An OH Coldier'a EXPERIENCE. K73,XSS2. ! wish to axpcea gyjprtcUUoa of tt TilaAlIa qualities of Ayer's ChenyPectoral aa a ecili rVbedy. WaOe wlA CbaitlHTi arsrj,?3st befor ta Vt:U of Vkiabarx. X contracted a se vere cold wfclca terminated la a danreroo a a- I focnd do relief till on our march w eaa to a eoatry store, vbere, oa aiklng for sony rttaedy, I waa urged to try ATza'f Cxxxar PxcroKAi X did so, aad ni rapidly cared. Sines tk I Lat kept tin PxcToruX eomtictly by ae. for family bm, and I have food It to be Uralaable remedj for throat and long dlaeasea. J. TT. WmTLST. Tbooaand of tettlmonials certify to the rroeopt car of all bronchial and Ions affection, by the cm of Atis'i Cttzzzr rrcroaxi. IUInx Ttry palatable, the yoasj at caiUraa taxe It readily. nZTAXZD IT DrJ.C.Ayer&CoLowelfjMass Soil by all Dmjirta, laal lytcJ?.LxA " l T-he Daily Review Fill DAY. 31 AY 10. IS84 t- . v . I nnhlfi DOrtlon . of GT 'V ?.ew " 7" W rhiL t there should; bo on fia txrcuiaiwn, W any newspaper 7--.-- nM th mo needed. . l WMB - - w - -V. Itiilroad on to Cincinnati, ana me, .,t..nt.nLrh coined by this, move r ,V. vxtlmnort&ncfi not only to the ro1 Itself, bat to the entire State of North Carolina, as well ai to a consiu- virnnia anu .ivcu- no trouble corjnmiciAii news. vullishcd. in the ciijf of Wxlminoton. - WILMINGTON MARKET. , w . - May 1G 4 P. M SPIRITS TURPENTINE -Quoted qmetat 24 cents per gallon bid. "Small sales at these figures, letter sales of in oongkess vb8tkkday. sexatk. , Waciuxrvrnv. Mav I jj After the! reading of the Journal it was agreed that wfcn the Senate adjourrs to-day it be to Monday n-xt. The Cbair laid before the Senate a M . 1 A . ni-si?ro ironi me rresiuein. recu.n- an AVirt ariZ Observer: 1 hat veteran " ruilmad coaductor. Uapt. JJaiias i. xtuoin vjaoiea can at slot lor Ward, whose name is a tower oistreguj Strained and $1,121 for Good Strained to the traveler, nas aauauj c3 Sales of 120 barrels Mason and Dixon's lin and captured a lovely and winsome bride in the person of MissHatlio Van Iderstine, of Brook lyn. N. Y. It was in that city that the couple were made one yesterday, Rev. rtthfw it. I'arson. or ew ior. or li barrels W at S3.25 and Window Glas3 at $3.75. TAR Quoted firm at $1 30 per bbl of 280 lbs. . , CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted nprformin? the ceremony. Capt Ward steady at $1.75 for Virgin and Yellow nipnd iiL- an aouroDJiation to enaoie has the reputauon oi oeinz one oi tue mm aDasi ior mra. the government to execute the provis- most popular conductors in this portion 1 CQ TTON Quoted dull. Small sales ir;,i v.n.. imi r.,;m r. lstin? la frrA wnrds he ireis. Everybody Pn a Dasis ot ll ce per pound fur lh boundary line botween tho two wishes him and his bride the best ol Middling. The following are the official countries. good fortune and all the happiness they quotations: 1 The Appropriation com route srepori- oiay d-sire. ( Ordinary cd the invalid pension bill wim amend- charlotte Jfonic: Among the prom- Good Ordinary. . . .".V. inents. TJat-e on mecaienuar. inent visitors to the 20th May cci Low Middling i no .-aiut ."tu-..vv i - v. I eDraLloa lfc is asce uaiuuu iuu. vuc ii For Sale Low. A LOT Or CUEWING TODACCO. :UhtI ituaarod. Vflll b toVl at low Hearts t cio on t aid most aoH at on ce ll. BKUMULD A BBO.. say g lr Wllalaitoo, N. C. Thunder an'd Lightning 1 -pXOXTCT TOUR H0U4K3 WITH LIGHT. M.VQ SODS. Soi-plr yourCook wlthaGOOD STOVE W bare tbetn. Call aod kc. 1-AJlKEH A TATLOR. rtJEK WHITX OIL may 12 Furniture. LL TUX LATXST AND LEADING riU terms of Clflibcr, Dialog lioota and Library Salts, ftcrttarle, 8klcbonl, Mr. HATTRESSCS of all la stoca aoJ ts a le to order. Tiioa. c CBirr, At., roraltare Dealer, . msyl2 20 So. F root Street PRETTY SHOES I JO TOU WANT A MCE FITTING SHOE to maka your foot look pretty ? Do you want a SHOE tast will look neat aid nt hurt ? Coma aad let ui show you some of the "nicest la towa. Geo. R. French & Sons, 108 NORTH FROVT STREET, may it lmnixlmnils :i bill to aid IbC W Orlll S Industrial and Cotton Exposition at New Orleans. On; motion of Mr. Cockrcll the bill was put immediately upon iis passage. . The bill was passed substantially as itenme from the House, the amend ment remaining at one million dol lars. A resolution wa offered by Mr. Mor gan, which under the rules went over one day, directing the. committee, on Finance to examine into the cause- of the failures of such national banks in New York as have suspended business in May, 11, and report whether said failures have to any and to what extent resulted from anv violation oHhc laws regulating their conduct, and irom eiv ioir certificates upon drafts, or by their acceptances of drafts or other commer cial paper drawn upon the indirectly or indirectly in violation of the laws ; and whethor any of the national batiks in New York have been engaged since lowing will be present: Senator Pen dleton, of Ohio and sccretaty. Senator Jones, of Florida, Senators Hampton and Butler, of South' Carolina; and Representatives Carlisle, of Kentucky. Fornev. of Alabama. Davidson, ot Florida. Evins. ot South Carolina, Mills, of Texas; Dowd, Bennett, Green. Skinner and York. of North Carolina; a'fio. Gov. Jar vis: Col. Geo. S. Scott and Col. A. L. Rives, ot the Richmond & Danville Railroad: Col. A. B, An draws. President of the Western N. C Railroad, and several other Rail road officials and prominent gentlemen of whose names we have not been in- forntocJ. C. P. ct Y. V. R. R. Editoi: Review: The communica tions that have recently appeared in the Review diseusainsr the relative dis tances between Favettevillc and WiH mincton via Clinton, or otherwise, it seems to this writer arc entirely nnnec- Middling. . Good Middling 01 12 11 Hi UI cents 44 DAILY RECEIPTS. Cotton......... , Spirits Turpentine ! Rosin.. Tar. Crude Turpentine 3 bales 209 casks 678 bbls 67 bblu 260 bbls MISCELLANEOUS. J MISCEtLAHEOCs. Q Q IN CLOTHING DOXT MEAN 'CHEAP, SHODDY. OLD. .Moil, . . . filial, a - 1 .... . . , ' , r I . .' trash, as every one knows as well as we do, yet in the L.. knowledge many will buy such stuff, merely because if cheap, Then common sense should teach them that it ' is the most expensive in the long run. u hy so foolish when H will show you the very newest designs aud finest select ionsat6Ueh OUIl MEN'S, BO Y'S AND CHILDRp , - , " uown. style is a model of good taste, and fine workmanship, and the oVa 1 kTrnr iKon IxfV AT ... .t i . ""'p'" uviuic. woimcr inentnat wcarcbiior than ever, occasioned by the merits of our elegant gool j Ev Prict MARINE NEWS. .liny r., i.. n vioauon or cjaM.m o --3- ibis stage ot ttc proceedings. ...v. ... - . 3 ...-o .. : -- f;.t ,nc connection Dc.ween me two lliat tne coinniuvec nave leave 10 su .1. . - ! l ..... ... 1 secured to insure the construction Get the connection bc.ween luring Ihe sessions of the Senate, to visit 1118 cny 01 1 ofk. 1 e.m ier - . .. . t bc loC3iledt will ousamer a rurt, v persons or papers ana examine 11- 1 Lrt .1' nmnoP timntn raise the oucstion V11ie "ormcs Worth. j ARRIVED. Steamship Videtle, Fuller, Baltimore, A D Cazaux. Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith ville, blaster. Steam yacht Louise. PeDDer. Smith ville. Master Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Fayette--Worth & Worth S cleai;ed. Steam yacht Louise. PeDber. Smith ville. Master 1 V Steamer Passport. Harier. Smith ville. Master Steamer John Dawson. Black. Point Caswell R P Paddison. Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Fayette We have n wnrwlorfnl S 1 1 Wnnl ' Uiaimiml C..: ! ,.. L. . 1 - , 1 AA ' uiit-ijuiiuu oacK aim iiic-)nuon cutaways, Men s, and YoutV wliich is a very dressy thing for the money. At $ i.50, $5 and we have suits for Men that are fully from S2 to $5 lower in pric i i than the goods are sold for elsewhere. Call and siom bits.. ncsses on oaio. Mr. (ullom introduced tt bill, was referred to the committee napce, to prevent speculation ot a direct or circuitous line. Is there much prospect that the money requisite tn nv the cost of a survey, even, for a nrclirainary examination of the route. will be raised bv oeoDle east of fcayette ville? I ish I could think so. Thcbreed oi noble b'oods that in the past built our ercat railway lines as public spirited Wilminyonians arc no longer here. Thev sleen. many of them, in Oakdale 30il. Another race (in all that consti tntes the noble self-sacnhce or tne men Furniture. OPRIMd AND SUUXKR ISM. A LARGE AND VERY ATTRACTIVE 8tAk or sprisT:ani iUMMKIt GOODS It bow offered at tho D. A. SIIITU rURNI TURX WAREROOUS at greater bargain taaa rrar before. CaU aad examine time. D A. SMITH. py H rnmlmr. X. rronttret TO TURPENTINE WORKERS AND DEALERS fS TURPENTINE TOOLS! TOU WILL FIND THE Hickers, Pullers, Dippers, &c. af ANUFACn'RED BT WALTER WATSON, FA TETT E V I LLE. N. C, TllE VERY BEST IN USE! Onlr M-t to W. E aPRINQSR A CO.. CJILXa M MrjKCHIB'N, Wllmlaxton. S. C. Of M IM BLUBWlaTTr. win a m v piuui i II teatlow. WALTER WATSON, lUaafactortr or Ed re Tool, may 10 la i ayetteTlll, N. C. WE HAVE A SMALL QUANTITY OF London Dock Port Wine I t&at ha beta la our store far more Uao fire yeara. It la a rtea, mellow wlae ao4 of Ttry uparior merit. It 1 wona A per gallon. For mdlclaal purpooea It U uaiuestlonab1y tba BEST that caa be obtained, and for table nae la anperK Whiskeys, Wines Sl Uquors of ere f alad aad of tbe beat quality. Try the TEOrXC(domeUc) BEER at IL or the KAI SEE (Isportedj BEER at I i.50 per do. Tbcy are txaeqaated la the market. OorEoyster's Candies intuO) thA unramacv orerali ot&era zor parity a-d whelenieae; J3c pev pound three pooad for U P. L. BBIDQEBS & CO. proper i . a . .it. which on Fi on the Dart of officers of national banking a- scKiation.v 'Hie Chair laid before the Senate the unfinished business of vester.lay, beiog the House bill to establish a Bureau of Labor Statistic. .Mr. Morgan wad entitled to the lloor, but yielded to a motion by Mr. Miller, of X. Y., lor ai executive session, which was agreed to. The Senate went into executive ses sion, and when ihed iors were1 reopen ed adjourned until Monday. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Oa motion of Mr, Hancock, of Texas, Senate biils were passed authorizing the construction of bridzes across the Kio Grande, between Easrle Pass. Texas and Piedras Negras, i Mexico, pledged their estates in and between iireuo, lexas, acu riurvo Iardo. Mexico. On motion of Mr. J. S. W ise. of v a.. a bill was passed authorizing the exten sion oi the Chesapeake &Ohio Railroad to a point on the military lands at Fortress Monroe, Va. The morning hour having been dis pensed with, the House at 11.40 wen into committre of tho Whole. Mr. Hammond in the chair, on the Diplo maticand Consular Appropriation bill Mr. Hill moved to amend by restor ing to 12.000 tho salaries of Ministers SchrRuth Darling. ChiDman. Arrbvo. P R. E Kidder & Son Exports. FOREIGN. Arroyo, P Rschr Ruth Darlin? 157,150 ft lumber, 150,000 shingles. may 12 THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 4 MARKET ST. I NEW SUMMER ' AND WINTEMlsg AT WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND MAY JO, 1884. Cotton ashore, 1,890: afloat, 20: total. of 1831-MO) to day stand in their places. 1,910. Woald it were otherwise! Hut where Spirits ashore, 3,471 ; afloat, 5G3; total. are tho men of the present, in public 4,uj4. iwsin asnore, v i.oei: auoar, 4,ouo: to tal, 78,041. Tar ashore, 2.703: afloat, 2,602; total. 5,305. Crude ashore, 2,297. RECEIPTS FROM MAY 1 TO MAY 10. Cotton. 109; spirits, 1,631; rosin, 7,820; A oT - 1 r f A i tar, ou; cruuu. 004. 1 EXPORTS FROM MAY 1 TO MAY 10. DOMESTIC. Cotton, 982; spirits, 463; rosin, 1,990; tar, 1,075; crude, 1,4S0. FOREIGN. Spirits, 2,250; rosin. 7,098. The bill reduces to Austria and Italy. them to S 10.000 After a long debate the amendment was lost yeas 7, nays 73, Amend ment after mendment, looUnx to sn increase of salaries above the amounts named in the bill, aud to rerstore them to tho existing rates, was lost. The onlv one that was adopted provided lor 80 or 85 by the shortest practicable line. a clerk of legation to Spain at a salar? I or a difference ot eiebt to ten miles, it entfirnriso and SDirit. to compare with thoso ol the past? hen Dudley. Dickinson, Cowan.- Lazarus, Owen, Mearca. McRae. (ireen. Nutt and their associates assembled at the residence of one ol their number one evening and boforo thev separated that night had sums oi irom S30 000 to 50.000 to build the Wil mington & Raleizh Railroad, and sub scribed enough before they i separated tr secure the charter, then thero were live men in the old town of 2,000 inhab itants! . i How is it to-dav? The city ol 20.000 people cannot be induced to build a hotel or survey a railroad line that Dromises benefits'ofleyen greater magni tude than the building of the great i line of railway across the State, connecting the Cape Fear and the Roanoke, the longest line then in the world!. Is it tho Dovertv of the people or the cowardice of capital that paralyses the efforts necessary to move lorwaro: in the direction of improvement? Who can tell i In reDly to "Local" and "J, T. M I would say if the distance is 93 miles via Clinton, and it may be 95 and only - . ' ft. . Z ..... A.i Ll.l- MOUTH OF CAPE EAR RIVER, OPPOSITE THE HISTORIC FORTS HSMS Ut UtWlllk INFUUVIEW OFTHEOCEAH, WIllOPEHABJinWHSMk. 1 j' UNDER ENTIRELY NEW MANA6m:j ilotel has been relurnishedicriorated. throughout.' New andlia:jfc& building erected for pleasure f purposes. Elegant, large, airy Ball Roon over the water. First-class Musicians from New York will furnish Rail Room and -Parlor Music. Fine Still and Surf Bathin MISCELLANEOUS J. L. WINNER, "yyATCHMAKES & JEWELLER, f Chronometers. Fine Watches nndJewelry repaired and warranted., opposite ew Market, Jfront fct. men oi si.vuu. rinaiiy. tne point ot no quorum was raised, no quorum having voted upon an nmendmcnt. and the com mitt tee Irose. and i the House ad journed. j Notwithstanding much has been said about the importance of a blood-purifying medicine, it may bo possible that tbe matter has never seriously claimed your attention. Think of it now! If. bytteuaeol a lew bottles of Ayer'a Sarsaparilla you avoid the evil of scrof ula, and transmit a hen It by constitution to your oQjpring, thank ns for tho sug gcslion. aaay IS HO Worth Front St. HT AT IS NEWS. Pittsboro Home: The peach trees in many localities in the county did not blossom or their blossoms fell off: nev ertheless it i9 cenerally supposed we will have plenty of peaches. The out- tool: lor a bountiful crop of other kinds of fruit is encouraging. Rockingham Rocket: The residence of Mr. Jas. A. Covington. Jr.. five miles west of here, was destroyed by liijhtninsr on last Sunday afternoon. Tne family were absent on a visit to a neighbor, lienco no lo-ss of lite, but 2,000 would scarcely replace the house, which was brand aew, with its furniture &c. No insurance. Clinton Caucasian: A little colored girl, daughter of John! Newkirk, was accidentally killed on Air. Jno. D. Kerr a plantation, in rranklin town- ship, alewdaysago. The child's moth er was at work in a new-ground, and the'ehild was sitting near where the woman was cutting. Tho latter cut two trees which lodged upon a third tree: one of those lodged against it Hew rouud and struck the child, breaking her ncet. Charlotte Observer: Cant. Robt. Andrews, now in the 93rd year of his age, a native ot Mimtcr county,! c, passed through Charlotte yesterday on his wav. on foot, to Maine, Massachu setts, ashington and New lork. lie arrived at 9 o'clock and left at 2 n. m. lie was acrom pamed only by his little dog FidoM which is the old gentle man's bole companion on his Ion?, ftSelf-imposcd journey. Capt. Andrews belongs to the old school, the hero of two wars 1812 and 161 and eschews such modem modes of conveyance as railroads, and don't care to make tho acquaintance of a telegraph wire. Greensboro rairtoti It ii now in coatempl&fion to extend tho C. F. & Y. would in a business Ipoint of view and the Yadkin V alley Engineer, would so decide be far better to run a branch trom the nearest Doint of the direct lino to Clinton, and operate it with7 a light train, than to carry all of the great business traffic that promises to pass between Wilmington and the Ohio river, eight or ten miles out of tho way, simply to accommodate the local busi ness of one town. f Lot us look at tho firrt cost.! Say the main road costs $3,000 to $10,000 per mile say 10.000. and 80 miles is the direct distance and 90 miles the larger distance and this will give a difference in first cost of $100,000. The short line to connect would not be more than seven or eieht miles lone, at a cost of $4,000 a mile, say $32,000 against $100,000. Then add the perpetual difference to the cost of repairs and operating expenses, and the interest or tne aiiieience in cost would go Jar towards paying the expenses of the branch. Rut, first raise the money to -build the road and then discuss the. matter fully.- Citizen. Wilmington, N. C.May, 10, 1884 1884. Harper's Young People. . AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY 16 Page.' ! " ' , SUITED TO BOTS A2TO GIRLS OF THOU SO TO SIXTEEN TEARS Of AGE. Vol. V. commences November 6, 18S3. . Harper's Touxo People la the best week, ly for children 1a America Southwestern Christian Advocate. All that the artists sxul can accomplish In the war of ulaetratlon has been done, and the best talent oi the country has contributed to its text cw ssgiand Journal of Education, Boston. In Its special field there is nothing that can be compared with It Hartford Evening Post. TERMS: HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, 1 . Per Year, Postage Prepaid, 1 81 5a Stxglb Numbers, your Cents each. Specimen copy sent on receipt of Three Cta. Tne Volumes of Harper's Younx People for 81 62 and 1SSJ. handsomely bound In Illumina ted Cloth, wul be sent by malL postage pre paid, on receipt of $3 00 each. Cloth Cases ior cacn vorame, suitable ior binding, wul be sent by mau, postpaid, on receipt ol CO cents each. Remittances should be made by Poat-Ofio Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss Newspapers are not to copy this advertise stent without the express order of harpct BJtOTHEU. Address nov.51 : .,. . KevTcrx, PUfiOELI, HOUSE. I ; 1 rjHDER NEW MANAGEM.KNT, WILMLNGTON, N. C B. L. PERRY. PfoDrtctor. Late Proprietor Atlantic UoteL Flrst-Class I.aU 't apnolTttroAntA. TArmn ? 50 to SJ.C0 p:r day. . 1884. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Earner's Bazar Is at once the most brilliant and useful Household Journal m exls-ence. It is the acknowledged arbiter of fashion x In this country. Its fashion plates arc the new est and most stylish; and Its pattern sheet supplements and econamlc eugcestlo' s alone are worth many times the cost of subscription. Its Illustrations of art needlework are from tbe best sources. Its literary and artistic merits are of the highest order. Its stories, poems, and essays are by the first American and European authors. Its choice art pictures would fill portfolios, and its humorous cuts are the most amusing to be found In any jour nal In America. A host of brilliant novelties arc promised for 18S4 : Harper's. Periodicals. 1 Per Year: HARPER'S BAZAR. .$4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY J 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 1 50 Hjlrper's Fbaxkltx Square Library, une 1 ear (5- Numbers) 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers In th TTniti euiesor isanaaa. Tbe Volumes of the Bazar herfn with th first Number for January of each year. When no time Is mentioned. It win be understood mat me suoscriDer wisnes to commence with the Number next after tbe receipt of order. The last Four Annual Volumes of Harper's Bazar, In neat cloth binding, will be sent b malL postage paid, or by express, free of ex pense ( provided the freight does not exceed one doUar per volume), tor $7 to per volume. L.Ci?th tSffi fOT volume, suitable for SSSfoT'il 1)6 nt by m". rostPld. on re. Fine line of New Boats for Pleasure Sailing and Fishing. ' NO jIALAIllA Oil SMALL INSECTS TO ANNO rl Daily Mails. Telegraphic Communication. ; Finest Fishing on AtlantlcCat Tourists and Pleasure Seekers Northtvard and Southward will find 1 it to itheir advantage to jrive us a call. 1 CI JM ATE & SCENERY UNSURPASSED! The Atlantic Coast Line and Carolina Central II. R. will sell ticbu from all stations at reduced rates to Hotel Brunswick. ! - ScF" Special rates by month and season J23 J. D. SUBLETT, of ew York, Manager. may 1 2m j v ..' iifflS 1 Mai F. E. MI5CILER, lx fl tioMl fire & 11 btoi t, UxyCF ACTU EEK3 OF Mleh. Cheese safes. Vire Cloth. "Wire Counter Railfnm. Wlri 8tetOjf ' Eruriics,1 Sanl & Coal Screen. Weother Vano, 6Ubi Kxtom U Crtt,tUii', AVlte & lion Fences, Iron Shutters, Counter Support r-Snd for Catalogue tpSr Mention thia Papcb mch 13 d&w ly 1884. - . ! I Harper's Weekly. 'i . " -". . r ILLUSTRATED. , Harper's Wetldy stands at the head of Amer ican Illustrated weekly journals. By ltsun- artlsan position In politics, its admirable Ii ustrations, its carefull t chosen serials, short stories, sketches, and poems, contributed bv the foremost artists and authors of the dav. it carries instruction and. entertainment to thou sands of American homes. . it will always be the aim of the publishers to make Harper's Weekly the most ponular and attractive family newspaper In the world, and, in the pursuance of this design, to pre sent a constant improvement In all these fea tures which have gained f r It the confidence, sympathy, and support of readers. 1 Its large army of Kemlttancea should be made by Fost-Oface Money Order or Draft, to avoid chanee of in? ZKi'ZZ:? 1101 10 ims advertise ment without the express order nf Hidpfo BSOTHCBa. Address -j IIAKPRR A BUOTAERS, Kw York Water Coolers y-ERT CHEAP AT GILES may 12 . 1 MTJRCHJSOSVj. alurchlson Block. Interesting to, Fishermen : The cele. b rated MFishw Brand Gilling thread is sold only at Jacobi's, porter's Agent. He is tbe Iml t Harper's Periodicals. j Per Year: I ' HAItPEE'S WEEKLY i .U 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR.. ;. 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. 1 50 Harper's Fkaxkun Square Librart, one 1 ear coz umcers 10 00 Postage Free toiall subscribers in the United Stales or Canadai I The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the hrst Number for January ef each year. When no time U mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber w ishea to commence1 with the Number next after the receipt of order. The last Four Annual Volumesof Harper's Weekly. In teat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid,or by express, free of e5c pease (provided thej freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on re ceipt of $1 to each. Remittances sroukl be made by -Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avo d chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address - 1 HARl'ER & BROTHER. QT 33 j j Ncw ro'rk , JACKSON & BELTL Water Power Printers AND BOOK-BINDERS. We have the most complete establish ment of the kind to be found-in vviimin. ton. and guarantee all our work to be done i n first class style, and on reasonable terms, bend in your orders darinff th rfnn too. son, and have them executed at the lowest North Carolina ; Resonrcg "One of the most useful scrlei of tlve books ever published about ;!. Boston Post. j ' - j Hale's1 Industrial Sefe . Two Volumes KowEcady. I 1. The Woods and Timbers of if Carolina. Curtls's, EmmoM. uJ Rflnortat annnlemcntcd 1zt 1 County Reports of 8Unding Forci-. trated bv an excellent Isd of the ta 1 Volume limo. Cloth. ?TS PM II. IX the Coal and litostocit North Carolina KmmonV, jeZ, ley's, Wilkes', and the Census nlATniTitnrl hv full .nd accurate iXCKJ " 1 k. aria. irty six counties ana Map 01 w-rr 1 Volume 12mo.Ctoth, 425 PiWSrf Soldbv all Booksellert. or wUtAfr nirec of the yrlcAt Publishers. Booksellers and jjjj6 Or. P. M HALE, PublUher. Ek,J tept 29. - 1884.; Harper Masarire.' ILLUSTBATED. j Harper'sMaffazine begtoslU ume -with, tne iecemuer "rr.i 1. most popular Illustrated Vrtoo" j 9 at Wn-t.n liri fullT DlV"7, V oI 1 Hrvaa In ffra ta trnfUnt ' fit IUUJvVr rtw-ItT nnrl Industrial Interest, " Amour socUI and industrial mien. rticat-r vancing Its standard of te'iaf mecnanicai cxcetiCDcv. M I-- for 1884 are: nr serial tLjJw. Black, Clustrrfted by Abbey; "jefj E. P. Roe, Illustrated 1 tP1Prt t BctiRhton, Frank D. Ml and others; imponans ".-rt n leal papers; short stories J " 1 Charles Reade. Slc Harper's Periodical : Per Year; Harper's Maoaztnk Harper's Weeklt... Harper's Bazak. Harper's Frankun sw .ZL OneYear(WNumber)i----rj Postage Fru to a9" States or Canada, Thc'volnmes of tbe SfSi Numbers for June .uVU ff4 When no time "Pfiilbtf stood that tbe sirbscrlber wuue. the current Number. . nrr1 The last Eight VKgiBV zine. In neat clothblmto?. ptf Analytical. adClawlJ. 1 , Inelusive, from Jane. w voL,vo, Cloth. W tr rff Bemlttances shodM jjrf Money Order or IraflV , uMumttAe express" -p, 21