MISCELLANEOUS THE. EREAT GEF.MA REMEDY FOR PAIN. KHEIMATIS2I, Ncuralffta, Sciatica. Lmbae.. BACUACIIC IZ1X1CIX. zxmzix SOFE THP.OIT, nxsT.wsi.ucs. KPIXAI.VS, Strracx Cats, trLxtt, rBOSTEITrs. nriixa.ftCAi.Ds, 14 K atbrr Wlil - nm ccctj i irr.L 7i:iirU:1.7:cticrC:. tUlliic. I! 4-, 1. . FIT.T-EDWARD ON SHIRTS I A shirt a very humble gar ner.:, but after all it has a great tk-altotln with a man's happiness. Wii.it lascry arises from an ill. .tt;.i bo'oni, a bad-fitting ncck btnl, an uncomfortable yoke, or beeves too short or too long. Hat now I will be comfortable and happy, I have found the shirt that always fits "The Diamond." The tangled thread of life's ex istence henceforth will be smooth. WAMSUT 21C0 LINEN. If your ilct im i J-ccp t, ral hi catT l lj,mtt MZ.ct & l a, lc manuLiciurcr. Bore, MX apl II 3m l ed nrm Capital Prize $150,000, ' Wt do JUtttv C4THff tXat trt tuptrcite Uit arrmmgemnU for all t Xlcmlklf and ml Annui Urmmukei of 7"X Louisiana Stat Lot Urw Vmmmn. and im mrrscm wumag and con trol IX OramHngs Unwiru, and tkat Vu mm art eondmcUd tcitA honesty, fairness, and tagoodfaUX toward mU partus, and W4 aulXor is U Company to um tis cert,1aXe, urUhfac- sxamaturu aaacuca. in us ac Commissioners. JM'KKCEDENTED ATTRACTION ! OVER HALF MILLION DISTRIRt'TLP" WMm STATE-LOTTEKV COIPANT taoorporatM In 13 for 53 year by the Icjr taliture for Educational and Charitable pur -wlih a capital of $1,003.000 to wturh a rwrve f in 1 of tAM.000 bu since been ailed. 1!t aa overwhelming popubu rote 1U fran ve was maUa apart of tbe present tuie O&t:talob adopted December 3d, A. D., 187 H GtAXD SnroutXruructt Orawtxos wtl! tle rU-c monthly. It merer scales cr post-r-"". Look at the following Distribution: icinh (Jran J Monthly ASD THE itreiofcttncAsr scui-asxcai. vKxirrso. At the Ar.t'mr of Mol, New Orlcan. TneLf. Jaoe 17, 14. 1 a 't the personal upcrrl.loa arnl manapts ment of T. r.EAURK5 AUI, of IxabiUna, n 1 J I U.L A. EARLY, of VtrstaU. Capital Prize $150,000. n-tv t-Tl:kct am Ten liolUr only. Hilie. f5. Itftli. . Teatbtll. usr or rEtk". Ifmut psm: or f l.v.D...!.4),oro .ri, iKizt:or voo... ao.nic a itzc or 1.IK..E I'aitA or ritizE or M.uw... -.ton l.ton... to.oo 3Cn... 30.0(0 1W... W.OtX) 50... 30.100 .v I J ? -n rwiixAtioa rniea of tTO....$V.V 1CU.... 10.00U 1 - 13.... i.3 0 j rr.e aa vanvJn to .V2,30i A ; !VaUoa for Me to cluba fhoaVl be ma-le t u ite ca of the Company la New Or 41. TVL -OTM an.1 ontnry letter by L J f E,rrr (itl turns of aavl npwanla ' tlprc4 at our expend) u M. A. UAinUIS. - m . New OTleaaa, Law - A. DArPIHX, Water Coolers ytET CHEAP AT UUfcS A MUBCUISON'd. 7 15 MorcUaoa Block. 03 ttmiittofour NMiwnu. . t-- "f tatormatlan. wrtta dearly, cIt T felt a l Irr. Mak P. O. Money r r Parable a.vl iMimi u.tf-r.t Letters to "IWOliLCA.Ns NATIONAL. It N K. TheDaily Revievv, AN AFTKltTIIOUGUT. Twas in the garden chatting Amid the mignonette She with her tnowy tatting, I with my cigareita. I still can f e her rlngi Flit so!lly in and out ; With rapture memory lincera To view her lip a-pout. A happy sunbeam claneing Upon a wayward curl Set every pul.c to tlaucing. And lamed my brain a whirl; And when sbe looked up shyly, I could not help, you see. Hut stoop and kiss her slyly Behind the apple-tree. Strange that some mole lorever Should mar the rays of bliss! Though conscious I "had never Yet won so swet-t a kis?. Alas! the act of plunder So gracefully he bore. I cvuild not choose but wonder, Had he been kissed before? SimJtd Minium 1'tck Invention of Haifa Century. The number tj inventions that have been made during t lie past liny jears is unprecedented m the history of the world. Inventions of benefit to the human race' have been made In all ages inco man va9 created; but look ins back for h.ilt a hundred years, how many more are crowded in the past filtv than into any Cither Dfiy since re corded in hitory ! The ptrlociion r-f the locomotive. Mid the now worlJ travcrin stnniship?. the telegraph, the telephone, iheaudiphone. the sewing machine, the photograph, the cylinder pnr.liiu pres.'', chromo liibograph printing, tLe elevator lor httPls and other many-storiul buildings, the cot ton gin and the spinning-jenny, the reaper, the mower, the steajn thresher, the Meani tire engine, the improved procts fJr making steel, the applica tion of either ami choloroforru to de stroy sensibility in painlul surgery case.'', and so on through a long cata logue. Nor are we vet don in the field of invention and discovery. The application ol coal gas anil petroleum to hcatinsr and cooking operations is only trembling on the vercc ol success- ful expenmcLt ; the introduction ot me sieam from a prea central reservoir to central uso lor heating and cooking is foreshadowed as among the the coming events; the artificial production ot but ter has already created a consternation union? dairvmen: the navigation of the air by some device akin to our present balloon would a'iio sem io ce preug u red, and the propulsion of machinery by electricity is now clearly indicated by the march of experiment. There aro some problems which w have hitherto deemed impossible of solution, but are the uiv stent 61 even the most imrrobablc ot Ihem more subiie to trrnD thnn that ot tho ocean cable or that of the telephono? We talk by ca ble with an ocean rolling between; we speak in our voices to friends a hundred miles or more irom where we arncu litn hotorc the microDhone. Under the blazing sun of July we produce ico by chemical means, rivaling the most solid and crvstahno nroduction of nature. Our surgeons graft the skin from one person s arm to tbe lace ot another, anu it adheres and becomes an intregal por tion ol the body. We make a mile of whr.e printing paper and. semi it on a spool that a periecting .priming press unwinds and prints, and sends to you, folded and' courted, many thousands perheur. Qf a verity, this is the age ot invention, nor ha3 the world reached a stopping-place yet. - - - Columbus County. Lying in the Southern portion of the btato is Columbus county, bordering on tho South Carolina line for about thirty five miles. It has a varied soil and the different products of what is known as tjo semi-tropical area grow in'Its terri tory. The people have only in the past few years paid much attention to agri culture, turpentine and timber furnish in? the principal means of support. Tbo gradual clearing of lands, particu larly ilio swamps and bays, have added greatly to tho material support and in come of the people. Tho portion of tho county between Ccrro Gordo and Lake accarxaw, and that on the marsh, par ticularly on the West sido from Sole's swan: p. to the Itladrn line, is undoubt edly the best cotton land of Columbus. In addition to the natural fertility ol our swamps and bays, the discovery of marl reds and phosphate rocK will give all tbo materials at hand necessary to enrich the uplands and make them as good as the. best. A to traiHDortation. uo county in the State poisesses finer railroad lacili tics than Columbus. From the Brun swick line. cast, two miles below Hrinkley's depot, to the South Carolina line west, about two miles beyond Fair BluOT, the Wilminzton, Columbia & Augusta Iliilroad. now a part ot tbo A:l ntic C -ast L'ne. runs through the countv about titty and a half mile?. Tbe Carolina Central from Wilmington to Charlotte also runs about ten miles through the county, and after leavinz it goes through Bladen, about two miles from ihe Columbus line, us far as Bladenboro. A large portion of the northern section of the county lies be tween these railroads, and is accessible to both. Besides there two ri,ain bees. Col. H. B. Shoit htsa railroad lending from BogJe. nji the W. C. & A. It. It., be tween WbitevU'e ard like Waeca maw. and running south about cicht miles, crowing tlw White Marsh and striking tor the Old Deck public road, about two miles below Pleasant Plains church. 1 he end of tbe railroad will be ii rtachef ihe bay lands in the south ern part of the county, noted for the production ot corn and rioe. Fuither west, nbout seven miles beyond Whiicvdle. there is another railroad owned by the Chad bourn Mi 1 and Ktilway Company. It leaves Chid bourn on the Wilmington. Columbia & AuusU Itaitroad. and runs south towards Conway. S. C. It ha been chartered under th name of Wilming ton, Chad bourn & Conway. So far it U corap'cted about nine mile, its present terminus being on the Fair Bluff and Sidney rublic road. This railroad r.ot only affords transportation for that portion of Columbus but also for the bordering sections of South Carolina. It is to be seen then that our county docs not lack in railroad facilities, and these will be increased when the two SJSS? n-JSion?d are exundedrqr- tner south. Being in a convenient dis- tance of Wilminzton. tbe great naval stores market of the country ' and one of the leading in cotton and the lnmber business, there is no moro inviting bold tor those Wishing to engage in the - dil- ferent industries than Colambas coun lyCIvidbourn Times. ine opinion ot tbe general publ'C in regara to Ayer's .Cherry Pectoral is confirmed by clergymen, lawyers, pub lic speaKtrs and actors. All say it is tho best remedy that can be procured tor an auecuons ot the vocal organs. inroar ana inngs. . . . Hccitativc was first employed in 1G00 at iooie by Emilio dl Cavaliere, who disputed Kenuccfs claim to introduc- ing the oera. Remarkable Escape. John Kuhn, of Lafayette. Ind., had a very narrow escape from death. This i is his own story: 'Ono year ago I was in the last stages of Consumption. Our best physicians gave ray case up I finally got so low that our doctor said I could not live twenty-four hours. My friends then purchased a bottle of Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam for the Lungs, which benefited me. I continued until I look nine bottles. I am now in per fect health baying used lo other medi cine. Clans arose in Scotland in the aeign of Malcolm II. in 1008. They were abolished in 1647. Petroleum V. Nasbv. T. R. Iocke. Petroleum V. Nasby, editor Toledo Blade, writes: "I had on a lorefincer of my right hand one of i those pleasaut ret3, a 'run-round The finger became inflamed to a degree unbearable and swollen to nearly twice its natural size. A friend pave me HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE, and in twenlv minutes the Dain had so much subsided a3 to give me a fair night's rncf whtoh I lioil nnt Kiml Kofrm ' Inr o i- 'ru :.t .1 1 I1U llllLailllUUlllMl ICIb IUC nil- I per in a day. 1 consider it a most vai- uable article.' A lady in Willimantic, Conn. .dodged the measles for 84 years, but was caught recently. Ir Rojrer's Vecretaule Worm Syrup instantly destroys worms, and removes the secretions that cause them. Henry's Carbolic Salve. The BEST SALVE in the world, for Cuts. Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Sa't llbeum. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all kinds of Skin Eruptions, etc. Get HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE, as all others are but imitations. Price 25 cents. At present about lU.ooo persons are exiled to Siberja annually, and about sixty per cent, are nooies. Cure of Astbnia and Weakness. 239 West 22d Street, spinal New York, May 17. 1883. Though it may te irregular lor a physician to give a certificate in favor ot a proprietary medicine, still, in the cause of humanity, 1 venture to say a word in favor of allcock s . Porous Plasters, which I esteem the most remarkable external remedy of this century. i nave Known these riasters to cure Spinal Weakness where the patient had been confined lor months to his bed. A blacksmith of my acquaintance was severely injured in the back by the kick of a horse; four ALLcock's Porous Plasters quickly relieved him of ex- cruciaxtng agony ana curea mm in a week. Another patient, suffering with Neuralgia of tbe Heart, was completely cured in four hours. Iu Asthma, I know of a case where they were worn for three months and futly restored the health. Io another case, where a patient had Sporadic Cholera, nothing relieved him until he put on three Allcock's Porous Plas ters; in twelve hours alt paius in bis chest and stomach disappeared. I know that these Plasters, applied on the pit of tho stomach, are a sovereign remedy for Dyspepsia and Coostipa tion. finally, if persons occe use All cock's Porous Plasters they will never use any oiner: iney are so pleasant, quick and painless nature's balmy assistant. H. C. VAN NORMAN, M. D. 4-AlIcock'i" is the only Genuine Porous Plaster. Wilmington District. Methodist . Church South, Quarter ly Meetings SECOND ROUND. Elizabeth Circuit at Bladen Springs May 31 and June 1 Newton firovo Mission at Rlack's Chapel June 78 Ckesbury Circui: at Cokes bury June 1415 Point Caswell Mission lune 18 Duplin Circuit June 21-22 Onsiow Circuit June 23 2D Waccamaw Mission, Jone2829 W. H BonBrrr. P. E. Keep Cool ! Keep Cool ! ANOTHi.lt LOT OF TROsK WATER Coolers received. Icj Cream Freer era that give eatUartlon. Refrigerators upon use touml to be the beu Alo b y a GOOD COOK STOVE, such as the "Golden Harvest" and others we have that are cooili g to the cook's tipper. PARKER A TAYLOR fVKK WHITK OIL may 21 CLOSING OUT. JJIO DRIVE IM B VI.G t INS. LADIES SLIPPERS selling cheip. We are closing out lata of Ladies' Strap Uppers and Sandals at tl and fL" per pair. Good value in the gool. . Geo. It. French & Sons, icw NOErn feokt street. nay 6 MISCELLANEOUS r ; - Beaten bv Wind and Bam. SAILOKS 01 THE SEA AID LABORERS OX THE ..... iakbuaku waiwi. I "Theie la no teuiog the force of thewfcvl; I and the height and rush of the aea was simply appalling. H hen Cornlah. the boata wain, and myself came down from aloTt, a'icr furling tbe main royal we were wef through and half dead from the hard toll and the exposure," , So ald the mate of the Greavenor," when elating tbe Incidents of an Atlantic -cyclone, alter nearly a'l the crew hvi matlnsd and left the ship in boat, to escape punishment. Meehanlca who labor upon lofty buildings; carpenter, masons, painters and bricklayers, may be called a kind of shore sailors, and that ttuir numbers are not more larely decimated by accident and disease Is a maiveL Mr. Ja bez Rogers, tuck pointer, house painter, etc., of No. 6C8 Madison street, Chicago, over a lP and autumn Are, said t your correspon- Ko, I am only a Toung man yet thirty-fire, that's all ; but the kind of work I do tells on a fellow's looks and constitution. Last Spring 1 whs about run down with over work and ex posure. 1 had f give up doing any work my self and iust made out to oversea my men in a sort of half and half way. 1 thought 1 wa pltycd out f jr kckxI and all. I was racked wph a cough, stup'fied with a cold, and torn and d sbled with Rheumatism. Do? I took PARKER'S TONIO and It cured me. Those three words tell the a ory t cured me." To all persons subject to risk from exposure, PARKER'S TONIC wilt commend itself It pu rities the Blood, io cites tho torpid Liver to a r-enlthy activity, and opens the pores of the skin. This la the season ot nut-doors perils to health. Keep tho Tonic near you Prices, (0 cents and 91 a bott'e. Hiscox & Co., Chem ists, New York. may 10 dJtw lm nrm WEAK, UNDEVELOPED : PARTS OK THK HUMAN BODY K LA KG ED. PFVEIf- OHED. STRENGTHEN E L. f-'.tf., is an intfTtxting E-i vrrt i-iiint tontr run in on reaper. In replv to in- nrirts wo will say tbat there TnoeyldenceoTTruTn" btignbouttnia. Umne contrary, the advertiser any Tf-rv highly i D3org7lIMTn7"'rpstgl persona may get B?Uea circular giving U part icnlarw bv andrcvMni? IiKlK MEDICAL CO.. Untfalo. N.Y. loledo Krrninq Jir. apl C "yd&w I QC A QIHP PARtf UOTCI OLrA-OIUL. rttiirA UU I LL, WRIGHTSV1LLE SOUND, N C. SCOV ILLE & CO., Proprietors i jiumu '" run, the Summer season of 1S34, under tbe man agement of SCOVJL.L.K A CO., (of the Sco Tlilo Bros., of the Kimball llouee, Atlanta, G . and the Buford House, of Charlotte. N. C), and with the extensive Improvements wnicn nave rwen t-iacea upon ma property, tbe Hotel Is the best tlea-Slda Hotel In North Carolina Tho table will be furnished in tfccbCBt stvle, Fish, Oysters and Crabs will be served In great variety. lne liooma are rurmsnea in eiecrant style. comrortAUie ocas, nanasome inrnitare The Grounds are very attractive, large and roomy A line .Bar ana miiiard xcoom has been placed on the irrounus. two new liownng jviieys. Surf and still water bathing. Special excur slon rates on an uaiiroaus. Fishing, Hunting and Bath rig. Boats to convey guests to the Beach. A Band of Music Is engaged for the season Kvey arrangement is made for the enjoy ment and entertainment of cuests. rtoat Races, Base Ball Games, Lawn Tennis, Cro quet ana o trier games, complete line of con veyances direct to the ark, meeting ever tram. Board by the day. $2 50 and 3- Si.ec'allv tow rates by tne week or month may 24 Kerclmer & Calder Bros. WHOLESALE QROCERS AND COMMISSION Merchants, offer for sale a full line of FLOOR. SUGiTR. COFFER, MOLASSES, LAHD, HAY, POTASH, SOAP, CANDLES. RIVETS, MATCHES, BUCKKT3, TIES. Ac. BACOM, SALT. RICK. MB A. Li, CORN, OATS, SNUFF, SODA. LYE, STARCH, CRACKERS, CANDY, HOOP IRON, GLUE, NAILS, BUNGS, PAPER, BAGS, AXLKGKEASE, POWDER, apl 7 LARGE SUPPLY -OF- SPRINGFIELD HAMS ! JUST RECEIVED. These HAMS are tho FINEST sold In Wil mington, and CANNOT BI? EXCELED. -AND- of every variety and of the BEST QUALITY received fresh every week. P. L. BRIDGERS & CO. HO North Front St. may 76 J. L. WINNER, ATCUMAKEQ A JEWELLER, tt Chronometers. Fine Watches and Jewelry repaired and warranted. Opposite New Market. Front St. mch 22 W. & E. S. LATIMER, Attornevs-at-Law. Office S. K. Cor. Princes and. Water Sis. an 7 PURCELL HOUSE. YJNDER NE MANAGEMENT. WILMINGTON. EL I. PERRY, Proprietor. N. C Late Proprietor Atlant-'e HoteL rirt4iui al it rT"tntrru!tA. Trw 50 to 2t.(0 per day. , LAP KOBES. JN ENDLESS VARItTY THE FINEST Mortment of Trucks. Bags and i-atcbel ever offered in this city. Sadales. Harne&s. Bog gies. Phaetons. Road Watons, Ac. at prices to suit tbe tunes. Trunks maln d by the only practical trunk make in the tate. ttcDOCGALL a ttOWDEN. 11 North Fropifct. Next to D. A. Smith's Famltore Store. maySS - MISCELLANEOUS. JUST IMAGINE 1 THE COOLEST STO"RE FOR 1.AD1 ES TO 8UOP II IS TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, and there Is where you will find the finest and largcfct s'ock to select from la Mi. line ry and Fancy Good?, as we receive new and choice goads every day. Just Imagine 63 Cents for a bunch of three Tips in any color, regular value One Dollar. Tbeee goods have been seTimr so rapidly we had to duplicate them over and ovtMgain by rcyicst of our patrons. Just Imagine 39 Cents for a bunch of three black Tips, worth twice the morey. Such pricea LadC8 have never heard of before. Just Imagine 73 Cents for a line plume In any shade. An excellent line of Feather Pompoons. An earlj call will secure you .some of these goo Is at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR. From the smallest single Vlo et lo the largest branched dres3 garna'.ure. Daisy Wreaihe, l'Husics, Buds ani Boscs, in fact every kind of Flowers, at pricea which set competition at defiance. Just opened a stock of Fats and Parasol i, together with a fine stock, of Leather Satchels. Underwear, Corsests, Rlbboos, La"es and made-up Lace Good, Embroideries &.,& ., at TAYLOR' BAZAAR, 118 Market St., may 23 WILMINGTON. N. C. tie-iib STjrnsr. NEW YORK, 1884. " i About sixty mflflon copies of The Strx have gone out of our establishment during the past twelve montns. If you were to paste end to end all the col umns of all The fcUNS printed and sold la?t year you would get a continuous strip of in teresting information, common sense wisdom, sound doctrire, and sane wit, long enough to ! reach from Printing House square to the top i i mount uopernicus in me moon, men uac to Printing House square, and then three-quarters of the way back to the moon again. But Tifte Sun is written for the inhabitants of the earth; this same strip of Intelligence would girdle the globe twenty seven or twenty-eight times. If every buyer of a copy of Thk 6 UN during tne past year has spent only one hour over it, and if his wife or his grandfather has spent another hour, this newspaper in 1883 has af forded the human race thirteen thousand years of steady reading, night and day. It is only by little calculations like these that you can form any idea of the circulation of the most popular of American newspapers, or of its influence en the opinions and actions 2 American men and women. The Sun Is, and will continue to be, a news paper which tells the truth without fear of consequences, which gets at the facts no mat er how much the process costa, whtch preJ sents tbe news of ail the world without waste of words and in the most readable shape, which Is working with all Its heart for the cause of honest government, and which there fore believes that tbe Republican party must go, and must go In this coining year of our Lord, 18s4. If you know The Sun, you like it already, and you will read it with accustomed diligence and profit during what is sure to be the most interesting year In its history. If you do not yet know Tub Sun, it is high time to get into the sunshine. Teems to Mail Subschibebs. The several editions of The Sun arc sent by mail, postpaid, as follows: DAILY U) cents a month, $G a ye ir; with Sunday edition, t. SUNDAY Eigh t page This edition furnish es the current news of the worm, special articles of excepuonal interest to every body, and literary reviews of new books of the highest merit. $1 a year. WEEKLY 1 a vcar. Elarhf Tairns of the best matter of the daily issues; an Agricultur&fl Department of unequalled value, special market reports, anu literary, sclcntmc, and domestic Intelligence make The Weekly Sun the newspaper for the farm er's household. To clubs of $ 10, an extra copy free. Address 1. W. KXULAJJD, Publisher, no f Thk Rnw. N Y. Cltv 1884. Harper's Bazar. . ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Bazar Is at once the most brilliant and useful Household Journal m exis;ence. It is the acknowledged arbiter of fashion In this country. Its fashion plates aro the new est and most stylish; and its pattern sheet supplements and cconamic suggestions alono are worth many times the cost of subscription. Its illustrations of art needlework are from tbe best sources. Its literary and artistic merits are of the highest order. Its stories, ioems. and essays arc by the first American and European authors. Its choice art pictures would fill portfolio?, and its humorous cuts are the most amusing to le found in any jour nal in America. A host of brilliant novelties are promised for 1831 : Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: HARPER'S BAZAR i HARPER'S MAGAZINE t0 HARPER'S WEEKLY 100 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. 1 50 IlAKFER'S 1K1SKU.V SQCAKE LlBSiiKT, One Year (02 Numbers) ; .10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United Stale or Canada. The Volumes of tbe Bazar bejrln with the first Number for January of eieh year. When no time la mentioned, it wid be understood that the subscriber wishes t commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. The last Four Annual Volamea of Harper's Bszar. lo neat cloth binding, will le eit bj mail, postage pii L or by express, free of ex pea fee (provided the freight does not exc.-ed one dollar per volume), lor f7 CO per volume Clotn Cases for ech volume, suitable lor binding, will be sent by mail, poatp id. on re ceipt of il uw each Remittances should be ma-ie by Post-Of3cc Mony Order or Draft, to avoid cnanee of loss Newspapers are not to C"py this tdreriiu, Boexit witbout the express order of llAtJ'ti: A liBuTOEJta. Address HAKPKR A BR-rTAER-S ' ?3 . ': .'.' " So -'rlr Silrcr Plated Spoons, Forks and Knires cf best quality, and at manu facturer'a prices, can be found at Ja cobi's Hardware Depot. t MISCELLANEOUS.; Baltimore & Wilmington Steamsliip Line. STEAMSHIP ' t .i . ; 9 WILL SAIL FROM BAITIMOBE, saturday. ....may ? 1 from ; , ixJ3vri3sra-,i;oisr, WEDNESDAY. ...... U . I ....V.'.. . .'. ..JUTE 4 Through Bills of Lading and lowest through rates guaranteed to and from, points ion the Rail Roads and Cape car River. ... ."''ALSO ; V'mV..-..V To and from Boston, Providence, Phllxdo phla and all Western clue ). For Jfre!ht ngagemcxita apply to A. I. CAZAUX.Afft., Wilmington, N. C. ; ANIJRBWS, & CCU Atfts., 3. V. Corxer Light and German 8ts., may 2C . Baltimore New York & Wilmington Steamship Lice. Vi?";V-?---'; STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK KY1RY , SATURDAY, at S o'cTck Pf M. . BENEFACTOR Saturday, May REGULATOR....... Saturday, May 10 BENEFACTOR ....Sarturday. May 17 REGULATOR Saturday, ;May 24 S lit' M, . .n Saturday, May 3 BENEFACTOR. Jtar Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from Points In North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to n. Q. SMALLBONEg, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C ' THEO. G. EGEB, Frelght'Ageni, ' as Broadway, New York WM. P. CLYDK A CO (twri A tmntt. apl2d - White Meal. Yeast. VERY VALUABLE PVRE YEAST POWDER. Having .; ..... t t been thoroughly tcsteI ? , i . i : i I r : ' - . . by a great many of tho ladles of Wilmlrgton 2 Ti feel no hcsUitijn in commending It to -'tho public. It is elegant for bread, rolls.or biscuit. . :.'t ni f f . f j It is made by Miss Hodges, of this city, o pure vegetable matter, and she refers to Mrs. A. A. Wlllard, Mrs. Gen. Whiting. Mrs. Samuel Northiop; or the correctness ot bcr statemcn orealdby' ' ' V :nf JNO. L. BOATWRJGHT, 12 & 14 No. Front 'St, . ...:', Soto Agen mch 31 miIt 11 dw JACKSON , & UEHi, Water Power Printers BOOK-BIMDERS. f .-... j We have th? rnrt r4inpkte fnb:ih ment of the kind to 1 found In Wilming ton, and euanuilce nit our Wurk in be dona in Jirt rlnss style, and on reisinable term. JendJn onrord5 during th 4u!l lu-a-ou, and havotheiA exMU-d a ibJoHt pjssibte prices. Wanted! ii 1 A COHPANT; WU( .VKOVOSE TO eiatlUh a manufactory theveoa weD-Uaher--el cypres lanla. ParUes wt nuif nave ucb o'ls to dispose of are reruiod u trMuaunt catc, wlta me at w adebortor fcy V.tter with ii r. Joa T. James, at w:tctJrfioa in peroi fuil prrtcnlars a to xact looiUon trf tan 1 , number ot acres, probabie jrlald of t nmter to the acre awl lowest pilcw, men be nUo wrT. JVtiy T. r ATR1CK. L'-tfe ln?nUr.il a Arvl. 6m f 5 S . it srf- A TMOVAC1P3, Wi SECOND STREET,te- tween Markets ad Prioceaa. LaUe aiil ten -tk-socn's goouof e very description, any celcr. Aiaockuntn, seotuta? and bkavclXr, tzz ae a pair ol toot old fcld Glwvea. J7 "1 .j .---' v 'TfsosS.' Lis?" 0sti hilt: mg&M:A t gila s sjig.-j 2.5.3 3 S-K) - y t- r ' r. c n r " s rv. f . -

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