Tins r apex . . areata. S&MlTl tX .p bT JOSH T.JAMES, Irro a f orurio. .-..r.tPTIOSS rOSTAGK PAID: 5 . ai Sl Bonlh. 1100. Tkree OK . iV; Ooe month. S3 centa. JTrr -Vl HTCd by Carrier. tn ptp7. Mn of the city. At the above ...rft. r M cent per week. rt!g rales low l BL wr.cra will report any aud - rc!"e all fall. Zflt Aiiy Review hcCs the largest t ..-. hr in Montreal now ufc k . ' .' - L . t 1t ;tr:c -fa thr day i." fays the New Vork -Mr Onklmz speaks of tee rrtsr.:--tbat man " r.3 Washington W promised tbc caw of Democrats throughout t-ecr try tUt the Morrbon Tariff i '-. nMiwlily pass tho Home ol je Kc-cy, the Protection cbam . P iathc House of KcprcscntaUve?, ji :a I J sicdy an oldfahioned Dutch c'cc. by bu father, which baa he -a russZ Readily anil keeping good t:ef-r seventy years. . Jir. ZilJ.ar. Ihc President ot Salva- i -aw tItio2 this country, is a 5n laiinl of Cue address and cordial ni--er He if as brown as a berry a.j ; rtrded as a handsome speci :un t f tie tn pical American. r ir.nj Davenport owns up to thtrty Lur is J .j that she made her debut a: tie Koa Howard Athenaeum at u cq ct jvea as the target bearer in "I'ocaboofa. her mother playing the rfM-.cf'4."h her lather as Captain J. -la Ssii.b. L'jcj lUnji'un Hooper and Olive J.gaa bth are brilliant and jj icy J'aris cormpondent, and ono of heui i tii" w ife of an American Vice- ucsul aud the other the widow of an American unsul; but they never a tLoy rasi by. r H l Mm VOL. VIII. V ILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY. MAY 7, 1884. NO. 108 LOCAL NEWS. IIDIX TO IIW A0YE8TISEM tITS. Warrett Ice Cream C W Tates Cxtxiuct II HW8 BEKOta New MuhIc WilmlDston Library Association James Wiuox-Stop aol Think : r C SXili.er iilbf on'a Imporlot Caoly ltuus Dr-j. a DKliossET-Tiniciy iuoie sifted of their contents Burglary No. 1. The residence of Mr. Owen Fcnncll, on Dock, between Sixth and " Seventh streets, was entered last, night and pretty thoroughly ramsacked. Kycry sleeping room was visited and the clothing ot the occupants taken into the passage where the pockets wcr Mr. Feunell Ilea The receipts or cotton at this day loot up 2 bales. 1 lost $55; bis wife lo3t a set of i jewelry ; ll 1 r I I m. m port tc-1 ' iU'Pujt a nc)acw, lose 51 yw, oncoi Mr. JrcnneU'a son? lost $3 50 Arrest or a Fugitive. CLief of Police Brock recci red a dis patch late la3t night from Fayetteyille requesting htm to cause the arrest of J. S. Uyrd, who would arrive here on the Steamer D. Miirchison. .The charge against Byrd was fraud and the dis patch ,was sent by R; W. Hardy. sheriff of Cumberlaud couuty. Wheii the steamer arrived oflicer Williams went on board ami made the arrest. and another 50 cents; making a total and the prisoner is now in the guard Ci. 1. - - . .1 . I ' e, - " I ouuvMV,ucu,rillu lP7 loss oiSOOiu money, besides the jewl boused waiting the arrival of the proper ... v4 fcM.tjs .a uCt 1UM . elrj lt i3 8nppo3c1 that lhe bar.lar oCicer to whom to surrender him There wrfsooe white tramri applied for lodgings at the guard house last house and that he entered early in the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS tfriggs' Pharmacy, LtTAVISU BOUtJIIT OUT. THE SOHON rJjL WALn rHARMACV. H. W. corner Front ant Market atrccts. wcarc reparcl to furnish at rock bottom prjecs cvcrtUilDff ri ally kept in a FIRST CLASS DRUUflUKK. KspccUl attention wilt be given to the ireiir nti"n ot iihjrblrUBs .rccrlptlon(i. may 5 bt col W. S. A CO. OIUlCEOP Dr. S. C. Ellis, NO. 323 SOUTH tOUItTJl STUEET. tu ttoelte Mllltr'n tru Hlorc. OtUco hours: 0 to I J am.. 2 to 5 p. m. uixbt. Wo invito tho attention of ourcitizens to the fact that Grst quality shirts arc being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tl. evening at tho -rear door, while thej family were seated upon the front piaz za, and secreted himself until all wero asleep before he began operations, Sanitary Notes. A late number of the Newbern Jour tvil draws a comparison regarding the rainfall and temperature between that place and other Southern cftics in which it says: The mean annual rainfall of this city is 7G 5, while that of Wilmington is City Court. James WhiLted and Harrv Tavlor Ia WUI mat 01 ivumingion is cjamcs tvniuea ana uarry layior. fi.2 4 Thfl nnmnomfiva Km.ih; r ih. both colored, charged with fast driving. FLZAS KOTIOC. . v . a , , . 4 tTe wCJ be gixd to reedre cocaaxmlcaaoi a from our trleada oa aay aad all 'csbjacti 'of ccaeraltatereattml ' . - The name of the writer men always U ft r l4tothe!kmor V - . 1 Oommxmlcatlona moat.be wrtrtea oa or y one aide of the paper. - v i '., r -.- Personalities must be avoMed. i I And tt la especlaUy anl particularly wtr tood that the Editor doca ot aiwaya eado ae' the Tlewa of correspondeata unieaa ae auu i la the editorial eohimoa. , v ! NEW AUVEltTISEMENTB. Wotice. T. I3SVriNT,TW TUK rWEris OF 8ALR i . OolvUlc and wife and WnT, k. inn . . . .u .v, . i .aD l corded tn took "UD". at tffQ partnrrof W.E.IIHtACo, to rJ B,?5 rVA02? JMrV. lW and re. Mortice at raw uAP1,4''?!!,? untv-nr Saturday, the 17th f day ot May, 18?4, m folloirlne dcwrlbHlreat . The stockholders of the Carolina Central R R. will meet ia annual ses- . ... . ... 1 1.-,... .Li 1 . 1 . 1 r I :u u n 1 . c a n sion in toe company s ollice. in tbis!"c,u ueiuio iuu ujur mi wnuwu jiiaws ouuiu, is as ioiiowt: 4 A,- mornine who" fined them 5 each ror Wilmington. 07; nariotte. 05; New ' " " - " Mriano BI onH Cf I : - V i riDce y ngm ana ai. n. iucAiisicr. nual temperatnre and rainfall for this Don't Forget ! O. 112 SOUTH KKONT STKEET ! Wticrc HUMl'HREy, JENKINS & CO, keep those line Hci'lc and Home's Mravberrl. Un Block and WliorllcteraicR, Apples and Tench es, when In season. Poultry and Egjrs. Con signracnts o: the above solicited, nd Balis faction guaranteed Give us a trial is all we city, to-morrow A purse containing a small sum of money was found this morning. The both coloreJ charffcd with . vioi.tion hiehlv favored section : owner can have the same by calling at ot the Market oriiinauoe. woro fined 5 Newbern-(Mean annual tern. 61.8 thoclothing house of Mr. 1. 1 Shrier nnnU K.,f a-,i deRe8- Kainfall, annual. 76.5. ' : . km i-A La iiiiiir iiiriib w . a. 11. s c niiini ihiii i aarri : & 1 . a . i i ui minvmn i ft i Ran nnnii.il ipm n . . . a a .a I x conuuton tnai tney ooey ine law in tne C3.0 degrees.; Kainfall, annual, 62 4 t: r.f i.inAi.ct. future. They were both from the Ita in fall is expressed in inches and 111.1 lliitk IUO UI9k I. .1 . . . .1 wtii nlrn nml nil! m ml in K innnmnf f I CIJlUS. excursion ol tbe season, to be given on . ' " " " fc Temperature Farenhuit's tbermom the ra35r. to-morrow, will bo at- luo wiuiremenw. eter ! T I , t I r- iacK iayis, coioreu, tor vio.aiion 01 the market ordinance, was fined 10 He U huckster at the market and knew Opening Day ! rjlHUaSDAY, MAY 8th, OF SUMMER MILLINERY, PATTERN BONNETS AND HAT. Ac. L A l MltS. K. A. LUMDENM. Ladles are Invited to call. my C..M uw aaoowoijor lilaAtcn. Uz i7 acrea of lan-l IviTiff oa tho North tl.l f . .! way. There arc oo thla tract of laad.oM jtrsc frame store Immisc, otfolanre frame direl iinr, a targe i car fched, a large toachtoo ahop. nd about , t. small tenant houbca., Sall land -will be Bold in lota to sutt purchasera. Alao. b other lots lyloj? on tho South at le of thcli V. Railway and la tho village of AbbotUburr. j . Xcruu cah. C. C. Lvoy.'Attomcy. aplio .., ; llilo.aoot. . K. E. liUKBUSS", Morf aw4r vr Fly Fans, Fly Traps. 1 OR' SALE BY ended by a large crowd. The boat will I eave her wharf at 4 :30 sharp. U. S. District Court. The proceedings before this! tribunal may 5 GILES & MURCHISON. Murchlaon Block. As Mr. Lamb Smith was attempting lne orjjnancet anj taj no excuse for its to-day disposed of the following cases: ICE. at a ..a to lean a mum as no re mis morning from tho steamer D. Murcldson, the animal slipped and fell overboard, and was drowned before he could be res i ued. It was a valuable animal. violation. Riley Moses, retailing, recognized in a bond of $ 100 for his appearance at the next term of Court.. An attempt was made the premises of Col. Job on tbe corner of Eighth to burglarize n To- Kej.ub icans in this State stole their caadldv.c for (ioyeruor from the Iemccratic ranks and then stole the revenue pUnk from the Democratic tvJatform with which to help out the campaign." Rut. is there anything that ihcy won't steal? - "John Boyle 0neil!y," writca a correspondent of the St. Paul ISonccr Vt j t. is one of tbc busiest men iti lesion. Ho edits the Pilot, 'writes ptry. ensues in politics, and attends r cry boxing match and prize fight in rhecity and vicinity. O'Reilly is a tighter himself. Tco Empress Eugenie is negotiating lur the purchase of a large and pictures que estate at Chilehurt, known as the "Coopers' at present occupied by tbe snnnf Mr. Smiucl Morlev. It is a larger Place than Camden, where she ,2C-crcam-SCDt iu 10 us Kwlay. It was used to reside, and U opposite to tbe For Convention . Wo are requested to slate for the Hinton Strickland, perjury ; not gnil- beoefit of those from this city and sec- ty. tion who may propose attending the Ida Chambers and Al Mulligan, re- -r- a. fJTT 1. I a. - ? I ? " 1 a i nr. D Tavlor "-PlscoPai Jonvcniion ai asuingion. Laiung; recognizea in a oonu oi iuu and Market tnat fiie steamer Elrii City will leave each for their appearance at the next i i . rr i " i . : . 1 i . I... iv,A ..n.irai Aewuerii nexi luesuay dikui, iiumeui- iaui ui uouri. rrnt nnthP r.iaM- when he was ately on the arrival of the train from " r . r y ill . Tl f i . I J ' . r . dlo.r.vrrn.l nd lied, folloind bv a bul- uoiusuoro. ana arrive at v asnmgion puaueu oa pajmeni oi costs. I . . m I ' n 1 a"" a a a t fmm n nUtrd which, finfortunatel v " eanesuay nignt. Kciurntng win oiepnen uevis-retauing. recognizeu will arrive in Newbern in time to con- the next term of Court. rbeUoardori)irectors:ottneuiinion .:t hll the lrain for G0id3boro on John Jenkins, retailinff: submits. 30 and Point Caswell ilailroad met in tbis Saturday morning. Fare for the round days in County jail. aaa tcr sai . may 6 W. E. DAVIS & SON. For &5aIeB Gilbert Cox, retailing; judgment sus- vJT v AiiOb. Apply to the subscribers for terms and particulars. E. M JOHNSON & CO , apl 12 diwlm Wlllard, Fender Co. , N. C. city tms morning auu nave ueen in trip QT $3 50 if lhirty tickets are session an aay,, wuii mo exGepuouot a 8oM Mr w. II. Oliver, of Newbern. brief laurmission at nooni ! bey were wUl mroish arjy further informatian in session at tbe time of our going to press and there is nothing to report at Wilmington aud Onslow orcsent. it- ,;, unoA Tr n K -Rrvon To the Ladies, MR3. McGO WAN, 713 Orange sL, has just received a beautiful stock of STAMPING The storm signal has been flying to- J AT.TBKi?5ufor. Braiding. Embroidery and , - I - m w -.j a v mi ij v auu John II, . m otone, retailing; plea guilty. Judgment suspended on pay ment of costs. Joseph Cox, retailing; Judgment sus- transf erred to the material bv an lonoroved process. The ladles arc respectfully Invited n 7 ; .i apl 30 lw Examine Your Trunks. QATCHELS AND TRAVELLING BAGS, I m penal tomb. We thank Mrs. E. Warren, ol the Hr- ol lft0 yieviiie nun. nimsen a penueu uu payoaeuu ui costs. Confectionery on Second street, near oounucr, w.u .j iuimwuus w 0fcl'"1"Vk and If they need repairing send them to t thnP.wmfi'. ir o r .lMtfin,, remarks on tbe talk now curreat oi a MmneMia was caueu yesteraay alter- "rsi Clas8f aA railroad from this city to Unslow coun- noon nut was conunuca until tne next pure cream, oi her own manufacture, ly. which wo publish here as they may term add somewhat in inciting a spirit ot en MCDOUGALL A BOW DEN, in onn urovi al. Next to D. A. Smith's Furniture Store, may 5 the of Wevv Arrival: At No. G South Front Street. BEST 5c CIGARS : Aprca Dljnrer, Aprea . in?e,I. AlTC Soafer and Tonioura. ly ru pic and Bii Ikes. Beat of Wloea and Uinora'' and Coolest of Draught Br. . . ! , Head Quarters new Harp Band. and don't you forget lt . . apl 21 k 1884. Spring Trade. .18841 ARE READY FOR IT WITH A FINE stock of SEONABLK GOODS. IUttan atil Reed Furclture, Lounger, Kay Ctalfn, TVlo-' dow Shade, Oil Cloth, Ac. ' ' ' j MATTRR39RS of all kinds In stock am ma le t order. Al.-o, renovating and repair lug done with promptness and by rompcten wnrkrrrn. ! " '"'. THOS. (J. CRAFT, Att.; may 5 Furniture Dealer, J0 SoK Front Street Notice. rpUE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF the Stockholder of the CAROLINA CE? TRAL RAILR AD' COaf PANT wUl be beid at tbe Company's Ollice, In the city Of W1I mingtou, on TnUR II) AY ;May 6tli,"at It o'clock, a. m. JSOi'W SHAUri apl 21 tdm Secret try. Private dispatches arc said to have t cn received in Wall street recently of ."m exciting character from the City of Mexico, goiag to show that tho Guv- a nil aw a an i wr w-rm a-v x 9 imiii ii inii! w imb 111 iniiiLiii.. ia 01 tia ui Lit' i . . auunuuaiwuiiju UVUW .lUJ" . " llOlUtngTtUO 11 DCS. KA,tnt4r D- JP nDA where It will be furnished by her terpnso among some of our people: T, cditor of Xrack aud Uoild. lYIUnaS DfOS. & UenOSSet hereafter during the season on orders left at her siorc. In his annual report, tbe President ot Ttc Spirit oflh&Tiincs, N. Y. Mr. E. C e Wilmington Produce Exchange, ou Walker, endorses St. Jacobs Oil, the R Personal. Mr. Archie McNair ha the Anril 8th. recommended to that body rrrnt cain-enre for man and beast. that thev nse all possible means toward rn;ii-na,l pnnnrptinns IipItopoii I TJnw iQlhfttimrtnpivftSmith's Worm . ,.1 I 111 lilt li&IIL WV .WMMW. VV tl I " n " " - w - ri'stciHMl I Mi I -vi ri. 1 ... mtn n n r I mvifl w ll 1 1 1 L v mat cifcj v. . - j - inai is - - I a a a 1 tl a a 1 cramcnt is resorting 10 cxtraoruinary 1 pusuiun nerctoiore ncid ny nun witn a matter thai snoum nave luiersieti ruvasures to obtain a forced loan from the Cape Fear Tobacco Works and has Wilmington long belorc, as it ilecply .i i- in.. v.i :.L 1 -t.:.. . 1: I affects hcr.busincss. . -MI.0.Buuiu i.uu. I...UU.U , -Onslow comity U rich iii natural re- i.m iy 10 ensue. inaii wun .Aie3rs. iiuks v iruniiim souri:cs .but with uo mcns of traosnor IJro". Mr. MeXair has been on the tation. Un to now, her sole outlet has J.-hn R. Ccugb. now sixty-seven, road now for ncarlv nllcon years and been through small roasting vessc's ply- came from England to this country io has hosts of friends in all parts ol thi iJ. learned tbe book-binder s trade. State and in South Carolina. s-J for several years was chiefly noted f r gi tting drunk, sinslng songs and s ting recitations, lie became a tern TO DIRECT SPECIAL ATTENTION to the following timely remedies: ALLEN'S BILIOUS rilYSIC-For all ditf v.d-w 1 s'iriii?ii itii if? iii?i"te fui.. oiwB. ui t. ram colic, interna. 1'Alnn. Knnw. Uhrn The largest and best Wiudows. Doors. Blinds &c., and at mallsni. srinai Affection, &c, c. Factory prices is at N. JacobPs Hard ware Depot. j t NEW Al V13 ItTIS 12MENT8. Election at Smltlivillo. The Municipal election at Smithvillc, rrancc advocate in 1340, making his oa Monday last, resulted as follows Crst speech in the o!d Broadway Tab- Mayor L. A. Galloway. treacle. inz from New River to Wilmington, . . m -a a a t .r entering tne apo rear oy way oi ew .... n I IU Ai Inlet. These little schooners; being only I VVI IIIIIMtUUM Uiuiai Y nooU U, sailing vcssc.s, arc subject to the cap-1 fl., AVVITA, mi,Ktiv nv rnw m. riceofthb winds, and often are com- r - pellcd to anchor for weeks after rccciv bcrs of thia AsiocUtion will be hell'at Libra- inn llmir oirirnna awailinc favrt T 1 1 1 ! o I "V4; .hdinof N.wT, : ry Hall. THURSDAY NIGHT. 8th Inst ? at 8 WILSON'S: DYSENTERY SVIiLT An effectual remedv for Cholera. DrrnU?rr. Dlarrh'ra. Cholera Infantum and Bowel Com plaints jrcncrAlly. may o DRUG DEPOT, Market and Scond Street. . AVllmlngton, N. C. let by tho general governmcn, the voy- .1Ucated. lob- I age has been considerably lengthened, may lt A fall attendance of members Is rc- M. 9. WILLARD. Star copy Sccfy omjiuioncra . ewion, i. uoo- lacrc bina. M. Rohbins. W. Tavlor and and rendered more nazmraous ana un- fit. i.i ..r ir:i wM r iceriaia. wuicu itavw uusiun luuib " auu mo iuuwicm wi iuwviuj a. ue iuiijui is a jojjuuhv,." , , wlu- i (od is cone ernon. I " f cf I'nonn w ii mrr!ti1 In thai rlt T. I miaioiipr.4 ar all Di'tnocrats. A. Dcni-I SflTpr-i rr.irs nfn n iticeLin? v:l I ivl Tharsdavin Mr. Robert M . Wilcox, ocratic mayor mizht been elected but held in Jacksonville, by ; promincut la a? Prt of u,c cltT . m ...m.! r Li.. i .w.. rM men of New Hanover, Pender and i Losciiirni i ne dhub a uauie vt luai uaur u.tu uu uiuu uaic i i urc uviu i i. . . - . . i una nvrni'ini pr. in ninin l on ini Wiicontin m1 M veara of a?e. The I until late in tbe da v. " I Wil. I nlahcl at LOWEST RATE.4 . . j - w I . I UI IJ wu.uiaa w wau extensive v . mington a'ongtbe coast to ACW ntver, Ordcra left at mr Confeclloncry fctorc will i a a i witu anecas terry as its Honnern ier- morning I minus. ! Alucn oreatn was eaxpentieu i .uwuu. MRS. E. WARREN. 11 J & 115 North Second Street Warren's Ice Cream ! "ADE OF PURE CREAM, DELIVERED ny part ot the city. Excursions, Sound Parlica'and Plcnica f-r Another liurtjlary, No. A little alter 3 o'clock tni jurn it a member of an ufr-jiating firm, and very wealthy Tk. .... i ... cour .e wi rwrmaneni v rvniuo iu i . i . n i . t. i. iv. r. . Mr. J, P. O'Sullivan. who lives on the ine uiauer auuweu u an V" r.it. I ... ImntiniiHil to rpsf un to now. In tbe , corner oi r.igniu anu urn4 me. timf. -hilt this rest is beinir bad coast section i ...i f ..v. hA mnm m mimni hi siecmnz lOOiu. I ui l enuer. wnsiow uaa aiuu?cu ouu k.M ii' cm tiarna n 11 r v m r iiiii i iu n a aiMW at )w - a w a. - has recently to be soon rdi$ $.jy is a sanctum sanctorum ws awakened by bearing some one in by Wilmington, and the inch ta r.- - r .nr,rrvrri the room adjoining his sleeping room, of Pender, Onslow has ;,u..,..t . . . I - ih s;d o? gonoto work. A steamer "" u;Qu ir i ancciai Dermiaaioo. i 'iu,v ' j "'- - i k,,, r Maimr Pivor vwia uiva aa v v. ICE CREAM SODA TO-DAY. may lit. Why and that is seiJoru granted. Ho ami s- the bed with a cocked pistol jn his hand hiaiself ia it fJf hours every day, and waiting for the burglar to get into the somc'ioes for whole day?, emerging room, which the latter was attempting w..y to cat and sleep. It i supposed to do. Tho door If a iing to the sleeping t!i: he has in that room a vast num- room was secured by a chair testing k'rof compositions which may never under the knob and this the burglar b made public durinir his life. was trying to remove, ana bad so lar - I -. a - a succeeded as to be ab:qto run nis naim .101 co-uncraie in in. aoa wai aooui ui removo toe cn:ur Mercy' Work. when a little child, asleep n the bed. Supreme Cimrta hava dcidc! andlhv-me nitleii and made a noiSi Marsea Judges say ttat the eonUc i wilch caud the bursar to eh s uue ior tne continual maintenance ot tbe world Oriean the weapon lie fired twice non mat boin iot it ia right and M. A. Dauphin I shots took cCect. as the retreating bur ew uneanj, ia., will give any turtber Information to peraons desiring to co operate in any way in thU work of ins. Iv.. bv th r.val z'xtt of livan rushtd out and bred his piitol at a . iiuuoou) trom Tho Ixjuinana State tjio retreating burglar, but l mpny "V1 Mer "aiulf a snapped at the first tire, a urtQt exam Die of th aanetilv of a I "" . Mz mada bv a ior-ra rn Stain. It la mOM and U ol the npiri wetcy. glar was hrard to grxtn while passing a house soon after, lie got no booty fron th,o bouse. followed bv another, which are to make regulai trips to Beaufort and New Berne. A horse railway has Just been com- D Notice. URINU MY ABSENCE FROM THE Croquet. T $1, l.t5, 2 AND $2.50 PER SETT. HAMMOCKS, 1JASE BALLS, BATS, Ac. SHEET MUSIC, New and atamlard SHEET MUSIC AT ONLY 10 CENTS-pcr copy. Those 50 CENTS BOOKS are alUl booming. Over ono thousand volumes Bold. HEADQUARTERS for orcrythlng In the BOOK AND STATIONERY LINE. YATES BOOK STORE, iny3 113 Market etrcct QNE HUNDRED BUSIIEW CLAY PEAS Consignment Goods. Must be sold. Leave orders at - A. W. RlVKNnAnJC's' rroduce Commlfslon Merchant and Grocerl ji uun imnTcu, niuningcon, n.C - apl 14 : . ; . v To; Fruit Growers. HAVE JUST RECEIVED 1C0.O0O , Prult Raskcta and Siran berry Cratce, and am pre pared to furnish the trade, frn Coldsboro to Charleston. These crates weigh' 11 pounds and save $1.22 la freight between Wilmington and New York, on each trip Wrlto to E. U.BLAIR, T d 1 Ayont City Drugstore.: 2 1 ii MA1CK KT STKEET. ICE CREAM SODA WATER, I BIRDS AM) JrXO VVE BSi Drugs and Patent Modlclnea. ' . I i Conolcy'a Cologne la tad beet In the etty. Cigars and Clareitcx. . i Prcticrkdlons prepared at all hour da tml night. : J. VT. CONOLEY. may 5 Manaarer. JACKSON & BELL, Wafer Power Printers -AM BOOK-BINDERS- city, I leave my accounts In tbe hands of Mr. a a aam . V . pietca trom irento.i. in .Jones cooniy, j w. kerr. He alone la authorised to col- to Tar Landing, the head of navigation lect and receipt for the same on New Biver. Thw steamers take may s Stood - W. J. MOTT. freight Irom both steles of the river, . - a and what gathers at Tar Landing, to OlOD ATQ I nlrlK 1VK YEARS RENT WILL PCR CHASE A HOME. Budding I ota for Em Itmifnrt nd Nnvrbern. whiltt W 11 tuingtoa looks on. talks ab ml a North I jp Carolina system d railroad, and won- L-u ilera whv it is that she does not frow to the DroDortions of Charleston and Nor Je oa tbe inaulmeat plan onCaatle, folk. Newbern has a large oyster-can-. church nui?, aaa, Oraage. Maibrry.1 Red ning business which will no doubt now i croaa,tawyn. Ran aln. Foorth. Filth, sixth. Sereath. Wilson. Eighth, Ninth. DicUnaoo, Tenth, Wood, Bay, Elerenth, Chariot u, Tarelfth. Thirteenth anl Foarteeoih Street. Also, noosea and La4a for sale. Money loaned to thoae arlshlaj to bolld . . Apply to. may 7 cw - - , JAME3 WILSON. We have the mod cutntdete ?lbbl(sh men t of the kind to be foiiud J:i Wilming ton, and guarantee all .our work to be done in fit class style, and on resonable terms. Send in yoor ordem during the dull sea son, and have them executed at the lowevt possible price. TJew nIusic. b rreatlv en lar red. Tbe Uh ami oys ter trale which will flw to her by this new order of things, not Ui mention the proJucts of the field and forest, will prove very lemunerative. Forty miles of road would connect Wil mi a ton with Sneeda Ferry, and rio her the control of a U ff i trade. Why docs abe permit it to be deverted from her? r,Lt. AWAIT MY A LOVK-- rTben tM Spring Time and Robtcs Have Come," a ug by Ttutcher. Primrose & Wcat'a 5ltatrela. . V 5leep Lit lie Ilarlbsi-," "Khnn on the fit lne." .IJtila Dirluig Dream of Me. And all the latest foaga. - , Htieea'a Lace Uasdkercbler, aa played i y the Sew York Co ml-; Open Co. For new and pre; ty Music bo aare tt rt it HELNSBERGER'S apl ?3 - Ur Eook aid UoaI S torts SLIPPERS ! SLIPPERS 1 TyE HAVIi A UNE OF BEAUTIFUL SLIPPERS for Ladle a and Mlf-:s. HAND. SOJIE3T OOODi ia tbe city. J ! Call and ace thcai -' - ' j . Geo. 11. French & Sotjf, m NORTH rit'MT STREET. ' miy j . . . Furniture. jg PKI 5"G AND SUMMER I sl, . A LAKfiK WO' VERY ATPtiACTlTE Stock ot SPRING AND tUUJIEi; COOD8 It now cffercl tft the l. A. hU ITi! FUR5I TNRE WASESOOMi at greater barfa rs thin ever bef re. " ; Call and i .vtodQC azniy, ' ... may 3 1. A. SMITH, FnraKnre. S. rroel Street Gibson's Imported" CaDdy, Jg JHPACIN i 1.IMK rVir. CHANG R. Chocolav, i.i r.ger, Vanlru,4" l;.e,; Butur ' " ' 'J ''.44 i''CT -, Bcow.'i, t Irfrry ail Sua-rrrr-raUku, si may 2 Coraer Fourth and Kca a.' a' Oilro S K. Cuil Prtarriui aBiitr.t!eV Ls at w"