.1 ' RHEU'lATiSM. SALT RHEUM. ABSQUE DRUGGIST . ... ;- r; TESTIFIES. rrjjcrartty a: Lasuo U Dot always the best mt mrit,UtVflpunt proudly to the fact IXai 0 tAxtt mdicib llaa ou for I la If aavea MivrnaJ ap2rvt4Ukm In fu o city, .SfK, and country, at! uawij all peopia, & Ayer's JSarsaparilla. Tfc follovfec lrttr from one of our bcrt-. kaovit AlaacLi!t Drujriitj UouU be of Ifttarcat to rrrrysaxUrcri hd ma attack of rvrv t.)r i eocui cot noe from U bed. or drpaa. arULoel Wipe I trio! evrrl rt-iiR-1W vfe2wt roods If aiiy rciif, until I tk Aim ttAaa.irAKlLU. by tins u of tiro aj rnhUlt 1 waa cxonpil-ly cured. XiAtMM Urg qotJtitl- of four 4iAU fARlUt. and tt u:i retain lit voiMierfcl powilarltv. Th many fcotablo carr it Las effect! la thl vicinity convince iq- that it Is t& beat blood nedlcloo ever offered tu ih-j Public. K. I. If AkKIA. lUrer St, Dockland, Mass.. May U, lr.i. Grosor. .UtR:w overseer in tu Lowe 11 Carpet Conoralion. was for OTr iventy years brlor bis removal to Lowril afiicted with Salt Itheutn in in wont form. Its ulcerations actually covrrel mora than half the surface- of his body and Ifmbs. Ha was entirety cared by AVER'S tUxsarufiLA. Sos certiflcato la -Ayer's Alminac for 15SX TZZTXXZO BT DrJ.C.Aycr&Co.,Lowell,Ma. BallbjanVraΜ H.iIzbotUcs for 9. AYER'S Ague Onre ecDtaics aa antidote for all malarial rtiera wbkh, to far as known, it used In no other remedy. It contains no Quinine, nor aay mineral nor deleterious substance hat ever, and consequently produces no injurious effect upon tLe constitution, but leaves tho trstem as healthy as It vas before tLe awack. WE WlSLaST ATES'3 AGUE CUKE to cur every case of Fever and Ague, Inter ralttent or Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb 4fue, Bilious Fever, and Liver Com plaint caused by malaria. In case of failure, after doe trial, dealers are authorised, by our circular dated July lit, 192, to refund the money. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all lrugslst. nrm PAESLEY & AVIGGINS, M A N U T CTUEE 113 OF SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, ORNAMENTAL WOOD WORK. apl 13 tf Boxes and Grates, TXR SUIPilEST Or VEGETAB E3 AND I1 rrulta, la ahooks or resdv roa-lc. YICLLOW PINK Lt'MUKU. A full stock of Bourn and Dnsesed Lumber. La hi. Jke.. for DalUllBr panKMM. T Order by the carfo. Domestic ami For elra. soiV-itcd. apia dl P ACS LEY A WIGGINS. TO TURPENTINE WORKERS ' AND DEALERS IN TURPENTINE TOOLS! TOU WILL riSD THE Hackers, Pullers, Dippers, &c, - V MANUFACTURED BY WALTER "WATSON, " FAYETTETILLE, N. C. TUE VlvilY BEST. IN USE I Ordcr seat to W. K. RP RINGER A CO., U1LXS Jt alUCIII5',ri( winmafion. r. u., or to the) manufacturer, will bae prom rt at teatlon. WALtKR WATSON, Kaaufacturtrof Edr Tools, may to la t ayetietllJc, N. C Has Arrived I rsrsii surPLY or that delicious U HATED PINK APPLE by to-day's N Y Itaamer. Also, another lot of that A N. 1 MIXED TEA at fiOc par pound. (China Cup aa4 Sattotr gtraa with every pound) 200 pounds old la two vroaka. Be member I keep nothing bat tha very best first-class Fresh sup ply every weak. Call and examine at Crapon's Family Grocery. GEO, M. CBAPON, Ajceat. Family Grocer, Choice Now Crop Molasses, SECOND CARGO VOW LA DC NO AND WILL BE SOLD PROMPTLY FROM WHARF At Low Price. WORTH & WORTH. John C, Davis, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, WrutrjroTOjr. N, OOoe rr the Baak of Ktw ILaaorer. rraetioM la all thCortaof taaatata. MOT Spadai totsUM patdCxh ollecUoa OFFICE OF Dr. G. C. Ellis, . NO, 13 ROUTH FOCRTn ST R EXT, op posUa UiUars Drux btore. OOe hours 9 toltam..ltoftp.m. J Taiephooe at rtsklcw. No. S3. . aay it Tho Daily Review WEDNESDAY. MAY 23. 18&i: continued for sometime, ontii the hin concluded to set, when, by : her con tinued presence in the kennel.- or in stinct, tho dog surmised such was the Anvway be bore back: the eges The isauy ttevicw Has the largest w rvau . ' !: 7l!i r i-k vr fUic circulation, of any newspaper nv 317 "LTmd quits rejoiced, and we have every rea son to believe the old hen appreciated him. Goldsboro Messenger: Mr. W. T. Johnson, of the Fremont section, left some hen eggs at this office, one dozen of which weighed two pounds ani one once. Mrs. Osccar F. Thompson, or New Hone township, has sent ns a ' . . : lot of silk coccoons mat are very nne. Mrs. Thompson bought one dollar' worth of worms and thinks she will from it save fully 4,ooo ol tne coo, . . . I.' L coons. This is an muusiry wwca Ihc Iadic3 . and children can en gage in wilh interest and profit. Several thousand quarts of strawber ries have been shipped from each Warsaw, Faisons and Mount Olive this spason. for which the shippers hayo realized a fancy price. I he mo3tof them sold, we understand, f r from SO to 45 cents per quart. There are more truck farmers between Golds boro and Wilmington this season than ever before in our knowledge. Mr. T. A. Thompson, a reliable car penter residing some four miles from Black Creek, in Wilson county, in forms us that he has in his possession COMMEKCIAXj news. tvt'luhed. in the city of Wilmington. IN GONGI1ESS VKSTKltDAV. SENATE. Washington. May 27. Senator Cameron, of Ponn., appeared in hi rUr in f ha Senate this m "rni nz. and groups of Senators congratulated him on his safe return and improved health. Mr. Hill submitted tho report of the committee on YU office and Post mada on the subject ot iho postal tele graph, a bill relating to which has here tolor.; Lecn morloJ Ironi that com mit p. Mr. I.irh.im subtuitteil tho report of ihn fomaiitti! on I'rivilezc s ami Elcc liiuwnii thu Danville iiiVftinion Air. Vnnee sa:d lie would need this week to prt?i.are the minority report. Mr. SauNbtiry stibiHit:el the ininon ty report in tho Coj:ah county inyesti cut ion. TneStmt-? tok up the bili to grant the Cinnibar. Chrk's Fork , Railroad Com pany the riijbt of way through a por tion of Yellowstone Park by . WILMINGTON MARKET, r .-7 ' " May 234 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted firm at 23i cents per gallon. Sales of 100 casks at these figures. ROSIN Quoted dull at 1.05 for Strained and $1.10 for Good Strained. TAR Quoted firm at $1.10 per bbl of 280 lbs. , - CRUDE TURPENTINEQuoted steady at $1.75 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1 for Ilard. COTTON Quoted dull. Small sales on a basis of 11 cents per pound for Middling. The following are the official quotations: -v rmnary 91 cents MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. t-od Ordinary. Low Middling. Middling...... Good Middline 102 11 111 DAILT RECEIPTS. Cotton Spirits Turpentine Rosin Tar Crude Tuxrentine 2 bales 325 casks 816 bbls 33 bbls 131 bbl THE BEST VALUESEVER-Qr IE! CLOTHING I IS THE UXAXI.MOUS from or examined our stck seasons. Every day is a m VERDICT -BY ALL wno IUVE k. Our trade thus far has exceeded by far aU f hU with .ns. every one is served promnfu . : - -r-j aQatv plcso and .tell the howst perfect satisfaction. We spare no 4)ains to every case. THIS IS NOT POLICY, IT IS PRINCIPLE. We guarantee to save you 20 per ct on every dollar you will buy of us, and every garment weselhvifl to be exactly as represented or tte money refunded Don't fail I o c.ill and examine our rror and really worth $13. Alter debate. iartie iated in Messrs Ijzan. Vent, Allison, Ingalls. the jack plain that dressed the lumber Harrison. McPhcson. oorbces, Wil- ,or thc first storc bouso ever erected in son and others, tne matter at m o ciock went oremnd the Utah bill was laid before the 5enate. Mr. lirown spoke a, some length in sunDort of his amenument ouerea yesterday, providing that voluntary sexual intercourse of a married person with one ef the opposite sex, not hus band or wile of such married person, should bo cause and the only cause ol absolute divorce from tho bond of inarriasc in the District of Columbia, the territories and other places subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States. Mr. Hoar replied brielly to Mr. Urown's strictures upon New England, and pending debate the Senate adjourn ed. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The Speaker announced tho appoint ment of Messrs. Dibrell. of Tenn., Williams, of Ala., and White, of Minn, as the conferees on thc Agricultural Appropriation bill. Mr. Ellis, of Iouisiaaa, called up the joint resolution appropriating the further sum of $100,000 for the relief ot the sufferers by the overflow of the Mississippi river and its tribntaries. lie said that there were in thc lower Mississippi Valley between 25,000 and 40,000 persons in an actual state of starvation, whil-? tha prospect was that the waters would remain at their pres ent height for at least four weeks longer. He therefore appealed to the humanity of the House to act speedily upon the resolution. Passed yeas 1C0, nays 78. Thc House then resumed considera tion of the Wallace-McKinlcy contested ehclton case. The House proceeded lo vole upon thc minority resolution, declaring Mc Kinlcy entitled to his scat. It was lost yeas 103. najs 158. Thc minority resolution seating Wallace was adopted without division. and that cent Ionian appeared at the bar and look the oath of office. MARINE NEWS. Goldsboro. That was seme forty or fortv-five years ago, and tho flam is still more servicerble than many a new one thai can ba bought to-day. Charlotte Observer: Colonel H. C. Jones, ot" our city, is now being promi nently brought forward tor Lroyernor by papers and friends in different sec-r tions o! the Slate. We can say this much lor him : that if he is once elected Governor, it will be a lifetime business with him. He would become so popu - lar that both parties would unite in keeping him in office and he would have to stav. The Lutheran congrega tion of this citv have determined to at onco begin the erection of a new and handsome church edifice in Charlotte, and at a congregational meeting yester etteville, G. W. Williams & Co day a committee was appointed to look Ger barque Burgermeister Kerstain, up a site lor the new building ana mate nremeich, Stettin, Paterson. Downing an early report. The new cnurcn win e uo ARRIVED. Steamship Regulator, Doane, New York, H G Small bones. Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith ville. Master. Steam yacht Louise, Pepper, Smith ville. Master Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, Fays etteville. G W Williams & Co. Ger barque Lydia Peschau, Rremers, London. E Peschau & Westermann Ger brig Diana, Schroeder, Hamburg, E Peschau & Westermann CLEARED. Steam yacht Louise, Pepper, Smith ville, Master Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith ville. Master ' Steamer D Murchison, Smith) Fav may '& 10 Worsted Suits, warranted fx Children's Suits for DO cents worth $I.5o THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIEK, 114 MARKET ST. be located a near the centre of the city as practicable. Almost enough money has been raised and but little trouoie is anticipated in securing all, if not more than necessary. The Lutheran Synod of North Carolina donated the sura of $1,500, and the Rev. T. S. Brown, the pastor, on his recent trip North, secur ed about $1,000 in cash contributions, and this, with other cash on hand and the fund3 to be derived from the sale of the present church property, will givo the congregation a good start. Mr. T. II. Wheeler, druggist, Bing- hainpton, N. 1 .. says lie has sold a large quantity ot bl. Jacobs uil, the Great German Remedy, and thinks it is the best cure for rheumatism he has oversold. 50 cents a bottle. ,. Exports. FOREIGN. Stettin Ger barque Burgermeister Kerstain--3.234 bbls rosin 1M m s CONUNDRUM. yHY is ;tue steamer passport like a String Band ? Because It cannot do without Its Harper!" o DBUGS. PEBFUME3, SOAPS, FANCY and ToUet Articles, &c. Prescriptions specialty at F. C. MILLER'S, may 20 Correr Fourth au l Nun ets EVERY LADY IX WILMINGTON AND SURROUNDING C0DXTE who is interested in NICE EMBROIDERY, can suited from the large k just received, being thc second purchase of the season. FINE LACES, of all ne w styles. 1 PARASOLS AND SUNSHADES The prices are low and the assortment good. MOURNING PARASOLS AND SUNSHADES. ' WHITE . LAWN ROBES A big success in these good?, tew lot jut in ' iii.j.j.xn.ikj viij vjjivuio n. guou assortment at all i sons. Very cheap Carpets, especially in Brussels. may 23, 1884 R. M. TJJcirJTIRE. NEW SUMMER AND WINTER KESOl O STATE NI2WH. Asiieville Citizen: Tho Military Board finished their work yesterday. They have established a code of regula tions tor the government of the State Grard. which will be publishciTin book form at an early day and distributed lo the State Guard. . Stonewall Enterprise : Tle curlew bug must uo, at least where Mr. J. B. Turner, of Bay bore, declares vengeance against them. He is paying 10 cents per hundred lor all that can be caught on a four aero tract planted in corn. Up lo this time over 15 000 of them rave been caught on the said four acres. NewbcrnJiDMrwi: Mr. Alfred Gas- kins, who lives on the norih side of Ncuso river, tells us that tho eurlew bugs are running thc corn and rice. He is anxious to find a remedy forihcm. The medio? at the Baptis church continue with increased interest. There cas been ud tojthis time fifteen or twenty professions and a large number ofenquircrs. Faycttcvilic Smi: Mr. Bain killed a gray eagle in Black River township, on May 7th. that mcaurcl. from tip to tip. C feet 31 inches. His Loik measured 7 inches, his claws 24 inches. Wo have a foot and beak on exhibition at our office Every day thc train from the Southern terminus of the Yadkin Valley Railway arrives freighted with the products of Cumberland and Robe son counties. Depots arc being built along thc line, and already settlements are springirg up at many points, bring ing with them lively and lucrative busi ness. Tbcvtraiu which arrived last Thursday morning brought, in addition to a good Ireigbt. between twenty-five and thirty passengers. Acu'S ana uoscrvcr: ine superin tendent of public health yesterday in formed a reporter that no cases ot any contagious disease, save a few ol meas les and still fewer of whooping cough, are reported to him as existing in the city. There has lor a fortnight past been a very large number of cases ol diseases incident to tho Spring season, but the death rate has been very small. Diseases ot thc bowels are now com mon in all this section. Intemperate indulgence in fruits and vegetables is. In a large measured course, thc cause. The number of cases hero is reported as having decreased the past three day .cJ Raleigh Visitor: Mr. Jos. G. Brown. Treasurer of Raleigh Council No. 551. Royal Arcanum, has received a check for $3000 in pavment of death claim of the late M r. J. M Rosenbaum. The official papers in the case wero approv ed by the council and forwarded on Saturday, May 17tb. to Boston. Mass. Prince Stranach wa purchased from a dog fancier named Butler in the city of New lork. He was a pure SlQ isernara. e had a nico kennel made for bis ate which be bad occuDied but a short time before a Brahma hen laid an egg in his bedding, and for some time continued to deposit an czz daily. On each occasion the dog bore the egg in but mouth to a chicken house near bv. and placed It In a nest he selected.. This Furniture. F EVERY DESCRIPTION. MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTH, BABY CARRIAGES, MOSQUiTO NETS, AT To tho Democrats of the Coun ty of New Hanover. The Democrats of the different Wards of the City of Wilmington and Townships of New Hanover county are requested to meet on Wednesday, June 11th. for thc purpose of electing ward and township executive committeemen and delegates to a County Convention to be held in the Court House in the City of Wilmington, on Monday, June lGth, at 4 o'clock, p. m. In accordance with the call of the State Executive Committee said Con vention will elect delegates to represent tli a nnnntw ? ilia Rtalo rwl Pntlfrroa. sional ConvcntionVro be $EW ST0CK OF RATN AD OTIIER eigh, June iioth; aiso, to elect delegates may 2C CRAFT'S, Furniture St ire 7 Children's Carriages. Convention of the called and to con of interest to the to the Congressional Sixth District when sidcr other matters Democratic party. First Ward will meet at Brooklyn Hall at 8 o'clock p. m. Second Ward will meet at Court I louse at 8 o'clock p. m Third Ward will meet at Mayor's office at 8 o'clock p. m. Fourth Ward will meet at City Court Room at 8 o'clock p. m. Fifth Ward will meet at Nun Street Engine House at 8 o'clock p. ni. Capo Fear Township will meet at Castle II ay ne at 12 o'clock noon. Harnett Township will meet at Macunibcr's Storc at 12 o'clock noon. Masonboro Township will meet at the usual voting place at l'J o'clock, noon. Federal Point Township will meet at the usual voting place at 12 o'clock noon. By order of the Executive , Com mittee. G. J, BoNEY, Ch'm. Stjlesof CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES receiv cd this week. RATTAN CHAIRS, ROCKING SETTEES, " MOSQUITO NETS, Ac, &c. D. A. SMITH, may 2G Furniture, N. FrontJStrcet CLOSING OUT. A' CARD. The Hotel Brunswick, Smithville, N. C. , will open for the season. June 2. Rates of Board as follows : Transient Rates. S2.50 and 3 per day ; $17 per single week: $15 per week for single month; $12 per week lor an time over one month. Children under 10 years and nurses, half price. Special meal hours for children and nurses. The New Pavilion Building is open at all times for the reception of the public. Our Ball Room is free to the guests of the hotel. All others are . expected to pay for ball room privileges. Tickets can be procured at hotel office or cafe. rtuinission no cenis. Cafe supplied at all times with cool Soda Water, Ices and Eatables of the description usually found in first-class Lunch Rooms, at reasonable prices. Our friends and the public generally are invited to give us a trial. Respectfully, &c, J. D. Sue Lett, may 21 lw Manager. Now is the time to give Smith's Worm Oil. lyd-w JJIO DRIVE IN BAEGMNS. LADIES SLIPPERS selling cheap. We are closing out lots of Ladles' Strap Slippers and S&ndals at $1 and $1.25 per pair. Good value m the goods. - Geo. E. French & Sous, 108 NORTH FRONT STREET, may 2G AT MOUTH 0? CAPE FEAR RIVER, OPPOSITE THE HISTORIC FORTS FISHES AND CASWfUM) IN FULL VIEW OF THE OCEAN,' WILL OPEN ABOUT MAY20ih - UNDER ENTIRELY NE W MANAGEMENT I Hotel has been refurnished and renovated throughout. New and hanto building erected for pleasure .purposes. Elegant. large, airy Ball Boo over the water. First-class' Musicians from New York wil furnish Ball Room and Parlor Music. Fine Still and Surf Bathing. Fine line of New Boats for Pleasure Sailing and Fishing. "NO MALARIA OR SMALL INSECTS TO ANNOY, , y Dai.y Mails. Telegraphic Communication. Finest Fishing on Atlantic Cosi Tourists and Pleasure Seekers Northward and Southward will find ! it to their advantage to give us a call. CLIMATE & SCENERY UNSURPASSED! The Atlantic Coast Line and Carolina Central R. R. will sell tickets from all stations at reduced rates to Hotel Brunswick. EST Special rates by month and season JS3 J. I). SUBLETT, of New Tort, Manager. may If2m ' " . - .: , - 1 jpilll W. r. SUMNT.K, i-kra. F.R.im?cnJC8. National fire & fin I Detroit, JiANVriCTTBIES Of . r jr fcnxcoecrcu.Viiif! Clolh. Wire Counter Flillnff. WirWfrr ' P.mshfs. 0l &.C01I Wmther Vtmw, SUbli Pj"JJr Crcctiaa, Wilis 6i lion Fences, Iron Sbutten, Counter BapP"'' 2rEcnd f or Catalotrao. Q- MenUon UOa rapee. mch 13 d&w ly LARGE SUPPLY OF- SPRINGFIELD HAMS! JUST RECEIVED. These HAMS are the FINEST boM In Wt- mtngton, and CANNOT BE EXCELED. -AND- FAlMOuTanTolctsI BATTLE Py CAPT. KING, U. S. A. HISTORY FROM TOE BATTLE-FTELDt Shova htr KtteM e.troyea lnaaty.-uow fameor Disaster has turned on a. ainri ni...t tirmA Rook for Ol aa rTL- i M'mory; Qt Pleasure and Instruction. Maps and Fin lllo.trationa. JL'!SlSka ttj Writ, at mm for fuU description, and terms. Addreaa J. C MeCVUDT CO rV" may x j v uociw ' Hon, A. M. WaditU- E ARE AUTHORIZED TO Ai rjlRUKKS Headquarters of erery variety and of the BEST QUALITY received fresh every week. pOE FISHING TACKLE, AT W. E. SPBXNGES 19. U aad 2 If ark At Straai The larseat aad beat aaiortxne&t trer oCered la this market. guy ?s co p, L. BEIDGEBS & 00. may S6 HO North Front St. Trunks ! Trunks! Trunks! AND TEUNKS, SATCHELS AND SATCHELS, BAGS AND BAGS. SADDLES, HARNESS, SADDLERY GOODS In great variety, acd all at the very lowest prices. A new lot of Trunks and Travelling Bags ui4 oauuics jubi upenuu. aew ICS, e W uwus auu warriBwu 10 wear WCIJ- lrunMrepaireu by as-good a trunk maker as there Is In the state of North Carolina. A ciU and examination is respectfully aolici- ieu. J- H. MALLARD, AJ . 10 Sonth Front Street. Next door to N. Jacobi's Hardware House may 20 For &ale PAIR OF BEAUTIFUL CARRIAGE HORSES, well matched, good travellers, docile and kind. AUo, scvcrjl e1C3 buggy horses. ' 1 FOR HIRE-norscs xcd Vehicles of vari oas kinds for arrive orfor atrip to the Sound. SpecJa I arrarjgcnien's wade for convey ing family parties to the foatd cotvey HOLL1 NG3 WOKT'JI CO "very aad Sale Stables, L,r. 4th and Mulberry sts AtM W HON. A. M. WADDELL U o7t Congress from the Sixth l'u?rZtk action of the Dtmocratic Contt -trict, when caiUd. may 12 tf " Don't Forget ! 112 SOUTH FBONT may 21 "The Old House" AJSfflLSttiS iJlZu"'! Plr and. 8, iavor us ! satis fao Tnr 11a " " coarse you a rnt. ti m a p - may 2 J Black and Whortlebcnle, AppjW, a ohiinn unn. f'OtlltrT aa .Zi m3 ttmniAtita nt thA aljOVS aoUdtSa.Tj HUMPHREY, JENKINS fine HcMe and Home's t wgt i faction guaranteed Give u asa 1 AW IS THE" THE H WlD tZf BOXES BOSTOXjKJg?,. O O ONS. jost received. wjJJ. pi slgnor directs me to sen r j fisa ' unenuaiea ai. rw w whlteet in town. And ever vg eery line at the lowest cash gtXi 13. may 23 Ship Your Iff fTO. i VI) - ' : ninrrC HIGHEST MARKET JM& (Refers to Bank or Shirts Maflf rilO ORDER OF BEST IJAt-, X tar and No. W linen iotw j A perfect lit and good fBt' antecd. Oar VrS ed to call and t Z&rL i rcmmrtaibly Ion Tce i Factory. . v.' jjl XebSUtf W. E..BATI3 X SOX. (