i pj w - Jr l-.. - - y - 1 ' josht. James. ' ji IV A TT v - TT7!lt7"T II j Cn.."nM- . i . . J A , iY - 1 - i WAV ..rrnosJ rosTAGi paid: IJ U HA- I - II i W 1 W W - !Cj " """ il n ii ii j IL J.L1LJ 1L JLvD LI J V JL JLj V V o ? .. lio)- Oaemcmth. 33 cents, j w ': UlbeaeaT4b7erTlm tree . - ! !t sst 7 clty' l abOT0 - 1 I j ' .V ;r...u - vol. viii. 1 wilmingtok n. a, Tuesday, may g, i884. no. 107 -,,f ttcir p.pr rcgular.y. , - - --.- l g-Vr ... ' ' arcuMioTK of any newspaper ft'1 ," ..!toa jays tbat she manages .,w7-:-:,:i ;lWO n,Uc eVCrJ d7 i-rcicrc;-- Mr xtacr at their home in Au- txis its .:. Maine ..yrtl-LinttKa is booming up in ,v. frci' i lumasc. as the Republican iTvlre cvcr vhere. Tie reo 't reported that Senator An v,3, waieriouIy ill is raidby IbeBos Zz Jrii: t be entirely unfounded. J!f iK yTtheStar routft chic!, is i I jVti i--ch in Culfax county. N. M.t soz&itZ t Utc numbers of the Denver p;rJ- .'.assign, of Texa?, tho Georo Wasblcon of tr.e republican party. toV"f-r tic officers," is also for r. i.netLIs jcar. Abraham Lincolu was C !eet 4 inches tv ir.J in every rvect stootl consid- :t. r than Kooert ioui iin nurei nooui - leci o U i.Uaa r.:-ck obl'ed to call in bis Ii :i.ur ! at in deciphering his :cjo,:r..e .eroaon scrips, for be ad d. tLa: alter the ink U dry be fincls il Lard wurk to rt.-ul Ihtm. - Ccncra! K. K. Hutlcr Invins been fcrcd i.v.fto by lonii Western rub. I.-Ltr-i tu vri:- a book, to be entitled Tie IV d l iwnof rditicaj Life,' m I. red on the ground of bein; unac ( i.'.as j willi the downs. Mrs. Hopkins well known to UInton sxitty a Princess Win-r.-taucca, who father i chicl of the Iiut' trtle ot Indians litiog in Neva da. Her husband is a Richmond man aad they lire In the East. Tho rircr and barbor'bill, as prepar ed by the JIouo corumUlce. appropri atcs about $13.t).000. Uy tho tiu-c tie rotes necessary to secure its pas- a;e have been obtained, it will probas I !y ggrezlo ctarly $v0,000,000. la tho city of New York alon ii is eviaa'.cd that there arc at present no iewer than 400 millionaire-, thirty of whom on from $5,000,000 to $W.000, i0 apieco. whilo there are abont ten h ho possess from $.30,000,000 to $130 IVO.000 each. ---g ------- So many of the young ministers called to the First Baptist Church o Salem. X. J., have married and left that the congregation has put its foo down and determined that hereafter i a 114 cx:enu a can only to a married clergyman. The Baltimore Manufacturers JUcord us: If we were to include all the cxtoa mill enterprises inaugurated at ti e South since January 1st. they would represent more than double the capital re ared for tho building of the mills giten io the list already made out. Vo?c Leo XIII, Uvea a very secluded l.ta at present, and audiences arc by no meaai granted with the same facility as before. His Holiness Is continual- Ij a: work in his study, and the pres eat disturbed condition -of affairs in - Vatican keeps his pen constantly at ork. TLc proposed road between Iduis and Nashville and the Cincinnati libera from Cincinnati to New Or reca.: the fact that the fastest s.n;! caj'.e ever made by a railroad .train o ihU country was done in fifty-one acd one quarter seconds on tho Penn- jlvaa;4 lUilroad. between Philadelphia -d Jersey City, on September 4, 1689- fci WiUiaaT. Wtdterf, of Raliimore, aUul k'.y. has rcUrcd from tusN c-lie whiiky business, in which be fcaJ hii fcr.ane. The firm, which has f:cd sioce i5lf remainj ia the alrs facailj, however. Edwin, a huhtr of the retiring member, bo" fmiagiu head. f.o laaillcs aro so rare in Franco 11x1 whn they aro u be found they de rvetobe ruenlioneil. Perc Morand Ljut died at Mcgreve. in Upper Satoy. leaving behind him fifteen chil rn. sixty-Hvo gran.khildren. and tliirtyne crratgrandchildren. At an encKjrarcment to others, it Is said tbat lpvernment, who are agxrieved at tb iocrcaslnr depopulation of Franco compared with her neighbors, proposa Present a medal to the family with n inscription to tho eiTectthal "Citoyea IurAQJ blen tneritc de la paliie." The declaration of the Boston Tariff Reform leaguers (Democrats and Re publicans) should be kept! before the people: The present enormous snr plus in the national revenues above the public requircmenta is denroralizing and dangerous, and the policy of taxing mports, not for revenue, but tor the purpose of obstruction trade, is unsound and should be abandonded." Alabama has now 23 cotton mills Georgia Ci, North Carolina South Carolina 81, Tcncesice 33, Virginia 11 Maryland 21. Ijuisiana 7, Mississippi 11. Texas 6, Kentucky 5, Arkansan 4 ana f loriua 2. incse mills were re turned in tho census of 1 1880 as pro ducing $21,000,000, worth of cotton goods; but tho product of 18 34 is est! mated at $35,000,000 to $49,000,000. Ihc Uadwell Aetoj has come out square for Scales and Stetlman, for Governor and Lieut-Governor, and hoists the names of these gentlemen to the masthead subject, of course, to the action of the Convention. Its editoria remarks on the subject are brief; but something of a curiosity in politica literature. It says: ' Gentlemen of tho Convention: We rise to second the nomination of Major C. M. Stetlman, of New jllanover,1 for Lieut.-Governor of North Carolina, and we move to make the nomination unanimous by acclamation. I Scales and Stedman S. S. State Safe. Look at frhe head of this paper. Do you know of a better ticket to be put in the field ? If so, name your man. name vour man. Mr. James II. Sanner. croccr.lJef- ferson and Wolf street?, Baltiihore Md., says: My wife's arm was severely scalded, and she received instantaneous relief, by two applications of St. Jacobs Oil. my cents a bottle. LOCAL NEWS. ISQEX TO HW ADVEETISEMEXTS. Boanlers Ue 9 C ILUS-Cnl C W Vat Croquet W E Davjs A Sox Icq Heixsbk rows New Miutc "Mrs E A LcMSUKX Opening Day F C MlLLEtt Glbcon's Irnportcil Candv IlL"4riiR&v, Jenkins Jt Co Don'l Forget alCNDS Bros. Jt DeRosset Timely Kerne lies The receipts of cotton, at this port to-day foot up 1? bales. Tbo Wilmington Library Association will bold their annual meeting for tho election of officers on Thursday night Quito a number of strangers were in the city to-dayin attendance upon the U. S. District Court, which is now in session. Mrs. h. A. LumsdcnV grand millinery opening will take place on Thursday, and the ladies are expected to govern themselves accordingly. The larrcst and best stock of Windows. Hours. Blinds &c. and at Factory prices is at N. Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. f Lev. t. W . L. Pcscbau and wife re turned to tho city this morning, after an absence of about a week which they have passed at China Grove, Rowan couuty. At the meeting of the ladies' Memo rial Association, held yesterday after noon, it was formally decided to hold the Memorial Services this year on Monday, the lCth. instead of on Satur day. tho 10th. At the present time there is every in Oicalion tbat the Blackfish Excursion to be given on the Passport on Thursday, the first of the season, will be largely attended. If this weather bo!ds good the promise cf a good catch will not be delusive. Messrs. John Dyer & Son have pre sented the Wilmington Cornet Concert Club with white helmets, to be worn daring the Summer momts. They are very neat, and look as if they might be cool and comfortable. They will le worn by the club oa Memorial Day A friend of ours suffering from catarrh of tho head and throat wishes os to ask if thero is any one in the city who has ever seen the instrument ad Tertised by the Rcr. T. P. Childs. Troj Ohio, for the treatment of Catarrh. Any information will be thankfnUy receiv ed. A large centre-board sail boat was .tanchtd at the Market dock this morn ing. It was tho property of Capt. C. C. Morse, and has been at Col. Ji W. Atkinson' place on tbo Sound during the iVinter. It was brought from there on the turnpike and will be taken to Smlthville where, wo doubt not. it will have plenty of employment daring the present season. . t U. S. District Court. The U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina convened at the .U.S. Court Room, over the Postoflice. this morning. Judg Seymour presiding. Tbo morning hours were consumed in securing the grand jury and giving the charge to tbo same, after which the Court took a re cess until 3 o'clock this afternoou. ' Patriotic. Tho Sunday School of St. Thoraa.' Church have determined to celebrate North Carolina's Fourth .of July, the 20th of May, at Waccamaw Lake. They have arranged for a special train of first-class cars, and will have the Italian harpers to furnish music. No doubt it will be a gala day for the little ones and fthose who may accompany them. Delegate troni St. Paul's. The following have been chosen dele gates from St.! Baul's Church to the Episcopal Convention of tho Diocese of East Carolina, which meets at Wash ington, N. C, on May 14th: R. B Wood. R. E. Heide. W. G. McRae and II. A. Burr. Alternates DuBruiz Cutlar. W. II. Bernard, R. Tf Rankin and F. H. Mitchell. A Pleasant Programme. , The Young Men' Hebrew Associa tion win hold one of their regular meet ings at Geimania Hall on Thursday night, an occasion which will 13 en livened with music by Sniithdeal's or chestra, a vocal solo by Mrs. D. Kabn weiler, piano solo by Miss Blumentbal and readings and recitations by Messrs. M. Newman, J. Hi flartaod J. Aaron. Point Caswell a Dry Town. We understand that the municipal election yesterday at Point Caswell was very interesting. The issue was be tween the 'wets and the 'drys." and the latter carried the day by a handsome majority. Capt. R. P. Paddison was elected Mayor, and Messrs. a. R. Black, J. R. Paddison, W. E. Black, Liston Simpson and W.'A Cornish were chosen Commissioners. Methodist Conference. At fho Quarterly Meeting of the Front Street M. E. Church, tho follow ing delegates were appointed to attend the District Conference, which will convene at Goshen Church. Sampson county, on the last Thursday in July: Delegates W. M. Parker, C. L. Grafllin, Ashley Gilbert. J. W. King. Alternates W. H. Shaw, W. W- Hodges, R. S. Kadcliffc. Election ol Officers. The Wilmington Hook & Ladder Company, No. I, held their annual meeting, for the election of officers, at their Hall last night, with the lolloping result: i President M. S. Willard. Vice President B. G. Empio. Secretary A.M. Waddell, Jr. Treasurer W. XV. Harriss. Foreman J. II. Daniel. 1st Asst Foreman B. G. Euipic. 2nd Asst Foreman John Beery. Truck master W. II. Grant. Axemen F. A. Lord, P. Carr, R. L. Allen, W. H. Grant. . -v Sales of Ileal Kstate. S. VanAmringc, Esq., yesterday sold at auction the following real estate: House and lot corner of Fifth and Dock streets, belonging to the J. G. Bauman estate, was sold for $2,600, E. Peschau, Esq., being the purchaser. West half of lot No. 5, block 117, 60 feet on the east side of Fifth street and running back the same width 165 feet, was sold to Dr. F. B. Miller for $1,050. The former property of the lateR H. Grant, on Wrightsville Sound, contaic- ng 110 acres,sold to Mr. Rufus Hicks or $650. Personal. We are glad to learn, that Mr. A. A. lart-field has improved very much during the past few ilajs and we hope now to see him at his place of business before many weeks. . Mr. Ilarufield's business is now conducted by his son, Mr. Richard Hartsfield of Charlotte. Mr. Thos. II. Hardin, of Ne York, s here on a visit to his family, who are resident in this city. Mr. John R. PaddUon. of Point Cas- we.l. is in the city to-day. If is a ju ror in tho Federal Court. Capt. W. S. Normrnt. formerly Sc- icttor for this judicial district and a gentleman who is very popular here, is in the city in attendance on the present terra of the District Court. He is now resident at Lumberton. , Now ii the time to give Smith' Worm On. Ijdw i A Slight Squabble. ' ' I v . .. . ... - f air. j. u.fcniilh, oiFayetteviIIe, claims to be chairman of the Third Congres sional District and says to us that the call issued in the Clinton Caucasian for a convention at Magnolia on the 7th inst was not authorized by him. He says that he was elected chairman at a taeeting called by Mr. K. J. Brady. Wo know nothing of the matter in dis-j pute and did not know that there wa J such a thing as an organized committee lor the Third district as at present uuuauimuu. uani. van-uicaaruson ,..1 r"t i ir n i i "" i was chairman of the old Third. The call referred to was issued, we think. by Dr. Ennett, Committeeman from Pender county, and'was not publish in the Review, and whether the call wa3 issued oy or wunout authority we do not know. City Court. Maria McNeil, colored, was raising- high daddy and kicking up mischie (that i3 nearly the way it was told to us) last night at her dwell ing-p!ace on Fifth, between Chaurch and Casile streets, much to the annoyance of the neighbors, and when remonstrated witn sue said mat sac was in her own house and would do as she pleased Officer Bishop was called upon and when ho arrested her, James McNeil, her son, who was sentenced at the recent term of the Criminal Court to the County House of Correction for larceny, but who escaped therefrom a few days since, ran out from behind his mother and made for the street, when he ran plump into the arms of jailor Murray, who was ftandine at the gate and knew McNeil. Mother and son were taken to the guard house and this morning tho former was brought be fore tho Mayor on the charge of disor derly conduct and was fined $10 for the offense, in default of which she was sent below for 20 days. The son was retained and will be turned over to the watchful care of Capt. Savage, who has a tender desire to look out youngster's interest. for the We invite the attention of our citizens to the fact that first --quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tf. County Commissioners. The Board met in regular vesterdav afternoon. session The Treasurer submitted his report for the month of April showing as follows: General fund, balance on hand .... $18,359.01 Educational fund, balance on hand 15,859.41 Of the general fund the sum of $0, 663 IS ill iuu Biiivjju ui auciiiuMic deposit in the First National. Bank. Ex hibited three coupons of the ! denomina tion of $3 each, which were destroyed in the presence of the Board. The Register of Deeds submitted his report of fees received for marriage li censes during the month ot April, amounting to to $19.95, and exhibited the Treasurer's receipt for the same. which was received aud ordered on file It was ordered that the matter ot the resignation of J. II. Savage, Superin tendent of the County Poor House and tho County House of Correction, be laid over until the next meeting: of the ooaru. S. VanAmringe," clerk of thb Super ior Court, reported twenty-five dollars collected from the Cape Fear Enter Drisc Company.- Received and, or- w dered on file. The Board proceeded to draw the special venire of jurors for the next term of the Criminal Court commenc ing on the last Monday in May, as fol fows: Theodore Schroeder. John T. BraW ley, P. Schulken, II. A. Walker. J. II. Boatwrght. J. R. IaUa, B. A. Hallett, Thos. Gibbs. D. B. Futral, D. C Davis. C. II. Heide. G. W. Chesoutr, D. G. Ferguss, B. D. Humphrey, N. F. Nixon, C. H. Edcns, Walter Rui- land. Chas. Baker, W. F. Carpenter, Josiah Melts. C. W. Fetch. Jr., Jas A. Walker. B. Solomon, F. J. Mason, Thos. Maabburn, M. G. Brickhon.se. A. M. Waddell. Jr., A. B. George. Ed. Borden. G . F. Littleton. The following were drawn as jurors for the June term of the Superior Court: First Wek-C. C. Vernon. II. M Bih"P, Jrj. Marcus Bfar. Georte Gaflord. C C. Kctcbum. I). . Trak, J. M. Pennv, J. C. Milli. (;. II. Su.itb. Tbo. Riera. Tbomai E. Alajer. S. Bebrends. , Second Wcek-B. F. lAtham, K G. Polly. Christopher Hamilton. Joseph N. Hostler. Elijah HewleU. C. M. Har ris. JimM V Rirni W nt A mW. - sod. J. II. ' Hanby. Jno. L. DaIev, IlnracA PhiM T II tifnu Snffnirilri- i . . The lioard adjourned to meet again oa the first Monday in June. of Aldermen. The Board met last night in regular session. I Alderman "Fishblate's motion that the W. L.T. Co. have the use of the City Hall, as heretofore, was voted down, on a yea and nay vote, -is follows: Veas Aldermen Boney, Bear; Fish biate, Howe. Nnvs-Tim Mnvnr nml A 1il-rmrn DeRosset. Chadbouni. Sweat. Guver. Tha rncomm(ndtion of the commit- lAn v:, on ire Department for a lire hvdrant at the nornpr nf 'Nult and RmnswipL- street . adnhtl. PiM.ftinn nf V. n R-.W & rv ' n ,i S Urnin? the storaao of lime in certain limUSt wa3 grntcd oa certiin condi- tions. The bid of the Gms Co.. to furnish ga3 to the city', was accepted. A communication from the Board of Audit and Ficance on the tax levy, &c, was read. ! Alderman DeRosset moved to amend the tax ordinance by providing tbat J4ic net income frm markets be appropri- ated solely to the payment of the prin cipal of the market debt. Adopted. The lax ordinance as received from the Board of -Audit-and Finance was read 4 j Alderman DeRosset moved, concur rence. Alderman Bear moved that a com mittee of conference be appointed ou the subiect of the tax levy and ordinance relating thereto. ' Alderman Boney moved to amend by requesting the Board of Audit and Fi- nance to meet with the Board as a whole. Lost. Tbe motion ol Alderman Bear was then adopted, and the Finance Com mittee and Aldermen Bear and Fish plate were appointed as a committee of conference. Petition of W A. Deck, Agt., to P-int the roofs of the City Hall and the ront street market house lor 390.01 was referred to the committee on Public Buildings A resolution introduced by Alderman Bear was adopted tbat the Chic of Police be directed if expedient, the police the Third Ward. to increase, protection in A resolution by Alderman Cbadbourn in nrovide three extra nolicemen p.vorv baturday night, to patrol the northern Pt'oa of Fourth street, was adopted iiEr. LOOK'EY In this city on the Gth Inst., at 3 20 o'clock, A. M., of cholera infantum, OMAR FBTE, Infant son of O. J and Annie j. jockcv, acreu & months ana 20 days. 'i no iuncrai services will be held at the parents' residence, No. Cll South Second et to-morrow meroing, at 9.30 o'clock. Friends I attend. NEW ADVEUTISEME.NT8J OFFICE OF Dr. S. C. Ellis, NO. 3i3 SOUTH FOUBTJI STREET, cp POBito Miller's Drusr .Store. Ofllcc hours; 0 to 12 ft.m., 2 to 5 p. m. may o ti i Boarders. FEW PEBMANENT AND TABLE i Boarders can be accommodated! by calling at house on corner of Third and Chestnut sts. N-2C3- Per particulars call at house. Don't Forget! ' J-O. 112 SOUTH FBONT 8TBEET ! Where HUMPHREY, JENKINS CO., keep those tine Hcidc and ilornc'u strawberries, alao Black and Whortlcbcnic. Apples and Peach. cs, when in season. Poultry and Kgpn. Con signments or the above eolicltsd, end Fat la faction irnaranteed Give us a trial Is all we ask. mire Opening Day I Kf QUK3DAT' M " 8tb OP SUMMER MILLINERY, PATTERN BONNETS AN ITT. Jtc. At MRS. H A. LUMDKS'f. Ladies are Invited to calL niy .: ICE. may 6 W. E. DAVIS Jt SON. JACKSON & BELL, Water Power Printers -ASP- BOOK-BINDERS. We ?ve .t.he. "P?1 P) imeDioiueKinautDe lounu in Wiimlnj- too.nd guaranty all our work u be done In flrt class slyle.anaon'reasot table terms. In Tour orders Unrint ihe dull on, ana have ilhem eeut-lat flievci 1 pr.ibtopiices.i . . f.l ((SMi ' sT . " PLSA5S KOTICr. - ifa win be cceelva coauaualcaCM a troa ota friends oa aay. aa U sutjoctt ot Tfta pant cl t&e writer most always be n. r- Communlcatlona most t wxtuaa nor oneaxoeox lbs paper. 1 PesoiuUlUoa taustU avoided, j I AadltU fcjpecUHj b4 paxUcnUrly osi er io&i ttat the Editor doe not Hwin eador ie tha views of corTwrKwi-taiU wW ut . ta the editorial coIo-mlC. J ) ; l NEW ADVEKTISEMENTS I Munds Bros. & DeRosset I gi'Q TO DltECr SPECIAL ATTEKTI0M if the followlcg timely rcm'eJlcs : I l ' i "'f Ullevs niuous riiYsic-ror ail iu- ordcr of btomach. Llrcraad n:ood. . . KKUKOPATHIO I)BC)is--ror Cholera, Cnniiw, Colic, .Internal 1'aSos, ISu'ras. Ubu m.Uflin, Spinal AffctUon. Acac. - WILSON'S! I)YSKNTTi?v ' cLvnt-to 3. eflVclual retuody' for uhni-r ti-.i.J V. v . ' J'ttCO DEPOT, 2J&xkct axel Scoot"! Street nijy 5 Wllalj5toa. U. C Croquet. AT $1, fl.r3, f AND $2.5J TEK J3ETP. HAMMOCKS, BASE HALLS,! EATP, Ac. , . . ''.! . -t; 'tl -. SUEET MUSIC, . lnK'7n'1 staaoara SnEETMCSlC ATONL Y 10 ChNTS iier coiv. i i a ; Uver one thoiiMind volumes BbM. r jikauuAKTKUS -for cvervlh'nr in BOOK ANI ST ATI ON KB V JN i " ; ; YATES' IU10IC STOIti:, i ho may5 HO Market &lrwt. For a$ale. ; rOOD HOUSES, MULKS. LVtiUtES AND WACJONS. AddIt in thn miK., vi?-- r.J-L o.l 1 " . v-. w.a : ' ; J; i a . T" M JOHNSON A CO J apt 12 dAwlra Wlllanl, Pender Co , N. C. To the Ladies. MBS. MctjOWAN, 713 Orango fit, I..U A ITSUN3 for Braldtnjr. ; EinbroUerv an,! I'A'ntlnz. Tha n traofiferre! to tho material by nn 1 nvrmrd . M '"""j? . - iauies are rcspcciiuij joviifit Examine Your Trunk Ul OATCIIELS AND TRAVELLING BAGS. and if they need repairing send them to the Hrst class Saddle, llarneesanaTniaklloxissor McPOUUALL BOW DEN,' 1H North Front St. ! Nca to D. A. Smith's Furnltnra Stom mays . .- . Fly Fan s. F OU SALE BY GILES '& MUBClilSON.' may 5, Murchlnon Block. ! TRIMMED HATS. -o- 11 p STOCK OF SPIilNU j MlLLlSE&r, includlnpt T1HM5IED HATS in the tietshares and colore, will be opened next ' - 'j j Wcducstlay aiicl Tluirkday t May 7 tit antl8tli. ' The Ladle arc rcectf ally Invited to call. illltS. KATE C. -WINES, North Second elrcct, next to Po3toflic may 3 3t ; , , JL Don't Pay Rent! W IIY-rAY KENT WHEN Til i same moiicy will buy you a home ? In this city I have said nvrr one hundred aud llltv Lou ami llmnei and Lota to purttcs who havo paiJ In all for , them, by 1 Instalments monthly payment. , Also. I have a lareo number now on tn-r irtira ' who are making rclar monthly payments and will soon own homes and ret clear of land lord rule. i Money loanc! to those wishing to buEd. Apply to i apl 33 cw JAMES WILSON. New Music. ' T 'LL AWAIT MY LO VE.W A I .iVhcn the sprlngr Time and Hotlrs Ilare Come," as sung: by Tliatcncr, Primrose A West's Mbi.trclfi. , . i "ib-ep Litila Darllsf:. r . v. v "Khrrn oa the lil.bao. . ' i , I4tilo VtrHnx Dream of Me. ; ' I ' An laU tbo latest oecra. - ; . , t ieen Laoe Handkerchief a prayed by the esr Vor Coa.1". opera Co.' ; I . If or new and pretty Music be sate t iH HEINSBJiRGER'S. apIZS Mvff Itoot nt MiuUc gt-m s. IIew Arrival At No. O South FroiitStf cct. 1EST .V. CIOARA: pie xa I Bi; Ikes . ltet ot Vnr u 1 IM and Cookt ot DrstihL Br.' uorn Head Q xartt-r Lar !lart fi.taI aod Inot yoti ferret it 1884s Spring Trade. 51884. y KABE BEADY FOB T WfrH A ri.K stock of SEASOXA BI.K fiO)D. li jua a 4 B-; 1 Furniture, iMuog :at ibii, H l. dov hs di, t 1 1 Ltb, A e. I; - . r MAT rBK53 of alt k'mU iu bw. an.1 sua Jc t or.ler. AU, rtaoH ling awl r j-a! r - ba:doaj with frma aI by competent TltOS, c CRA IT, AtL, - rnruUur.t bexltr, !5i ho. 1 ront street raayft 1

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