pied by JOSH T. JAEtGSf rsrro Aromr. .rBscRirnoxs rosTAGi pair O fioo; Ooemoo.h.33 eeata.. win be dearer by earrlera fret ,ft iu rer week. IT" . m PMMii jrr an riMM-t &OT and all fall. rijw" ' ' -t Uxlr paper regularly. xt7y Tfcrw Aoj the latytU . . r, circulation, of arty nncspapcr -"ZCIrinrt the champion chess- nr. wr-- . ,r upickinl up Kora money miui F. '.Valour. Hefore leaving New fork fc nl bomc S2'900, ; Mues Montefiore'j centennial b r,vJ anniversary, a October 21, V-V- celebrated in New York, where ,jR,cf rrepi' voa are oeing oem - a i i i tree alrealj. Mr Pencil, the member of Parlia xuent Is bruit an action against !n Dura Wct to recover nearly 1C00 arrean of root for Imds at Mount Aton. Wick !'- I)r J. II. Zokertort, the cbimpicu r'. 4r!ir. in a blindfold contest on week, nt l'Utibur?. won eight oat tf twelve- games. Th- match lasteu ren buurJ. -T ' 1 Mrs. Carlisle' social exactions arc ii;J to be more Qneroos than the da lie of the Speaker himself. She baa rttarced already 750 calls thia season asd his several hundred more to make The Central Tarlfic Railroad pro fit to tuned the Sierra from Trackec la Blac Canon, and do away with tht i:ifwheds which arc getting old and rottea. and break dorrn easily under a heivy weizhtf snow. T.Thoms Fortune, editor ol the New York Okie, the colored people' orfaa, is ia Washington, collecting data from government departments to esc ia the completion of his new work ectitled "The Social Problem In the Soctb.n tt I Electric lights have been Introduced ia a gnnpowdcr manufactory in Eng. lied. The buildings afo scattered oyer three miles of territory, and the wires arc carried above ground from a djcamo near the centre of the cn c!osarc. s? t a 1 a - aancmnr. ana oy Augun w,u iieel, 227 feet long, with 30 feet breadth of beam. She will eclipse anything I .-tf mt a rt nf ooo I air. mutant Asiora aiwu jm. pareJ with some of 1 10 recent Sundays, ; ... " 7 t . the Xourmohal. Is nearly ready for VTu i a- . u 1 . . M for a aarter with which to buy some ize nourmanai, ia ucauj cuj w an(i the different churches in the cityh, . ? . . maa ,M . -A t a 1 a a .a Ml k-. I 1 Fninff tn cat 1 hiQ urn CI tTi XTY him Ann . . Tohnd is to undergo a Ruisifica-oears tion."Ia accordance with the orders list Governor General Gourko has re- ceued from the Czar. A Russian liter ary, supported by government aid, and a national Raulau theatre tro at Wariaw the preliminary are to be established as Hep in the aboye direction. . t arsons emplojed CtZTZT Tl b .aeMoical.CmtB.iUln. and of these in I5T3 no fewer than 1,313 were kiucd, tad within the last ten years. ice tt. BMr. r,t .1.. J.I,.r,i,hu Sn VlflSCZ on. la erery thirty ofgbt eninloTod ascom- rrM with one in every serenu-aro of Bri-Jah sailors loat at aea. a Barce Jones is taintin a oieture of I. luczlophetu and the berar maid. k ite kioz is setttne on the ateps of his tiroce ia rerr drn rd and Wn rl. r " - w - - I deal a: the feet of the bcar maid who IUJ oa the throne in & arantv darlr rrv lookiof shy and perplexed. The tiroaeishnc with anemone colored perics and above two boys are read- onmaau j coiorea scroll. Tha nnn,it iv, I rps of Great Britain for 1SS4 ahowa hoo- They will be continued during total number enrolled ia that Tear i-XYl tr.K ..... t ui.u.i t u-I " w mu m. m 1 1 n 111 h 11 w m i. mii k 1 1 'j ui iae lorco. 1 no numocr 011 -csis was d0?,4-Sv as against 1W ia 1562, and 200.135 la 1831 (tho rtt comber previoutly recorded). s4 the percentage of cfScianU to cn- fo'ed was against 06 10 and 06.08 13 t-c two previous years; and the rcciiUse if raca present at inipec Mtoearo'.Ied was aho higher than . a k . .TUicbcr, Primrose &Wcsfa . ,treIs arriTed in the citv last niRht I. red at the Porcell House, Acer were 33 peonj composing the apaay. Tfccy oadc, as per an- sceaen! j u.m foreaoon. and their aPPeaAn wa qnit a sensation, rartlv on ac- wo x3at ol their fin m-t ki .ir.t and r r nne, modest, bat attract-1 tie rta!i - J: I Inz m mmm m m ti ii a. mam iv ann mmii 1 n l eocrwl c, . ixt advantage of the delightful wta!..-j . .- . - . IritT - u taaue a uiD to tuo ioana 1 " fVr. ... w ""'"Wa. I EIItm. ri.. o : - . 1 1 TatoXbeat ocal!tv prias.caau found al Ja- ElxdwareDroot. -f 1 Y " ! -LVInrl- r ,n Hia mrlv mpotin? Hstin? r T. H j VOL. VIII. LOCAL NEWS. HDLX TO MEW ADYEBTISEUflTS. C W Yates Look Don r C Miller Smoke I A S M ITU TnnJ tare Old Noith euie Pa!oon f hrieu's We are Offering: Pakkeb & Tatlor A Horse UEursBESGSB 'ow for Ealer 8 II Maxsixo, Sheriff Look Out Tailor's Bazaar Easier Good Jos Dexck Tuntng and Kcpal'log Kxioiits ot Hoxoa-EeguUr MecUnj Kkrcuxkb A CALrtn IIros Groceries Tllos C. Cbait, A gl Window Shades W K Sr&ixGEs & Co Sportsman's Good MuDS Bros. A PEUoMET-Eaater Dyes fcrrn w DArrs. Auefr ViiminiT t a nr. VM Setii W Davis, Auci'r Household Kitchen Furniture j and For other locals sco fourth page. Mr. Jos. Denck, or Columbia, is in th r.itv fin n visit f hnf. n at ilovo dorauSm The receipts of cotion at this port to-day foot up 43 bales.; xrhirh Sf. -Tftonh Oil will rnrn. AiOVAVUC AAAVAiV.vat.V AiUUtJ tUiUUUIC I There were no tramps applied for lodgings at police headquarters during the last 43 hours. ti. ri - r r t I .tfuuu ua.n.u.r.u, .tui-uuuy. nas Deen m me city ior some oays past OU a viauio nis son-miaw. ir. Joan .... I 1 f T 1 I The proceedmesof the Board of County Commissioners, in session this after- noon, are too late for this issue. They will be published to-morrow. The Ladies ' Benevolent Society will hold its usual monthly meeting in Hook and Ladder Hall to-morrow (Tuesday) afternoon at 4 o'clock. We inrito the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf . , r Aca.uaj - u j "'"- had iarge congregation, both in the The enterprising proprietor of Tay- lor's Bazaar aDoreciates the Review I s an adrcrtbing medium. He ap- to d,v in mnph iarirer SDace than asQal and wc invite lhe altention 0f I our readers to what he has to say. fiieaara. o. 1-. uierauo. wm 6u on Thursday next, commencing at 11 o'clock, at the residence of Mr. T. R. T a 1 T-aL t a .It C lAWiuer, i w iJiona r roui street, an oi 1. .utj examiocdoa Wcdnday. The entire lot of furniture at the Sea side Park Hotel at Wriehtsville.-will be .old . I auction on Wednesday, 'com- mencingat3 o'clock, by Messrs. S. P. Collier & Co. Capt Southerland wilirun wagonette to the Sound on that day An mao I hfv .-- lkuifflits oi Aionor. 1 J O I T1 1 Carolina uquzg xo. ji. xvcguiar meeting this evening at 7J o'clock. Full attendance desired: 1 I It. Series of Meetings, A scries of meetings will begin at the First Baptist Church to-day, the first service being at 5 o'clock this alter- lho 5P u r T" J 2 meelioes Will DO held daily at o and o I m - - 1 . " . an hour and tho later meeting lasting! about an hour and a half. Firo and Frost I Dr. E. Porter, of Rocky Point, who was in the city to-day, tell ui that be- tweeu the fires and the frosts the people I of his county are having a hard time of iL Tbe fires in the woods seem to have been almost universal, and the damago is very great. The people. " o - however, arc undaunted, and are hard at work endeavoring to retrieve their disasters. A Lively Ldttle JLacly. Tho steam yacht Louise made a PJi CIiy m "D .J . u .? T soon niter icit nere wita a panj 01 r.- it ,i nAmm to the city in the afternoon. Via I soon after Icit aeam. and ior omun-1 I4r tJ- " q 7 J earlr this mornmtr. She made tbe I . ?- . .j. m orn, uats, ui.nM Ttn!i tnnrninp. from Wll-1 ovnr . llV i I . c ,1 ; " Oil. ljd-w WILMINGTON. N. C Ufsiiop Orecn. . The venerable Bishop Green, of Miss Ississfppi, is in Raleigh on hia way to this city to consecrate Dr. "yatson as Bishop of this diocese. He arrived in Charlotte on Thursday and has proba bly bean to Ilillsboro. He was in Ral eigh yesterday and as tLe guest of Mrs. Geo W Morrfecai. IU i, expected uciu iuis wres anu may preacn nere on Sunday next.- Easter Day. Bishop Green is a native of -Wilmington, and has many near relatives residing here. He will probably ba Iho guest, while hcre of Messrg Ja9 Q and w M I ler 5 cmiuren. I fill . There was a large docket for the Mayor's consideration this morning. which was disposed of as follows : James West, colored, drunk and down, $2 or I i a .t - ZZ ....... Cnarels Stevenson, colored, drnnk anu uown, or 30 cays, tie went below. Fannie Gore, disorderly conduct, one carooic compuuuts, jr w t A b r AA aays. bne went below. Sip Mooney. colored, disorderly con- duct, &5 or 30 days. He went below. Robert Murray, colored, suspicion, disr.hnrrwd- T Hprfno whitA Bailor. affrfl v 5 or 20 dftV, wpnk llplrtW V J " " '"' rk--ia arr-n- Ruray, 50 or aays. .tie went oeiow. The last two were arrested for in- dulging in a fight in the "Hollow" yesterday afternoon A Fraud. "We hear of one of tbo3o vagrant frauds, who wander about the city fleecing our people, who called at one, of our business places a few days since and sought work, stating that he had been sick at the hospital. When asked if he understood the particular branch of industry carried on there, he replied that it was his trade. When told that there was no work for him he asked thing to eat. This was given him and he left, but not to go in search of food, for he went directly to another estab- lishment, where an entirely different trade was carried en. and soueht em- ployment, stating that thai was his trade. Failing to obtain work, he tried tae quarter dodgeM again, but the pivptictuL imaii.iicvA tuai, no 9ar large sizeu mouse aauum uud ziavu moi chanire. The iack of-all-trades then wcnt to another place, where another i3 and ht k 9 ; ith ho uima old Rtorv whpn again, witu me same 01a story, wnen a"e"a.n,w.ho.had ?f!,S " lr'C" Bare mm 1 ..Un U.4- tlL. "t"i""' X '" l aiTe thcmlTe,TedV" so we announce this day that several ?Jer gyrup . , Trmranra Tuning and Repairing. jyjR. JOSEPH DENCK, Or COLUMBIA, I S. C, Is in the cltv for a few days only. Or ders for Pianos or Organs to be tuned or re paired, 11 lets at uemsuergers or x aies- wm he prompuy attendea to. 1 1 . SMOKE. A LL WHO DESIRE A SMOKE In which Senses wlU be gently lulled to rest ad the t.nrv freed trom care, soar amnjr the de- Usbtful air caslles of "ArabUn Mgbta" sp'en dor, should rry some of those Domestic and imported cigars at F. C MILLER'S Pharmacy, . Corner Fourth and Nun ata apl 7 Window Shades. 1 : m AWNINGS OF ALL KINDS MADEtft AND PUT UP. 3 Om PINE HAIR MATTRESSES GIVE 3 TO GENERAL SATISFACTION. h g THOS. U. CRAFT, Agt ! Furniture Dealer, 20 So. Front Street" apl' WHOLESALE ROCK RS AND COMMISSION Merchants, IT COFFEE, MOLASSES, LA WD, MAY. POTASH, SOAP, ' CANDLES, RIVET. MATCHES, BUCKETS, TIES, C iiV uick, meal. RTiROIT CBAcatiB, 5-A"r. NAILS, BUNGS, i!rA. powder, apl7 . . - MONDAY. APRIL 7, NEW AI VEsTTlSEMENTS prmg must BARGAINS IX prove inestimable to all wishing to buy. All shades and qualities are represented in our stock at prices from ' . ' ten to 'Twenty per cent." less j than any other house in this city. : 9 Men's Business Suits it is $5, $G, $8 and $10 and up to $25. . On Men's Cassimere Pants itis$1.50t $2, $2.50nml up to$G. CO. ! On large Boy's Suits it is $4, $5. $G and up. , On sufell Boy's Suits it is $2.50,' $3 $4, $5 and up.. Wa are also offering bargains in Hats, Caps and Gent's Furnishing Goods, such as were never before seen in Wilmington I ' I i , arc willing to let you take any " -uiut vu them. THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114. MARKET apl. 7 j . j In l omnTi riAATvci I Easter Hats and Bonnets ! 1 Easter Flowers and Eeathers Easter Millinery ! all choice and new i ALL OF THE BEST QUALITY ! . ALL AT THE LOWEST possible prices. OUR DISPLAY Or 13 SIMPLY SUPERB. m Not only equalling but absolutely surpassing 1 the exhibition of -previoua years, which have made onr raputaUon aa dealers In these goods. In our Untrimmed Hat Department will be Lund every style and sha'po which will be yorn tUa Beason. at prices lower than the i lovrest 10 ue iuuuu kujt vuiu vb wuiuuiucunt ! I Our Flower Department Is a perfect Easter garden filled with the most exquisite designs . , of brancj1ed goods, at prices certaiily less ' con.ooa. elsewhere. Our Feathers too, are worth looking at. 'V0.ehT.p.u,erT..yle.pUU1and shaded. Ostrich Plumes in every shade and quality. Pompoons m social styles of our ciUed ncs of Wales Pompoon made of hummmg birds, aigrette and tips. which will surely please the ladles j As for our Trimmed Hat Department it Is the most beautiful and complete. Hats can be trimmed to suit-one and au by expert muuners on our own premises A call will surely convince you, at . TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St. ; WILMINGTON, N . C. N. B. Milliners supplied at special redac tions. ' apl 1 Furniture. rpniS OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE Keeps a full stock of every variety of goods In the i -line, and are constantly receiving, sew s Ivies all of which are offered at aa low prices as any house In the South. Please call and ex amine same. D. A. SMITH, t apl 7 Furniture, N. Front Street How for Easter. HASTES CARDS, BEAUTIFULLY paint ed, descriptive of every conveyable sentiment In latest designs, richly embeHlahed. EASTER PRESENTS of various descrip tions, new and novel n every particular vari- ety. If you come early I will safely guaran tea that you can find exactly what you want at HEINSBERGER'S, apl 7 lira Book tad ZXuxis Ctort. 1884. NO. 83 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. goods home for inspection or comparison iuujioc juu uave uu privilege to rciura SETH W. 1A VIS, Auctioneer, BY SAM'L P. COLLIER Jt CO. ! ATTRACTIVE SALE OF FURNITURE, hj JT SEA-SIDE PABK HOTEL, WRIGHTS- VILLE SOUND. On WEDNESDAY, the 9th j inst, co mxnenclng at 3 o'clock, we will sell at auction all the FURNITURE AND FIX " i TURES, in lots to suit, in the Sea-Side Park ' :. - .... 'i Hotel, consisting of about 30 Sets Bed Room Furniture, Mattresses, Springs, Plllows,Glass- i . . ware. Crockery, Stoyes, Silverware, Kitchen ! j Furniture,' and many other articles. Also, 1 . one SHARPY, In good order, buil at ' Beau fort. N. C. Capt. Souther land will run Wagonette, and Hacks for parties desiring to attend. Fare ior me rounu trip, 7a cents. ;-'' apl 7 2t j SETH W. DAVIS, Auctioneer. ! . BY SAM'L P. COLLIER CO. Household k Kitchen Furniture at Auction. o n TmmsniT: thk ioth ivst nnif. mencing at 11 o'clock, we will sell, at the resi dence of Mr. T. R. Lawther, Kb. 413 Front st , all of hia HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN 1. FURNITURE. ParUcs wishing to do so can examine the Furniture Wednesday prior to the ssle. apt i 1 Look Out l . s ALE OF LANDS HERETOFORE FUR- chased by the County of New Hanover for the years 18S1-82. In pursuance of the order of the Board of Countv Commissioners, made January 7th, 183', and in accordance with section 3.697 of 3 i the Code, I ehall sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door, on to-morrow, (Tuesday) the Sth day of April, 1S84, the Lands and Tenements the taxes on which are still unpaid, the parties who listed the same hav lag fallea to tedeem as allowed by law. unleEg i the taxes and costs are paid before i the 6ale. Sale at 10 o'clock to-marrow. S. H. MANNING, apl" Sheriff New Handrer County Old North State Saloon, fl Snn Mi Prnnt Sf. THE ONLY SECOND-CLASS BAR ROOM I IN THIS CITT ! -TE CAREFUL OF DRINKING AT THI3 Clotliiiig; LFQ. place as the Clcmmer Whiskey la very tad and tng every possl blc ehalo la Feathers. Trim I i jming lias, Pompoon, rlrtwers, Ac".- ror the Beer Is; too col J; the Jive Ceats Clgaia i i - I ! makes too much smoke: the other Liquors arc J l i I . ! t ther ain't. It la kept by the meanest min In i j America. Drummers and other travellers i j drink there because It Is second class. apl 7 j The "Old Hickory 99 FARM WAGON, CARRIAGES, BUGGIE, Carta, Drays. Buggy Harness. Carriage Harness. Roekaway Uarneas. Truck Harness. Cart and Drav liarnesa. Collars, llames. Blind Bridles, Trunks ot ail kind.Bags. fcacka J and Satchels. Repairing promptly doce by I skilled workmen: Next to D. A. Smith's Furniture Store. api 4 I Horse ! A Horse ! TXIX, j WE MEAN A CLOTHES HORSE, the nicest thinx rou have seen. Lap Boards with and without legs. We are gtrttii;? in our Ice boxes ad Cream Freezera. Those popu lar COOK 8TOVa mortDT right off Only by 1 PARKriR A TATLOH. -FURE WHITE OIL. r!7 frca csr fclcrda ca az7 J HI tzljic'j cf Kszcnl Xstcrcit tzt r-r.j - Tta tinsel the writer ts: aiWxya fx r nlated to the Editor. J X '. ' ." , CoEaTnxIcatloiiaEtiat.U' smu&a ca ca y oseaUoof tha paper. : . ... . , rcrsonaiuiea mtiet be avoided. 1 ; : ; ' AadltU especUDy and particularly tit er tood that the Editor doca act always eado- se tbo views of corretpondcata ulesa to SUU la the editorial eotsKB. I NEW ADVERTISE3IEVTS OPERA i HGUGE, Patterson, X. T. Op-ra Co. la' John slnvi' '"'" -: ' LcauUful :Orcra i- - , IKE QUEEVS UfE nASDKIECDIEF. After a ran of SCO nlrbts Id N. Y. dtrl The t)pcra will be magnLflcemlj mounted With KEW AXD BEAUTIFUL SCENIC KFFUCTS, I -aaorate and Costly tTosturaee. A Tpwerf ul Cast. ; ZffrtUTe Chorus: Kecr'frl sue open at Dyer's April 8. Prices i $1, 75c, Wc; Gallery 2Cc. r Sportsman's Goods.j," WE,IlAT? TUB yiVEST ASSORTMENT 11 of English aat Bcllura Breech Loders ever bronght to thla. market. Also a am ctass siock of .Shell. Wadlnr, Prlmcrs.Cart' ridge Bas. dna Caps, Gmo Hags, &c.i In tact we can show a stosfc'of ilardwaxo. Good goods and guaranteo prices. i, ' W. E. 8PBLNGKB CO., " - oaccesaora to John Dawson & Co- apl I , 19, 21 and 2J Market tx cet Dr. S. C. Ellis; QTF1CE 333 SQUTH, roCRXIlJ, STREET. opposite MlUer's Drug Store, .navlna located In VVllmlnsrton offers ids urofeasiftnai ur,iM to the cldzens. If not Id when called upon calls left upon the elite will he promptly re sponded to , - f- j r - apl 3 tf 5 and 10 cents Cignrs, TTAVANA FILLERS. Ail- Best In the cHvi are on tala. Drugs and Medicinal preparaUona of tbe uighcst grade at - r ' ,: I - ' rNO. T. 8C2IOSWALDS, Drug and Prccrlptlon 8tore' Wanted 1 - 1 rpo BUY FOUR GOOD MILK COWS BY i 'I ' I i ; May 1st. Most give from 10 to It quarts dally. Address, mch20 tf J. D. 8UBLETT; ; " r ! J , Hotel Brunswick, flmithville, I. C. J. L. WINNER, yATCIJMAKER & JEWELLER ' f Chronometers, Fine Watches and Jewelry repaired and warranted. f Opposite New Market. Front 8t. - mchf3 HOUSEHOLD DYES In all thelvarlons colors at 5 cents a package, i , - i - ; DIAMOND DYES', 10 cents package, for storing Easter Eirsrs. Feathers. - F lowers. Mobsc9, Bi1bBa ana any ellb material. - 1 INKS One 10 cent oackasre of Diamond bv will make a Quart of fine Ink In anr of tha fol- lowing colors : Black, Blue, Scarlet, Purple,' violet, ureen, uea and Orange, j i. i - - ' it - . - ARTIST'S BLACTT Fnr Khnnlrlno- VlMnr Frumni r?nh1nt WavV " . lit AU the abovo f or sale by !i Munds Bros. & DeRosset, - Drntr rfflt. Market Street- , i I, mch 31 Stop and ThmkJ r TTTAlY PAY EENI j WHEN THE same money will buy you a hone ? lu In this city I hare sold orer H 1' one hundred and fifty Lots i and - Houses - .. j i v . , and Lots to parties who have paid in full for J them, by instalments monthly payments. Also.I have a largo number now, on my books. J who are making regular monthly paymenta J and will soon own homes and get clear oj land- tora ruie. . , . - . Money loaned to those wishing to build. . Apply to - - . .1 apl 2 cw c JAMES WILSON. James A. Lowrey, TTHEELWRIGnT, BLACKSMITH AND General Repairer of Carriages and Vehicles, Work of aU attended to without dilay i Thanking my friends for farora extended to i - i i I . me In the past, I solicit their kind favors and thflr patronage In future. After an experi ence or lorty-rour years aa a Aieenanic nnoer Capt W. U BobWtt. of Warrenton.1 and In Wilanlnzton. I am naw pre Dared to con d act the work In alt its branches La a good and "VtiJSSSS oa Prlncoas,' between 3rd nov 20 ouw-tt Just Received A FULL LINE Or MXLLILESy1, ciabrac- Fancy Work. I have all color of Felt. Crvr o. elics : Zphyrand new and ba .ntlful de- S'S04 lnstampiag Patierna. Jn Fncy Hoot oiiars, uncn ani ice, ;atest styjes. beenable tobuvreasonaWy.acd wll be glad xa anr y ennomers au goooa wnica i am suie I can sell aa low as any one in -the city. , . . Respectfully "MISS E. KARR apis Exchans? Corner, M L A LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAUTIOS- el not to I ell, buy, or use. asy of 'the bottles I ' - . - bs!ocg!ng either to th e JZOBERT POETNER B SEWING COilPANY, er to WILLIAM Lk criminally, to the extreme limit of the law. j ROBERT POBTNEB BREWING CO., , , J.' H. T1ENKEN, AgtaU apldlw WHXIAU C13AUST. Urwrj2t