or banana peel cause him to unceremom- nfv!Ml with some land interests ho has ouslv seek a soft Spot on the sidewalk there, was in the city to day on his re- and his moral character may ! not be turn home. judged by his language. And the worst ; of it would be that he would be very Theafternoon concerts in front of the k t deal more lhaQ he City Hall are largely attended and the "T.. mmw j queen of tho forceps Is palling out teeth n a way that bids fair to make us a I Mr. Julian S. Carr. of Durham, in an toothless people, and is raking in the interveiw with the editor of the Tobacco dollars so rapidly that the pockets bid I Plant strongly advocates the nomina fair to be as empty as the heads we I Uon of Major Chas. M. Stedman for Lt. Governor. He says that be will not accept tho nomination, but shall do nil hA Mn tr vnrn tha nnm ination ol Mai. C. M. Stedman who he says he has long known. Ho speaks of Major Stedman in the ' most complimentary terms. In another column on the fourth VtiiimiMirirRmith,ir,nrm nanof this issue we print Mr. CaiT Oil. Ivd-w I interview. mean the mouths of those who trust themselvas to her manipulations. We invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts aro being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. U. buildings, which were the property of the estate of the late Mr. N. Jl. Fowler, as follows; Dwelling house. $950,! shop $50; both in the Niagara Ins, Co., of New York, represent ed in this city by Messrs. John W. Gordon ! & Smith. There was no insurance on Mr. Gal loway's stock, valued at about $200, which was a total loss. Mr. Jones had insurance on his furniture 'and house-. hold effects, mostly damaged by water, to the amount ot $300 in the Virginia Home, represented here by Messrs. Atkinson & Manning. ! No one knows how the fire originated. but Mr. Galloway thinks that the store mpst have first been broken into and robbed and afterwards set on fire to conceal traces of the robbery. We sympathize very sincerely with Mr. Galloway in hi3 loss. ' All of his ready money was embarked in this venture, and he had just begun to build un a nice little trade. He has a wife and seven children to provide for. ., . If you need a real good first class cooking stove, don't fail to see j the Ex celsior Penn., Zeb. Vance and New Emerald, besides others. They are to be found at factory prices at Jacobi's, who is the manufacturers' agent, t Tenth, Wood, Bay, Dickinson, Eleventh, Charlottej STYLES AND DESIGNS. ! -I BALANCE OF I ' WINTER GOODS ! ! - - SELLING OUT VERY CIIKAP, 1 ' "' i"!', TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets. Also, Houses and Lots for sale. ; Money loaned to those wishing to iraliu. Apply to mch 20 JAMES WILSON. Easter Presents. ! -. TJILEGANT AND RICH EASTER CARDS, JLJ j and all kinds of Easter Extravaganzas. j STEEL ENGRAVINGS. fJJ. M. KATZ 116 Market St. jan2l A carefully selected lot just received, inclu ding some beauties in AutotvDes bearing East- pt tftloa 4 - FANCY GOODS Of various descriptions, especially selected for Easter, and now on exhibition and com manding attention and rapid sale. In order to be able to satisfy yonrselvesin selections ior jaster, can early at HEINSBERGER'S, mch 20 Live Book and Music Store, i Price Hedticed. 'XXTE HAVE REDUCED PRICES ON OUR ft- 1 fancy LAMPS. Now Is the time to buy a .AT i 1 BOATWRICHT'S CHOICE I j ' ' FAMILY GROCERIES. OUR GOODS bargain. mch 19 ARE NOT SURPASSED GILES j MURCH1SON. Murchison Block. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. H Warm Weather AS CREATED A DEMAND FOR SODA WATER. Our Magnificent Apparatus la ready j to supply tho public with Vichy, Deep Reck, i Tate Epsom and Soda. . . i 1 ! For the present we siiull have the following t . Svrups, others to be added: Lemon, Nectar, VanilU, Ginger, Sarspaillla, Sherbet, Orange, Raspberry, strawberry. Pineapple, (last from the fruits themselves) and coffee, which cow! blned with pure fresh Cream forms a delicious : beverage. We arc determined to make a reputation it Soda Water, to keep It, and consequently to eu it. MCNDS BR03. & DEUOSSKT, mch 21 PruggisU, Market Street. Awnings. TTrE MAKE AWNINGS OF All Kinds. Get ur estimate before placing your order Mat- 1' " i ! tresses renovated, furniture upholsterod and I i - ... ' repaired, and the handsomest stock of FUR- ! . ! NITURE. WINDOW SHADES, &c. In the i i city, to bc sold at low down prices, by THOS. U. CRAFT, Agt., -IS- (Quality and Cheapness ! mch 17 Furniture Dealer, 20 So. Front Street W. & E. S. LATIMER, Attornevs-at-Law. - r Office S. E. Cor. Princess and Water Sts. jan 7 Home's Garden Oysters A RE CONCEDED TO BE THE BEST. They are to be had only at tke OW North blatc Saloon, No. 6. south ront U Ice cool Lager Beer a specialty. The best ujupn Everything Guaranteed!as Eepresented,' John L. Boatwright 12 14 NORTH FRONT STREET. ! mch 21 . i i i When the Painless Tooth TXTRACTOR WITH HER GILDED Chari - AH ot shall have gilded from our midst and the people have once more realized the' truth of the ancient pro glitters," don't forget! i where all the standard . and Fane rates. A F. O. MILLER'S Drvjt Store. mrh 17 Coner Fourth and Nnnsfs glitters," don't forget ! the old reliable t stand nc stanoara urcz Articles can be bad -at reasonable AU is not gold that Dregs, Sundries, Toi let ; ancient proverb n't at iney Art Also a fine line of EASTER CAULS Qnfinr Unin nni Dnnn ofp I I Whiskev and purest Wlnea sold lu the city. OUI Hlft I IdlO allU UUIIIIUIO I rClirs as good as the bet. Call and be con vinccd. feb22 ilHIP. MILAN, R. B. AND CANTON STKAWS, all new colors. BEAD CLOWNS from 50c to $2.50 each. BEADED LACE 50 cts. to 11.75 per yard. A very large lot of Warner's Health" and "Coraline" CORSETS. Respectfully, MISS E. KARRER, mch 21 Exchange Corner I Sell all Kinds fOUSTBY PEODUCE ON COMMISSION. ! lilhcs tzxiAr ket prices ntarantecd and prompt : IV . I,' I V I : A 1W Produce Commission Merchant and Grocer, I 114 North Water St.. Wilmington. JU. Jar Refers to Bank of New Hanover. feb26 ,, 1 ll TEA, B Shad. Shad. UCK AND BOE SHAD IN ABUNDANCE. It Don't Clatter 1 ( TT THE OLD TEAS IS GONE AND THE New Year, has come, HUMPHREY. JEN KINS A CO., axe still recelvlnx at their Oj ter liou-e. No. HJ eouta rronx ecreet, axrean supply every day of New iaer oysters, uys tersailppcdC. O. D. FreahJ Shell Orstcm Send orders to I . W. E. DAVIS SON. Proprietors of the only regularly mch 14 estabhahed Fishery in this section 5 and 10 cents Cigars, "AVANA FILLERS. To Arrive ! A NOTHER LOT OF THAT BONANZA A pound of good Tea and a China Cup -I )..!,' anl Saucer for 60 eenUf Could get but limited supply this week. Expected oa NT? ... . s j V ! York Steamer to-morrow. Leave onlcrs fr J i - f ltat once. Will also receive to morrow n' other lot of that GRATED PiNEAPPI-E, for i i ' i pies, for which so many of my customers hare been waiting, mch 5 For sale by I GEO. M. CRAPON, Agent, 22 South Front St For Smithville Court. ' E02 THE ACCOMMODATION OF PER sons desiring to attend. Court at Smith villa the new and fast steam yacht Louie will on ana alter Monday next, f in insc, leave alvaja on hand, &c faaa H - -- nn yniatagtoa at 9 o'clock, a. m. Returning. Drus and Medial firatio of the tlxhest jradat I wharf fot of bock c tree L jno. x. scnoNiTAXjjnts, ' r wiltteehs. jan 11 Drcj- and PrecripUoa etcro i tizhlB and Owner.

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