MISCELLANEOUS l4 V J a? GERMAN rhvIEDi VtaM. Baccfce. Headache, TwlhacM. TntiL Nr14. r-a Hit. Han. Fol 110 1U otw aoiti Tin: IS TJtV a TheE?aily Review. the noble gentlemen who conceived, planned and bo tit Hilton Park. , It it iostly regarded tbe cblel attrac tin of the city and reflects great credit upon iu enterprise and taste. Snch was Ililton Park as I saw it in 1690 -or did I dream it? If the latter then 1 haro a wonderful . knack at dreaming what ought to be and can be and wiil be in the hands of the lame hearted, liberal-minded men 'of Wil mington who think "life is more than meat and tbe body than raiment." S. W. C. STRUGGLE WITH A SHIRT. A Tlrsc l.ur.-Ircvl and sixty-five tirr.es csch trar wry n iilier't $om of ts has a strug r Jtttin- iMO his shirt. Ifathirt it worth Retting into, if it is Mron jr l meU nude, sure not to rip or tear, ffci.t i-ttb, then there is some coropen utkn for tending so much of our e.i-t-'ac iu wch a struggle- Yea may wrestle uh the ImamwM lut with its cvcrlafting-tu-attachment and" reinforced Ixr-om. yi u v til come cut head first c cry time, covered it ith $(jty and ith the best shirt in the land. If fmr imler k ml ktr p it. ersj 1 it ad!re ti taatIM,.vr & i ,Je nwutuficturcrt. Villi' if. 514 a;d II 3m J crd era Capital Prize $150,000. IT rfo(ty CrVY tkol tw nprTiiU4 trr;nMU for mil th MonUUv and &ewti- Anmmal Lrmwimg of Th Louisiana Stat Lot tery Vmpauf, and in ptrtcm nanag and con- trot IX Drwingt iktwmltu, and tkat th lomu art conducted eC k&ntsiy, almtu. end mom fmu wmara an parSMM, ana wt avUior ,i9it of aw tifnatwrt attacked. iniUadvrr IT MA.TTKH3 NOT TO-DAY. Fronj mossy fen And snnny glen. From fairy9cented bowers. From gardens fair. From everywhere. ... R'lS flowers, lovely flowers. Above' the fallen boys in bloe, 'Tbe fallen boys in gray. We'll place a lond memorial. .A snowy wreath tMJay. Esch grassy spot. It matters not What soldier sleeps beneath it. With flowers new Of every bee Wc, loving'y will wreathe it. For brave men battled with the brave In that tempest nous fray. And who were friends or enemies It matters no-, to-day. When cruel war . Ancar and lar Wrought death and lamentation, bwect peace at iast Above the bla.-ct Spake words of consolation. And (icd, who dried the widow's tears, And heard the orphans pray. Will bless the band that decorates A soldier's grave to-day. Wellington Campbell. liL'f fai.o. May 30, lSb-l. Hilton Park us seen by a Stranger. Feeling weary and worn and in need of recreation 1 sauntered oat for a post- people into the belief that another panic pranuiai jaunr, auo. at me intersection was at nana, wnen me news reacnea of 4th and Market streets, took one of Virginia City, a citizen who had about those enquisiteiy riding vehicles, called S90 in one of the banks made a bee- Ilfrdics, arrd a short pleasant ride over line for home, loaded and pocketed his a firm smooth slid' road brought me shooter, and then leaped into his buggy to Hilton Park. I had read much of and drove at full speed to the institution this charming place of resort, but all As he reached it he rushed in, pull- Kosatlalis for Kheuniatlsm. Messrs. II. Peck and Son, of Streetl boro' O.. write us June 5. 1882: Why do yon not ad ertise Rosadalis for In- ilammatory Rheumatism? It is douiff wonders here in curincr the dease." Well wc do advertise it to cure Rheu matism, as any one can see by reading our circular, it is a SDlendid Blood Medicine, and it reaches the very root and seat of disease by being conveyed through the blood. Druggists, leading physicians and citizen of the highest standing unite in commendation of ROSADALIS. ihscellahEous To Wi n UCCSS Wl lcl, REjftL A ANY ii musi Lv n ERIT. CRAVENS Ss CO., Druggists, uordonsvillc. Va., say never has failed to give fioTC)V(Tlei.ccld sffit?onUb I bu.T by STERLING SAM'MS. JIcFADDEN. Marfroes boro,' Tcnncssc, says ROSADALIS cared him ot Rheumatism when all else failed. Got His Money. The flurry in Wall street a few days ago seemed to startle the far Western QUALITY decs y Commissioners. JJ.vrKLCLlJENTilD ATTUALTION f OVCU HALF MILLION' DISTHIDUTKD' WI5I1JA STATE LOTrEEF COMSr taoonwr.l la I3 for S3 Ter by lhs -tart for KdaeaUaoAl unA CturtuMo i-ur-P-ttii m cuptul of tl.ooo.oooto wbtt a rTT tind of auo.000 baa tncfl been By aa ot erwbclatajr popatu vota lUfraa w toMOa apart of Uj trecnt BUta votuuuuoa adopted December M. A. D., lsra. . IlS Ga!D StXOLSKmBSK Dkawixgs will rir mootitlf. It invtr koUm or jhw! Look at tLc followlnjt Dtstrtbatlon: 1-XHtx GrarKl MoQlhly ixoius KiiBiocnnrABr soii A5fAL naAwixo, 1 tie rxj of Ma! New Orkan, Tae4ar. Juoo 17. IS5I. 1 a t U-c personal operTllon an-1 rnxoa meet or T. nEAUrtEOAKD. of IuUUna, anJ '" JUCAL .V. KAULY. of Virginia. Capital Prize $150,000. 5.Tm.-TtckeU are Tea lKlUr only. U:r, J. rtftb. tJ. Tenth fl. usr or ruizc?. criri. rstru or tisa,oco...15ii.fno 3.CHX1 ja.no 40ti0 eo.ceo 50.000 20,noo 10.0OJ 7,5 X) UD Pfitzsor a.iau Pairs or -tt;i 1kizcji or wiis 1'atZLs or f:rL or i 11 M )t Cmj I,D,iJ 5000... 20.0HO... 1.C00... 3m... ao... w... ... . arrmoxtMATiox rctzns. i APrroxlcjUoa l'rtiea of taw.... 1 C lu). r frtJtea amauatiif to 132,50) ArfV'A for ratei to elabs ihoat t bo esa-Ie et Cf tio Coaapany la New Or- W fenier tnfonaatl.-m. wrtas elearly. irtT 7 "11 fcUrw. Mka P. O. Uaty Or- aiffWiLUM NATIONAL HANK. UlA IJ NoTr-5 aoi rnary tetters by IvitZ tall lami of aaU upward 7 cnrc at ocr cxpeotc) to l a. UAirrmji, A.D.UTII!N, NewOrkana.LA. ..ifTetnh St.. WiAatanton. D. C. the uesenpt'ons. however admirable as specimens of pen-portraiture, were absolutely tame and insipid in com panson with tbe Park itselr. In a travel somewhat extended, embracing a majority of the States and territories of our country, 1 have seen necessarily many deligbtlul breathing places, but for natural beauty this surpasses any it has been my pleasure to behold. Rut while nature has been lavish in her ex penditures att with its mazical touch bas contributed, in no small degree, to mako it a thing of beauty aud joy. It is delightfully located, being situated at the Northern extremity ot tbe city on tbe Eastern bank of the Northeast branch ot the Capo Fear River. It fronts towards the city and is entered by a handsome arched gate way. In i lain view is a bcautilullv winding stream. Irioged with luxuriant marsh grasses and exquisite pood lilies. It possesses the rather unpoetic name of Smith Creek. It is so called. a3 1 learned, in honor ol Goy. Smith who was prominent in the early history of the State and whoso life had a most melancholy ending. Though once quito wealthy, it is said. be was buried clandestinely under the cover of darkness, in order to prevent the officers ot tbe law fro.n serving upoivhia mortal remains, there being, at that time, a law authorizing such procedure in case of debt. This semi-barbaric law, under a more enlightened regime, has .happily become obsolete. Much taste has been displayed in the appointments of tbe park. The shrubbery and llowcrs are of a choice character, and the walks wind- iug around grassy mounds and glittering fountains whose iridescent hues falling upon the rich foliage ot tbo magnolias in full flower form pictures that pro duced the most pleasurable sensations. Ibe gnarled old monarch stretchsout ed out his revolver, and drawing a bead on the cashier at the window, he called out: "I want mv money! Hand it over, or I'll plant six bullets in your head!" "Did you want your balance?" calm ly queried the cashier. "les and quick !" "Then draw your check for the amount. Let's see, it's $92 35." The check was passed in and the money passed out. and the citizen went off in such a hurrv that he forgot his pistol. It was only after be bad stood in front of the bank for the best part of I two days, without discovering any signs of a crash, that he recovered bis confi dence in tho finances of thorountry, and turned into a poker room and let the owner clean him out. TTaZZ Street , News. gLCKWELJ:S 0".tt) 1 1ST "- Mother Swan's Worm Syrup Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cathar tic; for fevenshness, restlessness, worms, constipation. Sue. eod Wilmington District. Methodist E. Church, South, Quarter ly Meetings SECOND KOUND. . Elizabeth Circuit at Bladen Springs. May 31 and June 1 Newton Grove Mission at Black's Chapel June 7- 8 Cokesbury Circui; at Cokes bury June 14-15 Point Caswell Mission Juno 18 Duplin Circuit June 21-22 Onslow Circuit :. June 28-29 Waccamaw Mission, June 2829 W. H BOBBITT. P. E. The Wise Mother-In-Law. Shemceteth her son-in-law at the door when the new clock telleth four teen, and be essayeth to let himself in- its arms the samo as when tho young to the hall by unlocking the front gate iuuian urave ai oeneaiu usouugnsana I wnn nis waicu auy. auu iuia uu breathed into the willing ear of drooo- times he fearclh her. ing beauty tho sweet tale of love. It is She knoweth hi3 ways and and his well supplied with rustic seats and an trtcks are not new to her. She is up occasional hammock may bo seen, in to all his excuses, and when he says be which reclines a youthful lace drinking is!detained down at the bank until next in inspirations irom me latest romance. I morning: FINE SnOKING TOBACCO 7 o Lb UllTV, STICS z "fhis F kCCO WORLD Or. that the last car had gone and he had to walk ; Or, that ho was sitting up with a sick friend ; Or; that he was looking lor his col lar button. Or. that he was drawn on the jury: Or. that he had joined the astronomy class ; . Or, that his books wouldn't balance. feet, for she sayeth within herself: "All these things hath his father-in-law said unto me, for lo these many years. Lo, this is also vanity and vexation of I was agreeably surprised at the amount and character of the statuary. Overlooking th beautiful Cape Fear Is a handsome cenotaph in memory of Carnelics Harnett, who occupied a conspicuous place in the early history ot the State, and who to-day enjoys a warm and enduring place in tbe hearts ot the people of the Old North State. Ibe base of tbe cenotaph is of granito. surmounted by a statuo of white mar ble bcantilully symbolic of his strength and purity of character. His remains. I learned, lie in St. James Church yard. All honor to the patriotic people of spirtt. this noble old town lor. this praise worthy act. During the evening many people came out to enjoy its beauties. On one hand might be seen silvery age leaning upon its stau ana peering at mc su nerb scenery beyond tho river, and from tho pensive look I could fancy they were thinking ot tho near ap proach of tho time when they could lay down life's burdens, and crossing tbe r!rr rnt nnilpr thr Rhrfihmf thn hpn. tiful trees ol life. The irav beau and -L-MOItY'S LITTLE UATHAimc IS the winsomo belle promenaded the shelly ucst anU only reliable L,iver Till known. walks and built sweet hopes ot tbo fn Look for trade-mark of the BULL, ilone genuine without it. Watch the papers for our large advertisement; different portraits of leading men each time, jxmo 1 ced Ain't they Stylish, Joe? Then doth she get on to him with both I rpnosK oxfords fob gents' wjsar And for all this he fearth her yet more and more. Burlington Hawhtye. . Ask for Rough on Coughs." for Coughs, Colds, bore Ihroat, Hoarse ness, Troches, 15c, Liquid. 50c. eod m - Don't open your purse too hastily or . . ! wo wiue, uor your mourn enner. m m 1 and those LACED SHOES for Genta are the admiration of all the boys. Come In and try on a pair, and see It you won't exclaim as did one of your fellowa "Aln'tlthey stylish, Joe?" Sold only by Geo. R. French & Sons, 108 NORTH FRONT STREET. June 2 L P El RSiABLE SELF-GUF1E- A fivorita rrrs.--ri-.rMon it aao ore. loo orient glance iroru silken ashes and tbe ring of merry laughter told of light and joyous hearts. Half audibly 1 said, "may the future fulfil the promises of. youth!" but do not listen with credulity to the whisper of tancyt for too often, when realized, they arc as dew-drops gathered in tho band. I was most pleased, however, with tho dear littlo olive-braochea that God had given those pcoplo to gladden their hearts and hotuc. I never look on tlese wee winsome never tans with the most ! cases, purely vegetable. obstinate lood-w Kvxtnotd iuid kt,ccjK?i'al s.claUfc la tne f bow Wired for Ui cufa oiJk'crtfanm The truly valiant dare everything but doing any other body an injury. A Card. To all who are suffering from tbe errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early -decay, loss of man hood, &c I will send a recipe that will cure you. FREE OF .CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in South America. Send a sell er mTJ.S fCmmt MtautuuMf, Tic Writes end Xeea isplals sealed ca r?t'rro. lusslstcaafiniW A&dr DR. WAPO -i C O., LowUiaoa. Mak? MISCELLANEOUS. JUST IMAGINE ! THE COOLEST STORE FOR LADIES TO snop IN IS TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, and there is where you will find the finest and largest s ock to select from ia ilLlIcery and Faucy Good?, ss we receive new and choice goods every day. v Just Imagine 63 Cents for a bunch of three Tips In any color, regular value One Dollar. These goods have been selling so rapidly we had to duplicate thtm ever and over again by request of our patrong. Just Imagine 39 Cents for a bunch of three black Tips, worth twice the morey. Such prices Ladles have never heard of before. Just Imagine 73 Cents for a fine plame In any shade. An excellent line of Feather Pompoons. An early call will secure you some of these goods at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR. MISCELLANEOUS. . Water Power 'Printers From the smallest single Violet to the largest branched dress garnature. Daiay Wreaths, Pansies. Buds ana Roses. In fact every kind of Flowers, at prices which set competiUon at defiance. Just opened a stock of Fans and Parasols, together with a fine stock of Leather Satchels, Underwear. Corsests. Ribbons, "Laces and made-up Lace Goods, Embroideries &c.,&c, at TAYLOR'S "BAZAAR, 118 Market St., may 28 WILMINGTON. N. C. Sash, Doors, Blinds, White Lead, Paints, French Window Glass. AGENCY FOB Is. Y. ENAMEL PAINT. , CO'S BEADY PBEPABED PAINT. Q ALL AND EXAMINE OUE GOODS AND get our prices before purchasing. The fact that our Paints are from the celebrated Fac tories of Wetherill & Co., and Harrison Bros & Co.,,,Issufficient guarantee for their quality and purity. A fine line offCooking Stoves at Factory Prices, in addition to our large and full HAEDWAEE STOCK, to which your attention lslrespectfully invited, . BOOK-BINDERS. T , . i , 1 o 1 ir.fc W have the most complcto establish ment of the kind to bo found In '.Wilming ton, and guarantee all our work to bo done in first class style, and on reasonable terms. Send In your orders during the dull sea son, and have them executed at the lowest possible prices. Kerclmcr & Calfler Bros. - WHOLESALE (1 KOCKliS AND COMMISSION Merchants, offer for silc a full line of v VLOOB, SUGAtt, BACO, SALT. tUCE. MEAL, CORN, OATS, SNUFF, MJDA, LYE, STAIICH, CUACKERS, CANDT, HOOP IKON, GLUE. NAILS, BUNGS, PAPEU, BAG?, AXLEGKEA8E, POWDER, aid 7 V COFFEA, MOLASSES, LAUD. HAY. pot as n, OAP, CANDLES, RIVET 4, MATCHES, BUCKETS, TIES, Jtc J. L. WINNER, XyATCIIMAKEIi & JEWEI.LEU, ,vV -KB" Chronometers. Fine Watches and Jewelry repai red and warranted. Opposite New Market, ifrout St. mch 22 WEAIC; UHDEVELOFED c PARTS OF THB HUMAN KODV HM.AKDHIt 1KVKI- ail v ? rf ise m 'B t ion arjm uujjtouttnis. hi Mir '!Mrv"T' tny i ri- Vt 11 Tt Kt, thvrm in iiotu On tlta ootnrary, Hwxtvurtiwni r. Inf tin1 apllC ninra giving il rnrticuiir li lil'Tnl. IisAfj(.V., HutfafoTT--Totrrt k.rrntwf lir ydJtw I P iFf&A'' Tim' 3 - "a p y o mo o "5 S S " a. s .S, B ft P v (3. S ? Kf inlv ll-dw septus NATHL JACOBI, 10 South Front St A MONTH AND BOARD for three live Youk Men or Ladies, id each county. Address P. W. ZIEGLER & CO., PhlladeJphia. may 19 4w CliaD&re allTLat. Instead of liniments, lotions, etc.. use Ben son's Capcine Porus Plasters. Quickest and best. 23cenis. may 19 4w The Science of Life. Only SI BY MAIL POST-PAID. PRO MORPHINE HABIT nrlf!rsil pnvplnrwi In lhA Rrv Jrrrrr Dines vaavi uc ni iwi.nktJ eactaiuiiuir T. IxjfAN. Station I), New Yorb CUV- 'Of such I tho kingdom of Heaven." eruA&wlv trench China Teasets ! jSOTaXB LOT JUST RECEIVED BY GtUa 4 MTJECHISOS'S. UurcUaoQ Slock. wits particularly struck with Ibo rare ate displayed in the drrsstne of cbil- lren. I remember nowhere to have seen such attention paid to if. me cuileless ata!cfccrtni: wc things11 push ing their carriage or pcekioc from their snowy nests of lace. afforded rae unmixctl pleasure. At I stood there under the blue sky of a a beautiful June day with tho balmy air kissiog my cheek, inhaling the aroma ot deli cate flowers, listening to the mellifluous notes of song-birds and tbo busy hum of industry, and gazed uponfthc sheeny water of the Capo Fear, upon whose bosom elided to and fro tho white winged-messengers of commerce, my heart went up in gratitude to the Giver ol ail good and oat ia admiration, lor W. & E. S. LATIMER, Attornevs-at-Law. Offlo S. K. Un 7 Cor. Prlnera andWater Su. PITftCELL HOITSE. rjNDEB NEW MANAGEMENT, WILMINGTON, IL O B. L. PERRY, Proprtetor. Lata Proprietor Atlantl4 . HoteL rtraClaisi all im appotatawata. : Xarva ti50 to C3.C0 per day. IDS. H. H. KAKB, of tha DtQaJocey y ) w U If flehiy mmd pmlmUm ty. For teMlzeTo tala ! mnniinti froa mlin t audita! Macd4rcs m. . aaia, a. a., .j, ie rmum m., in i-k car. nf CT.lTWxIAwt th AJAKESlS"givca instant tUtf, and la an xnf alible. core for files- rnce 51, drugsiats. or Eent pro id hv maiL Samnle free. jAd. Astakesis" Mai era, :J Box?.U8New York. WealiWeruousWen IIF II II I 1 V, Mwrrt. cremator dear and faiinr to pezfor&t lire's antic proper: u wxma vj 3 C iirattL rrors ox jxxia. tc. will Had m trfctnd Lasticc reataratioaio rekMt bcatth ftcd list in? rekMt bcatth and vtrtrn manliaM i .THE MARSTONOLUS. ith- w drosEiu nor ''Ck inctramenta. This treat mst of PkrilealDeeaTUOiiUOrm! tax 11 fvsari .11 trffct dLiancxia. . ew tknd tfjrrct mtlo4 and ab-clato Uwy Q)imao J tiii jjBTsrmauoii axi tiriiiw m AdIresa Constiltifur i'hrcia of CAKSTCN REtl DT CO. 46 W.Kla SL, Rev York, upv 27-lytc4w - til : -; - KNOW THYSELF., A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MANHOOD. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline in Man, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from indiscretion or excesses. A book for every man. young, middle aged and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseases, each one of which is invalu able. So found by the Author, whose experi ence for 23 years is such as probably never before feU to the lot of any physician. 300 pages, bound in beautiful French muslin, em bossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work in every sense mechanical, literary and professional than any other work sold in this country for $ 2.50, or the money, will be refunded in every instance. Price only $1.00 by mail, post-paid. lUustr&Uve sample 6 cts. Send now. Gold racial awarded the author by the Nallonal Medical Association, to the officers of which he refers. The Science of Life should ba read by the young for instruction, and by the afflicted for relief. It will benefit all . London Lancet. There is no member of society to whom this book will not be useful, whether youth, parent. guardian, instructor or clergyman Argonaut. . Aacircss tne jrcaoouy aieoicai insuiute, r Dr. W. ii. Parker, No. 4 Buiiflnch Street, Boston. Mass., who may be consulted on ail diseases requiring still and experience. Chronic and obstinate diseases that have baffled tbe skill of all U Iff A B other ( RpmRP v-&tm I a M MmMM .wmw a . m mnw M m " rAFTER 'Electric Appliancca ara er.t;on SO 0ys'; Trial. TQ" mm ONLY, YOUflQ; 03 OLD, TrniO ar Ptifferlnar from Nkrtoos "Dewutt, W Lost Vitalitt, Lac Kkhvh Foaca akd Vigor, WASTtNO WkakkeoSES, ood all those disease, of a Katurk res'jttinfT rrora Abitsss and Othzr C uses. SpeetisE relief and complete ret rtioa of Hwim.Vww. au'l UiiilO'a)O0,AaAlTED. The (rafMlest'dlsooveryrf ho KinkMMta Century. Send at o.ice for lnustraU-d 1'anipblct free. AddxtM VOLTAIC BUT fiO. MARSHALL. MICH. :nov7 lyeod&w 1 1. U til ft FE2E Tbotuands of cum of Vcrrau Ocklllly, ram. ta aa pojwcai vaasa. tarn mantUMxi.aar Tons proatratloB, tfarMUtarindlwriUiiia. excaaaea or aa canM.rarad b N E R V I T A . Strong faith tbat ft wilt ear avery rao prompt, km to aaaa Ut any autfarer a trial padwrt mm i on receipt of 13 centa fort j j postage, etc. vm. a. u. UUM, m i Uox i2, Ciiicaso, IU. ' nov 27 yeod&w I ATRIAL th a J i First National Bank'-of Wil-mingtoiv. A CAPITAL STOCK t250.CO 6UBPLU3 FCND.........M.......MM W,0C Depoaita received and colioctlo&jC nudoloa aH.acce-Jble polaljia tio UaltedUtoa. - ?v'r4l physicians a specialty. F Such treated succesef ul-T U V O C? I 12? ly without an in- 1 fl W kmm mm stance of failure. Mention this paper. may 9 dAw 4w - Furniture. t DIEECTOE5 E. E. ZVUUUbb, , D. G. WOETH A. MAHT1N, geougeichadeourn: JAS. SFEUNT. r . 1 1 -pAKLOK SUITS, DINING i;UUM tUlTS, CoU, hrriDg Beds, Wotco Wire Mattress, Lounges, 'and the handsomest lino of fine BABY C Alt WAGES ever on eale la ILL? city TH03. C. CBAFr, Afet., Farulture Dealer, jrme2 ?8 So. Front t A. K. WALKEB. . ...... .0. 4 W. LAUKINA .r! W v 'A fresUeaL Caetier A"Ma CuhtoT T Shirts TJIade K) OEDER OF BEST WAMSUTTA fhtrt- lng and No. zioa Linen for the loir price of $i.oo. A perfect fit and good substantial work guar- patrona and customers are la Tit ed to caQ and leave their nveanTe at tbe above remarkably low price at the WUmLsrtoa SIrt aactory. a. xuasxutiai. .rrop.. - febSDtf - 21 ilArkc.L. COUN&ELLOI AT L 'WrurvTOjr, i 4 i f I t AW, N OCce over tbe Bank of New Haoorer. Practices la all tho Courts of tt Etats. - Bi&Zat attcrtia pU;t. . cc Hircttoa O? rUtra -4 j j C iwtltf . The Excursion and Pic Nic SKAAON 18 NOW OPE AtiU VKKSONH vlsltlar th city, the Soun J or Unlinrillc. nJ in need of nxsClsJ wcrk wii, wcil - i the wfeH known TUrber ari Perfumer at -fcl , t thavlag and HltlxQfrlnz Saloon. (NO. 20 KICnT STUEET, wfcerc ii3 will ipare rtoyiCiJ fi.-.. - st ... S i. . ""