Saadayi- x THIS PAFEE rrerr ereatax. . ceptod by JOSHT.JAMES, bdxto uro rtoraxrroa, .TTVTTnva POSTAGE PAID: st- .six Booths, fXOo. Tare f?li B, w TvTr.per will t Uenreird by carrier. frt 1 . . rt of tha city. At tbo abort rates krw and liberal. ... . aft gj-Sabsrtbers wiu rciwr M Tcelt9 their paper rcu.,r. fall JCS - ITU Miy nctr hs the largest fj circulation, cf any newspaper jr i., LOCAL NEWS. 'HZU T8 IW lOVinillMUTX. jA Wii.o-0panl Tblak K M Mclsttac Samr Silks. Ac K U Halt, Major-SUta Exposition ,..f,.ii-PWi E.ter Cards I rtMT-T rra CHU Salt Gbue 1 Pipe ;-,. n.A DkEo&SET Easter Dye The turm atgcal was flying to-day. Tb receipts of cotton at this port tc- jjj foot cp 20 bales. Mr. J.A.Spriogcr.of this city, had t!rwbrries for tapper last night crown ia the open air ia his garden. There is an uamailablc letter in the i.,-tnr ia this city addressed to Harriet Heidon. care of . T. Moore. MeN. Daniel Shaw and J. 11. Al derman, of Pender county, were in the city to-day and favored us with a call. Va invite the attention of ur citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the YLal zton S hirt Factory tt. Mr. Sol Uias Tw2c Mansger of the AjialedRailwaT, wai in the city to-day, and accorded us the pleasure cf a short visit. Krenzein. 3.705 Cer. barque IYotpero. cleared to-dry lor Stettin with barrels I rosin, valued at $5 050. ship ped by Messrs. E. Teschau & Wester-maon The Xorth Carolina rrtsbyltrian comes to us this week in a new dress scd in a cew torm. It is now an eight pace and wc think the change an improvement. Exposition Meeting Mayor llall has called a meeting ot these interested in the proper reprefen tation of our city and county at the VOL. VIII. WILMINGTON; N. C WEDNESDAY. APRIL 2. 1884. - I - . . ! NO. 79 CKONLY. I Its Settlement Growth Kn- tcr prise Prosper It 3- Proa pectj The . Acme fllanurac tiirins Compauy. f SeTfntecn miles from Wilmington, in Columbus county, on the Carolina Central Ilailroad, where less tb.aa two short years aro strxJil a wilderness, is located the toarn of Crunlj. and ibeie arc the works ot tho Acm Mannfac- luring Company. This company fearo erected three largo cstalishments at that place ia which commercial fertilizers, pine straw fibre and oil, andcotton seed A- Scott, who is a Scot by birth . as oil are manufactured. Each denarl- wol as a W Dame, and who ins ment Is conducted in a separate build- vented and constructed a largo portion Ing, especially constructed acd adapted iix0 machinery used .in this depart to the business to win1 h it is devoted. IIICZS tcrifc(!ac3a;y ta aa r:sc!s cf rseaeralliitcrestbt. " V ' f ' - Tit cf tts rritcr xasst always to ft r s Coammilaaaoga emu m wzUUa ca ca:y me aiasot tie pape? J : i - PowaaSUlca aiutbf aroll ;r.. - 8 ! A4UU eepcdiCy 'ana pxrtJcuUrlj trfer tood iUt to Editor doaot'aiwajs eadoi ae to6vteTraofiiTtipaienU4u so tuSfJ In the edltorUl .cotacma.. j to the first floor arid into the proper then conveyed to a still, where it is sep bags. all ready lor market. The factory arated from the naphtha by distillation, is capable of turning out about 10X00 and the latter is conveyed to a large ton3 of first class fertilizers per annum. tank 22 feet svuiare and 8 fect high. It is under the special charge of Mr. in -which there is li mile and one-eightb James Moran. who i3;well qualified by of pipe." where it i? condensed and years ef experience for the position. ready lor use again. The seed, alter .. the pike ficke FACTOUT. as been extracted, b loaded ino , About 50 yards West of the factory cars and coWeycd on a railroad track, we have jast described, and on a lice has been constructed forthepur- with it. is the factory where the ordi. Pse to the fertilizer lactory; where it lury long-lcafcd pine straw is made l the manufacture ot fertil- into an excellent fibre for ' iaiuinn? mat zers, as wc hayo described. NEW AJVERTISEMENT8. yew APVEirrisi!rir2fT3, IN (i HEAT TAIUKTV OrfcTrafes !3 ou, lUe, t&, 85S7l 1-2c; - 4 viVMi-TOloipC SlVlp. CI. trcssss and other npholstery work. This factory Is supplied with a CO horse- engine, and is under the charge of Mr la all these manifold operations we have attempted '.to describe there is but VVry littleTmannal labor, the chief part jot the work being done by machinery. In conveying the different materials from one machine to another autom at ie appliances working with the regularity ZEPHYRS, CIIAMUR AYs; GIXnAMgi h ClIAMmtAY KOBI. NE ulvVrv uuvno, 2 in inesc iwo .acpar miitvellaimiUjACK-300DS WHITE qOODS, S v. tages land iiiciucemcntVr01 x V?t rVr ; DKESH (lOODii "ARRIVING DAIIJY. "ilUt BLEACHED COTTONS LACE CURT s5 lowest fc api 2. 1884 TTONS amlimETXGS-;Wi.ll iSo1cm making three manufacturing establish ments in all, each ot which is 150 feet long by 50 fect wide and two stories high, with tho exception of the cotton seeded mill, which U three stones high for about half its length. ine ground lor tnis cutcrpnse was first broken on the 15th of j December, 1832, although the company did not se cure its charter until April, -1583. The officers of tho company are, Mr. W. Latimer, President; Capt. Henry Sav age. General Manager; Air. U. G. Lat imer. Treasurer; and Messrs.. Cronly & Morris, General ' Agents. . The company started witn a capital or $152,000, although a capital of $1,000, 000 is authorized by tho terms of the charter. They own a tract of 2,500 acres of land. 8n the surface of w Slight Fire. About one o clock this afternoon a ment. and made it. too. r cht there at anu simpucuy oi ciocKWorK. occom- the works. Aside from the minrirrae'-1 Plish the task. Mr. J. T. Most is in lure of the fibre, as we have said, it is charge of the linting and' hulling de- spark from the chimney lodged on the at this lactory that tho Dine oil is ex- !." u . is an expen- root ot tbo buildinff on the Northwest traded from tho pine straw; The oil enced millwright. He is a skillful corner of Hanover and Fourth streeSf is extracted while tho process of mak- workman, and has m several instances and ignited it. The alarm was at once ins the fibro is in progress, a3 we shall wrought mechanical revolutions; but given and the firemeu as well as citizen IT presently describe. This . oil ' possesses valuable medicinal properties and may be used externally or internally as occasion demands. It is used exter- it must not bo inferred from this fact I that ho is any relation to IIrr Most, the political revolutionist, for he is not. We have thus far endeavored to de-1 were promptly at work, but -did not succeed in extinguishing" the t flames until several small holes had ; been burned. The building is bccuDied .bv - -" . : 1-. Grand,,J,5 SPUING OPENING r .ii Tliursday,. 1 Friday tu Saturday, ; April, 3rd, .4th iandn 5th, , . WITH THE FiXEST ANi JLiEQEST ; . . STOCK OP; If - I 1 xi a. r 1 1 1 t I m nally for rheumatism, sprains, cnts and scnoe me town 01 ironiy, wun 11s 115- Mr. 1. L: Jj'entress, as - a drug store, bruises with successful results and in- dustries, growth and condition, as it is and is owned by Mr. John H. Strauss. teToally it is efficacious in a'variety ot at present. What its prospects' for the whose loss is about $50, which is fully diseases. It is a powerful antiseptic, future are may be predicated from its covered by insurance in the Hartford The factory is eapable of turning out I remaraDie growm in ine iew nnei jj ire ins. Uo., represented m this city by Messrs. Atkinson & Manning.' ?Mr, Fentress suffered no material loss, ; The assthetic movement in England has p.ntirelv dipd rmt. hpfansp wpII 1 1 1 , ... . ' . . . 1 1 hich where it is, and, unlike jate, it will not Pieiea- iverytning is new, ana witn cause people think there is more good and about two tons of- the fibre per day, montns since operations were ; comr which would yiekl about four gallons of menced. The work is not yet finished ; oil. Tho fibre i3 an excellent article for 13 hut comparatively just begun. mattresses as vermin" will cot abide None of the factories are entirely; com- millinery Coodo, the families crow nnlimitcd fnrpst ofnine lroWi th decay with moisture, but will last many the exception of a few dwellings, every I I . I iL! S T 1 rrM or whirh tho fihr iinrl rin oil years and should it. by any accident. ""n5 " incomplete, xmproveuieois are un...ln nH whirh inn- get Wet. It Will regain ItS elasticity UDOn WU8WUJ " Sm, uu Mwomuga haustible deDosits of DhbsDhato rock, of being dried. The process by which the are course oi PVPrwnriPtv hpiln of hinp fibre is made and the oil from the nvals are being added to mr1 nr.ht1.,PnrHp(lfhn crt;i rF I Straw IS extracted 13 abOUt as tOlIOWS: ireauluere- ",sa uuw tjuierprwo, W - V I . 1 , 1 1 It . icw t;i thot Qft.. ,0r, The pine straw, of which there were a new piace, mnaoicea oy a np-w peo 4ivn vw0Wj uuvti v kVkw vwvru " i - 9 - v . fprtiiitr Thn about 300 tons in the yard, is conveyed 1 v yet it nas .us fnotnrfp .rn RitnntP.1 lirPtW on thft tOtllO Second UOOr DV aQ elevator. H4 wo uwrevcu auu ic4u Hnpnfthn I'arnlina Pnfrnl T?ailro?ifl. I Wliere it IS Placed In large iron CyClindriv I UJ BWLUO U4 kuouiu tuwicu pcio wuw They give constant employment to cal tanks which reach nearly to ; the ve in the vicinity. The principal of Slate Excosit on. to be held in the City about 100 men. who live in the village orsi uoor. xu mesa tanss ic 13 suoject Court Room to-morrow night, at 8 o- which has sprung up by the, magical ed to Intense pressure ana tne oil extract- '-V 1T Imit ihl lhA tnP.vfln xv 1 Ixr-.nrl of to In thn wnll.d rPrtpd eU. inesiraw IS men pm 1U Olfler be lar-elv attended and that measures hands of enerirv and entcrnrisc. The tanks filled with hot water and thorough common sense in taking a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup than in carrying a my. and new ar- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS the SUto of Xorth Carolina, at "i, the these echoes from the past is the ex istenceof a -. - ; 1 ' MALE AND FEMALE GHOST. Of these, the legend is, that the male I. . ...... m. .1 retir-tat- nroa nn rll nlontoi wlinn lin txn a may be taken for making a handsome location is very healthy, being on an clr ly coofcea so mat it is sou. ana it wasn - " . " - ed and cleaused of all loreign matter, 1Xi "" "f From this it is taken to another machine cruel to his slaves. He was a hard which rubs it and works it until there worker and . hard master and during are many, strings to eacn particular fc" ou muvU vmriUJCu straw, in fact, makes it into fibre. that had no time to devote to the Ttiirirwv all tliaca nrnAcona it Tina haan punishment or his wayward colored display of the products of this section, evated plateau, a short distance from LIvi ngs ton Creek, a J tributary of the Capo Fear. Tho village is regularly laid out in sauarcs. and contains now w about 90 houses. 1 besides a store, a postofiice and depot Pilot lloat Lost. : The pilot CJui, which Messrs aAi. Gathrie and Jas. Williams, two Smith- till pilots, bad recently purchased in New Bedlord, Masi., was lost on i. ,1 which there is Te rra-Cotta Sa 1 1 G lazed Pipe A CJAK ; LOAD DAILY EXPECTED TOl arrive. Diameter S, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Inches. For sale at manufacturer's prices. Anulv to apl 2 It S.iL. FEEMONT. Stop and WHY PAY KENT WHEN THE same money will buy you a home ? In this - city I have sold over one hundred and fifty Lots and Houses and Lots to parties who have paid In full for them, by Instalments monthly payments. Also, I have a large number now on my books, who are making regular monthly payments and will soon own homes and get clear of land- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! To which we Invite one 'and ar) for at ink. mm - inspection, BAZAAR, .ii . : i mch 31 118MarKet!St.i WIUIINGTON, N.C. remarkab v these various processes and machines filled with gold, and forgot where s rill now pro- through which the straw is made, from buried it and her spirit now wande vODu i isiaou. on the lrcima coast. I erranli Comnanv established. Jt is lait Sander mo in sh wn. nn hpr UntomnNtPH to hnitd n churr.h .and S macmncwnerc tne water issireezea ram rod Saw IWfard lo Smith. Ur.hoolhonsa at n r.irlv dav. the oul cuning process is oeguu. .... . - ..I . . . t . . 1 : i 1 nanlmnp tula to charre cf Mr. Wi iam. with cround3 for wh ch have been reserved lucu '"""S" w Mr. (icthrleaad three other men on I and laid out. board and tprung a leak during a heavy I The abovo is a brief outline of this Northwest gale oo Saturday night. important enterprise, its locality and For the safety of those on board she the advances it has already made as a vai beached on Sunday morning, but thriving, busy town which has prung be drifted off and in ok. The crew into existence in such a were rocucti and earcti lor bv the me I short snaro or time. e will now oro- I , I . 1 k : . 1 . Satin? station, hnt fhpv In !! thPir tA fn Pcor5K mrtrn mirmtrlTr nil lOO .aw maiuiiai w mo wauuiawuicu Tha CcZia was about 35 tons more in detail the' different . industries articles, it iscarried bymacmnery work- i m. . M TIL . A. M f . r carricJ on at Cronly. and tho process ingauiomaucaiiy anu wiuow me amor ofthrir mnnnffnrP hncinnm- with I laborot tne DauuS OI man. XUO means " I 1 employed are all 1 apparently simple; FERTILIZER ESTACU3UMENT. This building is situated in tho centre of the three factories, and it is to this that tha thousands of tons of nhosnhate Tls police made 27 arrests daring the k-xj. with which the vard ia3 been -"4 -w,uuw4 vu MMw..iu6 fiiIetl from lne quarries, aro brougnt oases: lit 1 I . il A next taken to tho wringing and break- ineni P ana U0S mem -indiscriminate ly as a sort of devotional exercise. rm ' . a mA 'a 1 It iiiis cruelty oecame a torment to mm , machine I alter aeatn. anu nis spirit is uemeu Money loaned to those wishing to build. '' -appiy to apl 2 cw j JAMES WILSON. Notice. The'iOld Hickory . . i i . . . . FARM WAGON, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, Carts. Drars. Bnsirv IUrnpM n. rrinra llanicss, Kockaway JUarccES, Truck Harness, in i u LrT Hwnees. Collars, ILtmes, and Satchels. Ecpairlnir nromutw data h skuied workmen. i.svi(' UcDOUGALL A TiAWniPV Next td D. A. Smith's Furniture Store. through Which it passes. and" thence to r?st but is continually riding about the hyEssRS. jwDETH, levy & co., sole 1 . W MB. I 1 I LI -11 IBB 1 KW B I BC . K . Bl BL. I BVJB M. W ' ghostly slaves. The other ghost is that Proprietors of Mott's Booflrr Paint, under ! I Patent No, 231,053, granted September Ilth, fin- TT OUSEHOLDf DYES In aU thearlous viiuB a, u ceu a package., i . , tide of "moiatnra is evanorated. and - . - . ' In i 1 1 a t x . oi an oia woman wno. uunnjr tne revo i ' , I A-Z I I . J Z A V- I .1 . A A. 1 1 I ... ha: . wuere sue same, or rcaunp: wun partiesurrminQir tiierc- DIAMOND DYES. 10 rntu fn ) coloring Easter Eggs, Feathers. Flowers. ' dothio;. benhco. Silver Plated Spoons. Forks and KaiTci of best Quality, and at m anu facturer'a d rices, can be found at J A- C021S Hard ware Depot. t Police Ueport around tne vicinity in for the buried treasure. rs a vain search Abusing police officer while These rocks are of different forts. ; but cacaty.i colored male; aasaulUng po- all nosaess valuablo fertilizlnir proper- While OU duty. I colored male;tlfla. 1 Some nro almost as hard as flint. wleepoa the street. 1 colored male; wbi! others are quite solt.; These are Werly conduct, 6 white males, 5 lhrowQ iDf0 a Biake Quarry Crusher. wtvu maies, o coiorea lemaira , uruDK on first floor which is carried by an auowD. l wniie mais: lanare io pay rm-. nnTr mKoii,,. ux. 3 wiuwmajes; jcionious bardor soft aro made to crumble under strT, 1 colored male; larceny. 2 col- tho immenso power which is brought to wedtaales; throwing rocks In the street, bear upon them. This crusher is capa icu4oredmale. ble of crashing from 10 to 12 toDs'Ol hc same month 16 wh.te rockperday. After being crushed the JM6colcrcdmales appliel for rock is conveyed to' a t drying furnaco gsatpoUce headquarters. . and then by another elevator. to the Aaountof conrt finp oollvJwi Hnr- . l. r . .uJ. .1 ing the month. 417.50. Pound tees 1 whoro W.iCCieU, 51150. . I t- tmn.lnMn nrtu'ilur nng the month 15 plaoea of busl- were fod open by the police at blown by a current of air. through a dust chamber ; thence to tha dust tin , whence it is taken and piled in t heaps on the second floor to be used as want ed. When wanted tho dust, a quantity of kainit and cotton seed meat are taken ' to tha mixing machine into which they Tho Mercy of tha Ho nr. The reader who bears alar off of the prorated Utility Hospital, nearly two texdred years old, learns with surprise oreTeajia. to M A. Dan J3tn,tt New Orleans. Ijl. will procure ho.e or fraction of a ticket In the p dfawing (April 6th.) the 167th, ar0 emptied and thoroughly mixed, by ,. oT:: .'J 4" '" Wi whieJxnrocass tne mixture again rescues riru tl. wo .oS J-a KTiV w tho first floor. Thence it is taken by Japport of that nobU institution. The I elevator to tho topor the second story fder may grt $75,000. but that need I nd thence' back to the ' second floor Mr. John II. Francis, 63 Maiden Lanr New York, sole agent for Orrick's Cele brated Vermifuge, the best ot its kind in th martpt Raw? "thnt. in hi ot. such as any man of ordinary intelligence perience of over twenty years, he has mizbt arrange, but when taken with all never sold anjtbing with such iavari- the other machines, shows the work of ably good results as &t. j acoos un, tne . . . ... - I irrpjiT. nain.nnre. i a patient, thoughtful, . calculating and ! 1 ineenious mind, fruitful in expedients City Court. and skilllul in combining them for- the The following cases were disposed of I A pujjjwi uni-.iii 1 uj iue iuajui uus uiuiuiu . V the cotton seed oil. MarrEhza Lively, colored. disorder- Nearly East,"on a line with and about jy conduct. $10 or 30 days. She went 50 yards from the fertilizer factory, is below. j the factory where the oil is extracted Victoria Collins, colored, drnnk and from the cotton seed. The machinery down, $5 or 20 days. She aW went of this establishment is run by a 50 below. Jiorse-power engine and the ! work is conducted under the supervision ot Mr. Henry O'Neill, . who' has - had many on, under penalty of law, which will be en forced. WORTH, LEVY & CO., Proprietors ' C. L. WRIGHT, Agent, Purcell House. apl 2 tf Star copy , 1 -NORTH CAROLINA , STATE EXPOSITION1 i CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, i , MAYOR'S OFFICE, April J.1SSI MEETING OF ALL CITIZENS OFNew Hanover County who take an Interest In the INKS-One 10 cent package of Diamond Dre will make a quart of fine Ink In any of the fol lowing colors; Black. Blue, Scarlet, Purple, V lolet, Green, Red and Orange, - 1 r , ARTIST'S ELlCItThf- Khrt!r1n jrrames. caornet Work. etc... ftp... lii tube. All tho above for sale dt cents a t : ' L if Munds Bros & DeRosset,1 Drugjp!sts,,Market Street i.i I mch1 31 1 A. Prang's Easter Oards. ELEGANT DISPLAY OF above named Exposition, will be held in the City Court Room, at 8 o'clock, April Sd, for the purpose of adopting some plan of organ! zatlon and cooperation whereby the Interest j of the County and City may be fully repre- exi o scnted. apl 2 It 8 tar; copy E. D. HALL. Mayor. Sent to Bladen. ! ' way man aicnay, tne colored lugiurei years ot eapexienco in this sort of busS from Bladen justice, who was arrested JjXpreSS btG&ILlbO&t uOi ness. Near tne lactory . is . tne store- a iew uays siuue, was iuiiy wenuueu o house in which aro stored about 700 the officers who were sent for Jiim, and tons of cotton seed ready for : manipula- he was promptly surrendered to them tion. From this storehouse the seed is and was taken back to Bladen county carried by a screw4 conveyor to the wherehe will be furnished with corns factory, whence it is taketi by elevator tbrtable quarters in the jail j until it is to the third floor to a revolving screen time to investigate his case by the which cleara it of all sand, sticks, stone I Superior Court. it 601 cetera real pbUanthopist. fhe larreat and best stocky oi " iacowa. Doors. BUnds and -at 1 ctcry prices U at N. Jacobrs Hard Depot. f through a set re by which any large par- remain, are excluded Uclcs that may from tho mass. Thence by eleyatcr it is carried to the top of tho second story. Yfhtr-o i; is conveyed throu jh a shoot or other foreign substances. Thence is taken by another screw conyeyor which discharges it to the Haters on the second floor when whatever, lint that may cling to it is taken off. Thence ij is carried by elevator to tho huller on the third floor, where the hull is taken from tho seed, and from thence it is carried to another screen, where the hulls and kernels are separated, the former being conveyed to the fire room and the latter to the rollers to be crush Harbor Master's Keport. The following were the arrivals of vessels at this port during the month ending Mar. 3 1st. 1884 : r 1 American Steamers 7, aggregating 5.637, tons; 1 barque, 253 tons; 19 schooners, 5.843 tons, making a total 'of American tf 27 vessels," aggregating 11.023 tons. '- -V' : Foreign-rBarques t, aggregating 3.- 424 tons; 1 brig, 220 tons; 3 schooners. Inn. .ooMiwtiwi, m ntat froiim f cd, after which it isconveyed to the, ex s Itns, and a ; grand tractor, where the oil is extracted, by i -....Ij.. rpHE BOATS OF THIS LINE LEAVE FOE FaTette vllle and Landings on the Elver, Mon days, Wednesdays, ThorsdaTS and Saturday , at 2 p. m. sna.Br. ; . ; i i -. '1 Passenger accommodations Ant class. . Freight received at all hoursvThrough rates to StaUons on Caps Fear & Y. V. E. B. GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO.. A MOST superb lot of EASTEU CAEDS, that hare luiiicoBou u peneccon taroufQ tne nanaa of xperlenced xnannf aeturcrs and arttstlcal and xlKlnal deaLrners. ' i i i . Handsomely decorated Silken Faea Cards! mounted on plush mats of various colors. ' Iland pHlnted Cards, new deafens, on easels. , Bannerettes, bean til nllv mrrnvMi in tu , signs on fancy burnished stands, j i etnaU Cards, Large Cards, and Cards ' to please the perfection of modesty, the coylsh vau.j, uw usuuiuut yum, ana vne oia ana the odd. Call early and cxamln tho variety at 1 HEINSBERGER'Sj 1 mch 81 - -. . Llvs Book and llntlfi fltorel iea :goodc i AT 1215 M AllKEIl , SXUEET. 1 :-.'! t. 1,1 Air tho; late Spring Styles. And wElccel v tUcn! weekly and seH i' apl 1 St nac Arcnts. B. WILLIAMS Jb CO.. i Arenu at Faytttevllle. Samuel Collier & Co. SUCCESSORS TO CE03TLT M0ESIS, ' ' UCTIOJiZEES, ;STOCK AKD BEAUES. TATE BUOKEES, WILMISGTOX, 3T. C. Oiice and Store 8. E. comer of Princess and Jforth water streets. - . Sale days Tuedys and Fridays of each week. Consign menu ollcitecL- ;:- r ; , TTAVLSQ DISPOSED OF OTJB AUCTlOKi ismxoesi tot tne eaie or ucncrai aiercain nse, to Messrs. S. F. CULU& IXK, we bepcai SIRS; S. J. BAKEK. mch 23 IwT 1 Japanese, FisHirig Poles FOE SALE AT EEOUCEO FEICFS. - , . ... I, " GILES & llUECIIlSOy, If irretMWW Jtioclr. mch 51 JL mixed. instead ot' kydraalhx 'pressure, ' Now b the time to give Smith Worm orthea i?' and whia and pur as itoras formerly done. ThoeUUlOu. - - ; lyd-w I aptia cotlt & zrqssis. Home's - Garden Oysters 3L Xhey ore to be hi I on!r at tsv Oil liorta I ICS CO01 , SoC, tvcthlroM at,. - I jrEocr sje;la!ty. Th9 best 1 pureit Wlcj soli In thct city. as lt Lt. Cailand tcon-