- TIE Mllf . : OTf . J f f i ) .(.. ...! ..... : ... : : . - 1 : : : f : I ! -'-'I i -v. this rxpxn xi2j ewry renin. Sandayi ex vee?ts4 T JOSH T. JAMES, grro raoraxrros. iCBSCKimoss tage fait 0 .VlW: Oo month. iwtllbeHreredby antei free rra. ib - i - r w w ani BtoraL . -a...r Of - - C taw a ... . .... .11 tyrrVjen wau rr" t - -.Tg tOClX " fell TU Dail Review has iht largest e i circulation, qf any newspaper n .irr-h.fA in Montreal now use ocrc-"-- t-e electric lijcht. .- f,,n one-half ol the lawjers of JiUlV fr!ia are Hcbrcwa. Electric lubts baro jast been intrc ,!jCv1 into the lkrln Oicra House. Mr Cable, the novelist, will more to w , the B43ton Advertiser VOL. VIII. WTLMINGTOK N. C- TUESDAY. APRIL 1. 1 1884. NO. 78 Governor Kobinion. of Alassachu stva. takcJ dct p interest in tbe temper accc cause. Tt,r U . rnmor in tbe Pali -MjM 7a- tbat a American mornins cewfpaper lito ba ttartcd in fxndon. la a roller sUtin contest at New Voik Mr.HoCman.of Co.umbia Col Ugt, s,katevl threo miles in ll.CSi min- rresident Arthur will cive a dinner A Specimen Brick. Cotton. pany w uen. Urant. claims t at as ve mei a irentleman in thin ritv. a I Tha reinfa f oAftn fn- ik. earlyadayasthelatterisabletogoout friendofours.afewdayssince, walking of March foot up 2 089 bales, against very painfully, with the aid of a cane 6,255 bales for the corresponding month The Iowa House. last week, .passed AQ reply to an enquiry from us, no or last jear. a decrease this March of tbe bill already passed by the Senate, I stated that he had a little pain in his 4,166 bales. The receipts for the crop known as tbo bucket-shoo" bill, to and go: some linamenl from the yeartodato foot up 90.284 biles, as prevent gambling in era in on margins. - - .... It is relateJ that Representatives Geo. 1). Wise, of Virginia, and Townsbend, qI Illinois, and Senator Gorman, ol Maryland, wcro once pages in Congress, along with the1 actor Stuart Kobson; and Gormen was alterward President of the National Baseball Club. L. For Puro Whito Lead & Paints, and biggest stock of Window Glass and lowest prices for good articles be sure to go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, t 'woman doctor1' and applied it and his against 122,706 bales to same date last xooi nau since tnen become somucn year, a decrease this year of 32 512 worse that it was only with the greatest bales difficulty that he could walk at all. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. r Christ Ice Cream C W YATfc-Look Boys Joil.v II SfAVAOE Ecijcd Convict UswsEKKOEE-.rrans'u Ea-jter Cards Samlel P COLLIEU& Co Auctlonoera CKOXLT& Morkis Agents AcmoM&n. Co. Hcxds Beds. A DeRosset Easter Dyes Geo W Williams Jt C Express boat Company Gardeu truck comes in slowly. Tentlooiand Stotchmen have peti. tior.edtbe British Parliament azainU tie abolition or tbe feather bonnet in Lb lliibland rcgimenU. Crtxaatioa U gaining lavor in Eng Tbe city antboritiej of I)ndon baue decided to csUbliih ft crematory at IlionJ. a ruburb of the East End. HVrueaare becoming Tcry iopular in Valparaiso. Chile.' as street car con duclori. Trarel has increased fifty per cent, since their advent in their new rt!c. William Lavkenow died in Chicago last week from starvation and exposuro Yean ago be wsj a merchant of Brook lyn. He was a son of one of the wealthiest shipowner! ol Bremen, Ger many. King Humbert, of Italy, seldom par takes of food at tbe family table He suffers much from dyspepsia, and has I The receipts of cotton at this port tha little that ha eats and ho eats only I to-day foot up . 122 bales ..U!.1I. anil iarrtt1 In I ' w.B-..jr.vr... , i j.r, nrosnecLs now nra t;s private room. ... will be lots of flowers in bloom bv Mri. Laogtry arrived at Dayton, Easter. OUio, from Cincinnati on Sunday night. Wo regret to learn that Mr. Alex. Board of Aldermen. A special meeting of the Board of Al dermen was held at the City Hall Jast night, to open bids , for city supplies, &c, for the current"year , The contract for ! furnishing the city with lumber was awarded to Messrs. Northrop & Ciimming, and for the city printing to W. L . DeRosset, Jr. Bids for lighting the city and feeding mules and prisoners were feferred to com mittees. A resolution was adopted prohibiting the storage of lime in warehouses be tween Mulberry and brange streets arid west of Second street. One of tbe Victims. Wo understand that Mr. John Her ring, aa aired citizen of Ionsr Crpek' l . - A . 1 ' . . , vuu was operaieu on nere uy tne wo man doctor," is in a precarious condi tion. He had a wen taken from his head and a wart from 'his cheek, just under the right eye. A gentleman who saw him a day or two ago tells us that his eyes arc in a bad condition, and that he is very despondent. In answer to some inquiry which was propounded to him, he mournfully stated that it was a mere matter of time with him now. Possibly his condition may have had something to do with the woman's hur ried departure from this cityJ Pug dogs as pets have had their day steam. I among the extremely fashionable, but oaa colas never 30 out 01 lashion, so that it is always necessary to know that rels occur between brothers. l)r. lJuirs Cough Syrup is a sure cure Ritfir hAt.wm hi This is the last month lor oysters. Sound parlies will soon bo in order. Have you had any April Fool in yours yet? We gain this month 62 minutes ol daylight J Eggs continue to retail at six dozen for a dollar. The first quarter of the new year has gone already. ' I This month has five , Tuesdays and five Wednesdays. Turner for all coughs and colds. Sleeping: Together, toomeooay nas said that more quar- between between i The Express Line.; The boats of the Express Steamboat Company now leave Wilmingtcn regularly four times a week for Fayette vilie, 1 and landings between. They leave at 2 p. m., sliarp, on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The passenger accommodations, av all travelers on the river know, are first class and thrdugh rates will be "made on freights to all points on the Capo Fear & Yadkin Valley R. R. The New Band Master. Prof. W. D. Munson arrived here late last night and was cordially wel comed by the members of the Comet Concert Club, who aro in high spirits over their new band master J Prof. Munson makes his headquarters at Heinsberger's Live Book & Music Store, and will begin his duties in the band room very soon. lie will no doubt revive the bras3 band interests of the city and infuse a new musical enthusi asm into the band members and the music loving youths of our town. Business Changes. Messrs. Cronly and Morris, one of the oldest firms in the city, have made a change in their business. They have removed to commo'dious offices over their old salesroom and have given up PLEASE POT! C3L V -" ' Wtirmtejflad to 'receive connurlciSoxa troia oar trleads oaaiy ajsa"iratjecia cf Th Bm 01 the writer tons: alwayi U ft r . &'.ahe4 to the Editor. , - ; , ' . 1 ICoajnmitcauoBji nrnst b wrIttD oa a j on aide of tfc paper. . 1 . 1 j' Partonantlea mttst be a folded And It la especial j and rATtlculxrly onCer tood that tbe Editor doe not ahrayeeado: m tnetlewaoi correspondents touess so atau. tn the editorial oolnsine. f- NEW AlVEllTISiaiIENT3. if i Grand SPRING OPENING WILL TAKE PIACK and Thursday, Friday Saturday, April 3ra; 4th and 5th. . 1 . V WITH TIlEi FINEST AND LARGEST, STOCK OF . , v Vliiiinery Goods. E?er ehowc la the State of North Carolina, t WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, I clerks in stores, between apprentices in the general auction business which they Anions: the Farmers. mecnancs- snops, oetween hired men, have disposed ot to Messrs. S. P. Col- V worn nlnico tr rnr-own o -oil utlncc" uuawcvuua auu wives, OWlUg LO lier Ol UO., WOO W1J1 Continue 1C as tneiT To which we invite one and nil for j Inspection, at ;' TAYLOR'S almanac promises weather lor to-morrow. fair day from our good friend and subscrib er, Mr. J. T. Collins, of Burgaw, and from him we have gleamed some facts of interest to our readers. He tells us that there was a pretty heavy lrost in his section yesterday morning, but that no great damage was apparently sus tained. His potato vines were .bitten but they wilL come out again and he thinks he will hayo potatoes ready to ship in two weeks. The green peas are looking well and jDr. Porter, of Rocky Point, will probably be ready to ship some in a day or two. We are glad to learn from Mr. Collins that a largo crop ot corn is to be plant- mch 31 BAZAAR, 118 Market St., '; WILMIKGTOK.'N.C. electrical caauges which their nerrous successors Messrs. C. & M., become systems undergo by lodging together the general agents for the Acme Mann . ? 1 A Ci. t A 3 A 1 Ills . -m ... uigut aiier mgnc unaer me same Dea ractunng company and at the same clothes $an by any other disturbing time will continue to sell real estate, cause. There is nothing, says the stocks and bonds, either privately or ; at Scientific American, that will so der- public sale. Messrs. S. P. Collier & o n era tho nonrnna averts m nf o norenn I ( : 1 1 ynnrkt-n ?n Un nffinnn n ,1 n.ln. who is liliminative m nervous force room vacated by the other firm and will JP Carta, Drays. Buggy . Uarnessi Carriace than to lie all night in bed with another sell any description of merchandise at person who is absorbent in neryous auction and private sale as well as P111' 03, Trunks of ail kinds.Bags. Backs stocks, bonds &c. Tlie: "Old Hictory" force. The absorber will go to sleep and rest all night, while the eliminator will be tumbling and tossinz, restless and neryous, and wake up in the morn ing fretful, peevish, fault finding and Dr. W, G. Curtis, of Smithville, was in the city to-day for the purpose of attending a meeting of the Board of Quarantine, which was held at 12 o'clock. This board, is composed jof Harness. Rockawav liarnnns . Triif k Hnrara Cart and Drav llarnas. Olkm. llnmn and Satchels. Repairing prdmjjtly done by MCDOUGALL & BOWDEN, Next to D. A. Smith's Furniture Store. mch 31 u. ' k m .- 1 and on Monday she astonished many Sprunt continues quite sick at his resi- rcnon- by walking to Little iork, twenty miles away, and back to her car. a liule jaunt of forty miles. denco in this city. discouraged. No persons, no matter ed in render this year, a much larger ftw are shou d habioia Uy sleep Dr. Cartu, pt. VVood and Dr. . George UK1n Ur nlnnfarl tliora I Will 10S6. h.ww-w., . . V , I : Dr. William A. Soula, D. V. S., the ouon. wun many, is 10 oe mauo buo- Hotel Brunswick. distinguished Veterinary Surgeon, New servient to com this year. Something 1 York, certifies to tho curative qualities to eat, and enough of it, is the slogan of " 1C31U l,um " Y U"IS 01 of St. Jacobs Uil, the great pain-cure ruves. "1:4 1 ! Lj OUSEHOLD DYES in all thejvarlous jlm. coiors at o cents a package. cent package, for A Lrmdon newspaper says it is prob able tht one lhouaand members and a5.ociates may cross the Atlantic to at tend tbe For Flower Pots and Hanging Bas- ekts call at the 5 and 10 Cents Store, No. 16 South Second street. t 'I would not live alway" was tho the season. At this time every availa ble man is at work in the fields and the ground is to be worked for all it is worth. tn-rt fmm whirh nnn nf our Cltv I) IS tor 8 Montreal meeting of the f . coajrreiration oa British Association for the Advance- . Sundav morninr. racnt of Science in August. . We invito tbe attention 01 our citizens Tbe duration of nearly all building to tho fact that first quality shirts arc material is said to be much shorter at I being made to order at one dollar at tho the West than in the Eastern States. Not only wood, but brick and mcst kind ot stone endura tho climato of tbe East much longer than that, of the East. Tbe ri?cr at New Orleans has reach ed tbe hzh water mark ol 1683. Tho backwater in Concordia parish (La) is rising, and tho safety of Vidalia is tbreauced. Two thousand persons art) recdml destitute at Rodney, Misj , by tbe overflow. Wilmington Shirt Factory. tt. An Unsafe Custodian. A rather good, but true one, is told upon a city friend. His good lady was the possessor of some of the filthy lu cre, silver and currency . He persuaded her that the currency was unsafe in her possession, but if she would intrust it to his keeping it would be perfectly se. cure. Ho accordingly, upon retiring,. Smithville, who is in the city to-day, that the new building which is being erected as an addition tor the Hotel Brunswick is nearly completed and that the arrangements for opening the house are beins rapidly perfected . The ball room is probably the largest and handsomest to be found at any seaside resort in the State and an excellent band of music will perform there throughout the season. Dr. Curtis says ! that Mr. Sublett, the Manager, is much pleased with the prospects ahead for the Summer and it is thought that the house will be full throughout! tho sea son. The Louise and tho Passport will both run daily and there will be every facility of communication between Smithville and Wilmington. In the Fall it is calculated to made still further additions to the hotel which it is pro' tor sprains, galls, Rheumatism, and all other afflictions to subject. which it horses are i DIAMOND DYES. 10 cpiormg master nggs, reamers,! Flowers, Mosses, Ribbons and any cloth material. J I INKS One 10 cent nackatreof Diamond Dra will make a quart ot fine Ink In any of the fol lowing colors : Black, Blue, Scarlet. Purple, Violet, Green, Red and Orange, j ; i ABTIST'S BLACK For EbonlzlDr Picture Frames, Cabinet Work. etc. etc.. 10 uioe. aii mo aoovc lor saio uy cents a NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ice Cream, Muriels Bros. & DeRqsset, Druggist, Market Street. AM NOW EEADT TO 8UPPLY MY customers with the best of PURE ICE CREAM, in large or small quantities. All orders filled promptly ana celivereu in any part of tne city. Prang's Easter Cards. A N ELEGANT DISPLAY OF A MOST aplllt P. CHRIST. Escaped Convict. A superb lot of EASTER CABDSJUhat havo progressed to perfection through the hands of experienced manufacturers and artlsUcal and original deals Handsome! iffinai designers. sly decorated Silken Face Cards. LIBERAL REWARD WILL BE PAID for the arre st and delivery of JOHN FOSTER, an escaped convict to tac House of Correc tion of New Hanover Countv. JOHN H. SAVAGE, aplllt j ! .Supt- mounted on rich plush mats of various colors. nana painted cards, new designs, on easels, liaunercttes. beautllullv arraved: In new de signs dn fancy burnished stands. i timall Cards, Largo Cards, and Cards to please tho perfection of modcstrJ the covlxh I beauty, the fastidious youth, and tho old and the odd. Call early and examine tbe variety at Tlin matar In tHa Harm FVr is r.midlv I ntmmrt ?f in hio nnMorahifr intonninrr filling now. There was 35 teet at Fay- f - -7 . ctteville last week on this Spring freshet th next morning to change the gar and of this amount 15 feet has already ment. Ia tho morning he forgot to 1 niasc me cnange, auu a iter uumg ac run otr. I.. . . . . e .. , In is piace 01 dusiucss iur bulub timo re membcred'his wife'-s money, but to his prietors of tho Mott paint, returns to dismay, upon searching himself, found Pctcrsbunr to-nisbt. Mr. Wright, the the nln still sticking in his shirt but posed to keep open during the Winter, State Agent, will remain here to prose- toe m0ney gone. He rapidly hurried as well as tn tne bummer, lor tne bene- days, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturday, y gj yj J g Express Steamboat Co. HEINSBERGER'S, rpDE BOATS OF THIS LINE LEAVE FOB JL I . i Fayette ville and Landings on the Blvcr, Mon mch 81 Live Book and Music Store. cute the work. We arc sorrv to hear that tnero is Walter L. Campbell, the Republican considerable sickness In tho country Eoainec for Mavor of Youngsto wn, O.. contiguous to this city. Pneumonia who has been blind tinco he was five and typhoid and mumps and measles premises and out-houses, tout nnauy, jears of age. was graduated irom arc the prevailing diseases. home, called his wife out ot the room where she was entertaining company, and informed her of the loss. A boy was employed in vain to search the fit of invalids and pleasure seekers from the Nojth and West. at 2 p. m. shakp. Passenger accommodations first class. Freight received at all hours. Through rates 1 to SlaUons on Cape Fear & Y V. B. B. ! Harvard law school, is a fine organist. scceAsml cheAs-Dlaver and edited a &ly newspaper for many years. Tbe report U gaining ground in Ten cessee that her lata defaulting treasurer. Marshall T Polk. Is not dead, but is hTio ia Texas. It U said that tbe cof ia which his body was supposed to Yesterday was a very cold day in tho interior of the State. There was a black frost in the ground and early vegetation was cut down. Tbe fruit crop, how- ever, is saiu to do uninjureu. We are glad to learn that Messrs. Mott, Levy. & Co. are meeting with GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., I Agents. i-A. B. WILLIAMS & CO., nac Agents at Fayettevllle. The Kalelff h & Gaston LI. 11. Un t nday last, tor tne nrst time in tn the Professor's delicht. in disrobine many years, we rode over tne itaieign himself, he found the missing money in & Gaston K. R., from Weldon to one of his socks. Raleigh, and we must confess to much apii 8t The Kcw Building. ?urpriae ""d firatificatioa at the many Samuel P. Collier & CO. Iimproveuiuiiu. tu u uiscovuruu an aiuug I the line of that road.! It is, for North successors to cronly & MOBBis. ment lavoraoio to our wpnny iepre- Carolina, a thickly settled country. New uctioneebs, stock and real es sentative in Congress, Hon. Wharton towns are springing up and new indus- bbokebs. Wilmington, n. c. J.Ureen.aunog me pasi icw uajs trie3 are- rapidly developed. . .. . .1 r li r 1 . 1 I uiiico auu ow a. u relative to me Din ior a puuuu uuimiu6 Littleton, where some years azo we North Water streets. AT 122 MARKET STREET All the late- Spring Styles. And will receive them weekly and sell ! them very. low. MRS. S. J. BAKER. mch 23 lw f" 1 ; Economy is Wealth. Jr. tMi oil v wliirh. .oa our readers may , . Salo dy Tuesdays and Frilars ot each j - - F ' I 4VUUU VU in V SA K U A W UVU.Jt WW TV Cm I mpnlr be aware, has been agreed upon in committee. It is due to Col. Green's large and thriving town and son, since the construction of Hender- the Ox. Consignments solicited. i TTAVING DISPOSED OF OUR AUCTION j A A E YEARS RENT WILL PUR- eorncrof Princess and mnoh nvP5 hprfl in introdncni? the .W.." .w we been buried was in reality empty, celebrated Mott fire-proof paint. They -a waicsed merely as a blind. ; tell us that they have orders ahead al- I & - A . V . I & ..du m a a v I m in v !?.! mm ion l ia:nric i I .... . , . rr . l. thm . . . ... . .. . I .;..cnno r. ..i. r"mt Lru.i.n I 1 i vM.a.w.. - , I n( irillliai Ann nniinnir UUUllS lUftH I tnrrt I? I ,a ran H if rlara nninnr intn I .o vi utuwoi &-iuu.uw, i . . ar . .. . tih .t tVol t-. , K .,n p.5 hpfnr tho I . .. . . m. ' a.j ta Messrs. 8. P. COLLIER & CO.. we bespeak I rfUUX6U-' flJuif'vraDgc iuiucitj, icu - r evi lusoiuiiuoa uviAwtu I io " .ocnH hn hoon nnmnin lsned. 1 IlKro 13 1 fA.iho. . .h.M.MhAn.f.AMM'. ! i i - i w.. i - i , . " k ii tajik i.mnn ifsntiri irrtap, it inn m ci.ih CHASE A HOME. Boildlng Lots fbr J ' j sale on the instalment plan on Casile, rrtofaQ,biUby Congress which Mayor to day and that was James Epps imuch gpcculitioQ as to the sito i would nsaurully change tha present charged with house breaking and will be selected but ol course it i P:ect Uws. An onraniiatioa was larceny. Ho went to jail in default o! c . f;nn nq cnma fhink Pi'Wi uws. An oriranizatioa formed under tbe name ot The Na tional Association of American Inven tors." larceny. a bond of SI0O lor his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court. The wife of a gentleman in this city, Io accordacco with letters apostolic by rcsIdentNorth of the Wilmington & Wel- o Alii. ArcbblshoD Gibbons has con- don, K. U.. but wnoso name we pur- okcdtbe Third Plenary Council of posely withhold, gavo birth Ia3t night Baltimore to be held in the Cathedral of to three children two girls and a boy. that city on NoYember Oih. 1834. It is The girls are alive and j doing well buk ; rrpdi?.i m. .;ti u th, irrttMi thA bar died. Commiserations arc m council of the Catholic Church held in! order. - . i America. I w,,iirn( iKn Review has called I - . . A. dk l A . .A .111 t? . j r:.,i onr auenuon to tne iac( inai. musi. aa JTy( who weeks In tha lT:..i i. r ; lice is relieved by a smaller or what -Uk., WHJ IN IOU1UVU IU I ... , . , bracing fK-rt t h svbla i may be termed tne day squau, anu ne aowtorideout cccaslonallj. -Ho and IhinwthUchAnge ismadc at too early Mi frieada look for his ipocdy retanxto an hoar and calls tho attention of our wHtSllth ICtlJIww ma xaauer. which is all lfttion us vet. Some think tnat the present site of the Postoffice may be purchased and the building which stands there now utilized, others that the vacant lot on the Southeast cor ner of Second and Dock will be the dace: others still that the vacant lot r city. And there i3 another thing which struck us as a specially great improve ment and that is the present condition of the railroad itself, as manifested in the appearance of its depot buildings. the steel rails which are laid on a large portion of tho track and the improved condition of tbe road bed. mere are fortunately a number of valuable beds of I Seventh, Wilson, Eighth, Klnth,t DIciInsonr - - ... .. -..! r Ttnth, Wood, Bay, Eleventh, Charlotte, Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Streets. Altt, Houses and Lets for rale. .Money loaned to those within g lo trail!. Apply to ) mch SO i JAMRS WILSON. Mattresses. on the Southeast corner of Princess and raaiU OQ tfais and these have Third streets, just ooum oi ine "J been utilized by Capt. Smith, the Su Hall, would bo selected and therelare pcrintendent of I the road, in forming a FULL STOCK ; DF CUE LED HAIR, iralWorden. United States ourancuuuuw - theSouthsideof Market.betweei lay a: death's door for ol the reported burglaries In this city aad ThirJ aj nkcly lo t i Massachusetts Qcoeral occurred about the time the night po- .$ of r. .v. lir is relieved bv a smaller or what . ... . . . ; u yet others who speak of the old Betten court proporty, corner of Market and Second streets, as also the Lord lot, on theSouth side of Market.between Second the spot. as the bill is not yet a- law although u win in all probability soon become one. new. and indestructible road bed. He has two quarries in use and a large stone crusher which prepares the stone as fast as it can be taken from the quarries. ve doubt it mere is now a better road bed in the country. Capt. Smith is a Wilmingtonian and we feel proud of the success which ho has ob Now tethQUmetogivoSmithXWnnt is making for Oil. lydrtr lumseir.. liberally bestowed on us. apll 2t j CRONLY A UURKIS. Cronly & Morris, GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE ACME MANUFACTURING COMPANY, JpOR THE SALE OF PINE HAIR. IER- JLILIZEHS ASD COTTOS SD OIL. Special attention given to the sale of REAL j ESTATE, STOCKS and BOND3, either prl vately or at public auction. Office in building S. E. corner of Princess and North Water Streets (up stairs). - Wilmington. N. C, April 1, ISSiJ tpl 1 it AJLU1UO it UaiUOU UVBIOIO Als?, pew stock of FURNITURE and WIN A EE CONCEDED TO BE THE BEST.I . , ' ! They are to be had only at the Old North f DOW SHADES for Spring trade oTcrt l f at feiate Saloon, o. 6, South Front SU i i ' - - I : icecooiiAger ueer epeciaitT- MOSS, SHUCK AND CpTTON, EXCELSIOB AND STRAW StATTBESSE3 ' en bind and for sale low. The best I Whiskey and purest Wlnea sold ia the city. Ctgsrs as gooxl as the best. Call and be con inced. i i . fej2i low pi Ices by is . . ; . &&' SI D. A. SMITH, i rnrnltore, 2?, Front Street

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