msciXLAffEPus THE GREAT GLRMAK REMEDY FOR PAIN. BHECHATIS3T, Neuralgia, Sciatica. Lmbt, niCKACIIE, XUI HI Z, TXT21CI1, SOP.E THROAT, Sr?y-, Cats, ln:n, rBosTtsrrca. crnxi.ciLos, AJ s3 WU1 cVr 4 fa. nm tins i imt IUM f 11 VrtcM t water. PhkUU la 11 !-- til :ii.-Ui A.Tjjt!t 5. ., B4-. C. & A. What is ? I: i, the best vtlllc dress shirt no c::-.:c.I for Why i it the best? , t I: i. c-Ic of lhc acrUli Wrr.'- ma Jin, l,;k!kIJ 2100 linen, Cork's O. N. T. spool cotton. :l I" "wc-rinuaship i unequalled LnrU ting Stay Attachment, French Placket Sleeves, Reinforced Bosoms 3 1 I: ill inelegantly Ti:, Short men, . l at men, Lean men, men, Little rnenl KJUOTACTVaiD T DANIEL MILLER & CO., iMfvRTElS AND JOBEERS, Dry Goods and Notions, Gents Furnishings, S2ar.lai HOPKINS' TLACE. WAMSUTTA 2100 LINEN C.rtu .rtureo. if A ST tf jroor dealer docs not keep it, send bis a Urns to linicl Miller & Co., sole man-ufict-Tctv TaUixorc, MJ. Capital Trizo 8150,000. 'Wtdokfttty certify Qat wm $upei vO'tXt mrwjtmrml for aU t AfcmlXty mnd SrwU Jlmmot Vmts$ ef T4 Louisiana StaU Lot ttrm Ccmtpuf, mmJ t jxnon wutnajt awi com ti tU Drmff$ IWmMirei, ttd tXat (JU mm ar etmdmcUd ra honesty, faimtxt. amd TdfaLlUMtrtU partus, and tc author u IW Vtmpawf to j tXis certificate, wiUkfao nmLts cf 0r stgnaimrts mttacXtd. in its adver nmmenU.- Comtulssionors. Jf rm t:tiKNTk:i attbactios i vtr: it i.r million DtsTRintrrr.Dv t'llIl STATE LOTIERV COMPANY to0rpi,n1 la 13 for 13 year by tho Lrr Jtarf f ir felueattooal nn Chart UbVj pur 1ua a raptul of to wtucb a m fia 1 et haa slaoi been aa Terwh!m!a populax roto lUfraa wm m.i a part of tha present sute CCxcCoa a4opteU December JU A. U., 1ST. aCnsoswauKntBKa Dnwcoi will f'are monthly. It never scale br post r". Look at tte foilowlas DUtrtUntloa: iCOth Grand Monthly A.HDTHB "T40RDnCAT SEMI-AS 5 CXU PRAWIXO, -It l lr.linr of Motto, New Orleans, V e ronai mpcrttlon and manago nieatoi W i;. t. r.EAUREfSARD. of IxulUna. ant JCUAL A. ilAULY. of VlrjnU. Capital Prize $150,000. IU;, fj. rifth. f J. Tenths $1. use or raixs. HUL 1'EtIE OF $IM,0CO...$lM,000 20.000 ro.ono so.oeo 40 000 I,0ii0 50.000 20,000... 1Q.O0O... a.two... 1 l.r. 1 4A 1 .) iOv 500... ICO... 50... rrax:3ATiox ruuta. rrrotinaUoa Priica of t lt.... 10.000 75.... 7.500 rrU aaauatJnjc to fiil.500 te t::o tor nut to ehtba thou 11 be mvAe ky tt c2oe of comply ln jew or- r fBnT t-fonaitV,a. vrtte clearly, tW7,i, r v A ra Ke?lrm Letters to HauZjV 5tk aM orutnary letters by T aiJ:!prr uu oa t&nJ npwarU ' xprr t ocr tipeae) to H. A. DAUmiX, a. nacritix Sew OTla L- Water Coolers TheDaily Review. LAUGHTElt AND DEATH W m . iccrc is no laughter la the natura world Ol beast, or fish, or bird, thoujh no au coobt . Ol Ihcir futurity in them unfurled lias dared to check the mirth-com pclling shout. The Hoa roars his solemn-thunder ou To the Meepiu woods. The eaz'.e screams her cry. . . . nven ino uric cuui strata a serious throat To hurl his blest defiance a: the sky rear, Jngrr9 jealousy nave lounU voice; . Ijnxod pain or rapturo the brute bosoms swell: Nature has symbols for her nnblb jovs llcr nobler sorrows. Who had dared foretell That only mao, by some fad mockery . bhouia J earn to lauIi who learns tha hcmujtdie? I'ouns vj ftolcus. A Manufactured Leather. The manufacturing ot leatherboard. a a substitute lor real leather for shoo stlffoninss. i an imrortant industry hi Maine. Tho peculiar thins about Icatherboar.i ii that to a certain extent the name is a misnomer. While the produce lias tho color and quite the ap pearance ol h-aiher. yet the best quali ties have no leather m their compost Hon, but are composed, instead, of hemp. flax and similar materials ground up ana pressed into sheets by a somewhat similar process to that of the manufac ture of paper. The manufacture af ford a convenient opportunity for the disposal of old sail, cordazo and other worn-out materials into which the n quired ingredients have entered, and, as in the manufacture of paper, the product bears little apparent relation to any of its constituent parts. Ex Dav3 Crockett. David Crockett created quite a stir during the Jackson administration. He had served under "Old. Hickory" in ho Indian wars, and he was famous in Tennessee as a bear hunter, but in poli tics be was a Whig, and was made a great deal of by the Eastern members of that party. He was neither granimat ical nor graceful, but no. rudeness of language can disguise strong sense and shrewdness, and a "demonstration. as ijulwer says, win lorce its way through all tho perversions of gram mar. He was a true frontiersman. with a small dash of civilization, trans planted to the soil of political life. Some one undertook to publish his life, but he promptly denied the authenticity of the worlr. and hml jy truo memoir t himw self written and published. When Texas commenced its struggle lor inde pendence, Crockett want there and was killed while fighting at San Antonio De llexar. His son, John W Crockett, served two terms in Congress, was At torney-General of Tennessee, and died at Memphis in 1S52. Den. rcrlcyjoore. About the 15 rarest Kusslaii. IJere is an incident from the thril lingly described third battle of Plevna, which gives you an idea ol the magnet ic influence of Skobeleff. He came up on an olliccr who bad lagged behind his men, and Jain down in a ditch through sheer cowardice. "What, Lieutenant, had you lain down to rest?" "My boots ray feet," stuttered tho Lieutenant. l)o you belong to that company?" Yea?1 'Overtake tbcm and tell your com manding oflicer that I order him to send you b'rst with the volunteers, you bear? I wish to hear that you were tho first to enter the redoubt. Do you hear, the first ?" The Lieutenant overtook his men. and so led tbcm that tccy wcro the first of tho volunteers, and he the first of them, to enter tbc redoubt. tendon World. IIo First Turned Hot and Then Cold. And now comes tho drawing of the capital prizo ol $25,000 in The Louisi ana Mate liOllery Company, on April Hih, drawing at New Orleans, of which Isidor Isaacs, of Modesto, has been awarded $5,000. Sir. Isaacs was in San Francisco yesterday, and said that there" was a pecul iar circumstance in relation to bis a w . e securing the lucky ticket. in too nrsi place, said he. "1 sent to ban r rancis- co for a ticket In The Louisiana State Ix)ttery. I received no answer to my letter, and so wrote again, requesting him to rend another or retuod my money. He sent the ticket, No. 58,298, lor April 8Lh drawing tho lucky one lor it was only a little while before I received a dispatch that I had won a 15.000 prize. Well. I guess I felt about as any poor man . docs who suddenly comes into possession ot money like that. I first turned hot and then cold." J. Boas cashed the check for the lucky man, who left the city ior Modesto in kigh glee. Mr. Isaacs is a clothing store keeper in Modesto, and has seen some pretty hard struggles. San Fran cisco, Cal. Chronicle m April 40. Kcmnrkablo Escape. John Kuhn, of Lafayette, Ind had a very narrow escape from death. This is his own story: 'Ono year ago I was in the last stages of Consumption. Our best physicians gave my case up. I finally got so low that our doctor said I could not live twenty-four hours. My friends then purchased a bottle of Du. Wm. Hall's Hals am you, the Lungs. which benefited me. I continued until I took nine bottles. I am now in per fect health having used to other medi cine. Three fourth of the Parisians are poor. There are in the city lodging?, of which 458.CI1 are let for less thin $60 a year. . t ItrhlagPUe Symptoms ami Curr. The symptoms are moisture, like penplra tlon, latene ltchlac. tncreaae-l by teratchlox; rerr d ftUeaalng, particularly at eight: aoenu a If rla-worrn were crawling la and about tb rrciatn; tbe private parta re someumea affected. If allowed to eooUnae very serious result may follow. SWAiNli.'d OIT- VI i vih . . ninnt inn mNi A lao. for Tetter, Itch, fait ttheum. Scald Head. Kryalp eUa, Barber Itch, iilolehea. all acaiT. crusty kkln Dlaeaaea. Box. by malL 30 et; 3 for 13. Addreaa, DR. KWAYHK ot VX, rhlia.. Pa. Sold by DrugrUta, may S lj deodd w xw The Guillotine. " The first cart contains the bob do lastice, the apparatus of death, the other a rough receptacle which comes empty, bat will go away full." The red timbers of the guillotine are raised some fifteen paces in Iront of the prin cipal gate raised almost noiselessly, no hammers being used, but every part being screwed into its place." By. the light of a couple of lanterns the . knife ot the guillotine is. fixed, into the grooves, and the executioner makes his experiment to ascertain that it runs smoothly. By and by the spectators increase. Tho-i iff-raff are there, the amateurs of the sensational, some journalists, and shame to relate a party of youthful dandies with the bc- rouged accomplices in their debauches. Order is kept by the police, but-later march up the municipal guards and trot up tbo splendid gendarmes of the Seine, massive troopers in bear-skins, iite tne scots urcys, and they lorua au enclosure round the machine ol reprisal. ine executioner on this occasion was Hendreich. He did not prepare him self for bis work on beer and boar uounu, nis peculiarity was to make a meal otf rusks and now milk before approaching bis dreadful task. The peculiarity of bis successor, Iloch. was to superyise the proceeediogs without removing his tall, shiny silk hat. M. de Paris, as he is called, has higher emoluments than his English col lea gue. tie receives irancs a year from the state for expenses, and $1,000 lor salary. As the dawn approaches and tho gas over the jail Tate waxes yellow in the advanced shafts of day, the chaplain drives up in acab and en;ers, and such sinister adjuncts of the r - i tunciion as DucKets oi water, Dran ana the. zinc bath-like case to receive the head become visible. Hendreich enters after tho chaplain. The hour is at hand. The gates fly open and the procession appears. 1 be ielon. with bair cropped aod naked to below the neck, still in the straight waistcoat, hobbles along; at the foot of the ascent to the guillotine tbc chaplain kisses him on the left cheek. Hendreich supports him under the right arm-pit, an assistant under the left, another presses froni be hind. A fourth stands by an up right plank which rises to the level of the felon's breast-bone. As he reaches it he is pushed and falh on his stomach to the plank, which is shot rapidly forward until his neck falls into a semicircular hollow under the knife; the upper part of which completes .the circlets dropped. Hendreichs touches a lever, the blade Hashes downward, the bead jumps into the zinc case, the body is turned over into the tumbril, the head being shaken from its couch ot blood-dabbled bran alongside it. All is over. There is no senseless formality of inquest. The severed remains are galloped off to the Turnip Field, there to be buried, the head between the legs, beside the paupers from the hospitals and the unclaimed unfortunatos from tho morgue. Tinsley's Magazine. ino opinion or the general publ'c in regard to Avers .Cherry rectoral is conGrmed by clergymen, lawyers, pub lic speakers and actors. AU say it is the best remedy that can be procured lor all affections ot tue vocal -organs, throat and lungs. lne 1'cnnsyivania state society in Iowa has over 900 members enrolled. Petroleum V. Nasby. 'D. K. Locke. Petroleum V. Nasby, editor Toledo Blade, writes: "I had on a forefinger of my right hand one of I those pleasant pets, a 'run-round The finger became inflamed to a degree unbearable and swollen to nearly twice its natural size. A friend crave me HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE, and in twtnty minutes tbc pain had so much subsided as to give me a lair night s rest, wnicn 1 baa not naa oeiore ior a week. The inflammation left the fin- W a n ger in a day, 1 consiucr it a most val uable article1 Some Days. A bright day Sun-day. A cash day 'Mon"-day, A numerical day Tues-day. A traveler's day Wends-day. A dry day Thirst-day. A cook's day Fri-day. A lazy day Sat-urday. Ualchet. Cure of Asthma aucl Spinal Weakness. 239 West "23d Street, New York, May 17. 1883. Though it may be irregular for a physician to give a certificate in favor ot a proprietary medicine, still, in the cause of humanity, I venture to say a word in favor of Allcock s rOROCS Plasters, which 1 esteem tne most remarkable external remedy of this century. I have known these Plasters to cure Spinal Weakness where the patient had been confined for montfis to his bed. A DiacKsmuii oi my acquaintance was severely injured in tho back by the kick ot a horse: four Aixcock's Pquous 'lasters quickly relieved him of ex eructating agony and cured him in a week. Another patientr sufierinz with if"??? Si lf ;"ew was coa,PIetel IU lUUt UUUI3- In Asthma. I know of a case where they were worn lor three months and futly restored the hcalib. In another case, where a patient had Sporadic Cholera, nothing relieved him until he puton'hree Allcock's Porous Plas ters; in twelve hours a!i paius in bis chest and stomach disappeared I know that these Plasters, applied ou the pit of the stomach, are a sovereign remedy for Dyspepsia and CoDSlipa lion. Finally, if periona once use All cock's PoimU3 Plasters they will never use any other; they are so pleasant, qnick and painless nature oaimy assistant. II. C. VAN NOIIMAN. M. D. AlicockV ii Ihrous Plaster. the only Genuine LAP ROBES. JS ENDLESS VARIETY THE FINEST assortment of Trunks. Bags and tatefcela ever offered la this city, tiadales. Harness. Bug gles, Phjrions, Road W arena, Ac., at prices to suit the times. Trunks re pain d by the only practical CranJc maker la the "tate. MCllOUttALA. BOWWCS, 114 North rrorl St. Next to D. A. Smith's JTurniture Store, mayta MISCELLANEOUS Beaten bv Wind and Rain. SAILORS 01 THE SEA AJO LABORERS ON THE lAMD-HElP FOR THE LARBOARD WATCH. There Is no telling the force of the wind ; and the height and rush of the sea was simply appalling. W hen Cornlah, the boatswain, and myself came down from aloft, aler furling the mala royal tre were wet through and half dead from the hard toll and the exposure." bo sua me mate of the ' Grosrcnor," when relating the Incidents of an Atlantic cjclone. after nearly aH the crew had muUned and left me Bmo in boat to escape punishment. Mechanics who labor noon loftv buUdlnsn carpenters, masons, painters and brick la vers. may be called a kind of shore sailors, and that iiieir numbers are not more largely decimated uy accident ana disease is a marvel. Mr. Ja nez lwogers, tack pointer, house painter, etc oi no. wo jtiauison street. unic&?o- over . Pjgjand autumn lire, said to your correspon "Ho, I am only a young man yet thirty-five. that's all ; but the kind of work I do tells on a fellow's looks and constitution. Last Spring i wa Hvuufc run uown wiui over work ana ex posure i naa to give up doing any work my self and iust made ont to oversee my men in a sort of half and half way. I thought I wa played out far cood and au. I was racked with cough, stapified with a cold, and torn and d sbled with Rheumatism. Do? I took PARKER'S TQNI0 and It cared me. -Those three words lell ibe 8 orr t cured me." To all persons subject to risk from exposure, PARKER'S TONIC will commend Itself It pu- riiie me JJloou. incites the torpid Liver to a the pores of the skin. This la the season ot out doors perils to health. Keep the Tonic near you Prices. 60 cents ana 91 a dou e. uiscox a-.uo.. (Jneni- ists,-;wcw rora-. .: :- may iOdAwlm nrm WEAK, UNDEVELOPED i PARTS OK THE HUMAN KOIV OPKI. RTRENCTHKXKD." Ktc. iaan wtTPtvng 1 verti-wrugtUoniMruTjT toin- mrtes w win Bay insiinere id no evidence of liuni- Untbe contrary, the advertisers are Try highly indormxi. i n MTfsT-l persons way get fealw: ti circulars riving all particulars by addressing HitlE MedicaIjOo., Huttalo. f.V. Toi. loKrrnimf Jire. a pi 16 lydiw JUST IMAGINE 1 THE COOLEST STORE FOB LADIES TO snop IN 13 TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, and there la where you will find the finest and largest stock to select from la Millinery and Fancy Goods, as we receive new nd choice goods every day. Just Imagine 63 cents for a bunch of three Tips in any color, regular val- ue One Dollar. These goods have been sell ing so rapiaiy we had to duplicate them over and over again by request of our patrons.. Just Imagine 39c for a bunch of three black Tips, worth twice the inotey. Such prices Ladles have never heard of before. Just imagine 73c for a flao plume in any ! shade. An excellent line of Feather Pom poons. An earij call will secure you some of these goods atTAYLOR'S BAZAAR. From the smallest single Violet to the largest branched dress garnature. ; Daisy Wreaths, Pansies. Buds and Roses, ln fact every kind of Flowers, at prices which set competition at aenance. Just opened a stock of Fans aod Parasols. together with a fine stock of Leather Satchels, Underwear. Corseats. Ribbons, Laces and made-up Lace Goods, Embroideries . &c.,&c, at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St., my23 WILMINGTON. N. C. SEA-SIDE PARK HOTEL, WRIGHTSYILLE SOUND, N C. SCOVILLE & CO., Proprietors rrUIIS HOTEL WILL BE OPENED FOE the Summer season of!8S4, under the man atrement of SCO VILL.E CO.. (of tLC-Sco- ville Bros., of the Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga.. and the Buford House, of Chariotte,-JS. C), and with the extensive improvements which have been riacca upon tna property, the Hotel is the best Sea-Side Hotel ln North Carolina. The table will be furnished in the best stvle. Fish, Oysters and Crabs will be served ln great I variety. The Rooms are furntehed In elegant style, comfortable beds, handsome furniture. . The Grounds are very attractive, large and roomy. A line Bar and Billiard Room ha been placed on the grounds. two new iowiuik micyn. Surf and still water batbinsr. Special excur slon rates on all Railroads. Fishing, Hunting ana Ham ng. Boats to convey guests to the Beaoh. A Band of Music is engaged for the season. Evev arrangement la made for the enjoy ment and entertainment or guests, noat Races. Base Ball Games, Lawn Tennis, Cro quet and other games. Complete line of con veyances direct to the Park, meeting every train. Board by the day, f 3 50 and fS Spec ally low rates uy tne week or month may 24 Kerchner & Calder Bros. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION Merchant. offer for silo a full line of KLOUR, hUGAE. COFFEIi., MOLftSES, LA D, HAY. l'OTASII, S4JAl, CANDLES, K1VET-, MATCHES, BUCKKTo, TIES. Ac BACON, HALT, UKI, OAT8, SODA, STARCH, CAND1, GLUE. BUNGS, KICK. ORN, SNUFF, LYK. CRACKERS, NAILS. PAPER. AXLB GKEASE. POWDER, api 7 PUB0ELL HOUSE. TJNDIlB new maragement. wilmington. n. c - - B. L. FERRY, Proprietor. iaie rropnetoT Atiaace uotei. rtrsviasii al tte appclatnMNt. Ttrva gx.50 to SJ.WI per day. - Keep Cool I 1: rt. i 1 le6D UUUl ! I A N OTHER LOT OF THOSE WATEH 2X. Coolers received. lu Cream Freezers that give satisfaction.. Refrigerators upon oe touad to be the beat. Abo buj a GOOD COOK STOVE, anch aa the -Golden Harvest" and others we hare that are coolli g to the cookU texnper. - - PARKER TAYLOR. PUSS 17TIITS OIL. may 27 - - . "-..,, , ' . MISCELLANEOUS: THE BRIGHTEST and BEST! DAILI, SF LWEEKLY, WEEKLY AMD SLJDAY EDITI0XS. ' - THE NEW YORK. WRLi FOR 1884. PfiESlDENTIAL YEAK. New Proprietor! New editors! New Life anil Blood ! Six months-ago THE WORLD commenced Its new career. Its 'growth has been unpre cedented. Its wonderful advance in clrcula tlon, ln advertising, in influence. In popularity, warrants J " New or' the claim of a leading position in ork journalism. No expense or effort will be spared until THE WORLD Is recognized as the GREATEST as well as the BRIGHTEST and CHEAFEbT PAPER In AMERICA. The World, as the leading Democratic newspaper In the country, knows no faction and recognizes no Individual ambitions or as pirations eside from the general good of the party and the Republic It seeks the triumph of principles not man It upholds great Dcm ocratic Ideas and Ideals not a faction or fraction of the party. At the entrance of the new year the tew World desires to express its gratitude for the hearty welcome it has received and the magnificent success it has already achieved. Its welcome comes from the people. Its suc cess is the! work. They have indorsed its merits by more than trebling its circulation In six months, and by doubling its advertising. For this they are entitled to our warm thanks. No Democrat ought to be happy without THE WORLD. We call upon our Democratic friends in every town and hamlet in the Union to START CLUBS FOR THE WEEKLY. They will get the ablest, brightest and cheap est newspaper in the country, as well as an earnest and steadfast missionary and true Democracy. The Weekly World, 8 PAGES. 5G COLUMNS. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR, CONTAINS ALL THE NEWS, complete and Interesting. WELL ctxNSlDEKKiJ JSUixuKiALS on eve ry subj ect, political or social. A FARMER'S DEPARTMENT Full Agri cultural and Farm lews. A LITERARY DEPARTMENT. A HOUSEKEEPERS' DEPARTMENT. A YOUNG FOLKS' CORNER. A CHECKER DEPARTMENT. A CHESS DEPARTMENT. COMPLETE COMMERCIAL AND MARKET REPORTS ANSWERS TO INQUIRIES. Each department is ably edited, and . all combined make THE BEST DOLLAR WEEK LY IN AMERICA. THE WORLD SUBSCRIPTION RATES POSTAGE PAID. Weekly, One Yeak $1 00 Semi-Weekly, One Year 2 00 DAiLr, One Year 6 00 Daily and Sunday. One Year 7 50 Daily and Sunday, Six Months..... 3 7 Sunday Edition. One Year........... 1 20 ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED at once In every unrepresented district, to whom a LIBERAL COMMISSION will be al lowed. This is just the season for (gents to exert themselves in retting up subscription lists. Remittances should be by arau on new i orx. moncv order or registered letter. send for any information aesircu. speci men copies sent free. Address THE WORLD 9 31 and 32 Park Row, dec 14 NEW YORK. 1884. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Bazar la at once the most brilliant and useful Household Journal in existence. It is the acknowledged arbiter of fashion ln this country. Its fashion plates are the new est and most stylish; and Its pattern sheet supplements ancl econamlc suggestions alone are worth many times the cost of subscription. Its illustrations of art needlework are from the best sources. Its literary and artistic merits are of the highest order. Its stories, poems, and essays are by the first American and European authors. Its choice art pictures would fill' portfolios, and its humorous cuts are the most amusing to be found in any jour nal ln America. A host of brilliant novelties are promised for 18S4: Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: HARPER'S BAZAR... ....f4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE.......... 1 50 Harper's Franklin Square Librart, One Year (52 Numbers) .....10 00 Poetajrc Free to all subscribers In the United States or Canada. The Volumes ot the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of eieb year. When no time U mentioned, it will be underEtotxl that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number i ext after the receipt of order. The hut Four Annual ohinie of Harper s Buzar. In neat ekth"bindiisg. will ic eil by mall, rostage paid, or by eaprras. Tree ot ex nnw. rnravidel the freight io' not xewl one doUar per volume), lor $7 iO per volume. Cloth Cases for eicn voiumc, mwu binding', will be sent by mall, postp dd, on re ceipt of $1 tf) each . ,k, Uctnittancea should be made by Post-Onlce Money Order or Draft, to avoid cnanee of los. Newspapers are boiwwpj uu uht ment without the expresa oruer ox umkjcx. a. BROTUXRa. Address J. L. winner, AT CH MAKER A JEWELLER. W Chronometer. Flo Watches nd Jewelry repaired and warranted. I opposite New Market, r.ront bu rch V W. & E. S, LATIMER, Office S. K. Cor. Prlnceca andpYater sta. Jan 7 : : MISCELLANEOUS." Baltimore & Wilmington . , .. . Steamship lino. STEAMSHIP . WILL SAIL FROX BALTIMORE, SATURDAY.. .......... ...aCAYn. FROM h WEDNESDAY. .... ........ . ... . .7, ... .J UNE 4 Through Bills ot Lading andlowest through rates guaranteed to and from polnta Ion the Rail Roads and Cape fear Rrrer.' l' ALSO. . . . r i To and Jrom Boston. Provldeace, Phllade phia and all Weatera citlc. " For Freight Engagements, apply to Ai O.CAZATJX,Agt,t JL 5 t Wlmimgton, N. C.' ANDliEWS, & CO. Agrts., S. W. Corner Light and German Sta.' may 'to Baltimore New York & Wilmington Steamship Lioo.-. - .V STEAMERS . WILL" SAlL FKOM jNEW TORKlEVkRY SATURDAY, at S o'clock, F. IL BENEFACTOR ...Saturday,. May REGULATOR. .........Saturday, May 10 BENEFACTOR.....;'.. ...tsarturdayl ilal?. REGULATOR. .... .... .. . .Saturday, May 24 BENEFACTOR.. Saturday, May 3 : ' ' . ' " - , t i i i i , f ' - 49" Through Bills . Lading and Lowest Throng h Rates guaranteed to and from TolnU m Mortn and south Carolina, -r - - , - . t For Freight or Passage apply to 1 ' , ' H. G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. THJCO. G. EGER, Freight Agent.' 35 Broadway, Wew York. WM. P. CLYDE A CO.. Genera) 4ta, . aplM-tf. . . ,, , .. ' : .... , v - White Meal Yeasts A VERY , VALUABLE , PURE, -YE AST POWDER. Having been thoroughly tested 1 by a great many of tho ladies Of WlUnlogfcm fecljno'hosltatlon la commending it to tbo public .It'.is'elegant for bread,r6lls' or biscuit. It Is made by 11 iss Hodges, of this city, o pure vegetable matter, and she refers to Mrs. A. A. WUlard, MrsGeri. Whltmg, Mrs. Samuel Korthiop, or the correctness' of her staWmcn . or sale by , ; j t (, : JNO. L.' BOATWRIGIirr. , 12 A 11 No. Front JSt, men SI Solo A gen a a Cm c 1 :?fl v S o s joWIMAw JACKSON & BELL, Water Povyer, Printers BOOK-BINDERS. r have the inmt complete ifxtblll mcntof the kind to be found In WMrnlng. toe. and uaraotee aU,nr fw'rk p Liloue in firt claxs Btyle.nnd on reffitonabfe term. tnd In yourirdcrad!M'lm5 Ute ra smi,f nl have themoxceatt:U 4Utbe4)Met xibe prices. , - i Vtfantod.f. A COMPANY WHO PROYmE ,TO subllah a ma na! actor r thereoa. well timber ed cypress lands, fames vtho aay lave such lands to dispose of axe requested t coamuel cats, with me at Wadobroor by icttev with Mr. J04J1 T. James, at W Umlnztoa ta yamm a Full prrteulars aa to: exact tocatloa of Un-U, comber of seres. jxroLalda ytVl of Umber to the acre and lowest prtoe, ranat be rcudo koovB. JOHN T. PATK2CS, AT MOSAClVs 1C4 &VicbNUSTUTctie " .-. , . , . . .& 1 -vjr tecjj Market 1 ad Princess. Lalles aai Gen tleiccn's gooX of every description, any color. AisOfXleaain, acotuli?? asd blcschlzz caO me a pair of v our old kid olovo. -1 S S ' 13 ' 2 w 5 . a r b23 6-3-SfiT-5 .aB r.W

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