The Daily Review. I OS! I. T. JAMES, Editor & Pro. WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY. MAY 28. 1884. Curl At Ln rMtoAem at Wlhaingtoa. N. a, MM MOOSil-CllM mtttrr. Gen. Jabai A. Erly expresses ibe bop thit Senator Bayard will reetive tbo Democratic nomination for PresU dent. He aayi: Bajanlii the repre aentaUTo ot pare utemansbip. of boncit aJmloiitrallon and of aonnd baainesi priociplet. Geo. Earljthicks! Bayard coold be elected c&iily acd by; adcciiire ruaiprity. Tberrseem to bo something In Ibe rumor tbat tbe Administration is pre paring to tip its bo mi by d-ing what Bocbanan wanted to do but couldn't, and wbat Hamilton Fish might bare done bat didn't buy Cuba (or a sons. Minister Foster' errand bere is said to bo upon tbls business. Tfcc sum which Spain Is willing to accept and Mr. Frelinihaysen to gie is $50,000,000. President Arthur, baTiog been select ed to make tbe opening; an J Secretary of War Lincoln tbe closing speech, at tbe New Orleans Exposition, tbe man ager bare determined to bare an inter mediate address delivered by some prominent Democrat, not yet named. Darin tbe coarse ot tbe Exposition it will be arranged that ex-Senator Bruce Register of tbe Treasury, shall deliver an oration, as tbe representative of tbe colored people, who are expected to be present In large numbers throughout tbe entire period of tbe great festival. As an Instance of the wonderful ra pidity with which words and messages can now be transmitted to tbe various commercial centres of the world, wo may mention the fact recorded in the London Electrician, that conversation bad been carried on between an opeia tor In London and another in Calcutta, at tbe rate of twelve to fou rtccn words to tbe minute, over a wire extending some 7.000 miles, by way of Constanti nople to Teheran, in Persia, thence to Boaibay, and finally to Calcutte. Tbe intervening space between London and tbe capital of British Ind.a may be con sidered now practically annihilated. Not a few of Blaioc'a .warm adher ents were amazed to find in tbe New York Tribune on Wednesday morning a thirteen column report of the Arthur meetiogof the night before and an editorial commending the character and genera conduct ot the gathering. As tbe Tribune hsd (been up to tbat time an enthusiastic Blaino organ ttTerybodjr was asciug wbat it meant. The New York Units now charges that it was urtd to publish tbo same report by a promise of tbo sale of from 75.000 to 100,000 extra papers for tbat day, on tbo condition tbat it would say nothing derogatory of the meeting in its editorial colonics. Tbe Times de clined the offer, and tbe inference is left In tbe public dind tbat Hie Tribune accepted it. A Ubcriaa now la Philadelphia talks rather despondently of the outlook of the little black republic. It is a fine country, he says, tbe finest in the world rich soil, broad rivers, golJ, ivory and palm oil close by. But tbe Govern ment owes over $1,100,000 in Iondon, and pay day is drawing near. In the person of one Harris, an English adventurer with half a diieu negro wives, England bas already seized 150 miles of coast. English gunboats have shown themselve oS Monrovia. Tbe satire tribes are unfriendly, and tbe JJberiins themselves are a prey to po. lltlcal dissensions. Altogether, tho black Individual now In Phjl&dtlphia regards the situation as desperate and expects to become a British subject by annexation before be is cry much old er. Tbe Paris correspondent of tbe Boston Journal writes : ' The death of Judah P. Benjamin excited but small interest in tbe American colony bere, Mr. Benjamin lived in a handsome house which be bad bad specially coa- cmntcA Tnr himplf in the AvenUO de Jena, and of course moved but little in tbe American society of tbe capital Most, of the old Southern aristocratic circles which were once conspicuous in Paris are dispersed by deith or decay frrnni am! Mr. ncniamin was MB, V " f furthermore, during most of his real fionoo horf. Loo ill to Dart id pate in general society. II s chief amusemen since bis retirement from tho English Kr . nn orr.nional visit to the fimlnn hninu where be had been famous siuco tbe close of the civil war Lord Coleridge and other legal lunim nri f ifift mptruDolis were very fond rinm unit his fine talents won him universal recognition in his profession It is said that during tho closing years ot his practice in London bis fee for consultation at his own hous9 was three hundred guinea?, and that be habitu ally refused to go into any court other than tbe Houf c of Lords and tbe Privy Council except for a fee of one hundred guineas." MAY 3IOONSIUNI3. It only takes about two seconds to ge upadu'l. A Pittsbunr typesetter is to run foot-race of 100 yards. A copy-book with eight fat takes will be placed at the end of tbe track. Shall I nlav 'Over tbe Garden Wall'?" asked tbe orcan grinder. 'No," replied the citizen, I would rather you play in tbe next street. "Men live a creat deal faster than women," says a writer. This must be true, because vou never see a woman quite as old as a man born in the same year. A Boston, man claims to a have collec ion of 50,000 pins, all of different kinds and sizes. He ifi probably married ant picked Item up around the house. There aro in London 4000 professors of music, including vocalists, instru mentalists and teachers. No wonder that devoted city is shroudeil in funea fogs and vapors. "What's tea this morning?" asked Frink ot his jrrocer the other day. "Six tv cents " "Well, ain't Mat too steep." Of course Us to steep: you wouuin i roast tea, would you? He stood six leet two, in his stock ui2?. ana every men a man. says an eschanye. H ni! rhat is seventy-four inches; 'every inch a -man," would make seventy-lour men. This must be the same identical customer who wa3 host in himself." Dr Uoscr's Ycsrctable Worm Sjrup instantly destroys worms, and removes the secretions that cause them. Henry's Carbolic Salve. The BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts. Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Uhcum. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds of Skin Eruptions, etc. ' Get HENRY'S UAltuuiau bAiiVJ-;. as an others are but imitations. Price 25 cents. on yesterday had the following ou 1 subject: Til tell you how it bj . Mr. Hoilinzs worth, ot Vineland. N. J . "has manufactured what, consider ing all the circumstances is an excel lent sample of nativo grown and cured tea. Tbe 'leaf was by arrangement forwarded by express from a plantation near Georgetown, S. C, a distance ot . several hundred miles, and was nearly fire days In transit. Tbe quantity nec essarily was small, but ample to dc- xaonstrate the perfect practicability of homegrown tea being successfully manipulated by expexts. solely by means of American machinery and means, tbe tea being 'fired' and dried by a fruit evaporator, which did its work perfectly." This notice, taken from the the Ylocland Xacs-Timcs, circa only a mere suggestion of tbe manner in which this tea was manipu lated. Experiments In curing tea by means of fralt evaporators, if intelli gently conducted, might lead to valua ble results. The Chinese method Is not only rude, but too costly at the wages paid to laborers In America. Tbe suc cess of tea collar in tbo Southern Slitn having been assured, the interest now' centres la tea coring to as to ob tain and preserve the proper flavor. Boils, blotches, pimples, and all skin diseases, are quickest cured by cleans Iox thj blood wUh Aycra Sarsaparilla. THAT $lo,000 PISIZC Drawn by liuinccr Isaac Haiucs. The lucky bolder of one-filth ot ticket 10,812. which drew the capital prjze of $75,000 in tbo Louisiana Stale Lottery last .Tuesday, is Mr. Isaac Haines, the engineer ot passenger engine rio. 51, on the Memphis and Charleston Kail road. Tho gentleman was interviewed at Chattanooga last Wednesday, by an attache of the Twics. and tbat journal tbo ap pened.' said Mr. Haines. "I happened to und au old dollar bill in my pocket book when in Memphis last week. and. while sauntering alon tho street, concluded to buy a lot tery ticket. I put it away and thought no more of it until this morning wheu a gentleman showed hi qj a telegram Irom iew Orleans, staling that ticket ro. 10.812 had drawn the eapiial prize. 75.000, in The Iouisi ana State lxttery. Rembering that I bad a ticket I hunted H up, and found that it corresponded with the number telegraphed Mr. Haines is undecided what to will do with the money, but it will be put to good use. He bas been running an engine on the Memphis road If years, and U held in high esteem by his employers. He has supported two sisters and an aged lather-tor years on his farm near Stevenson, Ala. A few months ago he was in a pool tor a ticket in the same lottery and drew a large prize, rect-ivine 000 dollars lor his share McmjJiis (Tain.) Lcdycr, May 16. Wilmington District. Methodist E. Church, South, Quarter ly Meetings SECOND BOUND. Elizabeth Ci?cuit at Bladen Spriags May 31 and June Newton Grove Mission at Black's Chapel June 7- Cokesbury Circui; at Cokes bury June 14-15 Point Caswell Mission 'June Id Duplin Circuit June 21-22 Onslow Circuit Juno 23-29 Waccamaw Mission, June 2329 W.H Bodbitt. T. E. Grinniti? Death's Head is scarcely more abhorrent to a refined observer, than a row of discolored teeth made visible by a smile. Correct the hideous blemish with delightful and healthful SOZODOOT. which whitens yellow teeth, imparts ruddi ness and hardness to colorless, nn. healthy gums, and a floral balminess to tbe breath. Tbe femine mouth be comes wondrously attractive in conse quence or its use. Leading actresses and cantalrut regard it as in com par; v- . THE MAILS. . ThemAll close and arrive at the CU j Pom office a follows : .' Northern through "moll, fAt... H h Northern throuxh and I wiy inaUa....S.OO A. M. K&leifh. .6.43 P. 1L and 8.00 A. 11. MalU for the N. Cf liauroaa ana routes enppllod therefrom Includ ing A. & is. C Eallroad at 8 7.30 P. M. and 8.00 A. M c..,n,m r! ! tnr a.11 nointa Smith- ' M p f Ulsily 8.00 P. M. vv'estern mail (a C. Eallway) dally, (except Snnday).. v.............6.45 P. L ih .......... ......... .6. -4 5 P. M. xi.fifn iYicnvr nd Dirlliizton RaII- - LOOP. af. r.u. tnr Tnitm between Florence iii r . g And Charleston AOOP. M. Faycttevlile and office on Cape Fear EiTer, Tuesday and Fridays... ...LOO P. 1L FayetteTllle,Tla C C Baltroad, dally, npfrt Snndars .,...f.45 P. M. Onslow C. 1L and Intermediate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. M. Smlthvllle mails, by steamboat, dally (except Sundays) 2.30 P. M Malls for Kasy 11111. Town Creek. RhTlntte mf Little IUrer. Tues days and Fridays.. 6.00 A. M. Wrlrhtavllle. dallr 80 A. M. OPEN FOn DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails. ...7.30 A. M Konthcrn Malls 7.30 A. M, Carolina Central Railroad 8.45 A. M. Malls collected from street boxes business portion of city at 5 A. M., 11.30 A.M. and 5.30 r. M. and from other polnte of the- city at 5 P. M. Stamp Office open from 7 A. M.-to 6 P. H., Money order and Register Department open from S A. 11. to 5.30 P. M. m r . General delivery open from 7 AM. to 6 P.M. and nn Sundays from 8.30 to 9-30 A. M. Carriers dellTery open on Sunday from 8.30 . . . liens may be a littlo bacKwara on eggs ; but they never fail to come to the scratch where flower beds are concern ed. . MISCELLANEOUS. JUST RECEIVED AT- MISCELLANEOUS. OiMQl The Emperor Louis Napoleon smoked only the finest cigars the world could pro duce. Frof. Horsf ord says the Emperor's cigars were made specially for him in Ha. Tana from leaf tobacco grown in the Golden Belt of North Carolina, this being the finest leaf grown. BlackweU's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco is made from the same leaf used in the Emperor's cigars, is abso lutely pure and is unquestionably the best tobacco ever offered. Thackeray's gifted daughter. Anne, In her sketch of Alfred Tennyson, in Harper Monthly, tells of her visit to the great poet She found him smoking Blackwell's Bull Durham Tobacco, sent him by Hon. J ames Russell Lowell. American Minister to the Court of St James. In these days of adulteration, It is scorn fort to smokers to knot that the Bull Dur ham brand is absolutely pure, and made from the best tobacco the world produces. Blackwell's Bull Durham Smoking To bacco Is the best and purest made. All dealers hare it Nono irenuins without the trade-auark of the BulL iAAMVrr tz rfSVv s V mch 7 1yd nrm e fit Sash, Doors, Blinds, White Lead, Paints, French Window Glass. AGENCY FOR N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT! CO'S READY PREPARED PAINT. riALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS AND get our prices before purchasing. The fact that our Paints are from the celebrated Fac tories of Wcthcrlll A Co., and Harrison Bros A Co.,ufficlent guarantee for their quality and purity. A fine lino of Cooking Stoves at Factory Prices. In addition to oar large and full HARD WAKE STOOK, to which your attention lareapectf ally Invited. sept S NA.T1PL JACOBI, 10 South Front St A-Great-Problem. TAKE AI.I. THE KIDNEY & LIVER Medicines, PURIFIERS. RHEUMATIC Reiiieclifis. DYSPEPSIA. And Indigestion Cures. AGUE, FEVER, And Bilious Specifics. BRAIN & NERVE k Force Revivers. GREAT HEALTH Restorers. IN SHORT. TAKE ALL THE BEST qualities of all these, and the best qual ities of all the best Medicines of tho World and you will find that HOP BITTERS have the best curative quali ties and powers of all concentrated in them, and tbat they will cure, when any or all of these, singly or combined. fail. A thorough trial will cire posi- iveprocf of this. -raay IS lradAirnna - i 080, 116 Market St. Another Assortment OF- Braided Jerseys, Embroidered White Dresses, Wide Embroideries, Nainsook Checks and Stripes, Marseilles and Pique Welts, Persian Lawn and Linens, Tucking and all our Embroideries. RAILROADS, Sc. Wilmington, "ColuinfeU & Augusta B. JB. Co. Orjics or gsxk&al SurKsnrrESDKirr. Wllmlmcton, N. C. May 9,13:4 In 3.000 Yards Remnant Embroideries, Cheap ! Extra Jobs In Silk Sash Ribbon, Black and Col- Change of Schedule, f iS AJS1 AJPTKU MAY 11th, 1&4, at i su a. M.t lae rouowlag FA&scngcr Scbed n-e win oe run cn icis roan : v nuiE3 ALE The NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAI LYSos. 4S Wcit and 47 East Leave Wilmington... I -cave Florence. Arrive at C. C. A A. Junction.. Arrive at Columbia...... Leave Columbia.. ...... ......... Ixave C, C. & A. Junction..... Leave r lorence. . Arrive at Wilmington... ... 9.05 P. Al ... 2.40 A. 11 ... 6.20 A. AL ... fi.40 A. M ... 9.55 1. M. ...10.20 P. M. 4.W A. M ... S.5J A. M. Isight Mail akd PasrkngekTiulis. Dailt No. 40 WJMT. Leave Wilmington........ ...........10.20 P. M. Arrlve at Florence 1.45 A. M. MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DAILT No. 4-1 East: Leave I lorence at 4 .05 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington....... .S.05P. M Train 43 stops at all Stations. - No. 40 stops only at Flemlnzton. and Marlon Passengers for Columbia and all points on U. & C. R. R., C, & A R.U. Stations, Aiken Junc tion, and all points beyond, should take the 4'j iNignt express. , Separate Pullman SleetKirs for Augusta on Train 40 T All trains run solid between Charleston and V umlngton. Local freight leaves Wilmington dally ex cept outlay ai a. ai. . JOHN F. DIVINE, - General Superintendent T. M. EMERSON, General Pafisenger Agent may y Wilmington & Weldon i- Railroad Company. OFFICE OF GENE&AI. StJFERIS TEKDENT, I Wilmington, N. C. May 9, 1S4 . ) ored Silks. Besides a Complete Assortment of lEXjalSS AND FANCY DRESS &00DS. AU at Very Joy Prices, AT- M. M. KAT2", 116 Market St. may 1 9 A MONTH AND BOARD for three live Yourg Men or Lad es, Id each county. Address P. W. ZIEGLKK & CO., Philadelphia. may 19 4w Chauffe all That. Instead of liniments, lotions. son's Capclnc Porus Plasters best, zoccnis. etc., uso Ben 'Qal.kcst and may 19 4v The Science of Life. Only $1 BY MAIL POST-PAID.. KNOW THYSELF. A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MANHOOD. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Phvslcal Debility, Premature Decline In Man, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from Indiscretion or excesses. A book for every man. young, middle aged and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseases, each one of which Is Invalu able. So found by the Author, whose experi ence for 23 years ia each as probably never before fell to the lot of any physician. 300 pages, bound In beautiful French muslin, cm bossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work In every sense mechanical, literary and professional than any other work told. In this country for $2.50, or the money will be refunded in every instance. Price only $1.00 oy man, post-paia. illustrative sample t cts. Send now. Gold medal awarded the author by tbe National Medical Association, to the officers of which he refers. The Science of Life should be read by the young for Instruction, and by the alllictedlor relief. It will benefit all . Lorulon -Lancet. There Is no member of society to whom this book will sot be useful, whether youth,parcnt, guardian, Instructor or clergyn: an Argonaut. Address the Peabodv Medical Institute, r Dr. W. II. Parker, No. 4 Bullfinch Street. Boston, Mass., who may be -co isulted on all diseases requiring skill and cxitcrience, Chronic and obstinate dlsefees tbat have baffled the skill of au M A other physicians a specialty. I & " Hmm Such treated successful-TF " r 1 ET ly without an la I M lOClLr stance of failure. Mention this paper, may 1 J aaw tw Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER MAY 11th, IS34, AT 9.00 A. M.f Passencrer Trains on the Wilming ton A Weldon Railroad wiU run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS DAILT NOS. 47 NOBTH AND 48 SOUTH. Leave WHmington, Front St. Depwt, P.C0A. M Arrive at Weldon 2.35 P. Al Leave Weldon P. M Arrive at Wllm'gton, Front St.D'pt, 8.35 P. M Fast Thkocgh Mail & Passkngek Tratvi Daily No. 40 South. Leave Weldon... 5.45 P.M. Arrive at Wilm'gton.Front St. D'p't 10.10P. . MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DAILY No. 43 North. Leave Wilmington..... 8.35 P. M. Arrive at Weluou 2.35 A. M Train No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldaboro and Magnolia. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road Leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 1.20 P. M. and 4.20 P. M. Daily, ,Sundays excepted). Returning leave Tarboro at 3 P. M. and 10.00 A. M Dally. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road lcve Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.25 P. M. . Re turning leave Scotland Neck at 8.39 A. M. daily except Sunday. xramjso. 4t mases close connection at We don for all points North Dally. All rail v Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Ba-. Line. Train No. 43 runs dallv and makes close con nettion for all Points North via Richmond aud V ashlngton. All trains run solid between Wilmington an Washington, anri have Pullman Palace Sleep ersattacnea. ;. For accommodation of local travel a passen per ooacn win oe auaenca to local treight teav Jng V ilmlngton at 6.55 A. M- Dally except ouuiuty. JOIE? F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. T. M. EMERSON, Genera" Passenger AcetL may u Carolina Central E. It. rrinro wholesale prleev nL?01 mall erderS igjt; ; jfift BJTtrQrKG -Standard.. 5fK:::r-- ' Sldes,V WESTERN SMOKKdUT'7 Hams........ Shoulders...:. DRY SALTED ' Sides. Vft......, Shonldera. if fK , RARRK1-R-Lt,C..."v-. l" n Second Hand, cju-h wj York, each.' New City .each..;...... ZiKKSWAX. lb..... BlilCKS, M . BUTTER, V By North Carolina.... NorthrT!r.: CANDLES, Jt Sperm.. ........... i lluw. ......... Adamantlic . CHEESE, ft , Northern Factory Dairy, Cream .... utc COFFEE, V ft Ja,va................. Laguyra...... mv. .......... . ... CORN MEAL, V bua!in.V: 8: 00 t 175 lft lto SI a a; u m COTTON TIES. V" bundlaT DOMESTICS- u,ul.... I ft . Sheeting, 44, y yd....... Yarns, y bunch..... EGGS, V dozen...... v.: Mackerel, No. 1, y bbl. . u . Mackerek No. 1 hSf bbi"? S 3 5 Mackerel, No, f bbl!. ? 5 Mu lets, V bbl..'.:..... 1 2 1 1 Mullets, Pork bbls.... ? S? NC. Roe Herring, keff" I S 1 Iry Cod. p ft. ..T. J Kt' s I i FERTILIZERS. W nnn k" i Peruvian Guano. io i" . S E! No. Baugh'a PhoenhatA. ? Carolina Feruliser"" S t Ground Bone. 'JS Bone Meal 00 Bone Flour Navassa Guano.... 2 St Complete Manure... i Whann's Phosphate. ... m S Wando Phospnate!. S Bergcr & Butt's Phos:.hateS S Excellenza Cotton r?,fif!T!'ir ?? French's Carbonate 0f Ltee 7 m French's AgrlciUtBraJ Ltoe! 1 S IT I ATT l u k1,l 5 SO City Mills-Extra " I S J5.xir ramuy..., 6 60 0791 Oft u Ola ia Oil) L' 8 IN 4 3 C 0 9 a Pi u an ns is GLUE W ft GRAIN, V bushel- Corn, from store, bRgs.whlte. Corn, cargo, In bulk, white.. Corn, caro, In bags. white Corn, cargo, mixed, in bsga.. Oats, from store cow I'eas... ...... HIDES, lb ureen.. ......... Drv....i. HAY, V 100 fta Eastern... ........ Western. North River.; , HOOP J1RON, V lb. JU&lU'.tf' UV or thern. North Carolina ..7 Liimuj. v barrel.: i in LUMBER, City Sawed, V M fL rc8?wea. 13 00 rs I jwugu Auge ri&nx. 15 00 till r est xnuia uargoes.accordlng to quali ty 15 00 tA jLresseu jioonng, seasoned.. 18 00 nt'n..l3 eii MOLASSES, V gallon jncw urop uuoa, la hhas..... Ot a I - - m DDIS 40 o rorto uico, in p nia 00 0 1 "... " In bbls 00 a t ' ans:ar uouEe.inhhas.. ....... 00 1 x 4t it bbls.......... a m t syrup, in bbls... 40 a 011 ioa 00 Company. OFJTICB OP GENEKAL SUPEKINTElfDEKX, Wilmington. K. C, May 10, 184 O Change of Schedule. N AND AFTER MAY 12th, ISci, THR following ttcneuaia Ralbroad : will be operated on this PASSENGER MALL AND EXPRESS TRAIN Dally except Sundays. ;; Leave WUmlngton at........7.S0 P. M Leave Raleigh at. 8.00 P. M Arrive at Charlotte at ..7.0!) A. M Leave Charlotte at 8.43 P. M Arrive Raleigh at 8.30 A, M Arrive at Wilmington at 8.C0 A. Jl PaEscnger Trains stop at rect.lar station- only, and points designated In the Company' Ot 40 00 00 00 26 NAILS, Keg, Cut,10d basis.. 0 00 oil, v gauon Kerosene.. Lard.... Linseed.. Rosin..... (Tin. XOl Deck and Spar. POULTRY Chickens, live,' grown... ' spring... Turkevs PEANUTS y bushcL.... POTATOES, V bnshel bwcet. ...... Irish.' bbl. PORK. V barrel t City Mess 23 K Prime M 00 Rump .........17 00 rice Carolina, v ft T?-n trYt W Vti a ha I Mvugu -jf auouva BAGS, lb Country city. ROPE. V ft.... ; SALT, V sack. Alum Llvcrpoo Lisbon....... American . . SUGAR, W ft-Cuba.. I'orto luco.. A Coffee... B r .................... Ex C Crushed 11 110 .90 90 . 00 00 25 10 75 90 10 200 ft 011 II, II I I I ft II II II XI LI ill St ! n 1 1M 00 00 00 00 00 30 00 0 f E .v.v.:::::::::... wi 1 -m SHINGLES, 7 in. VM " J. .Common...... Jj Cypress 'Saps fzfJi Cypreea Hearts....... tig STAVES, V M-W, O. BarreL.M 00 ftJJ R. O. rfoirshead 00 00 4W f u. feet anippin-" s 1 in : -.L"2ii 1 at mm v . . - m First National Bank of Wilmington.- CAPITAL STOCK. t250.000 SURPLUS FUND..... ........ ...... 66.0CI Depoelta received aad collections; nade.on an aece-tlble polnfan the Unlted.Sutes. DIRECTORS BURRCSS. D. G. WORTH1 A. MARTIN, JAS. 8PEUNT. G EO EG K.CHAD BOU RN. OmCERS): BURRUSS. A. K. WALKER. Prealdeal. Cashier W.LARKLKS. aplts ... Aavt Oaahler SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally except Sundava. Leave Charlotte ( Arrive at Shelby ) Leave Shelby S Arrive at Charlotte Trains No. 1 and 2 make MAIL No. 3. No. 4 5.15 P. M. 0 00 P..M. 7.00 A. M. 10.45 A. M. close connection at TALLOW. V ft. XlflLBJSU. i Fine Mill Mill Prime Mill Fair Common Mill Inferior to Ordinary wvnairwv n 1 vrthprn ' ortn Carolina zz WOOL. V , ft Washed...... ::::::::::- u Unwashed.. Buxrv...... .100 100 f m 0 to and from Hal. Hamlet with R. & A. Trains clgh. lnrougn bleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for Statenriiio k,ha.. Western N C R R, Asheville and points West. cuariauuurc, urcenvuie. Athens. ' L- C. JONES, F.aW. CLARK. General plSSSi SnfFpTPrQ lron1 Youthiul imprudence OULLClClb causing Nervous DeRlty. mental and physical werknesa. Valuable In formaUon for home cure FREE. Used 23 years successfully. Dr. A. G. Olln, Box 242, Chlca- niay 51-dAwly BATE'S SPECIFICS. Prepared from formulai used by an eminent physician during 20 years successful practice. iLTTs 11 rvu,aranteea to effect a radi- vi, i auttuons 01 tne Blood, whether Scrofulous or acnuired. Skin diseases, idm tmotT ,r,atces. etc, are permanently fcljeclilcNo.2 cures SEaijiAL Weiexwi mvuo vi LiACtBti. nrruiiin VvKmhi rxi 1.t ' aF.d .L ot Manhood. This remedy ia nn. n AT "H 'or the working ea IT nil If cents for posuge, " V yXJ mail yon free, a rof J? box of sample good- that wui yjr way of making more money in 6uu ever iuuuiui wm""" ,7, ,m-n I" apltal not reriubred. We wiU ittn TZtf. can work all the ihne or la fg Tke work is universally auay- young and old. YoucanealJ cents to $5 every evening. LTk tt work may test the busices, ?Tt'. paralleled offer; to all who are fled we will send $1 to pay i"1' writing us. Full partlrulara. sent free. Fortunes wiU ftt V who give their whole time 10 & success absolutely enre. Don J, now. Address btoso vKw Maine. ....... best book ever sold for. Je Jfrtt price. The fastest seUu boo lUlLUKliB V1VUH w ' . hMWV iwnnlftViknt IL AnT one Cn '"rf ccasful agent. Terms v- JZmuMl. Wl., X Ul tUUU, www p- week at home. S? Pay. absolutely if Capital not required. ?i&xrg business at which persons of Send six cat JZZ-zr V.":', organs, ana effects i TV . rice -1 a TTi TI7T Send six miteS?" il?t fd -Per A PEIZE and rel -peCliii KO. O A DOSltlTA MTT fn. .11 V. Bm m52?i female. Price $1? . cold bT Drnw1(st n T . . . . . 1 .-9- 1 T, 2 vMuuau. xoxf 31 ly-d&w una . ' . . box of goods WUMWW-r.v money right away imm mei P world. All. of vlh&fps hour. The broad road foforw , tbe workers, absomy ifS dress. Tbu A COM Aut , pot zu-exxia ijw

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