I Bandars x- JOSH T. JAMES, rm an SC&3CRIPTIONS Kxm AJTD ntOFEIXTOB. rO STAGE PAID: Six months, 3.wu cm'.tl-: Ooemooih.lS eeni. T7rsirwtfl be delivered by carriers free J,rsub-rtir -rt any and all fall ) . rc tbrtr par regwlarly. 77 Mt7y fovicui has Uu. lirgcst Jf. fM circulation, qf any nnctpopcr LOCAL NEWS. ""nan TO w aDVIETISEMEITX. 5:. Jtrvh OIL c w t Tw-Lok Hots i;.hli.I5)s Rent. j rJiiiLL.u... u.-lsii. l!Cuuu-Crut Sensation j W cuoiAT-Clty Drug Stoic p Ya1GC CSC-LeralAd Jog D BtiXAMr. Atfy-Ugal a ! ' v Ml Is ties Dry Good. Carpets, Ac wr,f, :. A DaBossrr Disinfectants of SchtduU-N. Y.. and WU .9. 8. length 12 hoars and 33 minutes. To-morrow is known as Ibe Fifth Sunday in Lent. Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 20 minute i post 6 o'clock- The receipt of cotton to-day foot up 193 baits. at this port Th'-re were no interments in BcIIctcc Om-tTy this week. Coujress bas voted an appropriation of $100,000 for public buildings in Wil cloton. Ttere were two interments in Oak c!e Cemetery this week, one adult and otecbi'd. T e:e tai be-n a stiff breeze blowing ( day and the dust hai ben almost ist'.'enb'.e. There were f re interments in Pino ForeJt Cesclery this week: one adult tzd four children. The Hcgiiter of Deeds issued only cce marriage liccnie this week, and that was for a colored couple. Mr. L. J. Priest, of Durham. N. II. ,1 wastSictcd with rheumatism lor near ly twentY Tears. He tried St. Jacobs OiL tho great conqueror of pain, and was completely cured. Our merchants are returning from the North and new Springand Sum mer-KJs an? arriving by every train and Btramer. Mr. Gus Moulton, advance agent ol Tla'cher. Primrose and West's rain itreli. is in the city and mistered at tie Puree! I Hmsc. Ger. barque Vcrcm, Jachnke, clear ed to-day for Hamburg with 4,9l bar reli of roiia. valued at $6,075, shipped by Messrs. ratcrson. Downing & Co. GeorjeilaU, colored, charged with disorderly conduct, was brought beforo tie Major this morning and was fined j for the e&'nse. with the alternative of goin; below lor 0 days. Ho paid. The larrcst and best slock of WiaJowi. Doors, Blinds &c. and at Factory price ii ar N. Jacobi's Hard wireDeroL ' f The Concord Times says: Ilcv. Mr. 1'ijne filled the IPrcsbyterian church pa!pii last Sabbath morning and even in. His efforts were delivered with Christian sincerity to a large and ap prcciativc audience. Interesting to Fishermen: The cele brated "Fish Brand Gilling thread is old only at Jacobi's. He is the Im porter's Agent. f Farmers from the country are of the opinion that the fruit prospect, thus far. has no: been iojared. Peach trees have bloomed Ireely, pear trees are bloomiog finely and the appearances indicate that apple trees will do tho same. One white tramp applied for lodaing t Police hcadquartera last night He u accommodated and was notified this ttorning to obtain employment or the cily at once. Employment u not in his line, and bo left, taking rtnlar schedule crosstie train for .wfen TtrT rrealag, septal by tttXortb. Musical, ilr. W. D. Munson, of Ba:ington, 't, a professional teacher and con Victor ot instrnmenUl bands. Is ex to arrive la the city on Monday 't to take control as director and con ctor cf the Cornct.Concert Club for tie season. This organization bas re y received an addition of several abtrs, and tho prospects are good for one of the best bands In the Sooth. For Flower Tots and Hanging Bas 5U caU at the 5 and 10 Cents Store, M South Second street, f Itoogh on Coucu-M cJ? toX .V200 oa Coughs," for yocjha. Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarse Troches, 15c, Uqnld, 60c. eod Kow U the time to give Smith's Worm ua" lyd-w r H VOL.. VIII.! W 1LMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. MARCH A iMltlo Stranjjcr. The steam propellor yacht JIaulovcri Capt. Fisher, from New York for Fernandina, Fla. put into the river yesterday and came up to the city this morning. She is now lying at Messrs. Fowler & Morrison's wharf taking in a supply of coal, tho need of which was the cansc tF her stopping here. SheUol 13 tons burthen and is a neat(;inl tidy little craft. ' ItelJxIous llevival. There is a revival ofrclijrion in pro gross in the First Baptist Church (col ored) in tbl.4 city, 'corner Fifth and Camntwll streets, conducted by tho Pastor. Ilcv. A. M. Conway, assisted by Rev. L. W. Move, fiom Newbern There have already been several pro fessions of religion and the meetirgs will bo continued during the week, l'crsonal. Cant. li. M. Mclntiro returned to tho city on Thursday night after a week's in the Northern markets, and Mr. John Taylor returned last night, having been absent about three weeks, during which time he went as far Wc?t as Chicago. Mr. B. F. Penny returned on Wednesday night from New York. whero he bad been for the purchase of now goods. Sheriff Taylor, of Brunswick county, did us the pleasure of a call late yester day evening. He was cn route for Ral- eigh with four prifoners for the penui tentiary. and left with them this morn ing. Tho Lato II." F. Nortlirop. The Laurinburg Exchange, in speak ing of tho recent death in that town of Mr. II. F. Northrop, formerly of lhi3 city, says: ' air. II. F. Northrop, one of our lead ing business men and one of our town commissioners, died about 8 o'clock last Wednesday night. i His lite was insured for $5,000, $2,000 in tho U: B. M. A. S., of Pa., $3,000 in the Knights and Ladies of Honor. After fit and touching remarks on tho words of verses 27 and ;28, chapter 0, Hebrews, by Rev. J. II. Coble, ho was buried by the Knights ! and Ladies of Honor and tho Knights of Pythias in the Cemetery, at 10 o'clock yesterday. He was very popular, and leaves many friends to mourn his death. lirunswlck Court. This ttibunal completed the.labors of the term on Thursday night. The principal cases oa the State docket dis posed of were as follows: Ed. Green. Ned Benders and Jim Green, all colored and all convicted of arceny, were sentenced j to fivo years each in the pennitentiary. These were it portion of what is known as the infamous SaowGeld crowd, whose depredations have been carried on for several years with utter fearlessness of he law. Gabriel Hill, colored, convicted of arceny, was ccntencca to a term oi four year3 at hard labor in tho penni tentiary. - Incendiary Attempt. Between 10 o'clock and 11 o'clock ast night fire was discovered on the back piazz i of tho residence of Mr. J. Weil, on North Second, between Chest nut and Mulberry streets. Tho family was absent at tho time, and tho ffro was discovered by a colored woman living near by who promptly gave the alarm. A few neighbors wero at once at tho scene, when it was discovered that some scoundrel bad attempted to burn the house bv saturating a bundle of lightwood with keroseneej and then ign'ting it. This was promptly remove ed and extinguished and the danger was over. No general alarm was given and no danger was done. Mr. Weil is a verv ouiet ci'izcn and he is at a m m loss to know who can have such a spite towards him as to wish to destroy his property. Seaside Park Hotel. Messrs. Scovillo & Co., the well known and popular hotel keepers of tho South, have leased the SessidePark Hotel and will throw it doors open to thepublic at an early date. Thso gen tleman havo been negotiating for hotel property in this vicinity for several weeks and finally pitched upon the Seaside, at Wrightsville. and consum mated a bargain with tho proprietors for its occupancy. There ill bo sev eral Important additions and altera tions made to the hotel, in order to accommodate tho large number of ex pected Summer guests, and every appli ance used for their comfort and con reniencc, In addition to the hotel prop er there will bo more coVages erect ed contiguous to it, for the accommoda tion of families who would prefer to lire secluded rather than in the bustle of ft largo and crowded public house. A Suggestion. Would it not be a good plan to change tho "hours of calling off the night police and putting on the day force from 4 o'clock in the morning, as if now the rule, to sometime nearer daylight? Nearly all of the robberies which have been committed recently have been between three o'clock and fivo o'clock. in the morniDg, the thieves taking ad vantage of th i confusion and necessary ; absence ol tho police, during those hours, to di their deeds of.miscbier, in which they :iro also favored by tho darkness. It is certain that the longer a speech, tho weaker It is. but uot so with a cold , the longer it run3 the weaker it becomes. A cold, be it ever so slight, is no trifle. it sboulp bo checked in it" ehrly stages. Dr. Duirs Cough is the "liahu of Gih ead" that millions say is divino in its origin. Unrclnrs Aaiu. About half past three o'clock this morning air. George W. Huggins, who liues on Seventh, between Chestnut and Mulberry streets, was awoke by hear ing tho door to his sleeping apartment open and seeing a light. He supposed that it was his son, who slept in an ad joining room, and asked what was the matter, when all became still. Heat once concluded that a burglar was in tho house, and lumped out of bed and ran down stairs just in season to sec the thief rnn out :of the back door. A search showed that tho cloth- ju ui iir. iiuggius' son naa been taten . e r T T . into the passage and searched, but the thief found nothing, and his next- move was to the door of Mr. Huggins room, whero ho was discovered. An entrance was made from a rear window, and tho thief, after gaining an entrance, un locked the rear door by which to make j a speedy exit should occasion require. The thief got uothing, but it w3 un fortunate that he didn't get caught. Wo invito the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts arc being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. The Art Amateur For April gives attractive designs ol passion Cowers for screen embroidery and blackberries for panel painting, some interesting pages of Oriental diaper ornaments, a curious old German alphabet, and somo striking designs for furniture panels after Goujon. Notable features are the numerous and excellent illustrations of objects in the famous w Castcllani collection now beinsr sold at Romo thn plpwr t-pfhna rf niMnma uomo, mo cieer SKeicnes ol pictures in the exhibitions of the French Water I Loior oocicty ana tne 13oston Paint and Clav CInh ind lhn intprp;f inrr nntio viaj iuo, ana mo lueresung nonce and examples of tho work of J. A. t r i , T c , . Ilabert-UjS. ono Of tho . principal de- einriprd for T'Art Tho nrortinl W . w Dartments are well filled : Montezuma's xt t ' i .1 it. tv T?;ii I w. m Aviauiuno - cunic- ton aro as sparkling as ever, and in all respects the number is fully up to the high standard of this 'admirable maga zine. Price So cents; $4 a year. Monta gue Marks, Publisher, 23 Union Square N. Y Silver Plated Spoons, Forks and Knivc3 of best quality, and at manu facturer's prices, can be found at Ja cobi's Hardware Depot. f vr... i-. - , I Young: Men's Hebrew Associa- A ui9 tissuviavjuu imu uui. ibo icguiai I I l a n m cn 9 ur IiaII An F 1 r O V n rw Fl I n I entertainments at Germania Hall last nieht, but in point of excellence and variety it exceeded any ol its predeces sors. j he programme lor tne occasion was well selected and carried out in a manner wiiicu renectea tne nignest credit uxxm all the Darticioants. It consisted of the following: Overture Undine Prof. SmitlideaPs Orchestra; Recitation Tho Tramp, Mr. L. J. Ot terbourg; Vocal Solo, Mrs. Kahnweil- er, accompanied by Mrss. M. P. Tay lor; Address, Rev. S. Mendelsohn; Lawn Tennis Quadrille, SmithdeaVd Orchestra; Reading, (selected), Mr. J. I. Macks; Sketch, Mr. D. J. Aaron; Valse, Smithdeal's Orchestra. All of; these were rendered superbly and to the exquisite delight of the large audience present. After the regular programme had been fully carried out the party in dulged in tho'pleasures of a hop. which was continued until about midnight. The entire entertainment was under the management of Mr. Joe II. Hart, who deserves much credit for his skill and energy in making tho affair a bril liant success If you need a real good first class cooking stove, don't fail to see the Ex celsior Penn.. Zeb. -Vance and xew Emerald, besides others. They are to bo fjund at factory prices at Jacobi's, who U the manufacturers agent, t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. m THE GREAT I CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Bora Throat, Swelllng-a, Kpratnn, BruUes, liurnn, Sealda, Frt Ultra, iyU ALL OTUEK BODILY TAI5S 1XD ACHES. So'.l tf Drnggifta and De&lcrt ercrywhere. Fifty Cent a boUl. Direction ia 11 Languages. THE CHAKLEf A. VOtiELEK CO. (StcecamuA. VOUIXLKaCO.) BalUnore, ildC5.A. ilch 3 ly d&w. For Rent. IJIUAT DESIRABLE STORE, Comar rrince.8 and North water Streetf, lately occupied by II. Locb. II. G. SHALLBONES, men 20 21 Trustee. City Drug Store. NUMBER 210 MARKET STREET. VfO CHINESE PERFUME, but somelhirg JL better, conoiey's tioiogne, Florida water, I irnu cu auu mil ixiic Ul xj a material, for those who dye to lve. j. w. tu.Nuixi:, mch 28 Muagir. 43" Prescriptions a Specialty. NEW GOODS AT 1212 MARKET STREET. All the late Spring Styles, And will receive them weekly and sell ( them very low. MRS. S. J. BAKER. men 29 lw District Court of the United states for the Eastern juismct oi Aortn uaronna. Bryan Morse against In Admiralty for Steamer Minnehaha, wharfage and fuel. ana James B. Pardee. J Notice is hereby (riven that in obedience to a motion to me addressed under the seat of the District Court of the United States, for the .District or jape ear, in tne eastern .District Pf or.tc?lma! L.ated S? of ii -loot T V a xt a thiB rlav a t f o ! crl ani baIvaI the steamer Minnehaha, her tackle, apuarel and furniture, and do detain and hold the same ln my CU8tody until further orders of the Court. , . ' . lng any authority to say why the property should not be condemned and sold in payment Cf wharfage and fuel, are hereby notilled to appear before the said Court to be held at Wil mington, on the first Monday after the fourth Monday in April, A.D. 1S8, then and there to Interpose a claim for the same, and make their allegations ln that behalf, showing if any they have to the contrary. J. B. HILL, U. S M. Per Jos. II. N cu, Deputy. mch a stato of North Carolina, . New Hanover County, Superior Court. William B. McKoy. Administrator. Estate of YYiuiam. I'ortcr, deceased. Against Mai vina Porter, George Porter, Thomas Edens and wife llcbecca Ldens.defendants. The creditors of the estate of William Por ter, deceased, arc hereby notified that ln pur suance of an order passed at the Special Term of our 8uperler Court, held on the 4th day of Janaary,x d. iss. au creditors of the estate or William roner, aeceasea, are nereoy noti fied to appear before the undersigned, at his . . . yjg 7Ul OAJ Ok M& jyof May, A. D. 1884. and file the evidence or ihebr claims, or they will be pre- estate. Given unacr my i hand an I eesl cf said Court una we -m uay aiarcn A. D. 1884. S. VaxAMRINGE, Clerk Superior Court; mch S9 law 0w New Hanover County. New York & Wilmington Steamship Liue. STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORE EVE SATURDAY, at S o'clock. P. 1L. BENEFACTOR.. Saturday. April 51 REGULATOR- Saturday, April 12 '. ' BENEFACTOR... Sa. tarda y. April 19 REGULATOR- Saturday, April 3G trnf Thrones. TSOla Ladinc- and Lowest i Throurh Rates grranteed to and irom Points m norm ana &outn uaroimy For Frebrht or Psasaire apply 10 H. G. 8 M A I .I.BOX ES. Sqpermtendent, Wilmington. N. C TXDSO. G. rGEB, Freight Axent, S3 Bread irxy. New York. ffU. r. CLzDX m CXJU weMTBJ OCt23-tt. 29. 1884 NO: 76 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. In a few days we will be prepared department". Body Brussels Carpets. ST A FEW CHOICE PATTERNS AT LESS Til AN. VALUE .3' Black We have bougnt and will (in a few i varied stocks ever mch 28, 1884 Disinfectants. WE OFFER: !. SQUIBB'S SOLUTION OF CARBOLIC Acid quart bottles, only 35 cents.. Bromo-Chloralum, a non poisonous, I powerful deodorizer and disinfectant Piatt's Chlorides, an odorless disinfectant, re ! liable, powerful, prompt, eheap. Munds Bros. & DeRosset, Druggist?, Market Street mch 27 ' 12 Cakes Pure Toilet Soap only 23 cents. Butter, Butter, Butter. VCAA LB3. NEW YORK CREAMERY liJUU Butter. None better In the cltv. j This Butter was bought low for cash and will De sojc accordingly. i JK. . .BLAIR, Nd. 19 N. Second St, Wilmington, N. C. mchi 15 ' . J. L. WINNER, -yyATCHMAKEB & JEWELLER, j Chronometers, Fine Walches and Jewelry repaired and warranted. Opposite New Market. Front St. mch 22 Spring Hats and Bonnets o R. E. pimp. MILAN, AND CANTON STRAWS, all new colors. BEAD CROWNS from 50c to $2.50 each. BEADED LACE 50 cts. to fl. 7 per yard. i 'i A very large lot of "Warner nealth" and "Coraline" CORSETS. Respectfully, MISS E. EARRER mch 21 Exchange Corner, Bottom. WE GIVE BOTTOM PRICES ON BOOTS Sc SHOES Good bottoms to stand on. Easy wearing goods giving solid comfort and place you on a firm foundation. Try us and see If we can't UCO 11. Jb Pencil & OOnS, ' " mH ,Vl?TfT PRnVT T" m. vr aw Jm mm. jt.9tm' a -mm m. m mch 11 Economy is Wealth, -EUVE YEARS RENT WILL PUR CHASE A HOME. Building Lots for r u 54 sale on the instalment plan on Castle, Church, Nun, Ann, Orange, Mulberry, Red e.L - Q. Seventh, Wilson, Eighth, Ninth, Dickinson, Tenth, Wood, Bay, Eleventh, Charlotte, Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets. Also, nouses ana ita lor eaie- Aioney loajaea to tnose wuning to buini. Apply to mch 20 ( JAMES WILSON. Shad. rg UCK AND ROE 8IIAD IN ABUNDANCE. Send orders to W. E DAVIS Jb SON. Proprietors of the only rejrularly mch 14 i established Fishery ln this section 5 and 10 cents Cigars, TTAVAJJA FTLLEBS. XX Best ln the dty. are on sale. Drugs -and Medicinal preparations of the highest graae at JNO. T. SCnONWALD'S, jan 11 Drug and Precrlptlon Store Beautifal ! Beautiful ! -jglBD CAGES THAT LEAD the Market, lull and see for TourselL Fire Clay Chimney vinM rvwvfc SMtml Tin Wire Phbul Ij?ht AV m W mm -mm) w 1 1 W " 1 " nlng Rods. " . , . w. n PUKE wuiTJE uii. . men z Sportsman's Goods. E n AVE THE FINEST ASSORT MEST o f English and BebHom Breech Loaders ever brought to this- market. Also a erst. eJaM week of SkellA, Warding, Primers, Cart n4ge tsags. ttxn cap, uaae iaga. sc. in fact we can show a stock of Hardware. Good goods and guarantee prices. Successors to John Dawscn tt Co mchU 13, aaad 23 Market Baeet , ' - " j ; -, . I rxea cur frtcsis oa txy axd all n-cis ! . Kcriatwstbttt.,r'-';'"; '. ' - Tbe time ct tie trrjtc mmX always tara ataJie4toOieESiciw J ;l'.l" Coannrrtcagoaa axtat be wrUtsa ca czl oaesMeof tia paper. ; ! : PcrsoaHtSesxnc3t b avoSlctf r Aoi it is espedaay and parUctLlxrly csd stooi that the Editor ioe sot alwayt eadci the view of correspondent M g;ii4 la the editorial caiman. I NEW AJTHlTI3E31ENTa. 9 J to offer a full assortment' in every Good days) show one of the nicest and most seen in this city. R. m. PJJclWTIRE. FIRE I FIRE I s --O WATER! WATER 1 Something to your Interest ! Fire ana Vatcr-Proof I Rooiing Paint ! C. I. WRIGHT, ACT., FOR NORTH CARD LISA. ELEVEN GOOD REASONS FOR USING OUR . . . PAINT, . i ' . L o I 5. G. ' m It la guaranteed Fire ProoT. i It is guaranteed Water Proof; ' It i3 a preservative of wood or mctabj. It cost! less tlian ordinary paint. It contains no o;l or acid. - ' It is nn ornament to any building. It will etop an ordinary roof from leak 1 lng. is wiu not wasa oir or stain water. It will not crack or scale off. If. la llirllrt onl olll In.. 1 . 9. 10. any other paint. . . , " hv It,w11 stand end cold weather. '1-.. V by do wo naint ihe kIiIr nf nnr imnntn.. andtleave the most cxpoEcd part, the rocf. unpalnted? -. ... .71 X If a tin or silngle roof ia ldaky, do not iro covcrlnar. bnt nmi MOTTS FiKE AND PAINT. , WATER PliOOF PETERSBURG TEdTrMflYrATJl We. the underslsmed. h.a andtm roofs painted with Mott'a Patent Wa. terand Fire Proof Paint, feel no hiit.nnn in saying that so far it has criven Pnllrft null. facuon, stopping leaks where nothing else did any good. (J. II. WARWICK, (shingle). Mr. L. D. Mott. Jr., , j ' v J' Dear Blr.Thls is to certify that I have used cheerfully recommend the "Motf Paint" a we ueat rooi paint x ercr saw. - . ( DANlELRAiriTT. L. D. Mott, Jr., Esq., . uear eir: lour water Proof Paint.nscd on my kitchen and stable roofs. Erlvei entire m! faction. Both of these roofs leaked h.ullir. anil since you applied your Paint J find no leaks, and wo havo had, since tne work was done. dviuo usa laiiu. i utKuiii am ous uolor you justice, as well as vour Paint . tn mnv that I consider It a, llrst-ciaes Iiooflng Paint. This Paint was, by my db-ection ai'Cnabrman of tho Public Property Committee or this "j opi'""1 w . iarfc t one oi mo Aiarkct Uoubcs, and it gave entire satisfaction. T . a. uoddwtn. Mr. L. I). Mott. Jr. It is With nloxiirn that I add to the testimony of the exrlWi-v of your Fire and Water Proof Paint, i The tmroof of my printing bouse leakwl badly, but since you applied your Iiooflng Paint, It .naa not leaked at all, notwiutandlng somo neavy rains nave xaiien. I cneerfully rccora- - - o mcna your Paint to all who have leaky roofs. , JNO. B. EGE. y e also refer to: J. T. Younarj- PrMldmt Planters & Mechanfcs Bank; John Mann, At torney at Law: F. Gallazher. Deputy collect. or, ana j. a. uanvlck & Bro . Commintinn Merchants. . i . i (From Petersburg lDEX-AprE.VL, Jan. 21th. Tjiied asu Sot, I'ousd , WAXTrsa.Thn lets oi tne, Ji-e-uroot ouaiitics of Mr. irmt'i focflng paint wa made on Courthouse avenue Zyi?ZVT ubutii tSia a smau ncuso maae or dry pine covered with a thin coat of paint, was placed under a tila Of sliavlnsrs upon which ix calloim of ktm. sene oil was poured and Ignltad. The flames leaped high into the atr and burned furiously for fory minute. Finally tho hnu v raked from the debris and drenched with kerosene oil, which burned &fi clean, leaving the wood unecorcbed, as any one may see who uas uic ennoguy to can at tlio Walthall hotel, where It s on exhibition to-dav. Tha t blert of the test, which on account of the caution oi tne authorities was cot as revere as usual, was not to prove the Impossibility of destroy lng the box by fire: but to show that the mint is an tSapHYe protection against the ordinary accidents which causes lire. This was raiU) so plain to our mind that it has bcea deter mined to treat the roof of theLiX-ArrEAi.'i boildlnjr to a coat of it as non aji the hoaiA Ia remodeled. Another, and In our oplnlan, more valuable quality of the palat is iu Im perviousness to water, matin? H a sure irm. dy for leaks In old Bbinglcl acd tinned root. As a test of thi. two naoer bcxci were taiiefl on the Inskle and keroaens oil poaicl into ono and water into the ctner wio-cxit th niihtPKt effect upon tbe paicr. Th3 Loxn with their contenu caa aLo be seen at tha Walthall hotl io-ay. A'eraocs who may h.tve leaky roof. or Who may wUli tocnanlayaljwt Gm hmi 1 1 give Mr Mtt a call and learn from Lira abtAit memtttcr. ay e nave no Definition ln styhi ' that he has a good article which U worthy ot -the attention of property owners. Orders rtraeeifollv catirfuul. Mr. c 1 Wrbrbt. the General A rent for the State. 1 at the jurrell House, and will be t!caiod NT re ceive order and give aU Lifonnaon teqaircd. - A public trot, banjo a Uat rcferrcl to la tho extract above, as bad to Ict ers burg, will bo made in this cirr. due notice of Lima &1 place to be grrcn "hereafter. Proprieiors for etale of North Carolina. W. E,. S.. LATJQIER, Attorneys-at-Lawi -OfSes-s. ZL Cor. Priaccis aaU Water Sti Touraier ana tare I'roor 1'alnt on several leaky roofs, and since tuoy were painted with your Paint they have not Icnknd t n i

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