this rxrta rrT Sunday. ',X JOSH T.JAMES, - hito raorxixToa. wrJPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: 8 ,1100. Six month, 12-00. Three h 1100; Oae month. S3 cent. oS-1 t delivered by carrlera free Weea" jr week. trill report T HI WW tc thrtr rpr regularly. 1 h,7v fitrtiw has the larytst . . f V dm&dwnu of any nttcspapcr ' b-ry l,,.,1rt Tenure were coined i;!su:. l Yale. Ihc ctlitor of Ibc I oJ.mi Vr.'.. now devotes nearly all 'j tia.e t' i bok on "Ucminis- it ... .. j;r. ite wealthy Senator -,!.i.hi;aii. has bought a lot of J tn Vahin;rtnn anI wi.i uuim f- :coa a o house. ' " - .t:;:it ;v IVKnncry. author or -The Utur.e of - 0uO0O from the nearly he has written. Tie i-r:r.r.: of Princess Victoria of ll -i . ta! r wedding dress, printed ibe illustrated newspapers, make tt h a eorpfc leaning np jrar.:air'-.'. ? i T .2 j'.l i the late Joseph A. Dud- t.Nc York. bequeathes the grcat iriiof hi property to his relatives, sJ $i3.SCO to various charities, Jf p.-y PreibjferUn. . - - - lere i a hrce water tank on the u? d tie Philadelphia Record building. l.a tVaalnff it out the otb,cr day the ftrr.r fund a number tf fiil1 -3c-: and catfish in it. - - Gtvrf W. Cable, according f a Cirrrstparssfaph. promises to eive a ciaber "J readings in Knland this fa:.(.aadhis a'ready niado prepara tut Lt a Ions tour abroad. Sjxsct J. Kaodail has- adopted a Jrrcoata a dinner party cost u mo tr j tic grtaicst reluctance, while Mr. Uo'.uianV mrior titlo to ibe I'm ;i!cr.tia! noiuinalioa consist iu the tea that lor a suspeodcr be rears a '.r;r. In rbitadelpUia. Tuesday. John II. I'arke was ccavictedou two bilU of in d.ctmcnl. one charins bid with con pirio2 with Major Tbiprs. ex-super-iotendeo: of tbe almshouse, and others U ilefrsuJ tbocil r, an J the.other with pvrjury. - - - - . The New York Journal of Commerce c! a sensible editorial on the tioan cial excitement with this remark: "It i :ia:o for idler to keep away from street corocri, and for all who are will in; to earn their living to Lake off their cc"iU and go to work." Tboma-s 1). Christopher haj brought aa action in ltrooklyn. N. Y., against Barnnm, Uailey and Hutchinson t rc coer his interest in tbe combination show. Tbu plaiolifT that liar cum sot into possession through a fore closure of tho plaintiff interests, and that be did not pay anything. - - - - - - JuJ;o Simonton, at IIarriburg. 1'a. hx tiled bis opinion in cacs involving tie taxation of the municipal bonds of r&wiJcIphis. Inonocase tho city is LM liable for $'B.0Ta. and in the other tr 4'- 13. coveriug a perio! of nearly t jcars from I?77 to The claim cf tie Stv.e was lor nearly $T0O,0OO. Kc-tucky Central Hailroad officials laythittbo Kast Tennessee, Virginia a:4 (Icoria secures entrance into Cin- c cnati ber Louisyille and Nashville tracks from Jelico to Livingston, and troci there over the Kentucky Central J.rijion cf the Chesapeake and Ohio to I ssciaaati. It Is an agreement for the cot tracks only. The Marquis Tseng has threo sons I-c East, Duke Homo and Duko Pole -tte eldest ot whom has already lived f Scars in England.threoof them bv '"Z inca rid in a public cbool. His is only 1 1 and bo is already cngag- fdtube uarri'd. His 'general Intcl ;icc. avutcnefs and extraordinary -acitj" arc remarkable 1. lonowensf, former governess to:-Kin0fSiam. in a receut inter ita the Siamese Prince, now on a mission to tie United States Govern Bient, was received with crcat cxpres tr.s of cordis, and gratitude. Ho t5V "e would hardly recognize tk. m 01 l-ly comparing it with uuct Cttea jcars ago aud be attr: JJ. the grat re?enration that has tf?., lclnd 'he young Prince com- ieH i 10 ter cr of om k ' ono kco4oi MfLoni ire now occupying' ine Fatrlawii Flyem. fA1' U, S Witheri.f Fairlawn Stock 2rIm-Xintton- Ky- writes: On I ?rlb,nK; rajH'lf. my nezroes. my everybody. I use St. Jacobs Oil ttcu a boiile. Now U the time to giro Smith's Worm UJ lyd-w r E VOL. VIII. LOCAL NEWS. II CU TO IEW AQVERTISm EITX. D O'Coxxon Ceil Eiut J D 8CRLETT, Mtnaicr A Crt. IIkixsbkkokb A Uoman Singer. U W YATEa Pbotograpb Albums ti oviLLi: Jt Co SevSUe Park Hotel r C IHlleu ilbon' Imporlca Caolf SlUXVS BIOS.& DEllOSSKT McUctnC8 G.i W Pbici:, Jr-W.,W. A O. It. K Day's length II hour, and 10 minute? Only ono bale of cotton received here to-day. Ham is beginning to be seriously needed. Thero were no interments in Bellevuo Cemetery this week. New moon this afternoon at 22 mioutes past 5 o'clock. The Register of Deeds issued no mar riaire licenses this week. Tho New Hanover Criminal Cour will convene next Monday. Stcamboatmen report that the water is very low in the Cape Fear. Tbe first week in June promises witness a begira from the city. to Plenty of vegetables, tgs. ploutry &c , justnow. but the meat market 19 poorly supplied. Thero were eight interments in Pine Forest Cemetery this week, six adults and two children. Iter. D. D. Dodge will deliver address on Decoration 1 Day at National Cemetery, tbe the There was one interment in Oakdale Cemetery this week; that of a child which was brought here from abroad. There will bo prayer meeting services at the Second Presbyterian Church to morrow at II a. tu. No services at night. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer in this oflico registered SG degtees, marking the warmest djry of tbe season thus far. Rer. Dr. Pritchard will preach at the First Baptist Churqh to-morrow morn ing and again at night. The subject of his sermon to-morrow night will bo "Gambling." Haylian barque Hennance and Clara, Teel, cleared to-day for Port-au-Prince. Ilayti. with 100,000 feet of lumber and 25,000 shingles, valued at $1,G85, ship ped by Messrs. E. G. Barker & Co. Tho DulDit of tho Fifth street Metho dist church will be filled at the usual hours on to-morrow by Reverend Jas. W. Craig in the morning and Reverend E. A. Yates. 1). D., in the evening. We saw soiuo very handsome peaches, the first of tho season, at tho Store of Messr?. Jas. R. Huggins & Co., to-day. They were raised by Capt. S. W. Nobles, who excels iu fruit and grape culture. If you need a real good first class cooking stove, don't fail to sec the Ex cclslor Penn.. Z.-b. Vanco and Now Emerald, besides others. They are to bo found at factory prices at J a corn's. who is tho manufacturers agent. t The New Hanover Democratic Exec utive Committee will meet at the Pur. cell House at 4 o'clock next Monday afternoon. In this connection we arc prompted to ask if it is not about time for the Congressional Committee of the Sixth District to make somo move to wards calling a convention. It seems tu us that there is not an abundance of time to spare. Seasido Park Hotel. As will be seen by reference to our advertising column?, tbe above pamed popular and fashionable resort will be under the management this season of Messrs. Scovillo & Co. These gentle men have tact, experience and eucruy, practically fitting them for the hotel business, and they arc determined that tho Seasido Park Hotel shall be equal to any on the Atlantic coast. We predict for them a prosperous seaon , and can bespeak for their guests a cordial recep tion, the most courteous treatment and tho very best of acconiuiodationsi with a table supplied with the best the mar ket will afford. Hotel Brttn.HwsIck. Our genial friend. Mr. J. I). Sublett, of the H tel Brunswick, publishes a card in this issue which will explain some. misunderstanding that has arisen in the public mind. He is bound to have every thing in the best possible shape for the convenience and comfort of his guests. The Hotel will be open for the reception and accommodation of guests on the Sod proximo. WILMINGTON. 'N. C SATURDAY, MAY 24, The W. W. & O. It. It. The Board of Directors of th Wil mington, Wrightsville and Onslow R. R. will meet in the city. on Tuesday, June 10th. The meeting is to be held for the purpose of considering the early completion of the road. We understand that two propositions to this effect have been made by Northern parties, one to construct the road from Wilmington to Wrightsville and the other to carry it on from Wrightsville into Onslow county. A member of the Board tells us that ho thinks it probable that the first of these propositions will be accept ed and perhaps both. The" terms offered, as explained to us, certainly teem very reasonable and if the con tract is made we may yet ride to Wrightsville on the cars this summer 1 a r 1 Louri. John Wright, a colored boy, was brought before the Mayor this morning charged with the larceny of a lot of brass from the steamer Firefly, aU Wilson's mill, and was required to give a bond in the sum of $50 for his ap- pearanco at "the next term of the Crimi- nal Court, in default of which he was committed. Edward Larkins. colored, for being drunk and down was fined S3. The case of John Stubbs, charged with tho shooting of Aleck Stewart, colored, which wo reported yesterday, was then taken. Mr. Marsden Bella my appeared as counsel for the accused and Mr. John D. Bellamy, Jr., appear ed for the city. The accused, through his counsel, waived an examination and was,required to give a bond iu tbe sum of S200 for his appearance at the next term of tho Criminal Court. Gallagher Brickhouse, who was with Stubbs when the shooting was done, was recognized as a witness in the case at tbe next term of the Criminal Court, in the sum of $50. Personal. Col. W. Foster French, of Lumber ton , wa3 in the city to-day, and regis- tercd at the Pur cell House. Mr. W. W. McDiarmind, of the Rob csonian, was in the city to-day and reg istered at the Puacell. Mr. J. D. Sublett, of the Hotel Bruns wick, at Smithvlllo, was in the city to day. Mr. D. II. Scoville, of the Seaside Park Hotel, at Wrightsville, was in the city to day. His Honor Judge Philips arrived in tho city last night and registered at the Purcell House, lie left this afternoon on tho steamer MurcJiison for Fayette- ville to preside at Cumberland Super- ior, Court which will convene at Fay- eiievilio on iiouu;ijr utiv. Mr. W. K. Youog. of Saratoga, N. Y., proprietor of one of the Saratoga Springs, was in tho city yesterday. Ho informs us that he has a strong idea of buvinir nroDcrty in Wilmington ..... . where he can pass the time' after the seasons at Saratoga nave closed, ana as he is an agreeable, gentleman and has a most amiable wife, whom he found in North Carolina, wo hope that ho vill carry it into effect. lie married the only daughter of Mr. George A. Southall, of Magnolia, who is well known to many of our citizens. Pender Items. From a letter received from an ess teemeU corresponaemat nocsy Pender connty, we learn that the crops in that section are very fine. The early truck business has not been so good as usual on account ot the cool nights, but the standard crop of oorn is excellent thus far. Mr. S. E. Rolen has a fine aland of corn and cotton, one of the best ever seen in that section at this season of tbe year, til uouse caugnt nra nnlk.rri four rlars tinM rl oron !d have been destroyed had not his son, Mr. II. C. Roten, gone upon the bnild- n5 and lorn off the burning shingle. a'.though at times he was enveloped in flames and was considerably scorched and burned in his struggles to save the property. Tbe cholera is prevailing to a ter'fus extent among hogs and poultry. Mr. saac W. Shepard lost by the disease 36 nogs, 4U cnictens anu a numoer oi turkeys, and many others have lost heavily. Rev. V. M. Kennedy met bis con gregation at Riley's Creek las tSunday and preached quite a practical sermon. He is much bjeloved bj his congregation and has done much towards ekyating the community to a higher plane of moral, social and religious ptinciple. We invite the attention of eur citizens to the fact that first quality shirts are. being made to order at one dollar at the Wilmington Shirt Factory. tl. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EVERY LADY IN WILMINGTON AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY, who is interested in NICE EMBROIDERY, can be suited from the large lot just received, being the second purchase ot the season. FINE LACES, of all new styles. PARASOLS AND SUNSHADES The prices are low and the assortment is good., MOURNING PARASOLS AND SUNSHADES. WHITE LAWN ROBES A big success in these good., new lot just in.' CARPETS, MATTINGS AND OIL .CLOTHS A good assortment at all sea - . sons. Very cheap Carpets, especially in Brussels. ' R- PJI. RflciroTIRE. may 23, 1884 Slight Fire. At aD0Ut 1 o'clock this morning fire was discovered in the kitchen on the premises of Mr. Geo. W. Williams, on Fifth street, between Market and Dock, and the alarm was promptly given. The family and servants, aided by tbe neighbors, were quickly at work and before the'fireOepartment reached the scene the flames were extinguished The damage was slight. The careless- I ness of the cook is considered as the cause of tho fire. Gilmer and Coke- We understand that Judge Gilmer has declined to allow his name to go before the nominating convention as a candidate for Governor. At least, this is the report here but we have seen no public announcement of the iact in Octayius Coke has also, we un derstand, stated that he i3 not in the field for Lieutenant-Governor. In fact, he said to a gentleman from this city, a few days since, that under no circum stances would he be a candidate for the position. The Tilestou Debating: Society. This Society held its last debate for the season at the Tileston Upper Room last night. There was, quite a varied program me, a debate being one ot the distinctive features. The following oenstitute the ofHcers of the Society: President Joseph R. Wilson, Jr. Vice President J. Stern berger. Treasurer Allen P. Hallett. The order of exercises were as fol lows: Music Miss Barnes. L President's Address Joseph R. Wil- son, Jr. I Music Miss Adrian. Debate Resolved, That civilization owes more to England than to France. Affirmative Messrs. H. Bacon, Jr. I A. J. iUllcueu aim a. a . iiauvu. Negative Messrs. B. F. Mitchell; Jr and J. Sternberger. Mr. A. W. McDopgald was to have spoken in ine negative, oai was 100 1 n .thr etronn ami rvi r iv ni nnruma w "riTr. "Vw -r.u- -T'T gi(je i,nt his place was supplied by Mr. 1 . r w 15. F. Miteneii, J r. MusicMiss Bacon. Declamation Vm. Daggett. Oration James lledrick. Music Miss Shaw. A CAIU. The Hotel Brunswick, SmithVille, N C. , will open for the season. June 2. Rates of Board as follows : Transient Rates, 82.50 and $3 per day : J?w per single wee; jjia per week- for single montn ; ziv per week f H time over one month Children under 10 years and nurses, half price Special meal hour3 for children and nuraes. Tho New Pavilion Building is open at all times for the reception of the nublic. Our Ball Room is free to the eucsts nftha hotel. All others are exreo!ed to pay for ball room privileges. Tickc's can oe procurea at uotei oince cr cafe AUnHSSlOIl CCntS Cafe supplied at 11 times with cool Soda Water, Ices and Eatables of the description usually found in first-clas3 Lunch Rooms, at reasonable prices. Our friends and the public generally larc invited to give us a trial. Respect my, Vrc, J. D. -Sublett, may 24 lw Manager. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . REAL ESTATE. UAVK FOR SALE SEVERAL HOUSES and VACANT LOTS very cheap. HOUSES, OFFICES aod STOKES for Rest. Apply to may 24 law 3m aat Real Estate Agent. ITflniBrtca, ffrilsrille k Onslow Mraai.;! AMEKTISG OF THE BOARD OF DI RLCTuRSof the W.. W. A O. Railroad cxapany. is calle 1 to meet at tbe Company's rnlee. Princess street, on TUESDAY, JUNK the IOth. at It o'clock. M. A foil attendance rs earnea'ly requested, as business of Importance &&4 rrafiemeau for immediate wocjk en" the rosd are to be con sidered. GEO W. PRICE. Js " cuytStti. J 4,9 - Vice President. NO. 124 IJE EW ADVERTISEMENTS. SEA-SIDE PARK HOTEL, WRIGHTSVILLE SOUND, N C. SCOVILLE & CO., Proprietors rjQHIS HOTEL WILL BE OPENED FOB the Summer eeason of 1884, under the man affemcnt of SCOVILLE & CO., (of the Sco ville Bros., of the Kimball House, At'anta, Ga , and the Baford House, of Charlotte, C), and with the extensive improvements which have been placed upon th property, the Hotel is the best Sea-Side Hot,cl In .North Carolina. The table will be furnished iotte best sttlc. Fish, Oysters and CraUawillbeeervel in great variety. TheKoomaare furnished in elegant style, comfortable beds, handsome furniture. The Grounds are very attractive, large and roomy. A fine Bar and Billiard Boom has been placed on the grounds. Two new Bowling Alleys. feurf and still water bathing. Special excur sion rates on all Railroads. Fishing, Hunting and Bath ng. Boats to convey guests to the Beach. A Band of Music is engaged for the season. Kvey arrangement is made for the enjoy ment and entertainment of guests, .boat Uaces, Base Ball Games, Lawn Tennis, Cro quet and other games. Complete line of r 011 veyances direct to the l'arir, meeting every II. nu. Board by the day, $2.50 and low rates by the week wr month, may 24 Spec'ally A EOMAN SINGER. NEW NOVEL. BY F. MABTON CRAW FORD, author of "Mr. Isaac." "Dr. Claud! us," and to "Leeward." I vol. lGrao., $1.25. Of all Mr. Crawford's works the most inicr cstlng, captivating, and masterly is "A Koman Singer "The Week (Toronto). J ust out and for sale at - HEINSBERGER'S, may 23 Live Book and Music Stores. "The Old House" AND THE YOUNG FIRM. ONLY OUR fourth season, but it finds us up to all its reqtyremenis, ana u you wish a CAIt LOAD, a HD, or a BBL of Hard, Clear and Square Ice well packed and in goods shape, favor us with your order, and If wc don't give satisfac iion we won t cnarge you a cent. Try us. may 23 W. E. DAVIS SON. JUST IMAGINE 1 THE COOLEST STORE FOR LADIES TO BllUFJIN'lS j TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, and there la where you will find the finest aud largest stock to select from in Millinery and Fancy Good?, as we receive new und choice goods every day. Just Imagine 03 cent for a bunch of three Tips in any color, regular val ue One Dollar. Thcce good3 have been scll inx so rapidly we had to duplicate them over and over again by request of our patrons. Just imagine 39c for a bunch of three black Tips, worth twice the money. Such prices Ladies have never heard of before. Just imagine 73c for a fine plame in any shade. An excellent line of Feather Pom poons. An earlj call will secure you somccf these goods at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR. From the smallest single Vlvct to the largest branched dress garna'ure. Daljy Wreaths, Pansies. Buds and Uest s. in fact every kind of Florrers. at prices wh'cb it competition at ueuancc Just openc 1 a stork of Far and l'jn.l. tocetbcr wltb a fine stock or Leather ntrfcels. Underwear. Corsest Ulbto'a inn nd made-up Lace Goods. Embroideries at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St., may 22 WILMINGTON. N. C. Shirts Made 1 1884. oroidLery K) ORDER OF BEST WAlISOTTA krt.F:.:'?L' lng an I No. 2100 Llaeu for tbe low price ot $1.00." - A ir feet fit and good uiuinll work eoar-! an tee I Oar patrons ana cut-u's arw Inrjt td to e. and leave their nua&ure at tbe aboto 1 reiarkably low price at toe Wl'mlnztun ShJrt I raewry. a. &uhacii, Pron.. feb 20 tf n AIarfct8t. Silver Plated Spoons, Forks and Knives of best quality, and at mana faciarer'a prices, can be found at Ja-cobi'-s Hardware Depot. f - i ; -PLSAE5 EOTICS. Wt win be g!4 to noclTa cocmarlcatjot frost oqx frlcadjjaa aiiy'sxd an ntjaeta. wnerallniettrtlrat J ""J" r l? j'?nw meat anrar t tobc& to th E2tor.' ' - v : . : '. ' J ICommtmlctCoM must t wxttUa oa o ly one aide of the paper. Penonalieee ntttst be avoided. Aadlt 1 eepedanyl and putlcuUrty taer ood that the Editor doc 6t ahriy. ead te me views of correepondenta unless eo etak- ta the editorial eatona. ;; j NEW AD VEUTISEMENTS Thunder and Lightning !, paoTECT TQuanousiEswrrn ugiit. nixo nniw fcxo E. We have Uicm. Call and ace. 1 PAKKEK A TAYLOR. rutLM. WHITK OIL. ; mar 19 WE HAVE TN STOCK THE BEST AUD CirBAPEST X. Sadtnes, Harr.cas. Tranka, Satchels, Bu pie, Phu)ns, carta. Drays, Ac. in N. c. farticular attenUoa gica to repair in r Trunks by tbe only Trunk iUker In the Ul. . alCDOUUALL BOWDEN. Next to D. A. Smith's Furniture store. Headquarters pOR FISHING TACKLE U ......... AT W. E. ai'IUNGEU A CCa.. . J9' 21 23 Market 8tt The largest and be sr. aaBortmcct ever offered In this market. . . may ID Furniture. JJATTAN dHAIKS A5?D ftoCKECS, Children Carriages, gettccs, Loungta, Mosquito Nets, Cot. ilattrestca, Spriugsr Woven Wlro Springs, Moat Safes. Ac. : j?J:rn Received thU week and for sale low by iV-.i.:; .D.:A. SMITH, myl9 .t FimiUnre, y.' rront Street Trunks I Trunks ! Trunks ! j'ikwivo s if inuAas, SATCHELS AND SATCHEL", BAGS AND bags! ; ' ' ' SADDLES, HARNESS, SADDLERY GOODS In great variety, and all at the very lowest irlc?s. ' " ' I A HEW lot nf Tninti iinH T-llt.. . ' and Saddles jusi oiened. Now Htrl... k- Trunks repaired by as good a trunk maker as there is in the state of North Carolina. A cll and examination is respectfully folicl- te,l. . . J- H. MALL A til), . , , 10 Sonth Front Street Next door lo N. Jacobis Hardwaro Ho use may 20 , Photograph Albums. JEW LOT OF CABINET SIZED ALBUMS just received; . MUSICAL INSTBUMENTSVIollns, Gult ars, Banjos, Accordcons,;Bowsf4Stilngs, Ac. LITHOGRAPHING Reiner rnt tnr. of the largest Lithographing establishments In the country. I am rrrenared tn fnrniih Checks. Drafts. Letter Heads, BUI Heads, Wedding and Ball Invitations, VlslUn Card. &c , at very, low rates. - SHOW CASES Several Htv In mf.l and walnut, oval and beveled fronts, at fac- tory prices. . yates' book Stork Pay 19 119 Market Street. Munds Bros. &;DeRosset, WHOLESALE & ItETAILi OUUGGISTS.l WILMINGTON, K C. Drugs,Medicines,Chemicals Patent Medicines, i :". - AND ' F-A.lTC"5r GOODS. of finest quality at lowest rates. may 13 In Stock. i NEW LOT OF LAWN CHAIR 3 AND settees. Elegant Dining Room and Chamber Furniture, bur assortment ' of Rattan and Reed Chairs la extensive. " ' " ' " To arrive this week, something entirely cew in BABY CARRIAGES. , Give us a call. - ' Tiros. C. CRAFT, Ajct., . Fumitqro. Dealer. " 20 So. Front Street may 19 Don't Pay. Rent I ITrilY PAY RENt WHEN THE' i 6iiue money will buy you a bone ? In thU Uty I, have sold over o.e huu-lrcl nd lilly LpLa t aod J Houses and Lou to partes who h.f -'paU !n full for, by lwsU'nieats ni'kcthly ' payca nts. Also, I have a number now ou ray books, who c mL.UK rvgular iioolbly paymcLtS aoi w iil biyjn btfu liJUri nda -kanrt liwi- I it-I ruio. M.iuey kaoed i9 tLoc TrUtdax f hMlL - Apply to -may 14 cw " JA31E3 WILSON. Hon. aHu. WafldcIL WE ARK AUTfJOCIZKD 'J O AyNOUNC.E ...,...v -. ZZ? dZlZ, wI ItrUt.wkeneoUtd. , - - . 7 " - "' e-' ThelQuestioh XfOW IS, Or WlJCTUWi wu OIIVLL pty a tarIlfoaIaa4eVMTrac X'biia'.tnt warre, oh where, can you rt tfe CJLST aid BaT KKB can at alcUo WAVd, ; No. 8o4j tli front Street, sad you can aslvo the probkm.: Alro, the bet t Cigars la tte city. xaaySi a mn mm

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