xths tape W wd be glad to rccclra coasictJcatlci s ;eeptea r r l02i our iFZiZa a a7kSai3"ri.r! t?.t ! r. f I , Jl TI -.1 TI . . .. Iv. . .1... . "1! " TT I-TT T-:. ". II l -tt b- ii I ii " it - , ... ' .CBSCSirnONS rOSTAG TAID: ar 14.00. Six BoaUtf.'.tLM. Tfcret us d!lTtrd by carrlera fxt trZciilxn tU report any ami all faB- f Tic Aiy large iskcU intkecity jf mimington. aoiount .flVramo icdbtedncs mnn'eflby itc hitrato and juano 113 ag2rr-a!caXCO,000,C00. . a &;cnt nf nno ot the occaa gtcara jv-pccwi.Ianics Juliets Ibat -tceraSe casicogcri will be ftmc 10 wrw mu vi L.:r for 10 cr SI- felort anothei r.i.tiaorc fire cotnmUsioBers hue forbUJcn the plajin- ff cards in firt ciackoascs of that city, even for 1uccnt. but allow checkers, chrjs jad dominoct. .. ' . ' . , Hecrj Ward Becchcf "thinks that rUrt lincolo tiU be the next Pres;- dst. Ih-q Hatler is confident that Til &a will be unanlxnouily nominated by lU Democratic. Convection if be will The Ilci'ublicaiis of the Mountain diirict met at AiheTiilo on Tuesday elated J. B. Eaves, of BalberfonL iJ T.J. Candler; of Buocombe, dc!e &m to Chicago. The first is au Arthur tiaacd the other ij .for ; Blaine or Secretary of State Frclloxhuysea has rccciied Iroa a proaiinent . .European bocsc, wssntacturers of -mosaics in Venice asi London, a yery handsomo Cou!c portrait ol the late President OirfeM. which is intended as n pres ect to the Ucitcd Slates. Secaior EJrnunds said to a inend in Washlaitoa the day after tbo New Vork Contention: ' While it is veryl paiifjins to be mentioned and support ed by friend in all parts of the country. I iaiiniuly prefer my prc3ent position in the United Slates Senate." . Signor Celso Cwsaa Moreno, who un dertook to control Kiog Kalakaua and jot into hot water In tho Sandwich Ucds thereby, has turned up in this country again with a scheme for a lraDS-Pacil2ccab!c from Cajifornia to the Sandwich Islandi and China. A lady who was a companion to 5Imt. Paul (or about sixteen years in the early pari of her career, is about to tire the world the experiences and re miniscences of that part of her life. The book Is to be published la Vienna. Ar rangements are ia progress, however, fur its Issue almost simultaneously in several lansuagts. - American opera lingers are iost now enjoying marked success in Europe. In addition to the triumphs cf Mile Nevada at Paris ia the role of Lucia aa older favorite. Ml!o. Albani. has been adding fresh leaves to her crown of laurels ia Germany. Ia the Traviata 'Sebaswoa golden opinions recently at Antwerp, and Holland lies next in Llr path of victory. The New York advocates of crema tion are going to have a public meeting aJ lUtca to speech ci by Felix Adler, Prof. Bojeen and Courrtlandt Palmor. Friends are being steadily gained to this cause, and $11,000 has been raised with which to build a crematory. A good many people outside the society hire already paid the fees for the birn lag el their bodies. ,U is announced that the German cieatuis sent to Egypt and India to investigate the cholera disease ia its fcatho homes have succeeded noV only taprovinc that the disease is the result if lincg germs in the body, but disco v ng the germ itself. Ia a water tank ia ledia was found a mi no to parasite which when givea in food to a pig ca;ii its daih ia a short, time from eho!era. U the republican Convcnlton of tho ,oad district, held at II alii ax, on eviaj,jimcl E. O'Uara. present - was renominated for Coa c, acclaaatfon. A special to the tprxtr says that W. P. " 1 'ja3. of Edgecombe, was nomi "ted is dj'- elector; John C jy. colored, ot Edgecombe, and X?J' Ycu5.ot Vance, wero elect .Vgatcsio the Republican -Nation-J.uavcaUoa at Chicago. They de sed to express any preference for mi;ueut, but Dancy Is supposed to bo B:iIcc &aYoqg for Arthur. Commercial Traveler. K? of the large drug of H. k. & F. B. Thurbe & Col rwi XoJk: wnies : A member of my SI1 ad aa attack ot rheumatism. WiJt1 and best stock of lSlP00 BIlDdj and at JgPrca U at N. Jacobi'i liard. yoL. viii. ! LOCAL; NEWS. IlCa T3 REV AnYERTItEMiaTX. jnar&s line Notice P C JllLt.ru Smoke . II KUMSBG CX New 31 HA I DEl'blett Ho'el Iin:ay!ct J W CoxoLEV-ily Pruggtoie ! Wilkes Momua foreclosure Sio UoosBe'jS. A UKUoSSET-iuru CanijLor, Ac i We gain this month 13 . minutes of daylight. j . i ,, r - Tho 4M6rry Month of Miy". dawns upon us all to-day. " Tho receipts of cotton at this port to day loot op 21 bile. . ' ; Turuera almantc promises weather for to morrow. fair The now moon completes its first quarter fit 53 minutes past 12 o'clock to-night. . This montli has five Thursdays, five Fridays and live Saturdays. j. i . Our streets are dry and dusty and showers of rain aro much needed. Eggs havo advanced slightly in pried and. were retailing tc-Jay at 15 t ents per dozen. j " 1 . : Thcro was no City Court this morn Ing, and no tramps applied for lodgings at the guard house last night. Interesting to Fishermen: Tho cele b rated "Fish" Brand Gilling thread is old only at Jacoci's. lie is tbo Im porter Agent. t Nor. brig Queen victoria, Olsen, cleared to-day for London with 750 casks spirits turpentine and 1.835 bar. rels rosin, valued at . $13,000, shipped by Messrs Patcrson. Downing & Co. . Rev. Dr. Bobbin, Presiding Elder of the Wilmington Conference District, preached nt the Front Street M. E. Cnurcn last night to a largd coni-rega- tioa. His sermon was marked by much power and was listened to with instruction and delight. Ia Harper's Weekly for May 3J there is a Gno likeness of Bishop Watson, accompanied by a sketch of the crai" nent divine which . was prepared by Col. James G. Burr, of this city.' The picture was engraved Irom a photo graph furnished by Mr. C. Y. Yates. It would seem that tho split among the Republicans at Laurinburg was a serious one. Tho second convention mado a big show of hands. They elected as delegates to Chicago Wm. S. Dockery, of Richmond, and Geo. L. Mabson, of New Hanover, both of whom, it is said arc Arthur men. Cotton. The receipts oi cotton at this port for the month of April, just closed, foot up 1,003 bales, against 1,306 bales for the corresponding month. of last year, a decrease this April of 303 bales. The receipts cf the crop year to date foot up 91,287 bales, against 1C1.10J. balc3 to tamo date last year, a decrease this year of 32,875 bales. Tlio Hotel Knuisu Ick. Mr. Sublett, Manager ol tho Hotel Brunswick, thinks now that ho will be able to open for guests on tho SOtU Inst. The improvements which havo been mado are many and varied and every comfort and convenience to be had will be placed at tho disposal of the guests. Mr. Sublett has reason to belie vo that his house will be one of the most popu lar this season on the South Atlantic Coast. Harbor Master's Iteport. Tho following comprise tbo number and tonnage of vessels arriving ia the port of Wilmington, during tho month ended April SOth, 1884: ! American 5 steamers, 4,027 tons; 13 schoonen, 3,778 tons; total IS vessels, 1 8,005 toss. Foreign C barques, 2,177 f tons; 2 brigs, 537 tons ; 1 schooner, 330 tons; total 9 vessels, 3,050 tons. Grand total 5T7 vessels, aggregating 11,055 tons. Unfortunate. The process of hatching Spawn at the fish hatchery, in the new market house. received a sevcro b'ow last night on ac count of muddy water getting into tho glass retorts, by which tho. eggs. as well as the fish which had' already been hatched, were killed. Tho work was going on satisfactorily until this accident occurred, and it was a serious misfortune for I ho gentleman having be work in charge to be compelled to empty all the retorts ia the gutter this WW t , morning. . no wiu. nowever. go to work at puce and; make) another at- empt, which wo trust will prove ! suo- WILMINGTON; N.-C. From KaVclirliL , - Tbo -following- from Rateigb, dated at 4 :40 P. M."; tclU all that; Ihefe is to tell thus far in regard, to . the Republican J 5tatc Convention in session there to- ayi . ... . ' , ... .. . RALEir.if, N. C.,Mav l-i;40p.m. Daily Rkivew: The Republican State Convention niei here 3 p. m. to-day. and the or ganizalibu" is not '.yet completed; The indications are that Dr. Tyre York will bo nominated to-night or to-morrow. Liberals are scarce. A. : . Personal.. . , "We are glad to learn that air. 'Harts to the fie d is feeling better to-day. Bishop .Watson has . returned city from New -York and vFayetteyUIe.i Ho left hore last Tuesday night for th'trf former place,' attended tho Episcopal Council held there - on, .i Thursday, preached in.J .FayeUcyflle'.. tvyicd on Sunday and administered confirmation ou that day. and ..was, back again in W V m in eto n on y es terd ay ( Wedn esday ) . Mr. P. L Bridgers hareturned from Baltimore where !be hatt -been - called by the illness of his'lather and' we are glad to. . learn V. from ..him . that . Col . Bridiers is now. better; although he has ben verjr8ick, having been threatened' at one tinio'. ,wth .pneumonia. He is stid unable to travel but . hopes to re turn here bytho latter part of next week ; hardly before then. Another Kailroad. Messrs. Ross & Lara, the contractors for furnishing, stone, foe the., govern ment Works, at. Cprncako,',' Inlet, give employment to about 150- hands and perform ail their labor on such business principles that much time and expense is saved to them. Tho stono is quar ried at tho. Gander Ilall quarries, 15 tmilc3 bebiw'lhe city,' "and as' a matter ot economy the contractors nave bunt a railroad thence to tho riyeK a distance ol about a mile and a half. Tho track is laid With' iron fails and the platform cars upon which the stone 'is hauled arc made with .djustablo. bottom j, so that each one, when it reaches the pro per place, can be emptied in a moment To faciliatq ; the nnlpading;.process a trestle, 300 feet in length, reaches out into tho river to a depth of water suffi. cienfc for flats to uomo underneath . and receive their loads, which is accomplish ed by the bottoms ot tho cars tailing down and the loads thus transferred to tho flats. Thence they are" towed by steam tugs to the works. . . I A Happy '12vent One of the most charminj weddings Of the season was celebrated last even ins at tho First Presbyterian Church, the contracting .parties being Miss Annio L. Whitehead, eldest daughter ot Mr; W. A. Whitehead, ot this city, and Mr. Chas. E. Borden. The church was beautifully decorated, tho bridal pair' 'being" united beneath a floral umbrella. After the ceremony, which was' happily conducted by the Pastor, ' Rev. Dr. Wilson, tho newly wedded couple, accompanied by their numerous , friends, were . driven to the depot and amid a shower of rice and hearty good wishes left for an extended Northern tour. . Their numerous hand some presents that flooded the bride's parlors during the past few days are a striking proof of the loie and affection that she has deservedly won In a largo circlo of friends. May-all joy and happineis be theirs during the coming years. Police Keport. Ihe police made 65 arrests during the month ended April 30th , 1884: and for the following offenses: Affray, 7 whito males, 4 colored males, 1 colored Jem ale: assault and battery, 1 colored male; 'disorderly con duct, 0 whito males 2 white females, 9 colored males, 2 colored females; drunk and down, 4 '; white 'males; , 2 'colored males, 1 colored female; failure to pay license tax. 3 white males, 7 colored males; insane, 2 colored males; larceny, 4 colored males ; malicious mischief, 1 colored male; suspicion, 2 colored males; tramp, 1 white male; throwing rocks in Tho street, 1 colored male; re cciying stolen goods, 1 colored, male; attempt to rescue prisoner from the police. 1 whito male.",, '' Tbo nationalities of thoso arrested were aj follows : American t, 15 whites. 33 colored; Greek, 1; Irish, 2; German, 5; Scotch, 1: Russian, 2; Swede, 1. ; Applied for Jodgmgs daring the I monln, it w&itetaaies, 1 colored male. During the same time tho police (bund 12 places of business open at night Tho court fines collected amounted to $50. and the pound .fees'. aadonUd. .to THURSDAY. MAY ;;tew" ' AIVERTiSE2Nra mm STOBIEK AND. WINTER , RESORT. JrTrafl SMITHTV-rLLE, ;;3Sn . p. AT WOUTH .OF CAPE FEAR RIVER,' OPPOSITE THE HISTORIC FORTS FISHER AND CASWEtlAUQ - vt - l" FULL viEW OFTHE OCEAN, WILL 0PETI AB3UT MAY K.ti". erected fon:pleire puTpbses: Elegant, large, airy Ball Rtidm -, oveViTieyrater. -firt-ets Olusieians from Now York will furnjdh Iia'Ball'K,cW?lhWr l.5ic. Fine line of Nib w Boats' f o r P I 5 as ii re S a i f I n g a ri d Fishing; ui 1 NO OLVL AR i Oil i$yiAJli 'I NECTS TO . AXXO Y. Daily Mails. Telegraphic Communication; ,' ln'eti'lshlug 'pSUantip Coast6. Tourists5 and Pleasure Seekers Xortliward and SbiilhwanlHvilVfih'd , it'tf) 'their advantacre to inve us a raH. CLIMATE & SCENKRY TTNSTJli.lSPJ) ! The Atlantic, Coast Line and CaralinaCefitrArn. R.: Will' sell rrielfet$ 'I . i . from.all stations at redueeVrates?to Hotel Brunswiek;H;f -: .it ;. T, Special ratps by J. D. SUBLETT, -of may 1 2m . . , j L 1 ' ' : ' J ft iH i - The Hotel. r The question is not 'now.- "'Shall we have a hotel?" Jt has been changed to, "Where shall it be located? Jn this last matter there Is considerable differ ence of opinion which, if not reconciled, may lead to tedious delay. The hotel is an absolute necessity to the growth, prosperity and wealth ot the city arid, as we understand the matter, should bo located where it will be the most de sirable for the class of guests for whom it will be erected. This seems to bo lhe only, question that. it bec:n)C3 ne cessary to carefully cShsider Alison County Notes. ,'I!he Superior Court of, Anson county, Judge Phillip presiding, Js how in ses sion at WadesboroV : Among : those whose names appear on the Sltxta dock-' et-istnat ot JJock LieKerry, coioreu, a fugitive from justice lrom New Han over county, who was. tried yesterday for larcenyand convicted. We have not learned what the sentence of the Court was! Aleck Dockery, colored, charged .with murder, w on trial there to-day, Paul Means, colored, charged with murder, is to be tried there to morrow aiQlher colored man, , .whose name we cnnldVnot learn, charged also with iMTarVwllf.o tried on Saturday, ;&erfuteliaciit Savago. . We arnoTlearn that Mr. J. II Savage, Supertaterident of the County Poor - House 'and -Jlorusc of , Cdrrcc tion. yesterday, v afternoon tendered ni3 K -resignation oi tnac posiuon The reasons alleged are that there is great loss and trouble -; en tailed upon him in having so many prisoners to look after, who represent to him all of care and nothing of profit. The resignation is to be considered at the next meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, when we trust that, instead of being accepted, some -ar rangement may be made by which Mr. Savage may be induced to retain his position. ; He has been a capable, care ful and faithful official, and is unques tionably the man for the place, nnd in saying this we, believe that we voice the popular sentiment. . - j v'iWe invite the attention of urcitizens tp. the fact thaLflrst quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the WUmfngton ShirtTactorV. ' if. NEW AD VJERTISEMKNTS. City Drug Store. . SIO MARKET STKEET. I - gODA WATEB, FLO WEES A2iD BIKDS. Conolcy'a Cologne and Conga Syrup, Drugs and Patent Medicines. . . . Orders for Flowers filled with promptness. Prescriptions prepared day and night. J. Vfm COSULET, may 1 . . Jlanacer. GUM CAHPIIOB 1 1 GUM CAMPHOR I ! . GUM CAMPHOE ! ! ! IXSJCT POWDEB! INSECT POWDER! 1 f r Ss . ..IJaECT POWDEIin! i x t I8CT GUN3 ! ! . : . IKSECT GUNS t f t In my quantirr to suit res tcmers and at ex. tremely low prices. v" ' " - , i Muhds Bros. & DeRosset, . - Wnoleiala aSa Betali Drngzlsts. " .r..i j---., i-,t -.a-t.MJ i ; 11884. :N6:103 Ut 9 Fine StilLautLSurf Uatliius; ii 1 " " montli and season , New York, Manager. i ; ; Quarantine NotWe.1 QUARANTINE FOR THE POET OF Wll ' i : - . . i t ..... s ' i ... tc'f , , . minglon will be enlorsed from May 1st to Novomber Ist as follows Pilots will bring all vc?sel3 from Portsmouth of Capo Fear to tho Quarantine anchorage; also, all vessels which hare had any kind of sickness on board during the passage, or cp arrival, and wUl eause a-signal to be set in the main rigging on tho. port side, .aa eooa as pos sible after crossing the Bar.. . . . , o vessel must leave the Quarantine anchor age, or allow any person, steamer or tug boat, lighter, or boat of any kind to go along si Je, unices by written authority from , the On.aran- tine Physician ; and every vessel must be an- cnoreu as ar to tne eastward of the channel as ia consistent with safety. , Kegulatlons governing esseTs while in Quar antine may be had on application at the oflice of the QuaranUne Physfcian at Smlthville . Applications for permits to visit vessels "In Quarantine must be made to Dr. Thnmaa If. Wood or Dr. Geo." G. Thomas, and wiwU bo obtained will be endrrd by the Quarantine jTuyBician, ir, in ms opinion, it is proper, and sr.fe to allow communication with such vessels. A penalty of 2. 0 for each and every offenee; will be enforced against any . person violating auy.yi me wuaraniiueneguiationsoi tho Port. X Ti ---. : Wv G. CUETIS; . M.r. , Quai-antimj Physician, Port of Wilmington. TIIOS. F. WOOD, M. D. ) ' ''V ; GEO. G. THOMAS, M. D. Consultants; mav 1 2am, 6aa l&l? ; ; Foreclosure Sale. BY VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF. A r.ecree of the Superior Court 'of Now Handve'r county, maae m a cause tnere pen (iiag; where in .Tne Dawson,, Bank. Is plaintiff, And T; V Mcllhcany. Wm. h. Smith and otters .it 1 tendants, the undersigned will 'expose for ealo to the highest bidder, by public ftuetioi), 'at II o'clock, A. M.. on Tuesdav, ! the 3rd day of June, A. D. 1884, at the Court House door In me ciiyoi wiimmgton, ror cash, the follow " 'auiw wmauj lii sia county, wv.wit: rvne lutt I'cgjuumz on a o&nsof isnvan aim, the dividing iln9 between the Io-wlinda At. ihA original tract, of which this isa part, 'and the lowlands of Edward ' Kidder, at a point 15 chalna West of the Interepcfion of the fccnfr line or cecoou street, as oesl-mated upon the plan of the City of Wilmington, whr;re the said street extended outhward beyond the corpor ate limits or saw city, with the center Jlrib of sia DanK exienaei; Eastward, anlrun-aUg d-?grces West to the rim of Greenfield CreefcJ weuw uoiia uie run or- saia creek about .13 chabis to the first line of the first tract oJt share o. 1 as described in a deed of partition dated May 5th, 1S7J, and registered In Book G G G, page 15$, between the First National" Bank of Wlunlngtor, Charles H4Balkley: and others, thence with that line North H, degrees East about 54 chains to the said bank, and thence along said bank South 8S degress East 12 chains and 72 links to tho beginning.. - Another tract beginning on the North ebdro of Greenfield Pond, thati3 to &y, at the North ern water line of said Pend. when the Pond is full, at the point where the Western line pf Fifth street on said pln of saideiiy, extended Southwardly beyona the city limit-, would In tersect the said water line, thence Northward ly along eald West line of Filth street to the Northern line of the old Greenfield tract. Ed ward Kidder's South lire, thence U ae Ea&t along said line to tho West Ime of Eighth street as designated upon the plan of said elry, thenee Southwardly with 6ald West 11ns cf felghta street to the run of Quash Branch, and thtsce down the run of said Branch about 1& chains to the Northern water line of Greenfield Pond, when the Pond Is f uU, and thenc Wcatwardly along eald water line of said Pond to tho beginning. .-."- . .... WILKE3 MORRIS, J Wilmington, N. C. May 1. lSSIT V ' may.lit 1, 8, 15, 22. btar copy It, Juno 3 . OFFICE WILMINGTON, CLINTON . & POINT CASWELL UAILROAD. WmaxGiox, N. C April 2n, jest. To Contractors. PROPOSALS WILL BR BECEIVED AT this ofiice until 12 o'clock noon,. May "7, tor grading eight (Q miles of thU Road, be. ginning at the six (C) mile post from Point Ca--vrell. and runAlsg, theqec vo . the fourteen l) mile post. , Specifications can be seen at J. B Pmidu son's ofiice at Point Caswell. - oniv hi.? a mr- In writing will be entertalnel i -'; , "f - , t ,w J...IL.BOATWEIGIITr'"i pl 26 n sat th f . gecfy andTrea j Star copy 2f, Caucaaslan cpy It Ice" Cream r Freezers; R SALE BT - ..... : .-4 is. :. ' ..I pm xne Base ot the wrir ajit always bersr 3 SCommTrnTntttona meat u wrltUa ca caly oae tide fit. tie:pa?e .:, I i rersonaltucs mtyjt be aroiaea.. JH4 Ii lHteytbU'raWlT 'crte r tfce Ttewa cf comspoadailtf calets I so ut. tn the editorial cohmna.' - ' ' t NEW AD VECTISESIX2ITS . ro-tno ladies. r r a 1. 1 . ;, A lit, sicuuwan, 71S prangot., h fnst r r? t.i prans't.. h Ins TTeusfoptaidins, .JEmbroidery and ralfltlnsr. The tl Vt&WSZ lZ V .-1 . JiaT'"11 ocunn sracs or I traoitcntl to-tho- material: byv . Improved proa . ss. : The ladioe are icsicctf ally la vltcd Co till and erkmlBflthTn , .. .f 4 Fresh Cod Eisli; ' TotDs rkisit tbli rfeir. r-. .- ii vi-. ; . . derea jta anlve foxfIUlay moxulag, market.' tave your orders In time. ( apiS - DAVlAPlSlI MARKET. ' ;:'::'i3r.:g..c;:EJlis;:;;. QFTICE "523 SOUTH rOUItTlt STREET, ppposUe lircrrngtorcl Uatliia: located la vvlimlatrtoiitiCcm tils rmrfaaafcm&l Harrier t0Ul.0 1Uz?n-?i xlt nt In, wheji culled upon' spondd to. - - I apl SO tf HoWH,VJ,l:i,UUUmi i vUUUluOl I AHD 4IAK TUfl'C6or.KRS-ra bean. Jul.pattcnv. Als.ItKFUGliJlATOIUJ. too .imo ttof were tfo poplar last year. 'The best,lver eawv? HT3 .Udji rCwant rree zers the best kind;. Ieo' Chisels and Picks. WhyTiol keep cortl if...r 'I In ml I ""UDii.t i.ti tin' i Consignment Goods. Musi bo soldi ,KJ,VXNIiAJlK Produce Commission (Merchant and G ro Merchant and Grocer, ll Kortfc Wjftcr 8ti WuiaUglkw; N.C. To-Fruit Growers; - J T HAVE JUST RECEIVED 1C0.030 Fruit jaasEeis ana &irawicrry urates, ana am pre . paref toltfrnisa the trade, frbm'GoIdstKjro to (3barle,ston. JThese cratca . weigh U poundsl atfd save ?t.R in freight between Wilmington , 12. G. BLAIB, f ap 4 A Rent At Ko. C South Front Street. BEST 5c CIGAltS : Aprc's Trfljuncri'Aprcs Diner,-Af res eoftfer and Toniours. Olyai " pic and Big Ikes. Best of, Wipes and Liquors and Coolest of DratujJat'BH!ri: ' f-.-v . iiotd Qaaxtexs xaiw.vUar.Bud) and don't " you forget it : v ' j al 8$ ...n .; v ivlt f -.it , .) 1 Sportsman's? Goods.' ' I WE HAVE THE FINEST ASAORTMKT . o f EfigttsbJancf Belgium Breech loaders ever brought 9;.tfaJ, market .Alijo a first b ass stock of Shells, Wadding, Primers, Cart ' ridge Bags,; Gun! Caps Game Bags, Ac. In fact we can shpw a stoss; of Hardware. Good 1 , g0oda'aaagttmaiorprlcfea:c,-f-' ?:'-p . W.'K. SPRINGES CO.; Successors to John Dawson & Co.. I i apl 28 "I 19. 21 nd 23 Market tteet J jr. ' '.i ' 1 1 ' " L" f 1 SMOKE. la ' wlilcn i M.i-iv ;a ?.'! r.tui t-.'.; i j I. the renecs,wlll bo gently lulled to rest ad tho fancy .freed 'troth' care; t'sotfr 'amrg the de lightful tiir caalles of ''ArrtbUn Mghts" splen dor, should try some of those Domestic and, lmporliedcJgrs-at" ,eer.f.... , apl 7 ' . u. MiLj.K.iiwn jrnarmacy,! '' CorrftK Fbtirth atid -N0u Pts T TTrilY rAY EES -WHEN TilB i ' same money wm uuy you a none t - jj In thLs cUy I hJl-vo , sold, over fyV-Vi oae,.hyndre. and5 fUiyit.Jta .and,. Houses ' and Dots to5 parties wtib havb -paid la full for " i triciii, Vy li39ta!ment5yont,fi!y "payments. .-; I -tit. r. i Von S ltrt . ttirtA i ii t'f i I Also.I have a large number now on my books. who aTe-'ttrafclng- regular imonthlr payments ana win sopn own,npincs nngt ciearor una- iuiu i uic. r- - - - Money loaifod o4hoao wl&hlag Uy build. aplO CTf'f'' JAMES WILSON. tatc of North CaroUna, Nefr'HauoTcr County, I inv,. r ,5i.-.i lJti t ; :-.tatortr Court. Bay .Stato Shoe and Leather Company, tjm V i 1. . Itbln maue to a appear to us that a canto of action exists against Louls! Dryfoos. that: bo can not alter uuo aiiigence be xouna . within the State, that he Is a resident of the fute and has left the titate, wltli Intent to avoid, tho ser. vice , of summons these aro therefore to notify tho Eatt Louis Dryfoos to appear at the next ternuJf tfils-tTdmsto bo hcH-b the city of Wilmington the nth Monday - after ' tho 1st Monday ot Mrca IX&t; to answer or demur to the complaint In this action or aiudsrment will be given according to the prayer of theL same. " 'i Hi VAKAMRINGE, . . Clerk tuperAor Court. I ' ' " New Hanover County.' aprUSith, 1SS4., tui.j.rf lawfwth. i'T'I.T. IWAtT lIV.TVr V...ff." . vThcn the SpTrtng T&rsiamPEobiMi Hare Come, ai iung' by ' ThitcBcrT lrltBroe & , West's Minstrels.. i s: : ' ' "Sleep Little DarXLojr. Zi t w, ' "EhrenonthclaeLV ?- ' - little Darling Dream of ZLtx." An 1 all tho latest Korgs. f , I Qrieen's Lace Uandkerealcf, 'is p'Arcd IT the New, Xork Vomlo ppem Ce.-, -. 1 For new and pretty Music be sure Ovklt ! apl 23 live Book and lltudo tort a. In Great Variety. yz. now, a stock , or shoes ron Gents, Ladles aad MlssesBoya and Children, superior to any-In tie t3i4. Every kind and qualify, and prices low Cowtu -We solicit yoa cadexajix thein. ijt , - Gco-E: Freiicli & Sons, GJLZ3 llURCnXSOk, ." I"- . -.- i ... -'. . ,Wt. r - ct.ri i C I ; - - -. t ,. . .. ' . I, , ..... - 4, - i , " - ' : 1- - - : . ...... . " ST i I j . . - w. -'"" :--,.---,. - .- : - ; ; ' r " : " - . -. . :,. : . . ... .... . .. v l : r - - - - - - ; ; ' . - : , -.-rV; "r -i'. ' K '.- tt tt I i, ' ,-; t : 1 .

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