Baadaya tx eptl by jOSnT. JAMES, oito ad rEorrxTo. ..mrrioss ro stage paid-. Oil J 11.00. One Booth. 23 cents. ... .tirTfl br carrier free TlWt per week. 'iWr. will rrport M nd all fall- t jTe tfctr "' T "ZTU rHy Review-has the largest . ,, nrcu!'itiQn ay newspaper .1 i!tu ,, Ml mum" ' """" nn -i . - i VOL. VIII. W ELMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. MAY 17, 1884. NO. 118 H rJirJ.Ji. th sculptor. i At Col- A'ace. in attendance at the bed- . l Hrr. who i unzcrini; iu ;is:3t3raIrni5IncM- :; !! succumbs at lat lo the 7'"Zi civilization. Tho ex-kins . yaV to travel with a show r thp nikrv sum of 50 a r-., 3u't!.ca:e anew Episcopal enure! to Del ircn - .1 - L. w.i"1 1 wtz-wl nut f r lijija.ti:ci:in-', as a cyclone bad got titre ttUe htm ana Diown me cnurcn ,.:jath. uaad bits. fr Arthur has cabinet company ,-,s jo New York. Mr. Folgtr. Air Te :cr ltd Mr. (Jrwhsin being in that u-xa cu varloosniiJions. Mr. Lincoln mttLi tilloz this wci k. so the fort was Vrelin chuTScn nod "lire ws uu; - trr. A.! rccy Iener,il CommaoJer McCook of i.. - tie Nty. who has been under treat ment tcr ceatal I rouble, is much inn F'fudiata:tb. He is the youngest latbercltbefaoious fighting McCook fiiii'.f. fcar five of lhe brolbcrs lit.s; Uta in the army. f )f.r ! ct:an, too sccuo 01 Fraaci ir!eat and Germany in oaiph. is bcit demolished. The fort ii nair jjixi-d to be of no military im for:sxre white ver. and in great kcept lit:y wsIS asd subterranean pafsagea t:i im3 be amonj tho things that mere. Ttenissa'd to be a little colored Slrl at FcUciiy. Ohio. I years ot age, ho. without having learned lo do so, can read as vre'.l as children twice her g who have been taught. She never attended school or received private in struction, yet ill read a primer from bez'moing lo end aloud. She has been tested in various ways. The voter is threatened with no less than six National tickets this year, to le nominated by Conventions called thus: Actimonopoly. at ChicagoMay 14 ; ii'recaback.labor. at Indlanapoli May ; Hepoblican. In Chicago. June 3; soi:-Maooic in Chicago. Juno ID; IKniorrii- la Chlcaco July 8. and Prohibition, in P.ttsbarg. July 23. . .. - - One ot the most remarkable scenes lo which the future historian will point as Indicative of the love of the grotis que characterizing the nineteenth ctn turyis being enacted at Pompeii. A three daya "artistic festival" began on Saturday in thoexbumed city, and the cab!e informs us thst a mock emperor w:u installed amid tho restored pagean try of eighteen hundred years ago. The failure of a Boston firm of cxtcn sire dealers in "antique furnUnre" is announced. Xhere is something niys-t:rio-u about this. How a concern lb ii buys old dog irons for svcnty-dvc ct&ts a pair and f cits them for a hun dred dollars can fail is pretty difficult to understand. The members of the nn mast have been engaged in filling alocjMt want by starting a daily r.ewpaper somewhere. Miss Florence GerarJ, a pretty and graceful English girl, came over at the ginning of the theatrical season now sooa to close, and began to win applause t the Fifth Avenue Theatre in New irk. Oae morning, during th Win ter, she slipped on the ice and injured her riht knee very badly. The wound d cjcruber has continued to grow w rso that the surgeons now tl reatcn am (ctauoo. The girl is heartbroken at a Tntore $. promising at the start and I':"3it at the end. and homesickness e' ia to add to her distress. LOCAL NEWS. IIDEX TO IEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C VT TATisCroquct Like Wtcc&miw rtKivSBKaoKRMarioa IIarUnl ?.T Jl Emkksox. G 1 Art-Eicurlon T C Millee lboaa Jinporicd Colr UU5US Br'js.A DeRomlt Ume Juice Notice StockhoMers Wllmiagton ana New Elter Steam VTUalloa Company Day's lenth 11 hours and 8 minutes. Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 7 o'clock. No interments this week in Oakdale Cemetery. j Kcv. . F. Marab'c will conduct ser vices at tho Second Presbyterian church to-morrow. . There has been but one interment this week in Bellcvue Cemetery, and that was a child. 1 Tho Register ol Deeds has issued this week marriage licenses for five couples, all colored. The Charlotte Observer promises the Howard Relief, of this city, a regal welcome on the 20th. There have been tour interments this week in Pino Forest cimetery of which one was an adult and three were child ren. n. lu?jer a. Pryer's name was reposed fjr membership on Tuesday ni-t ia the New York Bar A?sociation 11,1 was blackballed, although he uc isiraodsly recommended by ccrauiittee n admission. The cause & ruyttcrj and a surpriso among tho 4rf5 camber who were not present, tic membership boing between 600 and U is likely because ho was a O n lederau General and because of his Jriecdliaessio the Irish and if so then reiifar more of honor in bU rejec othaaithe hkd been unanimously e-ected. We invito the attention of our citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt iiactorv. ti. A gentleman in tliis city informs us that a hen. knowi to be over 11 years old, died recently near LI a ra let: She was ; the property of Amanda Jacobs, colored. The Board of County Commissioners and the Board of Magistrates of tho county will meet in joint tessicn on the first Monday in June to make the tax levy for the current year, in accordance with the law. There is absolutely nothing to-day Troni the Episcopal Convention in session at Washington and nothing that is new from that of the old Diocese at Oxlord. Tho delegates from this city will all probably return here to-night. City Court. Sam Patrick, colored, charged with disorderly conduct, was lined $5 ur 10 days. Ho paid up. A white man named Ecklin, found asleep in the street, was discharged. Thomas Quince, colored, throwing rocks in the strett discharged. , Personal. I ur. oiicpam, oi tooti s inn. was iu the citv to-day and he says that he sees and conviTscs with numerous Onslow people anu that the cry is give us a railroad to Wilmington." Daniel Shaw.d-Isq., of Pender coun ty, is iu tho city to-day on one of his rare visits. ! hlr. U. W. Chad wick, formerly of this city and Deputy Collector of the port, but now a resident of Beaufort, is here on a visit, and is the guest of his ton-ic-law, Mr. W. W. Shaw. Wacldell for Congress The Charlotte. Observer speaks thus of Col. Waddell's announcement of being a candidate for Congress: In a recent issue of the Wilmington Review it was announced that Hon. A.M. vVaddell would be a candidate for the nomination from the Demo cracy of this district for Congress, sub ject to the action of the convention. We don't know what (Col. WaddelTa chances are for a nomination, but be has many warm friends in the district who have been devcted to him, and will exert themselves to return him to the seat which he rilled for four terms in Cngreri with devotion to his con stituents and credit to himself. Iloan Cash. Mr. Vance Finlayson, of this city, has received a letter from his father, Mr. H. V. Finlayson, at Cheraw, which gives a very interesting description of sudden taking off, but the universal ver dict is. "It is the best thing that could have happened for the State." and the good people of Chesterfield now breathe easy. Colonel Cash is the only male representative of the family left, lie has two ! daughters livincr nno Mr the killingof the outlaw and murderer. Colonel Watts, of Lauren's and the logan Cash, by the bhcritTj posse, on oincrj. ci en teen years old, who is a- stu- oeni at btanton, ,Va. At the Criminal Court in Chesterfield, which meets in two weeks. Colonel Ca3h will be tried as accessory of Irs son in the Richards murder. The general opinion is that his son's death tends to prejudice his case. - : v . 1 nursuay morning, it is a very inter esling description the most interesting in fact, we have ret 'seen., and we have teen kindly permitted to copy from it: "Solicitor Newton, not sat isfied with Spoflford's course in the Cash affair, last week wrote him to place the! A Colored Crank. warrani m me nanas oi eto King. A colored man, evidently a crank, inc latter lmmeaiaieiy ana quieiiy j wa3 seen upan the streets of the city went to wort, ana selected him a posse yesterday and attracted considerable of eight men, M. L. Rhodes, Ed. Avery, attentions. He wore five cham3 upon Henry Jackson, Julian bellers, It. J. his vest front and they were literally Hendrick, nra. Johnson, W. II. Hil- covered with coins of different denomi ton and J. E. McNair. They quietly nations, 3, 5. 10, 25 and 50 cents pieces. left town Wednesday night,' rode seven and to the end of each chain he had at miles to Bethel Church, lelt their horses tached a watch, one being gold and the there in charge of McNair and walked others brass. He carried a bag from tho five miles to Bogan's lower place where mouth of which protraded the end of a he has been living for the past year. He violin and bow, and upon the handle has been staying in a swamp at night, of his umbrella appeared the name of superintending his farming operations Peter Pry c. cut in large letters, which in the day time, but this was a gloomy the said was the name he went by. Ho night, raining hard. They arrived there said he came from Florida and was on about day and surrounded the house and his way to Petersburg. Va. barn, rrctty soon a negro boy was aroused by tho barking of dogs and came out, taw the men and went up stairs in the bam. isogan's voice was soon heard ud there talking with bitn and" in about 15 A Feasible Idea. We understand that a number of gentleman on Topsail Sound and Scott's Hill have it in view to propose minutes lo thel Wilmington & Coast Turnpike he Came down with a lG-shooter (rifle) strapped around him and his double barrelcdjguh in bis bands. He started sideways towards the swamp, which was only 300 yards distant, and was looking back in tho direction of where Company to extend, their road still further on the Sound, so as to take in tho above locations. We have seen a letter from the originator ot the idea. at Topsail, and he says that the land owners there will not only give the the men were supposed to be ; as he riht of wa bu lht many of them neared the fence on his way to the swamD. ana wnen wiinin leei oi Hilton and Avery, they rose upon him behind a pile of wood and ordered him to surrender. He turned bis face and blcarreled cun at tbeni-without Luce Just wunin-me cuiuvaieu neius, will also subscribe lo the stock. The dis tance, we imagine, will not be more than five miles if, indeed, it is as far as that. The advantages suggested are many and obvious. Tho road propos ed is along the Sound the entire d!s No Mufl. It iOhe opinion oT Messrs. Houck & M. Baeball Clnb. that fcL Jacobs For the Lake j On Wednesday next, the first excur sion of the season to Lake accamaw wil be given by the Sunday bchori of Si. Thomas church. Tho Ira n will 1 leave at 8:30 a. 111. an i return at . 10 p. m. and tickets may be hail at the depot. This promises W be a very delightful affair to all who may attend. It is tinder excellent management i and all who may remembar lhe charming ex cursions given by the members ol St. Thomas church lat year will know just what this means. a day of s quiet. peaceful pleasure for the ladies and the children. The pavil oa at the Lake has been rebuilt and tho harpers will cc- company the'excursion and will furnish the muic (of dancing. gun speaking a word. Hilton's gun stock was hit and broken and his finger shot almost off. Avery and Hilton then shot at him and a ball from a 16 shot Win chester broke his thigh and he fell to his knee, grasping his rifle he began using it but before ho could firo but twice ho was riddled with bullets, cartridges, buckshot &c , the others coming to rescue and firing at him. He fell and expired almost imm His only words were "Oh Hilton's iniurv was all that was in flicted on the posse and as soon as it was found out in Cheraw and the fact which would place, tho bed upon the bluff, beyond peril at any time from storm tides, and enable tho farmers to draw their fences in and leave the road entirely unobstructed. There would be three creeks to bridge but non of these would be a very formidable obstacle. The cost of construction should be much less than on the original road because of the fact that clay is plentiful and Tbo Bank Portico. The trouble in regard to the removal of the portico of the First National iBank building, on Front street, culmin ated yesterday afternoon in a hearing of thq Mayor, the Chief of Police and other city officials under the warrants which bad been issued for their arrest. The matter was heard in tho Court House before a iusliee of the peace. Mr. Jno. D. Bellamy, '.'r , City Attor- ey, and Uou u.-lv. AlcKac appeared or the city, and Messrs. E. S. Martin, anius Davis and Russell & Ricaud for he defendants. Mrs. Dawson, the )wner of tho property, was represented by her agent. Mr. Wm. Larkins. As we understand it, no final decision was arrived at in the matter, and Mr. Da vip. if Mrs. Dawson's counsel, went t Golcsboro last night to apply to Judge Shtpird for an injunction re straining the city officials from further interference with the structure until the case can be heard on its merits. This will, be done at the June term of the Superior Court, pn a case previously decided in the Mayor' Court, in which the owner of the property was charged with maintaining a nuisance. judgment having been rendered there against Mrs. Dawson and tbo case having been icirried on appeal to the Superior Court. The portico which the authorities are seeking to remove is j certainly an im posing structure and is just as certainly an ornament to tho street. Whether it is a nuisance or hot will likely be deter mined by twelve good and lawful men at the approaching term of the Superior Court. It has a history and has seen much of the growth and advance of Wilmington, its erection ' is coeval with that of the building it adorns and h must have been erected fnlly three quarters of a century ago. It i3 proper to add that a proposition for an adjustment has been submitted but that nothing has yet actually been delermineoTupon as such. -" Tf will t gUA to neelva cosuaualcagoi a rxom our friends oa any; and u subject cencrtiiaterest'lmt ; V, y 2Tba aataa of the Writer must always be ro aWed to the Bdltbx."-"' ' 1 ' yl " - CoaTtniTtTcatlona But be wrltUa oa o?y one sue ol 'the papcrJf ' V r I .f, 4 ' - PeraoaaSttea mnsi be avoided. ; . . . And It la especially and pardcularry ium e r tood taat the Editor doe. not alway enW ae Ifce views of correspondenta unlesa so state i ia ue eoiioriai coluaina. ' -' . . ' . NEW AIVJEBTISEMENT3 City Drug Store. tilii MAKKET STXtJBET. ; TCE CItEAM SODAWATe,.L- V A . lilBDS AND FL0WC8. I)m;sand Patent Mcdlelnca."' - ! Unolcya Colojmc Ia the best In the city. Clears acd Ciaro;trs. Iwecrlptsons irciurcd at x)l hour and l. IT. COX LKY. m73 ' r Manaw. WE HAVE TiCKTUE BEST, AND jCHEAPKiT JL Saddles, UarrMs. 'TrnukB, Satcfcrls. Uiie. cie. Phsons, Car. Dram..4ciilB C. 1 1 . . . f . . ' T J "1 " V" . t ariicuiar attention piron trinti. tv- by the only TrunJc Maerln thvfcui! , ' IU North FroPtSt. 1 Next to D. A. fimlth's; F multure etcure.' niay.!2 . , HEAL ESTATE. " T HAVE FO 8Atrr?EVrT?ATJ jl nwueaa ana v acant 4 in. HOUSfcS. OFFICES and STORirs vemy rtiea for Rent- Apply to feb 1G lawSm skt D. OTONSoiU KealKaute ireit Silver Knives o 4 ' Plated Spoons, Forks and best quality, and at manu facturer's prices, can be found at Ja- COBi's Hardware Depot. 1 f Ship Your QniCKEXS. KGGS AND COUNTIiV PRODUCE tSKNKUALl.T to I . a. uvrivenrarkJ a : r nlimiDgton, N. C. HIGHEST MARKET PRICKS .fru.nranticK (Uefprs to Bant of New lianovct) , j I Marion Itoland's T ATEST AND GREATJE3T WORK, f'Kvc's. Daughter's," or Coranjon Sense for lalilr Wife and Mother. 'Author of "CoujiQian Sen? e. In the irouBCholti," (1(0,000 copies sold), Jne urge ana ueautLfuliy rrtnted and bouuit T9t- n ma. Price $ !. For sa le a t , i HEINSBERGER'S,1 may IG. Lire Book and. Wlusle 8 tons NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rjiHE MISGTON Notice- STOCKHOLDERS OF THE WIL AND NEW KIVEU STEAM cdiitelv lndy and the oyster shells could be SXtion company .wuciedS ,,,, landed within a few yards of the road meet at the office of the secretary, and Trcas ljOni! . . . . r. - ,v , urcr on Princess between Second' and Third at almost its entire distance. One ad ditional toll-house, it i3 thought, might be sufficient. It seems to us that this plan is not streets, on Monday, the J'Jth of Ma v. A. D. 1jI, at S o'clock.p m. OEOUUE 1IAKUIS5. I'res't. B. I. Mooiie, Secretary and Treasurer. Don't i Pay Rent! ITrilY PAY REN t WIIEnItHE VI I same money will buy you a home? In this city ' I haVe - boi over- one hundred and: fifty ' Lots and Lots to parties iwho have ..paid la full for them, by instalments monthly . payments. Also, I' have a largo number now' on niy books, who are mating regular monthly payments ami will soon-own homes and get clcarof land lord rule.- : ' t ' i Moncj' loaned to thojo wishing lo build. ! and tlouses Apply to, may 11 cw JAMES iWILSONJ nisylTlt Star copy muln l-nmun I lint twi -1 j a nrmr tttrt - .... , only feasible but that it might be made a purse of &5 was immediately niadc I J . , up and presented loin. While all Xhis was going on Saai Lee ran out gt the dwelling house, which was surrounded by Rhodes and Hendricks, gun in hand. and fired at Rhodes. Hendricks, on the to pay handsomely in the large increase of travel and traffic which would b& sure to pass over the road. It would draw largely from tho Onslow travel as well as from local sources and iu .... ..ii , j process of lime the turnpike might be opposite side ol the house, stooped ,ua" , ' uown anu snot uim mrougu tue leg, z ... , c . .... . . . - it woula neveiop mo usn auu oyster n.1r ihn iniiso Rlirtilo 111 1 ho mvi n I " f J I I- T I tVn rnmnfai Srvti n ii a anil time urea two or tnree times ai uim, . . ' . .L wouia give a greau impetus m raja- ing of fruit and vegetables ia a section of country which is highly adapted to the purpose. It would also add largely to the value of real estate and would i r rirr at t mve incrcaseu laciuiies to uuusa wao and made him throw up his bauds and surrender. Ice has becu committed to jail, and Cash will be buried to day in his father's yard, at Cash's Dapot. The posse was armed with the latest im proved rifles, 16-3hooters, a largo num ber of which have been- brought here since the shooting of Richards. People appear lo brealho easier now, as Bogan was feared more than his father. I was on the jury of inquest tea met' on Friday, but we went down yesterday and adjourned until next Grand Excursionori Wednes day, May 21, to J Lake Waccamaw T Y ST. THOMAS' SUNDAY SCHOOL The Harper's will furnish ntsic. Jcc Cream and Lemonade by the Ladic : S Tickets 73 cents. Children 3D ccuta. Train leaves here at S 3) a. in., and return hcrcs at 7.10 p.m. Tickets at depot nray 17 36 j mitrht desire to construct handsome residences on the Sounds within "easy reach of the city, a something which o f Iae years is becoming very desirable. Excursions to Lake Waccamaw. TBIP TICKETS AT T3 RE ATLY ' i " have been placed on sale at Wilmington and other stations on W. C. A A. ROUND JLkv reduced rates Women in the Garden. We recommend to all women who m f-rfiin.itr erion?h to have n. nfpnA nf Monday. Col. Cash was not there; be land at their command to cultivate a remained at home and has done so ever vegetable garden, says an exchange. n- Specially low rates for Sunday Schools. Columbia- The culture ot strawberries, raspberries here and currants and garden vegetables is as ail over the State. People appear to be delightful and profitable as anything almost unanimous in naming King as in which a woman can engage. She ht npxt sheriff, and he will . doubtless may sprinkle her garden well with be elected at the election this Fall." (flowers. All the better) for that. A U'p rlin the following from the K?w snowball in this corner and a rose in t since ne was re i eased at There was great excitemen may 17 It T. SI. EMERSON, Gtn'I Passenger Af ent. Don't Forget ! Where 'i IS thft llMf . 1 1 I "mvmiscki uxu uy d pains. base aches If yon need a real good first class cooking stove, don't fail to see the Ex eclsior Pcnn.. Zeb. Vance and New Emerald, besides others.1 They are to be found at factory prices at Jacobi's, who it tho manufacturer' agent, t York Herald special: Col. Cash was told of his son's death a about nine o clock this morning. lie wept like a child, paying this new grif was more than he Could boir. Then he became indurnant and uttered loud mprccations on the heads of B 'can's slayers, swearing that he would have vengeauce. During th day. however, be wai passive; but it is feared that ho will reak vengeance on the heads ot any one of the posse that crosses bis path. Thus far he has made no hostile demonstration, but seems to be utterly unmanned Bogan was iust tety-nine years old. and was born near where te was killed Nature formed him a despera do. When a boy he was cruel and treacherous, and with each year ho be came mora hardened and vicious. He received a good education, graduating, at .the Virginia U.niversity. About fojr years aeo he fought two b!o xiless duels. arTd lnrtly thereafter killed that, a dahlia bed there and a moss border b rs.-wilt not be out of place. Only let the substantial and usefu. constitute tho chief Dart. A touch of JO. 112 SOUTH FRONT bTRKET HUMPMRtCY, JENKINS & CO , kerp lbog fine HeHe and florae's r trawberrle. also Black and Vhortleberies. App'ea and Peach 68, vrben in treason. Ponliry arid Kgzv. Con slganenu o. the above eoliclt-wl. . nd saUs-fa-tion guaranteed Give us a trial 1 all we ask. mar a Steamer Passport iriLL MAKE REUULAU T T iripi to ftmunvllio and the Torts Te'T m every dv except Sunday. . ' l " l Fare, 7.1c, round trip, i'artlcs of tenor more can secure tickets day before hand for .Uc. I apt 21 .1. W. IIAUPEtt ' Hoii, A. M. WadIoll. , yy-e are AiTii6iuzEr)T(J ASxoOnck HON. A. M. W A 11 ELL as a candidate for Congraa? few" the Slxtli niatrict. subject t& the net ion Pf ine jjemocratic fJonveiUtonvf lk Itis- irici, wncn cauca. may 12 tf - - . LIME JUICE. A DELIGHTFUL UEVERAOE. ? users FRUIT SALT ThO "English Prep aration, from sound, rhc fruit, health glrlng. cooling and Invigorating. . . - .1 MINERAL WTERS-HawlhonCongress, AppollnarlB, Hunjadl and others bottled; Vichy, Tate Epsom and Deep Cock on draugfa t Munds Bros. & DeRossetj DruggUts, Market Vtreei, miy IS WUmlarton, X,C, the ornate, like a ribhon on a good GribsonV Imported Candy. bonnet. i not in the least objectionable; . . ... r..,,-, ,.n.J.n T?MR2ACIN: All Choeolare, Clo-e., 1IME FBUIT. ORAJ Va nllls, 14 Scoici, i herry and Strawberrr Tabk t at NGE, Uutter may 2 F. C. MILLER'S, : j Corser Fourtn and Nun sta bonnet, l not in the least objectionable; In all the schools thegirls study botany. It is healthful, p'eai'ng and useful. Tho principles of hotticuUure are the principles of botany put ioto practice Farmers study agriculture; why should not their wives and daughters study horticulture? The emp'oyment is both healthful and pleasing. What wonian cannot raise beets, tomatoes, onions, pomu in car load, art nut Uis. will lettuce, and furnish ber own table with ; picked and in jo-xi shape. Wegoaiantej t at'a- them ? What woman cannot plant a ; UcXion abd wllJ nn Ier80l4 OD raspberry bnsh, or current, or goose j berrv and attend lo it well? The e OCIas houtur""- HABD, CLEAK ND SQUARE ICE t HIPPED TO ALL nay 10 W. E. DAVIS A, SON. periment is both pVang and profira- Vlater COOleri ' '- . i .-1 bl ------ ', ", - - TrEKT CHEAP AT many rows and his death was just what Kow is the time to giTO Smith sVorm " was expected. Nobody laments his'Oil. 1 ; f - lyd-w f nay 13 Wew ;Arriyal:iJ At No. G South. Front Street.1 BElT Sc ClOARSr Apr nia-cr, Arrrs ; Idaer, A fre Confer nivl Toniotir. hm. Die anl Mr I km ILj.t t.t Wt t a 4 n 4 T Art i an i Coo'et of Unugtxl fWr. - i lie d Quartern new Harp Iliad n I d-'o't yon fenced: : apt ? Dr. S. C. Ellis, - r ' xto. fwrrni rouuxti hTr.tT. 1 to I j a m.. - to 5 1. ui. 4 1 ibone, at rttdeice. No. 3. , , : may 6 tf - Has Arrived I , A TRKtlt tUPPJLV OF TlfAT de?:cl toftATRI) PINE APPI-K by .U-daf'a J j St timer. A bv, anonrr kit vi f bat ; A Mf XKD TE nt &s -jrr ymtnA. (LHlu Vnp an I S,itcr f1ren'wrfth exttj pound! i"0n' sold In two we.kj. - Ie6ieia at I kp nothing b-t the Tery bejl fiiei-nl goUi :. f resh up4 ply every week. Call and etcnlne at irapf a'l Faully Grocery, y : ' -" v -1 9 '" - - 4ta 1 GCLIS XnTBCHISON'S. Xlorchison Clock, 'GJ'SL'CBAiAgtnf. ' ' - . " ' ' , " v.... . Farolir iwer, s . : . couth rwst st . -I .i...

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