ThQ DnilV PaVlilV oa tho globe for breath of conception 1 no LPUliy UCVie, aQjinfln$ln(la of partlcolats. If this uiSH. T. JAMES. Ediwr & Trop. "IJMINGTU4S.N. C were an Engtbh company it wou.d rank almost with tho East India Com panof ibe time of Warren Hastings. It it to bo observed that the chiel operators cainst it are .themselves speculators. Air. James Keene was one ot the leading spirits in tho river pipeline. The Standard's pipe line is a separate corporation known as the . i T,: rVmmanv 'anil its . . . I r 'iini I i nil 1 L WUUI LSI. l . - - 0:Utiji UoSe. chairman: J. J. I : ". . . . . . Lltchford.iwcretary; Paul li. Mearw. I,. PP buried jiiae oy s ue aou ar SATURDAY. MARCH 29. 1684. KaUrci t u PosioCSoe at Wiiaajnirtou. S. C. a moovkum matter. TilECENTICAI-CllMMITrKK. I JtlAltCH MIUTH. T A Louisville lady has suel Tor a di vorce asserting that her husband, has not done any work for fourteen years. There are some women who want a man to be on the keen jump all the time Courier Journal "Yes. sir," said the happy-man. as he entered the New Jersey Hotel. "I want dinner; I want it bad." From what we know of New Jersey hotels, we haven't the infinitesimal atom of a shadow of a dcubt that he got it bad. Boston Post. A Cincinnati woman claims that but MISCELLANEOUS. KATLIIOA13S, o -Capital Prize 0X5,0003 Tickets only $5. Share In pro- i .... v . -j . - portion. 5 & rrm Wilmington & WeldoD Railroad Company, Office or GE2CK3UL1 S upksejtejtdknt. wpmlngtoxx, N. C. Nov 17, 1S3S t J " V Hf IT T U3AT,j 3r Th Trr ' wholesale prwT2 HHIM i a standard... D.bU:Tenina C. M. lljt!. Itirhml II. inches in diameter, anu it is sam i 0r her prayers tho river would nave Battle. Goorire II. Smr and I. C. lm r;f rvf w,iv w.m apnuircd for about anno si feet hizhcr. But then it it w ... kHW llUI " - f 3 v. I'l i Jfcleminiaiot lUIeuh. H Their telegraph i an hadn't been lor the Enquirer editorials Ths State Kxecutieaiaimi:teo is as a m,Ie An , ,? nnvr nf bein-so red hot as to melt the snow fj!!ows: enormous concern also. ;ifce now oi -ronmi .Kern nnirht have been Louisiana State Lottery Company. We do hereby certify that we supervise the Change of Schedule. -1 A U&DQS. Hl .vuai; 1 1 'AN Kirsi district T It. Jemiean. J. E- til is about CO.OCO barrels J a day , no flood at all. Boston rost. Moore. 1L U . barton, fc. K. l-ryB. lnjs company keeps in its tanksorp.pes -w'hat nonsense." exclaimed Itertha. ..Pt1 dutrict-A. J. l.ll.jay. U. refineries from 30.000,000 to 3G.O0O- The idea of tellin- Mrs. Brown that lbirij district-A ppjeton Oaksmith. arc derived irora stormy and forward- ,y kn mamaia has always taught Isaac B. Kelly, II. B. bhort. I. U. &lc : A n;i whieh navs 15 cents a barrel AND AFTER NOVB 18, 1SS3, AT 1.05 arranacmcrds for ail the Alonttuif ana owt- I tnn A Wpl.lon Railroad will run &b follows m , . i m. w - t j r I i m r j j I XAA ill f 1 U Aiix.. ikau'J tril A Drawinog tkevuelves. and that the ' I NOS. 47 NORTH AND 43 SOUTH. same are conducted vrtth honesty, fairness, and I Leave Vi llralngton, Front St. Depe t, 8.53 A. Xi in good faith toward all parties, and we' author j Arrive at Weldon. 2.3! P. 1 tee the Votnpany to use this certlncate. wttn fac similes of our signatures attached, in its adver Usements." Shoulder iiT sides. ; w DRY SALTEdT- 4 ShOtlldAn J T I BRICKS. Vm ZT1! BUTTER . I '1 3.00 P. 8.40 r. M 11 North Umi. QANDLES.V'ftX" 7 Iean. Fourth district V. II. Vsrboroujh. J. M. ilorinf . J. S. Baltle. N. B. Can naday. Fifth district A. E. Henderson. DavidS. Reid. M. 8. Robins. C. F. Lowe. Sixth district J. G. Hall. S. J. Pemborton. John I). Shaw. W. J. YaUa. Seventh district H. Z. Llnney.' W. B. Glenn. J C. Wilburn. G. A. Bing ham. Kiihth district Codo Diss. U. II. Furmsa, B. F. Lo?auv A. M. Erwln. rvar nniim fnr storaQ and 20 cents a barrel for transportation to tho sea board. They aro also the exporters m the United States, and oltcn send oat a under rather than overstate, you know. Boston Transcript, "Now, darling, will you grant me one favor before I eo?" "Ye3. i George. I will." she said, dropping her eyeiasnes ladowV.V.V.V." j Adamastiao .. ortnern Factorr 1 8tte COFFEE, Vlb4""r BT. ship full ol lamps to teach some heath ami getting her lips in shade. ''What en people how to burn American oil-1 is the favor I can grant your uniy a nu id that the, re cootcot with . 3, prrfit of half a cent a gallon on tho oil f d t want to scare away.' Commissioners. Incorporated In 1863 for 25 years by the Leg islature for Educational anu Charitable pur coses with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of ' $550,000 has : since been added. - By an overwhelming ixrnulai rote its fran IM r nhralnlnna I . ... I injBe whs maae apart oi ue presens siaie a the Opinion or I IiysiCiaiiS, j Avcra Hair Vicor stimulates the hair Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D., 1879. teeth that are becoming defective or are Lwjftg 0 healthy action, and promotes a The only Lottery eber voted on and endorsed lnsumcjeoij y c.eauseu. miecfc iuu wu i vigorous irrowtn. li coniains ait mat 1 and unfit it lor the diAe-tive process ran be suDDlied to mako tho natural Itnever scales or postpones. Health, therefore, as well as iersonal hair beautiful and abundant; keeps the Ito Grand Single Number Drawings take aUracliveness is promoted by tho use 8caip free from dandruff, prevents the P?5JS? on. hair from becoming dry and harsh, ana "i." TUB XAVr, Tha Prcsldsnt ha recently sent a of SUZODONT, pure m composition m MiifD tn rVknffTMS In WhlCU ne --. r.w-r- waits u uciuwauu j. I tien in tta THinlt'ini n nl 1 m anil PWinn I .... . I tttW . ..www.., i w earnetuy reoommenaeu tne consiruc- , icce onl dr0pUponlhe brush cnrrnfhp nftw vesta intended to N- OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Fourth Grand Drawlnsr.! Class D. In the Academy of Music, at New Orleans, Tuesday, April 8, 18S4 167th Monthly Draw tioa of several war vessels on the mciH ftre needed at a timo. The popularity hmnmrfl jersevs are made of tan cobr- 00.71110.1 Pri7ft. fR7n. 111111' Improved modern plans and to otters of this sterling preparation is based kid or they may be of white cloth 1QO OOQ mlcl,ta ftt l?fv rinl wisebriofoarnavytosnch;a state w&JSSlP profess.onally t- Wlth row9 of braiJ over them. 1&S1S PERSONAL. Itev. O. 1J. rrothineham has pur chased a house in Boston and will make that city permanently his home. Henry Villard lost forty pounds of Mother Swan's AVorm Syrup Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cathar-1 tic: for fevenshness, resuessness, worms, constipation, zoc. cod Laces are used in every possible! manner and the older the lace and thi eClciency ju oar afety and dignity as a 0Ternment demands. It Is a wise sug gestion and one which ceeds immediate and energetic action but the task, under all the circumstances. Is herculean. Millions of treasure have been appro- . . iinnrv v iimrfi in' pnated by Congress and spent. flesh ufore lho phjtician9 Sou arrest quainter the pattern the greater value bly, for this very purpos. dui me eneci the insomnia with which he was af- set upon it h Kaon nnlv tn rndftr this srm of our I fMrltnl aflnr tht Xorlhfrn Pflrilifi Iron- I country's defense more. inefficieU and ble. A Fair Offer worthless. Oar navy is a reproach and Ex-Senator Fenton's recovery from The Voltaic Kelt Co., of Marshall . -nii a mon or wai loe 8urgicaJ operation pertormcd in Mich , offer to send Dr. Dye's Celebat- adiszrace. and as a means or wai. January ha9 been so 8i0r th.U he has ed Voltaic Uelt arid Electric Appliances eunerouensiTeor ue.cusuu, iui&u I been obn.sren: to relinquish ins proicUd on trial, f.irthiriv days, to men, old in proportion. LIST OF PBIZE8. 1 Capital Prize of. 1 Capital Prize of 1 Capital Prize of 3 Prizes of $6,000 5 Prizes of 2.000 10 Prizes Of 1,000 10,000 'M .razes oi ruo io.oihj 100 Prizes of 200 20,000 75,000 25,000 10,000 12.00C 10,000 Leave Weldon. Arrive at Wihn'gton, Front St. D'pt, Fast Through JIall & Passkngeb TKiUf? Daily No. 40 Sooth, j Leave Weldon..... 5.50 P.A1 Arrive at Wllm'gton'rontSt.D'p't 10.25 P.;M MAIL AND PASSENGEB TEAIK3 DAILY No. 43 .North. Leave Wilmington.... 8.00 P. M. Arrive at Weldon.. 2.'0 A. M. Mail aki Passengeb Trains Koa 45 and Leave Wllmlnsrton, (Sundays ce Arrive at Leave Weldon, (Mondays excepted)!. 05 A M Arrive at v umington . Train No. 40 South will Golds bo ro and Masmolla. Trains on Tarboro Branch Boad Leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 1.20 A. M. and 4.30 P. M., Daily, v Sundays excepted), lie turning leave Tarboro at 10.00 A.M. and S P. M. Dally. x rauia ou ocuuanu xxecs -tsraxicn Koaa lea-ve Halifax lor Scotland Neck at 3.25 P. M. Re turning leavo Scotland Neck at 8.30 A. M. daiiy except Sunday. i Train No. 47 make close connection at Wc aonioraii points Worth Dally. All rail via menmona, and dally except Sunday via Cat .Lane. Train No. 43 runs dally and makes close con nectlon for all Points North via Richmond aud Washington. . All trains run solid between Wilmington ano wasmngton, ana nave iuiiman I'aiace Sleep erBaitacneo. x or accommoaauon or local travel a passen ger coacn will be attached to local freight leav ing Wilmington at 7.00 A. M. Daily except ouuuay. - i JOHN F. DIVINE, '. ocuerw ouperuiienueiH. jVp,.hi. ro.w.7 .I1"'!! T.M.7ON.G g:::::;;---J J Umington, (Sundays ex- ' XXA AI bui t' Bepted).... J..12.S0 A M COTTON TIES l,ta widon. :::: j:: am domestics- r MP.tmntprtM ns A IVf I oueetinsF. 4 a "i 6.55 A M vJXhk.. t1 1 stop only at Wilson, fSi-V d'''-"Z::Z i 300 Prizes of 500 Prizes of 1000 Prizes of 100 50. 25. APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. 9 " 500. 250. 30,000 25,000 25,000 6,750 4,500 2,250 Wilmington, Colombia & Augusta it. JR. Co. OmOB OF GBHTKBAX 8 UPERIN TENDKNT. Wilmington. N. C. Nov 17.18S3 1 well be on the dry .land. And while this is shamefully true as regards tho YeJurU composing our so calleil navy. it would em tht there if great riped or more rOlcient oQlceri. Jt was only a short Fiotida trip. lie is still at Park Ave nue Hotel. KAii. Jonn a. isriKinnu. Hmcrirati Consul at Havre, has returned to his post from a viit to the United States. The brightest reporter on the Kansas City press U a lady. Mrs. Kees. vi the Journal. She is sne.ikr lour l:in and vounjr. alllictwl with neryous debility, lostriiHliry, and' many other diseases. See advertisement in thia pacr. t th s pnw&w MISCEILANEOUS 1,967 Prizes, amounting to $265,500 Appncauon ror rates to cluba Bhould be maae only to the office of the Company in New Or: leans. For farther information, write clearly, glT lng ! full address. Make P. O. Money Or ders payable and address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, New Orleans. La .POSTAL NOTES" and ordinary letters by Change of Schedule, Ol AND AFTER NOV'E lSth , t .33 A. M.. the following Paaeep.iTAr u5e will be run. on this road : I . Mnllets bbi;:.r l i ci?.f"kS::!' Peruvian On.' J- I ' fi: l Baogh's Phosphate. - J Caroltna PeruSier!; Ground BoneTT! ' -l Bone Meal..;. I" ! Bone Flour."" '"- I Navassa Giiauo.." ! Complete Manure.. 4 Whann's Phospte.' 1 Wando Phosphate.. i BergerABn!z'.p&fi laxcenenza Cotton Fp;. i FLOUB, V bbl- -11 1 jnne. .1 Northern Super...... ; I " Extra.... ' City MUUs-Erti " "". GLUE V ft..........7,",,I GRAIN, V bushel- "7 1 corn, irom store, bags,whlte. Corn, carsro. In bulk, whh Com, caitro. in ban. whit Corn, cargo, mixed, la bin., i Oats, from store Cow Pea?...... HIDES, V fly i "i :::k:::::::::::: " -- j! HAY, V 100 flea ; I - I Kastem... ., We6tern.....w.... v North ltlver....... Mall or Express (all sums of $5 and upwards No.42 Leave Wilmington,(Mondays, lima a that the OssiiKt. while wakina trial trip, with the Naval euages, and lor energy and enterprise rf - upon a sand pit off Capo Henry from which ihe sustained considerable dam. a ?e. A Court of Inquiry will be called to Gx the responsibility of ihe blunder. Since then in making an attempt to Lost Faith in Physicians. fhere are innumerable instance when cures have been effected by SCO V ILL'S SAItSAPAKILI.A, or Uf.OOD & I.lvr.uSVKUP, tor all diseases of the procoed to a. and while in Chesapeake I blod, when the patient had been given Iltv hnrt her ind4ner. and had I up by physician. U is one ot the best This will undoubtedly call lor another Court of Inquiry. ilh the present navy and the present naval ofllccrs there seems to be an abundance of em ployment for Naval Board ol Inspectors and Naval CourU of Inquiry. as it is prepared wiih the sreHtet care. as a specific for certain diseases it is no ondcr that it should be more effectual ihan hastily written and carelessly fireparcd prescriptions. "1'akeScoviLL's Jlood ani Livek Svuri for all dis- onlers nrisui; (nxii impure bl'Hul. It is endorsel by all leading professional men. THE FLOOD IN LOUISIANA. The persistent rain and the addition to the already swo len r.ver of a now contingent Irom the head waters of SUOICTS. During tho present century 150.0C0.- 00 copies ol the Uible have been print- some of it large affluents, says tho New n ot omereni languages Yrk MU and Express, have increased the volume ot the lower Mississippi to an extent seldom equalled in the his tory tf that cbaneablo stream. The warnings and threat! that it his given for the pan two weeks have now been mora ihan fulfilled. Insusjdof one or two crevaiMi, thoro are a dozen, and the cnps in many of the fairest par ishws in Iouisi.n are already out of aisht. Dispatches Irom the suhuierued districts )ior that this is a greater 'fl kt.t er.M than that ol lSJ. In this eai fluency, there is call lor aid froai th nMioail venitneiit. and CnrePln' been akl to appnpil ate $3tOOOo. The suflerers by the O.Vit QopU were eraniel national aid; and il i'. I sh n thtl there is any sinw i'.ar neol in L uisiana. thf re can b no doubt ot th ewillinnes of Cngress to relieve the destitution. Perhaps $300,000 is more than is nrcesaary. but certainly the unexpected balance of $125 000 left from the Ohio flood appropriation miht b wisely applied here. What ever is djne. should be dn quicklv. The Standard Oil Company, which Is to much talked about, has lis hear1, quarters la New York City, and its ex ecutiva board Is said to hold a meeting on every buslne day in tho year. The capital ot the company Is not very large, perhaps three or fur million dollars, bat the capital ot the trust company which manages the fiscal affairs of the Standard Is said to be as high as seven ty millions. Whatever bo the capital it pays 6 per cenL. and thjs stock sells In the neighborhood of par. The men considered In .the oil regions to be the master spirits ot this company, Mr. Rockefeller and Mr. Archlbold. are both Teryyoaog; the later is hardly thirty years ot age. lis is, the son of a Meth odist preacher In the oil regions and do ve!opd a genius lor commereo'and ex ecutive work when a mere lad In a country bank, and his employer gave hlru the capital to start an oil refinery, lie attends to the details of this hrge company, which has hardly parallel It is said tlwit Queen Elizabeth of Itou mania is a painter of some repute, and writes as well as a newspaper re porter. There could bo no higher praise than that.. Spain produces about 120,000 tons of lead in a year, or.e-sixth more than America, which comes next on the list, while Cermatiy follows with 90.000. An Alabama juduo has decided that a man who nuts his satchel on a scat in th enr reserves the sent unless the man wln movsit is bigor than he i?. The city of I. Mjjs . was nam ed for Franc Jnb t L ell. oti of ks principal founder. Hi iwnn a son ol Jude.John Lfli, of New bury port, was horn in 1775. nacinie a successful merchant md cotton maunlaclurer, and died in 1817. A sinu r niviKiit happened lately at a mill in Nashville, lenn. A work man was thron toward a cireuUr saw, and. thinking h wald strike it, died fmni Irulu. When pieketl up he was dead, but there was no sign of a bruise on his b dy. A llcaltlilul Diuretic. Hound Brook. N. J., April '2. 1383. You advise placing AllcockV Porous Plasters, in dyspepsia, on the pit of the stomach ; in ague cake, on ihH solecn, in torpid liver, over that organ; but I really think you should also recommend that one or two Plasters be put over the kidneys. They stimulate, strengthen and act as powerful diuretics, thus cast ing out many poisonous acids and salts. I have had lever and ague. All re medies I took produced little or no effect until I put an Alloock'a Porous Plaster over each kidney; their action being mora than doubled, the malaria was quickly washed away. I have also had several attacks of rheumatism and two ot gout, and by applying the plasters over the local pain and also over the kidneys. I again found your plasters wonderfully efficacious. H. K.TIIOMAE. i..n i un iii.uwwp wmmmm f u u niii mi a f DR. f(7k . BEFOREHAND -t 'AFTER Electric-Appliance! are sant 'on 30 Dayi' Trial. TO MEN ONLY, Y0UNQ OR OLD, YVTliO ufTerfnrf from Nervous Debiijtt, Lost Vitality. Lack or Kzrtc Force axd .'iior. WiiKXKitU and all those diseuea fa I'tPvOSAL Natvbc roflultln? from A b uses and tiisr Vvr. Speedy relief and complete resto--Ht iou of rfAi.TH. wo and Misiioob Ouarntrxs. I prxtiJet dLscorery f th MlneUxnth Ontury. And Al utc fur Iliustrmtod Pamphlet free. Address VOLTAIC BUT CO., MASSHAlt. MICH. auMsaoBWBRaBflBB9SRCaRaBfli oo7 lyeo1r t th s PUR0ELL HOUSE. fJNDKU NKW MANAGEMENT. WILMINGTON. N. C R. L. PEUUY. ProprleV)r. Lai IVoprietor Atlantic LloteL Klrst-Claas by Express at oar expense) to M. A. 1 DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. A. DAUPHIN, ! 607 Seventh St., Washington. D. C. mch 12 wod-eat 4w-d&w EE! RELIABLE SELF-CURE A farorlt prescription of OT Of the taott noted and successful specialists In tne U. a f sow retired) for the cure otbTcrvoum ZteMIuiM fcMf tlanHooa, TFectJMe and Jleeay. 8xl a plala sealed eaveloparee. Urugg lata ca fill 1 AddreM DR. WARD A CO.. LouUtana. Mo, ' POV 47-1vd.V;r t th s an infallible cure for Piles. Price $1, at dniggiata. or excented 7.15 "A'Tkl I ' -Arrive at Florence.'... r.... 11.40 A M No. 45 Leave Fl rence, (Sundays excepted) .... 7.40 P'M MUM.) -II II y r . . a . v. . ....... uivlks, barrel. I m ! VTflWP FTPPITRft TP A TXTQ nmi -r VI jc I i i,fi. in.i1 Ll . r i M , A J mm I i I I I I II a. IT UFF E sent prepaiaor man. isampic free. Ad. "ANA K ESIS. Idakers.Box 2416NewTork. from Youthful Imprudence, causing Htnmii Debilitr. Mental and Physf. eal Weakness. Valuable information' fliMinns. Used "B years ran. weakirioiisMen "Whose debility, exhausted power, premature decay ana xauare to penorm lire's duties properly are caused by excesses, errors of youth, etc, will find a perfect and lasting: restoration to robust health and Ijroron manhood in THEMARSTON BOLUS. sNeither stonlach dmercrinir nor instruments. This treatment of rrTui Uebility and lh vslcii 1 Decay is uniformly accessful because basrd on perfect diagnosis, ncirnnd direct methods and absolute thor oughness. Full information and Treatise free. Address Consulting I'hysician of MARST0N REMEDY CO.. 4GlV.14thSL. New York. a re. Weet and 47 East. Leave Wilmington 9.10 P. M. Leave Florence.. ......... ........... 2.40 A. M. Arrive at C. C. & A. Junction...... a M. I Arrive at CJolnmbla.. ...... ......... fi.40 A. il. Leave Columbia. . 9. 5 P. M. Leave C, C. A A. Junction. 10.20 p. M. Leave jriorence 4.33 A. M Arrive at Wilmington............... 8.23 A. M. Niqht Mail ajst passenger Tbaik, Datlt CIO. 40 WE8T. I Leave Wilmington... ...10.4OP. M. : Arrive at Florence ... 1.45 A, M. I MAIL AND PASSENGEB TRAIN Datlt No. 43 East. ' Leave Florence at..... ..3A1 P. M Arrive at Wilmington..... ........ ..7.42 P. M Train 43 stops at all Station, t No. 40 stops only at Flemliigton j and Marlon. jrassengers ior txiumbia ana all points on G. tlon, and all points bevond. Ahnnld taVrth nwuv xx press. - , Separate Pullman Sleenera for tfhAriA&tnr and Aujrusta on Train 48. i All trains run solid between Charleston and r umington. i .Local freight leaves Wilmington riaiw cept 8unday at 6.M A. M. i JOHN F. DIVINE, ,, General Superintendent T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent i nov 17 -. j- Carolina Central R. R. wugu jciujc riant u Westlndla Oargoea,accordlii te oualltv... pressed Flooring, teuoi"is Scautllne and Board, mms i m MOLASSES, V gaito- r w New.Crop Cub,'M... , Porto Bioo, uTlttd8.......... c -f " tn bbta i sugar xxouse, in nna....... - UVIS.mii ' Syrup, In bbls NAILS, ' anye OTFICa OT SEftllL SUPEKINTESDEWT, Wilmington, N. C. Oct. 1st, 18S3 I I a V Kesr. Cut. lOd hub., i .j. uw a. ' Kerosene..... I Lard........ ? u Linseed..... Rosin MMJ r Tar.;............ " Deck and Soar . POULTRY Chickens, live, grown... ... t i " Spring .....i Turkevs t PtoANUTS y busheL : POTATOES, V bnshel- ' Sweet-... I, Irl8h, bbl.. II ' PORK, V barrel- City Mess.. ........Lft' Prima. ...... ...... mM,,M..W Rump II RICE Carolina, V B.... Rough, V. busheL. ....... . I RAGS, fl Country.... i --City..... I ROPE. lh...... . 1 SALT, V sack. Alum xaverpoo i Lisbon......... t i American......: II SUGAR, V- ft-Cuba..... iorto Rico...... j A Coffee....... it 35 S. Clark St., Opp. Court House, CHICAGO. A rornlarcraduata. s-The Oldest Rnclnlli n tLo L3itd tttats, whoe urK ixso eapekiencr. rrfrtt method and pure medicine insara b feed's md 1 ERNf joist CvRKS of all Prirat. Chronic anc Vrvuus Dtsenars. Affset ions of the Jilnod, tikln i.ldneyc. Blmlder, Uniptlons, Ulcere, Olt wres, CiM-elllnir T tho C lands, Sre Mouth Throat. Itose Pitlns, permanentl cored an Tsuioatod irotu the atem f or life. JiSQUflllQ TXnlity,Imiotenry,Srmina iisiHSUUw JLosse, Hexual Ztera y. Men fa tntl rh:jsical H'cakness, Failing Memory Ti.nk l'.'j'', Siunted Development, ltnpedi nrji ts f .It a rrlaga, etc., from excesses oran an., speedily, safely and prieateJy Cured 7 Vminir. lddle-Aced and Old men, andi. truu need utcdicl k.II and experleitee,conui jr. V-Mm at one, lit, opinion costs aothinar. andma futnr nimPTr snd shame. When inconvenien w fiMi. i no cjij- ior treatment, medicines can re sen- uov 'i7-l Vvvl w t th 8 'TityaLcro l.y raad or express Tree from obaer r :ti !). ffrlt self- ,jdent that a phrsician whi l.e : M KU! attention In a rli of diacaBos at Beware of imitalioDt. ''AllcockV is Ibe oulj genaine Porous Piaster. The Russian arm y consists of cenerals. SUIT and superior officers. 3.074; and men, 836.145; in all. 8G4.219. H.l Neuralgia and Sick Headache. In Aurora. IlL. lircs Mr. Wm. II en ton. She says: "Simartian Xervine cored me of neuralgia, vertigo aud sick headacca. .altie tfrtttmkni. and physicians throughout th. oantry. rwnj this, frequently recommend diffical to the Oideas Hpeelaiist, by whom ever Anotvu SMd remedy is nsed. JtyDr. Bate' .se taj l.sprrlmte make his opinion ef a prrnte Imimri anee. S9ThfMe who call see c uj o--t the l-tor. Consnliat ions free andaaeredl; fanrturndal. Cases whieU hare failed in obtainini liirf clMwIier especialir solicited- Female Dis .s titled. Call r writ. Honr. from O to 4 6"Ji 'ndT. lO to IS. UCIlfi TO liHXL.11 isr 1 !rc Ad Jre. as sbora. v 27.1jolAw t th 1884. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. i Harper's Bazar 1b at once the most brilliant and useful Household Journal Un exls'ence It is the acknowledged arbiter of fashion In this country. Its fashion plates are the new est and most stylish; and Its pattern sheet supplements ana econamic sugpcstlors alone are worth many times the cost of subscription. Its Illustrations of art needlework are from the best sources. Its literary and artistic. meritaare of the highest order. Its stories. poems, ana essays are by the first American and European authors. Its choice art pictures would fill portfolios, and its humorous mt are the most amusing to be found in any jour nal In America. A host of brilliant novelties are promised for 18S4 : C VP n UA J .....a.. ........MM. ' Crushed I t V SHINGLES, 7 ln.yM......-J Wiuuiuilii.i ihmiW' Cypress aps.... fj Cyprees Hearts. 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