-i . . . " - - - iT'i r f t . .--s ' f. in n . n r 1 TV; 'i --i T7 i r - -,y y - - - ;eptM 07 . - JOSU T.JAMES, orTO a roFKnrro. cBSCEimoss rosTAGK PAnx 74j0. Six onth, rS-OQ. Tlire JTDer wtn t deHTerod bj crrtr fre or 19 eoti pr week. ..lr their Prerrexnlrty. Ti DaUy Review has the largest i , f.U cirtulnlum of any newspaper VOL. Villi WELMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY. APRIL 28, 1884. NO. 101 . -m mm . w&fenSn. Micb.. iw&e w etniea bJ a womsn. and slUhcoompositors are A rrofcSitMal wrestler wjs I hat he oaJc I recent matcht on the Paa&c coa-i. Three hanJrct! clerks are about lo .nJoa the UnUon Stock Kxcbanffo A lice factory, the first or its kfnd in lb: country. U to be established at waebarre, l'a . by a Nottingham, fcs;.. lace manufacturer. If Bl.tine wero to be nominated on oca side and TiUen on the othc says tie Boston Herald, tbo Independent Tours wt.uld be between the devil and the lice? sea. The Niw Vork 2Tm declares that ' ciwt of the State Kepublican delegates re trrlced in the school of politics of which Mr. Arthur is the chief auda cioui. crafty, far-seeing, nnscrupolous. Tte Kew York Ctobe tcolored organ) mes this notice upon the Republican partj: "The colored people of the Konh asd West have the balance of power and are la no huraor to bo mon- Lejed with.- Mn. Duabj-s daughter ot Gen. V. T. Sheroan. owns a plantation at I'ajj Christian. Miss. , and the place is fimoas for having one of the richest rose gardens in the entire South, exhib iting more than three hundred and fifty varieties. The Austrian Government has con sented to the removal of the remains of Ikthoven and Schubert from the "Vahringcrw Cemetery, where they have so long reposed almost side by side. They arc to be rcinterrcd in the Central Cemetery. LOGAL&EWSF IIOIX TO KEW AQTERTIXEMEITS. mbenUn Bi'J T C Miller Smoke Lost Cold caning. D A Smith Fumltaro UCIifSBKXOKB NCW MaslC C W .TATi-Goo incJlofr t iiries's BcadjuStcl Trices I 8 VahAjibwgk, CSC Lcsal fil Thus C. CttAKT, A Rt Spring Trade McDOLOALL & COWIIEN 50J Hor'CS T L OciDGCas & Co Succcbs to Trlfle3 GILU3 McucimoN Tcxj Crc&ni Frpczers W K STRtSGKn A CO Siiorismn, Uoods t rxitKZK A Tatlor Cool, CooHer, Coolest iEO. K. rHEXCH i ons In Great Variety Muxds Lrus. & DtltossET rear's Soap, Ac New York A Wilmington S S Line SalHng Days Cornelius Harnett Council No. 231, Koyal ArtAniim 1 1 For other locals see fourth page. The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 19 bales. Cornelius Harnett Council No. 231 Iloyal Arcanum, meets to-night at 8 o clock. It - ifrs. Stonewall Jackson told a friend in Chattanooga the other day that she had talked with numerous old Southern nl.Hers who had foucut tbo war through anf who she knew would res pond as quickly to the call of arms to protect the Union as they did in 1861 to jevcr it. According to present indications April will leave us with a lamblike meekness. The measels still prevail in the city and in some instances the disease seri ously interferes with school duties. The markets are now lined with ram, lamb, sheep and mutton, and some of it is very fine, tender and toothsome. Very few ol our country cousins were in the city to-day. an evidenco that they are all too busy in the fields to come to town. A gold earring was lost on the street yesterday afternoon for which a liberal reward will bo paid if left at this office. See ad. The ordinance of baptism was admin istercd to two persons, one male and one female, at the First Baptist Church last night. I President Arthur favor building : new mansion oa Lafayette Square, op rosite the white House, for the strictly private hoae of the Chief Magistrate, and retainicg the old White House .for thecxecative offices and for holding Scial aad public receptions, dinners, Member of the House committee on rivers and harbors state that their bill will be prepared and reported to the House this week some time, but that the exact lime could not bo stated until to-norrow. Several of tho Statodele rations aro late in appearing before tho committee in explanation of their wishes, and it is to wait lor these that the committee are delayed in reporting the bill. Henry George, who has just returned from his foreign tour, says: The fact which startled me most was the vast amount of land in this country being boaihtup by foreigners. Tho names of the great lEoglish lords purchasing thou lands of acres at a time have been niJe public, but this U nothing to tho constant drain going on through smaller parchases. We are selling our future Americans into slavery and are import ing all the evils of absentee proprietors.' Mr. Vanderbilt is still trying to break Hi neck oa the road to and from tho Fleetwood race track. New York. One who saw him daring a race on Monday thus pictures him : Vanderbilt "was ia dead earnest. He leaned over the dashloara a grm grip on the rtins.awi'4 look in bis eyes, which fairly projected from their sockets, and kis whiskers bristling over hit shoul ders. As he dashed by one of the road side hotels in the lead a wild yell went CP from the crowd of spectators gather ed at that point." Heary Irving relate that on his las asat ia Philadelphia be found his en trance to tho stage blocked by several straage meu, who did not heed bis re qaeat that they would move away. Then Irving grew angry, forced his way. through, and demanded of the taaa nearest the rtase, Who aro you. and what do you want ?n "Bargagc," wuthe scant reply. He took this for aa Insult, and not as an equivalent for "Iomgv." Alter tho play be found that tho intruders were porters. wait taf. by bis own orders, for trunks to take to a train. Wc saw a sample of the new helmets intended for the Wilmington LigbtJ In- ifantry this afternoon and they were neat and pretty. A Iprotractfed meeting will be held at the Front street M. E. Church, com-mencinguc-morrow night. I twill con tinue through the week and probably longer. . The Carolina Central R.' II. Com pany have very handsomely contribut ed $150 towards defraying the expenses ofth Mecklenburg celebration. The R. & D. system gave $100. j The pilot boatxVtaA Timnions, Capt. C. C. Morse, came up from Smithyillo and will lay up for a few days in order to have her deck rccaulked and to com plete some other necessary repairs. Yesterday was a lovely day and the churches were crowded at both the morning and night service. In tho af. ternoon tho streets were thronged with people of all ages and both sexes who came out to enjoy tho bcautitul weather. We are Rlad to know that a good many ot our citizens arc making prepa rations to send contributions to the State Exposition, many of which will be notablo for their 'excellence and merit. The auctionsalc ot artwarc. by Messrs. S. P. Collier & Co., Auctioneers. will continue to-night and to-morrow morning at the store on the North side ot Market street, one door Hast ot Front. Two while tramps were accommo dated with lodgings at the guard house last night, and were ( discharged this morning. They were young, quite respectable in appearance and were on heir way North, where thoy belong when at home. Wo are advised by those whose ex perienco in the matter entitles their opinion to much weight, that this weather is very favorable to fishing. and that a day's trial at the "Rocks would prove excellent sport and insure a good lot of fish. , I If yon need a real good first class cooking stove, don't fail to see the Ex celsior Penn., Zeb. Vance and New Emerald, besides others. They aro to be found at factory prices at I Jacobi's, who is the manufacturers agent, t The Summer schedule, of trains oa tie W. & W. and W. C. & A. Rail roads went Into effect yesterday. Tho day train on the W. C. & A. road has been taken off and also the 12:0 night train on the W. & W. U. R. The cor rected schedule Is published, in this issue. i Now Is tho time to giro Smith's Worm oa. iy.a;w THE MASS MEETING. J N ETY 'ADVERTISEMENTS. Kick of tho Bolters-Opposi tion' to Kins: Kule Another Set of Delegates Elected, - Immediately alter the Republican County Convention took Us long recess nntil the 10th of October next, the dis satisfied portion of the party held a mass meeting in which they repudiated the action of the previous meeting and declared their intention of repudiating ring rule. Tho meeting was onranlzed by electing Lewis Nixon chairman and M. V. II. Branch Secretary. After organization speeches were made by several of - tbo most prominent of tho colored men present, all of which were fiercely denunciatory ot Manning and his men , and favorable to Hewlett. They also condemned the manner, in which the convention had been con ducted, and claimed that it did not rep resent the sentiments and wishes ot a large portion of the colored voters, and they were especially severe because a squad of policemen had been detailed to preserve order, claiming that they were present for the purpose of intimidation. One of the speakers declared in most em'phatic language that "W. P. Canas day and bi3 Sherman delegates are not the choico of the colored people of New Hanover county." Elijah Hewlett was recommended for the position of Sheriff of New Hanover county, delegates were appointed lo the several conventiocs ana a committee of nve was appointed rx the street yesterday (Sunday) to make arrangements for a Mass Con- ternoon, an Etruscan gold acorn shaped ear- ring. The finder will be liberally rewarded TniS OFFICE. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , i RiesLdljys'EGcil IPHces ! - -O V-il 'l WITHIN TIIE PAST FEW WEEKS WE BOUGHT MANY LINES OF Clothing for Men, Boys and Children, at much . r , less than the cost of production ! TO BE BRIEF, WE SHALL NOT QUOTE PRICES, BUT WANT YOU TO COME AND JUDGEFOR YOURSELF BELIEVING IN YOUR OWN EYES. TIIE LOW PRICES AND EXCELLENT QUALITY OF OUR GOODS CANNOT FAIL TO IMPRESS YOU FAVORABLY. WE WILL CHEERFULLY SEND GOODS FOR APPROVAL TO YOUR HOME, WHERE YOU CAN COMPARE THEM WITH THE GOODS FROM OTHER HOUSES. YOU WILL BE ACTUALLY" ASTOUNDED AT THE GREAT SAVING WE WILL MAKE FOR YOU. . c THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 MARKET ST. apl 28 Lost. vention, to bo held on Wednesday, the 30th day of August next. The following is a correct list of the delegates elected: state contention. Delegates W. II . Howe, Sr., G. L. Mabson, James A. Lowrey, M. W. H. Branch. Alternates Lewis Nixon, G. A Hicks, Chas. P. Geyer, C P. Lockey. CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION. Delegates W. II. McLaurln, John II. Whiteman, Paris Jones. Alternates Edward Thomas, Alex. Morns, Doyo'Deal. senatorial convention. Delegates Joseph Pickett, Jere Hewlett. W. II. Waddell, John Smith. Alternates Joseph Hooper, Isaac Bizzell, Geo. Batson. B. B. Broadhurst by tearing it at m tss 8t Ice Cream Freezers. T70R SALE BY apl S3 GILES & MURCHISON, Uurchloon Block. New Music. "T'EL AWAIT MY LOVE." SUCCESS TO TRIFLES ! ! CUCUMBER PICKLES, In bottles, Nkegs and bbls. Large and Juicy. PRUNES, DRIED APPLES AND DRIED PEACHES Received lately and guaranteed fres7i. CANNED GOODS: VT trtU be slsd ta recclva cesncrUori froacftoijca'My.ki'aii tnbjacta of teacral latcrest but" " Tha Bxaacf Cie writer faust ahraji U tsr wsaed to the Mjcr. i.Coauaraucauoaiianit tw wrtttea ca. c:y And It la especially and partkuUxly caiTcr tood that the Editor doeaot alwaya end to the vtewa of correspondent uileaa to auu . la the editorial columns. "y j NEW ADVEOTISISZIENTa; . Coo! ! Cooler !:Codlest f AKD WR nAY TIIE' COOLERS a bean. th .PKaVern' AUo KKntlGERATOUS, tbe um that xren to pepnlar last year. The fJiLi: . Chisela ana Plcka. Trrn wmw AEEB TAYLOR. PURE WHiTJS OIL. Bpj so Sportsman's Goods. rBlAT? THE FINEST ASSORTHENT V V of iungUsh and Belgium ltreeca Loadera ever broneht to thla mrt t. a . (StIv of Sheila, Wadding. Prlmera.Cart fcwst we can snow a stock of Hardware. Good " -W. E. SPRINGER ft CO.. Succeasora to John Dawson A apl 28 . ru 19,21 and 23 Market Sneet For Sale. gTONE OR EXTRA TERRA COTTA TIPE. ott OnestVltrlflod Terra Cotta Pipe, aWnt 1,800 feet In all, for sale to close out coom- 1 r ii A ' v 'J : 1 1 Jucncs. err low and If time U desired will be elen. By Express. 100 FRESH COD. JQQ POUNDS FRESH MACKEREt, or. - dered to arrive for Monday mornings market. apl 26 W. E. DAVIS Jt SON. When the Spring Time and Roblca Have FRESH APPLES, Come," aa sung by Thatcher, Primrose & West's Minstrels. "Ehren on the Rhine." "Little Darling Dream of Me." And all the latest Sonsrs. Queen's Lace Handkerchief." as p laved bv Tne meeting tneu aojournea until we lortuomio urcra lime a full list of county officers will be nominated. City Court. Robert Jones, colored, wa3 brought before the Maryor this morning charg ed with being drunk and disorderly, for which he was required to pay a fine ol S3. Thero was one case of failure to pay license tax, which was settled.1 HEINSBERGER'S, apl 23 Live Book and Maslc Stores. In Great Variety. In quart and gallon cans. PEACHES, BARTLETT, i . PEARS, PINE APPLES. TOMATOES, (standard). WINSLOW'S CORN. GREEN PEAS, STRING AND LIMA BEANS. E SHOW A STOCK OF SHOES FOR P. L. BEIDGEBS & 00. HO North Front St. apl 23 Gents, Ladles and Misses, Boys and Children, superior to any In ihe State. Every kind and I quality, and prices low down. We solicit you to call. and examine them . Homo Agatn. The locomotive which took an un Mritmnninna fnmhlfl intn ihn CirA Ppnr i . i ijnn me wrnn t ii . v katid a wee or two ago ana was suosequent- mcu jlw jl a vuvu .v uvuo) ly raised by tho assistance of flats, was 108 NOrth front street. taken on tho dry dock to-day and float- apl as . . i? t i cu uown on one secuoa oi ine latter to 4QQa t on Trorlo 1QQA a convenient place opposite the track ot loOr. Opring I VauU 100. tho W. C. & A. road, where a short ite are ready for it with a fine track was laid temporarily, an engine of seasonable goods. Rattan and was hooked on and the wrecked loco-1 . - nTi . . 1 l I - o J . mntivft nrawn asuore oa lo iuc reiruiar track and thence to the machine shop doW 011 cloth' c for -tho neeessarv repairs. MATTRESSES of all kinds in stock and made to. order. Also, renovating and repair New York & Wilmington Steamship Line. Canada, writes that he suffered wilh a lame back, and after trying all other remedies without effect, he finally tried St. Jacobs Oil. the magical pain conqueror, and was completely cured. Centenary Medal. The Centennary Committee of theM. E. Church. South, through L. D. Pol- mer, hare prepared a centenary med- STEAMERS WILL 8 AIL FROM NEW YORK EV1RY SATURDAY, at 3 o'clock, P. 21. BENEFACTOR ...Saturday, May S REGULATOR Saturday. May 10 Up in Quebec. Mr. G. N. Boyer, Carillon, Quebec, lngdone with promptness and by competent BENEFACTOR. ..... Sarturday, May 17 workmen. aplts THOS. C. CRAFT, Apt., Furniture Dealer, ' 20 So. Front Street REGULATOR BENEFACTOR Saturday, May 24 Saturday, May 3 Hibernian Bali, T THE SOLICITATION OF MANY who attended the last Ball given by this Society they have decided to give another on WED- Throufh Bills Ladlnar and Lowest Throturh Rates amaranteed to and from Points In North and South Carolina. Tor Freight or Paasage apply to The Parlor Drug Store. 21C MARKET STREET. SODA WATER WITH ALL THE POPlj. LAR SYRUPS AND PURE CREAM Flowers In abundance. Drugs and Clzas. Nothing advertised but what I have. -Prescriptions prepared at nil hnnn n.i "'Iplb "'aUnaUr. Munds Bros. & DeRosset "PI" AYE A COMPLETE LINE OF PEAR'S SOAP. Recommended as a Balm 'for the skln preserving it In health, maintaining its tone and complexion and preventing wrinkles . Toothbrushes. Just opened another lot of superb English Tooth Brushes. These brushes are sold for 25 CENTS E4CH, and guaranteed as pood In every particular as the usual 35i and 40 cents Hand Satchels A few Hand Satchels for 50 and "Scents. Less than cost. , . ,t . . , . apl 23 S t earn e r Paso p b rt TILL MAKE REGULAR trips to SmlthvlUe and the Forts everyday except Sunday. ' C V Fare. 75c. round trio. Parties of ten or mnm can secure tickets day before hand for 60c. i apl 21 : -.. J. W. HARPER ' B7 Economy is Wealth. ipiVE YEARS RENT WILL PUR CHASE A HOME. Building Lota for sale on the Instalment plan on Castle, Church, Nun, Ann, Orange, Mulberry, cd Cross, Gwyno, Rankin, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth Seventh, Wilson, Eighth, Ninth, Dickinson Tenth, Wood, Bay, Eleventh, Charlotte, Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Street . Also, nouses and Lots for sale.) 1 Money loaned to those wishing to build. Apply to i i apl 24 cw JAMES WILSON. J In the Superior Court al which is intended,to commemorate nesday evening, may tth, atgkr- .1. - a Son A rvi rwlrta r f Vi rul I lucuauwuw vvv I MANIA HALL, with music by the new Italian ism in 1784, and the progress of that I relicious body during the first hundred Md 'cfreshments at city prices. years of its existence in this country. LSfS? BifitfSi? un one siue oi uiu meuai is a rvpre-1 muiee. . r - i s i-r a I By order of the Committee. seui&uou oi uwuujj asuurj iu km buu - T. DONLAN nn the other side is a reorcsentation of I Pl 23 t m ' Chairman. the venerable Bishop George F. Pierce sorth Carolina, in Thoao mnlula nrAnfltrn timid I ' . i New n&nover Countr. one of which IS gold (accd and the I DuBrntz Cntlar, Louis J. Poisson and other silfcr-faced. The former sells at otners. rmntnu. 1 each and the other at 50 cents each, Henry W. Bradley and Betsey E., his wife. and the proceeds will bo devoted 1 to Petition for sale and paruuoa of real estate. church purposes. They are for sale by The oblect of this action is to compel a sale . . 1. 4 n ... . and partition of land la tho city of Wlimlag the Methodist Publishing House at ton. County and State aforesaid, being West Vcfivill Tpnn part of tot No. 5, la block 219. ifrasimnc, xenn. . THe aaova naatrl defendant will appear ; ; : , . aadavswer, or demur to the petition filed at I From passengers Who arrired here tne ofice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of thi fnmnrtn from th Rlark River Vew Hanover County, aforesaid, at the Court UllS aiicrnoon irom me Uiacx Uiyer House la Tllnlajrtcn, on the SUt day of June, section we learn that tho prospects for lt. tacjsy vxaubIngk. an abundant crop of fruit are very H. G. SMALLBONES, Sn THEO. G. EGER, Freight rintendent. tontX. C EE, Freight Agent, 35 Broadway, Ne ew Yoik. WM. P. CLYDE A CO.. Genm-) Ajreeta. apl23-tf. Furniture. jq-EW ARRIVALS OF i WINDOW SHADE, ' WINDOW CORNICES, MATTRESSES, FEATHERS, BEDDING, Jtc For sale low br apl 23 D. A. SMITH, Farnltnre, N. Front Street apl 23 Iaw6w xa Clerk of sail Court 500 HOfGOG Bridles, Saddles, Collars, Hame CAX BE 1TTTED OUT-WfTn Harnesa, Bridles. 8addlcs.CoUars.Uame a. Ac A full line of Trunks. Bags and Satchels, Car- rugea, isocnea, raxtons, carta, JDrsvs, &c. nainy lor favorable, and that If nothing happens I Silyer Plated Spcoca, For ks an I Aiioar good are xreaa and best qi . . ... , . tf! r . s I VllXXi Lit WM3 CIMC. octween now ana mo urns tor naxresi-1 ajutcs ot. oest qnantj, ana & zaaaa-1 - , . , jicDOUOAXJ. bowdejt. 4H5 "j u w w, T Z ' " . Next toV. A. sxalth'a ruraltnre Store, uaijj large. icoBiaiiaruTrareicpou - t tpia SETII W. IAVIS, Auctioneer. BY SAM'L P. COLLIER A CO. j I ' SPECIAL SALE. COMMENCING THIS EVENING, AT 8 o'clock, at Store next door to corner MrJ ket and Front Streets, we wiU sell at Auction the Finest Selection of ITALIAN MARBLE AND ALABASTER STATUARY AND WORKS OF ART ever brought to this city. c&nsistlDtr of Alabaster Statuettes in VenU Antique Pedestals. Groups of Animals. Flor entine Mosaic Inlaid Tables, Marble and Trans lucent Agate, Roman, Etruscan, Grecian, Hebe, Venitian and Florentine Vases. Also. Fruit Stands, Card Receivers and Jewelry Cases, with many more Gems of Art chUlf bv the most prominent artist of Florenra nti Vol terra, Italy, and suitable to adern ParlorsJ Halls, Lodge Rooms, Ac. . Ladles and lovers of Fine Arts folly Invited to examine one of the finest and most varied collections of Ittllan Wnrkmf Art ever Imported and offered for sale to the public in Wilminxton. Also, aa cleeant collection of orr, paiwt. INGS, to which the attention of the public is Invited. - i " Goods on exhibition every day of sale. Sales promptly at 8 p. m. apl 23 tf Good Reading T A ' SMALL COST n A Tlfl A I Books never before offered to the. peiore oiiervi to tne. people Wllmlnston: M&e&nlv'a lfitm A 2 vols. 8L77: M&cao!' .JIi 3 VOlS. 1 1.11: Gibbon' lIlatArv i.t of land. Poems. Homxn Kwidre. 4 vols, t WJ; Green's Hljtory of England, t vols, fl.la. r 7 TAiDAltD POEMS At SO wnt. I Slkespeare, Byron, Burns, Moore, Hood, Goldsmith, Shefncy, MiUon, Cowper. Shelley Poe, Tennyson, Ac, Ac Also, the foUowlnV tthe same price as above:, fimtth's Bible Dictionary, Khigsley's Sermonf, Tain's Xnr Rsh Uterature, Dickens CbUi's Ilia lory Enr. ' land, Pllnrrim's Progress, Talcs from fchake pcaxe, Lite of Napoleon. Paul and Virginia. Odd volumes Dickens and Scott's novels! Jules Verne's novels, iEaops Fables, Pole on We invite your attention t a above ai being far superior to anything heretofore ffcrcl, the binding being all suUiantUj cloth and gilt. ! "ITATES BOOK STOKE, apl 23 113 Market Street. New Arrival " At No.f OSouta, JTront Street BE3T Ec CIGARS : JLpres Dljaaer. Anrcs Diner, Af res Soufer and Ton i ours, oyra pie and Big Ikes. Best of Wines and Lkiuori and Coolest of Draught Beer. " loori Head Quarter! new Harp Hand tad don't TO fcrstt It fpi u , t I

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