,;Sb rrtsry rreato. Stmday JOSH T. JAM oitoi ajti rmorxixTOK. r-Rsaarnoxs rosTAG paid-. i nn kit bobui. a rcm iHLtI.OO: Ooemontt,33eeaU. -.per wia be deSrcred by eairtera free 1 ' . rrt of the city, at the above ' 77...rurrlrkrw and HberaL irmcmxr 'A report any and U fxil- m rec!e toeu paper rcau"'J. 77. Daily Rcvicvo has tht largest LyZ f- u circulation, o any newspaper pj.'isk&L in tXc city cf n tlmxngton. -I rbicsjo people coachioxctab. have organized a Tea I'rino- of Pies. Germany, is on , t.ur throu-h this country. m99- - i ii - Sca-aorc'-'acsarc m les demand la i aUicator hides were ship- Orcr 3j r-cd r.-oai on.- port in Florid;! last week. .... - T.. Ki-imbliran Conventions being i.Mnre dn bring against thecoiuajeof t.:r. A Church of England divine has just ,. ,V:hMl an autobiography ol Judas Lcariot. intended a an nogy for tho f isou trailer. Knisk llurd sys that, n among c:al&-d DriiuH-raH. ho cares not who j, t..tamatc4 f.r President, so the plat faro farts tprard free trade. AdeVatim of sh prelates will t Rome in May, acd confer with tto A I . ll the same manner mat toe Mrs. CV.bcrice Baker of TaylorsTille, Va.. wbo lis just entered her one hun ,lrcd:h jear. attributes her longevity to btr iifc-Ior.f prsistcnco in tho use ol Tte New York icraW classifies lha delcjstcs already chosen to the Bepub- licaa Nstional Convention as follows: Arthur. 217; DIainc. 91; I)gan. 40; Edmunds. 15; Sherman. 2; Kairchild, I; unknown, 12. It is said that a ucneral cxodUs of (icnlilea from Utah is contemplated un less Congress takes some immediate trps for their relief. The courts arc in tk KmU of the Mormons, anu even tbo Legislature and all tho machinery of government is ncder their control. Signor SalvinI said to au interviewer in Ijoadon one day last week : "Irving j ii extremely clever in a certain sense. I a J ziiro him in the first act of 'Ham let. but he docs not sustain the part. I do not consider him great that is 'auc tcsjamlts? No man could pity Othello with such legs." A company has been formed lor es tabliihioz a fchodl for boys at Hug by. Teco.. in coanccion with the Univer fi'.T ef tie South, at Sewaneo, for the Southern and Central States of .the I'oioa. It is intended to give the boys sach an edacation as is offered by the English public schools . The Charlotte Observer feels author ized to say that Gen. Alfred M. Sca'.es, of fireeasboro, will accept the nomina tion for Governor, if tendered him by the Democratic Convention which asscm- ties in Raleizh on the i3th of June. And we feel authorized to sav that there arc w i tw or three thousand others who ouId accept the nomination if they c u!d get it. The success of tho town of Pullman, tear Chicago, has led to the building of a another similar industrial suburb. It it ri'l iw i nn.n tliwivh 1in v ojitaed after the president ot the United Stjftes Rolliog Stock Company, the chief I uacataeturing corporation interested in the new enterprise. The works now in . course of construction arc expected to Cite employment for a town of 10,000 L ishabitants. The Qaccn will remain at Daf mbtadt until after she has had a conference with Emperor William regarding tho settlement for Princess Alice's family, bbe is desironi of raisin cr a fond of -CUO.OOOto XOOO 000, It is reported, to "eie the debts of the Grand Duke I and to establish a permanent fund for the benefit of the family, and -e wUvu Emperor to join her in coairibatiaz thla amount. It is stated, however, tiat the Emperor is in?ispos- J to open his pockets to this extent. U"e Lotice that the name of Col. John N. Staples has been presented by his friends as a candidato for Congress in the Fiflh district and we leei impelled ay that the Democracy of the dis trict coald not honor themselves more highly than by nominating this gallant j Centleman and true loyal son of ?torih Carolina iorthe position. 'Col. Sta ples made a hard fight for his party in tte last election a.nd imon? other Places he UhMl vnmlnrtr,n whera he aemr .nNmonif I of We do not w'nh to intrrfr withordic. -h- K1J W XML. Ill WT- 11L1U S. ' ------ - --- m ls to cr friends in the Fifth, but yet we have a very warm place la our heart for John N. Staples and cannot but fed that ia honorin g bird the party Y lll"TTn rr II i T7- n rm II 1 n -n -r u n V, - j; KS. 1 II I II II II i I II II A II II II 17 II . 1 II . II 11 1 11 It . v l iiii ii. me ii. ii i. ! ajt i i j - i i ' m f , i VOL. VIII. The results of reccent State Conven tions are this briefly summoned up by tae New York Herald : In our news edumns our readers will drill WnArl, nf or dot irnnlirniriicfnAliit at rennhlirm mnrnniinnt in niiin Uonnecucut and irginia, and an ac- coanfof the Catherine in Iowa f the democrats of that Slate, who wiil- hold acouveution to-day. Thd Ohio dele gates as counted in the despatch (oot up lor Blaine, with Senator Sherman in tho minority: but this Kind of count ins may bo of little value vhen the Couvcntion meet-, and even before that leriod the results at Utica 5"esterdiy will be beard throughout the republican camp. Lrfinnccticut wisely uecl.irir.U4.ir "the nominee of the Convention,11 and mentioned that if this should happen to be llawley eho would.be entirely satis fied. Arthur, tho Connecticut rcpubli cans say. "nas strengthened his party. honored himself, benelttcd the country and Carnctl th respect and gratitude of the whole people." "Virginia sent an Arthur delegation- In Iowa this demo crats are said to to unanimous for Tilden. Maihs x, Vscoxin, The cwo- crat of this place tays: A youn? man Keltins mad over his raging t'joth, last night, rushed c.n lor a tirux-storo, ap plied St. Jacobs Oil, and in ten minutes the tooth-ache was gone. LOCAL NEWS. IIDEZ TO IIW ADVERTISEMENTS. F C Miller Smoke I O O F Celebration American Lesion of Honor C IV VaTES Good Bcadlog II EIM SDEKOER WcUJlflg PrC3Cntd Joii.h S IIcKaciiern, Sect'y Notice. Mods Bros. & DkKosset rear's Soap, Overcoat, blankets and fires are popular yet. New moon this morning at 13 minutes past'Jo'cl k. The receipts of cotton at this port to day loot up D bales, j Clarendon Couucil, No. 67, A. L. of ironort wjn meet to-night, at 7J o'clock. been held for the last three weeks at the First Baptist Church 1 ill probably terminate to-night. The sun ha at last succbcdcd in dis pelling ;he clouds by whicn it had been obscured during tho week, and it was a welcome sight. The air, however. wa3 quite chilly this morning. ! Mr. Junius Davis has been unani inously elected by the Ladies' Memorial Association as Chief Marshal for the memorial services on the 10th ol May, and has accepted the appointment. A series of meetings will be com menced next Monday night at the Front Street Methodist Church, to be conduct ed by Rev. Dr. Yates, the pastor. The meetings will bo continued dining the week. The stockholders of lielievuel Uoie trv rmnanv meet this evenmir. at 8 i o'clock , in the ollice ot Mr. Juo. 1). mi m j 0 - j- rtoit itnv Jr. nil Princess street, instead I m-rmj - - ( 0r Hankin Hali,v as previously ;adver tiscd Tho weather this morning indicated . a day favorable to the baby show, but soon became cloudy and loo cold and raw for a larrre t urn out ot the little creatures. They will be out in iorce on the first pleasant day. L Th fToneert Concert Club now has rehearsals a week, has had a num ... f nii4:,;ona lo ts membership, and . m,i.:n J favorable progress in profi- nn.lr thr skilfal direction Of ' . w itoi. mnson. Sheriff Taylor, of Brunswick county, wa9 ia the city to-day and reports that thoarniers ot bis section Ihave been rmt in crrat inconvenience and delay Q con'seiuencc of the late cold and un- favorable weather. The Southern Baptist Convention will hold its ann'ial session in Baltimore, Md.. beginning Wednesday, May 7th. Round trip tickers will be put on sale about the 1st of May. good lor twenty days from date of sale. There are some indications of an improvement in the weather and it will. we think, be warm enough in a few days to satisfy the most fastidious in this respect, and when it does turn warm it will be warm all oyer. Seo-if it is'ot. Wc saw to-day on exhibition at Heinsberger's Livo Book and Music Stores a beautiful wall pocket which was made of mica from the mica mines Mitchell county, in this State. It was a splendid piece of work, and glia tcned like silver. Tbo Urrcst and best stock of Windows. Doors, Blinds &c. and at Factory prices u at n . J acoDi s nara. V ELMINGTON. N. C. FRIDAY. APRIL 25, Commencement Exercises. Rev. Dr. Pritchard, of this city, will deliver the address before' the Literary Societies of Warsaw High School, at the annual commencement on the 15th of May next, at 11 o'clock a m. The school, vc are glad lo learn, is in a' flourishing condition, and under it3 present management is dom; noble service for the cause of education. Iersonal. f (Mr. II. K. Brvan. Jr.. of the Fayette ville Sun, is in the city to-day. He ba3 been to his old hooie at Scott's Hill and having sold out everything he owned there is on the way to Fayetteville with his family. They left here by steamer this afternoon. We regret to learn that Mr. A. A. Hnrlsficld continues very sick at his residence in this city. An Atfecl Couple. Mr. and Mrs. John Durham Carroll, of Duplin county, celebrated the 52nd nnniyersary of.their wedding day on a I. . mi L t a 1 uiu lutii insi., nivm? oeen united in marriage on the 19th day of April, 1832. Mr. Carroll has been a member of the Baptist Church 49 years and his wife . .. . became a member ot the samo church two years later, giving her a member- m . . t . . snip ot 47 years, lie has been a rea- lar Dayinir subscriber to" the Biblical Recorder 48 years. They have raised a family of eight children, seven ot whom are now living and married. Mr. Car. roll is now afflicted with heart disease and is liable to be taken away at any moment, but he is prepared and quiet ly, patiently and resignedly waiting for the summons to cross over tho river. K T wicrc by tho course of nature h,s loyal wife must soon join him. Wo invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at onejdollarat the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. They Say. Some unknown correspondent for the New York Journalist, writing from Wilmington, says: There are two dailies". here. Th Slar. published in the morning, and tho Review, in the evening. The managing and field editor of the Slar is W. H. Bernard, who also supervises the business departments. T. B. Kings bury is the editorial writer, exchange, literary, religious editor and book re viewer. H. Smith is telegraphic and :v. ,!:. ..P.ni.:. K.... . cr. If s ehiet riharaeteriaties nre nolitios and two-column editorials in advocacy ot free-trade, and it is an ar- dent friend of the Internal Rev- ns whiak-pv rvi na orotom ca fa f o a txrViiolr att SaaUU U-l mJ W 1U1 U J A. A and tobacco are concerned. Thk Review is owned and edited by Josh James, who is independent as a wood sawyer, anu writes as ne ioiuh nhnnf. p.vprvtFiinr. Hn is a hardpnprl Kin- I maw 4Ka DnmAnrntl1 trrtA nnrl ah .3 ... V. A l ? . . n n T A 1 at.Chicago, whether he is a high tariff or tree trade man. ine local editor is Major Foster, formerly of New En v. rr 1 . gland, and the little paper has had such a boom of late, that the proprietor's well-stuffed pocket book is liable to burst. Satisfied with a Little. No, my friend, we are not a nihilist. socialist nor communist: nor do we be- ievo in their methods of distributing nrnnnrtT nn.l mvolntionizin? soeietv. r-f'-j . o j - We jnay take occasion to blowup, met aphorically, some of the customs of society, but not with dynamite. That is too effective and realistic, and our fun would be all gone before we had hardly commenced. Wc may occasion ally grumble and growl at tho unequal distribution of property and complain because Vanderbilt is worth $200,000, 000, while we are not worth half of that sum. Yet we have the blessed conso lation of knowing that we have him at a decided disadvantage, lor while he moc tttyr th nnhlio h d d " if the nublic. of which we are. should return the compliment and say 'Vanderbilt be d d," he would The public are thev should speak, his puny voice could nm lw hP,r,l. It wonl.1 h hut a whis- per beside the mighty roar of Niagara, We do not believe that great riches are generally productive of good. At least, they have never done us any good to brag about. Wc would like a certain I amount of wealth, but that there with "th and wc might do gcod to our neighbors ourself, especially ourself. A million would bo a plenty for us, and if any one desires to donate that sum to a real good man who would make the best possible use of the money, wo have no doubt that we would fill the bill. f.lnMclini, tn Vithcrmon Thfl OPlft I iuifciwuut . - bratod Fish" Brand Gilling thread k B,M nnv..TirvtRiV Tie is thfi Im I porter-, AEenu - t Now is the time to gimonum a y orza i Oil. . . ' . . be in a bad fix.- uescrve mc conuueucu auu p.uuu ui J'ak wmTK, So. Cand in the majority, and if me people; tne means oi '"W Not Decided. Th3 Howard Relief Fire Engine Co., No. 1. have received an invitation to visit Charlotte on the 20th of May next, to attend the anniversary celebration of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Inde pendence, bat have not yet decided whether they will attend or not. The matter is under consideration and will be decided at their next regular meet "yZy which will be on the night of the first Monday in May. This i written in response to a notice in the Charlotte Observer, stating that this company had promised to attend the celebration. City Court" The number of involuntary visitors at the Mayor's levee this morning was unusually large, and the i offenses for which they Wero assembled were various. There were nine who had failed to comply with the ordinance relating to licenss.taxes, and they were a sposed oi oy settling for the taxes lor which they stood charged as delin quents. John Hansen, Michael Johnson and tr T .i .i ! iv. xx. j-.sunou, mree sailors, were charged with disorderly conduct and were fined $5 eacn. which was paid. I t-tt t f i i i anoert, qtudk anu down, was &nG& which he paid. I 1 a I TTMI II i v Aninooy nm, an oxu colored man tottering along on the very verge of the rave charged with malicious mischief, was bound over in the sum. of $50 for ms appearance at the .next term ot the Criminal Court. One case of drunk was discharged, and one tramp was sent on his travels, If you need a real good first class nook in? stove, don't fail to see tho Et I Ui3ior Penn., Zeb. Vauce and New Emerald, besides others. They are to bo fuund at factory Prices at obVs who is the manufacturers agent, t By the Way. The fire lias been lighted in the New Hanover Republican camp, and the po litical pot is boiling and bubbling at a great rate. Nearly every man and voter is awake and howling on the import ance of the subject, and many of the street corners, and especially those with a grocery attachment, have be come the theatre ot grave political dis - quisitions by eminent Radical orator. Yesterday we were passing a place where several colored men were en- iraerpfl in pn.rnpah rliannssinn nnnn rrHti- I o-e I va4 luf1VJ " " Wi " iS old colored man, who was at work at a little distance, exclaim, with more forpG than rerard fo the decaloe- IOIce tnan Te& 10T thececa.ogue. I . a m "Hear Uem d-n tool niggers What de debbel dey know 'bout politcs?- What cood it do dem. I wants ter i.9 natf 'ff c;t rt t wv lazvdebbils. and arn some money to W..TY wkrn n n il rrmnna f - nnf in rla irrt- ' Wo were a xrood deal of his opinion but thought that, as a loyal Republi can, he needed talking to In Summer Apparel. The steam yacht Louise has been hauled off for a few days from her reg ular trips, while she is being prepared tor her Summer service. Many im provements for tho convenience and comfort ot ner passengers will De added and sne wui oe reauy to resume her trips some timo next week. In this connection we are led to state that the conveniences of travel to and from Smithville the coming season wiil far surpass those of any preceeding year. The Passport, Capt. Harper, will leave here every morning and return at night, while tho Louise, Capt. Weeks, will leave Smithvile every morning aad return there at night, thereby giv- 1112 both places and almost every one ample accommodations. Both boats will be under the charge of experienced and skillful commanders, who will do everything possible for the safety and convenience of their passeneers; they Smithville will bo better tban in any previous year, and we hope that both may have the patronage they deserve. a match game of base ball, a bat being the prize contested for, was play ed yesterday afternoon on the Ninth street field between the Electrics, Capt. x. craft, and the Hanover Boys, CapU John Wright, which resulted in victory for the latter by a score of 26 against II by the Electrics. At a recent conclave ot Charlotte Commandery No. 2, Knights Templar, it was decided to Join as a commandery in the nnhlio narada to take place at 1 m , . , nniL r lf.n I uirMUA nn ua coihidz vui ui woj. Representatives from Raleigh, Wil- -1 t tt-:. '.l ., I UilDjriOD. lurUAUl II lUolwtl tiuvi I UiUe wW be inTited, and re expected to paiuaaw lu. mm? wi cuiwuiw w icawon. . k mm . r M . A kmtwLA mj m m K. ii ii ms- X u r wm m. I 1884. NO. 99 The Xews and Courier says that strawberries were hawked about the streets of Charleston on Wednesday at 5 cents a quart. The sixtj--seventh ahniyersary oF the Independent 6rdtr of Odd .Fellows in America will be celebrated by the lodg es in tlis city at the Lodge - Room next Saturday evening. v on We regret to learn that Chief of Tplice Brock is quiie sick' and confined to bis room. .He was about his duties this morning although. feeling tin well. Tweive new and handsome irefrigera tor cars have just been ' turned out of the shops at Florence for the use of the Atlantic Coast Line in the transporta tion of fruit and vegetables. They were built out of native woods and arc fine spectiinens of first class' work. : j It is doubtful, we think, f Bishop Watson will be able to reach Fayette ville in time to keep his appointment there for next Sunday, in. conseqnence of having been called lo New York to attend the Episcopal Council. To. set there in time he will have to leave New York this afternoon. Exports Foreigu. Br barque Uallie II. , Cochran, clear- Pt tn-flnv fnr FTnll V.nrr i r?tV.- 0! Of ft barrels tar and 1.900 barrels rosin, val- j , ; - - ""J ued at $5,740, shipped by Messrs Alex Sprunt & Son. Schr. Wm. II. .Board- man, Richardson, cleared for Port Castorie3. St. Lucie with 120.946 feet of lumber, valued at $1,680.52, shipped by Mr. J. W. Taylor. I Ewen's Cotton Chart. i I I i f W 1VVC1YCU UU1U AJAVOi D. Ewe Bros, cotton broken. 31 and 33 Broad street, New York, a copy of the beautiful cotton chart issued by them. It is on a more extended scale than that issued last year, This chart gives the number. of plan- I tations and their acreage, the yield of the various States, tho comsumption of farmers in various countries, the port receipts and. exports with their value, also the overland anil interstate move- j nient, the comparison of stocks in the United States, Great Britain and the continent, cotton in transit, visible supply and prices of middling uplands in New York during each week since 1870 lo date. The amounts of the East India and Egyptian crops are also shown. Full statistics are given of the cofton manufacture of the world, the facts Siven having been collected from official ennrnoa Supreme Court Iu this Court, on Wednesday, the con sideration ot appeals at the end of the docket was resumed aud causes were disposed of as follows: 1 A. D. Waddell, I administrator, vs. Fred. J. Swann, from Moore: contin ued by consent. ! J. A. Worth vs. H. B. Shields, guar dian, from Moore; argued by Mclver 02 Black for the plaintiQ, and M, S. Robins and W. E., Murchison for 'the defendant. A. Di Waddell. administrator, vs. Fred. J. Swann, from Moore: contin ued by consent. VanBuren Bryant et als. vs. Albert Malloy et als., from Richmond: argued by Strong & Smedes for the plaintiffs. and K. T. Bennett (by brief). J. D. Shaw and Geonre Davis lor the de fendants. I Pending the argument in the last named case the Court adjourned until 10 o'clock yesterday (Thursday) mof rc mg, when the argument was . to have been resumed. Silver Plated Spoons, Forks an Knives of best quality, and at manu facturer s prices, can be found at Ja- cobi's Hardware. Depot f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I. O. O. F. Room on Saturday Evening. A nril 5Gth. atfi o'clock, for the purpose of celebritlD the 67th Anniversary of the Orler. A full and punctual attendance is requested. a. o. i vjrr, ior j. r. Jxxura tio. 2. . i jor unon " 67. apl 25 it . e tar copy Notice. Xei Vf.05,6 omT!ftn7,cT?t?for8 dertised for I LMttra umu uiuio mm, uu oeen cnangeu to the LaWOCice of John D. Relhuar. Jr.. ph. cesa St., between Front ana Second, Time of meeting, this evening, rvth Inst , at 8 o'eloc. S. MCEACUERN, , P' 21 Sec'f and Treas Executor's Notice. HAYING QUALIFIED AS"EXECirrokaf M 1 . ih last win ,. .... . t , sprunt, i hereby notify ail penou bavin ,luoli . " vii vi UviUiB vuc Uij or April. ISSOu JLII I Yt SSTXS apus-iawuwz stareopy I l PLEASX NQTICX. ...nuiug Kiwi ui rccuTo oocuausjcauOT a t froia ocr friends eaaay.'aaa all fucjecti of OTa mmeTM Iv. jm : . seneral Interest but" The name of tie writer must always bertr- paed to the Sdltor. J.CoiamimleaUonainDai b wrKUa on cr y one aide of the paper. Personanucamtiatbe aTQl.tcOi ; s AadUls espedally.aad parCcnjarly tzctt tood that the Editor does not always endo- te f hfl T-lr-Tr m ,, f n i a . me ecutorlal oohmna. - NEW AD VJSItTISKMENTS funds' Bros. &DeRosset. I HAVE A COStrLETKUXK Ot rSAltS r.f i opmcnucti aaa Halm for tho sl.la cs Vrlne U in health,- tnalntalnlnir Its tono d complexion and rrevCfiUng wrlakks rrrs an Tooth Jurnslies. ;ed another lot ot soiitrb Ensrlteh iTll 3 11P-A- 1 horn l.m.U. .- 7 ;i.fc"dnL roHt lu brush "- uiuai ana o cents Hand Satchels ! A few Uacd Satchel for 50 and 75 cents. Lcs3 than cost. I ni i SteameiPasspQrt lyiLL MAKE aEGUI.AU fthtV trlpa to SmiaitilleandlheForu'Vr'V every dav except Sunday. t- t f Fare, T5c, rund trln. Tartlca of ten nr mnr : cau securo tickets day before hand for 50c. , apt 21 J.-W. ilAKpKft- City Dru-Store. j lilG MARKET STitEET. ! MY LITTLE SODA FOUNTAIN HAS Alt rived and I am menared to rnmUh vai aiuiomi cuua tvaier wua pure syrups. Give mc a calL A supply of choice plants from Mrs. Wcbb'a kept in hand and orders for flowers filled on short notice. J. W. CONOLEY, a122 I . Manaecr. Ilia.. A 1 .1 f - . f ... Economy is Wealth. Jb V, - niVli' WATja nrv nr., UAat'A uuiidins Lots for a on the instalment plan on Castle, Church, Nun, Ann, Orange, Mulberry, Ecd . Cross, Gwynn, Kan kin, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, 1 Seventh, Wilson; Eighth, Ninth, Dicliascn, Tenth, Wood, Bay, Eleventh, Charlotte, Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets.. Also, nouses and Lots for sale. Money loaned to thoao wishing to. build. .appiy 10 ap!24 cw ' JAMES WILSON. ' 1 Just Received. J -pj-AVE RECEIVED TO-DAY A LARGE lot of elegant FanT aof Taratols, Hamburg Edgings, Slucana Lisle Gloves, Keck wrcar, Ac, Additions toMll'inery two or tbrco.'tlmeY each week. New lot of Underwear, Just re : ceived. Amselllpg at prices that will com pare favorably with any in the city. Respectfully , , MISS E. KARRER, apl 23 , ' Exchange Corner, Good Reading A X A .OSLA.L.L, COST BARGAINS IN U0OK8 never nernra nnvrfi t ha tuuvni. ff Wilmington: Maj-aaley's History or" zbg. l'fhlJf tWiana Koman Empire, 4 voisv $180; Green's II Utory of England, t vols. $1.19. ' ., STANDARD POE3IS at 50 centa : Shakespeare, Ilyron, Rurns, Moore. Hood. Goldsmith, sheeney, Wilton, Cowir. Shelley, ui., xvuuTouu, au., av. AJ80, IIIO IOliOwlOg Uthe samo price as above: Smith's Bible Licfciouary, jviflgsiey's emons, Taln'a Knjr Uflh Literature, uickens' ChiH's History Eng land, Pilgrim's Progress, Tales from Shakes peare, Life of Napoleon, Paul and VlrgioU, Odd volumes Dickon? and Scott's novels. Jules Verne's novels, Eiop's Fables,! Polo on Whist. . We invite your attention to above as being far superior to anything heretofore offroi, the binding being aU substantial cloth and gilt. ' YATES' BO QIC; STOitC, ! apl 23 U9 Market Street. ' Wew Arrival At No. G South Front Street BEST 5c CIGARS : Aprea Dijuner, Apres Diner, Afres Soufer and Tonjours. OJrm f pic and Big Ikea. , Best of Wines and Liquors 1 and Coolest of Draught Beer. i j Head Quarters new Harp Band and don't you forget it . lopl 23 Wedding Presents. JJSEFVL WEDDING PRESENTS, ' IS LARGE VAEIETr. Please call and see them at ' . . . HEINSBEUGKR'S. j "TJJ"N ABRIDGED WEBSTER'S DIctioaaiyJ VORCESTER'3 UNABRIDGED DlctlODaxy ' with or without Patent Stands. . - ; ...... ' For aalo cheap at HEINSBERGER-S, &pl 22 '.I , Live Booknd Moalc Store a. "Dyed." ' -.'- T MONACIT3, 1W. SECOND STRECT.be tween Market and Prlnceaa, Ladlea anl Gea . UemcB'a goods of every description, any color. P of toot old aid uiovea. nov JK-tf Children's Carriages- JECEI VED THIS WEEK A FULL STOCK Or New Btjlej of Children's Carriages for SrlBjc Trade.' rV ? . ; ' ' . "i . AIs4- r.tr rr1r!a tit mRViTiri'f WIN- DOW SHADES, Ac. All klndjof Mattresses, - .A.Ji .f . . . I ftplH IM . . I . T , rnrtltcre, N.rronteLn:?t 1 A i

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