Scalars ex a:". r eepted by ftoaccrfrlaiSacaaay sia a3 citjita c. KcnjersJlatercfitbat-', 5 ' Tbs asms ot te wxiUt meat tSmjt be tif H PAID: B2aMtotcsEdUoK ' ! SU months. ft.00. Three aw r Vsi t dHrered by carriers free fLaavp-xtoftbeetty. at the above - vi tM rr week. w m i uu . v '.nwlow m4 BberaL '. their rrrrelarly, jjx Pniltf Review has the larytst i f.ii circulalum. OJ any I. a a Intt ulflDtll tl)C , .tjrht for treei inuTiinauuu. , h1r.A.lHn of the New York .UintteCtjof Mexlc and will iUT tbere a Mrs- Kale Cbaso. formerly Mrs. b Uken a boase in Par,. ;;rPropo5eHll:crc for sometime D-ir wed the other day rwas-oinzto be candidate for iwteJr wis lbe reply. Ex-CuTernor St. John, of Kansas, jerres notice on the Republican party Hat. if il fail to put a prcbibition p.ank :-:o the national rna- 11 Wl11 lose 1.100.000 rote- KeaemUrlox the increased prices w-:ch American theatregoers have had so'caj latterly to witoess the perform ascti of lorcUn theatrical and operatic iiars. U U cocaolinj to know that 1 British proTindaU wish to look on Miry Asienon'i beauty they must pay round for the privilege. Miss Maud Stuart, who took ao uc cesilallJ ibc part of tho blind girl in the p'.ij ct "Young Mri. Winthrop." is cow threaded with blindness, and is ia tie care of a Philadelphia oculist, to atert the threatened calamity which MQi to bare reiolied irom her rorrect cocceptioa of the part and her endeav-J crs to appear blind. Nellie Sheppard. the daughter of the lite ex-GoTernor Hubbard, of Con cecucat, who was disinherited because tie married her father's coachman, is Uring at Meriden, Ct., with her infant. She bad been divorced from her 111 choen husband, but her father died w;ihout extending a pardon or provtd- jcg for her melancholy future An ingenious Frenchman has patent fcl an elaborate process by means f which there will be shown In Lccdon an electric-lighted ballet at Eastfrtimc. The sceno is to bo the cew Empire Theatre in Leicester. The opera to be adorned with the glow is worm amazons is Her? e's ChiI peric," revised and altered to suit mod ern tastes. Blaine has already secured 118 of the Col delegates to the Pennsjlvaoia Re publican Conreniioa. or a majority of the whole number, while soveral coun ties, yet to hold tcir district meetings, will largely increase this vote. Thus far oaly tweatysix delegates have beefl elected who arc opposed to him, so that it is evident he will have the Keystono Stats prcsiin his claims at the Nation si Convention more strongly than ever. About oce thousand murders were comcittcd in the United Stales in 1583, ltd only about one hundred murderess were legally hanged, while more than ccf hundred were lynched. These tirte l;tt!o fids 3 a long way in ex-I-Uiaisg outbreaks of mob violence like tiat which terrornixed Cincinnati Tie moral of it all is that th mob, in race cases out often, is an unconscious deaud far better laws and surer juf - j txe. ! Mr. T. C. Campbell, who defended rcer, tne murderer, whose escape frua tho gallows caused the Cincinnati r' -. writes to the newspapers to say the jury was selected by tho Court sJ. if they wero Improper persons, the Cocrt sloco is resnonslble. He ibJnks tiit the jury acted honestly, 'according light famished them. As for self. he was bound to do his best for h:s client, and under the same cir csaiiancw he would be obliged to tarwlhs same line of defence again w;ihoct rtfAxd to consequences.- The CindnnaU riots will serve the purpose ot callias Increasod attention to the mUitU bill now in the bands of the House ccamiuee on military aalrs. Tb measure; of which Representative Slocum. ol Xtm York, is the author. Preiidea an appropriation or $600,000. ich b to be spent for camp equipage .other munitions of war for distri- bstioa to the sevsral States In propor- ca to their representatloa In Congress; d it U stipulated thai all organlxa- MbeccfiUng under the distribution 711 become subject to Federal super-vuioa. ti.00. If loa need a real good first class cooking sve, doal fail to see the Ex Uior reaiu Zeb. Vanaf and New Emerald, besides others. Theyftrwto be fjcnd at factory prioes'at JaxX)Si, wht h BLafititatifa aii. t VOL. VIII. , . W 1LMINGT0N. N. C, SATURDAY. APRIL LOCAL NEWS. IIDLX TO BW ADYf RTISIMEMTS. C W YATX Look Boy None Beer Botilca W E Davis Jfc eox Ire j Id us K Kaekee Just CCCCiTCl J W Coxolet City Drug Stoic E G Barbxji Jt Go-Cbap Lima Dr C 8 KLU3-rrofeulonal CarJ iLas Kate Wie More New Goods flciMSBEXGEx Pr&ng'a Easter Carls Mcxw Bhds. & DeIIo&set Easter Djcc OrrcA llocsc Tho Queen' Silk Ilandke: chief i Day'ii length 11 bouts and 49 minutes; Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 27 minutes past fi o'clock. There were no interments in Oakdale Cemetery this morning. The receipts of cction at this port to-day foot up 231 bales. There was oau interment in Dcllcvae Cemetery this week, an' ndult. The Criminal Court ot New Hanover county will convene on Monday next. There wero three interments in Pine Forest Cemetery this week, all adults. ;. Headache, toothache, earache, are cured by St. Sacobs Oil. It conquers pain. Preaching to-morrow at Hall at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. J. P. Lennon. Brooklyn , by Rev. There was not whito couplo ap plied for a marriage l:cense during the month of March. Religious services to night at Brook lyn Hall, conducted by Rev. J. P. Lnnon and Dr. T. H. Pritcbard. The steamer Iauisc brought up lrom Smithville this morning two fine, large palmetto trees for Capt. John L. Boat wright. The Register ot Deeds issued five marriage licenses this week," one of which was for a white couple and four lor colored couples. One white tramp applied for lodging at police headquarters last night. He was accommodated and sent on his travels this inorninsr. Wo invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. Swfid. barque Ida, Nordseldt, cleared to-day for Wolgast, Ger.. with 101,263 feet cypress timber and 63 .644 feet lum- ber.valued at S3 ,455, shipped by Messrs Ilcido & Co. Messrs E. G. Barker & Co. adver tise in this issue 500 barrels of lime suitable for lortiliziug purposes. It will be sold Tery low, 50 cents per barrel or $4 per ton, f. o. b. The baptismal rite will be adminis tered to several colored persons at .the foot of Princess street to-mbrrow. Rev. A. M. Conway, of the First Baptist Church, colored, officiating; To-morrow is known as Palm Sunday, and is the last Sunday in Lent. It is commemorative of Christ's entering into Jerusalem wnen ino muuuuuo strewed palm leaves in his path. Wo are glad to learn that there is a shado of improvement to-day in Mr. Alex. Sprunt's condition. He is very ow, however," and his sons who are resident elsewhere have been telegraph ed to come borne. The Minstrels. Messrs. Thatcher, Primrose & West's Min&trela will arrive in the city to morrow night, and will make a grand street parade at about 11 o'clock on Monday forenoon, with 31 men in the ranks and a fine band of music. It is undoubtedly an excellent company, and they will probably be greeted by an overflowing houso. Tiptop instrumental music, good vocalism and a plenty ol . '1 I r'i 1 rip roanouf, aiinougn; periecuj jauu- cent, fun. bucn is me programme. Dr. Pritcbard in Laurlnburjr. Dr. rritchard, of this city, preached recently in Launnburg nd tne Ar- chanjc of that place says : The sermonjtt the Baptist Cnurcn by Rjst.T. H. Pritcbard. I). D-, pastor of the First Baptist Church. Wilmington. as brimful ot thought, interest, pamos and reiigon. His text was a part 01 me 7th Terse. 1st chapter, lt John : "And the blood ot Jesus Christ His son cieanseth us Irom all sin Vnthin nnnsual for the Doctor, wherever he goes, he made a lasting im- nreasion on the minds of every hearer. Favored oy nature wun ;grrai gmawi oratory, ne nas aoueo merei? iue rcuu inir touch of cultivation and the terror of pure religion, and therefore may be truthfully styled one of our country's greatest and best men. Now b the time to give Smith's Worm on. . , Keliglous Services. Rev. Dr. Pritcbard's sermon at the First Baptist Church to-morrow mora jng will be the before Woman's Mission ary Society. His subject at night will be "Goi's judgment, not Man's." A serifs of special meetings will be held during next week and will possibly continue several weeks, conducted by the pastor with preaching daily at 5 p m and 8 , p m. The public aro cordially invited to attend. I . Young and Fair and Dead. Miss Nellio M. Kidder -died at the Purcell House at about 7 o'clock! this morning, aged 22 years, Her disease was coDSumption. with which she had :n afflicted for several months, and for the hoped for relief of which her bereaved parent", Mr. And Mrs. D. O Kidder, brought her from! their New England home at Medford, Mass , in tending to take ber to Florida." The invalided become so weak and pros t rated, however, that they could not continue the journey and stopped here for rest about four weeks ago. where they have remained ever since, the daughter slowly sinking to rest in the calm sleep of death. Her remains will be taken North' for interment to morrow, accompanied by ber sor rowing parents, and followed by the tender sympathies oi our people. They arrived hero entire strangers, but when ii became kn'own that there was sick ness and suffering with them, they were not neglected, as tho ladies of our city, with true womanly devotion, and sympathy, paid them every tender at tention possible and did all in their power to alleviate the sufferings and smooth the dying pillow ot the fair young invalid. The afflicted family have our sincere sympathy in this their hour of sad bereavement. A Sea of Fire. We glean from the News and Observ er some further particulars of the dis astrous fires near Hamlet. In its yes terday's issue it says : A special from Hamlet says: "De structive forest fires visited this section Wednesday, destroying ffiauy farm houses, fences and turpen Ine farms. Somo farmers in this section lost all their fences, barns and other buildings. The wind blew a heavy gale all day and last nizht spreading the flames in all directions. Persons leaving here threw their furniture, bou cioining. &c. in the ponds, to save what they could The wind carried the fire for at least ten miles m an easterly 'direction, dc stroying everything in its way. Capt. Wi liam Smith, superintenden of tho Raleigh & Augusta Air Line, was at Hamlet and other points on tho road Wednesday night. He kept a frelgh train there, and but for his great efforts dozens of cars at Manly and other points wonld have been burned. Sev era'itimesthecab of the engine had to be . . ! .1 1 I I 1 cioseu. wnne me piuc&y engineer uasaeu back and forth through tne flames. which were like a wall on either side of the road, and threw out the most blinding and intense beat. The wind blew sixty miles an hour, and the fire wrs blown in all directions Sparks and burning brands and tree tons were actually blown miles away Families wero caught so quickly that thev could not save their clothing and bedding, and dozens, perhaps hundreds oi persons, shivered that night with cold. Many are now homeless, and tho farms where forty-eight noun ago tbere were happy homes are now black ened and desolate wastes. At Hamlet there is a large pond, in. which stand many rvnresa trees, ine names were blown across the wide expanse of water and the tons of these trees caught. All night thev burned, until tho flames reaced the water's edge. The sight was awful in the extreme and cannot be pictured in words. The vast sea of flame, the railroad people working to save their property, the lumbermen working equally turd to save their lum ber, the owners of houses vainly en deavoring to save their goods and chat- tels. vivinz up all hope of saving their homes all made up such a scene as has never been witnessed in this part ot the world. The losses at points remote Irom the line of railroad cannot yet be estimated. No doubt hundreds are homeless. Another account savs the fire began at G o'clock Wednesday morning, in four different places. The wind rose rapidly and the flames, fanned by the hurricane, rushed through the forests like mad. the 'lat" pines of the turpen tine orchards offering every temptation to them. The people Were well nigh frenzied with fear, but worked manfully. At some places women and children, it is said, were placed in wells and pits, and even in ponds and streams, for frolcclion from the raging flames. No oss of life has yet been reported, but it is feared worse news may yet come. The following was received from Cameron at 9:30 last night: "The lat est from Lemon Springs is that the fire is under control. It originated near there in a newgronnd. Immense dam age is done to the turpentine, timber an, d fences. Many lamers lost nearly Some are homeless." everything. Lawyers' will ivHy r learn that Brougham, the great English barrister. was always care! al of his throat, ana further that Dr Ball's Cough Syrop is the. best remedy for bronchitis And otter ihxv&t trrcbta. uranch Itallroad. j We understand that the coustruction of tho railroad from Hamlet to Gibsoa ville, in Richmond county, is being pushed rapidly forwnrd. It will be a branch of the Raleigh and Augusta Air Line and is being constructed by that company. In .90 days it is thonght that the road will be compleU od. It will be ten mi.e3 long and will runtIon2h africh farming country. The next thing in order will bo an ex teosjpn to Bennetts ville, twclvo miles further. Th:s i3 alreadv talked of. A Loss to Smithville. Mr. John W. Woodsides, an old and highly respected citizen of Smithville, oieu at nis residence in that town at about 3 o'clock this morniDg, aged. 60 years. j His disease was j consumption from which he had for several years been a8ufferer, and bis death, although caus ing a shock, was not unexpected. He leaves a widow and one son to mourn his loss. Mr. Woodsdes had always been a citizen of Brunswick connty, in which he was born, and had always maintained the esteem, confidence and friendship of the people by his uniform kindness of manner and integrity of character. City Court. The first case for tho Mayor's consid eration this morning was William Miller, a colored boy, charged with A I 1 . . mrowing roKs m ine street, ine evi dence showed that a colored man hired the boy to carry a note to a colored girl, agreeing to pay five cent3 tor the job and . then refused payment. This angerea me Doy ana tne latter turew a rock at the courting young man and hit him on the arm. The defendant was sent below for 12 hours. uioiru omun, coiorea, wno was arrested on Thursday last for the larceny of clothing from Capt. Bagley, of the steamer River Queen, was bound oyer to the next term of the Criminal Court in the sum of $100, in default of which he was committed. - .Personal. - Mr.L T. Alderman, of this city, has removed to Clarkton, where he will en gage in farming this season . Dr. S. C. Ellis, of Nova Scotia, has located in the city and has opened an office on Fourth street, opposite Dr. Miller's drug store, i His card appears in this issue. Dr. H. E. Davidson inventor of the new process of preparing specimens of fishes, has arrived from Boston to join Fish Commissioner Worth in getting up a perfect collection of specimens for the coming State Exposition. Mr. Reuben Jones, formerly'proprie tor of the National Hotell in this city now a part of the Purcell House, - but who removed to Florida a few years ago, has returned to old North Carolina where he hopes to end his days. He will engage in business in Fayetteyille or Wilmington. Fish Hate hi Off. Mr. S. G. Worth, Fish Commissioner of tho State, has made preparations a the Market House for, hatching shad from the eg3 and the method may be seen there at any time daring the com in? week. Mr. Ilollingsworth, who has charge of the apparatus, will be constantly in attendance and will cheer fully give "any intormation de3ircd. They were all ready this morning, but hod no shad from which to take the eegs. . j , On the second Uoor. in the West end of the Market House, men were engag ed in the process of stuffing and preserv ing fish lor use ia cabinets and museums. This was being done under the direc tion and oversight of Dr. H. . David son, the taxidermist, and a lad the in ventor of the process by which the per feet models are made and preserved. The New York Ooera Co. fine troupe, which will appear at the Opera House in the Comic Opera of the Queen's Lice Handkerchief, on the nights of the 10th, 11th and 12th insts., with a matineo.on the afternoon of.the 12th, have justconcluded a success- ul engagement at Charleston, S. C. and the News and Courier, of that city. in speaking of their performance says : . "The Queen's Lace Handerchief was given at the Academy ot ; Music last night for tne second time tatnorongn r deapbted audience; It was rendered throughout with even more striking effect than on the previous night. The singing was all good and the choruses were particularly fine. The music ol he opera is charmingly fresh and ex hilarating and several of the . airs are quite touching, notably the Kings lament for bis lost love in the final act, which was given last night with ex cellent effect by "The: King," Miss Fanny Bedding. 1 The company was liberally, applauded, and at the close of the second act the finale had -to bo rc- 5, 1884. NO. 82 3IARRIEO. NELSON 9JiOWOEN-!-At Graco Chuirh, Ocala. Florid, on the 25th of March, by the Rev. Mr. Uolbroot. Mr: GOBKE NELSON, of Alabama, to Miss SALL'K LONDON, daughter of ur. P. G. Snowden. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dr. S, 0. Ellis. QFTICE238 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, opposite Miner's Drus Store. IlarLa? located In Wilmington offers his professional serrlct to the citizens. If not In when called upon calls left upon the elite will be promptly re sponded to j apl 5 tf 500 BBLS JAME SUITABLE ; FOR FERUUZING PURPOSES! " i '. :" ' 50 cents per Barrel, or $ I per Ton, delivered free on board Cars or Boats. Send orders Immediately to I . -apl 5 St K. G. BARKER & CO. City Drug Store. 5 JpRESn DRUGS, CHEMICALS. AND Pat- ent Medicines, Mixed Bird Seed, Ac., Ac Try a bottle cf Conoley's Cough tfyrnp of Tar. Honey, Ac. - It wiu cure yoar cough. ( 49 Prescriptions compounded at til hours day or night J. W. CONOLEY, apis v -r--.: i Manager More New Gdods.. gPRlNG 8TTLES IN HATS AND BON NE IS, HAIR GOODS, NECKWEAR, &C. mrs. KATE c. Wines, " No. 119 North Second Street, apl 5 next Post Olttce. apl 5 W. E. DAVIS SON. OPERA HOUSE. Thursday, Friday, April 10, 11, k SatonhjMatinfe Patterson, N. T. Opera Co., lnJohntrauBs beautiful Opera THE QUEEN'S LICE HANDKERCHIEF. After a run of 300 nights in N. Y. city. The Opera will be magnificently mounted with NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SCENIC EFFECTS, Elaborate and Costly Costumes. A Powerful Cast. Effective Chorus. Reserved Sale open at Dyer's April 8 1 Prices $1, 75c, 50c; Gallery 25c. . -apl 5 5t Just Received. A FULL LINE OF MILLILERT, embrac- ing every possible shade In Feathers, Trim- mingg, iats, 1'ompoons, jriowers, &c. For Fancy work. I have all colors of Felt. Crew els, bilks. Zephyrs and new and beautiful de signs in Stamping Patterns. In Fancy Goois nae Collars, Linen and Lace, latest st ;vi lea, farasoJs. Kia. Lisle ana silk lores. I hare been able to buy reasonably and wi 1 be glad ; to show my customers all goods which lam sure I can sell as low as any one in the city. -. j Respectfully . : . MISS E. KAKRER, apl 5 j Exchange Corner, Notice. A LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAUTION- el not to, or use, any of the bottles belonging either to tho ROBERT PORTNER BREWING COMPANY, or to WILLIAM genaust. we will proECcuto all persons i - who shall violate this notice, both civilly and criminally, to the extreme limit of the law. ROBERT PORTNER BREWING CO. I J. H. T1ENKEN, Agent. aplSlw WILLIAM GENAUST. 8 tar ypy 2t To Fruit Growers. ' HAVE JUST RECEIVED 100.0W FruU Baskets and Strawberry Crates, and am pre- . . . - area to innrsn tne traae, irom uoiisboro to Charleston. These crates weixn ii pounds and save $1.22 in freight between Wilmington auu new.iois, on cacu mp. r nte uj apl 4 -i ' Agent Look Boys ! MOW IS THE TIME TO LAY IN YOUR JLl supply of Balls. Tops, Marbles. Ac large stock just received at YATES', Easter Cards. rVR STOCK COMPRISES MANY NEW tf and handsome designs this year. Call and ace inem early i THINK OF THIS We offer at only 53 cents per volume such valuable Books as Mac auieys uistory or ngiana, ureen's uuiory of the EaliAii People, &nlghts Half Hours. Gibbons Roman Empire, all the standard poets, Ac Bound In handsome cloth and gilt bincuogs. u. vr. iAifis, men is jj aiaraet Mrcei W. & E. & IiATIMER, Attorneys-at-Law. Officers, jaa 7 Cor. it Priacesa and Water Slav Japanese Fishing Pocs & OS SALS AT REDUCED PRICIS. i GZLBS' MTJECTIISON. - ICE. on cr y oaeudael tlis paper, ' ' I ; uwoUittOI EBUBt DO aTOKlOCL - j -AnJUUcspecUDy and partSculaxiy vxC er 90dtJt toe Mt'ahrays cadotia the views of correspondents tklcas so utc tn the editorial columns. f 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA-HOUG E.- MONDAY,. I-. .... . . ; ; APRlL 7. THATCHER, fEIMOSE S ffESrS Consoliflated Minstrels ! Grwte t in tho World.! New Balladi, New Songs, New Jokes, New OUoj t A Programme far surpassing anything ever 1 . v oeioro atumpted. v i Patroaitedby the Kiito and endortcd by the ': . " . . ;. Press. j h . -Grand Street Parade at 11 A, M. -. Ervetl?c?8 PQ at Dyer' FUOay, April 4 Prices f 1,75c. 5jc; nailery ?3c apl 3 It 5 and 10 cents Cigars, i, ... 1 1. II AJXJl F XLL.EJ13. XJL r , : ; j ' Best ia the city, are on sale. Drugs . and Medicinal preparations - of the nighcfct grade at - - i - JNO. T. fiCHONWALD'S ' Drag And Prorrlptjon Store jan 11 Wanted i TO BUT FOUR GQOD4 MILK! COWS BT May, 1st. Mast give Irom 13 to lA qtaris tUtVg, Addresv - .1m i J. D. SUBLBXT; ' :- - . i .; - . '.. - Hotel Brunswick, men 30 tf Smithville, . C. WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER, A3-Chronometers, Fine Watches and Jewelry repaired and warranted., Opposite New Market. Front 8t. men 2 The "Old Hickory" FARM WAGON, CARRIAGE. BUGGIE&, Carts, Drays. Buggy Harness Carriage liarnC38, Eo kaway liamess. Truck Harness. Cart and Dray Harness. Collars, Uames, Blind Bridles, Trunks ot ail kind . Bags, backs and Satchels. ' Repairing promptly dose by skilled workmen. - MCDOUGALL BOWDEN, Next to Di A.-Smith's Furniture Store. mch 31.. , j .. -.. ... . ; REAE ESTATE. IliavjtS ruii o A L.K rEVEBAL L HOUSES and VACANT LOIS rxQbr very cheap. - , - . uj - 11UUSKS. OFFICES and STORES tit ! it for Rent. Apply to A- 'VI D. O'CONNuiT feb KMaw3m sat Real Estate gent . ... i -" JlX colors at 5 cents a package. , i rr OTTsrTTnT.n tvw i n iinHAni DIAMOND DYES, 10 cents package, iTor coloring Easter Eggs, Feathers, Flowers, Mosses, Ribbons and any cloth material. INKS One 10 cent cackaffe of Diamond Dre will make a quart of fine Ink In any of the fol lowing color : is lack. Blue, scarlet, Purple, Violet, Green, Red and Orange. 1 ARTIST'S BLACK For Ebonizing picture "rames, Cabinet Work. etc.. etc.. la cents a tube. All the above for sale by i u i Munds Bros. & DeRosset, Druggists, Market Street' mch 31 H Anniversary Ball. T' HE HIBERNIAN BENEVOLENT ASSO CIATION willgiYO a BALL, at GERHANIA HALL, on EASTER MONDAY, the lthAn' nlrcrsary ofLthe Society. Music by the Utr- per. J -;. Tickets will be for Bile after this afternoon by the Committee of Arrangement : T. Don lan. M. Judee. CoL J. L. cant well. M. Car roll, J. W. Relllny asiWm. Sheehan. ueireehments will ba oerred as luual br the ladies.- -v ! ' , Tickets for lady and rentletnaoL tl. CI n aria gentleman, 5tc. apl 3 th sat Zw Stop and Think. TjyilY PAY RENT WHEN THE same money will buy you a home ? .... . -i In tills : city I. hare sold over one hundred and fifty Lots and'. Houses and Lots to parties who hare paid la fall for them, by instalment monthly payments. . i i Also.I have a large number bow on my books. who aro making regular monthly payments : .- ...J . i 1' ' I ! and will soon own homes and get clear of land lord rnle. - - " . Money loaned to those wishing to build. Apply to . apl 2 cw . , JAMES WILSON. ! Wotice. TITESSRS.- WORTH, LEVY A CO., 60LB Proprietors of -Mott's Eooflrg Faint. under ; Patent No, 2i,S!5t granted September Ulh, 18S3, warn all parties agalost Infringing the same, or ceiltng wilh parties Infringing there on, under penalty cf law, which will be en ii forced. WORTH, LEVY A CO., Proprietors C. L. WRIGHT, Agent, Purcell House. apl 2 t Star copy ., j I Prang's Easter Cards. , A N. ELEGANT DISPLAY. OF A MOST superb let of EASTER CARD5, U)t JtiTe pro2reaaea 10 perzecuon tnrougn u nanas ox expenencea mancractsrers ana artieucai ana I orijdnal (tadxnera. 1 ' jUandaomeiy decorated Silken Yce Cards, raQoted on r ch plata mats et varloos clors. liana pmiea cs'ds, new actions, vs easeis. Buneretus. Lean liailr arrarea laxuwCc : air oa on f ascv tmrnWced etatdA. . . f Ii ihe pcrfaUaa of mode-ty. t!i coyUh bmau uartu. uuro -1 aru. acu w the odd, call early and examine tie variety at JEffilNSBERGElt'S, can 'ufitt tr:i csz' 1 Coaninntcauona must be - wxtttsa ! i