Sarsaparilla Is a , highly concentrated extract of ftartaparllla aad other "blood-purifying roots, combiaed with Iodide of Potaa Ism aad Iron and 1 the safest, most reli able, aad most eooocmical blood-pariSer that eaa be used. It larariably expels all blood poisons from the system, earkhes and renews tbe UooJ, and restore lu TlUlixiss power. It Is tli best known remedy for Scrofula mad all Scrofulous Complaints, Eryalp elaa, Eczema, Ringworm, Blotches. 8ore,XVolls, Taoor, aad Eruptions of Um 8Usi as also for aU disorders caused by a thla aad Impoverished, or corrupted, condition of the blood, such as Rheumatism, Stearalfta, Rheumatic Gent, General ZHbUUjt aad Scrofolotu Catarrh. MAm's Sastxmivlx has cored me of the Inflammatory Rheomstlsm, vita vbkh I bar suffered for maay years. V. if. Mooa." Durban. Lu. March 2, IMZ. raxrutxD sr Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.jLowelljMass. Soli by aU Drvolsts ; SI, six botllas for IS. laal lrtcip dA A 3.t i'iio Daily povioiv, TUESDAY. APRIL, 8, 18S4 ET 7 uauy Ifcview lui the lirgist vra fide ciraJfUiort, of any newfyayer 'Hblixhcd. in the cUy of WilminjUm. USk Notice. -irtMss. worth, lxvt a co.. sole Prepriors of lion's Boodrg Paint, aader Paten 5a, ttt.Stf, granted September llth, 1333, wara all parUaa against tafrtngtag the ea&a, r fea&ng with parties Infringing there oa, under penalty of law, which will bo en forced. WOBTH, LETT A CO., Proprietors C. L. WRIGHT, Agent. PureeU noose, aplt tf Star copy To Fruit Growers. J HATE JUST BXCDVKD 11C0.030 Trull Baskets aad 8 trawberry Crates, and am pre pared to I araUh tbe trade, f rum Goldsboro to Charleston. These eratee welsh II pounds aad save SLtl la freight between Wilmington aad Mew York, oa each trip. Write to K O. BLAIR, apM fi- Look Boys I NOW IS THE Till K TO LAT IN TOUR iDDDlrot Balls. Tope. MarbW. Ac A large swek Just reoelred at TATS'. Easter Cards. OUR STOCK COMPRISED MANY NEW aad handsome dealgne tais ytar. Call an1 see them early rpniKK Or Till W offer at oly 59 rente I per volume saca valuable hooks as aiac- ortaeEavlUh People. Kaigbi'e Half Hoars. (2ihMiBi Hmiiib Kmrrtra. all the tnlard poe's. Ac IWuol ta aaadsome elolb and gilt bladings. O W. TA1KS mch a ID Mattel Stret IN UONU1CCSS VKSTKItllAY. Washisgtox. Arril 8. 1 he St? nat?. on motion of yir. H air. roum(J thr runsiilratinn of ih KJu ati n till. I he d-Lati? va rntinucil at lencth by Alters. Vot rlle. Uittlor. Mcrjsn Junr.. f Kla.. and Vi s. Mr.IIoar's tirst ainnidment vaa then takcu.and read, providing that tho mount to be distributed for the first year be $7,xx),00i the utoiuI y ear third ear $13 000,000, am! sh vl then be diminished at the rate f 5V,Wtt0oo ye.irly until the ox piratifji -f the eighth year, when the pproptiaion fcha'l cae. Aree'd to yea 3d, nays 1 Anf:her amendment ov Mr. Hoar was sirred to, providing that enual oDiortunite ! cduratiou dc gica lo a'l ine cumren oi aiaie. An ameirJiiicnr waa ofired by Mr. -herman. providir that thcf rnouey shall be ucd only for common schools not scctariau in character. Agreed to The Crst cf tb"o amendment hereto fore oflcrcd by Mr. Harrison wai then taken ud. It proTides that no State shall receive any of the benefits of tho act until tho "Governor of the State shall file with the Secretary of the In terioran annual statement, showing tbe attendance at schools and expendi turo for tbem. ! Upon this another pro tracted debate sprang up. and taking a political turn it continued jar into t&e n'got. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. - After a long debate and strong oppo sition, tbe House suspended the rules and made the bill for the erection of public buildings the continuing special order for April u. Mr. Sto kslazer explained that tbe committee on Public Buildings had re Darted thirty bills which were on the public calendar and there were tw enty four Senate bills on tho Speaker - ta ble. The average appropriation of tho House bills was SI 12 000. Mr. Converse, of Ohio, secured the floor and moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill restoring the duty of 1867 on wool. A second being consid ered as order the thirty minutes debate allowed by the rule was begun. The motion was put nad lost. Air. Thompson, ot Kentucky, moved to suspenc the rules and adopt a resolu tion declaring it unwise and inexpedi ent lor the present Congre lo abolish or reduce the tax on spirits distilled Iroru grain. In a brif debate which follow ed Mr. York and Mr. Cox, of N. C, opposed the motion and advocated the entire repeal of the internal revenue laws. 1 he motion was agreed to and the resolution wa adopted and the House adjourned. LOCAL HE 7S. County Commissioners". Tnc B-ard met yes erdaj afternoon in regular monthly session. - The Treasurer submitted his report th month of March, aa follows: -. i r.eneml fucd. balance on -lt. - .kn rit I r Education fund, balance on V posed that this sad event hastened an 17.117 42 1 a oi apupicxjr, wuica tui uiuiaitu - Ilis3 Mary Ann Latimer, of Croniv well, Conn.," died - very suddenly at about II o'clock this forenoon, at the residence of her nephew, Mr. William Latimer, aged 78 years. ; Her brother. Mr Henry G. Latimer, died at his home in Plainfield, N. J., on Sunday in her death. Air. and Mr. Henry G Wiliiam Latimer Latimer, of this lIC C.LIji I- kj u t tmm r--mw r 1 ! :- " IX GREAT VARIETY OF STYLES, 50, 60 6S, 75, 85, ;B7 t-Zc9 Qi , WIIITE ROBE DRESSES just received choice styles. j I ZEPHYRS, CHAMBRAYS, j GLKGIIA3IS H f CHAMBRAY ROBES, a novelty, and really ry desirable. Of tbe general fund the sum of f, CC5 is in the form of a certificate on de. noait at tbe Firn National Bank. I clt?' aro absent in attendance upon the The Trea?uier exhibited 16 coupons obsequies of their uncle in New Jersey. riho.nnminaLon oi S3 each, and Lwncr tnoy uavo probably cro this four coupons, of the denomination of heard of the sad event which has trans- $15 each, which were destroyed in the pireu in me nousenoia oi the lormer. presence of the Board. Tlie Ppoduco Exchange. The Renter of Deeds submited his There was a meetin of th member report of lees received for the marriage of the Produce Exchange held to-day licenses during the month of March, for .i.e trin,lr..;, nf hna-,noca anA .un v-w-w w Wfa uu uw STATE NEWS. City Drug Store. TJRSH DRUGS. C11EMICAL9 AND Fit eat Ifedtcloee, MUed Bird ee4. Ac. Ac. Try abotlM r aoiej s unfn ojrap oi sr. Uoney. Ac It wlu core your eoajth av- freniption eosapoaaaed at all boars Tsr ITerripUons day oratg&t apia J. W." CO NO LET. alaasger. More New Goods. OPR1SQ 8TTLX3 l!f II ATS AKD DOS JU6T8. HAIR OOOU8. NECKWEAR. Ac. MR. KATK C WINES, Ko. 119 North Second 6tret. gpl 5 ' next Post Oflce. ICE. III 'AwvkaN ) O apia W. E. DAVIS A SON. Whito Moal Yeast. VERT VAtUABLK POKE TEAST POWDER. Harlag beea thoieaghly tested by a great many of the ladle of .Wilmington, I fee! no hesitulje la commending U to the pubtVc. It is elegant for bread, rolls or biscuit. It U made by afU Hodgee, of thU dly. ot pore vrgetable natter, aad she refers to Mrs. A. A. WlllerJ. Mrs. Geo. Waiting. ' Mrs. Samael NorUuop, foe the correctaaas of ber sutemeats For sale by J50. U BOAT WEIGHT. SI 11 A 14 No Proat S. Bole A rent J. L. WINNER, "TTT ATCU MAKES A JETVELLXH, A"ChroomeUr. Plae Watcbee ad Jewelry repaired aad warraated. orvalte New af ark C Proat M. nea Tlio "OldHIcliory F1UM WAGON. CASIU AGES. BUGOIKs, cmxta. Draya. BoxXT Hanx Carriage , naraeea, l-aawar Haxaaa, Tree UArneaa, crtad Ursy llaraeaa, Coilara. Uamee, Baid Brtdlee.Tr&aks of ail kind. Baga. aacka tUd Eatcaeia. CeTalzlag proaply do by W0CIcDOCa ALL. A BOWDEX. Kext to D. A. BaUi'i raraltore Store. apll . Silver Plated Spoon. Forks And Knives of best Quality, And at cuna- r.nrre TirioCA. CAS DO foODd At JA- cozz'S nArdfrara Depot. t Ashevillc Adcance: Mr. H. A. Gud ger. ot Marsville, has moved with his tamily to this cty, whero he has lormed a law partnerithtp with 11. B. Carter. lhero wiTetwo lots oi tohacao, in all about 1.700 pounds, bold at tho Ban ner art-house it riday whicn averaged f 58 per hundred. Charlotte Observer: The revivals that have been in progress among the colored people of the city for about a month past are now about closed and tho results are beinz reckohed up. Rev. R. S. Rives, of A. M. E. Zton Church, wins the laurels as the champion preacher, having secured an' accession ot three hundred and lorty-nve (345) new members,- besides tbe profession ot faith of two hundred and forty-four (211) others making 559 confessions in all. Rev. A. A. Powell, pastor of the 1st Baptist Church, reports one hun dred and twenty threa adaitions to his membership. Rev. Z. Haugbton, of the Etx-nezer Baptist chnrch. reports j a large number of new members, be sides many new con vert . The whole number of converts made in all the 900. Raleigh Visitor: Four persons join ed Edentou Street M. E. Church yester day morning two of whom were baptized. There wero about thirty renitcnis At the altar List nigh:. Early yesterday morning crowds of people, both while aud black, in every stylo ol vehicle, from the omnibus down to the ox cart, on horseback and a good many walking, wended their way to "Taylor' Pond,'" two miles Noith of the witness the baplUm which w announced on Saturday. By 10 o'clock you cuuld not hire or borrow ahorse. The streets in tbe city were almost deserted. At precisely 10 o' clock tbe ceremony bcan and was finished at Hi o'clock. There were 150 candidates immersed, part being from the First Baptist Church, colored, and the others Iroru the Baptist Church in East Raleigh. The crowd in attend ance was variously estimated at from three to fire thousand. Goldsboro Mcssc?iycr: l)r W II Mllburn. tho noted lecturer, was in the city on Friday, tbe guest of Mrs II j." Grainger. lie left for Mount Olive Friday evening. Mr John RSmitb, chairmau of tho Republican County Committee, has issued a call for town ship meetings to elect delegates to a county convention to bo held on the 22d inal- Mr J B Whitaker, of this city, in looking through some of his old papers last week, found tho appoint ments ol Messrs II G BonbamandR D PascbaL as sergeants in tbo Mexican war, in which he was an adjutant gen eral. Mr Whitaker says he recollects now that those gentlemen left the ccr UficattBof their appointment with him for safe keeping whilo they were in service, and that they never called for them. Messrs Bon bam and Paschall are both dead, and ho notifies tbe re spective families of tbe deceased to come for the e certificates, as they may he of service in obtaining pensions. and exhibited the Treasurer' receipt lor $7 00, and the same wai ordered on file. On motion, an election was held for School District. No. 5. under the local assessment act, and a levy ot 10 cents on tbe $100 valuation of real aud per sonal prororty and 30 cents on the poll of all whito tax payers was made. election of officers for the ensuing year. Nothing was done, however, save the hearing of the reports of the President and Secretary When these were con cluded an electfou was held with the following result: President Col. Roer Moore. Vice President-Mr. J. H. Currie. Board of ManagersMessrs. H, C. . 9 a. a a . . I un motion, tne sum oi auu was ap McQueen. B.F. Hall, A. H. Greene, propriatcd by New Hanover county to j. D Woody and R. W. Hicks. the State Exposition. Inspectors of Elections Messrs. J. On motion, tho following were ap- M. ForsheeJJ. W. Bolles, and W. W. pointed a committee to act in coryunc- Harriss. ! tionwith the committso appointed at Adiourned. the meeting of the citizens held at the City Hall on the 3rd of April, as an Executive committee, to prepare articles lor exhibition at tho State Exposition, to be held at Raleigh in October nexf, CBLAGK GOODS, In these two departments wc claim C BLACK - C vAoiuoiarj.aavan- VIIITE GOODS, tages and inducements, . WHITE DRESS GOODS ARRIVING DAILY; " BLEACHED COTTONS and SHEETINGS willlw ni.l i.J:' GOODS, G00DS.J asltho lowest. apl 2, 1884 LACE CURTAINS, CORNICE, MATTINGS AND CARPETS. R. TJ. Clcl rJTIRE. Executor's; Noticed HAVING QUALIFIED AS WxEct4n0 the last will an t teeUmcnt of Lararua. noUoe la hereby siren to in1 havlnff elatas agtlost herceUie to ereE,1?0 same tlneonorbetnrctllathrernWl!, l- - - - ' --- .. ' The Queen's Lace Uandker- ! chief. In speaking of the above-named opera, which is to be presented - at the and to see that our county is properly Opera House for three nights, com represented, viz : Don. MacRae, B. F; niencing with ihursday, the 10th inst Hall and Clayton Giles. The following were; appointed listers for tbe year 1884 : Wilmington J. G. Burr. Federal Point Township -J. Home. Masonboro B. S. Montlord. Harnett A. A. Mosely. Capo Fear Iredell Johnson. tax H. the Harrisburg, PaM Telegraph says : Tho beautiful opera, the Queen's Lace Handkerchief, was presented in this city last evening by the New York Opera Company, and the Opera House was crowded by an appreciative audi ence. The opera is put upon tho stage in a manner that leaves nothing to be desired. The chorus is strong and sings tne numoers witn precision; tbe cos tumes are beautiful and tfflesKr- 'etfs iBtfB eaasmsa- -as we hhswssis. For; the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis,Croup, Influ-I enza. Asthma, V hooping Couch, In cipient Consumption and for the re- lief of Consumptive persons in advan- ced stages of the Disease. For Sale by all pruggists. Price, 25 Cents, njtHfm, ave ayj Superior Court. nov 15 ly totp dAw CUMMEltClAL A iAYb. harmonious. The Board then proceeded to levy the not little ia .duded to pleasure from a full orchestra. When tho cur- usual schedule B and C taxes lor 1834. The Board then adjourned. The largest and best stock oi Windows. Doors. Blinds &c, and at Factory prices U at N. JacobPa Hard ware Depot. It Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen met in regu ar monthly session at the City Hall a st night. The Finance Committee was granted ime in tho matter of advertising. The report of the Finance Committee on appropriations for the year was read. Alderman Boney moved that an ap propriation of $225 be made for the ad dition and painting of the Little Giant Engiue Co's house. Adopted. tain fell upon the last act the verdict was that the performance was exceD- tionally fine. , A young girl in Philadelphia who for three years has been a patient sufferer with sore-throat, has been effectually cured by using Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, List of Letters. A list of unclaimed letters remaining Wed- at the Post Office in this City on nesday, April 9. 1884 : I A Joseph E Adams, A D Allman. B James Baker, John Bolton, R T Blood wort h C J A Cooke, Jerry Crandle, F D Capps. E Mary Ellis. ! F F J Farmer. G C Grant, Elizah Gause. Katie K Grorer, Emma Gray. If PVi-n1! If ovi-taa 11r Ilililan A motion to appropriate $1,000 for jamesT Harring. BelYa Hughes. (2) tho Howard Fire Engine Co, was lost. Richard A Harrbon. Wm Hawser, So A motion that all repairs of buildings Hersey. bo charged to the department to which ?-$lile??are Wm Lvles. tney neiong, was aaopteu M Rosana Mareains, care John -H Alderman Guyer moved that $1,200, Turner, Cornelius McNeslay, J D Mc appropriated in tho estimates for streets Neeley 41 Mizpah," Thomas H Moore, and wharves, be stricken out, and the ttl:n' M. uiaujiitu WILMINGTON MARKET. 1 I April 8-4 P.M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE -Quoted firm at 30 dents per gallon bid. No sales reported. - ! 7 ROSIN Quoted firm at $1.10 for Strained and $1.15 for Good Strained. TAR Quoted firm at $1.05perbbl of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE -Quoted steady at $1.75 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1 for Hard. COTTON Quoted firm atll cents per pound for Middling. Small sales at these figures. The following are the official quotations : j Ordinary..! 8J Good Ordinary 10ft Low Middling 10 Middling lift Good Middling.....-.. 11? State of North Carolina, New Hanover County. W. K. Kenan and others, ruiatli : -'"'l-"----."-: ' j - T -; r : ' '.-' W. B, McKoy, Assignee ot T. II. McK0y, tj l , VbUiers; OeXendsnts. .! Notice to Creditors rt file cUlmi, Toriuant to an order of the Suneit of New Hanover County, iaade Sn2 enUtleM acUon, whlcU Is icredw? FlalntuTs in behalf of them'efm SJin creditors of TbomaslL ffiEfrtK!?? come la and contribute to tbe expenlr action, the undersigned. ReferW.5! "1 for the purpose, hereby n.uVH" of Thow as II. aicKor to .nri. 'J civllion his office In tbe City ef wito iimT evidences of their reepecUTecfi?! J?tl fore the 14th da7 of All, lasS TmvSmt forever barred from any and in lu,' feb 19 6w tuea H BefereV Superior Conrt of Nev HoTe7ctr7 James C.-Munds and wife Elir, n v -onl, Kate Al. Lord, CamrnkX iJdwn id AtliM 1 U. Ham L. Meares. and others, Plalntitri; cents appropriation be made for tbe south end of Third street. Ixst. Alderman DeRosset moved to amend by adding'Sccond and Orange streets. Adopted. A motion by Alderman Sweat, that Paten, Helen Parker. i care Isaiah Brown. R Dora Robeson, Fanny Roberts, Jim Ross, Martha A Robins, William Robeson. S Jame3 Stephens..- Scothirind. T W Tout on. Alice Thompson. ' V W C White. W J Wright, Ma- theanDroDrialionforthoSunerintendent tiIda Wilder, Rev C l Wade. ' ' r I T 11! C 1-11 - ll of thfl fitrPPt fnrP h strirken ont. wa persons caning lorietusrs iu tut? aoove lost - list win please say "aavertisea;"j 11 not Alderman Fishblate moved that the called for within ten days will be sent appropriation of $1,000 for city survey or bo stricken cut. Lo3t. Motions to amend by making the appropriation 500 and $000 were lost, when Alder- man Guyei moved to make tbe appro priation $1,000, which was cairied. The ayes and noes were called as hol lows : Ayes Aldermen DeRo3set, Chadbourn. Sweat, Howe and Gujor. Noes Aldermen Boney, Bear, Dudley and Fishblate. Alderman Boney moved to strike out tho appropriation of $720 for a paver, and that the amount be appropriated to the dead letter office at Washington, D. C. Ed. R. Brink P. M. THE MALLS. Tbemalla close and arrive at the City Foe office aa follows : ' CLOSE.. Northern through malls, fast... .....7.00; P. M. Northern through and wiy malls. ...8.00 A. M. Raleigh 6.15 P. Af. aad 8.00 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Ballroad and routes supplied therefrom Includ ing A. Art. C Railroad at . 7.00 P M. aad 8.00 A. M Southern Mails for aU points South, daily 6.15 A. M. and 8.00 P. M. Western maila (C. a Railway) daily, (except Sunday) 6.15 P. M. All points between Hamlet and Ral eigh.. - 6.15 P.M. Man for Cheraw and Darlington RaU- a. aa. ana 8.00 jr. u. for Woluut. Mulberrv and Second -JSS " r I mmiB iw uuuw uvtwmi c ivicuvo st reeta. Several amendments were ad Charleaton 6.15 a. m. and 8.00 p. M. x y ekbc viiKS tuu ouices uu vp x car If yoa need a real good first class cooking stove, don't fail to see the Ex celslor Penn Zeb. Vance and New Emerald, besides others. They are to be foand at factory prices at Jacobi's, made and lost, and tho appropriation was then stricken out. A motion by Alderman DeRosset, that the appropriation be made $500 and added to incidental,M was adopted Alderman Guyer moved a reconsid eralion of tbe vote on the salary of the City Surveyor. Adopted. Alderman Fishblaus moved that tbe appropriation be stricken out. Adopt ed. Alderman Dudley moved to amend tho report of the Police Department by making the amount $300 for the clerk. Adopted. A motion to amend the appropriation for the Firo Department by adding $150 for the LUtle Columbia Reel Co., was referred to tbe committee on Fire De partment. An ordinance was adopted authoriz ing the appointment of a Superinten dent of Lights. The Baard then adjourned fo meet next Friday night at 8 o'clock. "Kousu on Couffhs." Knocks a Cough or Cold endwise. For children or adults: Troche i vi who Is tbe manufacturers agent, t - I Liquid, 50c At druggists. eod ' sye Hirer. TueedaTS and Fridars LOOP Fayetteruie, via lamberton, dally, i except Sundays... .,...G.l5 P. Mi Onslow c ll. and intermediate offl ces, Tuesdays and Fridays. ....... .6.00 A. M. Smith vllle malls, by steamboat, dally (except Sundays) 8.30 A. M. Malls for asj Uiu, Town Creek, 8hallotte and Little River. Tues day sand Fridays........ 6.00A.M. WrlghUTUie, rtauy 8.50 A. M. Northern through and way malls.... 7.30 Al M Southern Mails. 7 JO A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 9. 00 A. M. Maila collected from street boxes business portion of city at 5 A. M.. 11J0 A.M. and 5.30 P. M. aad from other point of the city at 5 Stamp Office open from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M.. Money order aad Reaiater Department open irom a. mx. w omi xr. m. General dellyery opea from 7 A.M. to 6 P.M. and on Suadara from 830 to 9JS0 A. M. Carriers' delivery open on Sunday from 8.30 toSJOA.M. DAILT RECEIPTS. " Cotton 145 bales Spirits Turpentine Rosin i . 1, 83 V bbls Tar ...j . 149 bbls Crude Turoentine j 400 bbls MARINE NEWS. . ; u-rrv-; 7 - -v Against Frederick J. Lord. Armtmi .t tv.b..:. ham L-DeRoe set, Graham DTeis4ii laide 8. DeRosset, Catherine D.PckmmT Armand leRosset, Junior, EiwirtiL DeRosset, Eliza J. DeRosset,! Addle 8 r Itoaset, Graham D DeRosset, AddU Immni DeKosset, Mary lrey DeRos et, Rkhartt IIM. Frederick J Hiu, JosfphLflJ J ames M Mason and wife allza Masos tS. sej a. Gammell, John B. London, rrederld H. London, Frank O. London, t er a Snowden and wife Eliza C. 8nodea.u others, Defendants. . This is a special proceedlnc bronchi for Ut Partition of certain real estate UUadtyof Wilmington, being pirt of LoU Noa;l.JMd 3. in mock i53, according to the plan ot nJ4 Je defendants, Adelaide o. DeSosKt. . Catherine D. De Roaset. Aimand .DeBouet, Junior, Edward M. DeRoaacL KHz jjivbo. set. Addle S. DeRosset, Graham a DeRouet. Aidla Ernmett DeRosset, Mary Ire? DeSoaet, 208 cask Hill, J tmoa M. Mason snd wlfeJlrs Mawa, lCK II. London. Frank O InWnn Prv il Snowden ant wife AllztC. Snowden, atabmi uy yuireuaau summonea to appear Utu office of the Clerk of the Superior Cootaf Hew Hanover Cc-unty; in the city ot WllnJsf. ton. on the Sixth day of May, 18e4, snd turx r demar to the complaint herem, which su been duly filed Jn this office. Dated this 24th day of March, 18?1. ' - S. VaxAMKIXOK, Clerk Snmrlor Court. mch 25 law6y tuca New Uanover Coastit SEASON IS OVER AND THE T III 1TB CAL AND BALL Season baa opened aria. and JOHN WERNER, the practical Ger&u Barber and Perfumer, la personally ta soot ance at his Hair Dressing Saloon, n Mirta IV. & E. S. LAT1M, i Attorneys-at-IaWs l Office 3. K. Cor. Prlneersasd.WslerS(s, jan 7 . . t - 1 Dr. S. 0. Ellis. QFFICE 323 SOUTH FOUBTH STREET, opposite Miller Drug 8tore. Having located la Wilmington offers hla prof carton si aervlcea to the clUzena. If not la when called upon calls left upon the slate will be promptly re pondd to : api5tf Wanted IJIO BUT FOUR GOOD MILK COWS BT May 1st. Moat giro from 19 to 14 quarts datif. A-ddreaa, nc&29 tf J. D. 8UBLETT, Hotel Brunswick. I emiurrliie, STb.l ARRIVED. Steamship ! Benefactor, Tribon, New York, H G Small bones Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Fayetto Worth & Worth 1 Steamer Goyrnor Worth, Worth, layette vi lie, rvorin w worm i tl r j nji n Steamer John Dawson, Black, Point 1 UG tXCUrSIOf) SillQ flO NIC Caswell, R P Paddison Steam yacht Louise, Weeks, Smith ville. Master Br barquentine Brazil. Davidson, New York, E G Barker & Co, partly loaded with white pine lumber. ! Sehr John tr Kelsey, Steelman, Rap- oerweea water and mroat, wuswi I 1, I?:- l- Ilo.Ioe, Jtr r? ' I son, n. v. ..s A -I - - T ti I ' - ..' . " ' ' 1 wun corn to o vrow. r CLEARED. -Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Fayetto ville, Worth & Worth. Steamer John Dawson, islacs:, roint Caswell R P Paddison. I Steam yacht Louise, Weeks, Smith ville. Master ' i Schr Fannie Tracy. Tilton. Fall River. Mass, Geo Harriss & Co, cargo by A R Campbell. f Schr Jesse W Starr. Burton. Phila delphia, Geo Harriss & Co.! Schr Annie E Blackman, Black man. Boston and Plymouth, Mass, Geo Har riss & Co, cargo by Robinson & King. Cier barque Jdwara reus, i Kipp. Riga, Russia, Pater son. Downing & Co. Exports. COASTWISE. Fall River, Mass Schr Fannie Tracy 226,804 ft lumber. Philadelphia Schr Jesse W Starr 256 800 ft lumber, 20,225 shingles. ' Boston; and Plymouth, Mass 'Schr Annie E Blackman 3,385 bbls tar. 115 1 do pitcn. ! - ' --. ' - : FOREIGN - j Riga, Russia Ger barque Edward Pens 3,050 bbls rosin. MONTHLY STATEMENT. " STOCKS ON HAND APRIL 1, 1884. a Tn , ' ttUVttt ,w lotai mlngs, ilats, Pompoons, rieri, - 4.512- , 1 Fancy Work,' I hare aU colors of Jgi Spirits ashore, 4.466 : afloat. 249 : total, d. Zephyrs and new and r 4,715. I Rosin-ashore, 71,408; afloat. 6,322; Kkld?! totaf, 77,730. ' I been able to buy reasonably and i l (0 lar asnore, ,430; afloat, 3,476: total, 11.D06. ' Crude ashore, 5,844 ; afloat, 50 ; . total, I TO APRIL 1. PUftOELI, HOUSE, "TJIIDEB NEW MANAGEMENT, , - . ..' ' WILMINGTOX, I 0 B. L. PERRY, rroptieux. Late Proprietor Atlantic HoteL ntstxw m al) Ito appolntmenU. , Terms tl. U paj ay.' . ' : ' ' J Sportsman's Goods,' WE nAVE THE FINEST ASSOSTltgJ of Engush and Belgium Breech ever brought to this market, lbs fz class stock of Shells, Wadding, PrUaemt; ridge Bags, Gun Caps, Game Baft JZJj fact we can show a stock of Hardirt goods and guarantee prices. ' W. E. 8PRINGEE 0V apl 7 j 19,51 and Mart Jubt Receivetfi FULL LINE Of MIIXILE e!; log every possible shade In reatneri. - - : .. " a. aKICI w wow my customers au pw"." rty. euie I can sell aa low aa any one ta tse w i.; . .' Eespectfully j -- MISS E. apl 5 RECEIPTS FROM MARCH Cotton, 2.080; spirits 4,287 ; rosin, 28, 274; tar, 16,676; crude, 6.973. ,..r;:1- EXPORTS FROM MARCH 1 TO APRIL 1. DOMESTIC. - 7 Cotton, 3,142; spirits, 2.422; rosin, 9. 393; tar, 8,001; crude, 5,7b8. , . FOREIGN. Ootton,500; spirits, 4,028; rosin. 42,- BREWING COMPANr. or taa; nr. .on. i TT A PRER Aa 4 a gzhsa I IMotice- ALL PERSONS ARE HEEEBt Cit j - , .itbjs el not to aclL buyi or use, any ef j beloaglng either to the lEOBEBT te ivr i 5 and 10 cents Cigars, TTAYA2LA, FLLLKBS. k UTUZM and Medicinal mmmHiiia m. , ?0. T. SCHONWALirs. Ja 11 . Drug aad PrecxlptJoa fitora who shall rloUte this notice, beta e. crimlnallyitotheexoweliinJ j B-BriBT POBrKEK BHZTflSi 03 apl 3 iw WILLIAM