The Dally Review. iOSH. T. JAMES. Editor A Prop. WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY. M4Y 7. 1881. HmmmmmmmmammmaaamrmmH wmmrmmmmmmmmwmammmm mm. mm mm mmmm Kstervd at PostoOce at Wilmington. N. C. a aecond-claa raatter. ThcyKocs and Observer shown up Dr. YorV record Tery clearly on the country government question which is. by the way. one of the isjues npon which his backer propose to tight out this campaign. Dr York record on this question makes Tery inlcrcnio? readies; we copy tome it: The Republicans were singularly un happy yesterday in Guinz a man to their platform. Their platform call for the repeal of the county corercmcnt system and they propose to make that the treat Usae in the fall campaign. There are no end of Republicans in the State whose record is in perfect har mony with this policy; but the Repub licans must needs to out of their party and take up Dr. York, who voted for 'the yery measure1 they now assail. Isn't that odd? To throw overboard ail of their old party leaders was singular cnoagb. but to tako up a man who roted throuzh thick and thin for the Tery law they propose to repeal, is so much at variance with common sense that we cannot believe that the leaders knew about this when they forced his nomination on the uuwilling delegates. We must presume that if Molt fc Co. knew that Dr. York had been the constant, firm ana unwavering: bap porter of this bill they would not have been so persistent in demanding Lh:it lha Republicans should . swallow the bitter pill. It was one of those errors that doubtless arose from iznorance. It was under the circumstances a great blandar. To be sure the Republicans cannot be expected to develop a great deal of enthusiasm crtr a wisby-washy Democrat who was a strong suoporter of the very law they now assail, and who has been saddled on them through the Ignorance and persistency ot the reTenue ring. Senate journal. lS7C-77. p. 2G3, S. B. 408, introduced by Mr. Folk. Rill to establish county government. P. 323 On motion of Mr. Coke the bill was considered by sections. Whenever a vote was recorded Mr. York voted to snxtaln the bill. Motions were made to adjourn and Mr. York Toted against them. P. 323 Mr. Coke offered the lollow iog substitute for section 7: Section?. All the provisions of ar ticle 7. of the constitution, inconsistent with this act (except those con la iced in sections 7. 9 and 13), are hereby abro gated in the provisions of this act sub stituted lo their place." MrvYork voted in the affirmative. Mr. Green called for tho yeas end najs upon the passage of the bill on Us second reading, and Youk. voted for its passage. P.3I3-S. B. 408. Bill to establish county government on its third reading. Mr. Dunn moved to amend as fol lows: Amend section 4 by striking out General Assembly" and insert "the qualified voter of the several counties of tho State." This proposed amend ment was to provide for the election of the magistrates by the people. The aye and noes were ordered upon Mr. Dunn's amendment, and it was lost ayes 8. noes 24. YORK voted in the NEGATIVE. The bill then passed its third reading, York voting for it. We yesterday presented Dr. York's record on the passam of the county government bill in 1877. He voted for the measure every time and-voted against every motion which the Repub licans made for the purpose ot delay or to defeat the bill. He voted plump gaisnt the proposition to elect the magistrates by the people. That w a In tho legislature or 187&-T7. The Democrat ot Wilkes county re tamed him to the next legislature and we find blta In 1870 a member of the Hoojo. Oa January 2. 1S70, psgo of journal 112. "II. B. 141, a bill to amend an act chUUedTuf act Lo establish coun ty government. was put on its second reading. Mr. Hinea moved to lay on the table. Mr. Norment demanded the yea and nay jca Cfi. York vot ing to lay on the table: nays 47. So alter having had two years to think of it. Dr. York itill stood by this measure. And again did the people of Wilkes elect him to the legislature, and we Cad him In the Senate of the session of 1531 where he still malntalued his position as a strong supporter of the county government'aystem. Indeed, from the beginning to tho end Dr. York has been strenuous in the advo cacy of this measure because as he said it gave Lis people a mucn ocuer gov eminent than they evr had beiore. Fashionable circle in New York hare been greatly interested in the Klrmrsa which was tiven at the Metropolitan Opera House Tuesday lor the benefit of the New York Skin and Cancer Hospital. As this peculiar form of entertainment has not. yet rached the Sooth, a description of it will no doubt Interest the reader. The derivation of the word "Kirmess" is ha obscure, but the name has lonr been applied to the spring festival or fair which for centuries has been k.m jh rear In the villages ot the Netherlands, when the peasants give themselves up to several days ot CetiTltv. Leaving their home tn gay holiday aUire. they flock to the towns. which they make Into a great piay ground, rnihlnf through the streets to the cry of Ilosscn, uowen. xae Klrmesa proper is established In some square, occupied by gay booth and tents, at vhlch m great variety of aril dc are oHercd lor tale, while there ara shows, astrologers, gymnasts and many devices to amuse, tha idea of a festival being tho primary feature. The booths at which articles of food are offered are all in charge ot pretty girls ino!d Holland costume. A great fea ture of tho ktrmcss is found in the va- rioa Uanrci executed bv groups of peasant! from different sections in lancv costumes, each vicing with the other in their picturesque scenes, or in tho per fect ton ot their execution of difficult flan. Thf onera house has btcn tit- ted up with booths and arrangements mm! far d.mein?.. A larfre sum was mnJiTPfi hv a 'Kirincss" tor the same object last year. 0 Tn n nr!r.ift conversation wita a member of the German Parliament, Prince Bismarck recently explained his reasons for withdrawing troru the di- rnltnn nf Prtujitl nfTflirS: "I 0.111 70 ft rr VI W l V mm. years old. My nerves are bad. and I have no time lo be unclious. How can TiKint-nr milled fecliri23 and small m W mnh m m mm, particular jeiloui'ci when obliged to watch events xroing on everywhere? nhv fearful I v inulLinlies my dtr aw" ties at the Chanccllcrie. Germany is in irrsttl in what haDDCii3 at Home. Ma drid. Vienna. Pcitii, St. raris. London, New York, Washing ton. Hue, Tamatave, Melbourne, Syd- nov. Cairo and Khartoum. I must re- rini tho world as n chcs3 board, and sec how an event happening, no mat iir where, can bo made directly or in directly to aCcct German interests. Fnrnierlv a chancellor iust needed to be familiar with the dominant persons in the courts of Kurooe. He must now understand as well parties, wirepullers financiers, and currents of public feel ing, and act rapidly on information tel egraphed to him in haste. To general ize rapidly, hi3 eye should be every where and his knowledges most exten sive and exact. The chancellorship is no sinecure. Its du'ies might overtax a younger man. If the Emperor did not fully support me I could not get through them. Tlie .Doctor' Endorsement. Dr. W. P. Wright, Cincinnati, O.. sends the subjoined professional en dorsement: l have prescribed DR. WM. HAUS 1$ ALo AM tUll Tills LUNGS in a great number of cases and always with success. One case in particular was given :up oj several nhvsicians who had been called in for consultation with myself. The patient had all the symptoms of confirmed Consumption cold night sweats hectic fever, harrassmg cougU3. etc. ho com menced immediately to get better and was soon restored to his nsual health. I found DK.-WM. 11A1..1j FOR THE LUNGS the most valuble expectorant lor breaking up distressing coughs and colds. I paws tor a reply,1 when she scratched at mission. ' as the cat said the door for ad- Koswlalis. ROSADALIS is a great remedy for Scrofula, and all taints and diseases of the Blood. It is not a secret medicine. but is well known to phjsicians, very many of whom regularly! prescribe it in their practice. It is a strengttoning medicine, enriching the blood and buildinir ud the system, it snouia Petersburg' be taken at all times and seasons, but t A I ,lti tne sunucn cnanges in inc weamur ui turb the functions of the system, and nducc disease. Read the iollowing ettcr: Moore's Cheek, N. C, Jan. 17, 1881. I have suffered 37 years witn Jver complaint, Rheumatism, Sick IleadJ ache and disordered Stomach l was at one time having distracted, rnbbiug my hands and halt crazy with pain. My wile sent lor a doctor, anu ne at tended me 0 months. Ho said ho could do mo no eood. I felt I was in tho jaws ot death. Another physician took mo in charge ana doctorea me 10 months. I paid him $33 and owe mm $40 more, but ono bottle of ROSA DALIS did me more good than all the medicine the doctors ever gave me. J. II. WALKER. VV.V t t V The best eridence in the worid of the purity ted exoelleuce of BlactweU'B EuH Durlitm Smoking' Tobacco la found in tho fCt that the fame of this tobacco increasee from rear to year. This could not be the case if it were merely " gotten up to sen," or had any dubious or dangerous ingre dients in it Among' millions of users of all nationalities, surely some ono would find out If it were impure, injurious or unpalatable.. For 18 years this tobacco has been acknowledged to be the lest in iA world, and every year the Bull Durham brand grows more popular, the demand for it wider, and Emokers more enthusiastic over its delicious natural flavor. Ask your dealer for it. Get the genuine trade mark of the BulL H . There is no mischief done where I Black weU's Bull Durham 1. Smoking Tobacco is used. I'.Ji' men 7 1yd nrm c f rl SPEIM & SUMMER GOODS I wow oupisisri -AT- A proud man demands of himself ex traordinarv ability: an arrogant man ascribes it to himself.. 116 Market St. 3IxVY MOONSHINE. Ancient Rome had eight circuses. How tho ncwsDaDer offices must have! been besieged by dead heads ! A Chicago man fell dead iii a saloon the other day jast alter taking a drink. Tho barkeeper has been arrested He is tuspected or having adultoiated the whisk) with water.) A Chicaeo dude blushed and ran into a stairway when he saw ja party of ladies coming down the street, lie Iiau fonrotten his cne and could not meet them in such a nude stale. Itha3 iust' Ieik-d out that John Taylor.preident of the Mormon church. called ratti "a delicious ! darling" ana tried lo embrace her. lie tiiua t mean it. Ho acted involuntarily through torce of habit. Gecrce William Curtis, being asked if Ibere wero anv new authors of special promise, answered: "Not one. There is no Jiterary movement ot any kind under way." Do you hear that, Mr. Blaine not one? A widow, intendinc to sncceed her husband in tho management of a hotel. advertised that "The hotel will be kept by tho widow of the former handlord, Mr. Urown. who died last summer on a new and improved plan' ( A poetess bad begun a poem in un compromising blank verse on the de generacy of man ; ''Man was a noble being once: but' bo " And here she was compelled to leave il. A de generate one came in and took the liberty of helpiug her forward a little: "Would probably have remained so; but she " Ex-Speaker James W. Husted, of tho New York Legislature, MAKES A FEW KEMARKS. "You did not eo to Florida for your cough and cold, as you proposed?" "No! i found tho necessary ozone ana pine aroma in lour aucock a roruu? Plasters, two on my back ana two on my chest. I was quickly cured ; they proved a perfect shield agains t pneumonia. These plasters also cured my son ol rheumatism in the shoulder, which for months defied medical skill. 1 have found them very quick to cure and ab solutely painlesi. In bruisos no exter nal remedies can be more effective.' "Allcock'a is the only genuine Porous Plaster; buy no other and you will not be cheated. Silver Plated Spoons, Forks an Knives of best quality, and at manu facturer's prices, can be found at Ja cobi's Hardware Depot. t MISCELLANEOUS. Nothing Like Them. Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters are be yord all comparison toe best, irompt, sure. Price 25 cents. apl 21 War I Books. SEVEN UKAT MONARCHIES of the An-1 clcnt World. Br GEORGE KAWUWSOX. "Wbat Is more TERRIBLE Uian War? unless It be a waramon? publishers, then wbat could le IIAPFlEB, for rejolclnsc book buyers? Such a war Is In progress. Price reduced from fl-itofi.40. specimen pages irce. hot, bo hi by dealers; prices to low. Books for examin ation before paymon. JOHN B. ALDEN, PubUsner. 18 VcseySL.N. Y. P. O. Box 1237. apl 21 iw Many ladies admire gray hair on some other person. But lew care to try its effect on their own charms. Nor need they, pincc Ayer' Hair igor. preventi the hair from turning gray.and re-lores gray ha!r t its original color It cleanses the scalp, prevents the forma tion of dandrutl, and wonderfully stimulates the growth of the hair. NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. No More Weak Eyes. PEUSONAL. I .lay Cooke, whose lortunc was swept away by the crash of of 1873. is to-day ono ol tne wealthiest men of l'cnnsyl vania. no has investments in iron. coal, gold and silver mines and rail roads reaching lar into tho millions. Iauy Stradbroko was paid S3. 12 tor the paragraph which brought Edmund Yates to grief. Colonel Preston Johnston, a son ot (tcneral Albert Sidney .Johnston, is re ported by the lie v. Dr. Henry M. Field as saying of the battle ofShiloh: "When my father was shot and fell from his horse, be had gained a great victory: and if ho had not been killed at that critical moment, he would have captured General Grant and his whole army." j ! General John U. Gordon, chairman of the central committee having care in New York of the proposed Contedcrate Home, reports a very general and gen erous response to his circular j asking for Subscriptions. General Grant sent a very kind letter, with a check for $500. Wm. C. Dunton. one of the largest paper dealers in New York, dropped dead in his office, Thursday evening. from apoplexy. Hon. Wm. M. Evarta is confined lo his house by illness. MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. A Certain, Safe and KffecUve Remedy for SORE. WEAK AND INFLAMED EYES, Producing 'Long-Sightedness. an 1 Be I . storing the Sight ot the Old. Cures Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye Turners, ucu eyes, aiatted Kye jladcs, ana rro ducing Quick Belief and Perm a -i nentCure. Also, equally efficacious when used In other ma Ladles, such as Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tu mors, Salt Rheum. Burns. Piles, or wherever Inflammation exists. MITCHELL'S 8AL.VK may be used to advantage. soia by au Druggists at 23c. apl zi-w 266th Edition. Price Oply SI BT MAIL TOST-PAID. "The point that I am striving to reach, my dear scholars,7' said a school teacher, as lie seated nimselfin his chair, is vcrv simple and " but he never finished the sentence. Void or Oflenco. Tho breath becomes4 void of offence" when contaminated with decaying or impure tectn, tr bUZOUOT. the na tional beautifier of badly tarnished mouths, is used systematically. It in stitutes a speedy reform of those condi tions favorable to dental decay, such as the corrosive action of acid impurities fermenting upon the coronal surface. the destruction of tho enamel by tartar and the injurious influence of tobacco. Polish daily and b!e. after meals, if possi- KNOW THYSELF.' A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MACHO OD. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline in Man, Errors or Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from IndiscreUon or excesses. A book for every man. young, middle aged and old. Jt contains 125 prescriptions for all ar.nt a and chronlo diseases, each one of which Is lnvalu able. So found by the Author. vhaM Tmri. ence for 23 years Is such as probably never before f eU to the lot of any physician. 300 pages, bound in beautiful ITrench muslin, em bossed coders, fuU gUt, guaranteed to be a finer work lneverv sense merhi.n!-i iujrir " proieBwonaj man any outer work sold in this country for fi50, or the money will be refunded In every Instance. Price only $L00 by malL post-paid. lUustratlva mnU c Send now. Gold dcUi awarded thA mnthor by the X alio rial Medical Association, to the oncers or which be refers. This book should be read by the younjt for Instruction, and by the aCllcted for reUeZ It will benefit all. London Lancet. There is so member cf aodetv tn knm tMa book will not be asefuL whether guardian. Instructor or clerryinanul rmaaux. Address the Peabody If cdlcal fnsUtute. -t 1t. JV. II. Parker, No. 4 Buliancn Street, coston. Jiasa.. who may be consulted on all diseases renulrlns; skill and experience. Chronlo ad obUnate lLv:aes that have baffled the skill of XU P r r n ntner physic dtns a specialty. L J LZm l- Lm3 Such creaiea succesai a-- rn w r rm m rm ly without an in- L J if ai L2. IL. L aunce ot failure. arl :i-tUtrr 4w All the Latest Novelties I IN Dress Goods, White-Goods, s ? i j Gloves, Hosiery, ' Corsets, Housekeeping Goods, Men and Bok Wear, AJAj AT PK'CES LOWEK THAN THEY I '" P HAVE CilEN FOR YEARS. I And which In Texture Wear acd Durability 1 will give satisfaction. MORE PARTICULARS IN A FEW DAYS. 1 CALL, AND GET SOME OF THE SPCIA BARGAIN" AT i ' na. m. katz', 116 .Market St. jan2l , THE SUIST. NEW YORK, 1884. About sixty million copies of The Suit have gone out of our establishment during the past twelvemonths. If you were to paste end to end all the col umns of all The bxrss printed and sold last year you woulcUret a continuous strip ef in tercstinir Information, common sense wisdom. sound doctrlre, and sane wit, long enough to reach from Printing House square to the top i juount Copernicus in the moon, then back to Printing House equare, and then three-quar ters oi toe way uacs: to tne moon strain. But THE SUN Is written for the inhabitants of the earth; this same strip; of Intelligence wuuw irue tne fcioue twenty seven or twen ty-euros times. If every buyer of a copy of Tiik Sun during me pas year nas spent omy one nour over it. and IX his wife or his grandfather has spent another hour, this newspaper in 1SS3 has af forded the human race thirteen thousand years oi Bteauy reauiug, uigni anu aay. It la only by little calculations like these that you can form any idea ot the circulation of ihe most popular of American newspapers, or of Its influence on the opinions and sciions American men and women. The Sux is, and will continue to be, a news paper wnicn tells the truth without fear of consequences, which gets at the facts no mat er how much the process costs, which pre ents the news of all the world without waste or worus ana in the most readable shape, which la (working with all Its heart for the cause of honest government, and which there fore believes that the Republican party mut E. and must go In thl icoming year of our rd.1854. If you know The Svs, you like it already, and you will read it with accustomed diligence and profit during what is sure to be the meet Interesting year in its history.! If you do not -ytt know The Sex, it i3 high time to get Into the sunshine. Wilmington . &: Weldon Railroad Company. Ornc of GKKKai.1, su?e kin ten dent, Wilmington, N. C. A prll 25, 13r4. I - 'following wholes vAr email orders blstJJJ Change of Schedule; fS AND AFTER APRIL 27, ISS1. At 9.00 Vrv. m., i-aasenTCT TT3lns on the Wllmln Leave Wilmington, Front St. Dep t, A. Arrive at Weluon 2.SI P. ton & Weldon Railroad will run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS DAIX.T NOS. 47 NOBTH AKI 4S SOUTH. &1 il fjC-ave Weldon 3.00 P. & Arrive at Wilm'gton,Froct5t. D'pt, 8.40 P. W Fast Thbocgh Mail & Passbkoeb Tkajk DailtNo. 40 Sooth. - L-eave V eldon 5.50 P. M Arrive at Wllm'gton.FrontSt.D'p't 10.k' MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAINS DAH.T No. 43 North. L-eare Wilmington.... Arrive at Weldon....'. -3.00 2.10 P. A. Train No. 40 South will stop only .at Wilson. Trains on Tarboro Branch Roadlxvp. nv- uAvuai wr laruuru ei i.xu -A. SSI. ana 4.30 If. M- Daily; bundays excepted). Returning leave Tarboro at 10.00 A.M and 3 P. M. Dallv. A.auio va tiwuauu icci unman itoad leive jjauiax ior ocotiana JNecK at 3.25 P. Ji. Re lurrjng leave Scotland Neck at 8.30 A. M - -. - ' " uai:y excrpi aunaay. ; xia,iuxu. 4. inajit;' cioee oonncction at WO aon ior au points iorta lallv. All rail vis jticnmona, ana caiiy except Sunday via Jjaj Train No. 43 runs daily and makes close con nection for all Foints North via Richmond and vvasningcon. All trains run solid between Wl'mlnalon anr Tasnmgion, ana nave ruiiiaan Palace Sleen ers attached. 1 or accommodation of local travel a Ta?scn- S:r coach will be attached to local freight leav g Wilmington at 0.55 A. M. Daily excenl bunaay. . i JOHN F. DIVIN1C, General Superintendent. T. Al. EJ-llfiRSON, Genera Passenger Axeni. apl 23 . j Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta. BJ 11. Co, OFFICS OF GEIiKAl. SUFEEINTEXDENT, Wilmington, N. C. April 25.13T4 ... r O 1 . 9.10 P. M . 2.40 A. fti . 6.20 A. M. . f.,40 A. M. . 9. 55P. M. .10.30 P.M. . 4 S3 A. M. . 8.23 A. if. Change of Scheduie. ON AND AFTEK APEIL 25th, ! iSj"4, at 4.33 A. M., the following Passcnorer Sehed u!e will be run oa this road : : NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAILY Noa. 48 Wcctand47 Eaft. Iavo Wilmington Leave norenee Arrivo'at C. C. & A. Junction Arrived Columbia Leave Columbia. Leave C, C. & A. Junction.., Leave Florence Arrive at Wilmington. Night Mail ao Passengim Tbaik, Dailt , No. 40 W3T. Leave Wilmington... .....!f4 P. J5L Arrive at Flerence J.45 A. M, MAIL AND PAS3ENGEK TRAIN DAILY No. 43 East. Leave Florence at Arrive at Wilmington: Train 43 stops at all Stations, No. 40 stops only at Fleming ton, and Marlon Passengers for Columbia and all pcl&ta on U & C. R. R., C., & R. R. Stations. Aiken June Hon, and all poInt3 beyond, ehonlfi take the 4J Night KxpreesI Separate Pullman Sleepers for Charlestoi and Augusta on Trtin 4 0 All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. Local freight leaves Wilmington daily ex cept Sunday at 5.C3 A. JI: i JOHN F. DIVINE, General 3 tiierin indent ' T. M. KS1ERSON, General Pawicnger Agent . aid 23 I-- Carolina Central B. H. Company. OFFIOB OF EJTEBAL SrjPEKINTIfDE2iIt 1 Wilmington. N. C. Oct. , IKS. j Standard.,. lat fv :...... BACON-Nortlt Caroiini:" . irtiin, y n... ...... Shoulders, f ft......!- Sides, ft.!....!.. WESTERN SMOKElC Hams........ ....... Shouldera... DRY SALTKD oiaes. v ft........... Shoulders, ft. BARRELS Spbnra Tvrr'" Second Hand r.s r ..... 11 o 10J40 u S ? 00 o 00 o n a o New Ney York, each... New Clty,each BEESWAX, V ft " BRICKS, f M BirrTER, ft North Carolina......... Northern........ .... CANDLES, V ft Soerm Itiilow A daman time " CHEESE, ft Northern Factory.;.... Dairy, Cream "" OUVLC. .......... COFFEE, V ft Java..... Laguyra. ILlrt CORN MEAL, V bus.. In 'sacks COTTON TIES, bundled 1 DOMESTICS- e" 1 Sheeting, 44. yd. .......... Yarns. bunch.. ' 1 1SU f I w O fc is a 12 O 11 o 10 o 13 j !! "H airs o Ilackmrp.l. Kn. 1 i. .J Mackerel No. l half bb S ' 5 Mackerel, No. 2 bbL 1 4,10 Mackerel! No ? h.w ? 19 Mackerel No. 5 V lllZ .. S Mullets, bbL..T. I.. J 5 Mullets, Pork obis. ! ! ?S N. C. Roe Hcrrincr. V UryCwX, v ft...r..:.."T" XfERTlLliERs, y 2,000 ftsM""' . f Peruvian uuano, No. n Baugh'sPhosphato ....ImS ! Carolina Fertilizer .I.... S 2 2 2 OlJt 8a a Bone Meal.... Bone Flour......-"" 0 Navassa Guano ...I . SS Complete Manure S2 Whann's Phosphate........ mS ?2 wandoPhosphate....::::;::;gg ; Berger & Butz's tin m IT . Exccllenza Cotton Yeim&uoo French's Carbonate of l3Ss?S:f?f 1 French's Aerlnltn.1 TJr L IS to ... s aa am ma oo French's Agricultural Limn JBXrfJUlt, T DU1 Fine... 0 0 It ..j.35 P. M ....7.42 P. M .......... ... .11!.. T C w W. iwu-iiiuui)M I u, : 5xir" oiS siLwuy...... im 017. City Mills-Extra. e0 S 12 FamUy jtj SS . Extra Familv.... s u Z, ft ...... Jj o u GRAIN, V bushel- A9 u uorn, from store, bags,white. ' u Corn, cargo, In bulk, white.. d o Corn, cargo. In bags, white.. 66 a Corn, cargo, mixed, In bags.. , oaia, iroiu store......... G5 0 fk r vart ................ . . 1 uu mm i if HIDES, V ft . Green Drv.;..... ii HAY, V 100 Eastern. ................. 1 20 Western. ,. i u North River is uuur uuuN, , ft.... LARD. V ft i I LIME, barrel... LUMBER, City Sawed. M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed. 13 00 ffSi 9 Rough Edge Plank & oo Git I Webt India Cargoc,accordhr to quality. JJ 00 ?ls Dreseed Floorlnj, scaaoae1..18 00 ir Bcauuing ana jJoard. com'n:.H 00 OHM MOLASSES. ? gallon I' VT mT i a A. xhuw irop iruoa, in nnos..... oc " hi bbls 40 Porto Rico, in bads 00 00 I 40 flit i 4 V.l.1- w L'vin.. ........ Sugar Houec.ln hhds in bbia.. ........ Syrup, in bbls... ILS, Keg, Cut. lOd basis.. 0 00 0N Change of Schedule. AlD AFTER OCT'R 1st, 1S83, THE NA OILS, V gallon iveroscne Lard..... Linseed UVOUi.. ..... .......... -Tar................ Deck and Soar..'.. Jt TTT rrro 1 ? Chickeiw, live, grown Turkeys......., PEANUTS W bushel POTATOES, y bnshel weet Irish, tf-bbl..... PORK, V barrek- City aless.. rime Rump..... 0 O O ft 0 tf 0 0 0 II All tt0 i. ....... ...... 13 90 00 CO Si ID 75 SO to M 00 0l 01 011 0 0 I 0 1 0 t 0IB Ol 0 010 " M MT 0m Si ...II ..1700 Oil" BICE Carolina, y ft.......... Rough, bushel BAGS, V ft Country.. W17 rope, vf a SALT, V sack. Alum.......... 09 Liycrpoo 00 Lisbon.......; ......... 00 American............ 0 01U iw ji U0 Txbxs to Mail Subscribers. The several editions of Tiib Sex are sent ty mall, postpaid, as follows: DjMHTf?,nMto onth ts a yesr; with Sunday edition. $7. SUNDAY Eight page. This edition furnish es the current news of the world, special articlca of exceptional Interest to every nfterary reviews of new books of the highest merit. $1 a year. - T WEMZ7?3HefiT- fht P" of be best ?SSSi0i1,y Usuiiul Agriculturtl Department of uscquallod value, special narket reporta, and literary, edentifle ; and domestic Intelligence make Tiib WExaxr sua : the neveuaperfortbe fann er household. To clubs of $10. an extra copy free. Address - I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher. o . IM Scar. N. Y. City following scneaoie will be operated oa this Railroad : . TASSSNGER MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN ' Dally except Sundays. 1 Leave Wilmington at 7.00 P. No. Ll J Leave Raleighat... 8.00 p. ) Arrive at Charlotte at- 7.30 A. ) Leave Charlotte at ..8.15 P. No. 2. Arrive Raleigh at 8.30 A. M M M M M M j Arrive at Wilmington at.... 8.25 A. Passenger Trains stop at rce&lar station-. only, ana points designated m the Company': MAIL SHELBY, DIVISION, PASSENGER, EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Daily except Sundays. v o 1 Leave Charlotte 8.15 A. M Arrive at Shelby 12.15 P. M. Xrt , ) Leave Shelby..... i 7.40 P.M. ) Arrive at unariotte.... 5.40 P. M. Trains No. 1 and 2 make cloee connection at namiei witn li. & A. Trains to and from Hi eigh. . Through Sleepinar Cars between Wilmln and Charlotte andRalelzh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for Statesvllle, Stations t estern aukk, Asnevilie and points Wee Also, for Spartanburer. Greenville. Athm Atlanta and all points Southwest. . L. C. JONES, Superintendent. F. W. CLARK, General Ptsaenger Agent OCt 1 ! sJl'VJiiW, V -ID UOa.. Porto Rico A Coffee c I EX C-.'lS. Crushed SOAP. V ft Northern. CO 30 00 00 70 I 0 lew 0 0 O 0 o 6 i 0 SHINGLES, 7 In. V M M mu - Common.;....... M ! Cypress-Saps j!I Cvprees "Hearts...... ; JJJ STAVES, f M-W.O. BarreL.l 00 0JJ B. O. Hogshead ... " I TALLOW, V ft..i... , TIMBER, M feet Shlpptof.l M fAZ Finn m?ii. . .I.....11 f-f PARSLEY & WIOGINS, I MANUFACTURE ES OF SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, j and ; : ." ."' ' ORNAMENTAL WOOD WOKK. apl 22 tf ... , . .. Uoxes and Crates,1 FOR 8HIPMEST OF VIGS.TAB ES AND FrulU. in shoots or read r made. i . . , YELLOW PKNE LUMBER. A full stock of Hough and Drctsed Lumber. x's, ior ctuiainz punHJses. - , r Oraers by the cargo. Domestic and For elgn. solicited. ! . aid22"dAw PARSLEY A WIGGINS 1 Mill Prime j Mill Fair.. . .tJ Common MUI.....I '2 it Inferior to Ord?nary -.Jr Si a WHISKEY, gal Northern..! 00 0 WOOL.V ft Washed 2 I7mrnhv1-- ......... " Burrv..... i. 11 0, : : i . Mi HAT Tl ior the working clu- fe uU JjU 601118 for pu!i , 'V.-W-inall Jonr,aroraWf, box of sample good that will VgJZ? way ef making more money la you ever-thought possible i st fiTM Capital not required, We will can work all the time or in 'Vfj The work is universally adapted too I young and old. You can easily cents to $5 every evening. That work may test the business, ef""rtt? paralleled offer: to all who are w fled we will sfhd $1 to pay for i writing us. Full partlars. tfre who give their whole time to tbe- & Address Snxso Co., fJ. mm now.; Maine. AGENTS m. uu mm mm ms mvi " best book ever The sold for -- laa U1U J pnee. The fastest selling b.Vifi Immense profits to agenu. t!L! people want It. Any one caaff; y cessful agent. Term free. 5in Co . Fori land, name. ' "Dyed.'.' TMONACIP8, 164 SECOND STBEET,Le- t ween Market and Princess, Ladles anl Ger- tlemea'a good of eTery description, any color. Also, cleaning-scouring and bteaching.SKeid ms a pair of your okl K W Glove i . jr f a week at home. -66 PasTabsoluusly.awt, Capital not-required. bn-irw at which persons of iZ cr obi, can make great Pr :t fif work, with absolute ccAalntr.JJV ilea la rs to IL JUixrrT A . ny n lr" " ' ' XL A AlA-IXJ ana yo L box of goods which wiU JZZJt! morey rt away than aajWj xmtkL All. ot either s. ,iCr?.7-zJ . Ail, Ol euv rr-",L,e0'PC' - hour The broad rooa w tt the workers, ansoiuicjjr ilrees, Tkcjb & Co., Aug 11 ''! 'Si1; a n Q .i - U a covsu-bmajyw

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