IH13 TXTtS. try tTif. .septed 7 JOSH T. JAMES, n,rru AJ-Draorarxrom. ,o,ptioS3 POSTAGE PAID: X" t-M. Six months, $2.00. Tare One month. S3 cents. l'r -: l vered by canto free pl . " . rt of.ih city. at the above eT,,.u ir week. r cr . . low and liberal. wr.wtllftportanyMdaa OH . ,-rtc tlr ra-r regularly. VOL. VIII. Wi ELMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY, MAY 20, 18$4. . n...;.. Rritv: has tht larvtst i r.( . , irt:!-tiion, q" any newspaper - : 1 rJT,r'nynn 1 roM. Hut what v' j:j.rm:in 'expect after coirS ' , - -"-l-i.-if i-triiu? with the bears iu V pruvJlctl lor Ibe expenses or his by t -it;r.u' ihc price ol Jersey Ccn .up about ix punts. OorcaiiiilP Turner says the negro ry-K ii rule the world in some future s-t af.cr tac wir.ic ruau u 4 cra'.cd- A wholeiale exuicratioa to fr;ca ;i t!e condition precedent to suc" ATc.i! reports tailing in with a oiiJfci'P'! tloatins in tho air off lyy Tho rising and sails were cov ired t-c wtb. the on threads of wL ch f rami the balloon for the tiny , rVsiii. The apMct swarm continu f J j r Kvt rat niile. i. :s SUrmari warns th Hepublicans ij. to re'j fjf success upon Democratic j.fiilos. lie says: -I have known tLei t.r jtari and neTer but once in a r.dtLen t" conventions were held. Thcj ; t o'.ld this fall. . Dseotthe lesion clubs is discussing tbef;rii-tof a by-law which shall u. ruJc frjat cerubership all who are fli'Steyt anc -faze." When a member reach. tai fc to receive a bonus anJrttir The juanj memtcrs urge iLcolJ fr'.Iow .i ch.'ck the prosperity cl the cail. ,. . t.afcrojr C:vel.ind. ol New York, hi writUti to a prominent Democratic tXnreman that he is sorry the Morris-a bill was defeated, that Mr. llan has asiarued a mUtaken altitude, tha: tbo reformers will ultimately win, and that he desires to be considered odo cl them. lion. Wm. M. Kvarts says the tariff will to tbc great issue in this campaign and to rejoices, as a Republican, that tht Democrats forced it upon the coun try. A proper nomination and plat f.-rm at our Chicago convention will "knock tho stuffing" out of Mr. Kvarts" Uaatiful confidence. It runs in some families. Iord Lji- toa's fi ft cca-y car-old daughur has just written a blood-ctiriding ghost story. and Miss HattlcBlaino is also paid to be seized with a sudden book-making mania, which is believed to be inherited more from her aunt, Abigail Dodo. than from her father. Hcv. V. W. Hicks, cx-agent of tbo ricayncDay Company and spiritual adviser of the late Guitcau, is said to to in a feeble condition of health, and La sronc to hU Florida orangs groves in the forlorn hope l recovery. His Washio;toii tabernacle will lose its rhsim a- well as its pastor. A brand of American cigars lately la'.roduccd in London and smoked by the dades of Regcut s-treet with great .v. inaction, have been found to be coaposcd ol tobacco paper that is, a c'uj? kind of paper soake J In tobacco jsioe, stale beer and strychnine and ttea rolled like the tobacco leaf. I: was related of the late Hon. Judah I' Iknjamin, who died in Paris last Wednesday, that when tho war was on; one of his associates remark- "I feel sure that the statesmanship o: the South will be eual to this emer C'cj" Mr. Ceoiamin replied: 'If " tr found deficient it will not ltx 'atciaaosbip. but In the ability to suUc:uro our supplies. The man Lows bow to make a percussion cP i cf more account than a hundred ''.ci2;en." ortU Carolina Climate. l'.Xi:er and Justice of the Peace. apuyShoDS, Alamance Co.. N.C.. ilr M. n Shcffner. writes ho has CM 5:. Jacobs Oil for. rheumatism. swelled ankles ana knees, pains Iu "- Uck and aorethroat. One or op plications in each case has al Jcurrd, and he beliCTea the Great "cita Remedy is the best in the NO. 120 LOCAL NEWS. 1 IIOEX TO fcEW, AOVCRTISEHEITt. U Y Tate Photograph Album IluifSBKRoeB riaoos aod Organs J W llARf-KB Family Excu-Blon r CHILLER-Glbfon's IinitorlM Can. If Hcmus DtltosatT Mc'llclnos ChaDge falling I3T Halt! more H 8 Line J II MaLLAKD-Trunks-Tiunks-Trunka Juhm DTaylob. Com'r-ForcilisureSiile n i A few huck!;berrie3. alias whortle berries, have already been socu in thb market. The -steamship Benefactor, Captain Tnbon, from hew Yors:, arrived at her wharf in this city this forenoon. The Wilmington Bicycle Club (will meet for practice in front of the City Hall at Q o'clock this afternoon. The banks of the city and all the of- ficcsat tho Court House, were closed for business to-day as it is a Jegal holiday. Nearly all the I business houses on Water street were closed to-day and number on Market and Front were also cioseu. Mayor Hall has gone to Charlotte to attend the anniversary celebration of the Mecklenburg Declaration of In dependence. To-day has been about the wannest day of the season, thus far, the ther mometer registerng 63 degrees in this office at 3 o'clock. f : 1 It is currently reported on the streets here that Mr. Frank II. Darby is to be the candidato '.of the Coalitionists for Congress from this district. We invite tho attention of ourcitiens to the fact that first quality shirts are being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tl. , , Silver Plated Spoons, Forks ami Knives of best quality, and at manu facturer's prices, can be found at Ja corn's Hardware Depot. t The storm signal, which was flying yesterday and thi3 morniug. was order ed down at 11 o'clock, and tho U. S flag and as many of the International Code of signals as thes flagstaff would bold were raised in honor of the day. We have labored under many difll cullies to day in this office. Two of our force are sick, and we have been unable to fill both places at short notice. This must account for any and all short comings in this issue if there are any The Wilmington Light infantry were conveyed to Hilton on board the team tug Alpha. Capt. Chadwick. They left here at about I o'clock and after ar rivinz at Hilton, they practiced at tar get tiring. Tho company had not re turned when we went to pre33. The streets had a deserted look this morning and, although the stores were open, there seemed to be but a small business, as nearly every one who could possibly leave was cither out ol town or in attendauce upon the closing exercises of the Graded Schools. Kit Huggin, colored, for many years a well-known habitue of tho "Hollow," died last night, aged about. (II years. He had been in failing health for sev eral months, with no prospects of re covering, but gradually and surely sinking towards tho grave. Left tn Good Order. "The Howard Relief Company and the Corn, t Concert Club left yesterday fc-raoon on the Carolina Central train Charlotte, as they were expected to "a The train was the regular passenger, J-i four additional cars were taken on We and the traio consisted of eight H pretty well filled, when it r-ached Charlotte this morninr. A Buabcr of others lea here last erenin- v 'iJ?.08. hom '"c Hon. A. M. addU. Major Hall, Maj. C. M. 5-doa aad Msj. Jno. W. Danham. Mr. Jno. 11. Savage, Superintendent of the County Work itouse, was in the city yesterday with a lot of some of the finest Irish potatoes we have ever seen, raised by hira on tho lauds at tho insti tution. They were of tho Early Rose varic'y and show what careful cultiva tion on old land can accomplish. Mr. J. II. Mallard, on South Front street, is preparing for the Summer campaign and is now.receiving a large assortment of trunks, travelling bags, satchels &a, to which ho invites the au tent ion of travellers and others through an advertisement published in this is sue. A dispatch received hero this more ing from Mr. S. II. Birdsey. at Cjcata, Fla.. brings the ?ad intelligence that bis little Marion, an account of whose sickness we chronicled a few days sjnee, died last night. Her remains ; will be brought here for interment, notice of which will appear herealter. Lressed Up. The steamer I cruise has got her awn ings up and sho looks as cozy and com fortable as need be. She is a lively craft and on board of her from Smith villo to Wilminzton and return would be very pleasant. , J For Smlthville. i" i The little steam yacht Oklalioiwt is at the ship yard, where she "will be thoroughly overhauled and refitted. After the work upon her is completed she will be taken to Smithvllle, where she will be employed during the season in conveying parties from that place to Fort Caswell and BaldHead. The W. Lj. I. - Iho Wilmington Light. Infantry hold their annual oarade tbi? afternoon, which will be followed by a reception at the city Hall to-night. Special invi tations have been issued to the mer chants of tho city to attend the recep tion, but a cordial request is extended to all the friends of the crops, to be present. r Family Excursion, The; next "'Family Excursion," on the Passport, to Smithville and the Forts, will be on Friday uext, and i the weather should prove fair she wil undoubtedly carry a full passenger list Those who went upon the last excursion given by Capt. Harper express them selves as highly delighted with the trip He is a careful commander as is de ru on st rated by the fact thatol the many thousands he has carried, not an ac cident has occuried to any one on hi boat. City Court. f In the absence of Mayor Hall Mayor pro tern Dudley officiated at the City Court this morning. The firs case for consideration was that o Ri( hard Martin, colored, charged with disorderly conduct. He was fined $10 for the offense, in default of which he was sent below for 30 days. E. II. Simon, a steward on one o the vessels in port,was drunk and down and was taken in bv tho police. He wa3 fined $5 for the offense. Itosa D'Erlna. Miss RoseOToole, better known in musical circles aDd in this., city under her professional name of Rosa D'Erina. was married on Sunday evening last a the Church of the Haly Innocents, in New York, to Prof. G. R. Voutom Vicomte de St. Croix. It will be re membered that sho was in this city some four or five y oars ago and gave an entertainment, consisting of vocal and instrumental music.at the Opera House. She has been the organist of the church in which she. was married, and her titled husband is professor of French and music in St. Louis College, which is attached to the same church. Tales of the Sea. It will bo a source of joy to many in this city to learn that capt. Jfc. jl. Williams and wife, with the remainacr 'mm- irt the crew of the scnooner mary jl. Ecmcrick, an account of whose lo3S at sea wo mentioned a few day since, arrived at New York on Sunday last. They came as passengers on board the steamer Prof. Morse. To a reporter of the New York Iforta. Capt.1 William in speaking of tho disaster to bis vessel, said: Wo left this city on March '20 last hmmrt for Jacksonville, uia. rout days out from here we were struck by a hurricane, ana our vessel was Dletely dismasted. We were rigging im inrv masts on the following morn inn-when & small leak was discovered. which raDid v eniareea unuiourpamps were useless to stop the flow of water infn tho hold. A oortion of her cargo Anna iated of iron, but the rest was of wood, and we kept afloat for nve aays hnino-in the ris-finz most of the time fin thn fifth d.iv the schooner Martin- w ----- ... . i que, from New lore lor inniaau, novo in siirht and lescuea us. uur vraaei aanb in two honrs after we left her. WasAved nothinz. Wo were lanaeo at Trinidad- where the American Consul nrocured us passage on me steamer Prof. Morse." Llppliicott'rt Macrazlne. LippincoWs for June opens with an illustrated paper on Raglan Castle, "the finest ruin in England." and one of the richest in historical associations, n . H. Schuyler discussqs tho subject of Academy Endowments." Dr. Oswald continues his papers on Healthy Homes." the subject in the present number being "Out Buildings." or, as the English say. "offices. The con cluding psper on 'Shakespeare's Trag edies on the Stage" describes the acting of Forrest, tho elder Booth, and Mac ready, and contrasts their qualities and methods. "Voyaging on the Savan nah," is a graphic and lively article, and Mimicry In Animals."' by C. F Holden, of the American Museum of Natural History, contains much that is striking and interesting. Two short serials, "The Perfect Treasure, and "At Last," are conclud ed in this number. "Winifred's let ter" and "A Railway ; Problem" are en tertaining short stories. A new serial, by Mary Agnes Tincker, will bo begun in the July number, which it the first of a new volume. The Graded Schools. The examination at the Hemmcn way School, on Fourth street, between Red Cross and Campbell, this forenoon, closed the session of the Graded Schools ot the city, and the pupils and teachers will have a vacation until the first of October next. The colored schools of the G i aded School System of the city held their examination on Thursday and Friday of last week , and those of the white schools were held yesterday and to-day. At all tho examinations mere wus a gooaiy attendance ot visi tors who were interested in the all-im . . I - . .. ; ! portani cause ot education, and, as might have been expected, the exercis es rero conducted in a manner satis factory to all. NfeW ADVERTISEMENTS. Foreclosure Sale. JJY VIRTUE W A DECREE OF THE Su perior Court of New Hanover County, In a ciusc there pending between James W. Col lloa, eta, platnUffs. and -Adrian II VanBok kelen and wife, defendants. I will sell by pub lic auction at the Court He use door in the city of Wilmington, on Wednesday, the 4th dy of June. 1881, the following Jot of land situate In said city, to wit: j I Lot No. 2 In Block iS accorUInjc to the plan of eaid citj. j Lot No. 6 in Block IS according to said plan. Not No. 5 In Block, j according to baldplin. Terms cash. ! I JOHN D. TAYLOB. may :0, 5t, 20, 27, 31, J 2, 3 Commlafiionncr Notice. jyjEMBEBS OF THE DEMOCRATIC EX. In his position as Superintendent, mjutive committee of New Hanover r u Iu V i i ti County, are requested to meet at the I PHrcell rof. Nobles has been indefatigable House, at 4 o'clock, p m., Mondav. May scth. may 19 td G. J. BoNfcY. Chairman. Prof. and pains-taking in the discharge of his onerous duties. The corns of teachers have been prompted in their efforts by The EXGUrsiOfl and PLC NlC iW.u Fw.vlWu, a..u oEASjN is OVER AND THE THEATRE with tue new ana anu improved, ructh- o j ods of imparting instruction have made dJOHN WH&ISTSe p" coSSS J the session which has just closed emi- IfiIV1 V rfumer, is persoimify tn attend nentlv successful. Our DeODle have an Street, between Water and Front. Wllmlnff t:.. t ' l , ,'; u. ton.N.c. mCh3" AC1&KluJ-iw ana linens auuuusut icasvu uu piuuuu 01 our . TT will be gl&J . to rsccrrs ccar:r.r,lca&)i a trea cz Irtcaii ca lay'iad all iuMcc trocrallatcrcstbTsf i frK ,T - V" ' JIThe aaiae of taa wrlteT matt always be BJstoUxedltor. ' -,'r . ; i1 ' (.uommanieacosamoat be iwrltua oa ea'y oaaaideot the paper.- PgaonaTttlea must ba aroIdM. , t And It Is eapeeiaHyf aad parttcalarly mWer tood that the Editor does not ahrayaeactaae ''j the Tlews of correepondenta mdeaa so state i i m ue emtonal columna; - : NEW, ADYERTIBEuNTS JUST RECEIVED 116 nIarket St. Another Assortment 1 f : ; of . ; 1 , Braided Jerseys, Embroidered White Dresses, Wide Embroideries, Nainsook Checks and Stripes, Marseilles and Pique Welts City Drug Store. 21G MARKET STREET. TCE CREAM SODA WATER. J. BIRDS AND FLOWEFS. urugs and ratent Medicines. Conoley's Cologne is the best la the city. Cigars and Cigarettes. Prescriptions prepared at all hours dav and niQE. ! J. W. CON OLE Y. i may 3 . Manacef. Steamer Passport shools; the teachers have every reason to be gratified at the results ot their labors, and the pupils have cause for thankfulness at thespleudid opportuni ties tor acquiring knowledge which the munificence of our laws affords thee:. The plan of vacation at this season of the year, when the hot months are upon us, is proper and wise, and the vacation will not be a day too long. Nearly or qite all the teachers will at tend Normal schools during the Sum- WILL mae Regular mar tn rT"MOT irk ha the hpttar nrpnarwl I trin3 to Smithvllle and the Forts a-U V a It! Wwa : vw w wmw fp-Mavw 1 . - ... ... . every day except Sunday. lor the duties. Ol the next session, SO Fare, 75c,1 round trip. Parties of ten or more that they will have but little time for cfguro llcKeu aay Mro uaepjeb recreation or pleasure. The pupils will have opportunies for amending IlOll, A, M Wafldell. Hicuiuo uu "tu.uu, v iuu wjjii- ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE air exercises, so that they will come to jt , . .... HON. A. M. WADDELli as a candidate for me scnooi room in tne Autumn men- congress from the Sixth District, sttbjtct to tiit tally and physically invigorated for Uiotri JLl ,Jlocrattf cn ," renewal oi tneir stuaies. ucking and all our Embroideries. 3,000 Yards In jRemnanLm I Cheap ! eries'j may 12 tf Lake Waccamaw. To-morrow bids fair to be a- lovely day and as a consequence there is every probability that the family excursion to be given to the. Lake to-morrow , by the Sunday School of St. Thomas church, will be liberally patronized. OFFICE OF Dr. S. C. Ellis, Extra Jobs In Silk Sash Ribbon, Black 1 ored Silks. . ...... j !;. jRcsides a Complete Assortment; of - ( '. , ami Col- M TVTO. 323 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, op- posite Miller's Druar Store. Oflico hours y to la a,m., S to op. m.i , Telephone at residence. No. 5. may 6 tf AND aii Who go may rest assured of a Gibson's Imported Candy. Dleasant day. free from trouble and i . .. .... . TlMKRAni)fO TIMR 1PRTTTT nBAVfiB annoyance, xne tram win leave irontipj , ' street denot at 8 :30. Tickets mav be Chocolate, Ginger, Vanilla, ; Rose, Butter had at the depot. Scotch, Cherry and Strawberry Tablets, at NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. may F. C. MILLER'S; Corner Fourth and Nun sis Secondj Family Excursion, N STEAMER PASSPORT, FRIDAY, MAY 23, at 'J o'clock. O Fare for round trip, 5Cc; children, 25c. Music by Pascuccl's Band. may 20 It J. W. HARPER. Trunks I Trunks! Trunks! ripRUNKS AND TRUNKS, BAGS AND BAGS. SADDLES, HARNESS, SADDLERY GOODS In great variety, and all at the ery lowest prices. HARD, CLEAR L ND SQUARE ICE , SHIPPED TO AIL a. points in car loal, Hhd and Bbl lots, well packed and in gool shape. We guarantee sati i i faction and will bo undersold by no one. may 10 ' W. E. DAVIS A SON, PIANOS & ORGANS FANCY DRESS GOODS. All at Very Low Prices, , AT - M. IVJ. KATZ 116 market St. may 19 - ' ' " ' . ' .' Thunder and Lightning I pEOTECTYOUR HOUSES WITH LIGHT- MNG RODS Supply your Cook with a GOOD fcTOVE.i We have them. Call and aao. I PARKER A TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OfL. : may 19 WE HAVE MADE BY THE MOST; CEUBA y the leading c nU- fAXI. Manufacturers, endorsed by nent pianists of the day, and warranted not to blister and peel off in two or three months; but are guaranteed to resist tho atmospheric Anew lot of Trunks and Travelling Basra I chances of the South erinallv as well aa.mv and oaaaies jus ojwucu. cw otjrtca, jw (inru and warranted to wear well. Trunks repaired by aa good a trunk maker there la In the state ot North Carolina. A call and examination is respeciruuy bouci- ted. J. 11. MAXiLiAttll, i iu oouin xront street. Next door to N. Jacobi's Hardware House may 20 Particular attcnUon riven torenalrlnflr Trnnka by the only Trunk Blakcr in tho State. ; alCDO Uu ALL A BOWDEN. 114 North Frot 8L . Next to D. A. Smith's Furniture Store. may IV - ' Headquarters JjiOR FISHING TACKLE, I ? - i AT ' ' ' 13. 21 and 23 Market Stteet The largest and beat assortment are offered In this market. may 19 Baltimore & Wilmington Steanisliip Line. Furniture. STEAMSHIP Viclette WILL SAIL FROM Piano or Organ made, and to improve in qual- ltyoftone by use. Call and examine theee famous Instruments at HEINSBERGER'S, may Id Live Book and Music Ston a -1 PhntnoraTih 'AlhiiTriR.' -""Ol'M . pATTAN CHAIRS AND ROCKERS. -m. t rrxxr t ri-r rv a tjtvpt T7cn at unif a xt ' - - FN s I , J Children's Carriages, Settees, Lounges iust received. MUSICAL INSTBUMESTS Violins. Guit ars, Banjos, AcconJeons, Bows, btrlngs, Ac. I 1 : LITHOGRAPIIISG Beln agent for one of the largest Lithographing establishment tn the country, J a" prepare1 tn inrnieh Checks, Drafu. Letter Head?, Bill JfcuU, Weodlng and Ball Invitation. Visiting Cards. c , at very jow rates, i SHOW CASE Several Mrles in meUl and walnnt, oval anl beveled ftonts, at fac tory prices. YATES KOOK STOKE, Moiuito NeU, Cot. Matlrcs es. Springs, Woven Wire Springs, Mta. Sales. Ac. 1 V Received tbli week and f 3t sale low by ' D A. SMITI mtyio ! Furnilure; N. Front Street may 13 119 Market Street FRIDAY J MAY a FROM ! wiiL.ivrTTsrQ'roisr i- WEDNESDAY MAY 2sth Through Bills of Lading and lowest through a to Cape ALSO. To and irons Boston, Providence, Phllade pbla and all Western dUes. For FrelgMxigagementa, apply to A. D. CAZATJX. AgX., 1 WUmlnrton, N. C ANDKEW8, & CO., AgU., 3. Coraex Light aad German Su.. may S3 . Baltimore. Munds Bros. & BcEcsso - .i WHO L ES A LE & KETAI fJ DKUGCJISTS, WJLillXCiTOX, X. c. GrandExcursionon Wednes day, May 21, to Lake Waccamaw Drugs.Medicines.Chemicafs TY ST. THOMAS' SUNDAY SCUOOL Sls,nelrfSvCrrlEU " 1 will fumUh mus e. Ice Cream and Lemonade by the Ladles. Tickets 73 cent. Children 50 cents. Train I I SI ' leaves here at 8 SO a. nu, ami return here at! 7.10 r. m. Tickets at depot Water Coolers 1 . ,. ! I yERY CHEAP AT i K , ; ! UILX3 A MURCHISONS. mayj'j aSorcolsoa KlocX. it Medicines AND xrAJNro-5r goods, o fittest qratty at lewest rates. may 0:. - . " ' ,vT rjotice- OF THE WILMINGTON IfX LIGHT IXFARTIir ar hereby orlcrtd to appear at too Araujr- at .2 o'clock. Tues day, May tofh, Jtsi, . rrara and target ; practice. - By aJer of Cstn- - - may 15 It 1st SerrtasL t

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