i 4 itu 'P vtA -v I ,l,,fcn- th.-t any. hirm . . -, ... . 1 L.t -. C - . It- i, i ' C JO .. WEDNESDAY. AI'lUkV.9. lr4 KaUrcl i i&m PomIu&c at WMiMlbttoa. N. C. M Mtool-rLu r&Allrr. ca roue from n t:.'iti;r. On Wc iri.s-i!;t! &u-jic-a w.Il take up in earnest woinc of the di;siiabl irpM-ti-ns now pci.dn before is. Thre are several pri-p-ad amendments which are generally recognized to bo good one, and Ihey can be carried if they are rohetl wjih vuor. i At any rate, they ought to be taken up and coomiI ered 1 r' '. '. shout :" ..- J Th-3 cri.Jmo of relieving .:lt:rcrs at, Hirniiniiis ii, EnUml. !hc:o-o a dreadful tite c f ih n?s. In some cases two fna Hie, inc'udijig children, occopyi ui.e room : in others one small house contain) several families mixed up in a most demoralizing way. Wha'ing days have gone by, and yet thli seems strange alongside ol tbo re port of Captain Koche of the schooner L'zze P. Summon?, who telU that IC8 barrels of oil and 2.500 poonds of bone, that a sinzle whale vielded, brought him in between $ 13.000 and $14,000. ! John." said the butter dealer, "al ways put in a couple of sheets ff paper when you weigh. Customers will think yon neat a-d cleanly in 3 our business. They don't like to have their butter slopped into a scale that, for all they know, has never been washed.- And besides there's a ircod .profit in MSCELLAITEOUS AMENDING TUn CONSTITUTION. The people of tbo United Stales live under two frmi of Government na tional and SUbr.Jssjs tbo New York The Most Ilev. Tstri; k John Ryan, WbrtL Toey are g-iveroed by two Coadjutor Archbishop ot St. Loaif, has tyitemi of fundamental law. Oae is I been appointed Archbishop of Thiladel embodied la the Federal and the other phia. which Sec has been vacant since la the State constitution. - June 20, 1683. Humors of this appoint 1 . . I m a ST : . , mere are inini-argu-.aiate consutu- menttavo currenwor bunm buying paper at a hall a cent a pound lions. Not one ol the earlier and per- past. A lew days ago a cable dispatch anj selling it for thirty-five or foity." j baps none of the later ot thrsa Inst ra- announced the appointment to the 1 ml- a remarkable decrease in blindness ments now exist in the form In which aiebhia Archbpiscopatcrf 'Archbishop has been observed in England fr every vrtwr fir- t,.. ,-M p.l ni Indo." sn obscure T!aca in decade since 1851. and the percentage s.j . ..... .- t cf. , ofdecreaFC in the JaU ten years i larger been amended to. correct defects and Ulrica. A search ot tne ecclesiastical thaQ ha3 bccn shown in any preceding omissions overlooked by the franicrs: records disclosed the fact that thore was enumeration. The fact is attributed to thmw hirM Yun mrwIiHi fmm tin, to no orela'.o of that name or locality, and the recent advance in eye surzery, im .. d .jhpUd t, new circucc U -.. jodW b, ArchbJ.bop Free- JSiSS? otot anaconaiuons DrougniaooaiDy growin au. iu uuu' "'u,"e" diseases, such as smallpox. and progress. Tba fandamontal law of Home, mai Arcnuisoop uyau, 01 oe.- Tnere -JA a woman livinz in Detroit the thirteen original States Is vastly dif- mis, (his new title,) was meant who has not allowed herself to be seen ferent to-day from what It was a cea- Such proves to be the case. The pre- by men for many a year. She lives in . winr. forded 10 Aivhbichoo Rvan her bermititage all alone, goes to bed at IIU BZ.Ua I - " . r A 'to When yon coma to think of it, it is not odd that literary people prefer s ripe to a cigar. It ia handier to smoke when they are writinff. and ever so much cleaner. And then it gives them the true essence and flavor of the tobacco. . The most fastidious smoker, amomr all nations and all classes of men aree that the tobacco grown on the Golden Tobacco Belt of North Carolina is the most delic ious and refined in the world. . Lighter than Turkish, more fragrant than Havana, freer from nitrates and nicotine than any other. It is ' Just what the connoisseur praises and the habitual smoker demands. The very choicest tobacco grown on this Belt is bought by Black Weil's Durham Tobacco Co.. and appears in their celebrated Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. It is known the world over. Oct the genuine.withBuIl trade-mark, then you will be sure of having abso lutely pure tobacco. n v in RAILROADS, c Wiliniiiton & Weldoi. liallroad Company. OXTICX OF GZXB2al.i 8DFERINTEJf DKSCT, miffllngton. N. C, Nov 17. 13S3 Ate The fnlluH.. Wholesale prices fxnenr small onlcrs .UghgFpngrLl JTti"?S . 1 I i L2 rr ' iCZa BAGGIXC standard.....;. BAtX)N-North CaroKnlr" Shoulders, if R... "!'"! Asms........ .... Sides. V fc ........ "! DBY SALTED ? -. sides, v ft - nnnitr ijb s Change of Schedule. N AND AFTER NOVR 18,'1S33, AT 1.05 V-fA. so... fa38cnsrer Trains on the W 11 mine ton A Weldon KaL&oad will run as follows : DAY AlAIXi AND EXPRESS TRAINS DA1L1 NOS. 47 NOETH XKO 48 Socth. I CKESTA' . -ww . . . f KKlITli K W ir .Leave it limingion, ron.as.icpt, B.55 A. 31 nfiTrii'il V'Xl.T- ., 00 men 71yd nrm ofrl WhiU Iht deTelopmeal of Stato coo- Includes the Dioceses of Pniladelphia, at midnitt t'Szo out and make her BaSIl, UOOrS. JSllIldSf WW A J.1I - ' -1 . - Arrive at Weldon ......... Leave weldon. 3.00 p. m Arrive at Wilm'gtoa, Front St. Dpt, 8.40 P. M Fast Thkocgh Mail & Ta&besqsr Xkaim DALT.T No 40 SOUTri. Leave weidcn.... s.ao p. m Arrive at Wllra'gton.FrontSt, Dp't 10.25 P.3t! MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAINS DAI1.T No. 43 North. I Lave wiinunion 8.00 P. M. Arrive at Weldon. 2.S0 A. M. Mail and Passkkgeb Tbalns Nos 45 and 43 Leare Wllmlnarton, (Sundays ex IK. DU-itsTn-rrimM.. 'w Second Hand, each.": , J New New York, each.... 5 New Cltv.earh! t ' aX. -:f i 1 1 8: r. 1 ti Northern....... CANDLES, tf- lb . eperm..... .......... Tailow. . ............ Adamantiie. ....... CHEESE, V B- Dairy, Cream...: ....I:;" 'J State. a a COFFEE, r ib- 7 . . W a : Java I .......... . ......... CORN MEAL, bus., to ceptei) ...12.80 A M utriTiwi TIES, y bundle., i 80 K atltatlonal biir hAj keot oaoa with the Allegheny, Pittsburg. Erie, Harrlsbur nurchases. Her name is Odell, and it rfrni-of thutlmM. th fnndamental and Scranton. and ranks higher than ifsald when a girl she was disappoint- UoJtb.nai!oaba,BBderXo0.Dcuch K.wVo,k. It ha. . Catholle popa... Lr.Xfonlho"' face dsTtlopmeat. Ithasoerer been gen- t Ion oloTer 600,000. Archbishop Ryan 0t a man or allows man to look at hers. m Taiv mnv nf thA flftA I Is AMt vears of aze. and was made Co- w J . W f mmim9mj w. .mw - r w- ..... . . . v . I J!.i a o.wUt.UMn. LTAnriMl I I QTO cotutuauoas care Dcca. i n&s receiv-1 bujuwj iw auuuhuw iuin- n tm. cd nruca !aapendeot amendments. He stands rerj nign.Dom as a preacner White Lead, Paints, French Window Glass, WilmlDcrtou District. Methodist E. Church, South, Quarter-1 agency for n. Y. enamel'paint Twtlrt of theso wsre adopted so soon and theologian, and is generally regard- ly Meetings alter the framlnz of the constitatio-f ed as 1 he ablest orator In jtho Catholic as to belonz practically and essentially Church in Amenca. His departure Clinton Circuit at Johnson's to Lha oririnal instrument. The other irom St. I0Uls will be the occasion lor CJbapel April la-lJ tsr rr ftat nfiTtrordInar- rlrum- unlrersai resrct. but his promotion is Topsail Circuit at Herring s i - . . . stances, and were carried to secure ex- hailed with proud satisfaction alike by Rlade circuit" at Soule Optional ends. ?he priesthood ana latty. lie 13 known When the coosUtutloa was framed la Chicago almost (as well as iu St. the nttloa was la its infancy. The Louis, and his appearances on impoit- framers were wise mea and statesmen ant church occasions in St. Iau'is have of rare foresight; but they little dieam- always been regarJed as notable evenls. unk. rn.rwAiir.fi stride thi th ArchbishoD liran's immediale prede- matijwmUiB.kalaterriiarU! .izo. ia Philadelphia wa ibo MM5SbraKi-Bikto' popalstioa. material wealthand power, "er. James Frederic!: wood, who died SpnDgs May 31 and June Theydidnot realize nr provide for in June of last year. S Newton (Jrovn Mission at : the social, political and industrial coo- VTT'T: Ia(Lk'8 SS.ape,-V ; r 'C" June diiioas and the goTetomeatal needs of Aac f"8 ai ia9 UDiieu oiaies 8,' PTt" J aoatloaol fifty million people at the u. '""J"' -"ai-wty Point Caswell Mission end or nearly a century' wondrous lJM OI !ftJ Udsimctiva wind r.r.r..a 6lorms nrid getiog at the laws that It Is not strange, therefore, thst the underlie their phenomena. Accordmgto ooastitutioa o! I7a7 is nut adapted to these gentleraea tkeconcectionbttween ll tha oeoetssiliea of to-day. In the tn9 stcrras and tho prayalenco of sun national fundamenul law, ai in that ol sPoU " W remote, it any can be said want SECOND ROUND. Wilmington at -Filth Street April 5- 0 fiAlx and examine oub goods and get our prices before purchasing. The fact that our Palnta are from the celebrated Fac- - ! ' tories of Wetherlll & Co., and Harrison Bros A Co.41ssafflclent jruarantee for their quality and purity. , A fine line .of JCooklnK Stores at Factory Chapel.. April 19-201 Chapel. April 2G-27 Wilmington at Front Street May 3- 4 Brunswick Circuit at Mace donia... May 10 11 Smithville May 17-18 Whiteville Circuit at Fair Bluff May 24-25 . ..May 28 1 8 June 14-15 Juua 18 Duplin Circuit Jun 2122 Onsiow Circuit jm.... June 28 21) Waccamaw AIi3sion,. ..... June 28-29 W. il Bobbitt, P. E. Prioee. In addition to oar large and full HARDWARE STOCK, to which tout attention lsrespectf ully Invited. ept 8 NATH1 JACOBIj 10 South ont St North Carolina Resources. "One of the most useful series of derscrip tive books ever published about any State Boston Post. the sereral States. experieue ba brought to li?bt defects and omissioar. Those.as we bate sa;d, have Irom timeto time been remedied ia the Stat coa to exuit at all. i They explain that tor- naJoe are duo to a collision of warm By lack of openair cxercis?, and the TTq lp.'q Tn rill atrial ftnripQ ant of sufficinit care n the matter of b AUUUBiriai OerieS. diet, the wtrnlc ihvsical mefihanism two volumes sow Kcady often becomes iraj;aired during the win- tcr. A yet s bar-apariiia is the proper Arrive at Weldon.... e so a i DOMESTICS Leave Weldon. (Mondavs excepted)!, fw a mis Sheettnar. 44. V d. V . ITUUUUWUaa , VU A il ""( MMIIUm ....... .... I ! M Train Ko. 40 South will 8 ton onlv at wiit, ZlVi aozen........ ........ , f S ?"lar Br..RoLeayeRockT MCi SS:VK- 0 muuii iur x&rooro at Ji.u A. ai. ana 4.30 P. iii.. -uiviiy. loanaavB exceruteai. iztnTntntr leave Tarooro at 10.00 A.M and 8 P. M. DaUv. Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.23 P. II. Be- inminjr leave Scotland Neck ' at a.80 A. f uauy except sunaay. Train No. 47 make close connection at Wei- aoniorau Dointa North Dallv. All mil vt liicnmona, ana dally except Sunday via B&y Train No. 43 runs dailv and makes clone enn nection for all Points North Via Richmond aud wasuncon. ' ! . 11 la.. . au trauia run soua Dei ween wi'minsron an Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. ; , . . x or accommoaauon ox Jocai travel a r;-. - i uui.. h v. - . Mackerel: No. ?, ? 3i bbV 1 S Mackerel, No. S, f bbl... U 5 ? U Muucts, ddl:.:....;;:;"" J 2 fi I Mullets, Pork bbls..V. L. " i S! N. C. Roe Herring, y kVr"" i S 1 tDryCOd,l...f:...-"fc, rEKTII.tZKRS. IT 2 nrm kV'' . 5 SRS. IT 8 oon v. SFl si'sj'iJ Baugh's Phoephate.... S 83 CaroWFeruiSSn:.;; '"'S" " WU " Tf. . r m , Dasaen- ger coacn win he attacned to local freight leav lng wnmiugton at 7.00 A. M. DaUyi Sunday. Daily except JOHN F. DIVINE. General Superintendent. M 00 i; Wando Phosphate!!.::. 2! S 2 Bcrger&Buti's WosplISS S SS Excellenza Cotton rwiSS M S " J2 ! utonerai oupenntenaent. Frenrh'tt ri-hAi,Vt. i rjrr-w w 81 Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. Coi Omcx or geiticbax. Supkrtntejtpkwt. Wllminprton. N. C. Nov 17. 13 111 i ni Change of Scheduie, Ol, fuovu. vmu- me.. ......... !- - . u ' ' ' -Northern Super.... ; S Kxtra i T' ' iTon. Cltv Villa MtAi 5 wnuy oii GLUE r ftv mZZ. GBAIN, V bushel vw bjiv, uagB.wilIW, I a vxrn. cararo. mixed, to hn i ... . . t Oatsfrom stored." T" T HIDES, fly-, . " t tircen .... 11 1. TUB WOODS AND TIMBERS OF NORTH Carolina Cnrtls's. Eramoiis', ar.d Kerr's tsotamcai uc ports; supplemented by accurate i . . ... i . uvwjuuhi iKuuiu, ouuuicuicuum uv uccurdic i . - r-.rr -r- ana coiu cuircnt oi a r, ana are apt to remedy to tafce in tne spring vt the year county Reports of Standing Forests, andii:us- SvoarV; V , Jnncon . Scantling and Board, com..! 00 eui be found in southern latitude, there- to purify tho blood, invigorate tho I ..... ! . 4 1 i: . i Ututi.n bat th. Fbl coa.tituli.n f-re. ia the early Sprio,. toll... In, the "auiw and vi.or.' ""U has b a chan red in but fer of its advance oi warm wiamer xsonnwaru. proTiiioos during the pst eighty years . Most of the cit lones originate in the except bj ih Supreme 0-urt, and the northwest, ana commonly reacii tne ... ,h k iku irihnn! hir Atlantic coast tithe North of .Wash- a ... .... ..t . .u...k..n Ufikn lwi-t.r. I& haaliDgtou- jvat.sas is preMimneniiy tne Mooted. iriveo to .Confess 'Uiichie, cjrcione Maty, navinj: nau as many Ue vrtn.nnra which the loundemo! the "rucuvo siorios oi mi ue.cnpuon - - i . . .. .,wm-nt n.TPr Intended to contcf UUfing 100 C llinry upon that body, aud. on the other hand. It is a:d that Mr. Howcli'd first poem was ivjecied. IJut ho nee-Jn't let that worry liim. Our first poem was aUo re- jofted. And so, by the way, wa our last. it has s: ripped Coazres ol power which they evidently designed it should bate. Tho importance ol amending the constitution In certain particulars is cencrari conceded. Every ar nu merous propositions to that effect are ih l as the entire S uth. As a rule their wowt lo c Is fpent before they reach the At lantic seaboard. Tne laws ol storms have Ion baflled tho best scieniitic minds; in (ac, until a "You should not have stayed away so loner " she said in icy tones as her theatre escort slid into his seat ten minuUs af er the ring-up oi lhc second act. Uu! bx .Lxcuse me 1 mt my old friend Torn in the lover, and 'a Jtrry there too?" was her artless intc-rruDtion. as ?ha turned her alten comparatively iaa to the siae. modern time it was supposid that there were no such laws but that the wthd bl3w where it I listed. Hut within a k century meteorology hh advanced to a A Wimamsport youth sent hfty cents toaNc YorK tirmto learn how to keep firm s wearing, and received in rep y : "Don t optn jovr mouth." He trated by an excellent Map of the ?tate. 1 Volume 12mo. Cloth, 273 pp., tl.2.1. II. In tijb Coal and Iron counties op North Carolina Emmons. Kerr'.-. Laid- ley's, Wilkes, and the Genius Reports; sui)- piemented oy tall and accurate sketches of the rlfty six Counties and Map of the State. 1 Volume 12rao. Cloth. 425 pp., $1.50. Sold by all Booksellers,, or mailed postpaid; on receipt of the price, by M E J. HALE S'N, Publishers, Booksellers and Matloners, . New York Or. P. M HALE. Publisher. Raleleh. N C sept 29. Tobacco Selling Fast. Qllfl BOXltS AND CADDIES SOLD wlth- In tliree cek?. 20 1 Boxes and Caddies to close consignment. Various Brands Irom 20 rents upwards SAM'L. BEAK. SR, mch S - 18 Market Street AND AFTER NOVR ISth. 18S3J at S3 A. M.. the following Passeneer Sehed ule will be run on this road : No.42 Leave WilmiPirton. f Mondays excepted) 7.15 A M " 'Arrive at Florence 11.40 A M No. 45 Leave Ft rence, fSundavs . excepted) ..: 7.40 P M " A rrlve at WAimington . . . . NIGHT EXPEPSS TRAINS, DAILY Wect and 47 East. " Iieave Wilmington 9.10 P. ii Leave Florence 2.40 A. M ! Arrive at Colombia. Leave Columbia...., 9. 55 P. M Leave C, C. & A. Junction. 10.SO P. M. Leave Florence 4.33 A. M Arrive at WilmJ jrton. 8.23 A.M Night Mail and Passenger Train, Dailt , No. 40 WE8T. Leave Wilmington 10.40 P. ir Arrive at Florence...... l 45 A- M MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DAILY No. 43 East.- Leave Flerence at .........355 P. M Arrive at Wilmington. . ........... . 7.42 P . M XTatn 43 steps at all Stations. HAYr iOOfta"- Eastern.... ......... it n Western. i ii IiC North River : Z I n.vjjr i.i.yj2. w ir..... LARI.Ib-,; . v Morthern North Carolina........ 7.40 P M J-UMe.jr harrei 1 40 0 . 12 10 P M LUMBER, City Sawed, M ft. V LY Nos. 4 Wp Stuff, .rcsaued... ....... .18 00 C MM,' a. 00 0 ui Kougii tigc PJank I. .15 00 CHI to aualitv.. is AO AH Dressed Flooruig, 8ca8oned..l8 00 4t3l or 00 No. 40 stops only at Flemlngton. and Mario: i-assenirers ror uoiuinbia and an no' U. U. It., C. (1K.K, Stations. Aiken Jnnn S iTiAfL In Clin-rra. Soma of these are mitchk-Tous, trivial or otherwise ot- rccoSnizcd placo among tho sciences, has swern ever since." aoie. Bat sotue Wou Ner, v kuo niuu uai t uccu i .1 tv c auu 111 il 1 1 y useful discoveries made. The most im portart, perbap?. t9 that almo3t all winds are rotiry in character, eo that a mariner, by observinj: The features oi says: ''Samaritan Nervine cured me an approachiug storm, can direct his i . . . . . reasei in sucn a ours3 as to avoid its jectionable an J mt with roneral favor. Fore- inostin importanoojuH now is tho pro posed amendment to take from Con rriss the power which the Supreme Court his just coacedevl lo it to Usuo legal tender no'-cs to any extent at any time. Authority to Tct separate items 1884: Harper?s Weekly. tion, and all points bevond. should tuie th .WUI UA(IIVDB. ! v Separate ! Pullman Sleepers tar Ch&rlAfitnr and Aasnists on Train 48. - - . i ', All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. ' ; Local freljrht leaves WLlminoon dailv ex- JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent nov 17 - - ryous Prostra tion. We give our readers an extract from acheerlul letter, wnttcd by Mrs. Eliza beth Smith, of Richmond, i Ind., who of hysteria and nervous prostration ioniment is useless. ILLUSTRATED. Carolina Central Company. B. R. Harper's Weekly stands at the head of Amer- n illustrated weeklv journals. By its un- partlsan position in poliilcs, its admirable il Office o Gszterai. Supebuctendent, Wilmington. N. C. Oct. 1st. 18SS. lean illustrated weeklv journals. By its un- r..i r l . . .. i ... .... ..... . . iimiiiirv ai ipn it mm nmo iiiinn hi i i ' i ; v. .x : c r i tn -n tnnmnr H on bill ha reu lVtn . iuuuuwfte isiucuiuieui J,u- gandg . - . .. . - ..r I however, reirardini: ' the causes and cy Larcom's latest poem. Whence the H . to the caiei execuur m luo .t.f.u,MirUc inlerence that her ooetrv does not rav to QttA4 with ffnill aiiVanlaZC lO tnO PCO"l m ... Imnnuh InrwirmitMIcil l.Tfnm tn rnnm lsnl' ' . . I Kein? th IllldfnnPii fit Ihpir nnrnih ,a.u.......vV. uflu ol; Whrthoutil not tho lamo puna- " on mo parlor noor. sent r. . w .t-i ...r.ri,. " UJiucaituraoi mcasurin- ther tures r;e d exieuueti w - .... , .. t . ; i n. . . . P ment? A few year ao the Supreme Court declared that Cingre.s hal m powr to protect trademaiks. There can be no Talid objection to clothing CtHicrest with such authoit'y by con atitutlonil araendmoni. and there are Cod reason I r d in so.One of the most curious U4isioni in thw constttu- velocity. At such times the wind-mettr U Kentraliy blown ! away observer it in the cellar. and the ALMUIa antics. rite Greut Southern Keinedy. ror ine cure ol all diseases arising irom oiseasea blocil is KUSAUAL18. It cures Scrofula, Rheumatism. White Bronchitis, Nervous Debility, Malaria and all diseases ot a kindred nature lustrations, its carcfull chosen serials, short t tories, sketches, and poems, contributea by tne foremost artists and authors of the day. ft carries instruction ana entertainment to tnou- of American homes. I will alwavs be the aim of the publishers make Harper's Weekly the most popular attracuve lamuy newspaper in tne world. the pursuance or this aesiirn. to pre- constant improvement in all these fea- whlch have gainea lor it tne confidence. sympathy, and support of its largo army of readers. Harper's Periodicals. Per Vear: the No than a ve back The young lady from aisar does not speak ot a clam my sweat, but ot a biralvular transpiration. it is a curious fact mat no matter bow green one is ia the use of the tele phone, the moment he purs his mouth A bucking horse is frequently power becinil tho throwe. The farmer i verv Dreviouft. . r w tiou is the lack ol powr in ingress to sooner is the spring well started leslslaU in tha matter ol marriage and bo goei to set d. i J... It mav nass uniform laws or a young womtn is aooui to ren w - . i. - : i ... patent, &c. Dai it may n uen wun Der what Is of vastly more Importance to the people camely, the marital rela tlon. The efils four varjing ami cor. Aiding laws of manitgo and diTorce are notorious. There Is but one reme dy. and that is unllorm. Congress I w tQe transmitter he turns yeiler. hoold hat tbe power to en sucti a I Wbca a ;ew Y'ork family have trou law and thii would also enaoie it to oie wun the imn srvant ihey try to r!l moat effectively with polygamy. unuge. over. TK.f mher nuealioos touching 'Tea. I am real sorry" said the hen a l l i i . I . & . r.v tK.t I pecacu uusoauu; wuj ,w .cow mat IDe ameaamouk wi our foresU are j,, go apitUy destroy dtmand attaotioa ana consiaerauoa. i. When they are cone I'm afraid n the most favored mode of changing they will make broom-sticks of ... . m . . I twsn W tht Iniiramenl iwo-mirus oi iota W w I m . r rv mnsi nrortoaa an a nana grenaae cas rxen inventea uuw" W4 ' . lhl will nntnnt nr.. Onftit v.nM laeadmiot. wmca w w wkm ju..- nut out & cat when lata be ratified by tbrec-foarthJ oi tne thrown into a back yard. States. This renders it weu nigo wr -Mr. JoneV1 said little Johnny to .tKf inmici ior daneerous. mis-I that gentleman, who was making an in tha afternoon call .'can whiskey talk?" CnieTOOS or "ulu"ww 1 mv child, hnm ri.r Mn von list raodtmenm law oi vo "y, tuca aqnesUon?" "Oh! nothing! only nuts aa effjcUro check oa any . Injodio. I ma said whiskey wta besinniDS to tell !r Hin tr I mm n n 1 m nil re Annz-I It mn nl (Ka - ... ---. "'C""' touuuiwu wi i HAKPKTya MA.GAZINE. ... 4 00 wiwi,. xt 19 pcriecny marveuous now, UARPEU'3 BAZAR iu uiu iy cases, aiter physicians nave failed to cure, a single bottle of KOSA- ii AL lb seems to effect such a marked change as to give new hope and life. Keau this letter. Ueiiobotii. Va , Nov. 23, I860 I have been a great sufferer with in llammatory Kheumatism lor the last twelve months. I was induced to try your preparation, Kosadali?. and I UABFEB'8 YOUNG PEOPLE..... 1 60 Hamper's Frakkux Square Libkast. wuo i ear nmcen. ........ 10 UU I'ostage rree to an snDscribers in the United etaies or uanaaa The Volumes of tbe Weeklv berfn nrlth th nrgt Number for January ot each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood cnas toe subscnoer wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. xno last x our Annual volumes or Horner g Change of Schedule. . QN AND AFTER OCT'R 1st, 18SS, THK following Bcneauie. Will be operated on t Lis liallroad : PASSENGKS MAIL AND EJtPKESS Til A TV iauy except ounaay s. i 1 Leave Wihnlnirton at-.... 7 nn l i No. 1. S Leave Ualelehat i. .8.00 P. m I 1 Arrive at Charlotte at.... ...7.30 A. M 1 Leave Charlotte at... ...L sia-p m No. 8. J Arrive Raleigh at.. ........ .8.30 A. M j Arrive at Wilmington at.... 8.25 A. M Passenser Trains ston .t vo-. it atr 4 CO tfuiu iu ineuompanyf iMew urop cuba, in hbOs..... " m bbls..... Porto Rico, in h ads..! ' " - m bbiB..: v. no1 1 - Sugar, House, la hods... '. 00 m . " . i in bbls...L...... M ' Syrup, in bbls J 40 a NAILS, Reg, Cut. lOd basis.. 0 00 All OILS, V gallon- i ll (I &eroecne... 11 0 l ia en W t 90 til 00 I I 00 f I i Lard.., Linseed. Rosin....... Tar Deck and Spar POULTRY f ChlckehA, live, grown... 4... Spring.. Turkeys....... pit a x:Tnna t,i.ni,.i "WWA17TT UUOUVif .. ....... 23 S I 10 I ,79 11 tO J I i 00 ll POTATOES, bnshel sweet Irish, V bbl , Oixn, v barrel'- i -i City Mes8....................,0Jt ak Prime... .16 Rump.................. ,,17 8'J 1J ......4 RICE Carolina. V ft... Rough, y bushel.. ........... aaus. V m uountrr j citv........ rope, y SALT, V sack, Aram........... , uverpoo .................... Lisbon. ......... .............. f American. SUGAR, V lb-Cuba..... Porto mco... A Coffee. C ' i " Ex C Crushed..;.;.. ...L....... SOAP. fh Kvrfhvra ..... SHINQLES.7in.rM...L.......10M 4" ixmmon. ' Cypress rSaps..........V...... cyprees Hearts............:.. w ' z ft I m1 00 s i 5 !i in o 00 0 I 00 0 I 90 0 I oa m i oo T0 ;l si k STAVBa.rM-W.'aBarreL.llW f-f J R. O. Hozshead.. .1 00 00 JL TALLOW, . TIMBER. M feet ShlDrlnx.H f. Z SHELBY DIVISION. PASSES GER, 1LAIL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Dailv eXCCTlt StrndHTrm 3f 2 I WWUIVIMix w" V. 1 A 4 en . No. A f MATCOUCiU J Arrive at C O.IO A. fri .4...W.15P.M. iy.... harlo have been C really benefitpd fv hAnd.4 i Wcekl. In teat cloth bladlmr. will be unt hv anu leei are siui enurced. bat I feel bo I i, yrtz: "7 f iree or ex mnch better that I want W ;nnl ProTde(1 Ve nt does not exceed ...riL . u.i; Ao . A . WR"1 to Qae one dolUr per volum), for $7 00 per volume taking the KOSADAUS. MRS. M. Y. DANCE. lotte........ 5.40 P. M. Trains No. 1 and t maitA eish. I . J1flg SlecpingCars between WUmmrton Jr11"6 andBalelgh and Charlotte. " Cloth Case for each volume, suitable for .3S?rtVlu,? Greenville, Athena! binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re Atlan and all potato Southwest. A 53 8 g -5:1 2.5 CTO ceipt of it co each. Remittances s ton Id be made by Post-Ofllce Money Order or Draft, to avo d chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order ot Bastes A BKOTHKSS. Address HARPER A BROTHERS. -pQTtS : New York L- f!. Jfiwifa r w m kwir , Superintendent. ti.aKK, Generi.1 Passenger Agent Dr. S. 0. Ellis. Steam Yacht Louise. pASSENGKR AND FREIGHT STEAMER ' S.?.ltblle dally. Bates low' and aecnni. wouauons nne. ine LOniR ia -7- iZZZ w ill leave mithvllie ATriCE S23 SOUTH FOURTH ktrrrt 1 w guaranteed safe- 11 1 iiha. opposito Miller's Drug Store. Harluf located I r la Wilmington offers his profeailonal senrlm b I ox uockhtreeu to tbe citizens- If not la when called imonl WM. WEERS. tails left upon the slite will be promptly re- mcasJ Agent and Owner. VPVUUMi IV ----- J r" i5. !. WUmlrgton at 2 JO o'clock. apl 5 tf I Sell all Kinds rjrx BUT . TOUR GOOD MILK, COWS BT I Q001 PRODUCE ON COMMISSION. May 1st. Mast give fronTlO to 14 quarts daily. Address, J. D. 8UBLETT, ? Hotel Bnmawkk, - H!?.tmarkct Prices maranteed and prompt returns. - . a. av. pivirvnii)ir Fine Mill. Mill Prime.. v. Mill Fair Common Mill......!... Inferior WHISKEY, North Caroi WOOL, y fir-Washed Unwaehed ... Burrv... 710 to Ordinary m T, V gal-NortberB..l :arolina....j 1 I i HAT Ti 'r the woritof Jis mall youw.wJ7 box of sample goods that win pT J'V. way of making more money u" r,, Su ever thought posslbief rrJJXl pital not required. We will tr can wcrk all the lime orj to sPHtsW The work to univerBaJly adspw wj, i rou can eawij - the C young and old. You cents to $5 every work paralle fled we wUl send may test the busiceas. ve ,L2 leled offer; to all who art w, e wi;i senn si 10 pay " .r sent free. Fortunes will be ' - iV who give their whole time ote v success absolutely sure. now. A rirfnxui ArnritfiV A t ' H' BOTSO. now. , Address Maine. jt saw c -v rxi best book ever sold for less Hf'V price. Tre fastest selling w' Immense nroflts.to axeats. people want It. Any. one, ffSfi ce&sful agent. Terms free. U?zLkZ Co.. Ponland. Maine. r. A r itlZlij snoSreceiTe r f goods which WjW'&t' money right away than bJ'"j frf wprld. AIL of either sex. JL. hftnr ThAhrod road tO fortnoe-! tbe workers, absolutely suxe - , dress, Tkub A Co., Augusts, fj J nov zo4$md lyw . nVft'fi week at home. sr. Ubbfir absolutely .sat Capital not required. . 7r business at which persons of p ; PTOdnce Commlf alon Merchant ; and TgtcW uuei,P8 l wnJrir. ll tW r ri4 North Wifit WiEJ2?av J?"1' i or okt, can make great py J&i ions tinkering with it. itu. cos ugeijiea , jury il-dAw S9 Refers toBankiayVK: Vf TO?,Jh tlcaUrs toll. 1IALIXTT-

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