A HOME DRUGGIST TESTIFIES. JVycUrity l boa U cot alwajs the best ietl x Mr.t, bat w point pcomlly to the frt ifc-l oCter mJicine Ui vou for iUclX sack universal nfwt-tioii 1 lu own city, state, and country, and autoes all peul, as Ayert Sarsaparilla. Tb foIlolf letter from m of oar best kacnm MmKhaittti lrcxUU sImhimI be of Uumt to very salfertr: RHEUMATISM. &TE:ri Vr eoaUl not move from tL bed. or ea. wtilbcms lp. I tried eerl reiue-- vtUme. mod If any relief, until I took Attk's Sahafjuuixa. by Ua use cf-two boul of which I wm completely cored. ILavs sold Urys quantities of your Sara. rABJiXA, and It stUl rcuini lu wonderful popularity. The marry Double cares It las cti la this vicinity conviD mm that it to U best blood msdiciae ever oStrtd toth MbUc K. K. lUtun Kim SL, Bacaland, Mas- May U, lS. QXIT nill-1IM CtOKJE A3riBXtrSj uALI nrlllUilll carpet Corporation, was for orw twenty years before his rt moral t LowtU aSicted with Salt Kheum In Its Torstform. Ju ulcerations actually covered aaora Uiaa half th surface of his body and limb. II was entirely cured by A ten's BaaA axilla. Sew cerUfloata in Ayer's Almanac for 1MX rsuAxxxBT Dr.J.O.Ayer&Co.jLowelljMaw'. SoUb7s3Zrst; fl, six bottles for fS. ! lytelp dst AYER'S Ague Onre coetaliks aa antldot for all malarial dis orders whkhv so far as known. Is used In no other remedy. It contains no Quinine, rcr any mineral nor dele teriou substance bat ever, and consequently prod aces no injurious effect upon tho constl tation. bat Laves tho sjtteta as healthy as It was before the stuck. E WASSiKT ATES'8 AOUE CUEE to euro erery case of Fever and Ague. Inter mittent r Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Iottb Agui Bllkros Fever, and liter Com plaint caused by malaria. In case of failure, after doe trial, dealers are authorized, l y our circular dated July 1st, 1?, to refund the money. Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Drorfistt. may 53 d&w rrm PARSLEY & WIGGINS, M AN UFACTURE US OF SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, AN H ORNAMENTAL WOOD WOIIK. apl a tf Boxes and Crates, FK aillPHEHT OF VEUETAB ES AND Fralu. In snooks or ready made. XKLU)VT FINE LUSIBKK. A full stock of Booth and ired Lumber. l.s. A -., for Uulldloc porpo. mr Orders by th cargo. Domestic and For tf. sol lulled, api tt dtw PASS LET A WIGGINS TO TURPENTINE WORKERS AND DEALERS IN TURPENTINE TOOLS! YOU WILL FIND THE Hackers, Pullers, Dippers, tc, MANUFACTURED BV WALTER WATSON, FAT ETTKV I LLE, N. C TUB VERY BEST IN US13 ! Order seat to W.K. 9PRISUKR A CO., U1LXS &UUCtItS N, Wllmlourtoo, N. C, r to th maaaf actorr. will na-j prom nt at teatlofi. WAL'KR r.TSUN, Uanufactarer of Ed ro Tools. may 0 tm syeltevire, N. C Has Arrived I a FEESII 8UPPLT OF THAT delicious U SLATED PINK APPLE by today's N T Steaxaer. Als, another lot of thai A No. 1 MIXED TEA at 60c per pound. (China Cup and Saoear gtre& with erery pound) 300 pounds sold !a two weeks. Remember I ke-p nothing bat the rary best flrst-clats goods. Fresh sup ply erery week. Call an examine at Cra pen's Family Grocery. GEO. M. CBAPON. Agat, Faml'y Groxr, can q Soot Treat St Choice New Crop Molasses. SECOND CARGO HOW LAW DC NO- AND WILL BE SOLD PBOMPTLT FROM WHARF At Low Price. WORTH & WORTH. asah 29 eTolin C. Davis, A"0" COUNSELLOR AT LAW. WlMIworo. N, Ofioa orar the Baak of Mew llaaorer. i.rLM la -11 th Coorta of tnaSUte. ClMctalamatteanaU.toitha eoliecUoa af rltJfen mw.f OFFICI2 OP Dr. C. C. Ellis, NO. S3 SOUTH FOUKTn STREET, op poena Miner's Drag Store. Ofica boars &STeSpoaa afrratkaoe, Ko. 65. may tt The Daily Review FRIDAY. fAY '0. 1884. f2T Tli. t fatly iicvitw h&s the largest ciia fait circulation, of any newspaper uhlisUd. in &c city of H ilmingVon. IN O ON GUESS YKSTKItl A Y SENATE. Washington. May i-0. Mr. Allison rcp-'Jru.ti from the cmuiuiiIUc on Apprc- sUa)(mi f.ir the r. lict t f sullcri-rs by liso terllav ut Uk? Mbsiss- itpi river anti n triuu.ar.c-. - aiu Coiuruiitce I i Jit iavor tbe appio- r.rUli .n in thoinriil Ofti: I'l.ttl! lit'F the in. Hint miiuitosud. Tsav recomueud an appr pr a'i n i lhn unexpondel b:tJ;fic!t .i Vi t a p"'pri:iti :i mmic lor AIii"ti exp'a'n l, w;u :b tn $10,000. and which in the abt iui: : specific in- f .r.iiil'in li.t! Coili IJlhtlC lh'Ul;t amount w..u:d stirinV abo.it -I0;,00J rations. , , nujs 13. Si the S -uatJ amendment rtftiuciiii: Ihe amo'iut t .ibmit t' lO.(KK) waj agreed to . The ciiScincc repr:oa the Agncul tural Ani,ronnatiun bill was a-rretrd to. The llou.40 bad yielded to the wishes of Iho Senate reiatin-toiho appropriations for the cult i ration of raw silk and ex- ry rimwii, rprn.rdiP!T iho ixtractioa of iuiar (rooi sorghum, while tha Senate hull vieldptl on the item relatmrr to ar tesian wells. Tao District of Columbia Appropria tion bill was ras-jod. Tho Chairman bid before the Senate the Utah bill as the regular order. Mr. Voorhee and Mr. Williams endeavor ed to get up the Mexican pension bill, but the Senate went into executive ses sion and when the dtxrs were reopen ed adjourned till Monday next. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Speaker anr.ourlccd the appoint ment of Mtssrs. Slccum, Dibble and Dins-ley, as i he conferees on the Ship ping bill. Also the appointment of Iho select committee to inquire whether or not any ex-members have abused the priv ileges of the lloor. Mr. Ivvis. of Iuisiana. from the comiuiltt-ecu Public Lands, reported a bill to prohibit the confirmation, certifi cation and patentirir of unowned land grants. Ordered to be printed and re- commUtcd. Uu motion of Mr. Cox, of New York, it wa ordered that when the House ad iourns to-day it be t j meet on Satur day next. The Houc then went into committee of the Whole, Mr. Cox, of New York, in the chair, im the legislative Appro priation hi!2. A number of ameudnlenti were offer ed. but in neatly every case they were ruled out en tosnts ol order. A para graph lor th appointment of an addi tional forctiot special examiners in the pension tdheo having ben reached. Mr. (Und.ll offered an amendment, which ificr a ton debate was adopted , stnk- mi out the i-rotho thai these examin ers shall b appointed by the Secretary of tho Interior upon recommendation of tho Coaimi.si jner of Pensions. This leave- the appointments subject to civil service rules. Mr. Thompson, of Ky.t oflered an amendment that from and after June 30th, ISSI, there shall be no more than forty-thice internal revenue collection districts. It further authorizes the I'residi-nt to consolidate and reorganize the customs collection districts of the United States on or before tne first day ol October, lti3 1, so that tho samn shall no; exceed in number six ty-seven. The amendment prescribes in detih the met hfd of caro i 0 :uto effect lhe-e consolidations. Agreed to. Mr. Thompson offered an amend ment d'rectiujr the Stcretary of the Treasury toexemptaildistilleries which mash ten bushels ol rain ct'Icss per day from the operation ot tho provis ioas of title 35 Revised Statutes, except as lothe payment of taxes, and author izing these distilleries to run as fruit distilleries; provided, that torc-keepers and causers who are assigned to dis tilleries with a capacity of 2." bushels or les.. shall receive. a day when actually emp'ojel. Agreed to. Mr. Cabell, ui Yn., offered an amend ment reducing tho number of Internal Revenue agents to livo Agreed to. On motion of Mr. Rland, t f Mo , an amendment was adopted prohibiting any government clerk or employe from performing any private duties lor any Sena'or, member, head of department or cimpain committee. At 7 1 p m the committee rose and eporte.J the bill lo the House. The previous question was ordered, and then, without luriher aciion, tha House at 7.S3 p m adjourned until Saturday. . 8TATK NCW8. Wadesb ro Times: Tho indictment against Col. E. R. C. Cash as an acces sory to the kidinvr of Marshall Richird., o Cheraw, by W. Hoggaa Cish was nol vrosxed in the Siu erior Court of Chfs'.crfield ounty, M.onday last, and Col. Csh was relcaicd from bond. Charlotte Home and Democrat: ilr. E. W. Lylcs lijini ntar this city, has done a ensi Jc rable business this seas on in selling strawberries. Up to ihe 2Gih inst, he liad sold -1,(XX quarts, and will sell about 1.000 more. For the first offered on the market he got thiny Gve cents per quart, and then the price ranged down to tin cents. lie took care in prckinz and putting up, and al ways had a ready demand. Clinton Caucasian: We have previ ously t la ted that there i an unusually larc quantity of small grain in the county. It promises to yield well. Sampsoniaos aro the most inde pendent people in the world. They are safe tor two months against all misfort unes. The huckleberry crop ot ISSI is without a precedent. By iho mail route from Clinton to Kecansville the distance is 28 miles. This paper of the 15th inst. left here for that office on the IGth and reached its destination on- the 0th., an average of 7 miles a day. On the lanas ot Mr. A. II. Merrett, on Doctor's Creek, in RockCih town ship. Duplin county, there is a cyppess tree which is 45 feet in circumference at the base, and from all appearances it Is still growing. News and Observer: ilenry A. Lon don, Esq.. - editor ol - the Pittsboro Record, and President .of the North Carolina State Press Association, will deliver the anausl address before the students of the Raleigh Male Academy, the evening of Friday, J nne Cth. Chatham Jlecord: Mrs. Tamar J. Vestal, of Albright township, has a quilt, made by her. in which are i 5,460 pieces. On the ICth of this month as Mr. J. . Goodwin, of this county, was traveling from Asheville to Eenoir he saw two large eagea near thel road devourinz a lamb. Having a ipistoi with hirn he slipped up to within twenty steps of them and shot the largest one. which weighed 85 pounds and measured 6 feet from lip to tip. Shelby Aurora'. It is difficult to as certain the cost of an orange which caused indirectly a fight between seven negroes and one woman on Sunday, broke up a colored meeting, took one whole day for the trial of seven de fendants who wounded nd cut their victim with knives. Six of the guilty ones will work on our streets under guard at 37J cts. per day for fwo months. That orange has cost in lawvers fee, witncises for State and defendant and two months wages for six over $100. Kins ton Free Press: Tho freight train ran over Sheriff W ra. idds yes terday evening, at about 6 o'clock. ,Tne train ran over him as he was crossing tha railroad, killine- hl3 horse 'and smashinsr his bu?2V into hundreds of nieces, and cnttin? off both bis legs The train was running backwards and the last car struck him. .Before ne drove on the track several called to him not to drive on bnt he did so with the direful consequences here spoken of. The engine was stopped as soon as pos sible and the mangled form drawn ironi u nder the cars. He was taken to a near honseand Drs. Kountree, Bryan and Tull called "who rendered all possible - s a aid. Besides havinsr both lees orusneo offhe is iniured interrallv. Mr Fields is an old man about 70 years old anu there is no doubt but that he will die. Lateu Mr Fields died about 8 o'clock. Weldon News: Air. John A. Nor fleet, ot Tillerv's. was in totvn Tues- dav. He says the cotton In his neigb v w borhood is lookine well ana at a gaoa ...... .. .. , stand, except in the stiff land, which is not ud vet. lie fears the still lana will not. on account of lateness, yield more tnan a tmra oi a crop inougu there is not more than a fifth of the cotton croo in stitr land. . ine average grain croD i3 planted, lie has himself increased lu3 acreage in grains anu grasses. The Rev. Dr. Hufham paid U3 a pleasant call Tuesday He is now in Wilson attending a meeting. Tho Dr. says the crops around Scot land Neck aro in excellent condftion and that tho rains have improved them There is more diversity of crops iu that part of the county than for years past, tho farmers alt planting grain, grassese peanuts and some of them tobacco. He said that the people are much more hopeful for the future. Charlotte Observer: A sixteen year old s'n ot Mr. Starr Necley, of Steele Creek township, was yesterday very badly injured by a mowing machine, the blades of which came in contract with his leg, and tore all the flsh away between tho kneo and aniue. Ihe machine wns bein drawn through the woods, when one of the wheels struck a tre3 and the blades, in falling, in some manner caught the boy's leg with the painful result above noted. The lad was suffering intense pain at last re ports, but physicians were giving him all the attention possible, and it was not thought that he would lose his lez.1 By a short drive through the coun try one will get a good idea of the splendid crops the farmers are grow ing this season. Wheat is fence high all along the roads and as thick as bristles in a horse brush. Oats are also looking tine and almost ready to out. On tho whole, the small grain crop this year bids fair to eclipse that of last year, large as that was. It is noticed, too, that more land is put down in wheat and oats than ever be lorc, and as one ppins along the road the glorious fields of waving grain greet the eye with a frequency "that is pleasing. The cotton fields are smaller and fewer, and the acreage in corn is largely increased. Cotton is from ihree 10 six inches high. 'and the labor ers are busily engaged chopping it oat. The stand is a good average. Corn is coming up finely, and is growing rap idly under the influence of the late good ra ns. On ail tho farms the prospects for a good crop year aro bright, and tho farmers were never better satisfied. To tho Democrats of the Coun ty of New Hanover. Tho Democrats of tho different Wards of the City of AVilmiogton and Townships of New Hanover county aro requested to meet on Wednesday, June 1 1th. for the purpose of electing ward an l township executive committeemen and delegates to a County Convention 10 be held in the Court House in the City of "Wilmington, on Monday, June IGth, at 4 o'clock, p. m. In accordance with the call of the State Executive Committee said Con veniion will elect delegates lo represent the county in the State and Congres sional Conventions to beheld in Ral eigh, June 25th; also, to elect delegates lo the Congressional Convention of the Six:h District when called and to con sidcr other matters of interest to the Democrat?' part y. First Ward will meet at Brooklyn Hall at 8 o'clock p. m. Second Ward will meet at Court House at 8 o'clock p. m. Tlurd Ward wid meet at Mayor's oflioe at 8 o'cloek p. m. Fourth Ward will meet at City Court Room at 8 o'clock p. m. Filtji Ward will meet at Nun Street Engine House at 8 o'clock p. m. Cape Fear Township will meet at Castle Hayne at 12 o'clock noon. Harnett Township will meet at Macumber's Store at 12 o'clock noon. Masonboro Township will meet at the usual voting place at 12 o'clock, noon. Federal Point Township will meet at the usual voting placs at 12 o'clock noon. By order of the Executive Com mittee. G. J. Bqxey, Ch'm. Interesting to Fishermen: The cele brated "Fish Brand Gilling thread is old only at Jacobi's. He is the Im porter's Agent. f , Itching Piles Symptoms anul Care. The symptoms mra motatnre, like perspira tlon. Intense itching. Increased by ecr&tcliUir ; very d stiesslDg, particularly at tlsht; seems as If pin-worm were crawling in - and about the rectum; the prlrate parts re sometimes affected. If allowed to conOnua very serious results may follow. "SWAKNty OIT MKNT" Is a pleasant, sure cure Also, for Tetter, Itca. aU Rheum, Scald Head, Erysip elas, Barber's Itch, Blotches, all sca'y, crusty Skin Diseases. Box, by mail, 50 ct; 3 for tl, 25. Address, DK. fcWAYiB & SON, Fhlla., Pa. Sol 1 br Drngrtfsts. ' may 2 ly deod&w f m w WILMINGTON MARKET. May 30-4 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE -Quoted firm at 23 cents per gallon. Sales of 400 casks at these figures. ROSIN-Quoted dull at $1 CO for Strained and $l.u3 for Good SiraiGcd. Sales of 1,000 barrels at quotations. TAR Quoted firm at$U0 per bbl of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted steady at $17d for Virgin and Yellow Dip and SI for Hard . COTTON Quoted steady. Small sales on a basis of 11 1 cents per pound for Middling. Tho following are the official quotations:- Ordinary. 9 cants C'tkkI Ordinary... lof Low Middling 11 Middling...... llg Good Middling llg DAILY BSCEIPTS. Cotton 4 baies Spirits Turpentine ' 350 casks Rosin... 1,451 bb!s Tar ". 110 bbb Crude Turpentine 75 MAKINJG NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith ville, Master. Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Favette Worth & Worth Schr R S Graham, Avis, Philadel phia, Geo Harriss & Co, with railroad iron to C C R R - CLEARED. Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith ville. Master Steamer John Dawson, Black. Point Caswell R P Paddison. Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, Fayette ville, Worth & Worth. WEKKLt STATEMENT . . STOCKS ON nAND MAY 24. 1884. Cotton ashore, 1,519; afloat, 43; total. 1,567. Spirits ashore, Jf554; afloat, 2.CG5; to tal. 3.610. Rosin ashore, 8i,788; afloat, 4,552; to tal, 80,340. Tar ashore, 2,977. Crudeashore, 2,158. RECEIPTS FROM MAY 17 TO MAY 24. Cotton. 18; spirits, 1,818; rosin, 9,074; tar, 1,108; crude, 364. EXPORTS FROM MAY 17 TO MAY 21. DOMESTIC. Cotton, 374; spirits, 622; rosin. 1,610; tar, 1 017; crude, 110. FOREIGN. Spirits 3,316; ro3in. 1,382; tar. 2. NE W A DVERTISEMEN TP . eadquarters pOR JFISHING TACKLE, AT W. E. SPRINGER & GO'S.. 19. 21 and 23 Market Ftr Tho !arrel asd best asfortmett over r ffcc'l In this market. may ?6 1884. Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY 16 Paces. 8CITE1 TO BO VP AJSD GIUL8 OF FHOM 812 TO SIXTEEN YEARS OF AGE. Vol. V. commences November 6, 1883. Harper's Young People is the best week ly for children La America Southwestern Christian Advocate. All that tho artists skill can accomplish in the way ot illuetraUon has been done, and the best talent of the country has contributed to its text New England Journal of Education, lioaton. In its special field there la nothing that can be compared with It Hartford Evening Poet. TERMS : HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, Per Year, Postage Prepaid, ti ou. Single Nombkks, Four Cents 6ach. Specimen copy sent on receipt of Three Cts. The Volumes of Ilarper's Young People for '81 82 and 1883, handsomely bound In Illumina ted Cloth, will be sent by mail, postage pre paid, on receipt or $3 00 each. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable lor binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of 50 cents each. Remittances should be made by Post Offia aioney order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss isewsi Bpapcrs are not to copy this advertise Lment wl runout tne express order of Harper Brothers. Aaaress HARPER A BROTHERS, Vew YoTk. nov?24 North Carolina Resources "One of the most useful series of dcscrlp tlve books ever published about any State Boston Post. Hale's Industrial : Series. Two Volumes Now Ready. 1. The Woods and Timbers of North CAROUNA.Curtis s, Eramocs', and Kerr's Botanical Reports; supplemented by accurate County Reports of Standing Forests, and illus trated by an excellent M.iy of the state. 1 Volume limo. Cloth, iTi pp., fi.25. IL , lS Tnis coal and Iron counties or O? Carouna -Emmons'. Kerr.. Laid ley's. Wilkes', and the Census Reports; sup plemented by full and accurate sketches of the tVtr x ConnUes and Map ot the State. L olnmeUmo. Cloth. 4 Jo pp., fl.ao. Soldby all Booksellers, or mailed postpaid, on receipt of the price, by u E J. HALE A SON, Publishers, Booksellers and Stationers Or. P. M HALE. Publisher. RatoJhNC sept 2S. LAP ROBES. JS ENDLESS VARirTY. THE FINEST assortment of Trunks, Bags and tatcbels evpr offered la this city. Sadales, Harcess Bua glea. Phaetons, Road W aeons. Ac. at 'd1v- to suit the times. Trunks repatrtd by tht only practical trunk maker In the tate. MCDOUUALL, & UOVVDKN U4 North FroPI St. Next toD. A. Smia's Jfurnlture Store. MISCELLANEOUS. THE BEST VALUES EVERQIVgfj m CLOTE-ainc i IS THE UNANIMOUS VERDICT BY ALL WHO HAVE BOCGlft from c r examined o-ar stck. Our trade thus far has exceeded by far all fonr seasons. Every day is a rush with us, every one is served " promptly and perfect salisfac iou. We spare no pains to please and tell the honest every case. THIS IS NOT POLICY, We guarantee tojsave you 20 per ct t n every dollar j oa will .buy of u, and every garment we sell will prote tol9 exactly as represented or tie mouey refunded. linn't f-i! In nil! nnl rvnmiits nnr and really wortn Jlo. -Children's - . . . THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER, 114 fViARKET ST. may 0 NE VV SUMMER AND WINTER RESORT. Motel' Hriinswiok, S2VIITHn7"TXiXiB, 1ST. C. At MOUTH OF CAFE FEAR RIVER, OPPOSITE IN FULL VIEW OF THE OCEAN, WILL OPEN ABOUT MAYSOth UNDER ENTIRELY NEW MANAGEMENT iiotei nas-been reiurnisneu and renovated tnrougnout; New and handsome building erected for pleasure purposes. ; Elegant, large, airy BaURoom over the water. First-class Musicians from New York will furnish Ball Room and Parlor Music. Fine Still and Surf Bathing. Fine line of Now Boats for Pleasure Sailing and Fishing, NO MALARIA OR SMALL INSECTS TO ANNOY. Daily Mails. Telegraphic Communication. Finest Fishing on Atlantic Coatf. Tourists and Pleasure Seekers Northward and Southward will find , it to their advantage to give us a call. CLIMATE & SCENERY UNSURPASSED I The Atlantic Coast Line and Carolina Central R. R. will sell tickets from all stations at reduced rates to tfotel Brunswick. 1ST Special rates by J. D. SUBLETT, of may 1 2m S3?' IT tcJi'sassss ST diffuse Sfi'es, ?S?afe5'3sS-"i HSrufhoa, Htm-l sissSESEKScri' vwatms. AV ire tirSend for Cailo2io. inch li dSw ly FAlWDEctsiuE BATTLES OF THE WOBU r-7 C APT. KINO, TT. S. A. HISTORY FROM TIIE BATTLE-FIELD. Rhowi haw N.tSotti UrtUm jestroyed in a day. Uow Fame or Disaster has tnrned on a single Contest. AOrud Book for Old m Tw- iia. Aids the Memory. Gives Pleasure and Instruction. Mpsand Frno Illnstrntionii. AfrmU Wl4IwTJ GO" Writ at one for full description and terms. Address J. C. McCDRDY A Vttj PslUiflrWf may 1 4w tl&w Children's Carriages. jyEW feTOCK OF RATTAN AND OTHER stilcsof CIIlLUREN'o CARIllAGES rccelv ed thia week. RATTAN CHAIRS, R0CK1SG SETTEE, MOSQUITO -NET'?, Ac, Ac. D. A. SMITH, may 2G Furniture, N. FrontJStrcct Trunks! Trunks! Trunks rjRUNKS AND TRUNKS, SATCHELS AND SATCHELS, BAGS AND BAGS. -PADDLES. HARNFSS s SADDLERY GOODS in great variety, acd til at the very lowest prices." A new lot of Trunks and Travelling Bags and Saddles jus opened. New Styles, JSe Goods and warranted t-- wear will Trunks repaired by as good a trunk maker 1 a.o mcie us iu me iaie oi .aorta Carolina. A cill and examination Is respectfully solici ted. J. tl. MALLAKD, . . , , 10 South Front Street. Nest door to N. Jacobi's Hardware House Ship. Your QUICKENS. EGG3 AND COUNTRY PBODIJCP. GEXKALLY to A. W. ItiVNBARK, HIGHEST MARKET VaiSSf&a (Kefirs to Bank of New HanoVef 1 may y ' Shirts Pade yo ORDER OF BW VAMUTF hirt 1 ingand No. 21 L!uu for the Tlo prl?eoi ' , Bl OO. A perfect Ct and good sutsu.nll.l urir ssss? - gfir&& "The Old House" A THE fourth season Kt, f ; FIRM reqi riniimn- uyP wau lti Ice weilL ? ,llaM- CJear M1 Square S"5?JI?aj!. Mortis I'lrii; r,..""u J " n a uak loati Uon we won't char ,JSL MISCELLANEOUS. IT IS PRINCIPLE. Ml () YVnnatrk Sulfa i-n .,. 1 butts for DO cents worth $1 .50. THE HISTORIC FORTS FISHER AND CASWEILAM month and season New Tort, Manager. .'iiiv,-l-tKtfc KU.UINCXLER.EEC'i. faikiel Wire & Iron Et Manufactubkhs or ZClou Vlre Oolh. Wtre Counter Killing. Wlr Sltrni, Owtlv iul StTennR, AVoh thei- Vane, Stable Fixture. B Sc liou. l'uccv, Iron Sbtttter Counter Supportt, , Stabto rutarM. w iO-iicntlon UiU Tajpor. Hon, A. M. Waddell. WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO AKNODCl HON. A. M. WADPELL as a casdldsta Congress from the felxth nistrict. nti1'' action of the JJemccratic Convention eTtti trict, when called. may 12 tf - 'J Don't Forget! NO. 112 SOUTH FRONT STREET ! Wflti . . . " ' - aVi HUMPHREY, JENKIN9 A CO., n flno Helie and Home's Krswberrk. Black and Whortlebcnles, Apples es, when in season, poultry ma w sfgnrocnts ol the above sonciiea. f action guaranteed ask. ' - Cilreus s tnu"r NOW IS THE TIME TO BtFiEISft f? dT BOXES BOSTON 8KLECTHj J TUT OS3, just received, wblcu signer directs mo to sell on v "rrr U u. luieu oogp, -r.-- r, th-'Gt l-.l r. 1 UWf whltnL In IniSn eery line at the lowest csh Pri"-Rf A1e Anu ever j - , may 2 J No. 10, . Becona eir- For Sale ' ... UPRIlGf A PAIR OF BE AUTiru' v - HORSE?, well matched, goo dociSo and kind. Also, aeverw horses. , ' FOR II tRE Horses cd VeWcJ ous kinds for & "drive or. for OP Sound. A.tnteotrt r Specla 1 arrangemen's wt l0l lug family parties to he found. may 21 ' t-gjgg CONUNDRUM. :. 'HY ISITBE fTEAMEB PlWrv- w like a String Band ? Because tt without Its Harper! iasop X eucs. PR B FUMES. tWArs, and To'let Articles, e. 3T Prescriptions a v'JJJtft tlXi may 8 Corner rouna Furniture. O Y EVEKT DESCEIPTlOy MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, OILCLOTH, BABY CARRIAGES, ' MO-QUiTO NETS,, may 23 W. E. DAVIS 45 SONT. -r -m AS W UB.' may 20

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